Three essential element of time management skills training

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Three Essential Element of Time Management Skills Training Presented By -

Index Time management is precious to live a quality life. In this modern days life, people are struggling to find





duties and

responsibilities for their family, for himself and for leisure.




training help

people to manage time to spend a quality life. In this presentation, we will discuss three essential elements of time management.

Managing Tasks It is essential to handle important work


day. Time

management skills help people manage all the important work to make sure at the end of the there is not a lot of work is pending or people not to miss any essential works deadline

Managing Goals Goal


any particular

objective is essential for any person ’ s life. Time management help people to focus on his strength

in achieving

his/her particular goal.

Procastination Management People have a tendency to procrastinate

his work.

Time management training helps people to finish all works in time.

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