Graphic Arts Work Book

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Graphic arts work book Student Name /// ______________________ Class Period /// _______________________ Created by/// Mr. Chavez

Graphic arts graph·ic arts /ˈˌɡrafik ˈärts/ noun plural noun: graphic arts the visual arts based on the use of line and tone rather than three-dimensional work or the use of color. The activity of practicing the graphic arts, especially as a subject of study.

contents sections // 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

pages // 01-03 04-06 07-09 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21

Warm-up // 01


Instructions //

Within the box. Create a self portrait. Be creative. Use color. This is an open concept self portrait. If you want to make a collage with cutouts that represent you, then make it. If you want to create a poem that represents you with a colorful background, then write it. Have fun with it. This is your chance to show off your creativity. 1

Activity // 01


Check List // Color Original Idea Back Design Appropriate

Instructions //

Design a shirt. Must be an original idea. Do not copy another brand or logo. Must use color. Must design both sides. Be creative. You will see a checklist above. Make sure to have all boxes checked off before moving on to the next assignment. Please keep it appropriate. No imagery of weapons, violence, drugs, nudity, and bad language. Examples: CTMS Shirt Design, Favorite Animal, Pattern Design


Activity // 01 cont.

BACK Reflection // Please write at least three sentences describing what type of shirt you created.


Warm-up // 02 Vocab List Instructions // Please look up and define each term on the list. Design Typography Aesthetic Composition Symmetrical Asymmetrical Radial Contrast White Space Rule of thirds Mock-up CMYK & RGB Gif 4

Activity // 02 Button Design Instructions //

You must design your own personal button. Complete and design all 9 buttons. On the next page I will give you extra buttons templates just in case you mess up. Design must be within the inner circle, the outer circle is the cut line. Buttons must have color, must be appropriate, and must be “ORIGINAL� (do not copy from outside source). Place a check mark above your most favorite button you designed.


Activity // 02 cont. Button Design Insight Buttons have been a part of election culture since the United States’ first presidential inauguration when metal pins bearing the phrase “Long live the president” and George Washington’s initials were worn by his supporters. Nowadays buttons are used for promotional purposes. Besides presidential elections buttons can also be used to promote bands, charities, and even your favorite anime.

Reflection // Please write at least three sentences describing what type of button you created.


Warm-up // 03

Spirit Animal

Instructions //

Within the box. Draw your Spirit Animal. It maybe any animal or mythical beast you wish to imagine. Must use color and please keep it appropriate. Please name your animal and draw its favorite thing to eat within the same box. Have fun with it and most of all be creative. 7

Activity // 03 Logo Design Instructions // Create a logo. This logo can be a personal logo that represents you or it can be a logo that you make up for a faux company. You must have at least 6 sketches before developing your final logo. Down below you will see 6 boxes where you can practice and sketch out your designs. On the next page you will create your finalized logo. This must be an original design and must be appropriate. You have the option to use color. Be creative when designing. Think about style, shape, form, contrast, and negative space. Things to consider would be, does it include typography or will it be a stand alone icon such as the Apple logo.



Activity // 03 cont. FINAL LOGO

Reflection // Please write at least two sentences describing what type of logo you created.


Warm-up // 04 Business Cards

Instructions // Within the boxes. Design six business cards or three cards with a front and back design ( use space margins on sides to label if it is the front or back ). They can be personal calling cards or business cards you make up for a faux business. Think about incorporating the logo you just created into these designs. Cards must include logo, business name or personal name, phone number, position or title you hold, email or social media info. Keep in mind that you don’t have to put your real information within the design, it can be a fake phone number and email.


Activity // 04 Business Advertisement Instructions // For this activity you will be creating a Business AD for a local business. You must do research on a local business and find the location address and phone number of that business. The AD must include color, the business logo, phone number, address, drawing, and a hook line. A hook is an attention getter. For example, if I was to do and ad for a taco shop, I would say, “Best Tacos In Town”. Below you must fill out the research information boxes before moving on to the actual AD. Avoid creating Ads for big businesses and brands such as McDonalds, Nike, Starbucks, Wal-Mart.

Research // Potential Businesses

Research businesses you want to create an AD for. Ex. Harkins, Mr. G’s, Get Air

Business Information Address Phone Email Hours

Business Logo / Drawings

Draw some ideas you might want to add to your design.

Hook Line / Attention Getter


Activity // 04 cont. FINAL AD

Reflection // Please write at least two sentences about which business you chose to create an AD for.


Warm-up // 05

Still Life

Instructions //

For this warm-up you will be drawing a still life. First, I want you to look up what a still life is using a web browser. Second, I want you to pick at least three items (ex. toys, fruit, vase) and place them next to each other in a well lit area. Third, get out a drawing utensil ( you may use a regular pencil or charcoal if you have any). Fourth, start observing each object very carefully and think about what type of composition you wish to draw ( you may take a photo for reference ). Fifth start drawing composition in white space provided below. To you best ability try to draw it life like. Think about proportion, shading, color, negative space, and line quality.


Activity // 05 Research Project

Instructions // For this activity I want you to do research on a “famous� artist. The artist has to be either one of the following: Painter, Drawer, Contemporary Artist, Sculptor, Ceramicist, Street Artist, Graphic Designer, Muralist, Printmaker. PLEASE DO NOT CHOOSE: Singer, Rapper, Actor, Actress, Fashion Designer, YouTuber / Instagram influencer (unless they actually do art). For this research project I want you to write about the following: History of artist ( where they came from, when were they born, what school they atteneded, how they became an artist, are they still alive ). I want you to write about how they became famous and talk about the art peice that they made that stood out to you. I want you to write about why you picked this artist and give me interesting fact about them. Please at the end write down the sources you got all this information from. Use white space below and on next page to eiter write in pencil or type it up then paste it in. Both pages must be full.


Activity // 05 cont.

Works Cited (write all sources you used to gather info within this box) // 15

Warm-up // 06

Comic Strip

Instructions //

For this warm-up you will be creating a comic strip. This will be more of an “open concept� comic strip. So it doesnt necessarily have to follow the format of a traditional box comic. If you want to make an eloborate scene using the whole space or create a whole story using 20 boxes. I will leave that up to you. I am asking for illustrations, color/shading, and must contain some form of type ( words ). I want you to be creative and think of a story. It can be real or fake, just try to make it as intersting as possible. Think about making it relatable. Think about your audience and who might read this. Think about using your interests, hobbies, friends, culture, and people that influence you on what to create. Please keep this appropriate. I dont want to see any violence, bad language, nudity, weapons, and drugs. Try to use as much white space below.


Activity // 06 Redesign Book Cover Instructions //

For this activity you will be redesigning a book cover. Before you start creating your final product I want you to do some research and initial sketchings. I want you to do some research on some of your favorite books that have inspired you. Look and observe these book covers. You will then decide on which book you wish to redesign. Down below I want you to list the potential books you were thinking about to redesign. If you do not have access to the Intranet, look around the house for a book to redesign.

Potential Book Covers //

Book Cover Sketches & Ideas//

Reflection // Please write at least three sentences describing what book cover you created.


Activity // 06 cont. Final Book Cover

Make sure to go back to previous page to answer the reflection


Warm-up // 07

Design a flyer

Instructions //

For this warm-up you will creating a flyer. A flyer is where marketing/advertising and design come together. The flyer must have the following: Typography, Graphics/ Images, Color, and Context. Key questions to ask yourself, what is the purpose of this flyer? What type of message am I trying to get across to my audience? Does it attract the eye and gets peoples attention? Down below, create the flyer using the white box.


Activity // 07

Installation Project

Instructions //

For this activity you will designing a public installation. I’m not going to make you actually Install this out into the public, but I want you design and make a proposal on why this should be installed into the public. I want you first to do research on what an art installation actually is in order for you to get an idea or spark insparation on what you want to do for this. Key things you might want keep in mind; Concept, what is the message you are trying to get across? Think about the logistics, where will this be located, how much is this installation going to cost, will it be interactive, what type of medium do you plan on using? Think about how this will affect society, will this art change the world? Down below I want you to brainstorm ideas and do some sketches. On the next page will be your final sketch of how this will look like in the public.

Reflection // Please write at least three sentences describing what instllation you created.


Activity // 07 cont.

Installation Project - Final Sketch Make sure to go back to previous page to answer the reflection


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