Joshua christian 733315 earthbook

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733315 Elizabeth Kate Watt + 2


“Lies and secrets, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind,�


-Cassandra Clare


Table of Content 1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/Line/Plane 1.2 Mass 1.3 Frame & Infill 2.0 CONCEPT MASS COLLAGE Integrate images with approx. 100 words describing the work 3.0 HERRING ISLAND. SOMETHING LIKE A PAVILION

3.1 Site analysis and Conceptacle 3.2 Concept and Sketch design 3.3 Design Development 3.4 Final Design drawings 3.5 Final Design Model

4.0 Reflection. 5.0 Bibliography:




The first three excercises (PLP, MASS, FRAME/INFILL) which explores the relationship between above the ground, the border of the ground, and unnder the ground



1.1 POINT / LINE / PLANE The first techtonic excercise explores the possibilities between the relationship of points, lines, and planes and how this relation could create an experience for the users. The model also plays with shadows, how each elements cast shadows to create an interesting aesthetic Figure 1. Church of Light, Ibaraki, Japan, by Tadao Ando


-Experience -Eploration

The model creates three seperate parts where each part represents the playfulness of the elements. In such way that the model is presented, users might have different experience, or perspective in different angle. Furthermore each angle will represents the playfuless and the exploration of the elements

Figure 2. Victoria Arts Center



Figure 3. Pyramid of Gyza, Gyza, Egypt

1.2 MASS Continuing the idea of experience, This excercise explores how drawings and materials could produce the emotion of burden. This excercise also explore the possibility to visualize the design under the ground.


-Experience -Dark x Light -Death Figure 4. Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Berlin, Germany

How are these precedents connect to the drawing? The center idea of the drawing is to provide the illusion of mass as darkness, how the darkness limit one’s vision and how the darkness shrouds a person. The maze in the Pyramid provides the ibase idea on how it would feel in the dark maze. The Research Institute, which has a brutalist aesthetic, convey the uncomfortable feeling of the building, that is associated with pain, sadness, and cold, in which signified in the drawing through the technique on how it drawn, long and short random strokes of charcoal



1.3 FRAME/INFILL The last techtonic explores the possibilities the idea of ligthweight and how the first and the second techtonics relates one another to create the permeable frame and its solid infill. Figure 5. Melbourne Hoddle Grid

The model complies with the brief. 2x2x5 frame is used to create a noncubic form of frame as it is not playful enough. Furthermore, the 2x2x5 frame is deconstruction to create 1 1x1x5 as an ‘actual’ frame, and a cross 1x1x5 frame as a ‘pseudo’ frame. The relationship between the frame and the infills is about telling a story, a biblical philosophy implication of human lives as the infill, and the frame of time and space that contain human society as the frame.

Rather than seeing frame/infill as an actual form, the Melbourne Grid captures the depth of frame/infill beyond the physical form. The frame is to be permanent, and the infill is to be temporary. In the grid, the streets act as the frame, in which throughout the history of Melbourne, have not changed. However, the building lots, that are enclosed by the street, has changed, through technological innovation,etcetera, the buildings keep evolving


-Philosophical -Biblical -Exploration

Figure 6. Eameses’ House



2.0 Collage

The collage expresses the confusion of mass. As the main idea of mass is the illusion of shrouding darkness, the collage is to express the one point perspective mass drawings that are shrouded by pieces of other drawings which provides confusion in the eye of the viewers. The purpose of this collage is to convey a biblical philosophy with a biblical precedent. This biblical implication is obtained from the epistle of St. John in the bible (1 John 2). St. John stated in his epistle, that there would be false leaders to confuse Christians, therefore, he remarked that all Christians need to be careful to not to follow these leaders. It is conveyed in this collage where the other confusing white parts act as the false leader, where the center light acts as the true leader, which is Christ Himself.






-To create a 200 years time capsule

-To create a design where the visibility only limited to 1 person

-To create a space where the recording is listened to only 1 person



“Keeping secrets will always lead to unhappines and communication is the key to love.� -Laura Esquivel


Shrouded in mysteries, covered by beauty, Always hidden, always naughty, Covering sins, making haughty. Lies, lies, lies, beautiful lies, Oh! how sorrowful it is! Sadness enclosed, burden in my eyes! How could one, obtain a bliss? How could one, obtain a peace? In his sorrowful sin Haunting, as should have been, Until one, confess his sin.


Site Plan 1:500@A3

Built Forms

Empty Land




Sun Diagram

Dock Entrance

3.1 SITE ANALYSIS The Island has a bowl shape structure. Therefore, users of the island have already felt alienated and isolated from the urban structure of Melbourne and its feeling, in addition to the distance of the island from the CBD. Therefore, it could be said that the island itself is already a secret. Should a place of keeping secrets is placed within the island, it would be a place of secret, within the place of secrets. The chosen site is at the slope behind the line-sculpture. The slope creates possibility for an intruded design structure and an isolation from the public. Thus, because of the isolation, a mark to indicate the existence of the structure would be needed

Self Photograph of the site




The main purpose of this conceptacle is to create the experience of sorrow, as the main idea of this project is sorrow. The idea of sorrow is extracted from personal philosophical perspective of secrecy, where secret can leads to sorrow.

Materials: -Concrete on top -Balsa Wood -Tracing Paper

Precedences that are taken is not physical, but the idea and emotion towards the viewer. Especially the brutalist architecture which implies a cold emotion within the structure Figure 4. Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Berlin, Germany

The Conceptacle is trying to communicate the idea of the three techtonics and how it express the sorrow of secret. The Mass of the concrete crushes the lightness of the Point Line Plane and Frame/Infill structure, expresses the burden of secret is massive. The lines underneath the concrete act as the individual line which express the sorrow through its pointy end, and the infil of the crushed frame.

Figure 7. Viet cong punji trap




The main idea of the structure provides the experience of sorrow to the users. this idea is extracted from the idea of dark mass and how it shrouds the users ,inside the pavilion. the structure is mainly a narrative journey of a person who carries secret, which leads to a confession that provides relief for their sorrow. Progression of the design development starts from the confusing journey to the circumambulatory, which is taken from the early Romanesque church, echoing the pilgrims’ holy journey

Draft Plan, what was shown at week 12, not the final plan



North Elevation, 1:100@A3


The whole structure has its own philosophical meaning, which is the journey of sorrow. Intrusion to the earth convey the secrecy of this journey which has a fluctuated path in the interior, implying the philosophical idea of the secret as sorrow. At the end of the “journey”, users are welcomed with a vast chamber as a relief with a light coming down from the top of the structure. The pavilion is telling a story of confession. How secret could be preceived as sin. Sin is devastating, any wrongdoing should be a guilt that haunts one for a time until he confess, or untill he has become ignorance. For this pavilion, the idea of confession is taken. It could be paraleled, where the sin, the dark, uncomfortable journey from the start, ends at the light, vast chamber which has a light coming down from the top as a relief to the confession. Throughout the jourey, guests are to meet “confession boxes” for those who wants to confess to his or her friends at the most private manner. The hole at the center is connected to a periscope at the first end of the hall, which there would be a light, seen from the periscope. This is vaguely shown in the elevation (left) where there is a single light at the entrance

Floor Plan 1:150@A3



Section Drawing, 1:100@A3

Image below is a rendered sketch of the elevation of the floor plan. As it could be seen, the journey starts with users going down the slope, then midway going up, circumambulating the oval chamber. Moreover, the elevation signifies the progress of one’s sorrowful journey who will be lifted up and relieved after the confession Below the chamber, as it could be seen in the section, is a hollow room, which the light comes through the hole at the oval chamber. the light room is to be seen with the periscope at the end of the front hall which slopes downward

Section Reference





Interior 30


4.0 REFLECTION It has been a great journey from the beginning of the semester towards the end. For the purpose of the booklet, it has been shown that the ideas each techtonics has been discussed and explained, and how those ideas are extracted to be in the final model. The model personally has a lot of potential. Being the idea of journey itself creates a lot of possibilities. Personally, each idea, biblical, philosophical, and exploration of users’ experience have been integrated into the design. Of course, I believe this design could be evolved, however, there is a time where i need to stop in order to not to over design it. Of course the techtonics are used, but not all, since i find the techtonic of frame and infill could hardly be integrated into the design. In the future, if it is possible, I would like to re-design the model in order for the frame/infill techtonics to be integrated, of course not for the sake of grade anymore, but for the sake of the excercise, to practice. All in all, the design and the idea have integrated well, the precedents are used and the idea of secret has been explained well




Figure 1. Church of Light, Ibaraki, Japan, by Tadao Ando Figure 2. Self Photograph

Figure 3. Pyramid of Gyza, Gyza, Egypt Figure 4. Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Berlin, Germany Figure 5. Melbourne Hoddle Grid Figure 6. Eamses House Figure 7. Viet cong punji trap




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