Health & Wellness W here to find F itness activities in M uskogee
here is no shortage of beautiful parks and complexes where people can find physical activity options in Muskogee. From gorgeous running and cycling trails to swimming pools, Muskogee has plenty to offer for those who want a solid workout or some places to play sports. The city is home to numerous public parks, golf courses, football fields and a water park. That barely scratches the surface of what Muskogee has to offer for everyone, from athletes to casual joggers to those who just want to play a game of basketball or skate with their friends. People who want to commit to an activity or sport can join an intramural softball team, a weightlifting program or a golf club. If you want to do something at your leisure, there are plenty of natural trails, tennis courts and places to practice soccer or baseball. Trails There’s several good trails in town for runners or cyclists to choose from. The most notable trail in the city is Centennial Trail, which is located in the southwest portion of Muskogee and has two sections. The first is the Love-Hatbox Sports Complex loop, a 3.1-mile paved trail that weaves through the wilderness surrounding Love-Hatbox Sports Complex. This trail is perfect if you’re training for or running a 5K. The second section, Centennial Trail South, goes from Love-Hatbox Sports Complex to the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in the downtown area. Honor Heights Park is home to three trails. The first is Stem Beach Trail, a 1.2-mile trail that loops around the park’s largest lake and includes a waterfront gazebo and fishing docks. The second is the Henry Bresser Nature Trail, a quarter-mile nature trail that goes through the woods and includes sitting areas and picnic tables. The third is the Audubon Trail, which is a half-mile long and popular among birdwatchers. Running and cycling trails are also available at Spaulding Park, Civitan Park and Robison Park. Baseball and Softball The main place in Musk-
GUIDE Muskogee | 2021
Spinning class participants, from left, Warren Blackburn, Beth Hsieh and William Torres pedal at various levels during the Muskogee Swim and Fitness Center class.
ogee for fun on the diamond is Love-Hatbox Sports Complex, which is home to 10 baseball fields, eight softball fields and several batting cages. There are a multitude of options available at Love-Hatbox for those who want to join a baseball, softball or adult softball league. The fields are often kept open at other times for those who just want to play some baseball or softball with their friends without joining a team. Grandview Park is a 29-acre complex that’s home to two softball fields and a play area that borders a creek. For those who just want a place to practice, Robison Park has a baseball practice area. Golf There are two places to go for a traditional round of golf. If you’re looking for a country club experi-
Jefr’e Nelson, center blocks an attempted shot by Demontae Nails while Darius Jackson watches during a pick-up basketball game at Spaulding Park.