3 minute read

Paper II

C H R I S T I A N O C C U L T I S M perfection. Yet not now the fire of sorrow and suffering, but the fire of love, and joy, and laughter known to those who are the Sons of God.

This year, that great symbol called the Fire of the Worldthe Sun, but called by us in truer phrase-the Sun of Righteousness, will arise with greater force than ever before since the coming of the Master. Therefore shall this year be known as 'The Year of the Risen Sun' to mark it out from all the rest. And ye Companions of the Sun will if ye set your minds and hearts to perceive it, receive the beams and the tenfold blessings they bring. Let not material thoughts like cloud-veils dim your sight. Look up and rise on the wings of Faith to that clearer air above the miasma of earthly things, and so shall ye hf' blessed indeed.


And for those who have passed on to a higher stage of work, never forget that they are still with you all, loving and working, and better able now that all material hindrances have been removed, to help and comfort you than ever before.

Well have ye all done, bravely have ye wrought and striven, and all your struggles and trials are known to us in ways that will be more clear to you when ye have learnt more of our teachings. 'If one member suffer, all the members suffer with it'. This is a scientific truth, explainable by our science, and gradually will ye learn it, and marvel a t the love which binds us all together in bands that may not be broken. We bid you, as so often before, to rejoice and evermore to rejoice. For the great Master of all Masters is with us now in very word and truth, more closely than before, as we are growing able to receive His Light and Love.



Paper II Easter Day 12+25

To all my dear Children and Companions of the Cromlech Temple-Greeting-and loving congratulations to you allwho each one, in his or her separate way, has striven to follow the command of the Master, and to rule and dominate that lower self which is the only curtain that veils Him from our sight.

In the Year of the Risen Sun now past, all were enabled to see more or less dearly those errors and imperfections, likes and dislikes, all that belongs to the narrow selfhood, and seeing more dearly in that Risen Sun, have desired to alter and change that which was barring the way and stopping the progress to the Higher Life. Hence, when the desire was born in the heart by the action of the intuition, ha� the clearing and purging process been begun in each. With some it has brought sorrow and bitter tears, with other bodily illness, with others a breaking up of outside circumstances, but with all there has been somewhat of the death that begins new life.

Look back, then, each one of you, to anything in the past year that has been akin to crucifixion, no matter how small, and rejoice that you have, even to a small extent, been following the Master and walking in His footsteps. For the divine law will work in each one of you, and after your crucifixion shall be a j oyful resurrection, the greater the struggle and pain, the greater will be your joy and your own resurrection. Search your own hearts then, for the Holy Spirit will speak in each one of you without fail and without error. Having then, 0 my companions, been each one broken up and tested as ye were able to bear it, we come to a time of fresh life-effort, and the year shall be called 'The Year of New Beginnings', for the seed of a new life has been sown in each of you. See to it that it grow and bear fruit, for the Holy Spirit of God needs your co-operation, your desire, your imagination, your will. And remember, you who are attracted more to knowledge and the cultivation of brain power, that if ye see not in this also 199

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