perfection. Yet not now the fire of sorrow and suffering, but the fire of love, and joy, and laughter known to those who are the Sons of God. This year, that great symbol called the Fire of the World the Sun, but called by us in truer phrase-the Sun of Righteous ness, will arise with greater force than ever before since the coming of the Master. Therefore shall this year be known as 'The Year of the Risen Sun' to mark it out from all the rest. And ye Companions of the Sun will if ye set your minds and hearts to perceive it, receive the beams and the tenfold blessings they bring. Let not material thoughts like cloud-veils dim your sight. Look up and rise on the wings of Faith to that clearer air above the miasma of earthly things, and so shall ye hf' blessed indeed. And for those who have passed on to a higher stage of work, never forget that they are still with you all, loving and working, and better able now that all material hindrances have been removed, to help and comfort you than ever before. Well have ye all done, bravely have ye wrought and striven, and all your struggles and trials are known to us in ways that will be more clear to you when ye have learnt more of our teachings. 'If one member suffer, all the members suffer with it'. This is a scientific truth, explainable by our science, and gradually will ye learn it, and marvel at the love which binds us all together in bands that may not be broken. We bid you, as so often before, to rejoice and evermore to rejoice. For the great Master of all Masters is with us now in very word and truth, more closely than before, as we are growing able to receive His Light and Love.