English ID 2 student´s book

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Student's Book

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Students Book

B l Richmond

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ID Language Map - SB Q u e s t i o n Syllabus 1.1




• What's really important in life?


» Life priorities

»Verb + infinitive or + -ing

What's your favorite item of clothing?

* The senses + verbs & adjectives

What's your favorite ad?

> Talk about O & O aspects of life * Sensations & experiences ' Will O O for predictions / • Promote a product unplanned decisions - Write an ad - Should O O

- Give advice

Will there be TV in 2030? 1.5


Give advice & make predictions

Do you w a n t m e to turn on the light?

• Offer help

• W h e r e do you get your news from?

• News media

•In/ On (news media)

- W h a t were you doing at 8 o'clock last night?

* Global problems

> Past Continuous

• Talk about global problems

- State vs. Action verbs

- Describe photos

- Talk about the media you use - Create a news survey


• Natural phenomena

Are you afraid of lightning?


- Describe TV shows • Talk about natural phenomena

- W h a t were you doing w h e n you heard about 9/11?

• Past Continuous vs. Past Simple



»Talk about life priorities

- Have to / Need to / Want to - Create a personal profile

• W h a t should you do w h e n you have a h e a d a c h e? - Common illnesses


S p e a k i n g & Skills

W h a t do you have in your pockets?

• Ask & answer about particular m o m e n t s in the past - Talk about dramatic interruptions React to news

Are you a good listener?

- Tell a story Review 1 p. 24

3.1 3.2

• Do you get stressed w h e n traveling?

- Traveling expressions

Have you ever been to Australia?

• Past participle verbs

Have you visited London yet? 3.3


How long have you had that hairstyle?

• Points & periods in time

Have we really been to the m o o n ? 3.5


4.2 4.3 4.4


- Tell travel stories - Present Perfect for past experiences O © ©

• Talk about past experiences

* Present Perfect for completed actions (already, just, yet)

> List ten things to do before you die

* Present Perfect for • Talk about unfinished events unfinished past (for, since)

Word formation

> React to unexpected information

How much personal information do you have online? • Were you a spoiled child?

• Ask & answer personal questions - Childhood

- Talk about childhood

- Personality Did you use to like school?

- Do vs. make

- Talk about childhood habits - Tell stories about childhood

Did you use to wear a school uniform?

• Past Simple vs. Used to

' Talk about past habits • Talk about childhood memories

Are you as tall as your parents?

• Comparatives / Superlatives / as... as...

- Adjectives

Have you ever had a pet? W h a t animal m a k e s the best pet?

• Make comparisons

- So / But

Talk about pets

- Prepositions + -ing

Make recommendations

Review 2 p. 46 5.1

5.2 5.3 5.4

- W h a t do you like to study?

• School subjects

• Talk about school / college life - Talk about life choices

- W h a t do you have to do to learn English well?

> Class activities

- Modals of obligation & prohibition

• Talk about class activities

• W h y do people drop out of school?

• Phrasal verbs

>- Too / Enough

- Give tips about school

W h a t will you do w h e n you pass this course? How do you prefer to c o m m u n i c a t e with people?


Do you often take risks?

- Talk about rules

- Too much / Too many

- Talk about dropping out

»Zero & First Conditionals

* Talk about friends - M a k e suggestions

Pronouns & referencing - Warning phrases

• Compare generations • Make warnings & promises

Review 3 p. 58

Grammar p. 116

I Irregular verbs p. 1361

ID Cafe p. 138


Writing p. 148

I Pronunciation p. 154 I Audio Script p. 156

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ID Language Map - SB Q u e s t i o n Syllabus




• Have you ever been to Florida?

• Leisure time activities

• Would you like to try hang gliding?

• Verbs of movement


»Go + -ing

• Talk about leisure time activities » Talk about vacation

• Prepositions & Adverbs

• Talk about sports • Ask & answer personal questions

- Compound Nouns Do you feel like going out tonight?

6.3 6A

What do you enjoy doing on your birthday?

• Prepositions of movement

- Verb + gerund

• Do a class survey > Express likes & dislikes

- Sports vocabulary

• Verb + infinitive or + -ing

• Describe sports • Reply to invitations

• Phrasal verbs Have you ever done a bungee jump?


S p e a k i n g & Skills

- Talk about extreme sports

Would you rather travel to the U.S. or the UK?

• Would rather / prefer

- Express preferences

Review 4 p. 70

t i


7.1 7.2

• How often do you go to the movies?

- Movie genres

• What are you really into?

- Like phrases

• Describe & guess the movie

Have you ever collected anything?


Who was the iPad created by?


Are you into reality TV? 7.5

- Any / Euery / No / Some

- Talk about movies - Talk about fans & idols

- So & Such

> Talk about obsession

• Numbers & fractions • Passive Voice - Present & Past

- Create a trivia quiz

• Pausing devices

> Talk about reality TV

Are you a good singer?

- Talk about piracy

- Give opinions

How much technology do you use?

* Technology

• Present Participle Adjectives


How often do you charge up your cell phone?

- Phrasal verbs

• Pronouns in phrasal verbs • Role-play man & machine


In the future, will space vacations be popular?


Is technology making us stupid?

- False cognates

Do you believe in fortune-telling? .5

Will you ever get married?

- Expressions for certainty & doubt

What do you think of marriage?

- Wedding words

- Create new inventions

- Future forms review

• Talk about predictions

- Future forms - Present Simple & Present Continuous

- Role-play future situations

- Reduced sentences

* Talk about fortune-telling

- Talk about conversation habits

- Make predictions

Review 5 p. 92 * Be vs. get

~ Talk about marriage & weddings - Compare weddings

Do you get bored easily?

- Romance - Intensifiers

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? • Performers

Do you like to perform in front of people? How do you get on with your siblings? 9.5

- Talk about romance • Compare feelings

- Second Conditional

- Talk about unreal situations

- Probability - may, might, could, must, can't + be

• Talk about performers

- Birth order

• T&lk about celebrity gossip - Talk about siblings

If you had no money, what would you do?

• Give advice

• Are you under much pressure right now?


• -ed & -ing adjectives

- Causes & symptoms of stress


• Talk about stress causes - Talk about ways to cope with stress

- Word formation over / under • Would you like to change anything in your life?

• Lifestyle changes

- Relative Pronouns


• Talk about lifestyle changes • Describe vacation photos

What's your attitude towards money? 10.3

• Money

• Talk about a movie

• Alternative lifestyles How often do you check your Facebook page?


- Compare attitudes towards money • Questions Review

• Talk about school reunions

• What vs. Which

• Chat with an old friend

• How + Adjective / Adverb Do you enjoy reading in English? 10.5

Read faster

Are you similar to most of your friends?

• One / Ones

• Describe people & thir.p

Review 6 p. 114 Grammar p. 126

llrregular verbs p. 1361

ID Cafe p. 143


Writing p. 151

I Pronunciatic -

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What's really important in life?

p i Vocabulary:

Life Priorities

A © 1 - 1 M a t c h t h e five priorities f r o m t h e first line of t h e s u r v e y to p h o t o s 1-5. Listen to t e n q u e s t i o n s and, a f t e r t h e b e e p , say w h i c h priority e a c h q u e s t i o n r e f e r s to.

Europe's TOP 10 life priorities

career culture

financial security education


free time

having fun friends & family

B Get to k n o w a p a r t n e r . In pairs, ask a n d a n s w e r about your life priorities. Report t w o discoveries to t h e class. What do you do for fun?



I like going to the beach and having barbecues with friends.

m r





ing haver fun.

I enjoy Studying lo-statiy is very important to me.

C © 1 . 2 Listen to "Life in 10 S e c o n d s " a n d identify e a c h caller's top priority. D © 1 . 2 In pairs. W h i c h speaker, 1-7, says t h e s e n t e n c e s below? Listen again to check. W h a t else do t h e y say?

So, these were our callers' top priorities:


I never stop studying.

1 want to live to be 100.

People are more important than things.

I want to stay in shape.

I always need a partner.

I don't want to live in a world without

Time to enjoy things is more important than money.


There are two ways to combine verbs: 1 verb + to + infinitive (want to, need to). 2 verb + -ing {enjoy, mind). Some can combine using both (love, like, start). Try to notice these combinations and use them.

MAKE IT PERSONAL W h i c h statement(s) in D do you identify w i t h ? The third one isn't me. I enjoy being alone sometimes.


MAKE IT PERSONAL W h a t are t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t things in your life? Order your top five priorities from A. C o m p a r e with o t h e r s and say why. For me, the most important thing is financial security. You can't have a comfortable life without it!

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Grammar: Have

to, Need to, Want to

© 1 . 3 Read t h e ad a n d l i s t e n to t w o m e s s a g e s for J e n n y G. Circle t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r s in t h e profiles. pro

LIFE COACH Do you need help with your Life or career? Call Jenny G on 1-800-help-me-JG and Leave your profile.

Profile 2 Name: Case, Murray / HurrH

fiie , ,

Richard/Ri ^ e :


R l C a r d o



\ |

i t0*°


Education: high school / college o b


^ r /


r o


r a ^

Goal: to be a dancer / singer


B © 1 . 3 True or false? Listen again a n d c o r r e c t t h e w r o n g s e n t e n c e s . 1 Ricardo likes his job.

4 Casey's job is interesting.

2 He speaks two foreign languages.

5 She likes playing video games and shopping.

3 He's tired when he finishes work.

6 She has enough money to do what she wants.

C M a t c h 1-3 a n d 4 - 6 to t h e i r m e a n i n g s . W h i c h o n e s b e s t d e s c r i b e you? In pairs, c o m p a r e your n e e d s . I have to learn English. I want to learn English. I need to learn English. I don't want to speak English a lot. I don't need to write English a lot. I don't have to read English a lot.

• • • • • •

a desire

I'm learning English for my work, so for me...

a necessity an obligation not necessary not an obligation, but I can if I want to

Grammar p. 116

something I have no desire to do

D © 1 . 4 Listen to J e n n y s u m m a r i z e Y a s m i n ' s m e s s a g e and c o m p l e t e h e r n o t e s . yasmin Stanford is

. ijears old and she's a hairstylist. and she

. start work at. from school


. p.m. She


get her two children earn more

m n

have earn LVe to m i money to pay my bills. t0

I want'learn English {of live abroad.

E ( MAKE IT PERSONAL Create your o w n profile like Y a s m i n ' s and record it for Jenny. My name's Arturo Hernandez and I'm a web designer. I have to start work at 8 a.m.

fp Workbook p. 4

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What's your favorite item of clothing?

Reading A Q l . 5 Read t h e m a g a z i n e article. Are 1-9 a d v a n t a g e s (A) or d i s a d v a n t a g e s (D)?

Do you want to work or study from home? Now adays, with the Internet you don't have to go out anymore! You can work or study from the comfort of your own home, but you need to consider the pros and cons carefully before starting. O

There aren't so many distractions and you don't have to stop to speak to people.


You don't have to work at a particular time, you can start and finish when you want to.


You need space at home and often expensive equipment.


You can get help from your family or the people you live with.


You don't have to spend money on clothes, you can work in your pajamas if you want!


You can save a lot of money on travel costs.


You need to separate your home and work—it can be hard to do this.


It can be lonely without classmates or work colleagues.


You need to motivate yourself—it's easy to spend the day doing other things.

B In groups, decide if it's b e t t e r to w o r k / s t u d y f r o m h o m e or to go to a s c h o o l / office. I think it's better to study from home, because you can save a lot of money.


But you don't have colleagues to talk to. I don't have to get up early because my job starts at 10 a.m., but I need to work very fast.

MAKE IT PERSONAL In groups, e x p l a i n t h r e e © and t h r e e Q a s p e c t s of your life


Vocabulary: The


A Q 1 . 6 Listen to five ads and n u m b e r t h e p h o t o s t h e y are for, 1-5. O n e p h o t o isn't m e n t i o n e d .

B Q i . 6 Listen again and m a t c h the five photos to t h e expressions. Do any of the ads remind you of anything? 1 It feels rough.

4 It looks cool.


2 They sound great.

5 It smells awful.

| liked when I was really young.

3 It tastes awesome.







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•^Houston, do you hear me? Ground control, can you feel me? Need permission to land.'-


C Look at t h e ad and... 1 match the senses to photos 1-5. sight





2 match the verbs and senses. Which is your favorite verb? eat


listen to

look at







3 order your senses from the most to the least important for you





I Ul




II 1 l | J U I L a I I I

is hearing. I'm a musician.

M a t c h t h e s e n s e s to t h e a d j e c t i v e groups. In pairs, d e f i n e or give an e x a m p l e for e a c h . T h e u n d e r l i n e d a d j e c t i v e s are o p p o s i t e s . W h i c h group c a n b e u s e d w i t h a n y s e n s e ? It feels

delicious sweet smoky fresh / rotten

It smells

awful / great bad / good awesome / terrible

It sounds

bland / spicy sweet / sour salty delicious

It tastes

soft / rough

It looks

loud / quiet

Bland means without taste. For example, soup without salt or pepper.


Read World of English and c h o o s e t h e b e s t s e n s e verb to c o m p l e t e 1-5.


It's very noisy here. We can't It's dark. I can't

Be careful with sight and hearing verbs.


I'm not listening to you means I don't want to hear what you are saying {or I'm ignoring you). But I can't hear you means it's physically impossible. Sight verbs are more difficult! See refers to ability and is unintentional, look (at) is intentional and watch is intensive. Look at the Common Mistakes.

you very well.

the house. that poster over there! It's really funny!

Do you want to

_ the radio? There's a good show

coming on now. Why don't you

Look at

. the match with me? It's really exciting!


WatCTT that plane. Can you loek-aT it?

F (MAKE IT PERSONAL In trios, c o m p l e t e t h i s c h a r t . S h a r e a n s w e r s a n d ask t w o q u e s t i o n s about e a c h i t e m . My favorite...

The best thing I...

sound is...

heard yesterday was...


ate yesterday was...


smelled yesterday was...

item of clothing...

saw yesterday was...

My favorite sound is my mom singing.

Why do you like it?

When does she sing?

fp Workbook p. 8

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What's your favorite ad?

Grammar: Will /

Won't for Predictions / Unplanned Decisions Common Mistakes

A Q l . 7 Listen to five short extracts and recall the object and if the people like it.

B 0 1 - 7 Listen again for t h e t h r e e adjectives they use e a c h time, 1-5. C Š 1 ; 7 Listen again and complete 1-10 with u/ill, won't or 'II. W h e r e do you t h i n k they all are? 1 Make your order now.

6 Your husband love this perfume.

2 You like it.

7 He like it.

3 But my kids like it.

8 I try another one, please.

4 You love it.

9 My wife love this.

5 I download it now.


, I'm sure the first

conversation takes

place in a...

10 I take this postcard of it.


D Match future u s e s a-c to the exa imples. T h e n read World of English. f m r n r n m

Will / W o n ' t f u t u r e uses Use will / won't for: a predictions


b future plans


unplanned decisions

| Sorry, I'll do it right away. Or I won't eat it now. I'll have the rest later. _ ] When will you be there? We'll get there at about 8.

[_ | You'll meet a tall, dark stranger. Or In the future, we'll live on the moon. Contractions: will = 'II, will not = won't

Going to and will are the most common future forms and are both used to talk about future plans and predictions. However, we use will to talk about unplanned decisions, since I'm going to help you sounds like a plan, not an instant decision, and it doesn't make clear when = I'm going to help you—but not right now!

Grammar p. 116

Make predictions with 'II definitely, 'II probably or won't. Paircheck. Are your feelings similar? 1 I 2 It 3 There

have to work this weekend. rain tomorrow. be homework for this class.

4 I 5 My friends

eat pizza this week. have a party on Saturday.

6 My favorite soccer team

win their next game.

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•?... Stay up late, we don't sleep. Got o^r friends, sot the nisht, we'll be alright.'-*

* I . O

Reading A Read and m a t c h t h e ads to p r o d u c t s A-E.


Your k i d s w i l l r e a l l y e n j o y b a t h t i m e w i t h our n e w s h a m p o o . It has a special ormula that makes lots of bubbles, so bathtime will be fun. And it smells great too!


Are you looking for a j a c k e t t h a t feels w a r m and cozy and l o o k s g r e a t t o o ? Try our cashmere coat. You'll love the pretty collar and side pockets. It's just what you need for those cold days when you want to look stylish. 1B



^ j f l

D o e s n ' t t h i s l o o k c o o l ? It looks like a million dollars and so will you when you are wearing it. It's made of 100% leather and it comes in black, brown or red.


D o y o u f i n d it d i f f i c u l t t o s l e e p ? You need our new sleep aid app. Imagine you're by the ocean or in the countryside. We have all the relaxing sounds that your dreams will ever need.



D o y o u l i k e c h o c o l a t e ? Yes?Then you'll love our new chocolate cake. It's spongy and moist and it tastes like paradise.

Re-read a n d c o m p l e t e 1-7 w i t h t h e u n d e r l i n e d words.


© © © © © © ©

ill fl) I

Spheres of liquid containing gas? Chic? Comfortable? Made from the skin of an animal? Soft and wet? The opposite of "city"? The part of a shirt or coat for your neck?

C Re-read and circle t h e s i x w i l l f o r m s . W h i c h ad do you t h i n k is t h e m o s t c o n v i n c i n g ? D 0 1 - 8 Listen to t h e ads. Do a n y of t h e m c o n v i n c e you m o r e now? E

MAKE IT PERSONAL} In groups, c h o o s e a product and w r i t e a s h o r t ad for it. R e h e a r s e and t h e n read it to o t h e r groups. W h o s e ad is t h e m o s t c o n v i n c i n g ? fp

Workbook p. 10

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What should you do when you have a headache?



^ M Vocabulary:



A 0 1 - 9 Listen and s a y w h y t h e r e is n o b o d y at t h e party. B M a t c h t h e i l l n e s s e s to p h o t o s 1-7. Guess t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n . a cold L j a cough (/kaf/) Q

a fever

the flu

[ [ ] a headache (/hedeik/) a stomachache (/stAmakeik/) •

a toothache (/tuQeik/)

C © 1 . 9 Listen again, c h e c k y o u r p r o n u n c i a t i o n and m a t c h t h e s e people to t h e i r i l l n e s s e s . Fran:







D M a t c h t h e e x p r e s s i o n s w i t h a s i m i l a r m e a n i n g , 1-4.

f FT

His back hurts.

1 Her stomach hurts.


2 He has a backache.

To talk about health problems, you can say: I have a headache or My head hurts.

He's got the flu. | He has an earache.

3 Bob has the flu.

[] She's got a stomachache.

U His ear hurts.

E In pairs, play Ouch! A: M i m e a h e a l t h p r o b l e m and s a y " O u c h ! " B: Say w h a t t h e p r o b l e m is.

Grammar: should

/ shouldn't

A © U O Listen to four dialogs and note t h e problems. 1



esome nrm I have a n advice for you. You should ierstay in bed.

When you i n t a k e an aspirin, you will feel better.


I'll B © 1 . 1 0 Listen again and c o m p l e t e 1 - 4 w i t h should or shouldn't. T h e n c o m p l e t e t h e rules. 1 You

take a painkiller. You

go to Should / Shouldn't

the party. 2 You 3 You

Good idea. Hm-getrrgTo do that.

stay in bed and rest. You


see a dentist as soon as possible. You eat or drink hot or cold things.

k You go out. You warm fluids and you.

be more careful.

O They

watch so much TV.

O Your son I eat?

Yes, you

drink a lot of . stay warm.

/ No, you

Grammar p. 116

C Read World of English. T h e n go to AS 1.10 on p. 156 and p r o n o u n c e t h e s e n t e n c e s in B, copying t h e links.

o u t Many students find spoken English difficult. Two reasons for this are: 1 silent letters: e.g., the 0 and L in: should /shud/, could /kud/, would /wud/. The T in: shouldn't /shudn/, couldn't / k u d n / , wouldn't / w u d n / . 2 linking: many words seem to join together. For example, words ending with a consonant sound link to words beginning with a vowel sound: n o t j t _ a l l , l_getjj(3_at_eight.

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• Darling you've got to let me know. Should I stay or should I go?'-



Look at t h e p h o t o s in 7B. W h a t ' s a good idea a n d a

b a d idea for e a c h p r o b l e m ? U s e t h e s e ideas to help. C o m p a r e in pairs. drink

cold fluids kiss

eat chicken


see a doctor


go to work

/ the beach

a painkiller


/ the


If you have a cold, you shouldn't go to work.



I disagree. I only stay at home if I have the flu.

MAKE IT PERSONAL? I n p a i r s , r o l e - p l a y t h e s e s i t u a t i o n s . 1 A : Y o u ' r e a c a b d r i v e r . Y o u n e e d t o l e a r n E n g l i s h b u t w o r k 12 h o u r s a day. Y o u ' v e j o i n e d a l a n g u a g e s c h o o l b u t o f t e n m i s s classes. Y o u s o m e t i m e s f e e l s t u p i d i n class b e c a u s e o t h e r s t u d e n t s a r e q u i c k e r t h a n y o u ! B: Y o u ' r e A's t e a c h e r . M a k e s o m e s u g g e s t i o n s . 2 B: Y o u ' r e a h y p o c h o n d r i a c . Y o u o f t e n a n n o y y o u r d o c t o r w i t h i m a g i n a r y i l l n e s s e s . T e l l t h e d o c t o r h o w y o u feel. A : Y o u ' r e t h e d o c t o r . Give y o u r p a t i e n t s o m e a d v i c e .

I missed class last week but I have a test tomorrow, I'm really worried.

^ M Reading A

Q l . 1 1 R e a d " L e t t e r s to Lori" A-D. M a t c h h e r replies to t h e p r o b l e m s . W h i c h p r o b l e m h a s n o reply?


Dear Lori, I'm 22 years old and I'm in my second year of college. My problem is that I want to leave. I don't want to be a student. I'm a very independent person and I love to travel. I need to be free and I want to travel and see the world. What should I do? - Free Spirit

5 Dear Lori, My son is 19 and he has a great girlfriend and a baby son who is a year old. He works hard and is a good father to my grandchild, but he doesn't spend enough time with him and his girlfriend. I'm worried that his girlfriend will leave him and she'll take the child and I won't see t h e m again. How can I make my son spend more time with his family? - Worried Grandma C Dear Lori, My father-in-law lives next door to us. He comes in and out of our house and borrows things when we are not here. We have no privacy. I always fight with my husband about my father-in-law. My husband won't talk to his father about this problem. How can I make him understand that this is not his house? - Unhappy Wife


D Dear Lori, I can't find a girlfriend. I am very fussy and I have a long list of things that I want. No one is good enough for me. What can I do? Where can I find a partner? - Lonely Boy LORI'S REPLIES 1. Q j You shouldn't try to find a girlfriend by using a checklist. You should date different people and get to know them. At the moment you are rejecting girls before you know anything about them. 2. P j You can't force your son to spend more time with his family. He has to decide that for himself. You should continue to visit and support his girlfriend and your grandchild. That way, if your son and his girlfriend decide to separate you will still see your grandchild. 3. [ j You should try to find a career that will give you the opportunity to travel. For example, if you are a teacher of English, you can live in other places. You shouldn't leave university right now, but you should choose a profession that is right for you and your independent spirit.

R e - r e a d a n d in p a i r s s a y if y o u t h i n k it's g o o d o r b a d a d v i c e . Give o n e m o r e p i e c e o f a d v i c e t o e a c h p e r s o n . You should take a year off college and think about your life.



In groups, b r a i n s t o r m advice for t h e e x t r a p r o b l e m . T h e n , in pairs, t h i n k

why don't you tell him you're

o f a s h o r t reply. P r e s e n t t h e replies a n d d e c i d e w h i c h o n e is t h e b e s t .

moving if he doesn't stop?

0 1 - 1 2 L i s t e n t o Lori's a n s w e r t o t h i s p r o b l e m . Is t h e a d v i c e s i m i l a r or d i f f e r e n t t o y o u r s ? W h i c h p a r t s do you agree or disagree w i t h ? don't agree with her because...


W o r k b o o k p. 7 11

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Will there be TV in 2030? Looking for Links

A Read q u o t e s 1-8 a n d m a r k t h e m A (advice) or P (prediction).

©o© People give both good and bad advice and m a k e good and bad predictions. Here are some of our favorites:

1 "I think it's smart to listen to other people's advice, but at the end of the day,, you're the only one who can tell you what's right for you." An actress.

4 "I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress." The co-founder of Facebook.

2 "Guitar groups are on the way out2." A music producer, 1962. 3 "Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a box every night." A movie producer, 1946.

5 "The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty." Henry Ford's bank manager, 1903. 6 "[By 1985], machines [computers] will be capable of3 doing any work man can do." A newspaper, 1939. 7 "There will never be a bigger plane." An engineer, 1933. 8 "You have to trust in4 something." The co-founder of Apple.

B © 1 . 1 3 Now m a t c h p h o t o s a - h to advice a n d p r e d i c t i o n s 1-8. Listen to c h e c k . W h i c h is t h e b e s t advice and t h e w o r s t p r e d i c t i o n ? C M a t c h t h e h i g h l i g h t e d i t e m s in A to a definition. [j

almost obsolete


believe in, have faith in

Q ] have the ability to



D W h i c h is t h e b e s t p i e c e of advice a n d t h e w o r s t p r e d i c t i o n ? C o m p a r e in groups and s a y why. I think number 1 is the best piece of advice, because you shouldn't do what other people say. You should do what you think is best. s E

|>m n o t s u r e | agree with you. ^ —.—„—-L-'

MAKE IT PERSONAL W r i t e a p i e c e of advice for a y o u n g e r p e r s o n and a prediction. S h a r e t h e m in groups. W h i c h is t h e b e s t p i e c e of advice and t h e m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g p r e d i c t i o n ? There

By 2050 tUre,

won't be, eno^k (jood in the, uior-U.







= future form of there be e\ectrtc cars. be any





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Do you want me to turn on the light? D in Action

Offering Help

© "

Reflexive pronouns depend on who you're referring to: J We You

A © 1 - 1 4 Listen a n d m a t c h four dialogs to p i c t u r e s a-d.


myself. ourselves. yourself. themselves.

can do it can carry them


Grammar p. 116

B © 1.14 Listen again and c o m p l e t e t h e e x p r e s s i o n s . Can you t h i n k of a n y o t h e r help p h r a s e s ? Offering Help Do you need a

Accepting Help ?

Do you want me to Can I

That's very ?


Refusing Help

of you.

Thanks for the


Thanks, but I have to do it.


Would you

me to help?


C Role-play s i t u a t i o n s 1-3. In pairs, t a k e t u r n s to offer help and a c c e p t or r e f u s e .

Yes, please. I don't know what to do.

Do you need a hand?


MAKE IT PERSONAL Offer help to p e o p l e in your c l a s s . How m a n y people a c c e p t your offer and h o w m a n y people r e f u s e your offer? Use t h e s e i d e a s to help you. a cookie

a pencil

my dictionary

a sandwich my phone

Do you want me to get you some water?

buy a coffee some money

DorVt worry|

| can

carry your bag turn off the A/C

d o it m y s e | f i

do your


turn on the fan

Workbook p. 8 , 6 4 , 6 5 , 6 6

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Where do you set your news from? The EYE of East Texas

p i Vocabulary: In /

On + News Media

A M a t c h t h e s e p h r a s e s to p h o t o s a-g. How m a n y s c r e e n s c a n you s e e in t h e m ? m a


in the

' Use on with electronic devices / digital media, but in with traditional paper items.


on a news website on a


on a social media on the



on TV

B 0 2 . 1 How do you usually get your n e w s ? Listen a n d m a t c h s e v e n people's a n s w e r s to t h e p h o t o s in A. 1







ffmmimi* [

piecÂŁ_of That's an importantYnew,. waste You lose time reading. is

The news are really interesting today.

0 2 . 1 Listen again and m a t c h e a c h p e r s o n , 1-7, to t h e i r r e a s o n . Do you k n o w a n y o n e like t h e s e people? 1 Thinks reading is a waste of time, j It doesn't cause pollution. | j It's easy. | | Doesn't like reading on screens. Is on the Internet all the time. J Can get the news and exercise at the same time. J Doesn't usually buy a newspaper. A friend of mine only ever reads sports papers and websites.


MAKE T PERSONAL In groups. Are you s i m i l a r to any o f t h e people in C? W h a t t y p e o f n e w s do you get and f r o m w h e r e ? W h y ? I'm like the man in 1. But I just read the headlines in the paper until I see something interesting.


I don't read the news, it's always so depressing. But I always read the gossip pages!


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.,. Radio Goo Goo, Radio Ga Ga. All we hear is Radio Ga Ga, Radio Blah Blah. Radio, what's new?'-


^ M Listening A 0 2 - 2 Listen and match news stories 1-7 to the genres. ] entertainment / celebrity gossip j | local news | national news | | sports •


| j weather [ | world news B Q 2 . 2 Listen again and underline the correct detail in each story 1 It will be sunny / cloudy tomorrow. 2 The most popular movie stars Ben Gardner / Michelle Warren. 3 There's a lot of traffic on the highways / downtown. 4 Texas / Arizona is in the final of the World Series. 5 There were only 8 / more than 50 people at the summit. 6 People are protesting against taxes / high prices. 7 Maria Braun chased reporters / told reporters about her daughter. C In groups, write seven sentences for different types of news story (real or invented). Read them to another group and they have to identify (1) the genre and [2] if it's real. A cat walked onto the beach during the Russia - Spain volleyball match yesterday. v


OK, that's a sports story and it isn't real.

D (MAKE IT PERSONAL In groups, answer the class survey. Who reads most? MEWS SURVEY • What was the most important news story this week? And last week? • Where do you usually get your news? • How often do you read the different types of news? • What kinds of news are you most / least interested in?


• What other things do you like to read? • When, where and how often do you read?

For me, it was when Mexico beat the USA at soccer 3-1. y


' .

, .,...,„,,.

Hmm. It was a great game, but I think the President's visit to China was a more important story.




© Workbook p. 9

go to p. 148


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What were you doing at 8 o'clock last night?


Global Problems

A M a t c h p h o t o s a - d to t h e p r o b l e m s in t h e first c o l u m n . G u e s s t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n of all t h e words. ^ J climate change

animal extinction




— gjj




I unemployment





Q 2 . 3 Listen, c h e c k a n d n u m b e r t h e p r o b l e m s in A, 1-8, in t h e order you h e a r t h e m .

C In groups, d i s c u s s w h i c h of t h e s e t h i n g s e a c h p r o b l e m a f f e c t s . How? Do you all a g r e e ? cities



lakes and rivers

I think pollution affects oceans, lakes, _rivers and cities. It can kill fish.



A n d jt a f f e c t s p e o p | 6 i they have hea|th






MAKE IT PERSONAL W h a t do you t h i n k are t h e m o s t s e r i o u s p r o b l e m s in your c o u n t r y ? Order t h e p r o b l e m s in A, 1-8, f r o m t h e m o s t to t h e l e a s t i m p o r t a n t . C o m p a r e w i t h o t h e r s . Are your l i s t s similar? 1 think crime is the most serious problem here.^

Grammar: Past

F o r m 6 | a n j m a | e x t i n c t i o n is t h e j e a s t



have to m a k e t h m g s n g h t for peop|e



A 0 2 . 4 Listen to Allie and her dad. W h y w a s h e worried? How is your family similar or different to this one?

• My mom's like her dad, she calls me at least three times a week! t





What jwas you doing when you heard that Bin Laden was dead?

was driving Idreve.

B O 2 . A Listen again a n d circle w h a t you h e a r . 1 What did you do / were you doing when I called last night?

3 He m a d e / w a s making dinner at 8 p.m.

2 I watched / w a s watching a show about climate change.

U They played / were playing video games.

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O o n c e upon time I was falling in love. Now I'm only falling apart. There's nothing I can do...'-

r\ r\ L. • L.

C Look at 1-4 in B a n d t h e C o m m o n M i s t a k e s in A. M a t c h t h e rules a-d. Past C o n t i n u o u s a The Present Continuous refers to

( ] an event that started and finished in the past.

b The Past Continuous refers to


was I were + -ing form.

c The Past Simple refers to d The Past Continuous is formed with

an event that is happening right now. (

] an incomplete event in progress at a specific time in the past.

Grammar p. 118 D Order q u e s t i o n s 1-3. In pairs, ask and a n s w e r t h e m . 1 doing / were / what / you / night / at / 7 p.m. / last / ? 2 about / night / at / 9 p.m. / last / you / eating / were / dinner / ? 3 Sunday / 11 p.m. / you / were / sleeping / night / at / on / ? E Q 2 . 5 Study t h i s p i c t u r e for 45 s e c o n d s , t h e n c l o s e y o u r b o o k . In pairs r e m e m b e r and w r i t e d o w n w h a t t h e eight people w e r e doing. C o m p a r e in groups. Listen to c h e c k . How m a n y did you get right?


; similar?

F W h a t do you t h i n k h a p p e n e d n e x t ?

The blue car hit the red car and then...


Read World of English a n d c o r r e c t 1-7.

:his one?

1 I was really liking the movie last night. 2 Yesterday at 5 p.m. she thinking about her parents. 3 Were you having a car when you were a student?

- e n you *3S dead?

4 Did you having dinner when I called yesterday? 5 We were both hating the concert.

H - at 8 p.m. ieo games.

Verbs expressing "states" (like, hate, know, understand, etc.) don't appear in continuous forms. A few verbs can be both states or actions and can be used in both simple and continuous forms. E.g., be, think, have, see and taste-.

> She was ridiculous.

> Ana was being ridiculous.

6 I'm thinking this is a good idea.

> We thought

7 How did that soup tasting? Mine was delicious.

> I was thinking

MAKE IT PERSONAL In groups, s h o w and d e s c r i b e p h o t o s f r o m your p h o n e s . This is my girlfriend. We were having dinner in a restaurant last night.

(= a characteristic,


(= on a specific


it was a great party. (= an opinion) about the party. (= actively considering)

Grammar p. 118 Workbook p. 10

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Are you afraid of lightning?

p f ] Reading Q 2 . 6 Read the T V guide and identify the three documentaries.


Now: S p e c i a l . N e x t : Movies...

| H




" P l a n e s , Trains, a n d Cars"

Jay, Gloria a n d M a n n y travel t o Jay's h i g h schoo l r e u n i o n . M e a n w h i l e , A n d r e tells Phil t o b u y a n e w car a n d


Cam a n d M i t c h e l l lose Lily's f a v o r i t e t o y r a b b i t o n t h e train. !The





This is t h e story of t w o e x t r e m e l y rare w h i t e lion cubs o n t heir j o u r n e y t o a d u l t h o o d . They are sisters in S o u t h


Africa's Kruger Park. G r o w i n g u p in t h e j u n g l e , t h e y m u s t learn t o survive.

What on Earth



The majority of scientists agree: Earth's temperature has increased d u r i n g t h e past century. This show investigates t h e science and politics of o n e of t h e most controversial issues of t h e 21st century: t h e t r u t h a b o u t global w a r m i n g .

Jamie's 234



In t h i s show, c e l e b r i t y c h e f Jamie Oliver s h o w s schools a n d s t u d e n t s h o w t o eat h e a l t h i e r f o o d a n d w h a t t h e a d v a n t a g e s are.

CSI: NY: " H a m m e r D o w n " 235

D e t e c t i v e Mac Taylor a n d his t e a m g o o u t t o solve a c r i m e in N e w York City. It involves a d r u n k d r i v e r a n d a dead body. M o v i e : 28 Days


A m y s t e r i o u s disease spreads in t h e UK. Four w e e k s later, a f e w survivors t r y t o f i n d refuge.


I n t h r e e g r o u p s , s h a r e a n d r e a d t h e T V p r o g r a m s i n A, t w o f o r e a c h group. T h e n read World of English and find a w a y to e x p r e s s the m e a n i n g of the highlighted words and phrases. Teach t h e m

ÂŁ I 1 You can often express words you don't know with:

to the other groups. The word meanwhile

>• examples: It's a type of (food). > paraphrase: It's like X, but (smaller).


> its opposite: Not (tired). C

> its use: It's an expression you use when...

0 2 . 7 Listen to six dialogs and write which s h o w s the people were watching last night.


W h i c h s h o w s would you like to w a t c h a n d why? D i s c u s s in pairs. I'd like to watch the movie because I love horror!


Ugh, really?! A movie about people with a disease?! No, I prefer something funny, so I would watch the comedy show.

In g r o u p s , d e s c r i b e w h a t w a s h a p p e n i n g in a

s h o w you were watching recently. Try to guess what the shows w e r e a n d say their n a m e s in English. A family was visiting Disneyland. 15

> miming, making sounds and drawing.

Were you watching The Simpsons?

No, it was a real family. The man was wearing...



get-together Every week we have a famTlyj^yfTiorr. meeting Tonight I have a business xsufmh.

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.^Everybody, come take my hand. We'll walk this road together, through the storm.

Vocabulary: Natural

r\ q Z . J


A O 2 . 8 M a t c h t h e w o r d s to p h o t o s a-h. Guess t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n . Clue! T h r e e h a v e t h e sound/A/, as in sun and run. Listen to t h e T V s h o w to c h e c k . a drought/au/ a hurricane

an earthquake a rainbow

2.8 Listen again

a flood

/ lightning


/A/ tsunami

m a t c h t h e place to w h a t s h a p p e n i n g .

1 Bangladesh

j | high waves

2 London

| | daytime darkness

3 Argentina

H ] sun and rain together

4 Florida


5 South Africa

j [ no rain

6 Chile

| j strong winds

power outages

damage to buildings

7 Indonesia 8 Mexico


an eclipse

a thunderstorm

j j too much rain

0 2 . 9 Listen and read World of English, t h e n do AS t a s k 2.8 on p. 157.

f — i w The spelling ou is pronounced in many ways, but is always a single sound. The most common is /au/ as in mouse, cloud,


But be careful! There are other pronunciations: country, double, young


and could, would, should 1X51.

[sthsr r^STT.

Try to notice the different pronunciations and remember them in groups,


e.g. sentences with the same sound.

>-1 went out of the house for an hour.


MAKE IT PERSONAL In pairs. W h i c h of t h e s e p h e n o m e n a do you t h i n k is t h e s c a r i e s t ? W h y ? For me strong winds are the scariest.

Me t o a


m a h u r r i c a n e in


Workbook p. 11

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What were you doing when you heard about 9/11?

Grammar: Past

Continuous us. Past Simple

A 0 2 . 1 0 Listen to t w o people t a l k i n g about a t h u n d e r s t o r m . W h y did t h e w o m a n h a v e to go? Because... | | ... the lights went out.


Tin hi

ate When I was a kid I was-eatrng a lot of candy. was running JayÂŁ3ft-when he slipped on a banana peel.

| ... her phone had no battery. H ] ... she needed to help her son with his homework. B O 2 . 1 0 Listen again and circle w h a t you hear.

1 What were you doing / did you do when the outage happened / w a s happening? 2 I w a s cooking / cooked dinner when suddenly the lights went out / were going out! 3 The lights went out / were going out while he w a s watching / watched TV. 4 So what were you doing / did you do when the lights went out / were going out? 5 I w a s finding / found a flashlight and some candles. C In pairs, study t h e c o r r e c t s e n t e n c e s in B and a n s w e r a-g. Past C o n t i n u o u s (PC) vs. Past S i m p l e (PS) - I n t e r r u p t e d E v e n t s a In 2 and 3 which two actions were in progress?

e Which two words in 1-3 connect the two clauses?

b What verb form are they?


c Which action interrupted them?

g Is 5 an action in progress or a result?

In 4, does when mean after or at the same time?

Grammar p. 118

d What verb form is that action?

D 0 2 . 1 1 Use t h e s e words to s u m m a r i z e t h e s t o r y in t w o s e n t e n c e s . Listen to c h e c k . she





go out






E Q 2 . 1 2 Look at t h e p i c t u r e s and o p t i o n s and c h o o s e t h e b e s t o n e s to m a k e t h e story. Listen to c h e c k .

Jane was chatting online when her phone rang.

_ Her mom was coming in when she talked on the phone.

j When she was hanging up, her mom read her e-mail.

Her parents were talking when Jane went downstairs.

_ Jane's phone was ringing when she chatted online.

J Her mom came in when she was talking on the phone.

When she hung up, her mom was reading her e-mail.

j j Her parents talked when Jane was going downstairs.

F Do you t h i n k J a n e ' s m o m w a s w r o n g to read h e r m e s s a g e s ? W h y or w h y not?



I think she was right. Jane is young and her mother needs to protect her.

MAKE IT PERSONAL play Alibi! In pairs, m a k e an alibi for w h e r e you b o t h were last night b e t w e e n 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. A n o t h e r pair will ask you questions one at a t i m e to c h e c k that your story is exactly t h e s a m e What were you doing last night between 8 and 10 p.m.?

What was your partner wearing?

What time did it start? \

Did you leave the room?

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% And I say hey, yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah. I said hey, what's soing on?*'

Reading A

O 2.13 R e a d t h e a r t i c l e q u i c k l y a n d s a y w h o : 1 w a s sleeping?

5 w a s playing a g a m e ?

2 w a s on a b i c y c l e ?

6 s a w v e h i c l e s m o v i n g up a n d down?

3 s a w lights m o v i n g ?

7 t h o u g h t s h e w a s sick?

4 felt like a fish?

8 w a s n o t in J a p a n ?


What were you doing when...? On the anniversary of the terrible tsunami in Japan in March 2011, Japan Today asked readers: What were you doing when the earthquake hit? Mike,




I was waiting to board my plane to Japan from Sydney when they announced the earthquake and that Narita airport was closed. So we were stuck at the airport. The next morning, we left for Japan. It was terrible. Kumiko,




When the earthquake hit, I was chatting with my colleague. First, I thought I was feeling dizzy and asked my colleague: "Is it shaking, or is it just me?" "Yes, it's shaking," he answered. Jiro, Japanese



I was in a cafe in Tokyo, for a casual meeting with my boss. Cars and taxis were driving along the street, and when the earthquake hit they started to move up and down like waves on the sea.

A 111..





I was playing Starcraft 2 on my laptop at home. My team was winning. Then the quake started. I wrote: "We are having an earthquake here and it's huge. I think this is the big one. Today I'm going to die." My teammate said: "Please sell your items before you leave." (I didn't sell my items—I left!) Nestor,




I was swimming in the pool at my gym. I felt like a goldfish in a bowl. The lifeguard blew her whistle and asked me to get out of the pool and go home because they planned to close the gym. Christopher,



I was making cream puffs at a cooking school in Kobe, on the fourth floor of the building. I started to feel dizzy. A few seconds later, my teacher said "It's an earthquake! Look, the lights are swinging." Anita,



I was going to a concert and I was riding my bike to the station. As I approached the stoplight, I saw people holding each other in a strange way, like they were drunk... I looked up, and saw and heard the power lines moving. Astrid,



I was having a nap with my three-month-old daughter when the building started shaking. Usually I don't mind earthquakes, but this one was different!!! IT FELT BIG! I grabbed my baby, opened the door, and dived under the table!!1 (Login to comment)




;-read a n d m a t c h t h e bold w o r d s to t h e i r m e a n i n g s . W h i c h t w o s t o r i e s did y o u like b e s t ? a f e e l i n g like you a r e m o v i n g in c i r c l e s

stuck at t h e airport

L i m o v e d quickly, h e a d f i r s t

I w a s f e e l i n g dizzy

m o v i n g f r o m side to side

it's h u g e the lifeguard blew her whistle

v e r y big

I dived u n d e r t h e t a b l e t h e lights a r e s w i n g i n g


n o t able t o leave a n i n s t r u m e n t to m a k e n o i s e

I grabbed her MAKE IT PERSONAL

took h e r q u i c k l y

D r a m a t i c i n t e r r u p t i o n s . W h a t w e r e you doing w h e n you h e a r d about...

a the tsunami? b 9/11? c another important moment?

I was eating breakfast. They interrupted my favorite show to announce the tsunami on TV. \


I was flying home when my wife had our son. sc I missed the bi r t" - : - : e


W o r k b o o k p. 12 15

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ay hey, yeah yeah hey, hey ^eah said hey, what's soing on?'-

Reading A

Q 2 . 1 3 Read the article quickly and say who:

i mf

5 was playing a game?

1 w a s sleeping? 2 w a s on a bicycle?

6 s a w vehicles m o v i n g up and down?

3 saw lights moving?

7 tho ugh t she w a s sick?

U felt like a fish?

8 w a s n o t in J a p a n ?


0 0 0

What were you doing when...? On the anniversary of the terrible tsunami in Japan in March 2 0 1 1 ,

Japan Today asked readers: What were you doing when the earthquake hit? Mike,




I was waiting to board my plane to Japan from Sydney when they announced the earthquake and that Narita airport was closed. So we were stuck at the airport. The next morning, we left for Japan. It was terrible. Kumiko,




When the earthquake hit, I was chatting with my colleague. First, I thought I was feeling dizzy and asked my colleague: "Is it shaking, or is it just me?" "Yes, it's shaking," he answered. Jiro,




I was in a cafe in Tokyo, for a casual meeting with my boss. Cars and taxis were driving along the street, and when the earthquake hit they started to move up and down like waves on the sea. Hiroki,





It .»*«•«



I was playing Starcraft 2 on my laptop at home. My team was winning. Then the quake started. I wrote: "We are having an earthquake here and it's huge. I think this is the big one. Today I'm going to die." My teammate said: "Please sell your items before you leave." (I didn't sell my items—I left!) Filipino



I was swimming in the pool at my gym. I felt like a goldfish in a bowl. The lifeguard blew her whistle and asked me to get out of the pool and go home because they planned to close the gym. Christopher,



I was making cream puffs at a cooking school in Kobe, on the fourth floor of the building. I started to feel dizzy. A few seconds later, my teacher said "It's an earthquake! Look, the lights are swinging." Anita,







I was having a nap with my three-month-old daughter when the building started shaking. Usually I don't mind earthquakes, but this one was different!!! IT FELT BIG! I grabbed my baby, opened the door, and dived under the table!!! (Login to comment)




I was going to a concert and I was riding my bike to the station. As I approached the stoplight, I saw people holding each other in a strange way, like they were drunk... I looked up, and saw and heard the power lines moving.

Share • » /


Re-read a n d m a t c h t h e bold w o r d s to their m e a n i n g s . W h i c h t w o stories did you like b e s t ? [ j

stuck at t h e airport

a feeling like you are m o v i n g in circles m o v e d quickly, h e a d f i r s t

2 I was feeling dizzy

J m o v i n g f r o m side to side

3 it's h u g e U the lifeguard blew her whistle

v e r y big

5 I dived under t h e table

^ J took her quickly

6 t h e lights are swinging


7 I grabbed her


j not able to leave a n i n s t r u m e n t to m a k e noise

D r a m a t i c interruptions. W h a t w e r e you doing w h e n you h e a r d about...

a the tsunami? b 9/11? c

another important moment?

I was eating breakfast. They interrupted my favorite show to announce the tsunami on TV. \

I was flying home when my wife had our son, so I missed the birth. Horrible!

Workbook p. 12


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What do you have in your pockets?

^liUBIIl A

Understanding and Retelling a Story

O 2 . U R e a d a n d c h o o s e t h e b e s t title for t h e story. 1 Cooking Can Be Dangerous

2 W o m a n Hurt by Beach Rocks

3 Husband Attacks Wife with Hose

U n b e l i e v a b l e ! D i d y o u r e a d t h i s s t o r y a b o u t t h e w o m a n w h o h a d r o c k s in h e r c a r g o s h o r t s w h e n suddenly something weird happened? So, t h e w o m a n w a s c a r r y i n g t h e o r a n g e s t o n e s in h e r s h o r t s , b e c a u s e h e r c h i l d r e n f o u n d t h e m o n t h e b e a c h a n d g a v e t h e m to her, ( W h a t n i c e kids! Q>) T h e p o o r w o m a n w a s s t a n d i n g in t h e k i t c h e n a b o u t a n h o u r after t h e y g o t h o m e w h e n h e r s h o r t s c a u g h t fire! Yes! T h e y C A U G H T F I R E ! I m a g i n e h e r husband's surprise t o o — t h e poor guy w a s reading the paper or s o m e t h i n g a n d suddenly he s a w that his w i f e w a s o n fire! W e l l , h e t h o u g h t f a s t a n d t o o k h e r o u t s i d e a n d s t a r t e d h o s i n g h e r w i t h w a t e r f r o m the garde n hose. A n d that's w h e n the firefighters a n d p a r a m e d i c s arrived, as he w a s spraying his wife w i t h w a t e r . So, of c o u r s e , t h e s u r p r i s e d p a r a m e d i c s t r e a t e d h e r a n d t o o k h e r to t h e h o s p i t a l . T h e y s a i d • • •

it w a s t h e first t i m e t h e y e v e r s a w s o m e t h i n g like t h a t . T h e r o c k s w e r e still s m o k i n g w h e n t h e y a r r i v e d

at t h e h o s p i t a l ! T h o s e w e r e v e r y f l a m m a b l e rocks! Anyway...








a u t h o r i t i e s a r e i n v e s t i g a t i n g , but t h e y t h i n k t h a t t h e r e w a s p h o s p h o r o u s o n t h e r o c k s ( t he o r a n g e p a r t s in t h e p h o t o ) . A p p a r e n t l y , w h e n p h o s p h o r u s is e x p o s e d to air, it b u r n s at e x t r e m e l y h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e s . A n d t h e w o m a n ? W e l l , s h e got s e v e r e b u r n s o n h e r right l e g a n d right a r m a n d h e r h u s b a n d g o t b u r n s o n his a r m too, but they survived. T h e m o r a l of t h e s t o r y ? D o n ' t put t h e t h i n g s y o u r k i d s g i v e y o u in y o u r p o c k e t s ! @



R e - r e a d . T r u e (T), f a l s e (F) o r n o t m e n t i o n e d (N)? 1 T h e r o c k s w e r e in t h e w o m a n ' s p o c k e t .


2 She found the rocks on the beach.

5 The paramedics often see burning rocks.


6 P h o s p h o r o u s c a u s e d t h e fire.

S h e w a s c o o k i n g w h e n t h e r o c k s c a u g h t fire.

Her h u s b a n d called t h e e m e r g e n c y services.

R e a d W o r l d o f E n g l i s h a n d e x p l a i n t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e u n d e r l i n e d p h r a s e s i n A. I m a g i n e y o u are t h e w o m a n , h e r h u s b a n d , o n e of h e r kids, a

p i B B I f f l l f l l

firefighter or p a r a m e d i c . W r i t e a blog about w h a t h a p p e n e d . R e a d e a c h o t h e r ' s blogs. W h i c h is t h e m o s t d r a m a t i c ?

IA/e- pot a.K eme-r^e^o^ o a ^ fjrom a« oU


She, tolld as t i t e r s was a woman OK



To light a fire is intentional. To catch fire is accidental. When something is burning, it is on fire. And, in an emergency, you shout "Fire!"

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Are you a good listener? D in Action -


Being a G o o d Listener

Q 2 . 1 5 Listen and order t h e p i c t u r e s , 1-4.

5 Q 2.15 Listen again and c h e c k t h e e x p r e s s i o n s you hear. Can you t h i n k of a n y m o r e ? Show You're Listening

React to Something Positive

"Jh-huh? Yes? And then what happened?

Wow! Really? How interesting!

That's good! That's great!

So the boy was riding his bicycle to school.

C In pairs, tell t h e s to r y in A. A: Use your own words.


B: React using the expressions in B.

React to Something Negative Oh dear! Oh no! No way!

How awful! That's terrible!

And he got a flat tire. \

; Oh dear!


D In pairs. I m a g i n e you're t w o different people f r o m p i c t u r e s a-d. A: Tell B y o u r story. B: Tell A yours. W h a t ' s t h e s a m e and w h a t ' s d i f f e r e n t a b o u t y o u r stories?

Last night I was having dinner with my boyfriend in a restaurant in town.



MAKE IT PERSONAL You k n o w w h a t h a p p e n e d to m e ? W o r k in trios. A: Think of a story that happened to you recently. B: Listen well and react to the story. C: Observe and note which expressions from B were used. Did B sound interested? So, I was going to work on the bus on Tuesday when suddenly the bus stopped. Wow! What happened?

Well, we got off the bus and I waited for another bus. —

OK, you used "uh-huh" and "wow," but you didn't look very interested.



Workbook p. 13,65


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Grammar and Vocabulary A Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages below and remember. r

in DO fO Q.



5 life priorities


5 sense words and 2 adjectives for each one


7 common illnesses


7 ways to get news


4 global problems


5 actions that were happening in the picture


8 natural phenomena


Jane's story


11 vowel sounds

MAKE IT PERSONAL Write five things you think your partner will (not) do before next class. Don't show him / her. Check your predictions in the next class.

For my first prediction I wrote, "He'll eat pizza." Did you eat pizza?

Yes, I did. I had an awesome pizza last night.

F 01.1

MAKE IT PERSONAL Order the words in 1-4 and add an auxiliary to make questions. Listen to check, then ask and answer the questions.

MAKE IT PERSONAL In pairs, make two sentences using sense verbs to show how you feel about photos 1-6. Can your partner guess which picture it is?

1 doing / what / you / last night / 6 p.m. / at / ? 2 evening / yesterday / you / do / what / ? 3 work / in / who / you / the / last activity / with / ? 4 you / doing / what / class / when / started / ?

G In pairs, compare these problems. Which is more serious and why?

smells delicious and .—It—^

it tastes amazing.

1 2 3 4 5


MAKE IT PERSONAL in pairs, ask and answer 1-6 plus two follow-up questions. What's the most interesting thing you found out about your partner?

1 have / get up early?

Do you have to get up early?

3 need / work on weekends? 5 need / study before a test?

It depends on the day. I get up early on Tuesdays.

6 want / live abroad?


I have a test tomorrow, I'm really worried about it!


My 4-year-old son has a fever and can't sleep. My kids are 13 and 17. They want to go to a party, but they have school tomorrow. We don't have any money and we have to pay the electricity, our car and our vacation. Help! My house is full of water from the flood!



I have a toothache, but I'm terrified of dentists!

flmiMUW 1 We enjoy to play video games. (1 mistake) 2 I want live in Europe for learn French. (2 mistakes)

D You're Lori. Read texts 1-6 and write pieces of advice using should O ©. In pairs, compare and decide which is the best advice in each situation. 1

I think animal extinction is more serious than pollution.

H Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in units 1 & 2. What's your score, 1-10?

2 want / be famous? 4 have / do homework?

Animal extinction or pollution? Unemployment or crime? Climate change or poverty? Corruption or diseases? Droughts or earthquakes?

3 When you will start working, you'll get up early. (1 mistake)

4 Will you to help me? (1 mistake) 5 I will to write that on my notebook. (2 mistakes)

6 Here is an advice and a new for you. (2 mistakes) 7 What was you doing at 8 p.m. last night? (i mistake) 8 What time is your reunion with your boss? (1 mistake) 9 When I was young I was crying all the time! (i mistake) 10 I played soccer when I fell and broke my leg. (1 mistake)

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s Practice Iteration. Listen to the first three points in © 1.5 m ; .vr'te all you can remember. Do this three a a c r e times, then check your spelling on p. 6. PERSONAL

: rreiict

D In pairs, imagine Larry is your friend. Think of three pieces of advice you could give him. E 0 1 -2 Listen and complete this phone message from another friend. Which things are the same / different from yours?

Play Crystal Ball.

the future of something or somebody.

I-uess what or who A is talking about. ~-ey will get smaller and smaller.




Are you talking about cars? No. Soon, all phones will come with one.


In pairs. A: You're Larry. Tell your story to a friend. Can you remember all the details? B: Listen and react to your partner's story.

G In groups. A: Mime a problem. The other students race to offer advice. Use these ideas to help.

Are you talking about computers?

a lot of work hungry

heavy bags no money

hot sick

Yeah, you got it.

H C ?.ead this e-mail. True (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. '

He had a headache before he went to the store.

2 The rain started before he left his house. 3 He was wet when he went into the store. - His bike was there when he came out of the store. 5 He knows where his keys are. 6 He went into his house through a door.



Question time!

1 Listen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 1 & 2.

2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the map on p. 2. Ask at least two follow-up questions. Try to answer in different ways. Can you comfortably answer them all? What's really important in life?

For me it's having fun. You have to try and enjoy life.


Hi! ,'iftiat a terrible day yesterday! First, I had a really bad headache, :ut I had to go to the store to get some food. So, I was riding to the mall when the rain started! There was a huge thunderstorm and I was on my bike, so I got really wet! Then I left my bike and went to the store. When I went back to my bike,—it wasn't there! Someone took it! Can you believe it??? After that I had to walk home, wet and cold. Then when I got home I couldn't find my keys! Guess what I did. I had to climb in an open window at the back! But a neighbor saw me, thought I was a thief and called the police. Now the police want to interview me, I have no keys, no bike, and a terrible cold from the rain! What should I do? Larry


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Do you get stressed when traveling?


^ W Vocabulary:


A 0 3 . 1 Listen and m a t c h seven e x t r a c t s from Vic's vacation to pictures a-g. B In pairs, c o m p a r e your feelings about traveling. Use the p h r a s e s in t h e ÂŽ box. Any big differences? >- traveling long distances by car / plane / train

> taking short day trips

> traveling alone / with kids

>- doing nothing / rushing around

> going to exotic places

>• hitchhiking

I don't mind traveling long distances by car. I find it relaxing.

You're still only 16, so you don't drive. That's why. I hate to drive.

love / like / hate

to travel / traveling

enjoy / don't mind



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On the road again, going places that I've never been, seeing things that I may never see again.'-

r\ a v3 . I

• I

C Cover the second column in the quiz. Match photos a-g to the bold words. Check in pairs and predict how sentences 1-8 end. Hmm... How do you think number 1 continues?

Let's see. Well, maybe the hotel doesn't exist?

ft i

flmiiMMJi parted I only raatfe a small bag.


fake our quiz and find o u t BEFORE THE JOURNEY You've saveda lot of money and b o o k e d j a n expensive hotel online. The kind you've always dreamed^of. W h e n you get there...

... you discover the place is not what you saw on the site. It's not even finished! W h a t do you do?

Its 4 p.m. You've triedjill you could, but you couldn't get to the station on time and missed your train. N o w you have to...

... wait five hours for the next one. All the shops at the train station are closed. W h a t do you do?

It's December 23 rd . You're at a c r o w d e d j n d cold bus station, s t a n d i n g in line. The ticket agent says...

... there are no m o r e tickets available. You w o n ' t be h o m e on December 24 th . W h a t do you do?

t's t i m e t o go t o the airport. You've p a c k e d j l l your bags, t u r n e d j p f f the lights and called ajtaxi. O n the way t o the airport...

... the car breaks d o w n and stops in the middle of the road. W h a t do you do?

v ou've

b o a r d e d jan old and crowded plane. All you w a n t to do is get some sleep. You hope there's no one sitting next to you, but...

... you see a m o t h e r and a very young kid. W h a t do you say?

You're on the plane. The flight attendant has dropped a cup of coffee on your laptop. You turn it on...

... but it isn't working. You don't k n o w if the problem is permanent. W h a t do you say? "

AFTER THE JOURNEY You've a r r i v e d j i t the hotel and checked in. You're e x h a u s t e d a f t e r your journey. The three elevators...

... are out of order and your r o o m is on the 10th floor. W h a t do you say?

You've just come back f r o m a shopping trip to Miami. You're s t o p p e d j t customs. In your suitcase...

... there are a lot of things you forgot t o declare. W h a t do you do?

In pairs, uncover, check your predictions and answer the questions.

In this situation I shout until I get what I want.

Listening Š 3 . 2 Listen to a complete version of the quiz and choose A, B or C. 3 Calculate your score, then read what it means. Do you agree? Wfiat


of traveCer



Sit I C a l m a n d in c o n t r o l Your friends probably think you're a great travel companion. You don't get stressed when things go wrong and you always see the positive side of any bad situation.


Well, it says I'm stressed, which is true, but I don't think I'm impatient.

12-19 Balanced You know how to have a good time and don't usually let small incidents interfere with your vacation, but, depending on the situation, you can get angry or impatient.

20-2* Stressed a n d i m p a t i e n t It's probably hard to travel with you. You get really annoyed if things go wrong and don't enjoy your vacation as much as you could.

MAKE IT PERSONAL Use pictures a-g to remember and tell your own funny / stressful / surprising travel stories. Any similar experiences? Photo b reminds me of my grandma's birthday party. I missed the bus and had to get a taxi. It cost me a fortune!

Workbook p. 14


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Have you ever been to Australia?

p ] Listening © 3 . 3 Listen to part one of Pedro and Harry's conversation and complete 1-4. 1 Cathy is Harry's 2 She Jives in 3 She wants Harry to 4 Pedro went there on

B © 3 . 4 Think of two r e a s o n s why Harry is hesitant. Listen to part two to check. Were your g u e s s e s correct? Well, maybe he's afraid to meet her face to face. \


© 3 . 5 Listen to part three. True (T) or false (F)? 1 Cathy makes a lot of money. 2 She knows about Harry's phobia. 3 Harry goes to therapy twice a week. In pairs, a n s w e r 1-3. Any similar opinions / stories? 1 In your opinion, what s the best solution to their problem?


5^ould be

2 Do you think long-distance relationships can be successful in the long term?

honest with Cathy.

3 Do you know anyone who's afraid of flying / driving or has a phobia?


Present Perfect 1 - Past Experiences

A © 3 . 6 Match s e n t e n c e s 1-5 to the r e s p o n s e s from 3. Listen again to check. 1 I've been to Australia twice. 2 Have vou seen her photos? 3 Have vou ever traveled bv plane? 4 Have vou ever tried therapv? 5 She^s seen your photos too.

• • • • •

Once. Mom took me to Disneyland when I was five. Yep, I saw them on Facebook. Really? Did she like me? Oh yeah? Did you go on business? Twice. It didn't work.

Present Perfect 1 1

Study sentences 1-5 in A. Read a-e and circle Y (yes) or N (no). a Sentences 1-5 in A are about past experiences. Y / N b We don't know / care when the things happened. Y / N c The bold verbs are in the past tense. Y / N

f*i.i.uimiJ* Whitney Houston p e i died in 2012. Adele Jja^sold five million albums last month. di When

Coldplay last play^cfin Asia?

d The Present Perfect = have / has + past participle. Y / N e All past participles have the same form as the Past Simple. Y / N 2

In the responses, which tense is used to ask for / g i v e more details?

Grammar p. 120

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•?So tell me have you ever really, really, really ever loved a woman?'^1

o r\ O . L.

B In pairs, h o w m a n y t r u e s t a t e m e n t s about Harry's s to r y c a n you m a k e in t w o m i n u t e s ?


Pedro^^| Harry Cathy



v E /


V p *

\j i once twice

been I'veg&Be-to a U2 show.

Harry's been to Disney World once. s

jjgL. -s

been to (Vnever was ift Moscow.

x?\ Disney World A


Be careful with been and gone.

> He's been to L.A. = He isn't here, he's there.

C Ask Pedro q u e s t i o n s about h i s trip. E a c h / m e a n s a word.

> He's gone to L.A.

1 when / you go there? When did you go there?

5 / you stay / / hotel?

2 how long//stay there?

6 / your wife / with you?

3 what places//visit?

7 how much work//do?

4 how / / weather?

= He was there, but isn't now.


8 / / like / go again?

D M a t c h s e n t e n c e s 1-6 to t h e p h o t o s . C o m p l e t e t h e m w i t h t h e s e v e r b s in t h e P r e s e n t P e r f e c t . be (x2)





Class survey report: 1 Two or more people

have been

2 Four or more students 3 N o one

by plane. an A-list celebrity face to face.

4 At least two students . 5 Everyone in the group 6 Most of the students


to the United States.

all eight Harry Potter movies. J a p a n e s e food. . to a live, professional soccer game.

MAKE IT PERSONAL Class survey! In pairs, look at t h e p h o t o s a n d ask Have one follow-up q u e s t i o n e a c h t i m e . Report your a n s w e r s to t h e c l a s s . Let's see... number 1... Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty?

_\ Yeah, twice.

you...? q u e s t i o n s . Ask at Le:

Really? When did you go to New York?

In 201C ard I : :Z rr. wacaCoB —• «y VmiSECH

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Have you visited London yet? Reading A

R e a d t h e b e g i n n i n g o f a n a r t i c l e . In g r o u p s , d e c i d e w h i c h o f t h e t i p s , 1 - 4 , is t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t w h e r . traveling w i t h a friend. If you d i s a g r e e , try to c o n v i n c e y o u r p a r t n e r s .

H o w to travel together w i t h o u t killing each other! Traveling with people you don't know

timately can be fun... or a nightmare. Your personality

differences can get multiplied by ten. So here are three things to con; der before you go:


1 Be prepared to c o m p r o m i s e .

3 Do t h i n g s separately s o m e t i m e s .

2 D i s c u s s money.

4 Plan carefully.

I think it's really important to compromise. Yes, but for me. that's not...

Q 3 . 7 Listen a n d read t h e r e s t of t h e article a n d m a t c h a tip to e a c h p a r a g r a p h . T h e r e ' s o n e e x t r a tip. W h a t ' s y o u r r e a c t i o n t o t h e t e x t ?

Be honest about your budget. If you can only spend $60 a night for accommodation, say it before you go. Also, plan how you intend to share all the other expenses: transportation, food and entertainment. So, think about this: Is it OK for you to travel with someone who has more money than you? Would you mind paying a bit extra to help a friend who has less? Sometimes you'll need to make quick decisions on the road and maybe disagree on what you want to do. If your personalities and interests are different, you'll have to plan a bit and be flexible with each other. If one of you is a heavy smoker and the other hates smoke, it's important to find a solution that satisfies both sides. So, consider this: Can you make concessions when you travel with others? Would you ever travel with someone who has a few irritating habits? Use each other after a plural subject for reciprocal feelings or actions. >• They are getting tired of each other.

Spending too much time with each other can be very irritating. Plan to take some breaks from each other from time to time, especially on a longer trip. Then you can meet for dinner and share fun stories. So, before traveling ask yourselves: Are you comfortable spending the entire day with a friend when you travel? Do you need to spend some time alone when traveling? MMM

> We have to help each other.


In p a i r s , a s k a n d a n s w e r t h e l a s t t w o q u e s t i o n s i n e a c h p a r a g r a p h . A r e y o u c o m p a t i b l e t r a v e l e r s ? Is it OK for you to travel with someone who has more / less money than you? s

Well, I guess so, but it depends on how much, I think.

Listening A

0 3 . 8 Lisa a n d Meg are s p e n d i n g a few days in London. W h a t problems are t h e y having? Listen and m a t c h d a y s 1-3 t o t h e t r a v e l t i p s i n 5A. Day 1


Day 2

Day 3

0 3 . 8 L i s t e n a g a i n a n d w r i t e L (Lisa) o r M (Meg) n e x t t o 1-4. W h o would you least like to travel with? 1 W h o really dislikes t h e hotel? 2 W h o w e n t shopping yesterday? 3 W h o probably likes art? L W h o ' s reading 101 Things To Do Before You Die?

fru-Lmiumi [ on It depends your budget.

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. j A n d I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get, I just haven't met you yet>

p/M Grammar:

Present Perfect 2 - Completed Actions

A M a t c h s e n t e n c e s 1-5 to t h e i r p r e s e n t result. Past Action

Present Result

1 This place has changed.


They don't have our money.

2 Have you ever stayed here before?


We're in our hotel room.

3 We've j u s t checked in!


You know that.

k We haven't paid yet.

[7] It's different now.

5 I've already told you.


Do you know this place?

There are very few grammatical differences between U.S. and UK English. Here's one of them. Americans often use the Past Simple in cases where the Present Perfect is required in the UK. For example, in the U.S. it's more common to use the Past Simple with words like: already, just and recently. However, even in American English, yet is more common with the Present Perfect.

Present Perfect 2 Study sentences 1-5 in the chart and efoss out the wrong options in rules a-d. a The experience and / or present result of the action is more / less important than the time it happened, b Justice ry recently) and already (before now) are used in affirmative / negative sentences, c Yet (up to now) can be used in questions and affirmative / negative sentences.

Grammar p. 120

d Use / Don't use the Present Perfect for specific past times (a week ago, when I arrived).

3 Š 3 - 9 W r i t e t h e v e r b s in t h e c o r r e c t t e n s e . Listen to c h e c k . In pairs, s a y w h i c h rule f r o m t h e G r a m m a r b o x (a-d) e a c h s e n t e n c e illustrates.

has been 1 Julie (be) there and she says it's fantastic.

5 I'm reading 101 Things To Do Before You Die. (you / read) it yet? 6 I (start) when we got on the plane...

2 I (not be) to the West End yet.

7 ... I (already / read) the first twenty ideas.

3 You (spend) a lot of money yesterday. U The weather (change). It's really cloudy.


Test a partner. A: Choose a photo on p. 26 and describe what's j u s t happened. B: Point to it. Swap roles. He's just booked the hotel.



SheJaaverft callVme yet. We^already have worked together.

Picture d, right?

Š 3 . 1 0 Read t h e list. Guess w h i c h s e v e n activities Lisa and Meg h a v e n ' t done. Listen to c h e c k .

be a DJ at a party


make a birtkday cake

Q> do volunteer work


plant a tree

Q> donate blood

Q ) ride an animal


fail in love



go abroad


try an extreme sport




visit London


[earn to dance


write a story


things to do before you


Well, they're visiting London, so they've already done that.



Yeah, of course. And.

E Q 3 . 1 1 D e s c r i b e w h a t t h e y ' v e done u s i n g already, just and y e t . Listen to c h e c k .


MAKE IT PERSONAL List ten t h i n g s you consider e s s e n t i a l to do. In groups, c o m p a r e lists, ask and a n s w e r W h o h a s done t h e m o s t things? Do you h a v e any pl a n s to achieve your ambitions?

've been abroad, but only once.

Oh really? Where did you go?

Workbook p. 16


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How long have you had that hairstyle?

Reading A Read t h e d e f i n i t i o n and, in pairs, a n s w e r 1-3. Any different v i e w s ?

waste I'm not going to 1 m y time taking a gap year.

noun ici the year between leaving school and starting college which some people use to travel abroad, earn money, do charity work or get experience.

Gap year

1 Would you like to take a gap year or a year off work? If so, how would you use it? 2 How popular are gap years in your country?

I'd love to take a year off right

3 Do you think gap years are more popular in Europe or the U.S.?

now and travel around India.

B Quickly r e a d t h e first p a r a g r a p h of t h e m a g a z i n e article in C to c h e c k your a n s w e r to q u e s t i o n 3 in A. C 0 3 . 1 2 Read t h e r e s t of t h e article in t h r e e m i n u t e s and m a r k e a c h e x p e r i e n c e © or Q . In pairs, a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n in t h e title and s a y w h i c h e x p e r i e n c e you'd p e r s o n a l l y like to h a v e . I'd love to spend a year like Rita's because...

Outside North America, taking a gap year to travel or work abroad is so popular that even the British royal family has done it. Prince William, for example, spent his gap year in Belize, working with the British Army and then in Chile, as a waiter in a restaurant. Gap years are still relatively rare in the U.S., but things are starting to change. We've spoken to six people and asked them "Is a gap year a good idea?"

Derek I'm very shy. Really, you have no idea how shy I am. So guess how I'm spending my gap year? Teaching English as a foreign language in South Korea. Yep—to groups of 3 0 students. And you know what? I love those kids and I think they love me back. I've only known them since June m, but it feels like we've always been friends (2). Ross

Well, I lived in Cairo for a yearpi and the experience taught me more valuable lessons than my last ten

years at school. I learned to be much more open to other cultures, values and religions—things you don't learn in class, i think I've become more intelligent. Rita In 2 0 1 0 I lived and worked as an au pair in Barcelona for nine months(4|. All I wanted was t a g e t some cash, and then start a new life when I got back home. But I fell in love with the little devils, I mean, with the twins, and the rest is history. So, thanks to my gap year, I decided I didn't want to be a lawyer, but a primary school teacher. Mom and Dad were a bit surprised, but in the end they just accepted my decision. Tina I've been in Scotland for six months is) and it's been a nightmare. I got a part-time job at a supermarket and have worked there for only three weeks [6i, but I hate it. Really, life sucks here. In the winter it gets dark at 4 p.m. and I think this is affecting my mental health. I'm getting really depressed and all I do is cry night and day. All I want to do is get on a plane and go back home soon. Thank G o d my cousin's just come to visit.

D W h o ' s still on t h e i r gap year? R e - r e a d and w r i t e present E

or past n e x t to e a c h p a r a g r a p h .

Q 3 . 1 3 Listen to t h e s e i n t e r v i e w s w i t h Rita a n d T i n a . Find t w o i n c o r r e c t details in e a c h p a r a g r a p h .

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v But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.'*

f?M Grammar: :resent

# O .

Present Perfect 3 - Unfinished Past

Perfect 3

Look at the six underlined sentences in 8C and write the numbers in the chart. The action: started and finished in the past. started



started in the past and still continues. started


now action

action past


f tliiliiHil'ilHIftt

have studied I study English since last year. have you lived How long do-yetrtfre in Texas?



1 Complete with for or since.

I |li O - ^ 4 U


a long time.

. many years.

a few weeks.

. 2011.

I moved here.

. April.

s e

. I met you. a period of time. . a point in time.

Grammar p. 120

t h e c l u e s in 1-8 to w r i t e q u e s t i o n s a n d s e n t e n c e s a b o u t T i n a ' s a n d Rita's gap y e a r s . Listen to c h e c k .

1 How long / you / b e / UK?

5 How long / you / live / Barcelona?

2 I

6 I / live / t h e r e / seven m o n t h s .

b e / UK / S eptem ber .

3 How long / you / work t h e r e ?

7 I / work / au pair / four m o n t h s .

a I

8 Mom and Dad / insist / long t i m e .

see / h e r / long time.

' old habits! M e e t S a m S a m e . He d o e s n ' t like c h a n g e . Look at t h e p i c t u r e s a n d t a l k a b o u t h i m . • s ved in the same house since 1980.

a - n e house /1980

same h a i r s t y l e / m a n y years

ERSONAL H o w a b o u t y o u ? H a v e y o u c h a n g e d a lot? In p a i r s , a s k hou; long q u e s t i o n s t o f i n d


ir.ge p a i r s a n d a s k a b o u t y o u r p r e v i o u s p a r t n e r . A n y s u r p r i s e s ? • f English - - .

tin E

: .'.-ien you see two forms of

sentence. One is the(auxiIiaryjand -

s n e main verb. Look:

•il «? rac 3 -eadache -




r -~:e


for two had your

• i l l t s — ~ 3 d the same


How long has Joe had the same hairstyle? \


days. car? phone

How long have you had the same hairstyle?



Oh, since I was 15. I like my hair the way it is.

Oh, since he was 15. i Workbook p. 17

33 -

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Have we really been to the moon?


Finding Relevant Information

In pairs, a n s w e r 1-2. T h e n m a t c h t h e bold w o r d s to i t e m s a-g in t h e p i c t u r e . 1 How are t h e s e words c o n n e c t e d with t h e m o o n ? > 1969

>- c h e e s e

»- A p o l l o 11

>• f e r t i l i t y

>• t i d e s

Some people think that. \

> romance

2 W h i c h c o n s p i r a c y t h e o r y d o e s t h e p i c t u r e i l l u s t r a t e ? D o y o u b e l i e v e it? I think they're talking about... HAVE W E



A secretly recorded video interview has shocked reporters! In it

me that the entire landing was filmed in a studio—just look at the

a man, apparently Apollo 11 mission commander Neil Armstrong,

video carefully," he declared. "There are no stars in the sky and the

makes this dramatic announcement: "I am finally convinced

American flag is moving—but there's no wind in space! And look at

that my historic first step on the m o o n is not a true story, but a

the shadows! They're not parallel to the people's bodies!"

conspiracy created by the American government." The man said he reconsidered every detail of the journey after he started to watch

T h e man said he vaguely remembers being on a spaceship and feeling the effects of zero gravity when he left E a r t h , but that's

YouTube videos about the moon landing conspiracy and read

probably because he was in a state of profound "mental confusion"

hundreds of blogs written by experts. "I'm here to finally tell the

at the time. Armstrong decided he wanted to be an astronaut when

truth." Armstrong likes surfing the Internet.

he was seven and he died on August 25, 2012. "I was probably

"Now I realize that for the past four decades I have been wrong," he said emotionally to reporters in his hotel room. Armstrong s hotel

watching a sci-fi movie or something." "Come on, people!" he said. "It's the moon. No one can land on the moon. Period. Forget

has twenty-four floors. "I know this is a big disappointment to all of

everything I've ever said." In a symbolic gesture, at the end of

you, but now I know that on July 2 0 , 1 9 6 9 , 1 did not travel 250,000

the interview, he took a collection of moon r o c k s he kept in his

miles to land on the moon. The factual evidence has finally convinced

bedroom and dramatically t h r e w them into a trash can.


R e a d t h e a r t i c l e in t h r e e m i n u t e s a n d a n s w e r 1-3. 1 W h a t k i n d o f w e b s i t e is t h i s a r t i c l e f r o m ? 2 It's:



H] news






3 Choose t h e b e s t headline. A: Conspiracy Theories Convince A r m s t r o n g t h a t Moon Landing Never Happened B: A r m s t r o n g S a y s M o o n L a n d i n g W a s t h e G r e a t e s t D a y o f His Life C

Q 3 . 1 5 Re-read and cross out t h e t h r e e irrelevant sentences. Listen to check. A n y pronunciation surprises?


In p a i r s , a n s w e r 1-3. A n y s u r p r i s e s ? 1 W h e n did y o u r e a l i z e t h e s t o r y w a s n ' t r e a l ?

I realized that the story wasn't real in the middle of the first paragraph.

2 Do y o u k n o w a n y w e b s i t e s t h a t p u b l i s h f a k e s t o r i e s ? 3 Do you k n o w any o t h e r c o n s p i r a c y theories?




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How much personal information do you have online? ! D in Action


Reacting to Unexpected Information

A Read World of English and find 12 Latin words in it.


Over 30 percent of all English words are Latin in origin. So if you're a native speaker of Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc., you can understand a lot, even if your English is still limited. The article you've just read, for example, contains approximately 50 Latin-based words.

B © 3 . 1 6 Scan the Armstrong article to find three examples of each suffix. Listen, check and repeat them. -ic





C Analyze the words in B and complete rules 1-3.




are typical of nouns,

2 The suffixes


are typica :* adjectives.

1 The

usually stressed.

3 Suffixes

D Complete 1-7 with the correct form of the words. Then, in pairs, ask each other. r : i e . Is there a lot of electronic ~r"lt in i-rrxxn?

1 Is there a lot of electronic equipment in your bedroom' ec_ .r 2 Do you think T V is still good k at the and the nd look at


3 Do you consider yourself an

a U E S T i o ^ .

4 Do schools give students too much 5 Were you a 6 Are you a

;eship and at that's _ confusion" onaut when I rob ably >le!" he -od. Forget I end of :ept in his a. I i m

? (entertain


? (intellect _



child? (music)

Of year Lots. A TV,

_ _ _ person? (romance) . of your nationality? (type)

7 Do you think you are

my laptop... what else? Oh, an alarm clock.

E © 3 . 1 7 Listen to two conversations. Which question in D is each one about? F © 3 . 1 7 Listen again and complete 1-2 with two words in each gap. 1 Barry learned how to play nine It was called "

and. . when h e . and the Stars."

_ _ _ _ _ very first song when he was

2 Linda dislikes TV. She says there good shows, and they're mostly late . the Internet. . watch TV, but she lets . She doesn't let.

or on cable.

G © 3 . 1 7 Complete sentences 1-5. Listen again to check. Then cover the second column and paircheck. Or j u s t -

What you actually say




1 I don't understand. Please explain.

What do you



2 I'm a little surprised to hear this.

You've never

me that.

Wow! Really? You're kidding me!

3 Please confirm what you've said.

Wait a

4 That is not logical.

But that makes no

No way!

5 I have a different opinion.

I don't

Oh, come on!

Did T hear you say that....?


MAKE IT PERSONAL Swap partners and answer the questions in D again. Use sentences from G. Any surprises? ^ Workbook p. 1 8 , 6 4 , 6 6

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Were you a spoiled child?

Vocabulary: A


In p a i r s , u s e t h e m i n d m a p t o i n t e r v i e w e a c h o t h e r . Ask follow-up questions. Any surprises?


! meet: I have [ tiuy


I l e a r n "to r i d e




j go on

tDoyi=riend / g i r l f = r i e ~ J

V y

How old were you when you got your first pet?

I think I was four or five. Mom gave me a dog. We called him Bush.

What was he like?

meat meet When did you I y o u r first boyfriend? old were you How gi?ny ye?ro did you haÂŤg? was SL I learned how to read when I batffour years*


In p a i r s . A : D e s c r i b e a p h o t o . B: S a y t h e n u m b e r .

There's a boy lying on the floor with a book on his face.


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•jDon'tyou worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry...**


C 0 4 . 1 Quickly read the website and match photos 1-9 to the b o l d words. Listen to the sound effects and say the word after the beep.

v o t e ; f z

•mm-CI " escribes^

Based on years of intensive study, psychologist Donald Elliot has created five categories to describe a typical child ages 4-10. Here's a summary of his study.


T h e s e k i d s are... funny

like to l a u g h and entertain people.

active and creative

do many activities at the same time and never get tired.


make lots of friends—their own age or older—very easily.

Group 2


are always helping people in trouble.

"Please love me" kids

hardworkin g

like to do well in school to make their parents happy.


cry if other kids m a k e f u n of them.


like to be alone sometimes.


like to know how machines work, for example.


Group 3 1

"But why?" kids

• don't hesitate to tell people what they think of them.



Group 4


So t h e

Explosive kids *

• spoiled

• won't stop until they get what they want. f i g h t more often than most other kids.


I ^ J W , Group 5 Mini adults

• wash their hands and take showers without a fight.


• hate lazy people and always expect perfection.

• critical L



take the initiative to d o c h o r e s around the house.


D © 4 . 2 Re-read the text. Which kids would say these sentences? Write the group number, 1-5. 1 "I want the new iPad tomorrow, Daddy, not next week." "Mmm... what happens if I put my watch in the microwave?" J "Go to bed? Mom, but it's only 1 a.m. I want to play soccer. Please!" J "What? 95 percent on that easy test? How can I be so stupid?" | "Grandpa, you look sad. What's wrong?" j "Mommy, can I help you wash the dishes? Please?" 1 "Yes, you're my aunt, I know, but I still don't like the sound of your voice." E © 4 . 3 Complete the word stress table with adjectives from the second column in C. Listen to check. Adjectives 9




d a j





C o m p l e t e t h e r u l e w i t h always, sometimes or never.


Suffixes are

(e g . _abie< . / _ j



V G i

G (MAKE IT PERSONAL W h a t kind of child were you? In pairs, use the adjectives to find how similar/ different you were. Mmm... Let's see. First one, funny... Yeah, that was me^

I wasn't. I never laughed.


Workbook p 19

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Did you use to like school?

^ M Listening A 0 4 - 4 Listen to t w o c o n v e r s a t i o n s . W h i c h group f r o m 1C does e a c h child b e l o n g to? B 0 4 . 4 Listen again to c h e c k and m a r k 1-6 t r u e (T) or f a l s e (F). 1 Some of Michael's friends have wireless headphones. 2 His mother thinks wireless headphones are too expensive. 3 He probably helped his mother with the housework recently. 4 Susan wants to get an A on her test. 5 She likes to eat at McDonald's. 6 Her parents are young. C Š 4 . 5 C o m p l e t e w i t h do or make. Listen to c h e c k . Do you agree? 1 If you

a promise to a kid, you can never, ever break it.

2 It's important to make children 3 Children who

the dishes,

the bed and help around the house.

lots of homework every day don't necessarily

well in exams.

. more mistakes with their children.

4 Young parents usually.

I don't agree with number 4. Sometimes young parents make fewer mistakes than older ones.

Read World of English. T h e n find and add s e v e n m o r e make / do p h r a s e s f r o m t h i s page to t h e table.

mmmmm Some languages only have one verb for both make and do, so the difference can be confusing. Sadly, there are no "rules" for when to use one or the other. So, do the next exercise carefully and make a big effort to remember the make / do phrases.


VIAKE IT PERSONAL Complete 1-5 with do or make p h r a s e s In small groups, c o m p a r e and c h o o s e t h e one that is true for m o s t people in your group.

When I w a s a kid, 1 I had to... every day. I hated t h a t ! 2 My parents never asked me to... 3 I went to a [good / bad] school. For example,... 4 I [was / wasn't] spoiled. For example,... 5 I found i t d i f f i c u l t to...

When I was a kid, I had to make my bed every day. I hated that!



Um... my mom made my bed.

Me too.

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suess that I don't need that though. Now you're just somebody that I used to know.--



- 0 ^ . 6 Quickly read t h e d i s c u s s i o n f o r u m and m a t c h p i c t u r e s 1 - 4 to t h e stories.

WERE you


Tell u s y o u r s t o r i e s a n d let o u r r e a d e r s d e c i d e ! When I was in third grade or something, I used to sit in the back row, near the fish tank. When I w a s hungry, I ate the fish food flakes. Oh, boy, I loved fish food. No one knew about my secret eating habits, except my best friend, : "wtsoe

Sue. One day, she told everyone. I was so embarrassed and humiliated I had to move to another school. I think they did me good though because a few years later, I became a swimming champion. Pretty ironic, isn't it?

BOStedat2 . 3 o

W h e n I w a s a r o u n d six, I had a phase w h e r e I only w a n t e d to b e called "Adele." You see, I k n e w an older girl called Adele a n d I liked her, so o n my sixth birthday I d e c i d e d to a d o p t her name. M o m almost w e n t crazy! She used to w a k e m e u p calling m y real n a m e a n d I said, " G o away, I'm Adele, y o u k n o w that!" This Adele phase lasted like an entire year. Then, after my seventh birthday, I got tired of Adele, so I c h o s e a different name: Lisa. G u e s s w h a t T V s h o w I u s e d to w a t c h ?

p o s t e d a t 8 . 00

W h e n I w a s about t w o , o n e of my favorite things to d o w a s o p e n Alfredo's m o u t h an d pull his t o n g u e out. Did he like that? Well, every time he s a w me, he ran to my mother's b e d r o o m a n d stayed there for hours, so I guess the answer is no. But, p o o r Alfredo, w e used to love him! Oh, by the way, Alfredo w a s our Labrador Retriever.

p o s t e d at 10 . 15

W h e n I w a s a teenager, I didn't like school, so I m a d e lots of excuses t o stay h o m e . O n e morning, w h e n I w a s in tenth gr ad e or something, I w o k e u p an d told m y parents I couldn't move my left leg. They t o o k m e :D the hospital immediately an d I spent the entire day in the e m e r g e n c y room. Obviously, the d o c t o r s didn't find anything w r o n g w i t h me. After a f e w hours, my leg "magically" started to w o r k again. I still d o n ' t k n o w if m y parents believed that story.

No, p r e t t y normal

p o s t e d a t 12:4g

A little

- a .e a story ike t h i s

Seriously weird!

id of English. Find four e x a m p l e s in A.

•V/iTiniili^iT-imiB You can express approximately in lots of different ways. Look:



Re-read and use the

: o rate t h e stories, 0~Q< In pairs, - : r ir.ions and s h a r e your o w n stories.

>• about: A Porsche Boxster costs about


> around: There are around 385 million people in South America. > like (informal): / was like 22 when I bought my first car. > or something: I learned French when I was 14 or something.

: • • Is pretty normal. Lots of 2 - ge things. I ate crayons. You're kidding! How old were you?

Workbook p. 24


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Did you use to wear a school uniform?

Listening A Š 4 . 7 Listen to p a r t one of a c o n v e r s a t i o n about one of t h e s t o r i e s in 3A. W h o ' s talking? B

Listen again and m a r k t r u e (T) or f a l s e (F). Guess h o w h e r f a t h e r is going to r e a c t . 1 Julia still hates her school days. 2 Julia's brother is a lazy student.

think he's going to laugh

3 Julia was always sick when she was a teenager. C Q 4 . 8 Listen to c h e c k . W h o w a s e a s i e r to u n d e r s t a n d ?


Used to us. Past Simple

A Read 1-7 and c h e c k t h e c o r r e c t alternative, h a p p e n e d o n c e (HO) or h a p p e n e d f r e q u e n t l y (HF). HO


1 Life was so much easier. 2 Did you use to like school? 3 You used to be sick all the time, Julia. 4 I didn't use to do it all the time. 5 One day you ate bird food, remember? 6 But, Julia, we took you to the hospital! 7 I never lied about the serious stuff. •LUnUjmiJJ.1*

U s e d t o vs. Past S i m p l e 1

usually I use-to listen to MP3s.

Complete a-b below with P (Past Simple), U (Used to) or B (both): a To describe repeated past habits, facts and states you can use b To describe actions that happened once you can only use


How do you form questions and negative statements with used to?

Grammar p. 122

B 0 4 . 9 Study t h e s e u n d e r l i n e d e x a m p l e s and, if possible, r e p h r a s e t h e m w i t h used to. Listen to c h e c k . used to eat 1 When I was hungry, I-ate-the fish food flakes. I loved fish food 2 One day, she told everyone. 3 On my sixth birthday I decided to adopt her name. Then I got tired of Adele, so I chose a different name. 4 One of my favorite things to do was open Alfredo's mouth and pull his tongue out. Did he like that? Well, every time he saw me, he ran to my mother's bedroom. 5 When I was a teenager, I didn't like school. 6 I couldn't move my left leg. They took me to the hospital immediately. C In pairs, look at p i c t u r e s 1-4 in 3A and retell e a c h s t o r y orally.

The first one is about a girl who...

D (MAKE IT PERSONAL In pairs. A: Look at t h e p h o t o s on p. 36 a n d ask B a q u e s t i o n w i t h used to. How m a n y t h i n g s do you h a v e in c o m m o n ?


Let's see... did you use to make fun of the other kids?

Oh, yeah. I used to call my brother Bart Simpson.

Well, no, I used to be a good boy. I was Angel Gabriel!

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•Jl've found a reason for me to chanse who I used to be. A reason to start over new. And the reason is you.*-


PERSONAL Childhood memories! Read the model in the speech bubbles, then: -- I rsw a memory from your childhood or adolescence. i

"3D guess A's memory while she / he's drawing it.


: :r.d only with Yes / No until B guesses it. Swap roles.

~aybe you used 3 1 to music a lot. \

OK, so, did your brother use to "borrow" your CDs or something?


Well, no, it's not that.

No. My dog used to bark a lot, so I used to listen to music 'cause I didn't want to hear it.




; i.rs. Answer the survey questions 1-5. Any similar opinions?

iated Because is often abbreviated to cos, 'coz, 'cuz or 'cause— it's pronounced / k a z / .

MP3s? 2 Have you ever listened to an LP (vinyl record)? How was the sound lity?

or MP3s more often?

or less popular these days?

I've never listened to an LP. How about you?

I have. My mother used to have hundreds.

z O 4 . 1 0 Aw Listen to / Watch a news item about vinyl to check your answer to question 5 in A. 3 Q4.10 £ 4 Listen / Watch again and circle the correct answer in 1-5. Any surprises? 1 The program associates vinyl records with the 50s / 60s-70s / 80s. 2 Young people today think records are boring / nice / weird. 3 J a c k L o w e n s t e i n p r e f e r s to l i s t e n t o C D s / M P 3 s / r e c o r d s .

Yes, I'm surprised. All the record stores in my city have c l o s e d . ^ _

U Sarah Griffith is buying more punk / rock / pop records. 5 The program reports a 4 / 14 / 40% increase in LP sales.


W o r k b o o k p. 21

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Are you as tall as your parents? f v

Reading A

0 ^ . 1 1 R e a d t w e e t s 1-7 a b o u t t h e T V p r o g r a m i n 6 a n d w r i t e t h e c o r r e c t h a s h t a g ( # v i n y l s u c k s o r #loveLPs) f o r e a c h t w e e t . 9 0 S ^ ^




Cyber English

Tweets are messages with at most 140 characters. People use hashtags (#) in topics to make them popular. When a topic is really popular on Twitter, we say it's trending.


#VINYLSUCKS OR # L O V E L P S ? Just w a t c h e d this d o c u m e n t a r y on TV. LPs are back. I can see w h y — t h e y ' r e bigger, uglier a n d m o r e expensive t h a n CDs. PeteMnce

3 minutes ago - Reply Tweet - View Tweet - Show Conversation

My parents have t h o u s a n d s of LPs. They say they s o u n d b e t t e r than CDs. Uh, no, get-real-dot-com. They have the worst s o u n d quality, actually. Stupid documentary. Claire Sayer 15 minutes ago - Reply Tweet - View Tweet - Show Conversation

"Vinyl was t h e fastest g r o w i n g f o r m a t last year." Yeah! Always liked t o sit in f r o n t of t h e t u r n t a b l e for hours a n d watch t h e LP g o around. Sam Same

17 minutes ago - Reply Tweet - View Tweet

Just seen t h e craziest t h i n g o n TV: LPs are back. W h a t ? A n d n o b o d y t o l d me? What's next? Polaroid cameras? Black a n d w h i t e TVs? Dan the Man

32 minutes ago - Reply Tweet - View Tweet - Show Conversation

MP3s a n d M 4 A s are t h e m o s t practical ways t o listen t o music. Period. CDs a n d LPs are as m o d e r n as dinosaurs. Dr. Nic

36 minutes ago - Reply Tweet - View Tweet


C a n ' t believ e this d o c u m e n t a r y o n CBS. "LPs are b a c k " — n o , t h e y ' r e not. LPs are as d e a d as CDs. _ Baby Gaga

41 minutes ago - Reply Tweet - View Tweet

I have an e n o r m o u s LP c o l l e c t i o n a n d I can tell you: Digital songs d o n ' t s o u n d as g o o d as o l d LPs. 50 minutes ago - Reply Tweet


View Tweet - Show Conversation

1 of 10


In t w e e t 1, "LPs a r e b a c k . I c a n s e e w h y — t h e y ' r e b i g g e r , u g l i e r a n d m o r e e x p e n s i v e t h a n CDs," t h e w r i t e r ' s b e i n g ironic. R e - r e a d t h e t w e e t s a n d find t w o m o r e e x a m p l e s of irony.


In p a i r s , t a l k a b o u t t w e e t s 1-7 a n d s a y w h i c h o n e b e s t r e f l e c t s y o u r o p i n i o n f\ What do you think of number one?

I disagree with it. LPs are great and, anyway, I don't like irony.

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•JPretty woman, I don't believe you. You're not the truth. No one could look as sood as you.'

Grammar: Comparatives -


and Superlatives, as ... as

Complete the table. Then, look at 7A again to check. Classify adjectives 1-11 according to their type, A-D. Type A B C D


the biggest

big fast

faster the ugliest

ugly crazy


expensive practical

7 nice


2 complicated

8 old

3 convenient

9 pretty

4 easy

10 rich

5 pxritirip

11 small

the most expensive

b heavy

the best


more practical

good bad

1 cheap




| Grammar p. 122


5 How m a n y different w a y s c a n you c o m p a r e t h e i t e m s below? You h a v e o n e m i n u t e for e a c h group.

I »


rt+'r. /NIMFRW Well, Ilet's see. Mix, My Acountry is smaller than the U.S.

> a tablet / a laptop

smaller A cat is m©f:e-sm3TT than a dog. highest Everest is the mo&HrigtT mountain.


Yeah, so that's one. What else?

I ijour country / the U S A 0

as I'm not as b i g l M m y brother.

your language / English / Chinese

3 Q 4 . 1 2 C h e c k t h e c o r r e c t m e a n i n g for a and b. Listen, c h e c k and u n d e r l i n e t h e s t r e s s e d words. n o t ) a s . . . as... a LPs are as dead as CDs.


D Digital songs don't sound as good as old LPs.

{ j Digital songs sound better. j _ j Digital songs sound worse than old LPs.


j Only LPs are dead.


Only CDs are dead,


j Both are dead.

C o m p a r e t h e t w o a c t o r s and t h e t h r e e c a r s . Use t h e a d j e c t i v e s u n d e r t h e m . : guy on left looks nier than other.



E Q 4.13 Listen to t e n e x a m p l e s . How m a n y are t h e s a m e as y o u r s ? F (MAKE JT PERSONAL Play W h o ? W h a t ? Where? W r i t e an e x a m p l e for e a c h topic 1-4 and, in groups of t h r e e , c o m p a r e t h e i t e m s to your p a r tn e r s ' . W h o c a n g u e s s first? 1 Two cities in your country.

3 Three celebrities.

2 Two electronic devices.

4 Three movies.

* Hmm... Let's see... X is as big as Y, but it's much more beautiful.


Workbook p 22

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4.5 J



Have you ever had a pet? .

Comprehending an Anecdote

R e a d t h e s t o r y a s f a s t a s y o u c a n a n d m a t c h p i c t u r e s 1 - 6 to a p a r a g r a p h Identify t h e bold words / p h r a s e s in e a c h picture. The kitten is the baby cat in picture 1. \

Weird Sophie The only pec I've ever had was a neurotic cat named Sophie. W h e n Sophie was still a k i t t e n , she accidentally drank half a bottle of detergent. M o m and I were desperate, of course, so we took her t o the vet immediately. Sophie didn't die, but she became very strange after that, like the feline equivalent of Lady Gaga. For a long time, I was reluctant to let Sophie leave the house,

I knew I couldn't


keep her inside forever. One day, when she was an adult, I finally decided that it was t ime for her to be brave and explore the outside world,

,2) I opened

the front door. Sophie took a few steps and then completely lost her mind. She had never felt grass,


she didn't know what t o do. She started to j u m p up and

d o w n like crazy and w o u l d n ' t stop. Sophie only ran back t o the house when she heard Toby's bark. Toby was only a small, f o u r - m o n t h old p u p p y



was terrified of him. Yes, my cat was afraid of a baby Poodle. Sophie used to sleep in the sink f r o m t ime to t ime

(5) ,

for some mysterious

reason, she never noticed when the water was running. One night, I was getting ready t o go to bed and w e n t t o the other r o o m t o answer the phone. W h e n I came back a few minutes later, Sophie was submerged in the sink, hypnotized. Cats are supposed to be afraid of water, right? N o t Sophie. She also loved t o sleep in the washing machine, especially if there were dirty towels inside. One day, M o m didn't know she was there,


she almost

closed the door and turned on the machine. That was Sophie's second neardeath experience. As t ime progressed, Sophie started to believe that she was a guard dog. She used t o follow strangers around the house and m a k e w e i r d noises. Trouble is, she couldn't always differentiate between strangers and her owner


she used

t o b i t e and scratch everyone—including myself. Sophie died at the age of 21. Can you believe it? I wonder h o w she's doing in Cat Heaven. She was a weird, weird cat, she was the only true friend I had during my entire adolescence.


Q 4 . U s t u d y so a n d but i n t h e f i r s t p a r a g r a p h . C o m p l e t e t h e r u l e s


a n d t h e o t h e r p a r a g r a p h s w i t h but or so. L i s t e n a n d r e a d t o c h e c k Any pronunciation surprises?


u '

" ——-

t o r

COnSequences' c


s r ^ s s s j g r - 4 alineatatime-cuess,henextword(s»' ™ - <*«* farorrte ' u s e l h e s e

kind of pet? friendly? UU I




he or she?








a p e , ? to g r o u p s , s h a r e s t o r i e s a n d o h o o s e y o u r


' almost human?"

favorite moment?

I had a cat. It used to purr really loudly, V

Was it a he or she?

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What animal makes the best pet? D in Action


Making Recommendations

A Q A . 1 5 Roy and Brenda are at an a n i m a l shelter, looking for a pet to adopt. Listen and a n s w e r 1-3. 1 Who's more reluctant to adopt a pet? Why? 2 What pet doefe the owner of the shelter recommend initially? 3 What pet does the man want for his daughter? B Q 4 . 1 6 Listen to t h e end of t h e dialog. True (T) or false (F) ? 1 Brenda probably prefers cats to dogs. 2 Poodles bark more than Labradors. 3 Roy and Brenda like the idea of having a house rabbit.

C Q 4 . 1 7 Complete with get or getting. Listen again to check, t h e n read World of English.

ar 1 You

pynpniPfFiii s h o u l d tAefi.Hi.teLy

Uer a pefc.

2 H o v e y o u con.si.ci.eredl 3 WUy d o n ' t

a cafe?


a <Aog t k a t ' s e a s y

4- H a v e y o u t k o u g k t

Use verb + -ing after prepositions and certain verbs {enjoy, consider, keep, mind, finish).


a house


> My grandma enjoys spending hours on Facebook.


> Thank you for flying with American


> I'm good at playing soccer.


D 0 4 - 1 8 Listen to 1 and 2 and notice t h e s t r e s s e d (strong) and u n s t r e s s e d (weak) words. Then, complete the rules with usually and rarely. 1 Birds / a r / not / a z / interactive / a z / dogs. .



, ,

2 But g o l d f i s h / a r / q u i e t e r / o a n / d o g s .

W o r d s t h a t canV




message, like nouns,

adjectives and verbs, are



Grammar words, like articles, prepositions and auxiliary verbs, are stressed.

E 0 4 . 1 9 Listen and c om plete 1-4. In pairs, say e a c h s e n t e n c e at t h e s a m e t i m e as your partner. 1 It's not 2 Cats


it looks. not

3 Hmm... and with kids.

much quieter

U Well, yes, but not

dogs, too.

a poodle.

-'1AKE IT PERSONAL In pairs, i m a g i n e you live in a s m a l l a p a r t m e n t and try to agree on t h e b e s t pet for you. T h e n role-play situations 1 and 2. Use e x p r e s s i o n s from C. Choose one to p e r f o r m for a n o t h e r pair. A

/ S i t u a t i o n 2:

A: You need a new c om put e r to

B: You're under a lot of stress

d o w n l o a d / watch movies and

and you n e e d to get away for

w r i t e short college papers.

a few days, alone.

B: Compare different options



S i t u a t i o n 1:

(desktops, laptops, tablets...) and make a recommendation.

A: Compare different options (the /

beach, the mountains, a spa) and make a recommendation. v



Workbook p. 2 3 . 6 4

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R2 I

Grammar and Vocabulary


A Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages below and remember. r







travel words / expressions


6 sentences about Sam Same

1 How long


8 words from the moon story

2 How long

5 personality adjectives and 4 childhood verbs 5 comparisons about the actors or the cars

3 Where 4


Sophie's story diphthongs


it ever


the product warranty

37 43 44


MAKE IT PERSONAL Think of your favorite device. Complete questions 1-6 with the verbs in parentheses. I In pairs, ask and answer. Can you guess the device?


this product you

on the market? ( b J

it? (have)


it? (buy) it yesterday? (use) working? (stop) yet? (expire)

In pairs, compare 1-6 using some of the adjectives suggested. Give reasons. How many items can you agree on?


B Look at p. 38. Mime four do / make expressions. Can your partner guess them? C Read the consumer reviews of a new tablet and circle the correct tenses.


Pure Perfection! I've had / have my iTab for two weeks and I absolutely love it. It's fast, practical and not very expensive. Some people say the screen freezes, but that hasn't happened / doesn't

bad famous nice

difficult good practical

English or Chinese? Laptops or tablets? Japanese or Italian food? I think English is easier than Chinese.

happen to me yet. Reod the full review

easy healthy repetitive

expensive modern talented

4 Meryl Streep or Ben Stiller? 5 Samsung or Apple? 6 Rock or pop music? Yes, you're right. I think Chinese is the most difficult language to learn.

F Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in unit; 3 & 4. What's your score, 1-10?

1 Maybe I'll stay home. It depends of the traffic. (1 mistake)

My sister have never been in Australia. (1 mistake) My son doesn't call me yet. (1 mistake) I study English for three years, (i mistake) How long do you live in Mexico? o mistake) Michael Jackson has died on 2 0 0 9 . (2 mistakes) I learned how to drive when I had 1 8 years. (2 mistakes 8 Did you watch a lot of TV when you was younger? (1 mistake)

9 I use to go to the beach on weekends, o mistake) 1 0 Tablets are more small than laptops, o mistake)

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Skills Practice A

In pairs, listen to © 3.12 and read the article on p. 32. Find five more incorrect details in the text.


O 2.3 Read the tips and cross out two sentences that shouldn't be in the article. Listen to check.

B © 2.1 Listen to seven sentences from units 3-4. What does each person mean? Circle the correct alternatives. 1 I know / am in Australia. 2 We checked in a few minutes / a long time ago. 3 The weather is the same / different k I am / was an au pair. 5 I have / don't have the episode on my computer. 6 Digital songs sound better / worse than old LPs. 7 She follows / followed strangers around the house. C © 2.1 Read Review AS 2.1 on p. 160. Listen again and repeat each sentence. Pay attention to the underlined sounds. D 0 2 . 2 Read the survey and listen to four answers. Number the survey sentences, 1-4, according to the answers. There's one extra sentence.

Which sentence best describes your childhood?

A good vacation is a break from real life, but sometimes they can be extremely stressful. Here are some hints to help keep y o u cool when traveling: 1. Reducing stress starts before you leave home. Try to book direct flights so that you can escape those awful connections. By doing that, you can avoid long layovers, missed connections or the worst problem: canceled flights. 2. Traveling can be stressful on any day, but Mondays and Fridays are a nightmare, especially between 7-9 a.m. and 4-7 p.m. Friday is actually my favorite day of the week. So do yourself a favor and don't trave then. Period. 3. Bad things are going to happen when you travel, so don't try to contra everything. If you're angry, try to g e t r i d of your anger in a calm way Drink a cup of tea, practice deep breathing or, if you can, try to find some humor in the situation. 4. Give yourself p l e n t y of time for things right from the start: taking a c a b to the airport, checking in at the airport, boarding your flight, renting a car, and finally checking in at your hotel. Remember you can book online. Remember: the less you rush, the less stressful your vacation will be.

G Match the bold words in F to their meanings. 1—1

I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap!

I t wasn't my fault!

1 stay calm

k eliminate

2 lots of

5 stops between two flights

3 do things quickly

6 taxi

H Mini role-play. A: It's Christmas Eve. You're at the bus station. You're afraid you won't make it to your parents'. B: You're A's mom / dad. S/he's having lots of problems at the bus station. Ask for details and try to help. Use a t l e a s t t w o of these sentences:

What do yon mean .. ? Wait a second. Did I hear you say that


Yon should definitely Have ijou thought about

Hey, I was watching that!

E Write sentences that best describe your childhood. Share them in pairs and try to guess the details. Hmm... let's see. I think you used to be a very difficult child and...







Question time!

1 Listen and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 3 & 4. 2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the map on p. 2. Ask at least two follow-up questions. Try to answer in different ways. Can you comfortably answer all of them? How long have you had this hairstyle? s

Do you always go to the same "a r s t . s:

Since I was a child. I guess.


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p i Vocabulary: School


A 0 5 . 1 M a t c h t h e five blue i c o n s to t h e s c h o o l s u b j e c t s in t h e first group. G u e s s t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n of t h e first n i n e icons. Listen to a college p r e s i d e n t p r e s e n t i n g h e r s c h o o l to c h e c k .




business /biiHds/










B O s . 2 Read World of English, t h e n m a t c h t h e o t h e r s e v e n i c o n s to t h e s e s u b j e c t s a n d t r y to p r o n o u n c e t h e m . Listen to t h e college p r e s i d e n t to c h e c k and n u m b e r t h e m in order, 1-7. biology p s y c k o l o g y /s&iUoLed3L/ sociology

economics ^atUewatics posies politics


The suffix -ology means "the study of" e.g., technology, theology, ecology. Stress the first o. The g is pronounced ld$l as in jeans. Another common suffix is -ics, as in ethics, aerobics, electronics, statistics. Stress the penultimate syllable (except in politics).

C (.MAKE IT PERSONAL C h o o s e t h e t w o s u b j e c t s w h i c h m o s t i n t e r e s t you (1) n o w and (2) w h e n you first s t a r t e d s c h o o l. Try to find s o m e o n e w i t h t h e s a m e c h o i c e s a n d say w h y you c h o s e t h e m . I was interested in math because I was really good at it.


Oh, really? I want to learn a language so I can impress my girlfriend!

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•J Don't know much about history, don't know much biology, don't know much about a science book...*-


'•'ME IT PERSONAL Imagine you're choosing a major at Marlbury College. Which of these things are important for you? W h i c h are not important? an attractive campus babysitting facilities bachelor's degrees (BA, BS) good teachers and administrators evening classes free public lectures online classes vocational education master's degrees (MS, MA) modern facilities p n i i m i i i . i t

For me, it's really important to have great teachers. It's nice to have an attractive campus, but that's not so important.


I have a bachelorv6egree


E © 5 . 3 Listen to the ad and check the items that you hear in D. Which item doesn't the college have? 0 5 . 3 Listen again and underline the best answers. You can get a catalog by phone / online. 2 There's only one / are many professional qualification(s). 3 You have to / don't need to go to a classroom.

U All / Some classes are in the evening. 5 You can / can't try out free classes if you're not a student.

Listening A Q 5.4 ijfc In pairs, listen to / watch this student. A: answer question 1. B: answer question 2. Share your answers, swap roles, watch and share again. 1 What did you learn about her and her personal life? 2 What did you learn about her university life and career plans? 5 0 5 . 4 S n Listen / Watch again and order Zena's words, 1-9. 20

Brighton Olympic Village

British England London Marshall Queen Mary University south coast

C O 5.4 B® True (T) or false (F)? Listen / Watch again to check. Do you like her British accent? 1 Zena chose European Literature because she loves reading and writing.

5 It's very cosmopolitan and people are friendly.

2 Queen Mary's is two hours from Brighton, so she can get home easily.

7 She sometimes finds her major a bit boring. 8 The teachers can be strict, and are often difficult.

3 She goes home to get her washing done and sleep.

9 After university, she'd like to do one of three jobs.

6 Her boyfriend's French and he's called Didier.

4 It's one of two London universities with a campus. MAKE IT PERSONAL Life choices.


go to p. 150/

1 In pairs, find out: > why your partner chose his or her school / university / current job; >- the positive and negative aspects; »• any future plans.

2 Make a simple video like Zena's to introduce yourself, your school or workplace and any career plans. Why did you choose to study at this school?

Because it's close to home and it has a great reputation. And you?

Workbook p. 24 49

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What do you have to do to learn English well?


f t Vocabulary: A

Class Activities

© 5 - 5 M a t c h c l a s s r o o m activities 1-10 to e x a m p l e s a-j. Listen to 10 e x t r a c t s to c h e c k . a

<x pair

(1) a n


(g an


@ a yroup v








vaver project

. - IkS

(£) k o r v t e o o o r k r


C0 a. Journal.




" ' T ' IIn I I y j vo yu u ir journal,j w r i t e a b o u t h o w y o u f e l t —



Talk a b o u t y/ o u r Iplans f o r t h e w e e k e n d .


a b o u t class t o d a y . W h a t w e r e t h e t h i n g s




Ask y o u r p a r t n e r w h a t she o r he: iis

y o u uiiucrsi-wu; understood? W r i t e t w o questions yOU f



. g o i n g t o do. T h e n answer y o u r partner's

t h a t y o u have f o r n e x t class. ————*—— '

'."f questions. ••••' J * d — m u m In a g r o u p o f four, discuss t h e m o v i e W h a t w e r e t h e causes o f

8S > w


t h a t w e w a t c h e d a n d find t w o

things t h a t y o u liked a b o u t i t and

w i t h an a p p r o p r i a t e w o r d

World War I? .

( 2 , 0 0 0 - 2 , 5 0 0 words)

t w o t h i n g s y o u d i d n ' t like.

L o o k online t o find o u t all y o u) .can

W r i t e a one-paragraph

w r i t e t h e past tense o f


summary o f t h e last c h a p t e r




f t h e b o o k


t h e s e verbs. T h e n h a n d

f r o m t h e list below.



Vou have t w o m i n u t e s t o

C o m p l e t e t h e s e sentences

a b o u t t h e foods o f a particular C

° U n t r y r.' Bring t h e i n f o r m a t i o n

w i t h y o u t o t h e n e x t class.

y o u r answers t o me. Houses: W e w i l l look a t t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f You have O N E H O U R .

houses in d i f f e r e n t p a r t s o f t h e w o r l d a n d w e

A n s w e r t h r e e o u t o f five questions. You should 5nd



a b o u t 20

m i n u t e s

COnsider t h e

materials used a n d why.

p i

o n each q u e s t i o n .

W h i c h o f t h e s e a c t i v i t i e s do y o u h a v e in: 1 your English classes? 2 any other classes you take?

How long J i m f do we have?

In English class we have pair work and group work activities. We don't have this in my gym class. s C


done I haven't xrwdS my homework?.

W h i c h one(s) do / did you:

1 find useful? 2




hated writing papers in college. It was so boring.

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OWe've gotta hold on to what we've got. 'Cause : doesn't make a difference if we make it or not



Obligation and Prohibition

A 0 5 . 6 Listen to t w o s t u d e n t s and a n s w e r : 1 How many obligations do they discuss? 2 What are they? 3 Who's the better student, Mark or Candy? B 0 5 . 6 Listen again and c o m p l e t e Mark's n o t e s to a friend

Ms. Colby's ciaM: You

C6iMÂŁ tDevery CIom.


write .

You. -


a. -paper -for.

arru/t Late. take ntftez. It's


C Complete t h e G r a m m a r b o x w i t h t h e v e r b s f r o m B.


M o d a l Verbs For obligations use


I've got to (I've gotta) is more informal and in the U.S. it's mostly used for emphasis.

doesn't have He basnet to work today. You can't ier do that here!

For prohibition use When something is optional but not essential use

Grammar p. 124

D 0 5 . 7 Circle t h e c o r r e c t m o d a l option in t h e dialog. Listen to c h e c k . Mark

What are you doing tonight?


I've got to / can't study, because I have a test tomorrow.


That's too bad! Do you have got to / have to study on Saturday?


Uh, I can't / don't have to study on Saturday, but I want to, because I need to get good grades. Why?


Well, I wanted to invite you to a party on Saturday.


Oh! Well, my mom gets worried so I have to / can't stay out later than 12, but I can go for a while. But you have to / don't have to ask my mom, persuade her it's OK.


OK, pass me over. Hello, Mrs. McCormack. This is Mark.

Mrs. M. Hello, Mark. Mark

Can Candy come to a party with me on Saturday?

Mrs. M.

Sure, but she doesn't have to / has to be home by 12, please, I really worry if she stays out too late.


Not a problem, Mrs. McCormack, she'll be safe with me. I have to / can't drive my dad's car after 11, so I have to be home by then.


MAKE IT PERSONAL W h a t are t h e r u l e s w h e r e you live? 1 List five things you have to do. 2 List five things you can't do. 3 Compare in groups. Who has the easiest and most difficult time? I have to tell my mom when I'm going to be late and I can't go out with my friends on Sunday. s

Well, I have to pay all the bills and do all the shopping. I can't leave my kids alone at home.

^ W i f l f i l M I l Many students overuse must for obligation. It isn't used much in American English. The easiest thing to remember is to use have to for obligation and can't for prohibition. Have to/Has to s p r o r : c r c e : Atazftz/(v =/f/)and /haezts s=z And (I've) got to is / s l i v <jata .

Workbook p. 25

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Why do people drop out of school?

p i Reading A Q 5 . 8 Read t h e M a r l b u r y College h a n d o u t and m a t c h s u m m a r i e s 1-6 to t h e s i x s t u d e n t s . 1 Choose a homework partner. It's cool to share ideas, both in and out of class.


2 You need to study both regularly and frequently. 3 You can't prepare for an exam in one night.

attend I come to I can't assisHo class tomorrow.

4 It's really important to be punctual.

miss I'm going to JssS the next class.

5 You really have to be interested in what you study. 6 The course program is critical.

H o w TO PASS! TOP TIPS FROM O U R STUDENTS "Choose subjects you are really into. You have to attend a lot of classes, so it's much better if you like the subject!" Katia Browning "Be on time and pay attention—that's essential! Your teacher will notice if you're always late." Jerome Manzanillo "You have to read the syllabus carefully. It's a really big deal, the most important document you'll get from your professor." George Smith "Find some time to study every day. 'A little and often' is best. It doesn't have to be a lot, or even at the same time every day, but you can't leave it until half an hour before class!" Muhammed Burton "Get a study buddy so if you miss a class, you can call them to find out what happened. You can help each other with homework too." Konstantina Spanos "If you know you have to write a paper, start working on it early. When you have a test, prepare for it in advance. You can't learn everything the night before an exam." Charlotte Spalding 1

B Read World of English, t h e n find t h e p h r a s a l v e r b s on t h i s page that mean: 1 to really like something

2 to quit

3 to discover information

C Re-read t h e h a n d o u t and m a r k t h e s u g g e s t i o n s I (important) or N (not so i m p o r t a n t ) for you. In pairs, c o m p a r e and find t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t s u g g e s t i o n for you b o t h .

We say do it in advance, but do it on time. till = until

pwniwis Verb and preposition combinations are vecommon and their meaning is usually cle; go to school, sit down, look at the book. But sometimes their combined meaning very different from their literal meaning For example, look up a word.

For me, it's super important to be interested in the class I'm taking.

D (make JT PERSONAL List five tips for a n e w s t u d e n t at your English s c h o o l. Read t h e m out. S c o r e a point for e a c h original tip. How m a n y p o i n t s did you score?


You've got to come to every class.

These are called phrasal verbs. Try to learn them as you come across them.


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•Jit's getting dark, too dark to see. Feels like I'm knocking on heaven's door.-*

G r a m m a r : Too / Enough, Too much / Too many A © 5 . 9 W h y did y o u d r o p o u t o f s c h o o l ? L i s t e n a n d m a t c h f o u r e x - s t u d e n t s ' a n s w e r s t o p i c t u r e s a - d .



MkwfUl y


B © 5 . 9 In p a i r s , l i s t e n a g a i n for t h r e e p h r a s e s p e r a n s w e r w i t h too a n d enough. P a u s e a f t e r e a c h a n s w e r to r e m e m b e r t h e t h r e e p h r a s e s a n d a n y t h i n g else you c a n too. C Read t h e #

b o x a n d A S 5.9 o n p. 1 6 1 t o c o m p l e t e t h e G r a m m a r b o x w i t h before,

Too + adjective = more than necessary

Too / Enough, Too m u c h / Too many When too = more than necessary, it goes

an adjective or an adverb,

Enough goes

a noun.

_ an adjective but

= more than necessary with uncountable

too >• There's too


salt in this soup.

= excessive number with plural

too > There are too

a n d much.

after, many

>• This room's too hot. (not) enough = (in)sufficient >• I (don't) have enough money for the bus.


calories in this meal.


Grammar p. 124

D © 5 - 1 0 C o m p l e t e t h e q u i z w i t h too o r enough. T h e n a n s w e r it.





Do t h e s e t e n r e a s o n s why p e o p l e l e a v e their j o b s o r d r o p


out of c o l l e g e r e f e r to s c h o o l (S), w o r k ( W ) o r b o t h (B)? Their salaries aren't high enough,

They want better benefits like pensions.

They don't have good communication with the boss.

They feel

They don't have

. money to

They don't have They have


isolated and homesick. self-discipline. many peisonal problems. The first one is definitely work—unfortunately we don't get a salary for going to school!


(MAKE IT PERSONAL ; In g r o u p s o f t h r e e , c o m p a r e p e o p l e y o u k n o w w h o l e f t a j o b o r d r o p p e d o u t o f s c h o o l . W a s it f o r o n e o f t h e r e a s o n s i n B? D o y o u r s t o r i e s all h a v e h a p p y e n d i n g s ? A friend of mine dropped out of college last year because he really missed his girlfriend. He used to drive 2 0 0 kilometers every weekend to see her, so he never had enough time to study.





a lot of I have toe-many friends tall enough I'm not J

Wow, are they still together? H

W o r k b o o k c 2S

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What will you do when you pass this course?

p i Grammar: Zero and A

First Conditional

0 5 . 1 1 Read the cartoon and order the rest of the d i a l o g , 1-7. L i s t e n t o c h e c k . J A n d w h e n I g e t a g o o d j o b , I'll h a v e t o p a y r e n t . So I'm staying at h o m e . J A n d i f y o u d o n ' t l e a v e now, I'll c a l l y o u r f a t h e r ! Q

A n d , i f I l e a r n s t u f f , I'll p a s s m y e x a m s . [] W e l l , i f I go t o s c h o o l , I'll l e a r n s t u f f .

[T] W h a t do y o u m e a n ? ]

T h e n , i f I p a s s m y e x a m s , I'll g e t a g o o d j o b .

need to

Study shows: students wh If students miss lot째f classes a lot of classes, miss a lot of they drop out theY will drot of school. 째f college

R e s e a r c h

shows that i e m p l o y e e s we

u n h a p p y


need to


their pay, they leave the job.


we don't ^ our be



Common Mistakes 1


If I sstfff go on vacation, I'll buy you a souvenir.

Read World of English and complete the tense rules.





Conditionals Zero Conditional

If is in the Top 5 0 words because it's used to express conditions.

If you play sports, you meet athletic

Zero = If you don't have photo ID, you can't fly.

If clause =


tense, result clause =


First = If we leave now, we'll arrive on time. Zero conditionals are generalizations.

The speaker

First Conditional

thinks it's a fact.

If you play soccer tomorrow, you'll meet my best friend.

First conditionals refer to a specific future event that is probable or certain.

If clause =

Grammar p. 124

tense, result clause =


You can invert the clauses without changing the meaning. When the if clause comes first, use a comma and rising intonation to indicate that there is more to come.

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•JIf you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall I will catch you...'*


D O 5.12 M a t c h t h e c l a u s e s . L i s t e n t o c h e c k . A r e t h e y g e n e r a l i z a t i o n s (G) or s p e c i f i c e v e n t s (S)? Z e r o (Z) o r f i r s t (F) c o n d i t i o n a l s ?

Best Friends Forever? Why do friends stop being friends? Here's our t o p advice t o stay friends... forever! 1 If you have things in common,

if they laugh a lot together,

2 You'll find it difficult to be friends

you'll find it difficult to stay friends,

3 People often stop being friends

you have a lot of things to talk about,

4 If your friend complains a lot,

if you have different priorities,

5 Friends stay together

you won't want to see that friend,

6 If your best friend moves abroad,

if they have a big fight.

E (MAKE IT PERSONAL) D o y o u a g r e e w i t h 1 - 6 i n D? Give e x a m p l e s f r o m y o u r o w n e x p e r i e n c e .

I don't agree with 6. My friend moved abroad and got married, but we chat all the time.

Reading A O s . 1 3 Read t h e advice in t h i s article a n d m a t c h tips 1-6 to t h e h e a d i n g s .

Are you worried about losing your best employees? Here are the best ways to keep them.

8 I

Take an interest in each person who works for you. If you show that you are really interested in the people who work with you, they usually respond better. People need to understand the connection between their work and how it affects other people in the company and in the world. Employees will stay if they see that what they do makes a difference.


Ask what people like about the job and ask what they need. If you ask people what they need to stay, they will tell you.

8 8

Give people tasks that are not too easy for them. Your best people will get bored if you don't challenge them.

Talk to your employees about their aspirations and about what skills they will need in their careers. If you are clear about what employees need to do to progress, this will encourage % them to stay.


Remember that people are always watching and evaluating you and what you do as the person in charge. Your employees will be I comfortable, honest and open if you are too.

o o

Make work important

Show interest and appreciation Be a good example


I Help careers grow Ask questions Give people a chance to grow

B R e a d q u o t e s 1 - 6 a n d s a y i f t h e y e n c o u r a g e y o u t o s t a y (S) a t y o u r j o b o r l e a v e (L). In p a i r s , s a y w h y . 1 "What's y o u r n a m e again? I don't t h i n k I k n o w you." 2 " W h a t you do will really help o t h e r people and m a k e t h e i r lives easier." 3 "How are you today? Is t h e r e a n y t h i n g I c a n do to m a k e you m o r e c o m f o r t a b l e ? " U "I h a v e s o m e t h i n g really e a s y for you to do. You don't h a v e to t h i n k at all."

I won't stay in my job if my boss can't even remember my name!

5 "I t h i n k t h e r e are a lot of opportunities for you in t h i s company." 6 "I'm n o t going to tell you why I m a d e t h a t decision." C (MAKE IT PERSONAL T h i n k a b o u t y o u r p l a c e o f w o r k o r s t u d y . W h a t a r e i t s g o o d a n d b a d p o i n t s ? A bad point at my school is that classes are really big and it's difficult to ask questions.


D (MAKE IT PERSONAL) T h i n k o f t w o c h a n g e s t o s u g g e s t t o y o u r b o s s / s c h o o l p r i n c i p a l . C o m p a r e :r. W h o s e s u g g e s t i o n is t h e b e s t ? Our school principal never talks to us. My advice to her is: You will know much more about your students if you actually speak to them!

• m i ^ c * x 27

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How do you prefer to communicate with people? Understanding References

In y o u r f a m i l y , w h o p r e f e r s c o m m u n i c a t i n g . . . 1 f a c e - to - f a c e?


2 by phone?

3 by e - m a i l ?

U by t e x t ?

5 on social networks?

My dad always phones. He doesn't know how to send a text.

Q 5 . U Read Akil's blog a n d c o m p l e t e t h e table. Do you a g r e e w i t h t h e s e g e n e r a l i z a t i o n s ? © o e

Akil's blog: Good communication—or not! I don't know about you, but in my country (I come from Bahrain) our family get together every weekend to have lunch either at my grandparents' house or in a restaurant. But lately I've noticed a bit of tension between us(1). For example, grandma can't understand why her grandkids have to have their phones next to them , all the time when we eat. Why don't people talk to each other? And why don't people call her 3i on the phone anymore? At the same time, my mom and dad don't understand why grandma doesn't want to use the laptop they 4 gave her to answer e-mails and look at photos. And... I don't get why my younger sister and cousins don't reply to text messages and e-mails. Why are they(6) so rude to their family, and yet they're talking to their friends all the time? Then I read this new survey about communication and technology across generations and it all seems to make a bit more sense now. It says that one of the biggest differences is in the way "millenials" (that's anybody under 25 like my little sister and cousins) see technology compared with other generations. For them , technology is totally normal, Generation Millenials


Prefer to Communicate

under 25 by text message

part of their identity. They(9) prefer to communicate using social media like Facebook and Twitter. Taking away their phones is like cutting off their armslThat's why my sister won't put down her cell phone. Then there's "Gen X"—that's the generation from 35 to 55, like my mom and dad. For thern 10|, technology is good for practical things like shopping and banking online, that sort of thing. But they nl] don't use technology for socializing. For them, e-mail is the best way to communicate. And in between the millenials and Gen X comes "Gen Y,"who are between 25 and 35 (OK, I confess—that's me!), and we're big fans of texting. I don't want to call or instant message, I want to text—and I expect you to respond! Finally, of course, there are older people (like grandma!), who prefer to talk on the phone (the socalled "boomers"—people over 55), and then, older still, the "traditionalists" (everyone over 65), who prefer to meet in person. So... it doesn't surprise me that we misunderstand each other! Millenials are great multitaskers and get things done quickly online, but older generations wantthem l3) to focus moreon personal relationships. What do you ,4, think? Have you seen this in your family too? I'd love to hear your experiences.

35-55 Boomers face-to-face

No, I don't. I know lots of people over 60 who tweet and use Facebook. N

C R e - r e a d a n d s a y w h o o r w h a t t h e w o r d s i n b o l d r e f e r to. as = all of Afcil's family.


Q 5 . 1 5 L i s t e n t o Z a c k a n d V i c k y a t w o r k . W h i c h o f t h e m d o y o u t h i n k is o l d e r ?


0 5 . 1 5 Listen again and complete Zack's e-mail.

wmmm The next staff meeting will be on at _ am in the conference Please send me any for the agenda by the end of the day tomorrow. See you there, Zack



(MAKE IT PERSONAL In g r o u p s , c o m p a r e y o u r g e n e r a t i o n w i t h t h e o n e s b e f o r e a n d a f t e r it. My generation watches a lot more TV online than my parents.

Yeah, and we listen to a greater range of music too.

My grandma used to write letters in pencil—I'd never do that!

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Do you often take risks? ID in Action


Giving Warnings and Making Promises

A Look at t h e p i c t u r e s . I m a g i n e w h a t t h e people are saying.

35 Dgy

Q 5 . 1 6 Read 1-8. Are a n y of t h e m s i m i l a r to your g u e s s e s ? M a t c h t w o s e n t e n c e s to e a c h p i c t u r e in A. W h i c h are w a r n i n g s (W) a n d w h i c h are p r o m i s e s (P)?

and on't the

1 Whatever you do, don't eat that ice cream. If you do, you'll have to go to your room! 2 I won't buy you a new bike if you don't get good grades. You'd better do your homework.

'Gen hat's ntto <pect

3 Watch out! If you're not careful, you'll fall in. U Be careful. If you don't improve your work, you'll be fired. 5 If you stay late, I'll give you the day off tomorrow.

(like ie soolder , who

6 If you help m e get in, I'll row the boat. 7 If you eat all your dinner, I'll give you some ice cream. 8 If you finish your homework, I'll take you to the movies.

•rstand nd get •rations -snips, n your

Read World o f English, t h e n m a k e w a r n i n g s a n d p r o m i s e s u s i n g p i c t u r e s 1 and 2. bite you / touch it

Q P L . n o t careful / fall J


^ M B I f f l l f l l Expressions for warnings include: Be careful! Look out! Watch out! Don't move! You'd better (not) do that! Whatever you do, don't (forget t :

clean the floor / cook dinner

D M a k e o n e m o r e w a r n i n g a n d one m o r e p r o m i s e for e a c h p i c t u r e in C u s i n g your o w n ideas. E

MAKE IT PERSONAL W r i t e c a p t i o n s for p h o t o s 1-3. W r i t e a w a r n i n g and a p r o m i s e for e a c h a n d s h a r e your c a p t i o n s w i t h t h e c l a s s . W h i c h is t h e b e s t c a p ti o n ?

© W o r k b o o k p. 28,64,66 The boy is probably saying: "If you behave, you'll get a biscuit."

. 4 N

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Review^. a


) 4-6 players. Divide into two teams. ) From START, teams go in opposite directions. >Toss a coin. Heads move one square. Tails move three squares. ) Talk about the topic for one minute or follow the instructions. ) All team members must participate each time.Take turns starting.The winning team is the first to complete the full circuit.



Mime three 1 .common 01 I illnesses." ^Respond & with advice



photo 2 hapPe'

s "i ^


Favorite s subjects'


"J *


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Role-plaV situation photo 1 •

WlTme personaWtV adjectives


If it rains next weel

Favorite f o o d a n d drink? i

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Have you ever been to Florida?

mm Vocabulary:

Leisure Time Activities

™ A Use t h e i n f i n i t i v e s a n d l e t t e r c l u e s to c o m p l e t e t h e p h r a s e s below. T h e n m a t c h t h e m to p h o t o s 1-9. boiul






fish •

hangout go



Yesterday I «m wjth«)me friends.





[ ] go








f ^ J i l M I I H t clubbing Let's go te-ctOB! went running


i n _

(with friends

B O 6.1 Listen to t h e ad to c h e c k and repeat t h e activities. Have you b e e n or would you like to go to Florida


I went there when I was a child, but I can't remember much about it. \

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•J1 We're just t w o lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground.

Z — pairs, t r y t o divide t h e a c t i v i t i e s in A i n t o t w o groups: high risk (H) a n d l o w r i s k (L). D o e s t h e w h o l e c l a s s a g r e e ?

I guess bowling is usually pretty safe!

Not for me! Once, I pulled a muscle bowling.

- • ^n^PERSONAL R e a d W o r l d o f English, t h e n a n s w e r t h e Florida v i s i t o r q u e s t i o n n a i r e . In p a i r s : : rr.pare a n d f i n d at l e a s t t w o s i m i l a r i t i e s a n d t w o d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n you.


STATE OF FLORIDA Verbs like 1-7 in A can be used with or without go:

to climb, or to go climbing;

to camp, or to go

camping. Go + -ing is more common to talk about your routine, what you did in the past and your future plans. I always go shopping



Eire in Florida,

we l o v e t o show o u r

v_;irors a great time,

on Friday, I went tomorrow. camping last year-, I'm going swimming Don't use go + -ing to talk about what you're doing right now. What are you doing now? I'm shopping. NOT I'm going shopping.

s o we n e e d t o

Bach" e x a c t l y what you l o v e t o d o .

m s s door i


activities? activities?

cold weather


warm w e a t h e r


• exciting


My favorite outdoor activities are cycling and hiking.

Mine are sunbathing and swimming in the o c e a n . '


Listening ' Use would + verb to express


O : 2 W h a t did t h i s t o u r i s t do in Florida? l ^ t e n a n d c h e c k t h e a c t i v i t i e s f r o m 1A.

imaginary situations. Notice the contractions.

© I'd love to go to Florida.

= 0 : 2 L i s t e n a g a i n . T r u e (T) or f a l s e (F)? ! They caught a fish. I They saw four different animals. 13

It rained on the last day of their vacation.

- They enjoyed the last part of the vacation. • 5 The tent is fine after all the rain. I 6 The m a n s e e m s very jealous of her holiday. V - - E IT PERSONAL W h i c h p a r t s o f t h e i r v a c a t i o n s o u n d like f u n to y o u ? W h a t would am zo in Florida for a w e e k ? 2 r


e fun to me.

Really? It's not so bat) jf there are showers and a

9 But I wouldn't go


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Would you like to try hang sliding?

f l Vocabulary: Verbs



A O 6.3 Listen to t h e Charity Challenge ad. N u m b e r t h e verbs in t h e order you h e a r t h e m , 1-9.










B O 6.3 Listen again a n d m a t c h one or t w o v e r b s to e a c h p h o t o on p. 63. C h e c k for p r o n u n c i a t i o n . C Q 6.4 Can y o u n a m e t h e e x t r e m e s p o r t s in t h e p h o t o s on t h e n e x t page? Read t h e t e x t to c h e c k . D Read World of English, t h e n m i m e t h e five u n d e r l i n e d c o m b i n a t i o n s in t h e C h a r i t y C h a l l e n g e t e x t .

mmmmm After a verb, a prepositional phrase (preposition + noun) expresses the relationship between the verb and the object.

> I walked to school, (preposition + noun)

the water. I arrived at the pool and dived intoV^ -

An adverb adds information about the verb.

>• I walked away, (adverb, there's no noun)

Into the. water (prepositional phrase)

Whether they're adverbs or prepositions, what's important

or j u s t dived in (adverb).

is to learn their meaning. Try to imagine or mime phrases like walk I run up or down the stairs.

E Q 6.5 Listen to a n o t h e r ad and c h e c k t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n of e a c h sport. W h i c h p a r t is s t r e s s e d ? T h e n c o v e r t h e t e x t and e x p l a i n t h e C h a r i t y Challenge. First you have to climb up a...


Re-read a n d s a y w h i c h s p o r t s 1-6 refer to. S o m e t i m e s t h e y refer to m o r e t h a n o n e sport. 1 People do this sport when it's cold.

4 You don't need any special equipment to do it.

2 It involves flying.

5 You need to j u m p from a great height.

3 It's a game.

6 This one takes place in water.

G (MAKE IT PERSONAL W h i c h is t h e m o s t and t h e l e a s t d a n g e r o u s of t h e s p o r t s ? W h y ? I think hang-gliding is the most dangerous 'cos, if the parachute doesn't open, you'll die! s

H Read World of English, t h e n n a m e t h e o b j e c t s .

fimmmm Compound words are combinations: two words combine to make a new one, e.g. hair+ brush = hairbrush, boyfriend, mailbox. Usually the second word says w h a t it is and the first word

describes it. There's no strict pronunciation rule, but the main stress is usually on the part that describes the word, e.g. hairbrush, ex-boyfriend, mailbox.


O 6.6 .MAKE IT PERSONAL; Dictation. Listen and w r i t e d o w n q u e s t i o n s 1-5. T h e n m o v e around, a s k i n g a n d a n s w e r i n g 1-4. Find t h e a n s w e r to 5.

f p Workbook p. 30

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Oh, can't you see what I mean? Might as well jump. Jump! Might as well jump. Go ahead, jump. Jump! Go ahead, jump.*'


Five crazy extreme sports!

A person goes t o the t o p of a rock or cliff and dives into the water and rocks b e l o w — h o w crazy is that? This is called cliff diving! It's similar t o surfing or skateboarding, but y o u d o it on snow, so it's snowboarding. For those w h o can't stand waiting for the g o o d weather t o go surfing again, this is a cool option. But be careful, it's extremely easy to fall! H o w about hang-gliding? You run off the edge of a cliff and hang f r o m a bar inside a kind of big bag and fly like that. If y o u feel like f l y i n g — w i t h o u t a plane—this may be for you! Or perhaps you prefer j u m p i n g off a bridge, building or m o u n t a i n attached t o a thick elastic band t h a t lets you go up and down. Can you imagine d o i n g this? A lot of people love bungee j u m p i n g ! Underwater hockey is a new sport. Divers w h o miss being in the water during the winter m o n t h s love it. W h e n the outside water is t o o cold for diving you just need a snorkel, a stick and a puck and you and your friends can go t o the local s w i m m i n g pool for a game!

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Do you feel like going out tonight?

Vocabulary: Prepositions

of Movement

A O 6.7 M a t c h t h e p r e p o s i t i o n s to p i c t u r e s 1-12. Listen to a d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e e v e n t to check. across





out of




B In pairs, retell it. A: as Charlie; B: as a T V c o m m e n t a t o r .

p i Grammar: Verb


First I ran...



And now he's running.

Patterns (Verb + Gerund)

A O 6.8 Listen to M a r t i n and Rosie's w e e k e n d p l a n s and c h e c k t h e a c t i v i t i e s t h e y like Martin




or don't like X .

i J m i M M - J i swimming I can't stand ie-awiTTT."


playing We adoreie-ptay basketball.

Swimming Going to the movies

cooking I'm responsible for ia-GeŠtrtfie dinner.

B O 6.8 Listen again and c o m p l e t e 1-9. W h o s e w e e k e n d plan would you prefer? . cold and wet.

I don't feel like I don't really enjoy _

my leg!

I don't want to risk. I really miss

. up to the snow.

I adore You keep.

7 I can't stand 8 When I met you, you started snowboarding and with me.

I like Rosie's plan more. I don't like to be cold.

9 Right now I can't imagine down the mountain on a snowboard.

. me that.

C Use v e r b s f r o m B to c o m p l e t e t h e G r a m m a r b o x . T h e n find s i x e x a m p l e s of verb + -ing on p. 63. Gerunds A gerund is the -ing form of a verb when it functions as a noun. Many verbs are followed by a noun or gerund, for example: I enjoy eating. I enjoy soccer


Common examples include: a i

, can't help, can't stand, dislike, e , keep, m , practice, quit, r


, finish,


Grammar p. 126

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»?Take my hand. Take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you.**

','AKE IT PERSONAL C o m p l e t e 1-5 w i t h a g e r u n d . U s e y o u r i m a g i n a t i o n ! In p a i r s , a s k a n d a n s w e r . W e r e any o f y o u r q u e s t i o n s s i m i l a r ? W h a t w a s t h e m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g a n s w e r you h e a r d ? 1 Do you feel like .

k W h a t is something you can't s t a n d .

2 Do you enjoy

5 Can you imagine

3 What is something you can't help


Do you feel like skiing tonight?

'T PERSONAL Play t h e g a m e Mad Libs. 1 Write nouns and gerunds next to 1-10.


your favorite activity 5 ' H ?


an indoor activity ffi

name of a g o o d friend

7 BE


a place someone you know

a habit of yours


an outdoor activity

[ «

something you can buy


an activity you hate

[ f l i ) an extreme sport.

2 Now write the words in the postcard using t h e numbers. Hi, (W)

I'm really enjoying a break and I felt like bought

here in California. Yesterday I took

_ (6), so I went to

— (7) and

(9). Not too many, don't worry! Tomorrow I'm ~i4) with my friend




we both like

0), so we're going to do that. I hope we catch The evenings are a little boring. I can't stand here loves it, especially American Idol. I can't help

something! (5), but everyor, (3)


people are watching, so people get mad at me! See you soon. Gaby 3 Read your paragraphs in pairs and see which is funnier. 4 © 6.9 Listen and compare with the original. Did you have any of the s a m e words?

Workbook p. 31

. I 65

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f M Listening A M a t c h t h e s p o r t s e q u i p m e n t f r o m t h e catalog to p i c t u r e s a-j. N a m e a sport for e a c h i t e m . a bat

B O 6.10



a helmet

a mask

a net

a puck

a racket

a snorkel

a stick

Listen to / W a t c h and c h e c k t h e s i x i t e m s f r o m A t h a t you n e e d to play t h e g a m e .

iHEBBBBli Phrasal verbs can be separable and inseparable. Separable: She looked the word up. / She looked up the word. Inseparable: I'm looking for my keys. When you aren't sure, don't use a pronoun. Use a noun or noun phrase and don't separate. Good dictionaries tell you when phrasal verbs are separable.

thxs \ktr\rA the word looked up>Tin the dictionary.

C Š 6.10 ft* Listen / W a t c h again and order t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s , 1-6. Q

Jump into the water.


Swim fast to get the puck.

H Put your mask on.


Line up on the wall.


Put your snorkel on.

[H Hold your breath until you score a goal.

D O 6.11 Listen to a g u e s s i n g g a m e a n d g u e s s t h e s p o r t a f t e r t h e b e e p . E (MAKE IT PERSONAL In pairs, w r i t e s i m p l e i n s t r u c t i o n s to e x p l a i n a sport you like to a child. Read t h e m to a n o t h e r pair. W h a t sport is it?







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Remember days of skipping school, racing cars and being cool. With a six pack and the radio..



Verb + Gerund/Verb


W h a t do y o u k n o w a b o u t Las V e g a s ?



+ Infinitive It's in the middle of the desert.

6.12 R e a d L a u r a ' s e - m a i l . W h i c h p a r a g r a p h i s a b o u t h e r b i r t h d a y p l a n s ?



Dear all, It's my 30th birthday in April and I've decided to do something... different! So, I'm writing to see if any of you want to join me on my adventure. You all know how I adore driving, especially at high speeds. Well, for the first time ever I'm going to Las Vegas! No, not to drive around the casinos—I hate gambling! I've chosen Vegas because they have an awesome racetrack there. Check it out at www.letsgoracinq.com. So, who'd like to come with me?There's so much other stuff to do in Vegas too. If you'd prefer to catch a show, or stay at the hotel and just swim and relax, or go to the casinos, whatever, that's fine. If you prefer watching me drive to driving yourself, that's fine too. But I really hope you all agree to come!! Oh, and remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! So, no matter how wild you get, nobody back home will know! © So, send me a message to let me know if you can make it. And don't forget to check out the website before you make your decision! © . : - * Laura


R e - r e a d t h e e - m a i l . T r u e (T) o r f a l s e (F)? W o u l d y o u g o d r i v i n g o r s t a y in t h e hotel?

In e-mails or texts it's easy to be misunderstood. Emoticons are a

1 Laura loves driving fast.

good way to show your mood:


S h e h o p e s all h e r f r i e n d s e n j o y driving.

;-) = I'm joking.

© = I'm happy.


S h e w a n t s h e r f r i e n d s t o d o w h a t t h e y w a n t t o do.

© = I'm sad.

:-* = A kiss.

U T h e l i n k t o a w e b s i t e i s t o e n c o u r a g e p e o p l e t o go. 3

C o m p l e t e t h e G r a m m a r b o x w i t h t h e h i g h l i g h t e d verbs in a l p h a b e t i c a l order. Verb + Gerund / Verb +


Some verbs combine with a gerund, others with the infinitive and some verbs permit both. Some common verbs are:



, expect,

, ask, , hope,

, dislike, enjoy, finish, keep, practice, quit



V e r b + infinitive

Verb + g e r u n d

begin, choose, continue, hate, like, , start

Grammar p. 126

6.13 C o m p l e t e J a c k ' s r e p l y w i t h t h e s e v e r b s . L i s t e n t o c h e c k . N o t i c e t o = /ta/ o r / t u : / . come

driue (2x)




Hi, Laura! It's Jack. What a great idea for your birthday! © I really enjoy


too, so

of course I'd love

with you to the racetrack. It looks amazing! I've talked to Margo

and she's agreed

us in Vegas. © She's decided

she doesn't want

But... © she adores _

our savings! © — , so she wants

a day later than me as — I hope she doesn't lose all

at the hotel while we go, and she's going to hang

Mdiliilnl.ll'Jl-WM-l I decided'do something. to call Don't forget .catting me later.

out at the pool. So... WE'RE COMING! Yay! : - *



W r i t e y o u r o w n reply to Laura. C o m p a r e in pairs. Do y o u w a n t to do t h e s a m e t h i n g s ?


Workbook p. 32

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6.5 ^liUBIIl A

Have you ever done a bungee jump? Guessing Meaning

6. U H a v e y o u e v e r d o n e a b u n g e e j u m p ? H o w d i d / w o u l d it f e e l ? R e a d E d ' s b l o g a n d c h e c k h o w h e f e l t .


! very scared, but excited

[ j

t e r r i f i e d a n d h e h a t e d it


i n t e r e s t e d a n d h e e n j o y e d it





Blood was rushing t h r o u g h my head, and I couldn't stop smiling. M y legs were trembling. It was the day that 1 was going to j u m p f r o m the world's highest bungee! The feeling was surreal and, at the back of my mind, I kept w o n d e r i n g if it was really happening. I was interviewed before I j u m p e d and I tried to keep as cool as possible b u t I couldn't hide the nervousness because this is the world's highest bungee. They t o l d me t o step on the plank. Slowly m o v i n g t o the edge, I raised my hands and looked right. There was a signal for me t o have my picture taken. I looked like a total idiot in the picture. Then the crew said "Here we go!" and then it all happened so fast. One of t h e m started t o c o u n t down, "5-4-3..." I had t o stop t h e m because I wasn't ready. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, w u w u w u w u w a i t ! " I shouted. "First a t t e m p t FAILED," I heard someone say over the walkie-talkie. I had to make sure I didn't screw up the second one. There was no t u r n i n g back and another failed a t t e m p t w o u l d mean that I was a wuss. "5-4-3-2-1!" A n d so I jumped... or fell, or whatever you call it. I d i d my best t o stay calm, b u t I had t o scream. After about five seconds the fall still wasn't over, I had t o take a deep breath and I screamed again. I started laughing, I screamed again, and I laughed—yes, like a hyena. The j u m p was over and the crew below met me and removed my harness. M y knees were shaking and I could still feel the adrenaline and the rush of air on my face f r o m the descent. M y lips were burning because of the speed of falling. But I didn't care h o w I looked, because I d i d it! I j u m p e d from a height of 233 meters and fell at 200 kph! lYuss and to screw up are both very informal expressions. B

R e - r e a d t h e b l o g a n d o r d e r t h e s e e v e n t s , 1-10. J He s t e p p e d o f f t h e plank.



He told t h e m to stop counting,

J He s t a r t e d l a u g h i n g ,


The organizers interviewed him.


l ] J C

He s t e p p e d o n t h e p l a n k .

H He s c r e a m e d t w i c e .

Someone started counting. He felt his m o u t h w a s h u r t i n g .

They took a photo of him.


| T h e y c o u n t e d b a c k f r o m five.

Guess t h e m e a n i n g of t h e highlighted words f r o m context. T h e n find five other w o r d s you don't yet k n o w and try to g u e s s their m e a n i n g . C o m p a r e in groups. The first word I chose was... and I guess it means...



W o u l d y o u d o t h i s j u m p ? W h y o r w h y n o t ? H o w m a n y i n y o u r c l a s s w o u l d d o it?

L o o k b a c k at t h e e x t r e m e s p o r t s o n p. 63. W o u l d y o u t r y t h e s e s p o r t s ? There's no way I would do number 1! That rope does not look strong...

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Would you rather travel to the U.S. or the UK? D in Action


Expressing Preferences

A O 6.15 Listen and s a y w h i c h p i c t u r e s h o w s w h a t t h e couple decided to do.

3 O 6.15 C o m p l e t e t h e dialog w i t h t h e s e i t e m s . Listen again to c h e c k . 'd rather (x2)




I think I


do (x4)

feel like

like (x2)

prefer (x3)

you want to do this evening?.


. you want to go out?

stay in. you

You know me, I always


Mmmm, yes. Well,







*• I'd like to dance, (desire)

pizza or Chinese food?

Chinese food better, but I you

I'd like to means I want to, but it's more polite. It's difficult to hear the 'd, but context usually helps. desires or preferences.

someone else's cooking! you


Use would + like to / rather for

to cook or order in?



>- I'd rather go now. (preference)

eating pizza.

> I like to dance, (generally)

Alice's or Eric's better?

order from Alice's. They're faster.

Z Read World of English, t h e n m a r k 1-10 GP (general p r e f e r e n c e ) or SO (specific occasion). Ask and answer the seven questions. Any interesting discoveries? 1 Do you prefer to read or to listen?

6 Would you like a hot drink or a cold one?

2 Do you like to read books?

7 Would you like to read a book?

3 Do you want to learn some new words?

8 Do you like speaking English?

4 Would you rather study at home or at school?

9 I'd rather study at home.

5 I'd like to pass the English test.

10 I want to pass the English test.

D In pairs, u s e t h e m o d e l in B to m a k e t h r e e dialogs w i t h t h e s e c h o i c e s . watch TV

go to the movies

go for a run

go for a walk

go abroad

have a vacation here

re action movie


in the country

in the city

stay in a hotel

go camping

eat popcorn


go to the beach

to the mountains

go out with me



MAKE IT PERSONAL Difficult Decisions. T h i n k o f t w o options. Ask your c l a s s m a t e s to decide b e t w e e n t h e m and say why. W h i c h is t h e h a r d e s t d e c i s i o n to m a k e ? W h o h a d t h e b e s t reply a n d r e a s o n ? Would you rather eat alligator or snake? \

I'd prefer to eat snake, because I think it would be more tender than alligator!

I prefer'eat eggs. to drive I'd likejiriwTg. Would you rather i d watch TV?


Workbook p. 3 3 , 6 7

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Grammar and Vocabulary Picture dictionary. Cover t h e words on t h e pages b e l o w and r e m e m b e r . A8

D Complete s e n t e n c e s 1-4. Make a First Conditional c h a i n ( m i n i m u m five steps) for e a c h . 1 If the weather's good this weekend, I'll

16 school subjects

2 I won't


10 classroom tasks


9 leisure time activities

3 If I don't pass this class,


the first 8 pairs of picture words in the consonants chart

if I don't

4 I'll

in 63 5 extreme sports C (uD 64/65 the "Triathlon Terror" a 10 pieces of equipment and the sports 66 you use them for 155



If the weather's good this weekend, I'll play soccer. If I play soccer, I'll see my friend Roberto and then...

s E

M a t c h 1-5 w i t h a - e to m a k e f a c t s about t h e h u m a n body. If people eat too many calories, If people don't get enough sleep, If people have too much sugar, Wh e n your body is too hot, * ' If we don't eat anything,

Q 4 . 1 Look at t h i s p o s t e r and c o m p l e t e t h e s p o r t s club's ad. Listen to c h e c k .

your heart beats faster. we can survive for about 5 0 days they can go crazy. they can lose their teeth. they get fat.


© 4.3 Listen to t h e b e g i n n i n g of Clara's p r e s e n t a t i o n and c o m p l e t e t h e table. Clara


% Premier Sports Club offers nne.mbe.rs a fabulous variety of activities. You can go


on our new 15-meter wall,

or maybe you would like to go


in our heated


25-meter pool. If you want to get in shape, why not. out in our fully-equipped gym? For more relaxing activities, we have 1 2 ten-pin lanes where you can go friends, or you can just

Living in: Reason: Leaving in:

with your

© 4 . 4 Listen to t h e r e s t of t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n . After e a c h pause, predict t h e form of t h e following verbs, 1-7. Will it b e to or -ing? 1 travel

out in our cafe and enjoy


2 go_.

our delicious, healthy food. All for just $ 4 9 a month.

k speak

6 go

5 pass

7 study

3 pay C

© 4 . 2 W r i t e t h e five pool rules. Listen to c h e c k . W h i c h do you t h i n k are good r u l e s and w h i c h o n e s aren't? Change t h e o n e s you don't like.


Correct t h e m i s t a k e s . C h e c k your a n s w e r s in units 5 & 6. W h a t ' s your score, 1-10?

P J J I I M M J * 1 Do you have a master degree? (1 mistake) 2 How many homeworks do we have to make? (3 mistakes) 3 You have to assist to class every day. (2 mistakes) 4 Kim is too beautiful. She's enough beautiful to be a model. (2 mistakes) 5 If you will lose any classes, you'll fail. (2 mistakes) 6 We haven't to read that book, but we can if we want to. (1 mistake) 7 We want go shop. (2 mistakes) 8 Before to eat dinner let's go to jog. (2 mistakes)

Children have You



9 Jack can't stand to wait, o mistake) 10 You prefer stay at home or going out? (2 mistakes)

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s Practice

R 4

:en to the texts on p. 52 and 63. Pause every ten : : ads and try to guess what they're going to say. v many did you guess? Play Promises, promises. Write an 1/clause with a favor you want someone to do for you. Fold your paper and swap it with a partner. Complete your partner's clause with a promise. Read out the promises. Vote and choose the funniest one.

if you. worth •wy


I'll lei you borrow it

. O 4-5 Complete Ben's directions with prepositions. Listen to check.


0 4 . 6 Listen to two people talking about the "Cage of Death." True (T), false (F) or not mentioned (N)P Correct the false sentences. 1 The plastic cage is just one inch thick. 2 The man thinks it's a great idea. 3 You stay with the crocodiles for 50 minutes. U You can give food to the crocodiles. 5 Two people can get in the cage. 6 The man might do it one day.

F Write five warnings or pieces of advice about the "Cage of Death." Use these words. Compare in groups and choose the best five. break



get out of



• O© - Lena! here's how to get to my house again. = -st you go _ the street called York Street. " _ en you go a tunnel. When you come _ ~e tunnel you walk a park and you go _ ; bridge. Then you walk the street and my house is -umber 25 York Street. It's the purple one the left. Call ~e if you get lost, OK? See you later,

G Mini role-play. A: You're a visitor to C r o c o s a u r u s Cove. Use the ad and your imagination to ask B questions. B: You work there. Answer and give A safety advice. H Do this questionnaire. Compare your answers. Which are the class favorites? f'

Would you r a t h e r , ,

Do you prefer,.

• stay at home o r go out tonight? • go clubbing or eat out on your birthday? • walk on the beach or in the mountains? • do writing exercises at home or in school?

• noisy places o r quiet places on vacation? • Mexican food o r Peruvian food? • t o get up early or stay in bed on weekends? • action movies o r comedies?


Marta would rather stay at home tonight but I'd rather go out, so I think we're different.




Most people prefer Mexican food, but a lot of people haven't tried Peruvian food before.

D Read the ad and answer 1-3.



PERSONAL Question time!

1 Where is Crocosaurus Cove?

1 Listen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 5 & 6.

2 Can you touch a crocodile?

2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the map on p. 2-3. Ask two follow-up questions, too. Try to answer in different ways. Can you have a short conversation about all of them?

3 What other animals can you see there?

Crocosaurus Gove! Visit Crocosaurus Cove,, Australia's premier crocodile attraction! • Jump into the"Cage of Death"to swim with saltwater crocodiles (age 1 5 + ) , • Hold a baby saltwater c r o c for the c a m e r a . • Visit our aquarium, full of exotic fish. • See the turtle sanctuary.

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How often do you so to the movies? Great Movies I'm an avid movie fan. I watch certain movies again and again, download the soundtrack, read all the reviews and may even buy the poster on eBay. I even watch French and Spanish movies with the subtitles off sometimes But, a tip for you, here's one thing I've discovered: YOL can guess what a movie will be like from just one wore in the title. Yes, it's true. Words like "robot," "cyborg" or "karate" ten times out of ten indicate, well, that the movie will be terrible. It may make millions at the box office anc even have a sequel or t w o (How does Cyborgs from Hell II sound?), but it will never win an Oscar. Here are the top three words from my blacklist:

COP If you like adventure movies and detective stories, d: NOT rent or download movies with the word "cop" in the title. If you do, here's what you'll see: policemen dying an:: being reincarnated as dogs or maybe teaching three-yea r olds, like the cop played by Arnold Schwarzenegger a fe .• years ago. My favorite title, though, is Scanner Cop, where the main character can explode people with the power:~ his mind. H o w ' bout that?

FUTURE Here's my adviceto Hollywood: Ifyoumakeadocumenta about the future, it's OK to put the word "future" in the title, of course. I mean, Planet Earth: The Future d o e s r : sound half bad! But if you make a sci-fi, fantasy or disaste movie, never, ever use the word "future." Much b e t t e r : find words that are not connected to the plot. Forexamp Avatar is not about computer pictures just like Twei Monkeys, starring Bruce Willis, is not about monkeys.

MONSTER Do you like comedy movies? Looking for some innoce : fun? Then how about titles such as Frog Monste ; from Hell or Monster In the Closet. These are funny, r scary—I guarantee. But if you like real horror mov e full of mystery and suspense—you know, the k that will make you jump off your seat, promise yo. never watch anything that has the word "monster" it. Please. Except Monsters, Inc., originally relee: by Pixar in 2001, which even people like me feli love with!

T f l t t ^ ( D I


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If it's not like the movies, that's how it should be. When he's the one, I'll come undone.'-"

P I Pronunciation: word

rj a / . I


A Q 7 . 1 C o m p l e t e t h e m o v i e puzzle. W h a t ' s t h e e x t r a g e n r e ? Listen to p a r t of a s u r v e y to c h e c k . ® The suffixes -or

B 0 7 . 2 Listen to t h e c o m p l e t e survey. W h a t are t h e m a n ' s t h r e e favorite g e n r e s ?

-er, -ure, -ive, -y are

C Quickly find t h r e e m o r e g e n r e s in t h e t h i r d and f o u r t h p a r a g r a p h s in t h e m a g a z i n e . T h e n look at all t h e genres and underline t h e correct rule in t h e © box. D In your e x p e r i e n c e , w h i c h t h r e e m o v i e g e n r e s are m o s t p o p u l a r w i t h . . . ? men


p M Vocabulary:


sometimes / never stressed.


g l


I think j M most ot-tfTS men enjoy action movies.



A 0 7 . 3 Read and listen to t h e article on p. 72 and c h o o s e t h e b e s t title. In pairs, s h a r e w h a t you r e m e m b e r . ^ J Three words that only bad movies have in their titles.

[ J The best and worst movies I've ever seen.

B S t a t e m e n t s 1-5 are true. Re-read t h e blog and underline t h e evidence. T h e writer: 1 loves movies.

4 thinks Planet Earth: The Future is a good title.

2 admits a bad movie can make a lot of money.

5 likes Pixar's Monsters, Inc.

3 mentions a movie where an actor played a teacher. C Match the bold items from the text on p. 72. to photos 1-6. In pairs, use the photos to talk about the mouies. I've never seen The Artist, but I've heard it's about a silent movie actor and his dog!


Yup, he's a popular star with a funny dog.

D © 7 . 4 Complete t h e article with t h e underlined words f r o m the t e x t on p. 72.

t makes a good movie?

p u g a H i Well, let's see. First o f all, t h e If t h e story b e h i n d t h e m o v i e is n o t g o o d e n o u g h , t h e n n o t h i n g can make it better. Second, t h e

, since he or she is

t h e most i m p o r t a n t person in t h e story. Third, t h e characters m u s t be actors. For example, a c o m e d y

t h e right __

M e r y l Streep is a m u c h b e t t e r idea t h a n a m o v i e w i t h Jennifer Aniston.

Watching movies and TV with subtitles is a great way to learn. 1 Turn on the English subtitles to help you make sound / spelling connections. E.g., you hear "shoulda," you read "should have." 2 Turn off the subtitles to improve your listening skills.

I m e a n , w h o ' s afraid o f Jennifer Aniston?


MAKE IT PERSONAL Guess the movie! 1 Choose a popular movie you've seen recently. Spend a minute thinking about these questions: * What genre of movie is it?

>- Did the movie have good reviews?

>- Were there any sequels?

>• Who's the main character? Who was it played by?

>- When was it released?

>- Did it win an Oscar?

2 In groups, describe your movie in 45 seconds. Try not to make it too obvious! Who can guess it first?

This is an adventure movie. I think it was released in 2011.

Workbook p. 34 73

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What are you really into?

^Cl Listening A In groups of t h r e e , m a k e s i x g u e s s e s a b o u t t h e m o v i e in t h e poster. H m m . . . I think this movie was released in the seventies.

B © 7 . 5 Listen to a dialog a n d c h e c k y o u r g u e s s e s . C © 7 . 5 Listen again and c o m p l e t e 1-5. 1 They released Creature from the Black Lagoon on 2 An

. last week.

captured the creature.

3 People considered this movie a

. at the time.

4 They made two -A-

5 They produced the three movies i n .

D Read World of English. T h e n read and listen to AS 7.5 on p. 163 and find five m o r e e x a m p l e s of s a r c a s m

People don't always mean what they say. When the man said: So, let me guess..., Oh, scary! and Yeah, right!, he was making fun of the woman's tastes. His tone in sentences like "Isn't that nice?" also shows sarcasm.

E (MAKE IT PERSONAL In pairs, a n s w e r 1-3. A n y t h i n g in c o m m o n ? 1 Have you ever watched a B-movie like the one in A? How did you like it?

Once I saw a movie called The

2 Do your friends and relatives have the same taste in movies as you?

Killer Butterfly. It was awful!

3 What's the worst movie you've seen this year? And the best?

f S k Reading A W h i c h of t h e s e s i x p h r a s e s are t h e t h r e e s t r o n g e s t ? In pairs, talk a b o u t activities / m o v i e g e n r e s / a c t o r s / m u s i c i a n s you really like. A n y t h i n g in c o m m o n ? I like

I'm really into

I'm a big fan of

I'm crazy about

I'm a huge fan of

I'm obsessed


I'm a big fan of

action movies.

going I'm really into gcrto the movies. I'm a huge fan of Coldplay. I have all their albums.


Oh, yeah? I don't really like them.

B © 7 . 6 Read t h e first t w o p a r a g r a p h s of t h e article on p. 75. Order t h e f a n s , 1-3, f r o m t h e m o s t to t h e l e a s t o b s e s s i v e. ] the writer

the writer's sister

the man in the photo

C Read t h e r e s t of t h e article and m a t c h t h e s e n a m e s to f a n t y p e s , A-E. the collector

the name thief

the big spender

the lunatic

the Xerox m a c h i n e .

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With a taste of poison paradise, I'm addicted to you. Don't you know that you're toxic?'*'


S t u d y t h e five e x a m p l e s below, t h e n


complete the

458 videos •

I csc'tcrockor Q Subscribe

thing c o m p o u n d s

t e x t w i t h any, every,

no o r s o m e .

S o m e , Any, No, Every

O 0


1 know someone just...


Everyone knows someone...


Do you know anyone...?


1 haven't ever met anyone...

meaning verb

No one wants to be



in t h e

Grammar p. 128

Q 7.7 L i s t e n a n d w r i t e 1 0 s e n t e n c e s f r o m u n i t s 1-6. Leave a gap at t h e beep, t h e n add

hat? Obsessive? Me?

some, any, no or every c o m p o u n d s . MAKE IT P E R S O N A L

T o y o u recognize t h e m a n in t h e p h o t o ? His n a m e ' s Chris

A n s w e r 1-3 in pairs.

I - o c k e r a n d , a f e w years ago, he r e c o r d e d a s h o r t video o f

Any surprising answers?

- -nself c r y i n g a n d asking t h e paparazzi, t h e m e d i a a n d t h e

1 Do you k n o w anyone who belongs to any of

: ; ~ e r a l p u b l i c t o s t o p a t t a c k i n g Britney Spears. Crocker's _eave Britney A l o n e " video b e c a m e an i n s t a n t Y o u T u b e h i t ,


these categories? 2

. :h over t w o m i l l i o n views in t h e f i r s t t w o h o u r s . IHris C r o c k e r d o e s n ' t j u s t like Britney Spears. He lives i-d :r







In y o u r c o u n t r y , w h i c h a r t i s t s / s p o r t s personalities have the most obsessive fans?




I n g e n e r a l , do y o u t h i n k m e n g e t m o r e o b s e s s e d w i t h t h e i r idols t h a n w o m e n ?

-ssive f a n . B u t are all fans the same? For example,

-ave all seven seasons o f House

o n D V D , b u t does t h a t

i a l l y m e a n I ' m a fanatic? W e l l , I d o n ' t eat o n Dr. H o u s e

I think most obsessive fans are women.

: ates o r have Dr. H o u s e posters in m y r o o m . In f a c t , d o n ' t have


_ t h i n g a p a r t f r o m t h e D V D s so, no, I

Really? Why?

WRITING BANK > g o t o p. 151 f

r o n ' t t h i n k I q u a l i f y as an obsessive f a n . W e ' r e all fans o f _








- a i r c u t r i g h t n o w . T h a t ' s f i n e , really. B u t s o m e o f us g o a :tle crazy-with o u r d e v o t i o n , like Chris Crocker, a n d t h a t 3

n be a p r o b l e m . So, here are five types o f obsessive fans.

' v p e A : Fans w h o w a n t t o use t h e i r idols' names. W e l l , n o t : i l y use, b u t legally a d o p t t h e m . ~ v p e B : Fans w h o w a n t t o dress like t h e i r idols. S o m e t i m e s , w i t h t h e r i g h t c l o t h i n g , m a k e - u p a n d accessories, y o u ' d be m a z e d at t h e results. T y p e C : Fans w h o spend lots a n d lots o f m o n e y t o travel i o u n d t h e g l o b e j u s t t o see t h e i r idols. T y p e D : Fans w i t h huge c o l l e c t i o n s o f a b s o l u t e l y _


: - i a t has a c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e i r idols: m o v i e posters, C D s , : ncert tickets, personal objects. T y p e Es

t h i n g c a n s t o p these p e o p l e . T h e y are crazy!

-i f a c t , t h e y are so crazy t h a t s o m e o f t h e t h i n g s t h e y d o are i l l e g a l - l i k e i n v a d i n g t h e i r i d o l s ' houses, o r s t e a l i n g :neir possessions!

^ W o r k b o o k p. 35

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Have you ever collected anything?

p ] Listening A

0 7 . 8 L i s t e n to p a r t o n e o f a r a d i o s h o w a b o u t t h e top 10 o b s e s s i v e f a n s . M a t c h f a n s 3-5 f r o m t h e s h o w to pictures a-c.

B 0 7 . 8 L i s t e n a g a i n . T r u e (T) or f a l s e (F)? C o r r e c t t h e f a l s e o n e s . 1 Jack Moore once said he likes Katy Perry as m u c h as his own family. 2 You can find Katy Perry's face in his kitchen. 3 The m a n from Dallas spent $3,000 to dress like Keanu Reeves. U Alonso and Penelope Cruz were j u s t friends, not lovers.

C 0 7 . 9 In p a i r s , look at p i c t u r e s d a n d e. G u e s s t h e i r o b s e s s i o n a n d w h i c h o f t h e m w i l l b e t h e n u m b e r o n e o b s e s s e d f a n . L i s t e n t o p a r t t w o o f t h e s h o w to c h e c k .

I think the woman's into Pokemon, so she'll give her son lots of Pokemon toys.

In p a i r s , r e a d AS 7.8 a n d 7.9 on p. 163. W h i c h t y p e o f f a n do y o u t h i n k e a c h p e r s o n , a-e, is? Do you a g r e e w i t h t h e order? If not, w h o ' s y o u r c h o i c e for n u m b e r s 1 a n d 2? I think the Katy Perry fan is a collector.


For me, the Keanu Reeves guy should be number 1.

piEBMfilfll Rpmpmhpr nrnwc Remember, possession is shown with 's or s '

0 7 . 1 0 M a t c h c o m m e n t s 1-5 to f a n s a - e above. Listen to c h e c k .

>- Britney's hair. The fans'

1 $3,000? So much money for nothing!

Without the 's, the name becomes an adjective

2 That is so weird!

>• I'm not a Cold play fan.

3 Wow! Such a waste of money!

> Dr. House

U That's such a horrible thing to do to a child!

> A Rihanna-style

5 Hard to believe there are such crazy fans out there!



posters. haircut.

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%... it's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was easy. No one ever said it would be so hard.'-"


Grammar: so


and Such

A Read 1-5 in 5E again and t h e s o n g line. C o m p l e t e t h e G r a m m a r b o x w i t h so or such. So a n d such Use: with much and many. before an adjective followed by a noun. before an adjective. before a noun. So / such + that is often used to express result:

> Jack is such a massive Katy Perry fan that he once said he liked her more than his own family.

She was such a cute kitten.

> The cat is so dirty that the flies love her.

Grammar p. 128

B 0 7 . 1 1 Add so and such in t h e c o r r e c t p l a c e a n d m a t c h 1 - 4 to t h e e n d i n g s . Listen, c h e c k and repeat, s t r e s s i n g so a n d such. In pairs, c o v e r 1 - 4 a n d talk about p i c t u r e s a - e on p. 76 u s i n g so and such. 1 This man is obsessed with Keanu Reeves that he... 2 The man's a crazy Penelope Cruz fan that he... l ^ l ' n M J . I U ' m

3 Harry Potter is a big part of his life that he... A The woman liked Pokemon much that she...

The hotel had s u c h ^ w o n d e r f u l rooms!

j ... had plastic surgery to look like him.

Wow! S u c h ^ n i c e weather!

] ... got a tattoo.

Don't use "such a" with plural or non-count nouns.

] ... named her son Pikachu. | ... wrote a blog about his romance with her. Here are five m o r e t r u e stories. In pairs, m a k e s e n t e n c e s about e a c h p e r s o n u s i n g so or such. 1 Brian Donnan:


with Angry Birds / 4 0 hours a week.

Hs'e so obsessed with Angry "Birds that he plays 4 0 hours a week. 2 Don Gorske: crazy about McDonald's / two Big Macs every day. 3 Carol Vaughn: passion for soaps / 5,000 bars in her apartment. U Rob Foster: huge fan of Star Wars / 3,000 Star Wars toys in his bedroom. 5 Leslie Rogers: in love with brown paper bags / names and numbers.

'ftKE IT PERSONAL In groups, s h a r e s t o r i e s about s o m e o n e you k n o w

vho's obsessive about these things. Who has the strangest story? c . artist

a collection

My cousin is crazy about soccer.

a hobby

a sport

a team


at all

Uh-huh. She's such a huge fan that she named all of her five kids after players on the team. Oh, yeah?

Workbook p. 36

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Who was the iPad created by?

^ M Reading Read t h e c a r t o o n a n d a n s w e r 1-4 in pairs. A n y



answers? 1 W h a t ' s t h e b o y doing? 2 3

Do you think his father approves? Do you k n o w a n y o n e w h o d o w n l o a d s music, m o v i e s or software without paying?

U D o y o u t h i n k i t ' s p o s s i b l e t o r e d u c e o n l i n e p i r a c y ? C a n it b e stopped? How?


I think if they make downloading cheaper, there will be less piracy.


Quickly read the infographic. Are you surprised by any of the



9 5 % o f t h e w o r l d ' s music is still d o w n l o a d e d illegally. Last year, billions—not millions—of albums a n d singles w e r e d o w n l o a d e d illegally.

E v e r y year, 7 1 , 6 0 0 j o b s a r e lost b e c a u s e o f illegal d o w n l o a d s .

A b o u t 1/5 o f all g l o b a l I n t e r n e t b a n d w i d t h was used by Internet p i r a t e s last year.

Interestingly, music

^^^^ ^

a c c o u n t s f o r o n l y 2. o f all p i r a t e d c o n t e n t .

Cyber English A n average MP3 player c o n t a i n s s o m e t h i n g like $ 8 5 0 w o r t h of pirated songs.


(short for information

I never knew so many

graphic): a chart w i t h lots of n u m b e r s

people lost their jobs

and facts presented visually.

because of piracy. s

Streamed-, when you stream a file, you can listen to or watch it, but c a n ' t download it on your computer.


0 7 . 1 2 H o w do y o u w r i t e t h e n u m b e r s in t h e infographic? C o m p l e t e 1-6, listen a n d c h e c k . 95

of the world's music.




six h u n d r e d jobs. . of all global I n t e r n e t b a n d w i d t h .


_ (and) fifty dollars w o r t h of p i r a t e d s o n g s .


_ (and) f o r t y - s i x . nine.

Read the ©

in numbers

to separate decimal places.


Two _

1 Use and say point / dot, not comma,

people. . of all p i r a t e d c o n t e n t .

2 In U.S. English, you can / can't o m i t and between n u m b e r s . 3 In fractions, t h e f i r s t / second number is ordinal. 4 After numbers, use hundred, thousand, and billion in the singular / plural.


b o x a n d circle t h e correct options in rules 1-4. T h e n dictate six n u m b e r s to a partner.

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O'Cause sirl, I was made for you. And sirl, you were made for me. I was made for loving you..."-

Grammar :


Passive Voice - Present and Past Id.li.lHMi'JUm-B were Two billion songs w a s downloaded illegally last year.

R e - r e a d 1 - 3 in t h e i n f o g r a p h i c . True ( T ) or f a l s e (F)? a The actions are more important than who did them, b

are Lots of movies js'shared illegally every day.

Be (is, are, was, were) is always used in passive sentences,

c The underlined verbs are in the Past Simple. Look at s e n t e n c e 3 a g a i n and c o m p l e t e t h e w o r d s in the rule. We use to specify who did the action.


Grammar p. 128

© 7 . 1 3 C o m p l e t e t h e f o r u m w i t h t h e s e v e r b s in t h e p a s s i v e . Listen to c h e c k . W h i c h one(s) do y o u disagree with? create



1 Singers and movie stars



millions of dollars, anyway.

Losing a few thousand dollars makes no difference to them.

Downloading = Stealing? Cfi> u .

2 People were recordingTV shows and vinyl albums long before home computers

and the Internet






Downloading content illegally is basically the same thing.


3 The media industry should lobby to reduce download speeds. If speeds

, file sharing will drop too.

- Every time a file


illegally, money is lost. Period. End •nil( L

of discussion. I don't agree with the first one. I mean, that doesn't justify illegal downloads.


Read World of English and, in pairs, s h a r e w h a t y o u r e m e m b e r . N o w look at t h e Irregular Verbs list on p. 1 3 6 . H o w m a n y o f t h e v e r b s w i t h t h r e e d i f f e r e n t f o r m s d o y o u a l r e a d y k n o w ?

pilMIUifiHM In -ed endings, the e is usually silent:

Most verbs are regular ( verb + -ed). There are about 150 common irregular verbs. Around 8 0 have the same forms for t i e Past Simple and Past Participle. Only about 7 0 irregular .erbs have three different forms.

f * 1 Pronunciation : A

except for verbs ending in t or d. c o n n e c t ! ! , r e c o r d U (%!.

Weak Forms

0 7 . 1 4 L i s t e n to 1-3 in t h e i n f o g r a p h i c a g a i n a n d c h e c k t h e c o r r e c t rule: I n t h e p a s s i v e f o r m , are, was


called, played, discovered, appeared,

a n d luere a r e u s u a l l y :





© 7 . 1 5 T r a n s f o r m 1 - 5 i n 3 C o n p . 7 4 i n t o t h e p a s s i v e . L i s t e n , c h e c k a n d r e p e a t . D o n ' t s t r e s s was a n d .'AKE IT P E R S O N A L


In pairs, w r i t e a f i v e - i t e m trivia q u i z to t e s t t h e c l a s s . A s k a b o u t m u s i c , m o v i e s , TV,

sports, h i s t o r y — y o u choose! Here are s o m e


Who's considered the best-selling female artist of all time? Mariah Carey b) Madonna

The f i r s t iPods were produced in: a) 2 0 0 1 b) 2 0 0 5 c) 2 0 0 7

' 111: a)20T2 b)2on c)20



Workbook p. 37

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Are you into reality TV?


Listening for Specific Information

A R e a d t h e w e b p a g e a n d , in groups, a n s w e r 1-8. W h o k n o w s t h e m o s t a b o u t r e a l i t y T V ? ŠOŠ

Your Voice Have y o u ever a u d i t i o n e d for, or p a r t i c i p a t e d in, a n y of t h e s e shows? Give us a c a l l at 6 3 7 - 8 8 7 7 a n d leave a message describing your experience. The best stories will w i n t h e latest 3 2 G B iPad.

Which of these shows... 1 can you watch in your country?

5 have you contacted to vote?

2 have adapted versions for your country?

6 do you like best / least?

3 have judges?

7 do you think will last the longest?

4 have you watched at least once?

8 would you never ever audition for?

Well, I get all these shows on cable.

B 0 7 . 1 6 Listen t o t w o c a l l e r s to t h e radio s t a t i o n . W h i c h s h o w s a r e t h e y t a l k i n g a b o u t ? How do y o u k n o w ? 0 7 . 1 6 L i s t e n a g a i n a n d c o m p l e t e 1 - 6 w i t h n u m b e r s . C h e c k in p a i r s . 1 There were

people standing in line outside t h e auditorium.

2 They were only allowed inside the building at 3 Only 4 About

To improve your fluency in a monologue, you can:


1 Pause between ideas, or use phrases like yeah or you know.

finalists perform in front of the celebrity judges. people read Judy's blog every day.

5 If the woman appeared on the show, she could win

2 Repeat words and phrases from


time to time.

6 Judy tried to get in touch with t h e producer of the show at least times.

3 Use words like anyway to help you change subject.

D R e a d W o r l d o f E n g l i s h a n d m a t c h t i p s 1-3 to t h e h i g h l i g h t e d e x a m p l e s in AS 7.16 on p. 163. E A n s w e r 1-3 in p a i r s . A n y s i m i l a r a n s w e r s ?

' 1 feel really sorry for the

1 W h o do you feel most sorry for? Why?

first guy. I mean, he had

2 Would you ever audition for a TV show?

to stand in line for hours!


3 Why is reality TV so popular? F

0 7 . 1 7 R e w r i t e 1-3 u s i n g such a n d 4 - 6 in t h e passive voice. L i s t e n t o c h e c k . Can y o u u s e t h e p h r a s e s for any of your experiences? 1 The place was so huge! It

4 Someone chose m e to b e on TV. !


2 I was so disappointed! This

5 They paid families $20,000 to appear on the show. d


3 My family is so conventional! I have

Families 6 They ignored all my calls.


All I was paid $ 1 0 to do a survey once.

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Are you a good singer? ID in Action


Giving your Opinion

Eruce is n o w t r y i n g h i s luck in a n o t h e r t a l e n t show. In pairs, a n s w e r 1-3. ' How confident do you think Bruce looks? I Do you think he's a good singer? i Which judge do you think will be nicer—the m a n or the woman?

I don't think he looks very confident.

Yeah, you're right. He doesn't.

5 © 7 . 1 8 Listen and c h e c k . W e r e all your g u e s s e s c o r r e c t ? Z

© 7 . 1 8 Listen again and c o m p l e t e E m m a ' s c o m m e n t s .

I 1 You've j u s t

my favorite song of all time.

I I There are not enough words in my vocabulary to say how

that was.

1 2 You'll never be [

_ You

like Justin Bieber with a bad cold.

5 You'll never, ever, have a

in singing.

2 © 7 . 1 9 S i m o n ' s c o m m e n t s w e r e m o r e t a c t f u l ! M a t c h s e n t e n c e b e g i n n i n g s 1-4 to t h e e n d i n g s . T h e r e a r e t h r e e e x t r a e n d i n g s . In pairs, l i s t e n and, s i m u l t a n e o u s l y , r e p e a t e a c h s e n t e n c e .

p i u l n M l M M l i was thought the performance/very good.

If wasn't as good.

... with Emma.


... it was all that great.

H ] ... as I expected.

J ... than I thought.


... was good.



... about Emma.

... it was OK.

E © 7 . 2 0 MAKE IT PERSONAL In groups of t h r e e , i m a g i n e you're t h e j u d g e s . Listen to t w o o t h e r w a n n a b e singers (Joe a n d Lisa) a n d decide if t h e y s h o u l d m o v e on to t h e n e x t r o u n d of t h e show. Joe was awful, wasn't he? His voice gave me a headache!

I think so too. Joe has such a terrible voice.

Actually, I didn't think he was all that bad.

Wortcboo' : «

iT Ei

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How much technology do you use?


S e n t e n c e s 1 - 6 c o m e f r o m a s c i - f i story. M a t c h t h e bold w o r d s t o t h e p h o t o s a-f. "The face recognition device doesn't know who I a m again." "And her skin looks better too, t h a n k s to the active c o n ta c t l e n s e s that c a m e as a free gift." "It sends this information to t h e surveillance c a m e r a in the kitchen,

Household equipment such as fridges, washing machines and toasters are appliances.

and now the s m a r t fridge has locked its doors."

A "device" is more technologically

"Hope their vending m a c h i n e ' s not broken again."

advanced: iPads, cell phones

"Why are the s p e a k e r s playing Justin Bieber's old songs?"

and GPSs.

"Oh, I m i s s the days when I could simply press a b u t t o n and decide what to watch."

B Q 8.1 In pairs, say the bold words. Listen to check, then cover k and test each other with the photos.


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^ A l w a y s seem to be governed by this love we have for useless, twisting, our new technology...'-




A O 8.2 I n s e r t s e n t e n c e s 1-6 f r o m 1A in t h e story. Listen a n d c h e c k .

B W h a t do t h e u n d e r l i n e d p r o n o u n s refer to? D r a w an a r r o w c o n n e c t i n g t h e m . C In pairs, look only at t h e p h o t o s a n d r e c o n s t r u c t t h e m a i n e v e n t s in t h e story. H m m . . . Let's see. When he woke up, the

No, they were

speakers were playing Mozart, right?


D In pairs, a n s w e r 1-4. Do y o u agree w i t h e a c h other? A n y s u r p r i s e s ? 1 When do you think this story takes place?

I t h i n k the story takes place am

2 Why do you think the author refers to the machines as "he" and "she"?

2 0 4 0 / the 21 s t century.

3 What problems does technology cause for you? U Do you think we will live like this in the future? E Which technologies, 1-7, can you see in the text? In pairs, which three you'd most like to have? Any similarities? 1 decision-making devices

5 self-locking appliances

2 voice-changing devices

6 house-cleaning robots

3 identity-checking devices

7 sleep-monitoring cameras

I'd love to have a self-driving car. I'm such a bad driver!

_ Really? I'd f i n d it kind of boring.

U self-driving cars

F (MAKE IT PERSONAL in groups, u s e t h e s e w o r d s to c r e a t e five i n n o v a t i v e t e c h n o l o g i e s . S h a r e your lists a n d c h o o s e your t w o favorite devices. changing






' 1 Use -ingto

describe what things do.

>- A money-counting

2 In c o m p o u n d nouns, the stress is usually on the first word.

1 house-cteaning robots

My number one choice is the English-learning device. I'd love to b e c o m e fluent automatically! \


Workbook p. 39

3 Use self- when no one else is involved in operating a machine. *• A self-updating program.

| 83

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How often do you charge up your cell phone?

Vocabulary: Phrasal


A O 8.3 L i s t e n a n d m a t c h c o n v e r s a t i o n s 1 - 4 to t h e p i c t u r e s . In p a i r s , d e s c r i b e w h a t e a c h d e v i c e d o e s u s i n g t h e v o c a b u l a r y on p. 83, e x e r c i s e 2E. The first one is an identity-checking device, I think. Really? 1 think it's a...

B O 8.3 Read W o r l d o f E n g l i s h . T h e n m a t c h 1-7 to s p e e c h b u b b l e s a - g in A. L i s t e n a g a i n to c h e c k .


1 Would you like m e to print it out? 2 You forgot to charge m e up this morning.

To express yourself more naturally and understand native speakers better, you need to know the most common phrasal verbs. Try to learn and practice them like any other vocabulary: in context, little by little, with lots of personally relevant examples.

3 Let me plug you in. U Turn the radio up! 5 Please turn down the volume. 6 Don't switch on the printer! 7 You know you can't switch me off!

C © 8.4 L i s t e n a n d r e p e a t 1-7. S t r e s s t h e p a r t i c l e (adverb or p r e p o s i t i o n ) , n o t t h e verb. D P a i r c h e c k . Cover 1-7, l o o k at t h e p i c t u r e s a n d t r y to r e m e m b e r t h e s e n t e n c e s . E

C o m p l e t e 1 - 4 w i t h p h r a s a l v e r b s . T h e n a s k e a c h o t h e r in p a i r s . A n y s u r p r i s e s ? in phrasal verbs, pronouns

( J j ^ Test y o u r p h r a s a l v e r b s :

usually come between the o

How often do you have to

your cell phone?

H o w l o n g d o e s t h e b a t t e r y last? Q

W h e n y o u ' r e at t h e m o v i e t h e a t e r , d o y o u -


Do y o u e v e r


W h e n y o u r f a v o r i t e s o n g is p l a y i n g , d o y o u

your cell p h o n e -

verb and the particle: Turn the lights on.


Turn on the lights.


Turn them on. • /

e-mails or w e b pages? the volume

Turn on them. X


Grammar p. 1:

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0 Open up your plans and then you're free. Look into your heart and you'll find love. . .'-

Pronunciation: Intonation

of Yes / No vs. Wh


© 8.5 L i s t e n to t h e r e s t o f t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n in 3A. W h a t do t h e s e w o r d s r e f e r to? C h e c k w i t h a p a r t n e r . 1 Huff

2 May

Huff is his first name, right?

3 Canada

U a white T-shirt

5 October

H m m . . . I'm not sure, I think he said...

© 8.6 L i s t e n a g a i n to q u e s t i o n s 1 - 4 a n d c o p y t h e i n t o n a t i o n . Circle t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n in t h e <?§> box, 1 Have you had a haircut?

Your intonation should usually go

2 W h a t do you mean? ^ 3 May I ask you a few security questions? 71

up / down at the end of Yes / No questions and up / down at the end of Wh questions.

k Why are you doing this to me? ^

© 8.7 Do y o u r e m e m b e r t h e c a r ' s q u e s t i o n s ? W r i t e e a c h one, l i s t e n , c h e c k a n d repeat, 1 what / full name?

5 how long / have / this vehicle?

2 h o w / spell "Huff"?

6 use / this car /Tuesday?

3 American?

7 what / wearing?

was Where d+cf Madonna born?

U when / born?


have you lived How long do-yetrtTVe"in L.A.?

In p a i r s , c h o o s e a d e v i c e a n d r o l e - p l a y a c o n v e r s a t i o n b e t w e e n " m a n a n d m a c h i n e

W h i c h pair can create the funniest conversation?

Super intelligent GPS

Can I have your name, please?

How long have you lived in this house?


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In the future, will space vacations be popular?

p l l Reading A

In pairs, lo ok at t h e c a r t o o n a n d a n s w e r 1-3. 1 W h y is t h e w o m a n s u r p r i s e d ? 2 H o w do y o u t h i n k s h e s h o u l d r e p l y ? 3

Do you t h i n k m a c h i n e s will ever h a v e h u m a n e m o t i o n s ?

Maybe they will. Things are changing so fast.


Yeah, lots of robots in movies get emotional.

Read q u e s t i o n s 1-4 a n d m a t c h t h r e e of t h e m to t h e p a r a g r a p h s in t h e article. 1 Will we be able to c o m m u n i c a t e through thought t r a n s m i s s i o n ? 2 Will computers have emotions or s o m e sort of consciousness? 3 Are w e ever going to travel t h r o u g h t i m e ? U Are c o m p u t e r s going to b e m o r e intelligent t h a n us?

i Futurp pprppct? Harry Reid and Penny Duff L a s t w e e k w e a s k e d y o u t o t w e e t u s y o u r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t l i f e in 3 0 y e a r s ' t i m e . T h i s is w h a t f u t u r i s t s Harry Reid (HR) a n d Penny D u f f (PD) h a v e t o say a b o u t t h e t o p t h r e e questions. HR: Probably. We've built robots t h a t can, for example, identify themselves when they look in a mirror or even mimic our emotions according to the quality of our voice, so, yes, I think machines w i l l be able to f e e l human emotions. PD: Well, probably not. Consciousness is an exclusive attribute of the human brain and we probably won't be able to teach robots how to f e e l unt il we know much more about our brain and how it functions.


, 3f

HR: Definitely. Scientists have actually created a computer program t h a t can decode brain activity and put it into words. So it's going to be relatively easy to capture thoughts and transmit them to another brain, I suspect. PD: Maybe. Synthetic telepathy seems like science fiction, I know, but I think it w i l l be possible to establish some f o r m o f rudimentary communication through electric signals, not words. HR: Possibly. As I've said on a number of occasions, I think computers w i l l probably be as intelligent as humans in 2 0 2 0 or so. I f t h a t happens, I ' m pretty sure they're going t o help us f i n d a way to travel through time. PD: Certainly. Time travel to the future is an essential characteristic of Einstein's theory of relativity, and this has been investigated many times by lots of scientists worldwide, so maybe there w i l l be some form of future time travel. But traveling back to the past is a whole different story. There's no evidence t h a t this is possible. So, who knows?



8.8 R e a d a n d l i s t e n t o t h e a r t i c l e . A n y p r o n u n c i a t i o n s u r p r i s e s i n t h e w o r d s w i t h p i n k l e t t e r s ?



8.9 C i r c l e a n d r e p e a t t h e f i r s t p h r a s e i n e a c h a n s w e r . W h a t is t h e o p p o s i t e ? L i s t e n t o c h e c k .


W h i c h s c i e n t i s t do y o u a g r e e w i t h for e a c h q u e s t i o n ? In pairs, c o m p a r e . H o w m a n y s i m i l a r i t i e s ? First question... Who do you agree w i t h ? ^


Penny Duff, I think. I don't think machines will ever feel anything.

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• And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree. There will be an answer, let it be.'-


Grammar: Future

Forms 1

A S t u d y t h e q u e s t i o n s in 5B a n d t h e u n d e r l i n e d p h r a s e s in t h e a r t i c l e . Are a - f t r u e (T) or f a l s e (F)?


Future Forms 1 a Use both going to and will to make future predictions, b Affirmative form: will + adverb (e.g., probably, c


There will be vyiW-rravg' n o m o r e CDs or DVDs in 2 0 2 0 . will be able to Computers ffiiij-earr read our minds one day.

+ verb,

Negative form: won't + adverb + verb.

d Use will / won't be able to for something that will / won't be possible, e

There is and there are have no future form,


Use do and does for questions.

Grammar p. 130

B U n d e r l i n e t h e c o r r e c t a l t e r n a t i v e s , c h e c k and, in p a i r s , s a y if y o u a g r e e w i t h t h e p r e d i c t i o n s . 1 The Internet don't will / wo n't change substantially in my lifetime. 2 There will h a v e / b e fewer languages in the world a century from now. 3 Printed newspapers probably will / will probably disappear before 2030. k Ordinary people will c a n / b e able to travel to the moon very soon. 5 Chinese is going to b e / will to b e the official world language at some point. 6 There won't probably / probably wo n't be a cure for HIV before 2020. Well, I don't think the Internet will change much.







fjnd more ways to use


C Look b a c k at y o u r d e v i c e s f r o m 2F, p. 83. In p a i r s , s a y w h i c h o n e s w i l l e x i s t 1 0 - 2 0 y e a r s f r o m now. Ten years from now, there will probably be house-cleaning robots. v


Yeah, maybe even before that.

3 T h e w e b s i t e r e c e i v e d l o t s o f t w e e t e d q u e s t i o n s f r o m a b r o a d . C o r r e c t t h e w r i t e r s ' w o r d order.

Gabriel Aguiar




13 min

T h e r e will b e a n o t h e r killer v i r u s like HIV?


Javier Blanco



W e are g o i n g t o f i n d a c u r e f o r c a n c e r ?

Anna Baum



10 min

P W e will f i n d life o n o t h e r p l a n e t s ?

R o b o t s will r e p l a c e t e a c h e r s ?

Lin Jung


Khalef Nassar

f ^ m i i a ! * ; A: Are you going to the party tonight? so B: Yeah, I t h i n k ^ a s . A: Is Ann going to be there?

13 min

not B: Well, I hope jser I really don't like her.

People are g o i n g to be able to learn languages faster?


MAKE IT PERSONAL In s m a l l groups, a s k e a c h o t h e r q u e s t i o n s 1-5 in D. W h o ' s t h e m o s t o p t i m i s t i c ? .Vill robots replace :eachers?

I hope so. I think we would learn faster.

Really? I don't think so.

C j ! Workbook p. 41 87

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8.4 ^ A

Is technology making us stupid?

Reading R e a d t h e first p a r a g r a p h of t h e article a n d c h o o s e t h e b e s t title. I s technology making us stupid?

you hear a bleep, stop talking—even if you're in the middle

Are w e " u n l e a r n i n g " h o w to communicate? W h y are w e becoming s o impolite?


of a very interesting discussion—and look at the screen immediately. Surely the other person can wait. CK 2: After all, you really want to help, don't you? If you

by Theo Smith

think your interlocutor is doing anything that you consider unhealthy, impractical or immoral, tell him / her so.


Over the last thirty years or so, technology has created

Remember: The golden rule is to assume the other person

a world of instant and easy communication. W e are

wants your sensible advice.

easily accessible and online all the time, but, at the same

CK 3: Preferably in the middle of the sentence. When you

time, we're living in a state of profound isolation, more

r e a l i z e your interlocutor is silent, start talking, even if you

disconnected from each other than ever before. We're so

say something stupid. Also, it doesn't matter if you change

dependent on texting, Facebook and Twitter, that we're

the subject completely—you're not actually listening

forgetting how to talk with other humans. Not convinced?

anyway, remember.

Here are four well-known conversation killers (CKs). Which

CK 4: When someone introduces a subject, find a way to

ones do you recognize?

make it essentially about you. For example, a friend tells you

C K 1 : It's a 21 s t century extension to your body, right?

he / she's going to attend a rock concert. Don't ask who,

Cut it off and life stops! W h a t if there's an important new

when and where. Instead, talk about the last show you went

tweet, Facebook message and so on? So, remember: when

to and why it was the best performance in showbiz history.


8.10 R e a d t h e r e s t o f t h e a r t i c l e , a p a r a g r a p h a t a t i m e . A f t e r e a c h o n e , c h o o s e t h e c o r r e c t c o n v e r s a t i o n

killer, 1-4. In pairs, s a y if y o u k n o w a n y o n e w h o r e p e a t e d l y d o e s t h i s .

Keep interrupting.

|_| Be t h e c e n t e r o f t h e u n i v e r s e .

My best friend interrupts

Keep checking your phone.

[ j

me all the time. I hate that.

Judge t h e other person.

R e a d W o r l d o f E n g l i s h a n d , i n p a i r s , m a t c h d e f i n i t i o n s 1 - 5 t o t h e b o l d w o r d s i n A. 1 a conversation

p r r i M i :

2 understand a situation , j j • j 4. 3 b a s e d o n g o o d Jj u d g m e n t ° ° 4 suppose

Most Latin-based words have similar meanings in many ,_ . .. ., , ,. European languages. However, there are a few exceptions (often referred to as false cognates or false friends).


5 b e p r e s e n t at

(make it P E R S O N A L



A n s w e r 1-3 in s m a l l groups. A n y s i m i l a r a n s w e r s ?

1 W h i c h is t h e w o r s t c o n v e r s a t i o n k i l l e r ? 2 Do you h a v e any of t h e habits described in t h e article?

I hate it when people interrupt me.

3 W h o a r e b e t t e r c o n v e r s a t i o n a l i s t s , m e n or w o m e n ?

Grammar: Future ©

8.11 L i s t e n t o t h r e e d i a l o g s b e t w e e n f r i e n d s a n d i d e n t i f y




Me too, but I also interrupt people sometimes.

Forms 2



success Max is having a lot of of_©*it*in his work

t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n k i l l e r s f r o m 7B. 1



intends and Qtetentte to marry a top model.

8.11 L i s t e n a g a i n . T r u e (T), f a l s e (F) o r n o t m e n t i o n e d (N)?

1 S u e ' s c a r is b r a n d n e w .

4 Ann's overweight.

2 S u e ' s d a d is l o y a l t o a p a r t i c u l a r c a r m o d e l .

5 Y u k o w a s a b o u t to leave for t h e a i r p o r t w h e n Sally called.

3 Regis h a s talked to A n n about h e r h e a l t h before.

6 Y u k o h a s b e e n t o N e w York.

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^ Y o u start a conversation you can't even finish it. You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything.'-



8.12 Complete 1-5 w i t h t h e c o r r e c t t e n s e o f t h e verbs. Use your intuition. Listen to c h e c k . A n y s u r p r i s e s ?

1 "I

to sell m i n e in October or November." (try)

2 "I

h i m a call right now and break the news." (give)

3 "I

t h e doctor on Friday." (see)

4 "With this lifestyle, you 5 "The plane

a h e a r t attack when you're 40 or 50." (have)

. at two and I haven't started packing yet." (leave)

Read 1-5 in C a n d m a t c h a - d to t h e verb f o r m s a n d t h e i r u s e s in t h e G r a m m a r b o x . Future Forms 2 a

Present Simple

b Present Continuous

c Going to

d Will intention

prediction based on evidence

events on a timetable

quick decision

future arrangement / fixed plan

Grammar p. 130

E Match c a r t o o n s 1-5 to t h e captions. Underline t h e b e s t future f o r m in e a c h one. T h e n explain your choices.

"Yeah, but the movie starts / is starting in three hours. We've got to leave now!" 1 "Oh, what a pity! I'd love to, but I'm ~~ taking / will take grandma to her karate class tonight. Maybe some other time."

"Hmm... I don't know. I mean, look at those clouds. It looks like it's going to rain / raining tonight... And you know how bad the traffic gets when it rains." Thanks, but Bob and I are going to watch / will watch it in Paris next week.

I think in number 3 we should use "going to."

Yeah, I think so. He's making a prediction.

_ j "You mean a movie? Tonight? Well, I'll think / ' m thinking about it and get back to you, OK?"







| |

1 1.....1 1 1



O 8.13 Listen to c h e c k . T h e n c o v e r t h e t e x t in E, look at t h e p i c t u r e s a n d r e m e m b e r the sentences with future forms.


MAKEJT PERSONAL A: c h o o s e a p e r s o n a l i t y t y p e a n d a n s w e r B's q u e s t i o n s . B: c h o o s e a s i t u a t i o n b e l o w a n d a s k A. C a n you g u e s s A's p e r s o n a l i t y t y p e ?

! |


I |



*• It's your grandma's birthday on Sunday and all her friends will be there. Invite A. > You need to borrow A's brand new iPad for an important presentation.

1 I |

it iLimim

My grandma's turning 9 0 on Sunday and we're having a party. Would you like to come?

I'd love to, but my son's coming to visit me on Sunday.

*• You want A to help you paint his / her bedroom. > You're having a facelift tomorrow, but it's a secret. Tell A your plans for the n e x t days.

Workbook p.39|91

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Do you believe in fortune-telling?



Understanding A d s

8.14 L o o k at t h e a d s q u i c k l y a n d a n s w e r 1-2.

1 W h a t a r e t h e s e a d s for? W h e r e a r e t h e y f r o m ? 2

C h e c k t h e t h i n g s y o u believe in a n d c o m p a r e w i t h a p a r t n e r . W h o ' s m o r e skeptical? J


Q j numerology




fortune-telling I kind of believe in astrology, 'cos read my horoscope every Sunday.



Fortune-Tel tin a professionals in the Manhattan area 9

Love Psychic









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S c a n ads a-e a n d suggest t h e b e s t p s y c h i c for e a c h person's needs, 1-6. Comments 1

"1 m u s t have a p s y c h i c w h o will r e i m b u r s e me if her p r e d i c t i o n s are not a c c u r a t e . "


"Is J a c k t h e m a n of m y d r e a m s ? 1 really n e e d t o k n o w t h e t r u t h . "


"I'd like to u n d e r s t a n d w h y m y b r o t h e r and 1 are a l w a y s f i g h t i n g . "


"1 have a b a b y , so 1 c a n ' t leave t h e h o u s e . Any onlin e s e s s i o n s ? "


"1 can only t r u s t a p s y c h i c w h o has t a k e n c o u r s e s and has c e r t i f i c a t e s . "


"The g o o d m e d i u m s u s u a l l y have p s y c h i c p a r e n t s and g r a n d p a r e n t s . "


. •





P '••






• •.

*; 1 1 1

Read World of English. T h e n cross out t h e w o r d s t h a t c a n b e o m i t t e d in 1-6. R e - s c a n t h e ads to check. 1 All m a j o r credit c a r d s a r e a c c e p t e d .



A 10-minute walk from the subway station.


Are you tired of false promises?

Ads often o m i t auxiliary verbs, articles, prepositions and the beginning of questions. For example:


R e d u c e d r a t e s f r o m 8 a . m . till n o o n .

> Fees [are]


No questions are asked.

> [An] Experienced


O n l i n e t a r o t r e a d i n g is available o n d e m a n d .

> [Have you] Been working too hard?

( M A K E IT P E R S O N A L

A n s w e r 1-3 in p a i r s . A n y


1 W h i c h f o r t u n e - t e l l e r h a s t h e b e s t ad? W h y ? 2

W h y do you t h i n k all t h e p s y c h i c s on t h e site are w o m e n ?


Would you ever pay to see a fortune-teller?

negotiable. cook [is] urgently

I'd never pay to see a fortune-teller.


Me neither. It's a waste of money.


WRITING BANK > go to p. 1 5 2 r

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Will you ever get married?


Making Predictions

ID in Action

Q 8.15 T h i s is Joe. He's going t h r o u g h a d i f f i c u l t t i m e at w o r k a n d at h o m e , s o h e v i s i t e d t h r e e p s y c h i c s : r o m t h e ads. L i s t e n a n d d e c i d e w h i c h o n e s . Dsychic 1

psychic 2

psychic 3

Q 8.15 L i s t e n a g a i n a n d c h e c k w h a t w i l l or w o n ' t h a p p e n . Yes

Joe's future


1 get a promotion 2 stay in the s a m e company 3 marry Emma U fall in love with his boss 5 stop fighting with his sister 6 forgive his father

3 O 8.16 T e s t y o u r m e m o r y ! W h i c h s i x w o r d s / e x p r e s s i o n s did t h e f o r t u n e - t e l l e r s u s e ? Listen t o c h e c k . Definitely. / For sure. / Absolutely. fifty-fifty no

| | Notice

that the



Probably. / There's a good chance.

syllable doesn't change:


Maybe. / Perhaps. / Possibly.

adjective - adverb

Probably not. /1 doubt it.


" definite^

Definitely not. / No way. / Not a chance.

D Turn b a c k t o l e s s o n 8.3, e x e r c i s e 6D. In p a i r s , a s k a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s u s i n g e x p r e s s i o n s f r o m C. MAKE IT PERSONAL Fortune-telling! In p a i r s . A: Close your book. Write t h r e e questions about your future (money love, family, travel, career, studies) and choose a n u m b e r (1-6) for each question. Ask B. B: You're an inexperienced fortune-teller. Listen to A's question and t h e number, look at the corresponding card and m a k e a prediction based on the picture. Use expressions from C. For example: Am I going to marry my boyfriend? Number 4.


Willi J^vriiT find a better job? Is it i n g o i n g to rain tonight?

No, not a chance. He's going to get a job abroad and you'll find someone new.

^ W o r k b o o k p. 4 3 , 6 7 , 6 8

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Grammar arid Vocabulary A

Picture dictionary.

Cover t h e words on t h e p a g e s


in tl 00 ID n

Life in


6 movie words


t h e description of t h e 3 f a n s


4 p h r a s e s for giving your opinion


6 technological i t e m s


4 p h r a s a l verbs

|§5 k.

: MAKE IT PERSONAL C h o o s e t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n . D o y a g r e e w i t h t h e p r e d i c t i o n s ? D i s c u s s in p a i r s .

below below and remember.



CDs and DVDs

Future disappear before 2020.

a probably won't 2

People will

download and stream entire movies in minute:

a can

t h e 8 pairs of picture words in lines 3 and 4

b be able to

less online piracy.

^of the consonants chart

a There will have B

4 Apple

© 5 . 1 Complete t h e quiz w i t h t h e s e verbs in t h e





a anywhere

M c C a r t n e y in 1971. 2

Nearly 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 iPhones / iPods a r o u n d t h e g l o b e every day.


to live on dry land. b nowhere

I think CDs and DVDs are actually going to disappear before 2018. \

by J o h n L e n n o n / Paul


b is going have

5 In 100 years there won't be


b There will be

some serious competition in the next few years.

a will have

p a s s i v e . C i r c l e t h e a n s w e r s a n d l i s t e n to c h e c k . call

b won't probably


Lady Gaga's first a l b u m The Fame

/ Little


C o r r e c t t h e m i s t a k e s . C h e c k y o u r a n s w e r s i n units 7 & 8. W h a t ' s y o u r s c o r e , 1-10?


4 Amy W i n e h o u s e was only 27 / 31 w h e n she 1 I'm really into watch adventure movies, (i

dead in her a p a r t m e n t . 5


British / A m e r i c a n singer Adele

We didn't do nothing over the weekend. (1


3 I'm lucky to have such intelligents parents, (i m i s t a k e ) 4 Thousands of songs is downloaded illegal every

o n e of t h e world's best vocalists.


(2 m i s t a k e s )

Complete t h e s e s e n t e n c e s using the passive voice.

I thought the latest Coldplay album great. (1

C o m p a r e i n g r o u p s a n d t r y to s o u n d c o n v i n c i n g .

"Where did you born?" "On 1 9 8 8 . "

D o y o u t h i n k y o u r p a r t n e r s ' i d e a s a r e t r u e or f a l s e ?

How long do you study here? n mistake) "I think yes."

2 M a c h u P i c c h u / c o n s t r u c t / by... (people)

(2 m i s t a k e s )

100 Years of Solitude / write / by... (person)

10 I will meet the woman of my dreams some day?

5 T h e f i r s t g a s o l i n e c a r / m a k e / i n . . . i n . . . (year / place) TV was invented by my grandfather. v~~

(2 m i s t a k e s )

9 Will have fewer languages 100 years from now.

3 Jurassic Park / d i r e c t / by... ( p e r s o n ) 4


(3 m i s t a k e s )

8 "Do you go to the party tonight?"

1 T V / i n v e n t / by... ( p e r s o n )



(1 m i s t a k e )

No! TV was invented by an American company.

C o m p l e t e w i t h so, such or such a / an. C h o o s e t h e b e s t

a n d w o r s t X l i n e . C o m p a r e in p a i r s .

Meeting someone for the first time?

I think the wors~ one for a blind date is...

The right a n d the w r o n g t h i n g s to say.

Group l : A blind date • I'm happy to finally get a chance to meet you. • Wow! It feels like we've known each other for longtime. • Hmm... You didn't look _ short in the photos.

Group 2 : Your boy / girlfriend's parents • It's honor to meet you. • I've heard great things about you. • I've heard many great things about your food that I have to try it myself. Group 3 : Your boss • It's privilege to work with someone like you. • You look much younger in person. • It's _ _ great to finally meet you.

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Skills Practice A Dictation. Listen to t h e first t w o facts in © 7.11 and write all you c a n r e m e m b e r . Do t h i s t h r e e m o r e t i m e s , t h e n c h e c k your spelling on p. 77. 3

O 5.2 Listen to four s h o r t dialogs. After t h e b e e p you have four s e c o n ds to c h o o s e t h e correct phrase. Listen to c h e c k . T h e r e are t w o extra phrases.

(MAKEifPERSOWAL)In groups, play 2 0 Questions. A: T h i n k of a m o v i e . T h e o t h e r s ask Yes / No q u e s t i o n s to try and g u e s s t h e movie. Was it released this year? Is it an American movie?

I'll turn it down. ] I'll turn it up.

G ©5.4




I'll charge it up.

1 Listen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 7 & 8.

I'm going to print it out.

2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the map on p. 3. Ask at least two follow-up questions. Can you have a short conversation about each one?

I'm going to turn it on. I'm going to turn it off. C © 5 . 3 Listen to t h e n e w s stories and circle t h e right option. More / Fewer people are out of work.

Who was the iPad created by? s

steve JobSi


2 This news item is about a power outage / politics. 3 Orange is probably a computer / car company. U This news item is about a natural disaster / alien life. D © 5.3 Listen again and write t h e n u m b e r s . Practice the s e n t e n c e s out loud. Don't s tress t h e gray words. 1 Unemployment h a s increased by 2

cities were affected. of all iTads produced in May were considered defective. The town, with a population of only visited by UFOs in the past.

_, was

E Match r e v i e w e x t r a c t s 1-3 to t h e c o r r e c t genre. There's one e x t r a genre. detective




Review 1 * The plot is so unintelligent that it can be described in a sentence: Girl falls in love with boy, boy dies, girl gets depressed. Period. Think of all the Hollywood cliches you've ever heard. They're in this movie. But I bet it'll be a box office success in the U.S. and abroad.

Review 2 * * * * * This movie is truly spectacular. If you think a silent movie about an unsolved murder in 1870 is a recipe for disaster, think again. The main character (Inspector Reid) is played by George Clooney with such skill that, honestly, you don't miss hearing the man's voice. Trap is a classic example of images speaking louder than words, which perhaps explains why subtitles are used only five times in this movie.

Review 3 What can you expect from a movie starring Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger? Lots of violence and action scenes, right? Well, wrong. In Gone, BW and AS reconstruct the events leading to September 11 with such sensitivity, precision and attention to detail that you instantly forget they have ever made another movie. Their interviews with firefighters alone are worth the price of admission. Gone is a masterpiece of factual movie-making and it truly deserves to win an Oscar.

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What do you think of marriage?


to jitcLJi

the. [terfed


propose / organize the engagement party


L^ plan the honeymoon j

find a place for the ceremony


make the guest list


make a gift registry

l ] send invitations C J choose the menu for the reception O And clothes for bride and groom d

choose the outfits for the bridesmaids


choose the flowers




Identify t h e bold i t e m s f r o m t h e "to do" list in photos a - e and g u e s s their pronunciation.




Š 9.1 L i s t e n a g a i n . W h i c h t w o t h i n g s o n t h e l i s t d o e s n ' t t h e w e d d i n g p l a n n e r d o ? W h i c h t h r e e t h i n g s do y o u t h i n k a r e t h e m o s t d i f f i c u l t ?

9.1 L i s t e n t o a w e d d i n g p l a n n e r t o c h e c k . N u m b e r t h e p h r a s e s , 1-10, i n t h e o r d e r y o u h e a r t h e m .

Choosing the flowers is easy.


W o u l d / Did y o u u s e a w e d d i n g p l a n n e r for y o u r w e d d i n g ? W h a t a b o u t y o u r p a r e n t s

I wouldn't 'cos I have no intention of getting married. Never!

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0 Let's, let's stay tosether, lovin' you whether, whether, times are good or bad, happy or sad.*'


E Read C o m m o n Mistakes. W h a t are the two correct versions of the sentence? Read World of English to check.

p n i m —


Be + adjective is a state; get + adjective means " b e c o m e " and is very c o m m o n . For example, get tired {of), get annoyed {with). To talk about relationships, use get for the d i f f e r e n t stages: get together, get engaged, get (re)married, get pregnant—and get divorced!

Angelina (got) married wttff Brad in 2 0 1 2 .

'MAKE IT PERSONAL) W h a t ' s s i m i l a r / different in your c u l t u r e ? In pairs, talk a b o u t t h e w e d d i n g i t e m s in t h i s l e s s o n plus t h e o n e s below. Do o t h e r p a i r s agree? asking for family


photos / uideos


the ceremony


the honeymoon

Listening O 9.2 Listen to M i c h a e l a a n d h e r w e d d i n g planner. D o e s t h i s p h o t o s h o w t h e w e d d i n g s h e w a n t s or t h e o n e t h e w e d d i n g p l a n n e r w a n t s ? W h o is m o r e a s s e r t i v e ? O 9.2 Listen again a n d c o m p l e t e t h e table. Do you t h i n k she'll a c c e p t t h e p l a n n e r ' s ideas? Planner wants 1 color of invitations

2 ceremony at 3 reception in a U number of guests

5 number of bridesmaids

6 type of rings ace for honeymoon


MAKE IT PERSONAL) W h i c h w e d d i n g s o u n d s b e t t e r to you? W h y ? Have you b e e n to b o t h rypes of wedding? W h a t ' s your ideal wedding day? love large weddings, so the wedding olanner's ideas sound best to me. Really? I prefer small weddings.

d love to have a big wedding— so

I could

get lots of gifts!



p- 4 4

everything who


People usually get married in a church in our culture. This wedding is outside. v


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Do you set bored easily?

Grammar: -ed Q

and -ing


9.3 R e a d t h e a r t i c l e t o f i n d t h r e e d i f f e r e n t

things from a traditional wedding. Compare y o u r a n s w e r s i n p a i r s . Did y o u c h o o s e t h e same things?

, I'm sure a traditional wedding is cheaper than this.

A wedding that Are you looking for a way to make your wedding more interesting and memorable? Last Saturday a crane lifted Helen Gomez anc James Brandon up into the air on a platform for their wedding ceremony. They got married up there, 160 feet (50 meters) in the air with twenty surprised, and slightly scared, friends and family members, who did not know what was going to happen. After they shared their marriage vows, Helen and James did a terrifying bungee jump from the platform. T h e company called Marriage in the Sky offers more and more exciting weddings like this every year. After the ceremony, the wedding party all go back down to earth, but then they all go back up again for the reception. At the reception, guests eat a meal in special chairs wearing safety belts so they are safe and cant fall. The idea of this kind of wedding is to make a day that really will be both entertaining and unforgettable. You're probably asking yourself, "is this safe?". The company operates in more than 15 countries in the world, including ones that have strict rules about safety, such as the USA, Canada and Australia. All these countries are satisfied that these weddings are safe. And... how much does something like this cost: About US$40,000.



R e - r e a d t h e a r t i c l e . T r u e (T) or f a l s e (F)? 1 A large, tall m a c h i n e took t h e bride and groom up in t h e air. 2 T h e o t h e r people at t h e c e r e m o n y w e r e s t r a n g e r s . 3 They made their marriage vows while they did a bungee j u m p . 4 T h e g u e s t s stay up in t h e air a f t e r t h e ceremony.

interested boring I'm iDtefestrnf in math, but this class was beret excited an I'm really sxettiffg. I'm going to be'aunt.

5 W h e n t h e g u e s t s eat t h e y c a n n o t walk around. 6 T h e c o m p a n y only o p e r a t e s in t h r e e countries. C

R e a d C o m m o n M i s t a k e s a n d W o r l d o f E n g l i s h , t h e n f i n d f o u r m o r e -ed a d j e c t i v e s a n d t h r e e m o r e e n d i n g -ing i n t h e a r t i c l e . C o m p l e t e t h e G r a m m a r b o x w i t h A o r B. p i f l i i H i f f l i m Using the wrong -ing or -ed adjective can confuse people: He's boring is very different from He's bored! -ed adjectives describe how you feel about something—your state: I'm tired. -ing adjectives describe the cause of how you feel: Swimming is tiring.

Participle Adjectives A Past Participle adjectives {-ed) B Present Participle adjectives {-ing) 1 To describe the person or thing that gives you the feeling use 2 To describe how something makes someone feel use

0 9.4 C i r c l e t h e c o r r e c t a d j e c t i v e i n 1 - 8 . L i s t e n , c h e c k a n d a d d t h e a d v e r b s . In p a i r s , w h i c h a r e t r u e for you? Explain why. 1 W a t c h i n g T V alone is b o r e d / boring.

5 I get ti r e d / tiring a f t e r I've eaten.

2 I usually find English c l a s s e s i n t e r e s t e d / i n t e r e s t i n g .

6 Rap is e n t e r t a i n i n g / e n t e r t a i n e d .

3 My f a m i l y is s u r p r i s e d / s u r p r i s i n g w h e n I get good grades.

7 Horror m o v i e s are t e r r i f y i n g / te r r i f i e d

U T h e l a s t movie I s a w w a s c o n f u s i n g / c o n f u s e d .

8 I get e m b a r r a s s e d / e m b a r r a s s i n g w h e n people t a l k about me.


The first one is true for me. Most programs on TV are a waste of time.

Grammar p. 132

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J}... you've had t o o much of this life to hang on. Well, everybody hurts sometimes, everybody cries.**


MAKE IT PERSONAL In groups a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s 1-4. 1 Choose the two adjectives which best describe your opinion of 1) weddings, 2) work and 3) weekends. boring







Weddings are boring 'cos they're always the same.


— —

2 Find someone who chose the same adjectives as you. Are your reasons similar? 3 Describe and compare the last time you had each of these feelings. absolutely really

exhausted bored

completely totally

relaxed terrified

extremely very

excited irritated

The last time I felt totally terrified was when I flew for the first time.

U How do you feel when you're up high, or flying? Any good flying stories?

To intensify adjectives, use: absolutely / completely / totally

I've never flown and I'm really scared of heights, so don't ask me!

extremely really very



A ?.ead Jon's d i a r y and m a t c h t h e h i g h l i g h t e d w o r d s to t h e p i c t u r e s . Order t h e p i c t u r e s chronologically.

What a terrible day! I ' v e been worried about i t for months now, b u t she finally did i t today—she dumped me! We dated f o r ' t w o years and now i f s over! Why did she do it? I don't know! I was attracted to her the moment I saw her and she flirted w i t h me too, so I know she liked me. I fell for her and I really thought she was in love w i t h me too! She cheated on me when we f i r s t started dating, b u t t h a t was ages ago, and I don't think she's seeing anyone else now. OMG— I f I saw her w i t h someone else, i t would be awful! We have (had!) such a good relationship—now what am I going to do do??? She j u s t turned my world upside down...

O 9.5 Listen to Jon r e a d i n g h i s d i a r y and r e m e m b e r t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n of t h e h i g h l i g h t e d words. - pairs. A: You're Jon. Cover t h e j o u r n a l and u s e t h e p i c t u r e s to tell i c u r story. B: You're Jon's friend. Listen s y m p a t h e t i c a l l y , give advice • i d try to m a k e h i m feel be tte r .

IT PERSONAL In groups, a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s 1-3. M i m e w h a t you c a n ' t r r r e s s in English! W h o h a s t h e b e s t a n s w e r s ? V'r.y do people fall in love? l/hy do people break up? low do you know if someone is flirting with / cheating on you? Iteople usually fall in love with a they find physically attractive. \

I think you fall in love with people who are similar to you.

You should try to talk to her and ask her why she broke up with you.

mm Most English adverbs are easy to recognize and form. Look!

*• briefly, frequently, rarely especially, finally, usually happily

Workbook p. 45 97

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If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

Grammar: Second


A © 9.6 L i s t e n to p a r t o n e of t h e dialog a n d a n s w e r . 1 W h a t do you think is the relationship between: a Sarah and Max? b Sarah and Tony? c Tony and Max? 2 W h a t do you think Max is going to ask Sarah? B O 9.7 L i s t e n to p a r t t w o of t h e dialog to c h e c k if y o u r a n s w e r s w e r e right.


9.7 L i s t e n a g a i n a n d c i r c l e t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n in 1-6. D o e s S a r a h t h i n k T o n y is c h e a t i n g on h e r ?

1 W h a t would / will you do if Tony c h e a t s / cheated on you?


2 If I s e e / s a w h i m with another person, I '11 /'d confront him. 3 W h a t if a friend tells / told you, what will / would you do?

I would If I saw him, J/tf tell him.

A If I didn't / don't know for sure, I ' d / '11 ask h i m first.

were What would you do if you aiS«4trtJg rich?

5 Would / Will you spy on h i m if you t h i n k / thought he liked someone else? 6 I '11 /'d trust h i m to tell me the truth if he w a n t s / w a n t e d to date someone else.

D M a t c h t h e c l a u s e s in t h e G r a m m a r b o x , 1-3. Circle t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n s in r u l e s a - c . A s k a n d a n s w e r t h e two questions. Second Conditional If Clause

Result Clause

1 If you were a bird (but you're not)

would you give a lot to charity?

2 If you ate more vegetables (but you don't)

where would you fly to?

3 If you won the lottery (but you won't)

you wouldn't get sick all the time.

a The form is: if + infinitive / past -> would + infinitive / past. b Use /f for situations that are possible / impossible or likely / unlikely to happen, c The " i f " clause refers to an imaginary situation in the p a s t / p r e s e n t or future.

Grammar p. 13: E O 9.8 C o m p l e t e s e c o n d c o n d i t i o n a l q u e s t i o n s 1-5. T h e n r e a d W o r l d o f English. (see) your best friend's (do) if y o u . 1 What _ you. girlfriend or boyfriend with someone else? If your best friend's boyfriend or girlfriend you (say)? If your parents

5 If a friend

(flirt) with you, what you

(not like) your partner, what

(do) if your best f r i e n d . . you. What. someone and never had time for you? (start) dating your ex, h o w .

^YfiTiriin Hirers i i


(start) seeing

Choosing the right conditional for

the present or future depends on probability. If it's... >• a fact, use zero conditional (p. 54j >- probable, use 1st conditional (p.

> improbable (or impossible), use _ you



2 nd conditional: If I had three

wishes, I'd wish for health,

(MAKE IT PERSONAL In groups, a n s w e r 1-5 in E. D e c i d e on o n e a n s w e r for y o u r group, t h e n s e e if o t h e r g r o u p s h a v e a s i m i l a r a n s w e r . I'd hide and follow them secretly.

and love.


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'JVy were a boy) think/ could understand ho •••


r&erZCo rove a gtrf. (swear Cdbe a better man.*-'

3 -


Reading V


9 In p a i r s , do t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e a n d c h e c k w h a t y o u r s c o r e m e a n s .


Your friend wants to talk about her latest success. Would you...

Your best friend wants you to go out with a new friend. Would you... a) go gladly? You'd love to meet your friend's friend.

a) listen enthusiastically? b) listen, but try to change the subject?

b) go, but you'd feel jealous of your friend's friend?

c) not talk to your friend?

c) make an excuse and not go?

© If you had some really great news, would you...


If you saw your partner talking and laughing with someone else, would you... a) do nothing. You'd be happy that your partner was

a) not tell anyone, because you wouldn't want them to

having a good time?

feel envious? b) tell your closest friends, but you'd be very modest?

b) go and interrupt and join them?

c) tell all your friends, because you want them to

c) get jealous and tell your partner to stop talking to the person?

feel envious?


Q You're supposed to visit a friend who has a new house. Would you... a) go immediately—you'd be very happy for

If you and your friend applied for the same job (or the same school) and your friend was accepted and you weren't, would you feel... a) happy for your friend?

your friend? b) go soon, but you wouldn't mention the house?

b) disappointed, but glad for your friend?

c) try to meet your friend in another place?

c) very disappointed and you wouldn't want to see your friend?

How many As?



Mostly As - You're never jealous and usually trust others and feel genuinely happy for their success. Mostly Bs - You have a tendency to get jealous of others, but you're not always this way. Mostly Cs - You definitely have a jealous nature. You feel jealous of others and you want others to be jealous of you.

B Do y o u a g r e e w i t h w h a t t h e quiz s a y s a b o u t y o u ? C o m p a r e in g r o u p s a n d f i n d o n e p e r s o n w h o a g r e e s with the quiz and one who doesn't. It says I'm jealous. I guess it's kind of true. If my boyfriend wants to go out with his friend and not me, I get jealous

(MAKE IT PERSONAL original ideas?


_H o w

T h e s e quizzes are a|ways m e wjth a few questions?


can they


n o t j e a | o u s a t aM_

In p a i r s , c o m p l e t e 1-3 a n d a n s w e r t h e l e s s o n title q u e s t i o n . W h o h a s t h e m o s t

1 If my partner were jealous, I'd... 2 If I could be any famous person, ...

Well, first I would try to find out why she's jealous.

I'd be Donald Trump because...

3 If I could live in any country in the world, ^ Workbook p. 33,67

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Do you like to perform in front of people?



A © 9.10 Listen to t w o f r i e n d s f a n t a s i z i n g . How m a n y different t y p e s of p e r f o r m e r s are m e n t i o n e d ? W h i c h o n e s would t h e y like to b e ? B O 9.10 Listen again a n d w r i t e t h e p e r f o r m e r s ' n a m e s u n d e r t h e c o r r e c t s u f f i x . Add o t h e r s you know, -er


-i an



MAKE ]T PERSONAL In pairs, w h i c h is your l e a s t favorite t y p e of p e r f o r m e r to w a t c h ? If you w e r e a p e r f o r m e r , w h a t would you like to b e ?




I'm OK at telling jokes, so I'd like to be a comedian.

May, Might, Could, Must, Can't + Be

A O 9.11 Listen to t w o people s p e c u l a t i n g about t h i s m a n and m a t c h t h e d e d u c t i o n s to t h e r e a s o n s . c o u 3 X! (LI Q

1 He's a celebrity.

g He's graceful.

2 He's an athlete.

S He's handsome, a; He's wearing a sport shirt.

3 He's not an athlete. 4 He's a dancer.

He's thin.

5 He's not a dancer.

He's making his date laugh.

6 He's a comedian.

His legs are thin.

B O 9.11 Listen again a n d r e w r i t e 1-6 w i t h t h e d e d u c t i o n m o d a l s t h e y u s e . Listen again to c h e c k . 1 (-le must be a celebrity. C Read World of English and c o m p l e t e t h e m o d a l v e r b s in t h e G r a m m a r b o x .



could / mi^ht / may He satr be tired.

Modal verbs express different degrees of certainty. For example, if you feel: >• very sure, use must: She must be tired—she just ran a marathon. *• unsure, use could, mayor might: She might be tired—she was working all day.

Do you think they're German? thry Lii GuMlldii?

> something is definitely not true, use can't: She can't be tired—she slept all day. To ask for a deduction, must and can't are rarely used. Ask: Do you think...?

Probability If you're...


sure that it's true,

use m



not sure that it's true,

use c

_ be or m_

sure that it's not true,

use can't be.

be or might be.

Grammar p. 132

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v She may be the beauty or the beast. May be the famine or the feast. May turn each day into a heaven or a hell.'*


9.12 L o o k a t p h o t o s 1 - 4 . I n p a i r s , w h a t d o y o u t h i n k t h e y a r e ? L i s t e n f o r m o r e c l u e s .



Number 1 might be a kiwi, because of the color. v -

No, it can't be a kiwi, because of the texture. It could be a pear.

^ M Reading A


9.13 A n s w e r 1-3, t h e n r e a d q u i c k l y t o c h e c k .

1 H o w old a r e t h e y i n t h e s e p i c t u r e s ?

2 What's their profession now?

3 W h y is o n e j e a l o u s o f t h e o t h e r ? The first one must be about...


Celebrity RIVALRY!

• •

Even successful people are jealous of each other. In 2 0 0 0 , when Frankie Muniz was just 14 years old he got a huge opportunity as the star of a TV series called Malcolm in the Middle. The series was a big hit and Muniz w o n many prizes as the main actor in the show, including a Young Star Award as best young actor in a comedy TV series. At the same time, there was another young actor who was also trying to be a success in Hollywood. In 2 0 0 0 , Shia Labeouf was the same age as Muniz and the star of a Disney Channel TV series called Even

Stevens. He was also nominated for the Young Star Award that year, but he lost to Frankie Muniz. In 2003, Shia got a great opportunity when he was the star of a movie called Holes which got him more nominations for awards and plenty of new roles in Hollywood. Entertainment

Weekly called Shia

"the next Frankie Muniz." Shia was not happy w i t h this. He has been in competition w i t h Muniz since they were 12 years old to be the best young actor in Hollywood. Today, Shia Labeouf is one of the best known and highest paid young actors in Hollywood. Muniz, on the other hand, is not doing much acting. He is driving racing cars and playing music, but here's the strange thing: their rivalry continues, and Labeouf o f t e n makes comments about Muniz in interviews and on Twitter. It just goes to show that even t h e rich and famous get jealous! "





R e - r e a d a n d c o m p l e t e t h i s table. W h i c h of t h e s e t w o a c t o r s do y o u like m o r e ?

Trtuikie 'Muniz Age now TV series in 2 0 0 0

Shia labeouf Neither of them. I'm not into Hollywood stars.

A w a r d in 2 0 0 0 Current job



D o y o u l i k e c e l e b r i t y g o s s i p ? W h y (not)? W h a t o t h e r c e l e b r i t y r i v a l r i e s d o y o u k n o w

about? W h a t are t h e r e a s o n s for their rivalry? W h o in y o u r class k n o w s t h e m o s t about celebrity gossip? Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi are both great soccer players but... \

W o r k b o o k p. 4 7

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How do you get on with your siblings? Identifying Reasons

A W h e r e are you in t h e b i r t h order in yo ur family? Oldest, m i d d l e or t h e y o u n g e s t ? A n only child? Has t h i s h a d a n e f f e c t on yo ur p e r s o n a l i t y ? B

I'm the youngest. I got everything I wanted.

Q 9 . U R e a d t h e a r t i c l e a n d m a t c h t i t l e s 1-5 t o t h e c o r r e c t p a r a g r a p h s .


1 2 3 4 5

The Baby of the Family Nothing Special The Lonely Ones The Effect of Birth Order The Bossy Ones

Birth order and you I CH Your siblings: you love them, you hate them, you need them, you don't need them. Birth order, that is, whether you are the oldest, the youngest or in the middle in your family, can have an effect on your personality and your family dynamics. Are you similar to or completely different from your brothers and sisters? Birth order can help explain why According to Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist, birth order has a profound effect on how you see the world. Here are a few of the observations that Adler makes. • First born children are natural leaders—they are more responsible and mature and are more accustomed to adult company They are often more intelligent than their later born siblings and they can be aggressive, because they feel they should be in charge. They like being alone. • Middle children, on the other hand, are often the opposite of first-born children. They feel they don't have any particular role in their family so their friends are usually more important


• As for the youngest in the family they are often friendly and sociable. They like to b e with other people and are often charming. They like to be the center of attention. They are'not good at being alone and they get bored easily but they have a lot of self-confidence and are not afraid to do dangerous things. They are often more irresponsible, because they know that someone will always help them if they have any kind of problem. • What about if you are an only child? Well, it seems that one of the main issues for only children is that they have to work harder to make friends, because they don't immediately have them in the family They are often more independent and are used to spending time alone and entertaining themselves.

R e - r e a d a n d c o m p l e t e t h i s table. F i n d t h e n u m b e r o f a d j e c t i v e s i n d i c a t e d in e a c h c o l u m n . First born (3+)


to them than the family They are good at negotiating and sociable, and people see them as adaptable and relaxed. At the same time, they often keep secrets and they don't open up much about their emotions.


Middle children (3)

Youngest children (3+)

Only children (1)

Do you agree w i t h t h e article? F o r m groups b y b i r t h order. M i x groups a n d c o m p a r e .

I agree that the oldest child is the most intelligent!

Are you the oldest child?

Yes, of course!



O 9.15 L i s t e n a n d w r i t e t h e b i r t h order o f M i c h a e l a n d David. W h a t ' s w r o n g w i t h M i c h a e l ?



L i s t e n a g a i n . In p a i r s , w h a t w o u l d y o u s a y t o M i c h a e l , David a n d J a n e ?

I'd tell Michael to buy a new car on credit!

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If you had no money, what would you do? D in Action 0


Giving A d v i c e

9.16 L i s t e n a n d m a t c h t h e p r o b l e m s a n d s u g g e s t i o n s . 'A You/better listen.

1 I'm really bored.

Go h o m e and go to bed.

2 My b o s s m a k e s m e stay late.

Work harder.

3 I feel h o t and dizzy.

Talk to h i m .

4. I c a n ' t find a job.

Go to t h e mall.

If J>rf you, I would go to the party.

5 I'm failing m a t h .

Call m y brother.

My mom made me i d clean my room.

I were

B O 9.16 L i s t e n a g a i n a n d c o m p l e t e d i a l o g s 1-5. W h i c h s o u n d l i k e : a) s u g g e s t i o n s o r b) o r d e r s ?

1 A B 2 A

If I

B 3 A B



to h i m and explain t h a t it's n o t fair.

go h o m e and go to bed. You

b e at a party.

You're. . calling m y brother?



you, I'd

. for t h e suggestion, b u t you don't k n o w m y boss.

4 A

5 A


go to t h e m a l l ? T h a t ' s a good

— In many languages the the subjunctive is very difficult. In English it's almost invisible because it doesn't have special verb forms! You only notice it in expressions like If I were you, I'd... but increasingly people now say If I was you, I'd...

. for t h e tip. s t a r t working h a r d e r or you won't get into college.



go to p. 153/


In p a i r s , t h i n k o f s u g g e s t i o n s for o n e o f t h e s i t u a t i o n s b e l o w . C h a n g e p a r t n e r s , t h e n r o l e - p l a y b o t h .

"I've got a cold and a headache, but I have an important meeting w i t h my boss later."

Why don't you talk to your teacher? \

If I were you, I'd cancel the meeting.


^MfVKE VT PERSONM. T h i n k of r e a l p r o b l e m s p e o p l e y o u k n o w h a v e . I n g r o u p s , r o l e - p l a y g i v i n g a d v i c e . A: e x p l a i n y o u r p r o b l e m . B, C, D : give A a d v i c e . I don't get on we







She's really , r


AT— -s

Womjom : - i

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Are you under much pressure right now? p f l Vocabulary: A


Causes and Symptoms of Stress

10.1 M a t c h t h e p r o b l e m s t o p h o t o s a - h . F i n d s e v e n

/k/ a n d f o u r /// s o u n d s i n t h e s u r v e y . L i s t e n t o e x t r a c t s f r o m t h e s u r v e y to c h e c k .

Survey on the Causes of Stress


What's the biggest stressor for you in your daily life?

O poor diet

O caring for a child

O multitasking

O a lack of sleep

Institute for

O a lack of exercise

O pressure to succeed

O other

O deadlines




O financial problems


10.2 L i s t e n t o e i g h t p e o p l e ' s a n s w e r s . N u m b e r t h e i r

p r o b l e m s i n t h e o r d e r y o u h e a r t h e m , 1 - 8 , i n A. C


10.2 L i s t e n a g a i n a n d w r i t e t h e n u m b e r o f t h e

speaker who: l ] h a s no e n e r g y in t h e evenings, j

j h a s to finish a piece of work today.


I gets sick w h e n she's s t r e s s e d out.

r j

never h a s any t i m e off. ] is a n x i o u s about t h e problem.

| j h a s to take e x a m s . ! u s e s credit to buy things, j h a s to do m a n y t h i n g s at t h e s a m e t i m e .


pressure to

I have a lot of J3ÂŁsesrtrn i s r succeed.



I pay the things w i t l r c r e d i t card.

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•^Pressure, pushing down on me, pressing down on you, no man ask for. Under pressure.'-


: , 3 d World of English a n d c o m p l e t e 1-5 w i t h lack of or t h e p r e f i x e s under- / ouer-. In pairs, ask a n d : .swer. A n y s u r p r i s e s ? Is your diet healthy or is there a egetables in what you eat?

You can form new adjectives by adding

1 Is your salary / pocket money fair or are you 3 Have you ever

p i H K E W l

fresh fruit and paid?


spent and then had a

money the n e x t month?

> Cm underpaid - \ «

k Axe -you generally c a l m or do you o t t e n . 5 When was the last time you


(not enough) or over (too much) to a Past


*• I'm overworked = I have too much work.

. slept and woke up late?

They can also be used to form verbs— to oversleep,

to overeat, to


Another way to say you don't have enough of

MAKE IT PERSONAL W h i c h p r o b l e m s in A do you h a v e ? In groups, s h a r e a n d c o m p a r e . Find one p e r s o n w i t h t h e s a m e p r o b l e m as you and t w o w i t h different o n e s . For me it's lack of sleep. I'm often online late at night, so


something is (a) lack of (respect, interest, ideas...).

I'm a single mother. For me, it's lack of support from my son's father.

I feel really tired the next day and it's difficult to study.

Listening A O 10.3 W h i c h of t h e s e are good t h i n g s to do if you're feeling s t r e s s e d ? Listen. W h i c h t h r e e does t h e w o m a n do? W h y d o e s n ' t s h e do t h e o t h e r t h i n g s ?



Relieving stress:



How do you do it?

Institute for


take a break

drink alcohol


spend time with friends


eat well plan your time


have realistic deadlines


sleep well breathe deeply take medicines


O 10.3 Listen again. True (T) or f a l s e (F)? 1 She's taking a yoga class.

4 She's getting heavier.

2 She wakes the man up in the middle of the night.

5 She discusses her deadlines with her boss.

3 The woman only has one beer when she's stressed.

6 She plans to take a class to help with her stress level.

W h a t would you do if you were: a) t h e w o m a n ? b) t h e m a n ? AKE IT PERSONAL How do you c o p e w i t h s t r e s s ? List s i x t h i n g s y o u do. Find s o m e o n e w h o s e list is almost exactly the same. I usually stay up all night if I have an exam. I drink coffee and energy drinks all night. After the exam I sleep for a day!

I play loud music and dance for 10 minutes.

Workbook p. 49

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Would you like to change anything in your life?

p ] Vocabulary: Lifestyle Changes A

W h a t c h a n g e s do t h e people in t h e b r o c h u r e n e e d to m a k e in their lives? U s e t h e s e ideas plus your o w n . drink lose




eat better organize


Is this you?

eat less

and plan







quit smoking work


get a new job spend



get more

with friends


sleep family

w o r k less


Do you need to "turn your life around"?

She needs to eat better—she looks really overweight. s —



10.4 R e a d a n d d e c i d e w h i c h t e s t i m o n i a l w a s w r i t t e n b y e a c h p e r s o n . H o w d i d y o u k n o w ?

Read these testimonials from two people who attended our seminar" Turn Your Life A r o u n d " -«s m . Man! What a day! Started my new j o b today—seems like

I had a terrific day today. I w e n t to bed early last night, so

it's gonna be fun. I talked to a guy w h o travels a lot for

got up early and went to the gym for an hour and then had

work—that's what I wanna do. Was so busy that I didn't

an omelet for breakfast at home. Much better than the

even have t i m e to smoke a cigarette! When I finally got

. donut that I usually eat at the office! Got to work on t i m e

home I had a late dinner w i t h my sister. We had lasagna

S and made a plan of what I needed to do all day. I also had

which was delicious (it was my nephew w h o cooked it!)—

| a chat with my boss about my schedule and she agreed to

and I only watched TV for an hour! W o w ! Thank you—it's

S let me work f r o m home t w o days a week! I finished all the

all thanks to the "Turn Your Life A r o u n d " seminar.

I things that I had to do today and then had a home-cooked

By BeginAgain

dinner w i t h my family. I'm finally taking control of my life.


Thank you! -- By MyVeryBest


Re-read a n d c h e c k t h e lifestyle c h a n g e s in A t h a t e a c h p e r s o n m a d e . (MAKE IT P E R S O N A L »

W h i c h c h a n g e s i n A:

do y o u n e e d / w o u l d y o u l i k e t o m a k e a n d w h y ?


„_, ... ^ : — — — I d like to exercise more and to eat better, because I get up late and I often eat fast food.

»- d o n ' t y o u n e e d / w o u l d n ' t y o u l i k e t o m a k e ? W h y n o t ? H o w m a n y o f y o u r c l a s s n e e d o r w o u l d l i k e t o a t t e n d t h e " T u r n Y o u r Life A r o u n d " s e m i n a r ? 106

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0 Vou can change your friends, your place in life. You can change your mind. We can change...'^

f 3




1 rj n I U.Z


A O 10.5 Listen to a m a n describing h i s vacation photos. N u m b e r t h e m , 1-6, in t h e order h e m e n t i o n s t h e m . B O 10.5 Listen again, c o m p l e t e 1-5 and m a t c h t h e m to five o f t h e p h o t o s . T h e n c o m p l e t e t h e G r a m m a r b o x . 1 Q 2

This is the hotel

was on the website.

J This is the swimming pool

3 •

This is the lifeguard


This is the bar

was right outside our room. told us to get out of the water.



that / which This is the c o m p u t e r i z e I bought today.

who / that Are you the person »ttHctl works here?

was next to the pool.

5 P ] These are some of the birds

were flying around outside.

Relative P r onouns: That / W h i c h / W h o j A relative clause refers to the noun that comes before it and joins two ideas using a relative pronoun. J a That's the girl, b I wanna marry her. That's the girl who I wanna marry. I Use:

for people, _


_ for animals or things and

I live in a town, b It is very boring. I live in a town that's very boring.


Grammar p. 134

for people, animals or things.

C C o m p l e t e 1-3 w i t h who or which. Be t h e first p e r s o n to find t h e a n s w e r s in y o u r c l a s s ! 1 Is there anyone in the class 2 How many friends do you have_

live really near the school?

3 Is there a place near the school

sells good coffee and snacks?

Do you speak Italian? s



. speaks Italian?


No, but I think Milton does.

w You can omit the relative pronoun when it refers to the object of the relative clause.

> She's the lady (who) I met yesterday. But you can't omit it when it's the

In p a i r s .

A : Show a photo. Identify and define the main people / things in it.

Subject of the clause. >• That's t h e guy w h o sold me my car. So, if you're not sure, use a relative pronoun!

B: Ask follow-up questions.


Swap roles. Who has the most interesting picture? Jane is my sister who studies in L.A.

When did she move to L.A.?

Workbook p. 47

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What's your attitude towards money?

p i Reading A Look at t h i s i m a g e f r o m a m o v i e , t h e l e s s o n title and t h e s o n g \ m e . \ n paves, g u e s s VcvaVOae m o w \ s staowN.. covM be abovA aw o\A \NOVT\at\ \Nbo


be* VwsfearoL

B O 10.6 Read t h e m o v i e review and c h o o s e t h e b e s t title in t h e tabs.

The Influence

Living without Money

of Money

A Weird


is about Heidemarie Schwermer, a German woman who decided to start living a very different kind of life about 14 years ago. At that time, she left her apartment and gave away all of her things except a suitcase full of clothes. This was a decision that changed her life dramatically. She has no possessions, no place to live and no way to buy the things she needs. The film follows Heidemarie in her day-to-day life and shows what it's like to live an alternative lifestyle. Heidemarie is constantly on the move, meeting new people, staying with old and new friends for a few nights. In addition to showing the daily problems she faces, we hear about Heidemarie's philosophy and why she has chosen to live this way. We see that it is not easy for her to have no money in a society where everything is based on money. People often have strong opinions about how she lives. Some call her a "parasite" while others see her as an "inspiration." Today, she still doesn't use money and says she feels more free and independent than ever. She travels all around Germany, and she often also visits Austria, Switzerland and Italy. She tells people about her experiences and tries to convey the message that a simpler way of life is possible. This is a fascinating documentary for people who are interested in the themes of materialism and consumerism and how money influences our way of thinking and living. I Re-read t h e r e v i e w m o r e carefully. True (T), false (F) or n o t m e n t i o n e d (N)? 1 Her new lifestyle is similar to her old one.


U It's easy to live this kind of lifestyle.

2 She still travels and moves around a lot.

5 She gets paid for sharing her ideas.

3 She sometimes stays with strangers.

6 All audiences will enjoy this movie.

JVIAKE IT PERSONAL Would you like to see this movie? W h y (not)? Is Heidemarie a parasite or an inspiration" Yes, I'd like to see the movie, 'cos I want to know how she can live without using money.

p l Vocabularyl

I don't think she's a parasite, for me she's a very lucky person. Most people need to work to get money to live.


A O 10.7 C o m p l e t e t h e dialog b e t w e e n t w o s t u d e n t s w i t h t h e s e v e r b s in t h e c o r r e c t f o r m . Listen to c h e c k . afford

cost spend



pay for


I need a new phone, but I can't

sarn If I get another job I can wtff more money. it yet I have 5 0 dollars, but I won't spend tkern alreadr.







Why don't you enter the raffle? It's only $20 and the first prize is a new iPhone. You might


That's too much! I don't much money at my job and I have to I don't want to my money on raffle tickets.


Just trying to help! I know that it and get a pizza. I j u s t found $20—let's


You should .

all my school books.

a lot being a student nowadays. Come on! Let's go out it!

_ the money!... Or give it to me!

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%*Money, it's a crime. Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie. Money, so they say.. .'•

-.e-read t h e d i a l o g a n d give t w o pieces o f advice to A m y .

1 0 0 I U.O

she should definitely buy a raffle ticket.

Z) ( TAKE IT PERSONAL In groups, a n s w e r 1-7. Find t h e -•eople w h o are m o s t s i m i l a r / different to you.

I don't think so. That's such a waste of money.


When you have extra money do you spend it or save it?

E l Have you ever won anything in a raffle?







E l Do you think gambling is a good idea or a waste of money? •

Do you think it's better to earn money or to win money?

E l If there's something you want to buy but can't afford, do you buy it on credit or save for it? E l Do you usually try to bargain when you buy things? E3 Have you ever found any money in the street? Did you keep it?

I'm not very lucky. I never win anything.



i won a cen p^g once


O 10.8 §1* W h a t ' s a " f r e e g a n " ? Listen to / W a t c h p a r t o n e of t h i s video to find out. A "freegan" is a person who: | 1 likes to steal expensive things. S O 10-8

2 tries not to buy things.

3 doesn't worry about the environment.

Listen / W a t c h again and n u m b e r t h e s e w o r d s / p h r a s e s in t h e order you h e a r t h e m , 1-6. alternative

living strategies

C O 10.9



limited participation



minimal consumption




Listen to / W a t c h p a r t t w o and a n s w e r 1-4. True (T) or f a l s e (F)?

1 She often takes food from the street.

3 She has taken lots of furniture from the street.

2 She lives in Los Angeles.

4- People from other towns think recycling is a bad idea.

3 © 10.10 81* Listen to / W a t c h p a r t t h r e e and c h o o s e t h e b e s t a n s w e r . 1 She will / won't take things for her bed. 2 She does / doesn't take very dirty things. 3 She feels excited / angry when she finds furniture. E

MAKE IT PERSONAL W h a t would you t a k e h o m e f r o m t h e garbage? Mark t h e s e i t e m s : D = definitely, M = m a y b e , N = no way. bedding


fabric furniture

fresh fruit and vegetables

packaged food

wooden furniture

pwriBiffltflit I'd never take anything out of someone's garbage.


Listening is difficult in any language. We only remember between 2 5 - 5 0 % of what we hear, and when it's a foreign language, understanding 1 0 % is a success. So when you're listening, try to concentrate on general meaning, not specific words.

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How often do you check your Facebook page?

p ] Listening A Do you h a v e r e u n i o n s w i t h y o u r old s c h o o l f r i e n d s ? We had one last year, 10 years after leaving school. Everyone's so different!



10.11 Dictation. L i s t e n a n d w r i t e a s m u c h o f t h i s m e s s a g e

a s y o u c a n . P a i r c h e c k , t h e n l i s t e n a g a i n . Did y o u g e t it a l l ?



C Identify all t h e verb t e n s e s in t h e m e s s a g e . Do you t h i n k y o u r E n g l i s h g r a m m a r is g e t t i n g b e t t e r ?


MAKE IT PERSONAL D o y o u t h i n k r e u n i o n s a r e a g o o d or a b a d i d e a ? W h y ? Give e x a m p l e s . I think they're a terrible idea! I don't want to see people from my past!



t seei

o|d friendSj

jt h e | p s y o u r e m e m b e r f u n n y



G r a m m a r : Asking Questions - Review ffmiiMuunii many


How uwetT people ystaS there?

do How oftenVyou eat pizza?



Where^ou iwerrf?

long have you lived here How mnny y r n n ilu JJ HI linV In n

Grammar p. 134



10.12 L i s t e n t o a d i a l o g a n d c o m p l e t e t h e t a b l e . Is Kyle g o i n g t o t h e r e u n i o n ? W h y (not)? Name




Marital s t a t u s Children


Use what to ask a general question.

fruit do you like? 1 like pineapple and watermelon. apple would you like? The red


R e a d a n d c o m p l e t e t h e ÂŽ b o x w i t h w h a t a n d which.

one or the green one? The red one, please.



10.12 O r d e r t h e s e q u e s t i o n s f r o m t h e d i a l o g a n d a d d a n a u x i l i a r y o r m a i n v e r b . L i s t e n a g a i n t o c h e c k .

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I'll be there for you. When the rain starts to pour. I'll be there for you. Like I've been there before. I'll be there for y o u >


C o m p l e t e q u e s t i o n s 1-6. In pairs, a s k a n d a n s w e r t h e m , plus follow-up q u e s t i o n s . A n y t h i n g in c o m m o n ?

Who has the best attitude? Language Answer



is more than just coming

these questions

and compare

to class.

How's your

with your classmates




to find out who has the best



d i d y o u r e g i s t e r for t h i s English class?


on time



d i d y o u m i s s class t h i s semester?


once or twice

more than


y o u e n j o y t a k i n g English t h i s year?


more or less


d i d y o u practice English o u t s i d e of class?





y o u g o i n g t o t a k e English again?





English d o y o u k n o w now?

more than

same as before

less than

definitely before



I think Lina has the best attitude. She registered for class early and she didn't miss any classes this semester.

(ID Pronunciation: Hou; +


/ Adu Question Stress

10.13 R e a d C y b e r E n g l i s h a n d w r i t e t h e s e q u e s t i o n s in s t a n d a r d English. r r question?


Listen to check. W h i c h word h a s the m a i n stress in each how



hey! it's great to c u! what's new?

H e y ! It's ÂŁ r e a t to s e e you! W h a t ' s n e w ?




how long ago d u start learning Eng? Mickey



Match the chat form to the standard form. to


New York

r u

are you

u r


how much time do u spend studying or working?





you are

how long have u lived in ur current town?

new york





0 3


In cyber English, we often use abbreviations and don't use upper case letters.


how often do u check facebook?


n n Cyber English

how many ppl have u met online?

In p a i r s , p r a c t i c e a s k i n g a n d a n s w e r i n g t h e q u e s t i o n s w i t h t h e c o r r e c t s t r e s s . J.'AKE]T P E R S O N A L

You've just found a long-lost friend on Facebook! Write and a n s w e r as m a n y questions

as you c a n s i m u l a t i n g a chat. Use abbreviations. P e r f o r m t h e b e s t p a r t o f y o u r " c h a t " a s a dialog.



Where do u live now? Friend !

live in San Luis Potosf.

How long have u lived there?

ook.com/ ,


4 about 2 yrs.


Workbook p. 52

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Do you enjoy reading in English?

p s

Reading Faster

A W h a t is d i f f e r e n t w h e n r e a d i n g in y o u r l a n g u a g e c o m p a r e d t o r e a d i n g in E n g l i s h ? A n s w e r in p a i r s . It's hard to read for long in English.


_ _ _

Yeah, I don't read many long texts anyway, usually just on screens.

m B

Š 10.14 R e a d t h e a r t i c l e . How long did it t a k e y o u ? T h e n c o m p l e t e t h e table .

The key is to read faster. Here's why it's important. The average reading speed of a ch

How to

in elementary school is around 200 words per minute (wpm). For adults, it's about 25C

be a better


300 wpm. Contestants at the World Championship speed reading competitions can reac 1000-1200 w p m ! To be an excellent reader, a goal of 500-800 wpm is ideal. This will allow you to read a lo: of information in a short time and still understand most of what you are reading.

By Dr. Marshall

Reading in a second language is different, because, of course, you won't immediate^, understand a lot of the words that you read. This means that you don't understand whs you read, you read slower, and so you don't enjoy reading, which then means you don'

You don't understand


You read slowly

Vicious Circle Diagram

You don't w a n t to read


You don't enjoy reading

read much. It's a vicious circle, one Reading speed

which makes it difficult to improve your


speed, because

Elementary school student Average adult World champion speed reader An excellent reader A second language reader


need to practice more to read faster and you also need to read faster to understand more. Many second

wpm wpm wpm wpm wpm

language readers read at 100 w p m or less. You really need to read at a speed of at least 200 wpm.

pmmmffiiai R e a d W o r l d o f English in a m i n u t e . Do y o u do any of these things? Do y o u like r e a d i n g in: a) y o u r f i r s t l a n g u a g e ? b) E n g l i s h ? W h y (not)? I really like reading the news online in my language, but when I read in English there's a lot I don't understand, so I get frustrated quickly.




Here are a few tips to help you to read in English. 1 Try to read things you're interested in and you know something about already. If you don't enjoy reading, you won't do it. 2 Read something in your language and then try to read it in English 3 Make sure longer texts aren't too difficult. If you don't understand more than about eight words per paragraph, choose another text before you get frustrated. 4 Use English subtitles when you watch movies in English. This helps your listening, pronunciation and spelling too.

10.15 L i s t e n a n d c o m p l e t e Dr. M a r s h a l l ' s tips. 1

Give yourself _

minute to read an article. Get as far as you can. Do this


Read the same article as many times as you can in _


Read at the same speed as your class. Read an article of


Use an alarm to help you. If you read at _

minutes. w o r d s in _



w o r d s per minute, the alarm will go off every

(MAKE IT PERSONAL,; F i n d a t e x t o f a b o u t 4 0 0 w o r d s . Try o n e o f t h e s t r a t e g i e s a b o v e . C o m p a r e in g r o u p s . Did it h e l p y o u to r e a d f a s t e r ? I tried to read the text in a minute, but the first time I only read half of it.



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Are you similar to most of your friends?

10.5 1

3 in Action 0

Describing People and Things

10.16 Listen and identify t h e i t e m s you h e a r in p i c t u r e s 1-4.

B © 10.17 Read World o f English, t h e n circle t h e b e s t o p t i o n s in 1 a n d 2. Listen to c h e c k .



To avoid repetition, use one and ones.

1 A I'd like to try that jacket, please.

> Which one is your sister?

B Sure. Which j a c k e t / one? The green j a c k e t / one?

> She's the one wearing red. > Which ones are your glasses?

A No, the gray / gray one with green on it.

> Those ones, over there.

2 A Have you seen my keys? B Oh, not again. Are they the keys / ones over there? A No, those are Jake's. Mine are the small ones / keys with a big key ring.

Grammar p. 134




Which sweater do you want? The b l a c k ^

C © 10.18 In pairs, role-play t h e dialogs for t h e o t h e r t w o p i c t u r e s . Listen again to t h e originals. How s i m i l a r w e r e y o u r s ?

one Which .beotC is your book?

red ones What lovely flowers! Do you like the redS?



Are and Phone Photos.

Put all your pens on a table and mix them up. Describe which one is yours. Do this with your notebooks, textbooks, bags, keys, or whatever else you can find! Mine is the one that says Hotel




Mine are the ones with a red key ring.

2 Describe and define your classmates and friends. Show photos to give examples. Which ones are most similar to you? These are my friends Louise and Allie. Louise is the blond one. They're the ones who always organize parties for me.

That's Nick. He's the one who knows all the answers.

Workbook : : :

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Grammar and Vocabulary Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages below and remember.

E Š 6.1 In pairs, match 1-5 with a-e. Listen to check.

9 words connected with weddings the stages of Jon's relationship 6 types of performers 8 causes of stress the description of 6 vacation photos the 8 pairs of picture words in lines 5 and 6 of the consonants chart

1 Look! They're holding hands. 2 Zara's very late. 3 What's in this package?

In pairs, decide which combinations apply to these pictures? Do you both agree?

4 Who's that guy? 5 Look, the money's gone. a It could be Kim's son. He looks like Kim. b It can't be a pair of socks. It's too heavy, c They must be dating now. d There must be a thief in the room, e She might be stuck on the bus. M A K E IT PERSONAL Complete 1-5 and compare in pairs. Do your answers reflect your attitude towards mone\

^ Tke. ^ t e a c h e r i-S...

1 A bank is a place...

For me a bank is a place you use to save money.

2 A lottery is a thing...

bored I interested.

3 Credit cards are things... M A K E IT


In groups, answer a-d.


U Shopping is an activity...


5 A financial advisor is a person.

a What makes a teacher interesting / boring? b When was the last time you were confused? c What do you find terrifying? d When was the last time you were terrified? When teachers don' t use f u n activities, I t h i n k they're...

G Play Describe it, but don't say it. A: Describe five words / phrases from English iD 2. Use English, mime, drawings, sounds or rhyme, but dor. say the word itself. B: Listen and say the words / phrases A describes. H Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in units 9 & 10. What's your score, 1-10?

M A K E IT PERSONAL in groups, make a conditional chain like the model. Which group can make the longest chain?

m m 1 At first, I wasn't interesting in the movie, but the final part was very excited.

If I lived in Germany,

(2 m i s t a k e s )

2 If I would know John, I would talk to him. o mistake)

I would speak German.

If I spoke German,

3 What would you do if you see your best friend w i t h

I could get a better job.

your ex-girlfriend? (1 mistake) k

If I got a better job.

She can be hungry, because she d i d n ' t eat s o m e t h i n g today.

(2 m i s t a k e s )

You better do your homework,

a mistake)

My boss made me to stay late at work, (i mistake) That's the car who I bought last week, (i


Sentence starters: If I spoke



If I won the


If I were a


If it were...


8 People w h i c h play sports have a lot of pression to win.


9 My brother wins a lot of money, but he loses it on Stupid things.

(2 m i s t a k e s )

10 Could you pass me my coat? No, not that, t h e blue. (2 mistakes)

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Skills Practice A Listen to 0 1 0 . 6 . Stop after every t w o / t h r e e s e n t e n c e s and s u m m a r i z e w h a t you heard. B


Read t h i s article. True (T) or false (F)? W h a t ' s your relationship w i t h your siblings like?

In pairs, play Problems! Flip a coin. Heads = one space; tails = t w o s p a c e s . Role-play e a c h situation. A: Child. You don't want to go to school. B: Parent. Make your child go to school.

1 Brothers and sisters fight more when they're children than as adults.

A: Broken heart. Your bf / gf broke up with you. B: Friend. Support them and give advice.

A: Teacher. Your job is boring. B: Colleague. Give advice.

2 It's unusual for siblings to change their opinions of each other.

A: Teenager. You don't have any money. Ask for some. B: Friend. Give / refuse money. Give advice.

3 Rivalry always starts when the second child is born. U Parents don't like to see competition between their children. 5 The Jacksons had a better relationship when they were younger.

A: Lonely. Your bf / gf travels all the time. B: Friend. Listen and give advice.

o you get along with your brothers and sisters? Are they your best friends or do you never see them? It's really common for siblings to fight, especially when they're young.



A: Nervous. You have to speak at a friend's wedding. B: Friend. Make suggestions.

And don't be surprised if one minute you love your brother or sister and the next minute you can't stand that same sibling. Competition between brothers and sisters can start before the second child arrives and it continues as children get older and they have to share toys, food and, most importantly, attention from their parents.

Sibling Rivalry

It can be hard for parents to watch, but it's very normal and, as children get older, the rivalry hopefully changes into a warm friendship—but not for everyone! Look at the Jacksons. They used to make music together and now they fight all the time!

Husband You your cell phone

B: Wife. Make a suggestion.


1) She's j e a l o u s . 2) Her p a r t n e r gets j e a l o u s easily. I m a g i n e t h e s p e c i a l i s t ' s advice. 0 6 . 3 Listen to t h e r e s t of t h e dialog and w r i t e C (Carla), J (Jack) or B (both of them).


is starting to behave secretively. is becoming more jealous.


is worried about losing her / his partner.


needs to make her / his partner feel more confident.

6 Dr. Brayman thinks E

should talk to a counselor.

(MAKE IT PERSONAL , w h a t would you do if you w e r e Carla? I would break up with him.

A: Tired. You can't sleep at night. B : Doctor. Give some advice or some medicine.

In groups, do t h e quiz and look b a c k to c h e c k . Score t h r e e points for e a c h correct answer.


Which American state is visited in lesson 6.1?


What was the text" What? Obsessive? Me?" about?


What did Harry and Penny talkaboutin units?


Whathappened toJon in lesson J.z?


Who are BeginAgain and MyVeryBestin

receives a lot of phone calls at work.



How yy)nch do you remember?

Q 6 . 2 Listen to p a r t one of a radio show. W h a t ' s t h e caller's problem?



' H


I think in lesson 6.1 the state that's visited is... —' \ '


MAKE r PERSONAL Question time!

1 Listen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 9 & 10. 2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the map on p. 3. Ask at least two follow-up questions. Can you have a short conversation about each one? How do you get on with your siblings?

We||f we s o m e t i m e s



most of the time we are friends.

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Have to / Need to / Want to

We have to buy food for the party. She needs to study a lot to pass the exam,

have to = obligation need to = necessity

I really want to go out with her.

want to = desire

Have to, need to and want to are "semi modals." They act like modals—for example, can, should or must, which have only one form—but they conjugate like main verbs. For Yes / No questions use

and for Wh questions use

Question What What

Eluxiliary do




Eluxiliary Do Did


have / need / want + to + BJnfinitive haue to work out? need to exercise? want to change careers?


we they he she it

Does Did


Efcibject have / need / want + to + BJnfinitive I / you / we/ they have to do? need to buy? he / she / it I / you / we / they / want to go? he / she / it

need to finish the test? want to take class?

"My client doesn't have to answer that.

Short Answer Yes, I / you / we / they do No, I / you / we / they don't. Yes, I / you / we / they did No, I / you / we / they didn't. Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn't. Yes, he / she / it did. No, he / she / it didn't.

Future Simple - Predictions and Unplanned Decisions

Subject I / You / We / They / He / She / It

Auxiliary •jl will not

Infinitive + phrase take the train. I need to get there quickly, (unplanned decision) go to college next year, (definite plans) rain this afternoon, (prediction)

Form: O will + infinitive / O will not + infinitive. Use: for definite plans, unplanned decisions, and predictions. Contractions: 'II = will, won't = will not. model.

For questions use the E l E l U / C Eluxiliary




Question What


Eluxiliary will

Unfinitive fix the car?

ELibject they

Unfinitive bring to the party?

Answer They'll bring a cake.

Should / Shouldn't Subject

I / You / We / They / He / She / It '

Auxiliary should shouldn't

Infinitive + phrase work harder, (advice / opinion) eat junk food every day. (advice) try that new Italian restaurant, (suggestion)

Form: should + infinitive for all persons. Use: for advice, opinions and suggestions. For questions use the E l £ 1 1 1 / 0 D E l D Eluxiliary Should Question What Which bus 116

Short Answer Yes, I will. / No, I won't.


Eluxiliary should

leu model.

U n f i n i t i v e + phrase

J///™ / ^ / they /

Wou CAN'T L e n a v CVSRfTty/(Vfir F f t o ^ 1 ©£>6t<S, 10U

take the bus?


Blubject I / you / we / they / he / she / it

D e f i n i t i v e + phrase do? take?


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1B Correct two mistakes in each of 1-5.

' - Circle the correct option in 1-5. 1 He has to / wants leave the room to take the call. There's no signal here. 2 They need / needed to pay with their credit card but they couldn't. 3 At McDonald's you have to / want to pay for your food before you eat it. 4 She wants to / need to take a vacation in the U.S., so she have to / needs to get a visa. 5 Did you need / needs to do military service when you were 18?

1 I want get a haircut next Thursday. Do I have to making an appointment? 2 He needs find a roommate, because he not want to pay the rent on his own. 3 They really want get in shape. They need go to the gym every day. U I'm sad she isn't go to the party. I really want see her. 5 I no needed work yesterday. It was a holiday.

1 - Complete 1-5 with 'II, will, or won't. 1 Buy our new product and you 2 3 4 5

be disappointed!

That cashmere coat probably still look great in 20 years. Oh, no! I can't believe you be able to come. I didn't know you were busy. What you do when you're in NYC next week? I see you when I get back from my trip.

I E Complete 1-5 with 'II probably, '11 definitely, or won't. 1 I 2 3 k 5

She They OK, I He

have time to do my homework tonight. I'm too tired. send you a postcard. She always writes to her friends. join us at the Steak House Restaurant. They're vegetarians. see you tomorrow at 10 for our swimming class, if the train isn't late. win the Academy Award this year. His movie is obviously the best.

see / fall

11 What will happen in photos 1-3? Write two predictions for each using the suggested phrases. say "yes" / get married

3 - In pairs, take turns making recommendations about photos 1-4. Use should, need to, or have to.

3B Complete dialogs 1-3 with should O or Š and these verbs. be

come spend

go stay




A I have to wear something nice to this wedding, but everything is too expensive. B You too much money. Look for special sales. A My friend loves live music pubs. Where she to hear good music? B She to the new club with me tonight. A lot of popular bands play there. A You sound really sick. Maybe you in class this week. B My doctor said I _ __ home, but I don't think I A Maybe you to him!

She should cover her mouth when she sneezes!


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1 Past Continuous O O Past of Be was was not / wasn't were were not / weren't

Subject 1 / He / She / It You / We / They

Verb + -ing driving a truck. surfing the Internet.

He was playing hockey when he slipped on a banana peel.

Form: the past of be + -ing. Use: actions in progress at a certain time in the past. Verb + -ing go + -ing = going see + -ing = seeing study + -ing = studying hop£ + -ing = hoping shar£ + -ing = sharing die" dy + -ing = dying lie" ly + -ing = lying run -> running sit sitting begin beginning listen listening occur occurring travel traveling

Question What Where

Past of Be were was

Spelling rules Most verbs, add -ing. Verbs ending with silent -e, cut the -e + -ing. Verbs ending with -ie, change -ie to -y + -ing. One-syllable verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC), double the final C and add -ing. Verbs with two or more syllables ending in CVC, double the final C (except w, x, or y) when the last syllable is stressed.

Verb + -ing doing? going?

Subject you / we / they I / he / she

2 State Verbs He needs a new cell phone. My grandmother doesn't understand English. Certain verbs that express "state" or "condition" do not appear in continuous forms. - hate, know, like, look, love, need, smell, taste, understand, want He has brown eyes. / He is having a good time at the party. Some verbs have both a "state" and an "active" meaning. • be, haue, think

I don't understand I'm nnt iiinl i 'ihn l i n r the difference.

It's increasingly common to hear state verbs in the continuous form, for example: * "I'm loving it!" or "You're looking good today."


Past Continuous vs. Past Simple

I was cooking dinner when the phone rang. The power went out while I was writing an e-mail to my friend. While 1 was standing at the bus stop, it began to rain. Past Simple They played tennis yesterday. She danced a lot at the party yesterday. The car stopped before the accident. They tried to talk to you last Monday. She bought some new shoes.

Spelling rules Most verbs: verb + -ed. Verbs ending in -e + -d. Verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) = double the final C + -ed Verbs ending in consonant + -y = cut -y + -ied Some verbs are irregular. See the list on p. 136.

Use: Past Simple for an action that interrupts an action in progress (Past Continuous). Use: while or when to connect the actions. If when / while is at the beginning of the sentence, use a comma after the main clause. Question What Where

Past of Be were was

Subject 1st action you he

Verb + -ing doing going

Linking word when while

Subject 2nd action the phone it the power

Past verb rang? happened? went out?

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Complete 1-5 with the Past Continuous of these verbs.


Take turns asking and answering.

Use the time phrases. do




_ your friends.

Why _

. you



. last night?

last night

at six o'clock

this morning


yesterday afternoon

. in my bag? . about me?

.he. How long _


she . you

What were you doing this

. for a taxi?

m o r n i n g when I was in class?

. yesterday?

Past Simple or Continuous? Correct the mistakes in 1-5.

I was eating breakfast and surfing the Internet.

1 What was you trying to do? 2 Did you sleep when I phoned you? 3 Was you having a party last night? It was very noisy! U Where was he meet his friends last night? 5 It is raining at lunchtime yesterday so I ate in the office.

I - Choose the correct form in 1-7. 1 My grandmother knew / was knowing a lot about cars.

2B Complete 1-5 with the simple or continuous form of the verb. Present or past?

2 I don't mind /'m not minding doing the dishes.

1 John Lennon

3 What are you think / thinking about?

2 The milk

A I wasn't understanding / didn't understand what you said. 5 I agree /'m agreeing with you.

3 I couldn't sleep because my neighbors a party, (have) k you your country will win the next World Cup? (think)

6 My sister is having / has a new car. 7 I always liked / was liking swimming.

5 They (not like)

3A Complete 1-5 with the correct form of the verbs. , „. , , 1 We baseball in the park when it raining, (play, start)

long hair, (have) bad so I threw it away, (taste)

pizza with too much pepperoni.

3C Point to the people in photos 1-6 and ask / answer about what they were doing when the power went

2 The other car the back of my car when I to work, (hit, drive) 3 I you yesterday when you mall, (see, shop)

in the

A When she home, we in the kitchen to give her a surprise, (arrive, hide) 5 I _ _ _ _ _ down the street when I trip and fall)


3B Order the words in 1-5 to make sentences. 1 he / chicken / cooking / was / phone / rang / when / the/. 2 an / driving / was / they / when / earthquake / were / there /. 3 playing / computer / on / her / was / she / while / power / games / out / went / the / . U lifeguard / were / whistle / his / blew / swimming / the / when / in / the / we / ocean /. 5 the Internet / funny / was / found / surfing / video /1 / while /1 / a / .

What was he doing?

He was m a k i n g c of f ee when the power went out.

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Present Perfect 1 - Past Experiences O © Subject I / You / We / They He / She / It

Auxiliary Past Participle have /'ve been abroad. have not / haven't done the homework. seen a movie recently, has /'s traveled a lot. has not / hasn't studied English before. worked hard today.

Form: have / has + Past participle. Past participles of regular verbs are the same as the Past Simple. Use: for past experiences without a specific time. Use the Past Simple to ask for specific time details and to give information with specific time expressions. Yes / No Questions Have you (ever) seen a panda? Have they (ever) been to Thailand? Has he / she (ever) tried Peruvian food?

O Short Answers O Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Yes, they have. No, they haven't. Yes, he / she has. No, he / she hasn't.

For short answers, do not contract the subject with the auxiliary. - Have you euer been to New York? - Yes, I have. I went there in 2011, just before Christmas. It was great.

- No, I hauen't but I'd love to. I've always wanted to see Times Square. Note: with the Present Perfect, ever means in your whole life.


Present Perfect 2 - Completed Actions

Subject I / You / We / They

Auxiliary haue / 'ue haue not / hauen't

He / She / It

has /'s has not / hasn't

Participle + object already finished work, eaten lunch yet. checked Facebook today already. just woken up. seen the news yet.

' In American English it's more common to use the Past Simple for completed actions with already, just and recently.

Use: - just for recently completed actions. • already for actions completed before now. Note that already has two possible positions. • yet with O sentences for actions that are expected to happen but are incomplete.

Use: already in questions when you expect a positive answer. Note that already has two possible positions, yet in a question if you don't know whether the answer is yes or no.

Past Participle + object phrase Haue



already finished your work? I/you / we / they seen the new Spider-Man movie yet? eaten breakfast already ? he / she / it stopped raining yet?

Present Perfect 3 - Unfinished Past

I've lived here since I was a little girl. I haven't seen him for a long time. She's worked here since 1998. I've had a headache for about two days. Use: - Present Perfect with for or since to talk about an action or state that started in the past and continues now. • for + time expression for the duration of an action, since + time expression for the point in time that an action started.

Duration for a long time for many years for ten weeks 120 i

Point since since since

in time yesterday 1984 I left college

Wh Questions

• How long

El have

H I / you / we / they


he / she / it




Past Participle studied here? worked here?


Duration = for



Point in time = since

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V -ook at Mark's travel trunk. Complete 1-8 with the past participle forms of the verbs.

I B In pairs, ask and answer questions about 1A. Has Mark been

Has he ever

to France?

been to Mexico?

yYes, he has. He's

No, he hasn't,

been there twice.

1C Complete the dialog with the verbs in the Present Perfect, O or C. Then take turns role-playing the dialog. A you ever _ _ Chicago? (visit) B No, I there you? (be) A Yes, I __ I really enjoyed it. B Chicago that big skyscraper... uh, what's it called? (got) A Yes, it Its name recently It's now called the Willis Tower, (change) B Well, you know a lot about it. A Yeah, it's a great place to visit. I there several times, (go) Take turns asking and answering about where you've been and what you've done there.


Mark has He's Mark has He has Mark's He's Mark has Mark's

on the Panama Canal, (sail) to NYC several times, (be) many Broadway shows, (see) the Andes Mountains once, (climb) to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa, (go) the pyramids of Egypt, (visit) all the way to China, (travel) at the Savoy Hotel in London, (stay)

I - Order the words in 1-5 to make sentences. 1 he / abroad / three / has / times / been / . 1 yet / Jenny / learned / hasn't / to / drive /. I 2 I / been / to / New York / business / on / several / have / times / . - paid / they / already / the / hotel / bill / have /. I 5 haven't / spent / money / all / yet / our / we / .

Complete 1-5 with the Present Perfect, Q or O. Use contractions.

Have you ever

Which cities

been to Italy?

have you visited?

Yes, I have.

I've been to Rome, Florence, and Venice. What about you?

2 B Correct two mistakes in each of 1-5. 1 I have ever been to the West End. I've hear it's fantastic. 2 Have you never gone to a Broadway show? 3 He have yet paid for his trip with his credit card. 4 They hasn't see the Mona Lisa already, so they're going to the Louvre today. 5 Have you been ever to Miami? I've returned just from there.

3 B Read Jackie's profile and correct 10 mistakes,

1 He in the UK for 10 months and he really loves it. (live) 2 They on Baker Street since the early 1990s. They moved a long time ago. (live) 3 Since I was a kid, I always certain that the moon landings were fake, (be) - She from that seat since she sat down! (move) 5 Mrs. Martin that awful hairstyle since the 1990s, (have)


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1 Used to vs. Past Simple I used to play a lot of sports, but I'm too busy now. My brother used to make fun of me when I was young. Did you use to watch a lot of cartoons? She didn't use to like fruit, but she loves it now.

My family used to live in Chicago, but we moued to L.A. in 2002. B


Q What Where How

Used to


I/You/We/They He/She/It





use(d) to



Mi Used to



used to

you / we / they / use(d) to he / she / it


do go feel

in summer? "He used to own a muscle car."

Form: used to + infinitive. Questions and negatives use the auxiliary did (not). Use: for past states that are no longer true and actions that happened regularly in the past but no longer happen.

In writing, it's also possible to use used to with did O or ©. > She didn't used to play soccer. Don't worry when you are speaking because use to and used to sound the same.

For short Yes / No answers, use: O Yes + subject + did. O No + subject + didn't. Use the Past Simple to talk about past activities and events at specific points in time. We saw a great movie last week. My sister was born in 1992.

He arrived a few minutes ago. Did you see the news yesterday?

There was a storm last night.

Comparatives and Superlatives, as . . as


Camping is cheaper than staying at a hotel.

It's probably the ugliest building in Manhattan. That hotel is the most expensive in London. New York is as expensive as London. She's as beautiful as her mother. The UK is not as big as the U.S.

One-syllable adjectives Most one-syllable adjectives take -er / -est. Adjectives ending CVC: double the final consonant + -er / -est. Adjective

rich big slim


richer bigger slimmer


the richest the biggest the slimmest

O n e / Two-syllable adjectives ending in -y Cut -y and add -ier / -iest. Adjective

crazy easy heavy


crazier easier heavier


the craziest the easiest the heaviest

Adjectives with two or more syllables Adjective

beautiful complicated exciting expensive


more more more more

beautiful complicated exciting expensive


the the the the

most most most most

beautiful complicated exciting expensive

The opposite of: more ... than is less ... than and the opposite of the most is the least. - The subway is usually less crowded at night. > Vatican City is the least populated city-state in the world. It only

has about 800 residents.

Irregular adjectives Adjective




better worse farther / further

good bad far

the best the worst the farthest / furthest


O Use as ... as for two things with similar qualities. This is very common in figurative speech. > It's as easy as pie to get to the airport.

» He doesn't say much. He's as quiet as a mouse. - That joke is as old as a dinosaur.

O Use not as ... as to criticize and talk about differences. > London is not as populated as New York. • LPs are not as easy to take care of as CDs.

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Irder the words in 1-5 to make sentences or questions. father / used / old / records / collect / to / my / . 1 your / use / you / did / play / to / friends / with / baseball / ? 3 a / a /1 / horse / to / beautiful / have / used /1 / child / was / when / . - use / like / he / math / when / high / to / was / in / didn't / he / school / . 5 cleaner / city / your / to / did / use / be / ? Look at the pictures and complete sentences 1-4 with O or © used to. Then match t h e m to a-d.

1 They

eat a lot of unhealthy food,

2 She

bite her fingernails,

3 He U I 1C

have much money.

b but now I study a lot more, c but they are healthier now. d He has lots now, but he has no free time.

get good grades,


a but now she's getting a manicure!

in pairs, take turns asking and answering


1 Have you changed any bad habits? 2 What did you use to do for fun when you were a kid? 3 What kind of music did you use to listen to? U What were your favorite TV programs? , - „ „ , . , , , . , , . , , •,, 5 What kind of kids did you use to hang out with?

' Have you changed any bad habits? \ When I was a kid, I used to bite my fingernails. - „

2A Complete 1-5 with one comparative / superlative and one as ... as. 1 When I first moved here, the neighborhood was 2 Wow, John's lost a lot of weight. He used to be the years ago! 3 Smartphones are not

(quiet) a mouse. But now it's (heavy) guy at work. Now he looks

(small) normal cell phones, but they are

(noisy) than Delhi! (good) he did 10

(good) because you can use the

Internet easily. 4 My mom types 5 I don't go out

(fast) than most secretaries, but she's not (often) I used to when I was


2 B Correct the mistake in each of 1-5. 1 Computers are not popular as cell phones. 2 My brother is most interested in video games than I am. 3 We have thought about getting a cat that's not big like our last one. 4 That was the most ugly haircut I've ever had in my life. 5 This new cell is more bad than my last one.

(good) me with the computer.

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Obligation & Prohibition: Got to / Have to / Can't


We have to take the test tomorrow. You've got to bring a pen to the test.

I can't use a cell phone in the exam room. You don't have to write in black, you can use blue.

Have to


Have to

have to has to have to have to

I/ You/We/They He/She/It I/You/We/They don't doesn't He / She / It



work tonight.

Have to

I / you / we / they he / she / it

Do Does

I j

have to

work tonight?




I / You / We / They / He / She / It



smoke in this building.




got to is pronounced /gata/,

- have to /'ve got to to express an obligation. I've got to is more common in speaking. > don't have to to express no obligation: you have a choice. » can't to express prohibition.

have to is /hsefta/, and has to is /haezfe

2 Too / Enough / Too much / Too many She's too busy to study. Be careful! Your bag is going to break. You have too many things in it. Shhhh! You're making too much noise and I can't concentrate. Can you get that book off the shelf for me? I'm not tall enough. I have ten cousins. That's enough people for a soccer team, including me. I like cooking, but I don't have enough time.

Too + noun or adjective means excessive. Use too many with © nouns and too much with © nouns. Enough means sufficient, not enough means insufficient. Enough goes after adjectives, but before nouns.

3 Zero and First Conditional

"Table seven says the fish isn't cooked enough."

Zero Conditional

First Conditional

I/you don't ask for anything, you don't get anything. People sometimes quit when they don't succeed the first time.

If we see him tomorrow, we'll give him your message. I promise I won't tell anyone if you tell me a secret.

Zero Conditional Conditional Clause If/When

If / When If / When


it I


rains don't sleep

Result Clause

B a lot, the river enough, I

D floods, get

angry easily.

Use the zero conditional for facts and generalizations, things that are always true. I/or when introduce the conditional clause. When the conditional clause comes first, use a comma to separate the clauses.

First Conditional Result Clause

Conditional Clause If

If If

b I / you / we / they he / she / it

n don't get up gets up


Will o e

now, I / you / we / they /will won't late tomorrow, he / she / it


miss be

the bus. on time.

Use the first conditional for: - specific events that are probable or certain and their future results, * promises and warnings. Use a present tense in the conditional clause to talk about the future. Don't use a comma when the result clause comes first.

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- Complete 1-5 with got to, O Š have to / has to, or can't. 1 You can leave the room to use the restroom, but you 2 He's really 3

return in 10 minutes.

study harder! If he doesn't improve his grades, he you

stay on the basketball team.

work on Saturday night, or can you come to my party?

U She usually gets home from work at six, but tonight she 5 My brother works in a bar. He nights and weekends.

stop at the supermarket first.

wear a uniform, he can wear his own clothes, but he often

work late

' 3 Correct the mistake in each of 1-5. 1 You don't got to go to the supermarket later. I've already done all the shopping. 2 I'm allergic to cheese and bread so I don't can eat pizza. 3 I've to go to the dentist tomorrow. U She hasn't to work tomorrow so she can stay in bed. 5 It's important to be punctual. You has to be on time for the test.

1K Complete 1-5 with too / enough / too much / too many. 1 She has saved 20% of her salary and now she has 2 That math class is way 3 Are you strong

money to buy a car.

difficult for me and there is

homework. I'm dropping it!

to carry that bag? Do you want some help?

4 I didn't eat at the party. There were

people and there wasn't

5 I used to live in the country, but the commute was and moved!


far and the salary wasn't high

So I quit my job

2 3 Match 1-6 to a-f. a too many hours working on the computer.

1 He wastes... 2 They haven't got...

b because it's too advanced.

3 Her eyes hurt. She spends...

c too much time doing nothing.

4 We can't take this course...

d because there were too many people around.

5 I couldn't study...

e so we had to take a taxi.

6 There wasn't enough time to walk...


enough time to catch the flight.

IA Order the words in 1-5 to make sentences. Notice where the c o m m a is placed. 1 Do you loue him? / know / him, / he / you / don't / won't / tell / if / . 2 His flight is very soon. / won't / he / board / if / doesn't / leave / he / now /. 3 Why don't you eat something? / you / you / regularly / angry / get / eat / don't / if / . 4 Are you going on vacation? / need / go / you / States / a / the / visa / when / you / to / . 5 Are you doing Internet dating? / happy / meet / person, / nice / a / if / you'll / you / be / very /. 3 3 Correct two mistakes in each of 1-5. 1 We are going to the beach this weekend. If the water be too cold, we don't swim. 2 If it raining tomorrow, they cancel the soccer game. 3 I have a job after school. If I gets home too late, I don't homework. k If my roommate get up early, she always make coffee. 5 If I will pass the test next week, I will to get my driver's license. 2 c (MAKE IT PERSONAL) w h a t will happen in each situation? late for school / work

learn English tuell

What will happen if you're late for work?



miss the bus

wake up late

win the




If I'm late for work, my boss will make me stay later. 125

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Verb Patterns (Verb + Gerund)

My friend always does funny things at school. I can't help laughing in class. Do you enjoy working


My mom feeeps losing her glasses, she does it every day.

Some verb phrases and verbs are followed by a gerund: adore advise avoid can't help consider dislike enjoy feel like finish imagine

Verb + Gerund

keep mind miss practice quit risk regret suggest understand

don't feel like dancing.

Gerunds I am interested in snowboarding. I'm in charge of organizing the party. Snowboarding is a popular winter sport.

Use the -ing form (gerund) after prepositions and as the subject of a sentence.


Verb + Gerund or Verb + Infinitive

Oh no! I forgot to lock the door! I really want to learn to drive. Mozart started to play the piano when he was three. She started driving when she was 17.

The milk started to smell bad because it was in the sun. He continued talking for hours.

I am continuing to learn new things euery day. Some verbs are followed by an infinitive: Verb + Infinitive

offer plan promise refuse seem wait want wish

agree ask decide expect forget hope learn mean need

Some verbs combine with a gerund or infinitive with little change in the meaning. Some common verbs are: Verb + Gerund or Infinitive

begin choose continue hate

like love prefer start

Use the infinitive as the second verb if: > the first verb is in the -ing form. - the second verb is a state uerb



Grammar p. 118


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1A Match 1-5 to a-e. 1 Jogging is a...

a starting college next year.

2 Smoking is not...

b reading it?

3 I'm excited about...

c coughing.

4 She's got a terrible cold. She keeps...

d permitted in this building,

5 Can I have your newspaper when you've finished...

e good form of exercise.

B Order the words in 1-5 to make sentences or questions. 1 a / sport / is / dangerous / diving / . 2 you / a / have / getting / new / considered / job / ? 3 watching / how / a / movie / about / ? A in / living / he / NYC / misses / really / . 5 doing / you / do / enjoy / what / ? ' I Complete 1-4 with a verb from the box in the correct form. There is one extra verb. cook





. to a restaurant, but Joel felt like.

1 Marie suggested


. at home.

a party on the moon? It would be a lot of fun!

2 Can you imagine 3 She can't help

. when she watches Titanic.

U When you don't enjoy

a class, it's hard to do well.

- Match photos a-f to sentences 1-6. Then complete 1-6 with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. She has just finished. They have agreed She is asking She is practicing He forgot They really enjoy.

(eat) business, (do) . home, (go)

first aid. (give) . his coffee and left it on the car. (pick up) video games, (play)

Correct two mistakes in each of 1-5. We was driving all night and had to stopping for a few hours sleep. 2 I really dislike to wash the dishes and I never do it if I don't need. 3 Henry avoids to shop on Saturdays because he doesn't enjoy to walk in crowded places. - Mike wants to learn cooking so he needs buy some books. 5 To be a teacher is a good job if you are interested in to help people. .

Iircle the correct option in 1-5. I asked him not to play / playing his music so loud. I if she wants to continue / continuing her piano lessons, she'll need to study! I Would you mind to help / helping me with this computer program? - \ never thought V d quit to smoke / smoking,but Vve finaiiy did it\ z He decided to leave / leaving class early and go home to rest.


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I l l Some, Any, No, Every Compounds - Indefinite Pronouns I put my keys somewhere. Where are they? There's something in the way she moves. I know someone that looks like you. Ask Julia. She knows everything about baseball. There was no one in the room when I got here. They don't know anything about physics. Do you haue anything valuable in your bag? Does anyone want a drink? Is there anywhere to sit?

See nothing.

Hear nothing.

Common Mistakes

O Verbs All in a group

Unidentified For a person use For a thing use For a place use

someone somebody something somewhere

everyone everybody everything everywhere

If you hear something, don't tell anyone!

© meaning

no one nobody nothing nowhere

©&© anyone anybody anything anywhere

Use -one or -body to talk about people. The meaning is the same. Indefinite pronouns use the singular form of the verb.

has Almost everybody cell phone these days. anything I didn't do nethrnf fun on the weekend.

So and Such It's so hot! It's almost 40° C. I knew so many people at that party! There was so much traffic that I was late this morning. That's such a tragedy! I can't believe that happened. We had such a great time at your party that we didn't want to go. Use: » so to intensify adjectives and adverbs. > such to intensify attributes of nouns.

So / such ... that is often used to express a result.


"I've been so busy reading books on walking and running that I haven't had time to walk or run."

Passive Voice - Present and Past

These sweaters are made by hand. This fabulous dress was designed by Vera Wang. Thousands 0/shoes are sold every day in the U.S. Verb

Subject Active voice

J.K. Rowling


Passive voice

Harry Potter


Security guards

don't protect

Passive voice

This building


Active voice



A lot of pasta


Complement / Agent of the Passive in a cafe.

by J.K. Rowling in a cafe,


Active voice

Passive voice

Object Harry Potter

this building

at night. by security guards at night,

protected a lot of pasta eaten

in Italy. in Italy.

Form: be + past participle.

Use: when the object or event is more important than who did them. When it's necessary to say who / what did the action, use by. Four easy steps to transform an active voice into a passive:

• -

The object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive. Insert verb be in the same tense of the main verb of the active voice. Put the main verb in the past participle. If necessary, use by + the subject of the active voice to insert the agent of the passive.

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1A Complete 1-6 with anyone, anything, someone, something, everyone, everything, no one, or nothing. 1 Do you know 2 3 4 5 6

that lives in Chile? I'm going there on vacation and I need to get some advice.

tastes better than chocolate. It's my favorite food. I will wait until in the room has stopped talking before I start. Excuse me, can I ask you ? We want to go to a place where knows us and we can be alone! There was a power outage at work and stopped working, even the lights. We couldn't see found a flashlight.

1B Match 1-5 to a-e. 1 2 3 4

a b c d e

I can't cook because there's... I don't have... It was a great party. Someone phoned earlier,

5 Does anyone...

have a pencil I could borrow? but they didn't leave their name, nothing in the fridge. Let's go out to eat. anything to do. I'm so bored, Everyone said they enjoyed it.

1C Correct one mistake in each of 1-5. 1 2 3 U

He didn't do nothing at the weekend. He just stayed at home. Someone have taken my cell phone! I left my window open in the storm! Now everything are totally wet. I didn't tell someone your news. Your secret is safe.

5 At the airport, they ask "Do you have something to declare?"

2A Complete 1-5 with so or such. 1 2 3 L,

That movie is fantastic! I've seen it twice. My boss is a difficult person; he's obsessed with punctuality and order. We don't know how he could be brave! He's a hero. She's an exceptional speaker. That was the best lecture I've ever heard.

5 You are

crazy to get back together with your ex. I don't think you should.

2B Add so or such to 1-6 and match them to a-f. a b c d e f

1 Are you angry... 2 3 U 5 6

Vera did a good job... Their singing was impressive that... Rosa and Jorge went to Canada. It was cold... Dance class was a waste of time that... John was a good player that...

that they couldn't feel their feet, they were asked to perform at the concert, his team gave him a special award, that you can't even talk to her about it? that she got a promotion, I decided not to go again.

3A Rewrite 1-5, passive to active and active to passive. Which three sound more natural in the passive? 1 The law prohibits smoking in this area 2 3 k 5


People make a lot of things in China these days. Django Unchained was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. __ Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie wore these beautiful dresses. — People downloaded one million songs from iTunes in its first week

3B Circle the correct options in 1-5. 1 Dan Brown is knew / known for his book The Da Vinci Code. The book is / was published in 2003. 2 A lot of The Beatles' songs was / were recorded at Abbey Road studios in London. Most of them was / were written by Lennon and McCartney. 3 Lasagna is / are cooked in an oven. It's make / made from pasta and meat. U Thousands of cell phones are find / lost every year, but only some of them are return 1 returned 5 Millions of movies was / were downloaded last year, but most of them wasn't / weren't r = . : : : :


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Phrasal Verbs

I can't hear the TV. Can you turn it up? It's getting dark. Do you want me to turn on the light? When do you want me to give your bike back?

I'll give back your bike tomorrow. I just lost my glasses. Can you help me look for them?

Phrasal verbs consist of a verb + particle (preposition and / or adverb). Most phrasal verbs are separable (the noun can go between the verb and the particle). With separable phrasal verbs, object pronouns must come between the verb and the particle.

A few are inseparable (nouns and pronouns go after the particle). To find out if a phrasal verb is inseparable or not look it up in a dictionary, or the phrasal verbs list on iD Portal, and look at the examples.

M a n : Turn up the TV! W o m a n : No! Turn it down! Boy: Give it back! It's mine!

2 Future Forms 1 - Going to & Will for Predictions We probably won't be able to live on Mars, (prediction) I think there will probably be a lot of people at the party, (prediction) I don't think it's going to be hot tomorrow, (prediction) She's going to haue her baby uery soon, (prediction based on evidence)

Will Q





I / You / He / She / It / We / They






Modal ©



Object phrase

definitely / probably




definitely / probably

Object phrase


a promotion.


to Europe?



[ / you / we / they / he / she / it

a job.

Object phrase


Goins to Be



You / We / They


He / She / It






he / she / it


going to definitely / probably Adverb


Object phrase

(Not) going to

not going to


Object phrase

Going to

going to



on the moon?

Use going to or will for predictions. Going to is more common in spoken English and is pronounced gonna Use going to for predictions that are based on evidence. Adverbs modify predictions: possibly probably definitely / certainly


3 Future Forms 2 You need a volunteer? I'll do it! (quick decision) The package will arrive by 2 p.m. (fact) You can tell me. I won't tell anyone else, (promise) They're going to visit their uncle in Paris, (fixed plans) I'm not going to go to that party, (intention) Look at that cloud! It's going to rain any minute! (prediction based on evidence) They're/lying tomorrow, (arrangement with the airline) She's working this weekend, (arrangement with her company) The shou; starts at 7 p.m. (schedule)

3B L

d 4 B / B A B

Use will / won't for statements of facts, quick decisions, promises or predictions. Use going to for decided plans, intentions and predictions based on evidence. Use the Present Continuous for fixed plans, or arrangements with other people. To differentiate the Present Continuous for future from actions that are happening now, use a future time expression.


• I'm leaving, (now) - I'm leaving in half an hour, (future)

Use the Present Simple for scheduled events.

*U tteP PTOHjRWfc ft M L O m S & ' i M J D , otiWNefrGftkiWNi*

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1A Complete 1-5 with the prepositions from the box. down

in (x2)

1 Please switch




the lights when you leave.

2 Where can I plug

my cell phone? I need to charge it

3 Can you turn the air conditioning

a little? It's really cold in here.

4 When you buy a plane ticket, the company e-mails it to you so you can print it 5 Get

at home.

the car and I'll take you to the bus station.

1B Order the words in 1-5 to make sentences and questions. 1 horror / you / movies / are / into / ? 2 she / her / looking / glasses / for / is /. 3 many / of / have / college / dropped / year / how / out / people / this / ? 4 money / did / put / much / the / vending / in / machine / he / how / ? 5 off / before / shoes / take / in / your / you / come / .

PERSONAL Correct one mistake in each of 1-5. In pairs, answer the question and say if you agree with the opinions.

2 A ( M A K E IT

1 Do you think we will can live on Mars one day? 2 They won't probably be on time so let's have a coffee while we wait. 3 We definitely will find a cure for cancer soon. 4 There won't to be any pandas in 2050. 5 Our teacher thinks she will to have a party for her birthday. 2 B Change 1-6 into future predictions. Add the words in parentheses. 1 The party is a lot Of fun. (probably)

T h 6

party will probably / Is probably ÂŁoinÂŁ to b& a lot o f fun.

2 There are a lot more economic problems, (definitely) 3 We can take a vacation on Mars, (in 2020) 4 We don't have any fish in the oceans, (probably /100 years from now) 5 NASA makes contact with an alien civilization, (before 2050) 6 We can't eradicate poverty before the end of this century, (certainly)

3A Complete 1-6 with will / won't or Be + going to / not going to. 1


be back before dinner?

2 Sorry I didn't wash the dishes. I

do them tomorrow, I promise.

3 It's a long way to the airport and the bus is terrible. I 4 I

take you in my car.

go to school tomorrow because I have to go to the doctor.

5 I'm so sorry I hurt you. I

do it again.

6 A What's that man doing on the bridge? Oh no! He B Don't worry. It's a bungee jumping platform. I- 3 Look at ticket a and choose the correct verb form in the dialog. Then practice the dialog with ticket b. A Hey, Billy Sonic plays / is playing at The Arena this weekend, do you want to go? B I'd love to, but I'm working / will work on Saturday.

A Really? What time do you finish / are you finishing? B I am going to finish / finish at 5 p.m. What time is the show? A Uh, the doors open / will open at 7 p.m.

B OK, cool. Can you get me a ticket and I'm going to / I'll pay you back? A No problem. It's going to be / being great!

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Participle Adjectives - -ed & -ing

Wow, that movie was terrifying Janet has traveled a lot. She seems really interesting We are going to be totally exhausted after our vacation! The analyst is bored with his pacient dreams. Use: ' participle adjectives (-ed or -ing) after linking verbs, such as: be, feel, look, seem, etc. - -ed adjectives to describe a feeling or a condition. • -ing adjectives to describe what that causes the feeling or condition. The spelling rules are the same as for Past Simple (-ed) and Continuous verbs (-ing). Q Grammar p. 118 Use intensifying adverbs before a participle adjective to show the degree of feeling. very



absolutely / totally / completely

Intensifying adverbs go before the main verb, auxiliary or adjective they emphasize. - Kim absolutely adores hip hop. - Jo is extremely tired 0/urorfeing on Sundays. • I don't really like bananas. > Nanci cooks very well.

Second Conditional If I had wings, I would fly (but 1 don't have wings = not real) If my father didn't haue to work, he would play more golf. (but he has to work = not real) She would enjoy school more if she didn't haue to study math. (but she has to study math = not real) I/you won the lottery, what would you buy first? (but I don't think you will win = improbable) Would you be scared if an earthquake happened here now? (but I don't think it will happen = improbable)

• • If/ When If

Conditional Clause

Result Clause

would Past Verb n o H OO OO would play volley, were taller, I / you / he / she / didn't need ? / y o u / h e / s h e / it / we / they wouldn't work. it / we / they money, H

"You said if I w o r e m o r e makeup I would be taken m o r e seriously."

Form: if + past verb + would + infinitive. The conditional clause uses a past tense to talk about an unreal / improbable present or future event. When the result clause comes first, don't use a comma. Use were with all subjects. In informal English, people use was with the first or third person singular. We often use the phrase If I were you, I'd... to give advice.


Probability - May/ Might/

Could/ Must/ Can't + Be

You've been on a plane for 15 hours. You must be tired! Please, sit down, (certain that it is true) She went downtown, so she might be at the mall or she could be at the library, (uncertain) You can't be hungry. You just ate a big dinner! (certain that it isn't true) My dog is acting strange. Do you think she's OK? (asking for speculation / deduction) Use modals to speculate or make deductions based on evidence. Use modals (can't might / may / could must + be...) to express degrees of certainty. Use Do you think...? to ask for speculation or a deduction.


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- Correct one mistake in four of the sentences 1-6. Be careful! Two have no mistakes. 1 It's a totally depressing movie about a young family that loses everything. 2 I get exciting at Christmas—I love all the food and the decorations. 3 Jane's feeling very stress because she has a job interview tomorrow. 4 She's been to the sauna and now she feels totally relaxing. 5 They can't even think about cooking dinner—they're totally exhausted. 6 The baseball game was a little bored. Nothing happened for hours. :

Complete 1-5 with the -ed or -ing form of the word in parentheses. 1 I have a three-month-old cousin. I'm 2 That was the most

how much she cries! (amaze)

flight I have ever been on! (terrify)

3 When he finished the race, he was so U Do you turn red easily when you are 5 She read my work and said it was

that he collapsed, (tire) ? (embarrass) Is that good or bad? (surprise)

2 A (MAKE IT PERSONAL Match 1-6 to a-f to make second conditional sentences. In pairs, answer the three questions 1 If you saw a crime,

would you visit the past or the future?

2 If Ellen had long hair,

would you call the police?

I'd visit the future. I'd love to see the future cars!

3 If I found out my partner was cheating,

she would look just like Megan Fox.

A If you could time travel,

she wouldn't.

5 What would you do

I would dump him immediately.

6 If she didn't want to go out with you,

if your parents told you not to marry someone you loved?

2B Make full second conditional questions with the prompts in 1-5. 1 What / you / do / if / you / miss / flight / ? 2 If / you / win the lottery / how much / you / give away / ? 3 Would / you / read / partner's e-mail / if / you / think / they / be cheating / ? 4 If / you / can / be / any professional sportsperson / who / you / be / ? 5 Where / you / like / live / if / you / not live / here / ?

3A Look at photos a-e and write deductions using must, could / might / may and can't + be. 1 Egyptian / tourists 2 tired or crying 3 hot U brothers / cousins or friends 5 a soccer match


3 B Correct two mistakes in each of 1-6. Be careful! Not all the mistakes are with modals. 1 He isn't answering his phone. He can be in a meeting, or maybe he's left it at home. 2 You got a promotion! That's great news! You must to be such pleased! 3 Have you notice he's in really good shape? He must doing a lot of exercise! A I think that man look familiar. He could to be a famous actor. 5 She must be tired. She traveled all night and she was sit on the bus for hours. 6 Someone has took your wallet? Oh no! You could be really angry.


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Relative Pronouns - That/ Who / Which


Tessa loues a guy who lives in a different city. This is the house which Pancho Villa lived in. These are the videos that you asked me to send you. Is he the guy that works ujith you?

Sentence 1 V That's the actor. I live in a house.


In the U.S. that and which ar-. not used interchangeably. Which is used between c o m r

Sentence 2 Object

Relative Clause



That's the actor (who / that) I love.


two pools.

I live in a house which / that has two pools.

(nonrestrictive clauses).

> Barcelona, which is a great soccer team, is the basis f c • the Spanish national team.

That can only be used in

Use relative pronouns to join ideas. The relative pronoun is optional when it refers to the object of a sentence.

restrictive clauses in any var e : of English.

> The car that I bought was nr. very expensive.


Asking Questions - Review

How many times have I told you not to do that? How much time do we have for the test? How long did you stay in New York? How old is your father? What do you call this in English?


How much How many How fast How often Which Where What Who Where What

Object money do people does can do colors does will music would did don't food don't Do Doesn't


What are you going to do this weekend? Which shoes do you like? The black ones or the red ones? Is she working this weekend? Do you like hot peppers? Don't you like this cake? Come on! It's delic::.


i need? your brother have you type? you work out? your partner like you go you choose you meet you want you like? you have your city have

on Facebook?

best? after class? to hear now? last night? to live? any money? a metro? "So, how far is the toilet?"

Use: > » > • • • »

how much for quantity + © nouns. hou; many for quantity + © nouns. how + adj. / adv. to ask about quantity or degree. which to ask about things when there is a limited choice. what for general questions. who to ask about people. only an auxiliary for Yes / No questions. negatiue Q Q Q questions to confirm information you thinfe you know or to shou; surprise.

One / Ones Which are your keys? Are they the ones with the Mickey Mouse key ring?

Which one is better for me? A Mac or a PC? "Where's your car?" "It's the old black one over there." "I've heard that joke before" "Yeah, the old ones are the "Have you read Harry Potter?" "Which one?"


Use one or ones to avoid repeating singular and plural nouns. Don't use one(s) after a possessive (my, your, his, her, Julia's). - You do your job and I'll do mine Don't "CO nno/fl A

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1A Complete the dialog with u>ho, that, or which. Which three pronouns are optional? Hello, we'd like to check in. My name's Cristina and this is my husband, Clive. Ah, hello! You're the people booked online. Welcome to Hotel Flamingo. Thank you. Excuse me, could you tell me a little about the area? Sure! There are some great restaurants you'll love. There is one around the comer has live music every night. I think there is a musician plays traditional songs tonight. And here we are, this is your room. A Oh! Uh... this isn't the room we saw on the website. B No. I'm afraid the room you booked has a problem with the shower. But this room is even bigger and has the same view.


1B Combine the two sentences with who, which, or that. 1 This is the restaurant. This restaurant was on the website 2 She is a girl. I knew her in high school


3 That is the taxi driver. I met him at the basketball game U There are five books. You have to read the books this semester 5 Do you know a club? The club has good music

2 A Complete 1-5. Then, in pairs, ask more questions to expand them into five short dialogs. 1 A

was your computer?

B About $900. But it has a lot of memory. 2 A

people are coming to the reunion?

B About 30 I think. Nearly everyone. 3 A

your best friend dating anyone?

B No, she isn't. Do you want to ask her out? 4 A

pie do you want?

B Not the chicken one. Can I have a vegetable one, please? 5 A

have you been in the line?

B Over twenty minutes. It's taking a long time. 2 B Correct the mistakes in 1-7. There are eight mistakes. 1 What are those ladies over there? They look like friends I knew in college. 2 How often you eat fast food? 3 How much time did you live in New Mexico before you moved to Boston? U Do he change his status on Facebook every hour? How often he tweets? 5 Has you met many interesting new people recently? 6 How much people do you stay in touch with every day? 7 What juice do you want? Orange or pineapple?


Order the words in questions in the Grammar box.


to make questions. Take turns asking and answering

1 often / newspaper / do / you / a / how / buy / ? 2 bus / the / take / school / how / does / long / ? 3 how / bags / are / your / heavy / ? k every day / do / water / how / you / much / drink / ? 5 center / is / city / it / to / far / how / the / ? 6 been / beach / year / times / you / many / have / to / the / how / this / ?

3 A Correct one mistake in five of the sentences 1-6. Be careful! One sentence has no mistakes. 1 "Mom, can I eat those apples?" 'Which?" 2 My dad's looking for a new car, a car with seven seats. 3 Look! We've got two letters. This one is my one and that one is your one. k Those earrings are nice, but I like the big earrings better. 5 I have seven cousins. The young ones are still at school and the old ones are already working. 6 I like the Harry Potter movies but some ones are better than others.


plus the

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Irregular Verbs List I r r e g u l a r v e r b s c a n b e difficult to r e m e m b e r . Try r e m e m b e r i n g t h e m in g r o u p s w i t h s i m i l a r s o u n d s , c o n j u g a t i o n p a t t e r n s or spelling.

Past Simple and Past Participle are the same

Base form and Past Participle are the same

Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle

Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle


brought /brat/
























































Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle





was / were



stood /stud/



drew /dru:/

drawn /don/






flown /floun/


built /bilt/









read /rsd/

read /rtd/


found /faund/






heard /h3rd/









said /sEd/








won /wAn/


swung won

No changes across the three forms


Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle














put /put/



quit /kwit/


Special cases

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i- a- u

Past Simple + -en


Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle

Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle











































Base form + -en Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle



driven / d r i v e n /












ridden / r i d a n /








written / r i t a n /



f I

ow - ew - own Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle


blew /blu:/










thrown -

ear - ore - orn Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle

tear /ter/






Base form ending in o + -ne


Base form

Past Simple

Past Participle



done /dAn/



gone /gsn/


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Old School

Before watching


True (T) or false (F)? 1 Daniel and Lucy want to have a party for August and Andrea.

A Look at Daniel and Lucy. W h a t do you t h i n k t h e y are going to do?

2 They need to rent the space at l D Cafe for the party 3 Daniel wants to send the guests hand-made invitations. U Lucy likes designing invitations on the computer. 5 They don't have to mail the invitations. 6 Daniel hates making an impact on the planet. 7 Lucy wants to invite Paolo and Zoey to the party. C


Check t h e i t e m s you prefer.


1 Where


Old school

Complete 1-5 with will / won't or be + going to, according to t h e video. we

have this party

for August and Andrea's birthday?

printed books

downloaded books

newspapers and magazines

news sites

text messages




U They're better and faster. We

birthday cards


5 But Lucy, evites are faster, cheaper, and we can

LPs or CDs

MP3s or MP4s


2 Auggie and Andrea

3 If you guys need any help, my boss


you rent the place out. send evites.

easily see how many people plus, we're not using paper, so we an impact on the planet.

in pairs, c o m p a r e and j u s t i f y your

lists. W h o ' s m o r e "old school"?

love it!

attend. And make

D W a t c h again and circle t h e c o r r e c t word or phrase. 1 They should / shouldn't invite Paolo.

I don't really see the point of e-cards.

2 Lucy says they can / can't forget Rory. 3 They should / shouldn't introduce Zoey to Genevieve. 4 Daniel says they can / can't easily see how many people will attend the party.

Uh-huh, birthday cards are nice because lots of people can write in them.

After watching While watching


A W a t c h and circle t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r in 1-3.

Complete 1-4 with O or Š of need to / have to / want to, according to the video. 1 Daniel says they

use evites because

they're better and faster.

1 At the beginning Daniel is surprised because: a he doesn't know about the party.

2 Do you

b the twins are having a party together,

3 Daniel take the invitations home so he can get a better look at them.

c the twins don't usually share a birthday party.

U Lucy tells Daniel that he invitations home with him.

2 In the middle Lucy is upset that Daniel wants to send evites because: a the invitations were expensive,

see Zoey's profile?


b she worked a lot to make them, c she doesn't have a Facebook account.

take her

In pairs, c h e c k all t h e t h i n g s you t h i n k are i m p o r t a n t for t h e party. Q Buy balloons.

Q] Make a guest list.

Q Create a party playlist.

Q Rent a place.

a made beautiful invitations.

Q Decide on a theme.

Q Send out invitations.

b invited a lot of people,

Q Choose the food and drinks.

Q Decorate the party r Âť

3 At the end Lucy is happy because Daniel has:

c been to an old school.


Role-play! In pairs, u s e t h e list in B to help you plan a party. C h o o se t h e four m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s and decide to do t w o e a c h .

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ID Cafe

Old School

Before watching A


True (T) or false (F)? 1 Daniel and Lucy want to have a party for August and Andrea.

Look at Daniel and Lucy. W h a t do you t h i n k t h e y are going to do?

2 They need to rent the space at JD Cafe for the party. 3 Daniel wants to send the guests hand-made invitations. U Lucy likes designing invitations on the computer. 5 They don't have to mail the invitations. 6 Daniel hates making an impact on the planet. 7 Lucy wants to invite Paolo and Zoey to the party. C


C h e c k t h e i t e m s you prefer. Old school


Complete 1-5 w i t h will / won't or be + going to, according to t h e video. 1 Where



have this party

for August and Andrea's birthday?

printed books

downloaded books

newspapers and magazines

news sites

text messages




U They're better and faster. We

birthday cards


LPs or CDs

MP3s or MP4s

5 But Lucy, evites are faster, cheaper, and we can easily see how many people attend. And plus, we're not using paper, so we make an impact on the planet.

(MAKE IT PERSONAL) In p a i r s , c o m p a r e a n d j u s t i f y y o u r lists. W h o ' s m o r e "old s c h o o l " ?

2 Auggie and Andrea

love it!

3 If you guys need any help, my boss


you rent the place out. send evites.

D W a t c h again and circle t h e c o r r e c t word or p h r a s e . 1 They should / shouldn't invite Paolo.

I don't really see the point of e-cards.

2 Lucy says they can / can't forget Rory. 3 They should / shouldn't introduce Zoey to Genevieve. 4 Daniel says they can / can't easily see how many people will attend the party.

Uh-huh, birthday cards are nice because lots of people can write in them.

After watching While watching


A W a t c h and circle t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r in 1-3.

Complete 1-4 with O or Š of need to / have to / want to, according to t h e video. 1 Daniel says they

1 At the beginning Daniel is surprised because:

use evites because

they're better and faster.

a he doesn't know about the party.

2 Do you

b the twins are having a party together,

3 Daniel take the invitations home so he can get a better look at them.

c the twins don't usually share a birthday party.

4 Lucy tells Daniel that he invitations home with him.

2 In the middle Lucy is upset that Daniel wants to send evites because: a the invitations were expensive,

see Zoey's profile?


b she worked a lot to make them, c she doesn't have a Facebook account.

take her

In pairs, c h e c k all t h e t h i n g s you t h i n k are i m p o r t a n t for t h e party. Q Buy balloons.

Q Make a guest list.

Q Create a party playlist.

Q Rent a place.

a made beautiful invitations.

Q Decide on a theme.

Q Send out invitations.

b invited a lot of people,

Q Choose the food and drinks. Q Decorate the party rc>

3 At the end Lucy is happy because Daniel has:

c been to an old school. C

Role-play! In pairs, u s e t h e list in B to help you plan a party. C h o o se t h e four m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s and decide to do t w o e a c h .

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Nature Boy & Natural Woman Before watching

2 C

T h e girls call Daniel a "Nature b o y " b e c a u s e . . . 1 he's natural. 2 he uses natural products. 3 he cares about the environment. U he looks natural in his video.

D W h a t ' s t h e n a m e of Daniel's show? 1 Daniel on Earth. 2 Down to Earth with Daniel. A C h e c k t h e activities t h a t h a v e a negative i m p a c t on t h e planet. C o m p a r e in pairs.

3 Downtown Work. E

destroying rainforests recycling saving water using too much energy wasting paper

W h a t will Daniel's s h o w talk about? C h e c k all you hear. Q


Q] close-ups of celebrities Q

Destroying rain forests sure has a negative impact on the planet.

Q) travel themes •

I agree. And...


the globe birds

the Earth


nature news


the highest points on Earth

Are you doing anything to help the environment now that you didn't do in t h e past? (MAKE IT PERSONAL)

After watching I took notes on paper for years, but now I only take notes on my tablet.

Yeah, I do that too!


Correct t h e five m i s t a k e s in 1-3. 1 She was making some mistakes when she was


recording herself.

While watching

2 Daniel was trying to record himself when Lucy

A W a t c h t h e video. True (T) or false (F)?

3 Lucy and Genevieve talked about the party when

called. Daniel was calling.

1 Daniel wasn't talking about the Earth. 2 Daniel and Lucy were planning a party. 3 The girls were discussing the party when Genevieve's phone rang.


U Lucy was talking to Genevieve when Daniel called her. 5 Genevieve and Lucy were talking about travelthemed decorations.




Hi, you got a minute?

(wonder) Q] And I

B N u m b e r the events, 1-6, in t h e order you h e a r t h e m . Q

Order Daniel and Lucy's dialog, 1-6, and c o m p l e t e w i t h O or © of Past Simple or Continuous, according to t h e video.


Q) Daniel made a lot of mistakes when he was making his audition video at home.

Lucy thought about travel-themed decorations for the party.


Daniel talked about the point of view of Earth and animals.


Daniel asked Lucy to help him.

P ] Lucy was talking to Genevieve when her phone rang.

(wonder) when you were gonna

ask me. Don't worry, it'll be great!

Lucy directed Daniel while he was recording his audition video.


(try) to record myself and it (be) a nightmare. I (can) you help me out?


Q] Can I ask you something?



Role-play! In pairs, A: You're Daniel. Ask B for help. B: A n s w e r A's q u e s t i o n s . Use e x p r e s s i o n s in B. Swap roles.

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Under the Moon

Before watching


A How do you t h i n k Andrea feels? W h y ?


C h e c k all t h e places w h e r e August and Andrea m e n t i o n t h e y h a v e lived. Q



Mexico City


the moon








Buenos Aires




Puerto Rico

W h o says p h r a s e s 1-10, Andrea, August or Genevieve? W a t c h again to c h e c k . 1 Hey, could you tell? 2 Those were good times!

Q] homesick

Q] not inspired

Q] sleepy


3 You know, I gotta say, sis, you are way more talented than I thought.


k Hey! That was, like, a strange kind of compliment. B

In pairs, c h e c k w h a t you t h i n k is i m p o r t a n t for s c h o o l / work p r o j e c t s .

6 What does this remind you of?


7 They were just picking on you.

5 You know what I mean.

be creative


have a good memory

8 You have a good memory.


have experience

9 I get homesick sometimes.


have inspiration

10 We really don't have just one home.

Q) know how to design things | | know how to write well Q

After watching

compliment your teacher / boss


I think it's important to.

Complete 1-6 w i t h t h e c o r r e c t form of t h e verb. 1 You've

four cups already, (have)

Let me see what you've C

("MAKE IT PERSONAL in pairs, h a v e you ever had to do

. back in years, (be)

We haven't

a big project?

These are some of the best rooms I've (see)

I worked on a big project for my art class.

One of my designs has to be a place that you imagine you've in. (live)

What was it about?


I haven't

While watching A






. you worked out today? I.


B W h a t ' s t h e design p r o j e c t a s s i g n m e n t about? C h e c k all t h a t you hear.

You twin, and I

always been the pretty, fun, popular . been the nerd.


been difficult for Andrea.

Andrea has to design five rooms.

August and Andrea


She has to create designs for places she has lived in.

places they don't really have one home.


The designs have to be about space,

How long Andrea

dreamed about.




lived in so many it been since we lived there?

always wondered about

Genevieve's song title.

How m a n y m o r e d es igns does A n d r e a n e e d to create? Q




nine or ten

D W h a t does Andrea say about her design for Mexico?


_ got two more to do.


[ j All the designs have to be about places she's


about that in a long time, (think)

Complete 1-8 w i t h has / have o r ' s / ' v e .

How m a n y cups of coffee h a s Andrea h a d today? •

so far. (do)


It's been difficult.

Q It's been easy.


It's taken a long time.


It's from third grade.

Well, we know m a n . C


. walked on the moon...

Have you ever b e e n h o m e s i c k ?

W h a t did you m i s s m o s t ? When I first moved here, I was homesick at first. I missed my mother's cooking!

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Animal Instincts Before watching

D In pairs, r e m e m b e r all you c a n about Daniel and August: their pets, where t h e y lived, their old jobs..

A Read t h e episode title. W h a t do you t h i n k it m e a n s to h a v e i n s t i n c t s ?

August used to...

After watching A True (T) or false (F)? 1 Daniel is studying to be a veterinarian. 2 August used to have a zebra. 3 Daniel used to like environmental science more than he does now.

B Rate e a c h j o b by level of s t r e s s , d a n g e r and difficulty, 1-5. C o m p a r e and c h o o s e t h e m o s t and l e a s t for e a c h category. Stressful



4 August thinks that Daniel is good with animals. 5 Daniel used to be a cowboy and lived on a ranch. 6 August lived in Missouri.


7 Daniel used to own a horse.

animal trainer

8 August doesn't like to clean the cat's litter box.


9 August and Daniel are going to rescue animals.

environmental scientist


pet shop owner

Complete 1-5 w i t h t h e s e a d j e c t i v e s in t h e c o r r e c t form. T h e r e is one e x t r a .

veterinarian big (x2)



3 a ranch

2 a litter box

4 a shelter

A kind of toilet for cats.


An aquarium, a type of container for reptiles.

5 Check out

Property and land for domestic animals.



. glass

) W h e n you w e r e a child, did you ever w a n t to work with a n i m a l s ? W h y (not)?


goat ever!

C h e c k t h e c o r r e c t situation for 1-6.


Breaking the news

Reacting to news

1 Oh, it's so cool.

Really? That's cool. I wanted to be...

2 That sounds amazing. 3 You won't believe... 4 Alright, check this out!

While watching

5 Bummer!

A W a t c h t h e video. W h a t does Daniel u s e to s h o w August his photos? Q

. than he was.

4 The gecko used to sleep in a tank.

P ] A place for rescued animals.

a laptop


3 That's Bruno: the horse I ever knew.




2 Morris, the rabbit, lived a really.

1 a glass tank

When I was little, I used to want to be a... v


1 August's labrador w a s .

M a t c h 1-4 to t h e definitions.



a projector


a tablet


a TV

3 Check t h e a n i m a l p i c t u r e s t h a t Daniel s h o w e d to August. •














6 Tell me this is a joke.

D (MAKE IT PERSONAL in pairs, t a k e t u r n s d e s c r i b i n g p e t s you u s e d to have. Use e x p r e s s i o n s from C. Would you c o n s i d er getting a pet now? I used to have a big dog but we moved to a smaller apartment. We had to find him a new home.


2 Match four of Daniel's a n i m a l s to t h e i r n a m e s . 1 dog

3 horse





2 gecko

4 rabbit





Bummer! Have you thought about getting a pet now? 141

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Man and Cyberman!

Before watching

W a t c h again and c o m p l e t e 1-5 with too, enough, much, or too many.

A W h a t do you t h i n k h a p p e n e d to Geneviev e and Rory? How are t h e y feeling now?

1 Rory doesn't get



2 Everyone at the cafe drinks


3 Genevieve sings when there aren't customers around. 4 Rory doesn't have Genevieve's website. 5 Rory is D


time to build

busy to build the website by himself. W h a t h a p p e n s to you w h e n you:

(1) don't get enough sleep? (2) drink too m u c h B


M a t c h p h o t o s 1 - 4 to t h e s e words. Q] to blot

Q] a crow


a gig


a towel

When I don't get enough sleep, I...

If I drink too much coffee, I feel...

After watching p r a a m , W




C h e c k 1-6. Zero or first conditional?


o 1 2 P j g g f l


If I don't sleep enough, I sing like a crow. If I have a website, I can get more people to come to the cafe.

3 If there's someone who's great at building websites, it's you.


4- If I have a site, I can get more publicity.


5 If he rearranges his schedule, he will be able to work on her website.

Read t h e episode title. W h o ' s y o u r favorite s u p e r h e r o ? W h a t do you i m a g i n e C y b e r m a n c a n do? (MAKE IT P E R S O N A L )

6 If I build Genevieve's website too, I'll have to stay up all night.

Maybe he saves the world from hackers? B

While watching

M a t c h 1-4 with an e x p r e s s i o n from t h e video. 1 What can I get you? 2 I'll have to stay up all night every night this week.

A W a t c h and c o m p l e t e e x t r a c t s 1-6. 1 Genevieve I

tell you why, but you hear my reasons.

Genevieve I'm so sorry. No, you Rory

3 I really can't do this by myself. Can you help?

I haven't been

. blot it. enough sleep.




I'm not that good at building websites, but I recommend someone great.

6 Rory

do a few more things on it.

Maybe I

rearrange my schedule.

4 You certainly sing like a bird, but not like a crow. Q

You're only human, Rory. You can only do so much.


That's sweet!

Q] It's the least I can do. Divide and conquer! Q

Can I get a large coffee, please?

you h a v e a w e b s i t e for p e r s o n a l or b u s i n e s s u s e ? Do b u s i n e s s e s n e e d to h a v e a w e b s i t e today? C o m p a r e in pairs.


B True (T) or false (F)? 1 Genevieve spills her coffee on Rory. 2 Rory is always uncoordinated. 3 Genevieve is too tired to sing. 4 August is building a robot. 5 Rory is going to build a website for August. 142

I have a website for my business. It's the easiest way for customers to get information about it.

I have a personal website. When I travel, I usually blog about my trip.

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Brains vs. Brawn Before watching

Complete 1-7 with to + verb or verb + -ing. Watch again to check.

A Check the sports you think require brains and the ones that require brawn. Brains

1 A I just love

my enemy in a battle!

A You don't need to be strong


D I don't like A I'd like

that. That doesn't require brains!

D I hate

golf, but if that's your choice, I'll do it.


R Well, you know, I love


D Time for us.

golf rock climbing / wall climbing



a golf club.

golf too much.

video games.

_ to the real rock climbing wall!

(MAKE IT PERSONAL W h a t a r e y o u g o o d a t ? W h a t d o

you hate doing / playing?


I t h i n k I'm good at strength.

soccer (football) swimming

After watching

table tennis video games B


in pairs, do y o u e n j o y playing

video games? Which activities in A are "real sports"? I c a n ' t stand playing video games.

Me neither. Real sports w i t h real people are better.

A Complete 1-5 with the correct form of these verbs.

While watching


A How do August (A), Daniel (D) and Rory (R) feel about sports? Some have more than one answer. likes

is good at


1 August _



(not) like


. playing video games in the morning.

The guys

to play three video games.

wall climbing


playing golf

August wanted

playing video games

Rory and Daniel

playing golf but says he will try it. the wall faster than the others. seeing August win.

playing table tennis using his muscles / strength

B Check the correct situation for each phrase. Agreeing to participate

using his speed and accuracy climbing quickly

You're on!

winning at games

Not again! I can't believe this.

Reacting to someone's victory

It's luck. It's gotta

B Watch again and check all you hear. 1 What does August say about table tennis?

I don't know how he does it.

Q He learned it in camp two years ago. Q He's going to challenge Daniel to a game. Q He was champion for two years in a row.

Great job!

Q] He played it after high school.

OK... you win!

2 Which sports does Daniel say are not real sports? Q




Q] table tennis Q wall climbing


( M A K E IT PERSONAL in pairs, talk about an unexpected victory you have seen.

I always remember the 9 8 World Cup final, when France beat Brazil

Yeah! I d o n ' t know how they did it!

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Sound Tracks

Before watching

C Watch again and order the story, 1-9. Q The movie was edited and sent to Genevieve for the soundtrack.

A What do you think is happening in the photo?

Q The monster was defeated by Paolo. Q] Genevieve watched the film. J Andrea's character screamed. Q The movie was shot in a forest and in an alley. Q Lucy decided to tell her professor about Genevieve's music. Q Genevieve and Lucy listened to different music samples. B In pairs, name all the movies you can for each genre. action C

black & white




Classify these words: some can go in both columns. to edit an MP3 file scenes a shot a song

Q Three exciting music compositions were chosen for the movie. Q] Several types of movies were discussed.

After watching

to record samples the soundtrack a wrap

While watching A Complete 1-5 with present / past passive. A Number the phrases, 1-4, in the order you hear them, then complete the sentences. life-saver

no big deal

owe you one

1 The film

short notice

3 The movies samples, (match)

Q When someone doesn't give you enough time to plan something, it's Q

with a few different


U Action and romantic pieces _ Genevieve, (compose)

If you do a friend a big favor, he might say you're a

5 When the music (finish)

Q After you do someone a favor, you can say it's Q If someone does you a favor, you can say "Thanks, I

in two days, (shoot)

2 Genevieve says that sometimes a song in half an hour, (write)


_, Lucy was happy.

Change the Present or Past Simple to present / past passive. 1 Lucy's movie features Andrea and Paolo as its stars.


Complete extracts 1-7 with so, such, or so much. Watch again to check.

2 They chose dramatic and classical music for the movie.

1 Lucy

I'm glad you could do this for me. I know it was short notice, but you're a life-saver.

3 People know composer Danny Elfman for his great soundtracks.

2 Lucy

But it took me edit than I thought.

5 Lucy wrote the script and shot the movie.

. many 3 Genevieve And then it takes me tries to get one that I think sounds. OK. U Lucy

k Genevieve created several samples of music for the movie.

longer to

You and I are


5 Genevieve Yeah, romantic pieces are always easier. 6 Lucy

That was scary, I'm getting goose bumps from my own film.

7 Lucy

Thank you



What's your favorite movie genre? Why? Do you have a favorite movie?


I love horror movies. I love being scared._ s

Not me. I prefer comedy. Laughing is good for your health.

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Back to Your Future Before watching


A Check the things you do / would like to do at a fair.

Complete 1-8 with the correct future form, according to the video. Will or be + going to? 1 Andrea

go see the horses.

2 August What are you guys


3 Daniel I tag along with you if you don't mind my company. U Lucy

You make a wonderful environmental reporter.

5 Daniel I think you filmmaker! 6 Lucy Q

Eat cotton candy.


Go on rides.


See a pie-eating contest.


See the exhibits.

I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans last year, and it was great!

8 Fortune-teller But in the end, you back together.


After watching A Complete 1-5 with the Present Simple or Continuous. come back


While watching





1 August

to the science exhibits.

2 August

all year for the pie-eating contest.

3 What


about doing this summer?

k Lucy wants to know if Daniel

A True (T) or false (F)?

5 What Scare me?

1 August will probably enjoy the pie-eating contest. 2 Lucy and Daniel aren't going to hang out. 3 Lucy will work in Los Angeles for a few months.

I be running around, getting people lattes and trying to find organic chocolate for some crazy actress.

7 Fortune-teller You go very far. And you will be on many planes, both spiritual and physical.

J Visit a fortune-teller. B (MAKE IT PERSONAL) Have you ever been to a fair or a festival? What was it like?

be a fabulous


to do? Scare the girl?

B Do these questions refer to the present or future?

A Daniel's going to be a film director. Now

5 Lucy will listen to the fortune-teller, but Daniel won't. 6 The fortune-teller will talk about their past.

A future action

What are you guys going to see?

7 Daniel wants to know about his future.

I'll tag along with you, if you don't

8 The fortune-teller is probably right about all her predictions.

mind my company. So we're all gonna meet back here in, what, an hour or so? What are you thinking about doing this summer?

9 Lucy saw the fortune-teller disappear. 3 Watch again and check all you hear. Andrea is going to ride the horses.

You know I'm going to L.A., right?

August is going to visit the World of Tomorrow exhibit. They are meeting for a cherry pie-eating contest at

When are you coming back?

two p.m.

What do you want to do next?

August doesn't like the pie-eating contest.

Would you like to know your future?

Daniel tags along with August.

What are you trying to do?

Daniel is going to Washington for an internship. It's Lucy's dream to get lattes for crazy actresses. The fortune-teller knows where Daniel's going. _ Daniel doubts the fortune-teller because he's a science guy. _ Lucy says she believes in the fortune-teller.


(MAKE IT PERSONAL) Where will you be in five or 10 years from now? What are you going to do and how will you reach your goal? Compare in pairs. In 10 years, I'll have a great job as a designer.

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Green-Eyed Monsters Before watching A

Check all the advice Daniel gives August and Rc r Q

Why do you think August and Paolo are competing? Who do you think will win?

Stop making excuses.

Q Join the competition. If you really want something, do whatever it take: [3] Don't be like Steve Jobs. Q Use your genius brain! | | If you want to build muscles, go to the gym. | | Get some confidence. | | Grow some backbone. Q D

B Match 1-5 to the definitions. 1 an armor 2 a backbone 3 a beast 4 the green-eyed monster 5 a knight


• a princess's hero • an animal a protection or • covering of spine; spinal column • • jealousy or envy


(MAKE IT PERSONAL) A r e y o u (or a n y o n e c l o s e t o y o u )

often a victim of the green-eyed monster? When does the monster emerge?

After watching A Complete 1-5 with the correct form of these adjectives, according to the video. bad

In pairs. Are you competitive? How do you usually react in competitive situations? (MAKE

Stop using Paolo as an excuse.





1 This is probably.

I always w a n t to do better.

. and a.

. than I am but I bet I'm journalist.

3 You're turning into a green-



4 You're one of

While watching

guys I know.

5 He's every woman's knight in

Watch the video. True (T) or false (F)P


feeling in the world.

2 He might be

I'm only c o m p e t i t i v e w i t h myself.



B Complete 1-6 with these expressions.

Q August doesn't like Paolo.

a fenight in shining armor Grow some backbone Join the club Mind if I join you Tell me if I'm crazy, but You're all heart

Qj Daniel wants to beat Paolo in a video game. [ j Daniel cannot imagine anyone fearing August. | | Rory knows he is jealous of Paolo. Q August and Rory need more confidence.

Get more confidence and don't be afraid.

| | Genevieve is watching Lucy's video too. He's like.

Q Daniel is not at the cafe.

He'll help anyone in trouble. I'm on a break.

[[] Daniel, Rory and August are jealous of Paolo.

You're a great person! B Complete 1-5 with the correct form of these verbs. Watch again to check. let

build might

could turn



know want

1 If I _ . him, I challenge him to a boxing match. You think girls

doesn't that girl look just like Liv Tyler? A I'm so tired from that long flight!

want to

C Role-play! In groups, create a role-play using as many expressions from B as possible. Show it to the class. You're not going to

notice me more if I

believe this b u t . . . I just m e t George Clooney!

up my muscles? If I _ If you. you're going to

No way. You're kidding.

. challenge him to a... I don't know, a. yourself get upset like this, into a beast.

something, you Because if you really , will whatever it takes. 146

, so am I.



(MAKE IT PERSONAL w h o a r e y o u r f a v o r i t e a n d l e a s t

favorite characters from iD Cafe video. Why? How do you think iD Cafe is going to end?

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The Dog Days of August Before watching A How do you think August is feeling? Guess why and how that connects to the episode title.

B Watch the video again from 3:10 to 3:32. In pairs, role-play a dialog for what Andrea and Lucy are thinking.

What do you think of his sweater?

B Match 1-8 to the definitions.


1 artificial

5 a foundation

2 automatic

6 joking

3 drum roll

7 a mad scientist

4 an expert

8 a scholarship

After watching A True (T) or false (F)?

Q) A sound effect used in commercials to introduce

1 August has spilled food all over himself.

something new.

2 Andrea called Genevieve for help.

J A type of monetary award (usually academic). Q

I don't like it... He looks like my dad!

3 August has to interview someone.

Something that is false or man-made; synthetic.

4 Andrea doesn't believe that August will get the scholarship.

Q] Mechanically programmed. [ J A knowledgeable specialist in a particular field.

5 Lucy is a fashion expert.

H A very intelligent person who is a bit eccentric.

6 Lucy and Andrea encourage August to believe in himself.

Q The act of making fun, teasing, or being clever. | | An institution or organization.

B Complete 1-8 with these words or phrases. C Complete 1-5 with myself, yourself, himself, herself, or itself. 1 Popular TV programs show Do-itto improve your house!

a little improved


He looked

2 When I saw in the mirror, I was shocked by the red sunburn on my face. 3 The cleaning robot moves by room. 4 August has stressed mess. 5 Lucy is not afraid to look at

I could

_ cute. date him myself.

Introducing, the new and Wainwright.

around the

You needed a just the

out and now he's a

5 You need to have

. in the mirror!

6 Why not look 7 You just needed know?

While watching


. change, August, but this is step. confidence in yourself! _you are? something special, you

8 Artificial automatic intelligence people or you call them.

Watch the video and complete these extracts. Andrea Lucy. Boy, am I you're here? Lucy What happened here? It's like a came through here... Andrea This is what when Daniel's not here. Lucy Who could like this? Not me. Andrea Me either. Here is our _? What has he done to Lucy Is this a . himself? Andrea Yeah. I asked that too. My brother, he's about an interview.

as smart as first real so whatever

almost more


(.MAKE u PERSONAL w h a t do you usually do to prepare for an important day?

Before a big day, I make sure I get a good night's sleep.


Same here. And for an interview or an exam I try to prepare myself for the questions.

Role-play! Choose your favorite scene from iD 2 and role-play it to the class. 147

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1 A

Using Graphs and Numbers Complete this report about t h e o t h e r graph in A with n u m b e r s or e x p r e s s i o n s from Write it Right!

Read t h e report and c h e c k the c o r r e c t graph for Marc's survey.

Marc Hernandez ,t|| Introduction to Statistics

I asked people where they usually like to get their news and here are the results that I found.

I asked twenty people where they usually get their news, and here are the results. The most popular place to get news is on television. H a l f o f t h e people I asked said that they g e t t h e i r n e w s on TV. Twenty-five percent said that they get their news online, two people said they get their news on the radio and two people said they usually read the news in a newspaper. One person said he doesn't read the news. The results surprised me, because I thought that most people got their news on the Internet, but 7 5 % of the people I asked get their news from other sources.

First, get their news online or on television said that they get their news on television and get their news online. get their news on the radio or in the newspaper said they get their news on the radio and get their news in the newspaper. I was surprised because . get their news on the television and not from the Internet.

Graph 1


Choose a question, 1-4, and give five possible a n s w e r s to form a s u r v e y question. 1 What kind of news is the most interesting for you? Sports, international, local, gossip, business. 2 What do you like to read most in your first language? 3 Where do you read most? 4 What do you read most in English?


Conduct t h e survey in your class and record t h e results.

What do you like to read most in your first language? B

Match t h e p a r a g r a p h s to t h e content. 1 introduction

2 results



j | The topic of the survey and how the writer got





short stories, texts, tweets


Read W r i t e it Right!, t h e n underline all t h e n u m b e r e x p r e s s i o n s in t h e report. Find a n o t h e r w a y to e x p r e s s t h e m .

Write it Right!

10% ten percent

Use your results from the survey in F.

While 1 Write an introduction describing what your survey was about.

5 0 % fifty percent or half 2 5 % twenty-five percent or a quarter

2 Write the results of your survey.

a third

3 Write a personal conclusion from your survey.

We also have these expressions: 0 no one

G Your turn! W r i t e a report of t h e s u r v e y in 75-100 words. Include a c h a r t to show t h e results.


Use numbers up to 10, but use numerals for bigger numbers and with words like percent. Percentages and fractions:





the information.



| | The writer's reaction to the results,

J Survey details starting with the largest number. C



one person

few people


several people

some people

most people


After Share reports with someone who chose the same question and compare your results.

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Job Application E-mail A

Read Pedro's e - m a i l and a n s w e r 1 and 2.


J Describe your education / career,

1 Which job is he applying for?. 2 Is he the right candidate? Q

Order t h e topics in t h e e-mail, 1-5.


f j Restate your interest in the job.

Q j no


Say how you learned about the opening. J Say which position you're interested in.

]] Take the initiative to schedule an interview. Degree in journalism desirable but not essential. Must be fluent in English + available to travel. Knowledge of at least two foreign languages is a plus. Competitive pay and benefits.


Complete tips 1-7 with Do or Don't, according to t h e style used in t h e e-mail. use an informal, conversational style.

Click here to learn more.

address the reader by his / her first name. include your contact information. thank the reader.

e-DI wanted

end with your first name. mention your resume.

Internet radio station looking for long-distance DJ. Must have university degree and interest in music and movies. Fluency in English required.

use lots of contractions (It's, I'm, etc.).


Write it Right! R e m e m b e r : There are specific ways to open and close formal e-mails / letters:


test driver

O p e n i n g s : Dear Mr. S m i t h (Mr. / Ms. + last name) / Dear

Are you between ages 20-30? Would you like to test each of our models for a month, give us feedback and get paid for it? Some knowledge of mechanics required.

hiring manager C l o s i n g : Sincerely, / Kind regards, / Best wishes

Complete 1-7 with t h e c o r r e c t prepositions. Scan t h e e - m a i l to check. 1 Apply

a position or a job.


2 Graduate. a degree _

Dear Ms. Todd,

3 Be responsible A Be fluent

I would like to apply for the position of listed on the employment opportunity page of your website. As you will see from my resume (attached), I have recently graduated from Guadalajara University with a degree in Marketing. I am currently responsible for the sales division at ABC computers, where I have worked for the past six months. I am fluent in English and have a good command of French, German and Portuguese. I am currently looking for a career change and this seems like the perfect opportunity. I have always been interested in everything related to pop culture and I am sure I can make a very positive contribution to your company. I will contact you on Monday the 7 th to see if we can arrange an interview. If you have any questions before then, please feel free to call me at 8989-7888.1 look forward to meeting with you. Thank you for your time in considering my application. Sincerely, Pedro Chavez

(name of university). (area). something at work. / Have a good command

(a language). 5 Be interested


6 Make a positive contribution 7 Call someone E

a company.


Your turn! W r i t e an e - m a i l applying for one of t h e jobs in A in 120-150 words. Before Choose a j o b and decide why you're the right person. Think of your experience and education.

While Follow the structure in B. Include four paragraphs and pay attention to tips 1-7 in C.

After Send your e - m a i l to another student. Will he / she give you t h e job?

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A Personal Statement

A Read Matt's s t a t e m e n t and m a t c h questions 1-3 to p a r a g r a p h s a-c. 1 What does he want to study and why?

B Are 1-6 relevant • / o r not X to Matt's s t a t e m e n t ? W h i c h paragraph, a-c, would you put t h e relevant s e n t e n c e s in?

2 What's he like and what are his interests?

1 I worked in a hotel in France for three months.

3 What are his experiences in the field?

2 My parents were both doctors before they bought the hotel. 3 I'm very good at playing video games.

Personal Statement

4 I like to work hard at the things I enjoy doing. 5 I like taking courses that are about physical health. 6 I want to know more about how to run a hotel. C Read W r i t e it Right! and underline six c o n t r a c t i o n s in Matt's s t a t e m e n t . 0 W r i t e it Right! In a personal statement, you: >- need to be relevant; >-can use contractions to sound more natural and be easier to read; • shouldn't use contractions which are unconventional or could be unclear.



I'm a serious, hardworking person a n d I enjoy reading and learning more about things that interest me. I enjoy working in the hotel industry.

D Contraction or no contraction? Underline t h e best option. S o m e t i m e s both a r e OK.

I love travel a n d tourism a n d I'm very interested

1 He's fascinated / He is fascinated by this subject.

in other cultures. I'm very sociable a n d I enjoy

2 We've / We have lots of friends.

meeting people from all over the world.

3 She's / She has three dogs. U He's not / He ain't the right person for the job. I'm passionate about the tourism industry and I

5 He's / He has a great doctor in the USA.

have a lot of experience. M y parents o w n a hotel a n d I've helped them a lot. First, I washed dishes, then I was a waiter and then a receptionist. I love


Your turn! W r i t e a 1 2 0 - 1 5 0 word personal s t a t e m e n t to apply for a scholarship to study English abroad.

helping and talking to tourists from different parts of the world. W h e n I travel, I'm fascinated to see


h o w hotels operate in other places.

Brainstorm your positive qualities, relevant interests and reasons to study there.

I want to study hotel management, so that I can help my parents with their hotel, a n d then one d a y I want to manage my o w n hotel. This course

While Organize it into three paragraphs to answer questions 1-3 in A, in the same order. Check you have followed the tips in Write it Right!

sounds like the perfect w a y for me to combine my passion for tourism and travel with a career that I


love a n d have experience in.

Read two other statements and guess who wrote them. Based on their personal statements, would you give them the scholarship?

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A Gig Review A Read t h e review. How does t h e m a n r a t e t h e show? * * 7 0 My wife and I went to the Coldplay concert at the Xcel Energy Center yesterday and 1 can say it was one of the best shows I've ever been to. We arrived at the stadium an hour before the show and went straight to our seats. Luckily, we were sitting at the front! © Marina and the Diamonds opened the show and, frankly, they were just OK. However, when Coldplay finally appeared on stage, everybody went crazy. Chris Martin performed with such energy and passion that it was almost surreal! He also interacted with the audience and looked like he was rea//y having fun. Obviously. I can't remember all the songs, but it had a good mix of hits and tracks from their latest album. They even played Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean." Not surprisingly, everybody sang along too!

0 Unfortunately, there were a few disappointments too. For example, the concert didn't start until 9 p.m. and some fans were getting impatient. Also, the music was too loud—my head's still hurting from the bass. Still, the show was unbelievably good. Next time they're in town, be sure to buy a ticket.

Greg, St Paul, Minn.

B In w h i c h p a r a g r a p h s , 1-3, does Greg mention: the songs they played?

E Complete 1-5 with a n underlined adverb from t h e text.


[] getting to the concert hall?

"It was an awesome show, only lasted 90 minutes."

] the band's performance? ] the things he didn't like? a surprise during the show? [] the seats?

H his recommendation?

Write it Right!


, they didn't "It was just OK play some of their biggest hits."



> too and also to add extra information; > but and however

we •

"Was it a good show? Yes, can't go wrong with Coldplay."

C Study t h e highlighted and underlined words. Then read W r i t e it Right! and c o m p l e t e 1-4. 0

"The traffic was terrible. got there just in time for the show."


to contrast ideas;

"Hmm... Well, I expected a bit more. I'd give it a 6 out of 10."

>-adverbs at the beginning of a clause to show how

you feel. Use a comma. 1

_ in the middle, before the main verb, after be.


. at the end.


. or


. after a comma between sentences.

at the beginning, before a comma.


Your turn! Think of a live gig you really enjoyed, or one you would love to h a v e seen, and write a review in 1 0 0 - 1 2 0 words. Before

D C o n n e c t s e n t e n c e s using also / too or but / however. W a t c h your punctuation. 1 "The special effects were amazing/The music was t too loud." 2 "Our seats were comfortable. They had a great view of the stage." 3 "The special effects were amazing. There were fireworks at the end of the show." 4 "They sang their new stuff. I preferred the old hits."

Make notes about the points in B.

While Use paragraphs to organize your ideas. Use different connectors and adverbs to add interest. Give the gig a star rating.

After Show your writing to a classmate. Did he / she want to go after reading your review?


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An E-mail o f Inquiry

A Read Debbie's e-mail. W h i c h of t h e w o m e n on p. 90 is she writing to? e o e



i Dear , Q I saw your ad on www.spiritualmanhattan.com and I'd appreciate it if you could tell me a little bit more about your work. B I'm a 30-year-old divorced lawyer and I live in downtown Manhattan. I've been out of work for four long years and, for some strange reason, I can't find a new job. I suspect it's some sort of spiritual problem. You see, I've been to eight different fortune-tellers, but none of them could help me. You are my last hope. EH Here's what I'd like to know: 1. In your ad you said you're an astrologer. Can you tell me if you use astrology in your readings too? 2. You also said there are other fortune-tellers in yourfamily. Do you think you could tell me more about your fortune-telling background? 3. Could you tell me what your rates are? Both mornings (which are less expensive, correct?) and afternoons. Q Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to hearing from you. | Debbie

B In which paragraphs, 1-4, does Debbie: j | explain why she needs help? say where she first saw the ad? ] thank the reader? j | say why she's writing? | | say exactly what she needs to know?

D Sofia Misteriosa received a n o t h e r e-mail. Rewrite 1-4 using m o r e polite language. 1 How much do you charge? Can you tell


2 Can you see me on Sunday? I'd appreciate it 3 I want to know more about your experience.

C Read Write it Right! and the table. Then correct one mistake in each of 1-4. Check your answers in the e-mail.

Could you 4 I need you to examine my dog too. Do you think




Write it Right! When writing to strangers, to help you build a good relationship (and get what you want!) be extra polite when asking for information / things. When a question comes inside another question or a statement, use the affirmative form. Add if in Yes/ No questions. Remove the auxiliary do.

Less polite

More polite

Do you accept credit cards? Are you open on Mondays? Where do you work?

Can / Could you tell me if you accept credit cards? Can / Could you tell me if you are open on Mondays? Can / Could you tell me where you work? Do you think you could see me next week? I'd appreciate it if you could send me more information.

Can / Could you see me next week? Can / Could you send me more information?

1 I'd appreciate it if could you tell me a little bit more about your work. 2 Can you tell me if do you use astrology in your readings too? 3 Do you think could you tell me more about your fortune-telling background? 4 Could you tell me what are your rates?

E Your turn! Choose an ad and write an e-mail asking for further information in 100-150 words. IS YOUR BEDROOM / OFFICE A MESS? Tired of all the chaos at home / work? Need someone to help you? Your search is over. Since 2002,1 have helped busy people like you to restore a bit of order to their crazy lives. E-mail meatfrida999@qmail.com

CAN'T CONTROL YOUR DOG / CAT ANYMORE? Ever feel she/he owns you? Don't give up. Help is one click away. I have over 40 years' experience training pets all over the country. (Bruce) E-mail meatdogshouter@coldmail.com

Before Decide why you need to hire that kind of service and what exactly you need to know.

While Write four paragraphs, following the structure in B. Ask at least three questions using the polite expressions in C.

After Check your writing carefully. Pay special attention to word order in your polite requests.

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Formal or Informal Advice A

Read t h e e - m a i l with the problem and

B Re-read t h e r e s p o n s e s . W h o gives this advice:

r e s p o n s e s 1 a n d 2. W h i c h r e s p o n s e is f r o m : a a good friend?

M a r l e n a (M), J o e (J) or b o t h (B)?

b a professional counselor?

1 A d a m shouldn't panic. 2 He should a r r a n g e to m e e t h i s brother. 3 He should tell his brother he's worried about h i m . 4 He should ask why his brother's girlfriend left him. 5 He n e e d s to b e clear t h a t h e will help his brother. 6 He could help h i s b r o t h e r w i t h his school work. 7 He shouldn't give his b r o t h e r money. 8 He should p h o n e to talk m o r e about h i s problem. C

In p a i r s , m a t c h t h e h i g h l i g h t e d p h r a s e s in A t o t h e t i p s in W r i t e it Right! W r i t e it Right! In e-mails, an appropriate style is important. Be careful with these differences:

Hi! I'm really worried about my brother. His girlfriend broke up with him and now she's dating his best friend. He's

Start / End

lost his job at the restaurant where he was working. His

Sentences Words Expressions

grades are going down at school too. What do you think I should do? Thanks for your help,





Informal e-mails

Formal e-mails

Hi! / See you, bye1

Dear X / Best regards 2


can be informal / spoken5 abbreviations and emoticons7 no / fewer caps9

should be complete4 more formal written6 no abbreviations8 traditional capitalization10

R e - w r i t e 1 - 4 in t h e o p p o s i t e style.

Dear Adam,

1 I a m very s o r r y to h e a r about your d i l e m m a .

You're in a difficult situation, but here are a few ideas and

2 1st, t a l k 2 h e r 'bout it b 4 its 2 late.

suggestions for you. First of all, don't panic! You need to stay

3 w a n t 2 help u m o r e b u t can't.

calm. You have to talk to your brother. Why don't you invite

4 If I were you, I'd p e r s u a d e y o u r friend to d is cuss

him for lunch or a coffee? If I were you, I'd tell him how

h i s problems.

worried I was about him. Then you should let him talk and let him explain how he's feeling. Ask him why his girlfriend ended their relationship and let him know that you are there to support and help him. Tell him how important school is for his future (even if it's difficult to see that now) and maybe you should offer to help him with his school work. Don't lend him money—this won't help him. He has to take responsibility for himself and you need to help him with this. Sincerely, Marlena Duncan


Your turn! C h o o s e t o w r i t e a f o r m a l o r i n f o r m a l r e p l y t o t h i s p r o b l e m in 8 0 - 1 2 0 w o r d s . Dear Marlena, My brother and sister are in a big fight and I'm in the middle! My sister has started dating my brother's best friend and my brother is furious! My sister's only 17 and my brother's friend is 22. My brother and my sister call me every day to tell me to do something. What should I do? Marcia



hi adam!

Imagine and write down five things you want to suggest.

sorry 2 hear 'bout ur prob—sounds bad! ® talk 2 ur brother, B

u could invite him 4 a drink, find out why his gf dumped him


(if he wants 2 talk 'bout it! ;-)) best advice?—he needs ur

Use features of the style you have chosen and use Write it Right! as a checklist.

help, not $$ so don't give him any! call me if u need 2 talk—ok? ! CU joe ©

After Send your response to your classr-ste; and choose your favorite


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> Sounds and Usual Spellings O


Difficult sounds for Spanish speakers


Difficult sounds for Portuguese speakers

To listen to t h e s e w o r d s a n d sounds, and practice t h e m , go to t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n section on t h e portal.




gjh Si




J ? .

i ©


1© £




ii ,

I SS r e*




three, tree, eat, receive, believe, key, me, happy, people, ski six, mix, it, ear, beer, England, women, here, busy, marriage,

typical, pier, weird /u/ book, cook, put, could, tour, woman /u:/ two, shoe, food, new, soup, true, suit, super, too, who, June, lose /£/ pen, ten, heavy, pair, area, their, care, friend, said, else, prayer, leopard

lU /s/


bananas, pajamas, confuse, minute, teacher, cousin, jealous, does

/3r/ shirt, skirt, work, turn, learn, verb, journey lo/

door, four, talk, author, law, board, boring, ball, bought, taught

/as/ man, fan, bad, apple, salmon, aunt, laugh /A/ sun, run, cut, umbrella, country, love, flood, other /a/

sock, clock, car, heart, on, sergeant, guard


/ei/ plane, train, made, stay, they, steak, eight, straight

/di/ toys, boys, oil, coin

/ai/ nine, wine, night, my, pie, buy, eyes, height

/ou/ nose, rose, home, know, toe, road, though

au/ house, mouse, town, cloud



ae /i:/ hi


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Consonants our lips

our teeth + another articulator


V the tip of the tongue

the front of the tongue

nr* S the back of the mouth




the tooth ridge




/p/ pig, pie, open, top, apple /b/ bike, bird, describe, able, club, rabbit /m/ medal, monster, name, summer, bomb, calm, zoom, comfortable, column / w/ web, watch, where, square, one If/ fish, feet, off, phone, enough, wife /v/ vet, van, five, have, video, of /e/ teeth, thief, thank, nothing, mouth /a/ mother, father, the, other /t/ truck, taxi, hot, stop, attractive, note, stressed /d/ dog, dress, made, adore, sad, middle, played /n/ net, nurse, tennis, one, sign, know, sun, fine /I/ lion, lips, long, all, old, table

nd3 /s/ snake, skate, kiss, city, science, yes, house, basic /z/ zoo, zebra, size, jazz, lose, scissors, has /J7 shark, shorts, action, special, session, chef, ocean, sure III television, treasure, usual, genre, massage /k/ cat, cake, back, quick, ache, account /g/ goal, girl, leg, guess, exist, ghost, egg Inl king, ring, single, bank / h/ hand, hat, unhappy, who /t// chair, cheese, kitchen, future, question

Ids/ jeans, jump, generous, bridge, soldier, adjust /r/

red, rock, ride, married, write, rhythm, car, problem, fire

HI yellow, yacht, university, onion. European, beauty 155

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Audio Script Unit 1 © 1.2 Notice the schwa in t o and for and the / H / connecting sound b e t w e e n to and vowels. RH = radio host RH Hi, and welcome to Life in 10 Seconds! Last week, we asked you, our listeners, H call in and, in 10 seconds, tell us your number one priority in life. Listen H what you've said—and sung! 1 Hi! Uh... well, your health is the most important thing in your life. Absolutely. I want to live to be 100! Yeah! 2 I never stop studying. Learning new things is the best thing we can do. It's good for you and it keeps you young. 3 "All you need is love, tu-tu-rara-ra." Without love, what else is there? I always need a partner. Love is all you need. U What's the point in having money if you have no free time? Time t|o_e|nioy things is much more important. "Bububububub, I feel free..." 5 People are more important than things. My friends and family are the most important thing for me. Oh, and my dog too! Hello, baby. Who's a good girl? 6 I don't want ® live in a world without culture. I need to travel and have access to art, literature, movies and music and... 7 I live for exercise! I need % look good and I want ® stay in shape. I'm at the gym now, running. Baby, I was born to run!


Notice the schwa in t o and the connections.

R My name's Ricardo Sutton and I'm_a 28-year-old_attorney from Canada. I finished grad school two years_ago and_I have_a good job that_I really like. I love travel and languages (I speak Spanish, French and Japanese), but_I have H work really long hours and_I don't have much vacation time. I'm_always too tired i i go i I the gym—I'm_always_exhausted_after work, but_I need % go W the gym more. l'm_out_of shape. Yup, I really need IS exercise more, because I am desperate H get_in shape. C Hi! I'm Casey Murray and_I'm 22 years_old. I finished high school, but I never went to college. I'm_a computer programmer, but my job is not very interesting. My hobbies_ are playing video games and I love shopping! I never have_enough money M do all the things I want % do. I have || work every day_in_a boring job b e c a u s e j need IS pay my bills, but_I really want % be a singer. I love singing and_I want ®ti be a professional singer. Singing is my passion! © 1.6 Notice v o w e l sounds - / a u / , / u / (


1 And that's the new song from Magic—thpy) siHnd g r g t ! 2 Check slat this jacket. It looks cool.

3 This new chewing gum is delicious. It t§stes awesome! U A Ugh... What's on that pizza? It smells awful! B Does this happen to you? Try our special new pizzas—satisfaction guaranteed. 5 C Ugh, I don't like this sweater. It feels rough. I really don't like wearing it! D Time for a new sweater! Come to Mercer's today for sweaters that feel soft and warm! © 1 . 7 Notice: dark / I / and normal / I / . 1 W = waiter

C = customer

W I ' i take your order now. C Great. Thanks, I'd like the fish. W Good choice. You'll like it. It tastes great and it's really tender and juicy. C Sounds good. 2 SA = sales assistant

C = customer

SA This blanket feels so soft. It's 100% wool. C But my kids won't like it. They're allergic to wool. SA Oh, weB, the synthetic fabrics are over here. 3 G = girl

B = boy

G Listen to this! You'll love it. Sounds amazing! B OK, let's see. Yeah, wow, this is great. Fantastic. I'll download it now.

4 SA = sales assistant

© 1 . 1 0 Notice ache, take and make rhyme and the connections. 1 A What's the matter? B Oooh... I have_a headache. A You should take 3 painkiller and you shouldn't go to the party. B Oh, uh, I guess you're right. 2 C How_are you feeling? D I have_a cough and_a fever and I ache all_over. C You have the flu. So, you should stay_in bed_and rest. You shouldn't_ea: Don't_eat_anything until the fever goes down. D OK, doctor, thanks. I'm not hungry anyway. 3 E Are you OK? F Ow... I have a too' ache. E Aaah. You should see a dentist_as soon_ as possible. You shouldn't eat_or drink hot and cold things. U F How are you? G Ugh... I feel_awful. I have_a cold. F You shouldn't go out. You should drink_a lot_of warm fluids and you should stay warm. I'll makeyou some tea. G Thanks, Dad. Oh...

C = customer

SA Your husband will love this perfume. C Hmm... W i l h e ? ItsmeBs... uh... interesting. Unusual. No, he won't like it. He doesn't like fruity smeis. I ' l try another one, please. SA OK... what about this one? 5 M = man

M Hmmm... This sounds strange. Is there another party tonight? J I think you're right! They're all at another party and we're n i t invited!

GO = gallery owner

M Yes, wonderful! My wife will love this. It's a beautiful painting. Awesome! GO Yes, and it's only $25,000 dollars. M Hmmm... I ' l take this postcard of it. GO That's two dollars. W i l you need a bag?

Q 1 . 1 2 Notice / • / and / I / . This is Lori, with my advice for the Unhappy Wife whose father-in-law comes in and out of their house and gives them no privacy. Dear Unhappy Wife, This is a very delicate situation, but you should take your father-in-law out to dinner and tell him that you have a problem. You shouldn't be mean, but you should be very clear that what he is doing is making you unhappy. If he ignores you and continues to come to the house and borrow things, you should change the locks on the doors. I hope this helps. That's all for now. See you next week.

© 1 . 9 Notice / § / , / A / and /|u]]/. M = Mel

J = Jack

J Mel, where is everyone? Why isn't there anyone at our party? M Well, Lenny called—he has a headache. J Hmmm... What about Fran? M She texted. She has the f i g J And Gaby? M She has a tjoo|thache. J What about Helen and Marcos? M They both have a cold. J Both of them? M And Jenny has a fever... and a cHgh. J What about Brad? He's really healthy. M Oh, he's just texted. "Sorry, Mel and Jack. I have a stomachache. I'm in bed." J I can't believe it, Mel! Are all our friends sick?

© 1 . 1 6 Notice the intonation in offers and responses. 1 A That looks heavy. Do you need a hand? / B Thank you.s. That's very kind of you. s. 2 C I can't do this problem. D Do you want me to help you? \ C Yes, please! I have a test tomorrow and I don't understand it. \ D OK, let's see... 3 E F E F

What are you doing? I'm painting the kitchen. Can I help you? s I love painting, s Uh... I think I can do it myself, Si but thanks for the offer. ^

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U G How's the art project coming along? H It's OK, but I can't get the colors right. G Would you like me to help you? -* I'm good with this software. ^ H Thanks, n but I have to do it myself. G OK, no worries.

Unit 2 02.1

Notice t h e / i : / a n d / ! / s o u n d s .

RP = radio presenter RP So, we asked seven listeners the question: Hewtnryou usually get your news? Here's what they said. 1 1 still read the newspaper every day. 1 can't read from a computer screen—I like to hold the paper In my hand and turn the pages. 2 I get all my news on Twitter and Facebook —so "social media," I guess. When there's anything big happening I hear about It there. I don't need to go and find out—It's right there and I can follow It easily. 3 Hmm... That's a good question. I guess I usually watch the news on TV. I always watch In the morning when I'm getting ready for work and then late at night. I don't have to waste time reading, I can just listen and watch. i On the radio. I listen to It all day. I wake up to the radio, listen to the news In bed and then |n the car. I love it 'cause you can listen to the news when you drive to work or even when you're jogging. 5 I work from home—I'm a web designer, so I'm online all day long and I have my favorite websites that I use for news. I never watch TV, but I watch a lot of TV online. 6 I'm lucky I have a brand new smartphone so that's where I get my news. I have a few news apps and I check them when I'm commuting to work—It's great for the train—and there's no trash from the newspaper. 7 I don't really read the news. I just see what's In the headlines of my co-worker's newspaper so I don't need to buy one of my own!

and once_again, with no real_agreement reached between the world leaders from_ over 50 nations. 6 ... All_over the country today there were protests_about the rising price_of food. The government is considering lowering taxes on fruit_and vegetables. 7 When_a local news team went to visit grandmother Maria Braun to ask questions about her daughter, they got more than they expected. Maria chased the reporters with_a baseball bat and threatened to call the police. The reporters got no answers to their questions about her daughter, who is suspected_of hacking_into local government computers.

U W Did you see that movie last night? It was awesome. A man walking around London after a terrible disease and a lot of people were dead. M Hmmm. Sounds awful to me. 5 M I love comedy shows—I was watching one last night. It mts really funny. Two adults were looking for a little girl's toy and they were doing all kinds of funny things... W I saw that too! It was hilarious, right? 6 M What were you just watching? W It was a cop show. The police were investigating the murder of a woman. M Sounds like a typical cop show.

O 2 . 8 Notice / a u / , / A / and / [ u ] / . 0 2 . 4 Notice / J / and / t f / sounds.

P = presenter

A = Allie


D = dad

M = Mike

D Hello, Allie! It's Dad. What were you doing when I called last night? You didn't pick up. A Sorry, Dad. What time was that? D It was about eight o'clock. A Oh yeah, I was watching a giow about climate change. I didn't hear the phone. Did you see the Slow? D No, I didn't. What about Mike? I called him too. A He was making dinner at eight. His famous burgers—you know what he's like—they have to be perfect. D Hmph! And the twins? I called them too. A They were playing video games. D They couldn't stop playing to talk to their grandfather?! No one answered the phone. No one wanted to talk to me! A Don't be silly, Dad—we didn't hear our phones. D OK—I just wanted to check... A But how are you, anyway? What did you... D Well... it was good talking to you. Bye, dear. A But we haven't even had a chance to... Bye Dad. M What did your dad want? A I don't know. He just wanted to say hello, I think. 0 2 . 7 Notice / w a z / and / w a r / .

0 2 . 2 Notice the connections.

M = man

' ... And today will be sunny with temperatures reaching 25 degrees_in some areas. Tonight we can expect some rain and_it will start_off cloudy in the morning and stay that way for most_of the day. : This week's box_office hit is Miracle Men starring Ben Gardner. It has just been_ announced that Gardner will be in_a new m jvie with Michelle Warren coming_out _in the fall. 3 The latest news that we have is that all the main highways into the city are fairly clear, but there is heavy congestion in the downtown area and you are recommended :o stay away, if possible. » .In baseball news, the Cardinals have reached the World Series, where they will race Texas. The Cardinals beat Arizona five :o two tonight. : .. The World Summit_on climate change has come to an_end after_eight days,

1 M What was the show about? I really wanted to see it. W So, there was a group of lions. And they were traveling through the jungle. M Hmm... sounds interesting.


P R2

P R3

P R4

P R5

P R6

W = woman

2 M I was watching a show last night and there was a chef and he was talking about foods that are good or bad for you. W OK. What did he say? M The usual stuff about soda and chips, mostly. W Oh. 3 M Did you like the show? W Yeah, lots of scientists were giving examples of how the weather has changed and why this has happened. And then they showed what might happen in the future. M Sounds kind of depressing.

P R7

P R8


R = reporter

Tonight on What on Earth Is Happening?, we get stories from different parts of the world telling us what's happening there. We'll be featuring eight different countries—here's a taste of what's to come: It's been raining and raining for h a i r s and now there's a terrible flood in Kir t i j i n , there is water everywhere. There are floods all over Bangladesh. And from London... It hasn't rained much this year, so there's going to be a driiight. Get ready for a dry summer. And the latest from Argentina... The m|oo|n passed between the Earth and the sun and there was a solar eclipse. Everything went dark in the middle of the day! It was really weird, but c @ at the same time! And in Florida today... Hurricane Minnie hit today: the wind was so strong that it blew glass edt of the windows. It was a huge hurricane with wind speeds of up to 130 mph. Meanwhile, in S U t h Africa... There was a massive rainbow because the sun was shining when it was raining in the National Park. There was even a double rainbow. Very c|oo|l! And in Chile... There was a magnitude five point oh earthquake, some buildings had damage, but no injuries were reported. The earth shook for abfittt 15 seconds. While in Indonesia... There was a tsunami warning and everyone made it to safety. The waves were 20 feet high, but there was no damage. And in Mexico... There were huge thunderstorms overnight that left many homes with«fe p U e r . Lightning struck trees in the area causing pQWer lines to fail. So, as y @ can see, it has been a busy week. Now let's hear the stories behind these headlines. Let's turn first to Bangladesh...

© 2 . 1 0 Notice / W b l and / o u / sounds. J = Jack

M = Mel

J Hi Mel, are you okay? M Yes, but we've got no electricity. There's a power i i t a g e .

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J What were you doing when the i l t a g e happened? M I was cooking dinner when suddenly the lights went Hit! J Did you finish making dinner? M Yes, but it didn't taste very good, because I couldn't see very well! J Ha ha... What was Jamie doing? M The lights went l i t while he was watching TV, but now he's doing his hjmework on his laptop. J That's good! So what did you do when the lights went S i t ? M I f j i n d a flashlight and some candles, so it's very romantic here! J That's nice. I'll be home soon... I just have to... M Oh no! I have to go. I need to charge my phone, it's ablUt to die. I are you going to charge it? M Plug it in, of course... duh! Ha ha... 0 2 . 1 2 Notice / d $ / and / J / . N = narrator

J = Jane

P = parents

N fane was chatting online when her phone rang. It was her boyfriend, Jake. J Hi Jake, how are you? N He was calling to make plans for the weekend. But jane's mom came in and looked at the computer screen while lane was talking on the phone. She was reading lane's e-mails when Jane got off the phone. She was very, very unhappy and told her mom that the messafes were private. J Stop! Never read my messages! Go away! N lane's mom went downstairs. Her parents were talking when |ane went downstairs later. P Hmm, yes. I agree. N They were discussing Jane and the online messales.

0 2 . 1 5 Notice the sentence stress. G = girl

B = boy

B So, I was cycling to school when suddenly I got a flat! G Oh no! B Yeah, so I walked to school. G Uh-huh. B So I was late for class and everyone was taking a test when I got there. G How awful! And then what happened? B Well, I started doing the test, but I didn't have enough time to finish. G That's terrible! B So, of course, I didn't pass the test, but the teacher said I could do it again next week. G That's good.

Review 1

Unit 3 ©3.2 1 What do you do? A. Ask for your money back immediately. B. If there's enough time, look for another one. C. Nothing. You'll only sleep there. But you ask for a discount! 2 What do you do? A. Walk up and down in the station and check the clock every ten minutes. B. Try to find something to do outside the station. C. Sit down and relax. 3 What do you do? A. Sit down and cry. B. Try to rent a car and go anyway. C. Call your parents and explain. 4 What do you do? A. Start to cry. B. Pay the driver and try to find another taxi. C. Help the driver fix the car and hope there will be time to get to the airport. 5 What do you say? A. Ask the flight attendant to find you a new seat. B. You say nothing. Sit down and close your eyes immediately to make sure that the mother knows you want to sleep. C. Introduce yourself to the family and play peek-a-boo through the flight to keep the kid quiet. 6 What do you say? A. I want a new one! Do you hear me? B. Hmm... Who can I call about this? C. Don't worry. These things happen. 7 What do you say? A. This is ridiculous! I want my money back! B. Do you know what time they're going to repair them? C. Well, no problem. It's nice to get some exercise. 8 What do you do? A. Sit down and cry. B. Try to convince the customs officer to let you go. C. Say you're sorry and pay the extra tax.

© 3 . 3 Notice the intonation P = Pedro

in questions.

1 2 3 4


What were you doing at six pm last night? What did you do yesterday evening? Who did you work with in the last activity? What were you doing when class started?

P So, how's Cathy, anyway? \ H Fine, fine. Have you seen her photos? >" P Yep, I saw them on Facebook. She's really pretty. Congratulations! H She's seen your photos too. P Really? Did she like me? ? H Anyway, she, uh, she says she wants to meet me. P Oh, finally! I mean, two years dating online, come on... That's like... eternity. So, when is she coming to the States? ^ H Uh... she's not. She wants me to go to Australia... like, next month. P That's great. I've been to Australia twice. H Oh yeah? Did you go on business? /" P Uh-huh. Zero fun. Just work, work, work. How about you? ^ H Nope. Never been there. P So... Have you started packing? /" H Hmm... P What? H Well...


© 3 . 5 Notice h o w the / I / sound in her almost disappears in fast speech. P Dude, I had no idea... So what are you gonna do? H I don't know. P Well, easy... Tell i e r to come to New York. Problem solved. H Nope, can't do that. P Why not? H She lost i e r job and doesn't have much money, you know... and she really wants me to meet i e r parents. P Well, then tell i e r you're afraid to fly. H Are you crazy? I'm too embarrassed to admit I'm like a six-year-old. P Hmm... Have you ever tried therapy? Maybe it can help you get... H Twice. It didn't work. I really don't know what to do. P Hey, I have an idea. Why don't...

H = Harry

© 3 . A Notice / I / and / t / for - e d e n d i n s s .

© R e v . 1.1

P How come? I mean, you love Cathy, right? H I do, I really do. I've never lov® anyone that much. P So...? H You see... The thing is... I'm, uh... P What? H I'm afraid to fly. There. I've said it. P Hmm... Like a phobia or something? H Yeah. P But, uh, have you ever travelii by plane? H Once. Mom took me to Disneyland when I was five... I c r i ® all the way there. No, seriously, I was terrifiiH. And all the other passengers were shocked, of course. They thought Mom was killing me or something. P Dude, I had no idea... So what are you gonna do?

So... Have you started packing? Hmm... What? Well... The thing is... I don't know if I'm actually going.

0 3 . 8 Notice the long pauses // and the short pauses /. L = Lisa

M = Meg

Day 1 L ... Wow... // this place has changed... // a lot. M Have you ever stayed here before? L Oh yeah. / A few years ago. // But now. . . I I I mean, / what kind of room is this? // Look at these walls / and this carpet... Oh my God! A mouse! M Where? Where? L There! There! / Oh, it's gone, / thank God. // Meg, / listen, / we've got to get out of here. M But... // we've just checked in! L Yeah, but we haven't paid yet. // I'll tell you what, / let's stay at the Ibis near the station. M Wait a second. // How much money are we talking about? L Well, /1 guess it's a little more expensive, but. M Lisa, /1 can only spend $100 a night. I've already told you. L Well, / no, / not really. // You spent a lot of money shopping for clothes yesterday, so I didn't think money was a problem. M Well, / it is, actually. Day 2 L I'm going to the National Gallery today. Julie's been there / and she says it's fantastic. // What are you going to do?

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I M Well, //1 haven't been to the West End yet / and I really want to go. // We could meet up 1 for coffee at around three o'clock. // What do you think? L Yeah, but / look... // the weather has changed. // It's really cloudy, / a perfect day to go to the National Gallery. M Well, //1 really don't want to see old paintings today. // Sorry. L Well, II if you're sure. // I'll see you at three / and then I can tell you all about the Gallery. Day 3 L Oh! / That was a loooong day. // I'm exhausted. / Goodnight, Meg. M Lisa, /1 just want to read a little before I go to bed. L Oh/ I'm readinglpi Things To Do Before You Die. II It's a book with lots of suggestions of cool, / exciting ideas of things to do, // things that can change your life! Have you read it yet? L Uh... // No, I haven't. / And I'm really, really tired. M I started when we got on the plane / and I've already finished the first 20 ideas. // It's fascinating. L Look, Meg. / We woke up really early this morning, / I'm exhausted / and I can't sleep with the lights on. II Sorry. M OK, / OK, / sorry, Lisa. // I'll read downstairs in the lobby, then. // Good night.

O3.10 M Hey, Lisa, have you seen this website— ambitionlist.com? L No, what is it? M It's a kind of bucket list. People write their ambitions online, and, uh, then when they have, uh, achieved them they tell everyone about it. _ Oh, like that movie, with Jack Nicholson. M Yeah, it's kind of like that book I'm reading, you know, 101 Things To Do Before You Die. I L Oh yeah. Let me see. Oh look! Visit London! We've both done that so, yup, obviously, we have both been abroad too. v Yeah. And there are lots more cool ideas here too. Look at these ones—see? I've never swum with dolphins, uh, or ridden an animal. I'd love to ride a camel or an [ elephant. L 3h, I've already done that. I used to ride L horses when I was a girl. But I haven't swum [ •» ith dolphins yet! h i And look at this one—learn to dance. Ah! I ve never learned to dance, uh, I have two I left feet. I l Oh! I can't dance either, I want to learn tango. I | i Vetoo! Daradaradara... I L ZK. so what else have you done? [ • Hmm. Well, I've made lots of birthday cakes... oh and I've just fallen in love, p . No way! With who? Ifcorith London, [t. Baha, very funny. ^ f c h . sorry. Uh... I've been a DJ a few times, B s c that's another one, and, uh, I've already I T:ed extreme sports. ^K-rent snowboarding in Colorado last year. ^ • E c e one!

M Yeah, awesome! But you know what, I've never done volunteer work, or planted a tree, or donated blood. Oh my god, I'm so selfish! L Look at this one—have a child. Have you had a child yet? M Lisa! Of course I haven't!

L Wow! Really? How old were you at the time? B Uh, aboiit nine or ten, I guess. I learned how to play the piano when I was four, so... L You're kidding me! When you were four ' Wow. You've never told me that. B Really? I thought you knew. Anyway, when I got into college, I had to...

0 3 . 1 3 Notice h o w the / ! / sound is pronounced.

Conversation 2 L ... much, much better when I was a child. These days, there's nothing good on— absolutely nothing. M What? What do you mean nothing? L Well, maybe one or two shows, but they're either late at night or on cable. M Hmm... I don't know... I think the late night news is good and some of the documentaries... come on... they're just fantastic. L Oh, come on, fantastic.' Well, I don't agree, Miguel. I think they're just stupid. That's why I don't let the kids watch TV at home. M But, uh, then you let them spend hours on the Internet, right? L Well, not hour si. but... You know, I have no problem with them surfing the web. M No way! But that makes no sense, Linda. You see...

Rep = reporter

R = Rita

T = Tina

Interview 1 Rep ... really true, isn't it? So, Rita, Mow long did you live in Barcelona? R I lived there for, uh, seven months... Rep Did you iave a job? R Yep. I worked as an au pair for four months. Rep Row was the experience? R Well, when I first looked at Raul and Ricardo, I thought... Rep Whc:' R The twins. Rep Oh, OK. R So, when I first saw them, I said to myself: "I'm going to get on the next plane and get back Home now." But after a while... well, I fell in love with the boys... And I realized that I was born to be around kids. Period. So that's How I decided to be a teacher, not a lawyer. Rep Oh, so you wanted to study law? R Well, Mom and Dad insisted for a long time—they really wanted me to be a lawyer. But now they don't talk about it anymore. Thank God. So what I really... Interview 2 Rep ... absolutely right. So, Tina, l o w long lave you been in the UK? T Uh, I've been in the UK since September, so... yeah, that's six months... But I arrived in Scotland six weeks ago. Rep Bow do you like it? T Honestly? Rep Uh-iuh. T I l a t e it. Life sucks Here. Yeah, I thought it was going to get better when I got a job, but... Rep Oh, so you're working? T Yeah, I got a job at Sainsbury's and... Rep What's that? T Oh, some big supermarket. Rep Mow long have you worked there? T Three weeks. The longest weeks of my life. Rep Have you made any friends? T No, not yet. But my sister's just come to visit, I laven't seen |er for a long time. 0 3 . 1 7 Notice the repetition t o express surprise / ask for clarification / Correct information!. B = Barry L = Linda M = Miguel Conversation 1 B ... exactly, and that's when I wrote my very first song. L What? Wait a second. Did I hear you say that you m i l e a song, Barry? B Uh-huh. I called it "The moon and the stars." Grandma still cries when she hears it.


a U CO O "U


Unit 4 0 4 . 4 Notice / ! / and / s / . M = Michael

G = Gloria

D = dad

Conversation 1 M Mom. Can I have one of thogg? G What? Headphones? What's wrong with youri? M They're really big and uncomfortable. It's time to go wireless, Mom! PleaSe! 6 No, honey, those are too expensive. M But, Mom, come on. All my friendi use wireless headphones! It's not fair! You promised, remember? You said that if I helped you with the housework, you'd buy anything I wanted. G Michael, I know, but we're talking about two-hundred dollar headphone! here, not just a toy! That's a lot of money. Listen, I can get you a wireless mouse instead. How about that? M Life sucks! You suck! You too, Dad! D Oh dear... Gloria, rule number 1: if you make a promise to a kid, you can never, ever break it. G I know, especially a kid like Michael. D Look... It's important to make kid! do the dishei, make the bed and help around the house... I get that... But promising a gift in return? Bad idea. Conversation 2 Notice the intonation. s


S = Susan

F = friend

B = Brenda

P = Phil

F Hey, Susan. Wanna play? ? S I can't leave the house, n I have homework to do. s. Lots. F I've downloaded the new episode of Glee... ^


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And then we can go to McDonald's. r S No, I have a big test next week s. and I need to get an A plus this time, v F Well, will you die if you get a B? f S Yeah! Duh! s, B Susan, close those books now s and go have some fun. <" S But, Mom! f I haven't finished... s. B Susan, s. you're a smart kid. s. You should know that children who do lots of homework every day don't necessarily do well in exams... n. S But, Mom... s there's nothing healthy to eat at McDonald's! \ I haven't had any vegetables today! Please, let me stay home. ^ B Susan, it's not a request—\ it's an order. Go get dressed. \ P Brenda, I'm a little worried about our daughter, s. B Me too. N. Where did we go wrong, Phil? ^ P Well, once I read somewhere that young p^r^nts usit^lly make more mistakes with .their children. \ Guess they're right, n. We're / awful parents, Brenda! \

nothing! I can't belijve you did something like that. UnbelUvable! Now, go to your room! © 4 . 1 0 Notice the pauses. To some people, / vinyl records bring back memories of growing up in the 1960s and 70s / when rock and roll was king. / Back then / music lovers listened to Elvis Presley and The Beatles / on black disks / spinning on a turntable. / Today's younger generation didn't grow up with records. / So for them / vinyl is cool. / Jack Lowenstein came to Crooked Beat Records in Washington, DC. / "I prefer to buy vinyl records over CDs." / Sarah Griffith / is into vinyl too. / "More recently I have started buying more, you know, like old punk records and stuff." / Nielsen SoundScan tracks audio sales in the United States. / It says vinyl records / with almost 3 million sold / were the fastest growing music format last year. / By June this year / the number of vinyl albums sold was 40 per cent greater than the same period last year. / But still / vinyl sales in the U.S. are tiny / compared to overall CD and MP3 sales.

© 4.7 Notice h o w the / # / sound is p r o n o u n c e d tosether. J = Julia

D = dad

J Oh, I miss those days. Life waMo much easier. D What do you mean? Do you miMfchool? Dear, I thought you hated that place! J Well, yes, but I was just a kid, you know, and that's what kids do, right, Dad? They hate school, they sit at the back of the class, they... D Hmm... your brother likeMchool. J Well, Danny's a nerd, so of course he does. Uh... Dad, there'Something, uh, there's something I've never told you, you know... D Oh yeah? What? J Remember that time you and Mom thought I walBick? D You used to be sick all the time, Julia—at least until you were 12 or something. You used to eat everything you found! One day you ate bird food, remember? J No, I mean that time you took me to the hospital... D Oh, your leg. Of course. Your mother and I almost went crazy that day. J Well, I waMsort of... lying. D What do you mean? We saw it! Your left leg was dead.

© 4 - 1 5 Notice h o w the / > / sounds are linked. R = Roy B = Brenda S = sales assistant R Oooooh, they all look so adorable! B Yeah, right, Roy, adorable... R Uh, excuse me, Miss... Hi... We, uh, we have a four-year-olBBaughter and we'd like her to have a pet. She's an only child, so we want a pet that can keep her company... S No brothers or sisters? Oh yeah, you shoull Jefinitely get her a pet. B Like a bird... or a goldfish, right? R Brenda, we've talked about that—goldfish are not as interactive as dogs. End of discussion. B But goldfish are quieter than dogs. R You see, we both work all day and, uh, we live in a small apartment. What would you recommend? S Have you considered getting a cat? R Well, to be honest, we were kind of thinking of a dog. We, uh... prefer dogs. B Roy, YOU like dogs. I ' i S o anything to stay pet-free. They're a lot of work! R Come on, Brenda, it's not as bad as it looks!

S A Labrador—come here, let me show you. R Oh, he looks adorable! Come here, little doggy! Now who's the cutest dog in the world? B Does he bark a lot? S Well, yes, but not as much as a poodle. B I don't like noisy animals, you know. My life's stressful enough, thank you very much. S Hmm... in that case, have you thought about getting a house rabbit? You won't hear a sound, I promise. B Hey, wait a second... That's a great idea. R Yeah... Why not? Rabbits are cute, small and quiet. Can you show us?

Review 2 © R e v . 2.1 1 I've been to Australia twice, (from audio 3.3 - Pedro) 2 But... we've just checked in! (from audio 3.8 - Maggie) 3 Yeah, but look ... the weather has changed, (from audio 3.8 - Lisa) 4 Yep. I worked as an au pair for four months, (from audio 3.11 - Rita) 5 I've downloaded the new episode of Glee ... (from audio 4.2 - girl 1) 6 Digital songs don't sound as good as old LPs. (from audio 4.8 - Grammar box) 7 She used to follow strangers around the house and make weird noises, (from audio 4.9, last paragraph)

© R e v . 2.2 1 Oh, we used to fight over the remote control every single day. There were three TV sets at home, but we all wanted to watch the big one in the living room. Good old days. 2 I swear! It never was. I mean, what was I supposed to do if the dog liked to paint itself purple and daddy's car used to like driving itself? I had nothing to do with any of that! 3 That's what grandpa used to say every night before my sister and I went to bed. Every single night. Oh, how I miss him. U Of course not! I was just trying to push him away using my foot. There was no violence, of course! I mean, he was my brother, come on!

Unit 5

© 4 . 1 6 Notice the weak forms in comparatives. © 4 . 8 Notice / § / and / £ / . D What do you m i n ? We saw it! Your left leg was dead. J No, it wasn't, Dad. I was lying. D Lying? What do you mean lying? J Look, I r ® l y didn't want to go to school, Dad. We had a big test and, uh..., well, I was afraid to get a bad grade. I'm sorry. D But... Julia, we took you to the hospital! Why didn't you tell us? J Look, I'm sorry. I rtilly am. I didn't use to do it all the time. I never lied about the serious stuff. I swear. D Wow... five hours at the hospital... for

B Roy, you like dogs. I'd do anything to stay pet-free. They are a lot of work. R Come on Brenda, it's not as bad as it looks! S Well, cats are not as good with kids, I know, but, well, they're independent animals, which is great if you're both busy and... B Hmm... and they're much quieter than dogs too. R But you see, we want Lynn to walk the dog, take it to the park, teach it how to sit... stuff like that. S Well, why don't you get a dog that's easy to train? You know, like a poodle or a Lab. B Like a what?

© 5 . 1 Notice the connections. Welcome to Marlbury College! We hope you'll_ enjoy your visit. My name_is Karen Crawford. First_of_all, let me present some_of our classes. In picture one, we see_an_art class. Slide two shows a geography class. Number three is_of_our law students and four shows_ our_engineering students getting practical, experience. Photo five is_a foreign language class and six is_a chemistry class_in_our new chemistry lab. Slide seven shows_our business students and picture number_eight is_of_our literature students, reading_a play. Finally, slide nine shows students in_our state_of_the_

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art computer lab. As you can see, Marlbury College has something for everyone.

0 5 . 3 Notice the intonation of the questions. ^ Here at Marlbury College we have something for everyone! We offer degree programs at bachelor's and master's levels. Call us today for a catalog. Are you interested in a new profession? /" We have vocational Certificate and Diploma programs in everything from cooking to banking. Is it difficult for you to come to class? Don't worry! We offer a lot of our courses online—so you can study any time you want. Do you work all day and want to take classes in the evening? J We can help you there too. We have a large choice of classes in the evenings, including French, Chinese and ESL classes. All this andrrrore is available at our attractive ramptis with our mgh-tech modern facilities. 2^11 Marlbury today and find the best class for you. Not sure where to begin? r Come to one of our free lectures that are open to the : ublic. You can meet our great teachers, and administrators, and get more information about Marlbury College.

05 A Hi, my name's Zena, Zena Marshall. I'm : ritish, I'm twenty years old and I'm from : : ighton, a city on the south coast of England. : study at Queen Mary University in London, a short walk from the Olympic Village. : chose English Literature because I've always .Dved reading. And Queen Mary's great, it's :nly an hour away from Brighton, so I can : : m e home to Mom, get my washing done, "r.ave nice meals. ::'s also the only university in London with = : ampus... so it's been really easy to make rriends. There are people here from all over the world. In fact, this summer, I'm going stay with my boyfriend Pierre in France! ; ~ really excited! One of the down sides is that there's a lot of reading—it can be really :.ring! But the teachers are really friendly and derstanding. When I leave university next rear, I'd love to be a radio presenter, or maybe even a DJ. That'd be awesome. 0 5 . 6 Notice pronunciation of have to / h a e f t a / and got to - = Mark


C = Candy

•• ".Vow! This class is going to be hard. She says we can't miss even one session. : That's not so bad! So we've got to come to every class—that's good. M And we have to write a paper for next week.

C It's OK. It's just two pages. M But I hate writing papers. C You've got to write papers whenever you take a class. M I guess so. And the teacher said we can't arrive late! C Of course not, that's good! That will make you come on time. M But what if I don't feel like coming? C Come on, Mark! It's not that bad. And she also said we don't have to take notes, because all the handouts, and the slides are available online. M Hmm, I guess you're right! That should be easy! © 5 . 9 Notice the sentence stress and weak forms.

1 There were too many exams. Awful. My grades were never good enough. Or I just flunked too many times Waste of time Awful Bye, bye! 2 Well, basically I spent too much time, uh..., having fun. You know, too busy with friends, concerts, all the parties. I just didn't have enough time to study! So, I just quit. 3 It was too hard to choose a major. I did psychology—hated it—started again. Philosophy, hated that, and, then, well, there were too many choices, so I quit. And uh, got a job. And then another job. I guess I'm not decisive enough. But then, maybe I am... Oh, I don't know. i It wasn't interesting enough and I, uh, just stopped enjoying it. Totally. Every morning, I wanted to do anything, an-y-thing, except go to school. Man, just thinking about school was too depressing. Miserable. Enough was enough. So, uh, boom! Time to say goodbye and fly.

M Yuk. And the fourth reason is...? W The stress of too much work? M Uh-huh, their workload is too heavy. And... W And number five must be that they don't like the place where they work. M Yujp, good job! W I guess 'cos it doesn't have good facilities. M Or it's dirty... W Yeah, stuff like that. M Uh-huh, uh... W What about dropping out of college? Is that for financial reasons too? M No, it says the first reason is that they don't have enough self-discipline to go to class every day and to keep up with assignments and homework. W Right! So, if students miss a lot of classes, they drop out of school. Well, no surprises there! M Number two is when they feel too isolated or homesick away from their family and friends. W I can see that—I felt like that in college. M Money is only number three! When they don't have enough money to continue studying. W So that's pretty different from work, then? M Yeah, interesting, and four is... personal reasons. They have too many personal problems like breaking up with a partner or needing to care for a sick relative. W That's terrible when that happens. M Really. And the final one is...? W Wrong choice? M Yup, when they find they chose the wrong thing to study, and, uh, feel they're not interested in what they're studying. W Oh, yeah! I know people like that! M Me too. Remember John...

© 5 . 1 0 Notice the phrases for agreeing.

© 5 . 1 5 Notice the pronunciation of / ! / and the spelling.

W = woman

Zack = Z

M = man

W OK, I bet number one for leaving jobs is money. M Yep, It says "The number one reason why people leave their job is money, money, money". W Sure, I mean, if employees are unhappy with their pay, they leave—i/they can find another job. M Well, I mean, uh..., we all want more if we can get it. W And the second reason is... ? M Uh... uh... they'd like better benefits, like health insurance and pensions. W Sounds right to me. Number three? M They feel they don't have a good relationship with their boss. W Yeah, I hated my last boss—he lied all the time.

Vicky = V

Z Oh hi Vicky. How's it going? V Oh hi Zack. Everything's fine. Z Uh... Vicky? Did you s H that e-mail I sent out yesterday? V What about? You send out a lot of l-mails! Z The melting we're having on Friday. V Oh, yeah, I saw it and programmed it into my calendar, so it will remind me. It's at 11 a.m., right? Z That's right. V And it's in the conference room, right? Z That's right. I also said I wanted ideas for th§ agenda. I don't have anything from you. V That's weird. I tweeted you my ideas as soon as I got the i-mail! Z Oh... you tweeted them, uh... OK... I'll check my Twitter account. Thanks. V Sure Zack.

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0 6 . 1 Notice the pronunciation of -ing. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! A great place for outdoor activities. You can go hiking, fishtog, or camping, and you can go diviijftor climbing. We have thousands of square miles of parks and countryside for you to explore. Or, if you prefer indoor activities, why not go bowliig, go clubbing, or work out at one of our great gyms. Or just hang out with your friends or with the friendly locals? Florida—the Sunshine State.

©6.2 R = Rosie

F = friend

R It was such a great vacation! F I'm sure. I'd love to go to Florida. Did you just stay in Miami? R No! Martin and I went camping in the Everglades National Park. That was amazing. F That's, uh..., unusual. How did it go? R Well... we were having a great time for the first few days. We went fishing and hiking. F Did you catch anything? A cold maybe? R No! But it was relaxing. And we saw alligators! F Wow! Really? R Yes. Then we went diving and saw more animals. We saw dolphins and a manatee and turtles... F What's a manatee? R Like a really big, fat, slow dolphin. Beautiful. F Hm. Sounds great! R Yeah, it was great—at first! F What happened? R Well, it's the rainy season and, uh, three days before the end of our vacation it rained really hard and our tent flooded and everything got wet. F Oh no! That's why I never go camping! R Yeah! At first we didn't know what to do—it was awful! Like, we were cold and our clothes and all our things were wet. But then we decided to stay the last two nights at a hotel in Miami and it was just fantastic. Totally. F Right, so what did you do? R Oh, uh, we went bowling and we went clubbing. It was cool! F Hmm. Sounds like you had a really, uh... varied vacation. R We sure did! Overall, it was great, but our tent is ruined forever! 0 6 . 7 Notice / © / and / 6 / . M = man

W = woman

W My boyfriend did a triaHslon the other day. M Oh yeah? W Yeah, but it was kind of extreme. First he ran 5 kilometers along a beach. M Uh-huh. W Then he climbed up a rope, over a wall and down the other side... before running tttrough fire. M He what? W Yeah, really! Then he jumped into the river and swam around an island, under a bridge and past the stadium.

M Whoa! W Then, he got out of the river and cycled 15 kilometers towards the finish. M 15 kilometers! W And after finally running across the finish line, he collapsed! M I'm not surprised!

R = Rosie

M Do you want to go snowboarding this weekend? R Hmm... not really, I don't feel like getting cold and, uh, wet and I don't really enjoy snowboarding. M But I thought you did! We could go skiing instead? R I hate skiing—it's worse than snowboarding —and I don't want to risk breaking my leg! M I really miss going up to the snow. R I have to say that I don't miss the snow, sorry, Martin. I like to stay warm—I'd rather stay in the sun. We could go swimming. I adore swimming. M Ah! You keep asking me that! You know I can't stand swimming. You know I just don't get it. When I met you, you started snowboarding and skiing with me and you loved it! R I suppose I did, but I guess I've changed. Right now I can't imagine coming down the mountain on a snowboard. Let's go to the movies. We both enjoy doing that. M OK—I guess so, but let's go snowboarding soon. R Uh... maybe.

06.10 Puck. Sticks. Glove. Duct tape. Fins. The world is playing underwater hockey and we're ready to compete. Here's how it goes. Secure your mask. Snorkel up. Jump in. Line up on the wall. Swim fast for the advantage. Hold your breath till you score. If you were wondering, the puck is heavy. There are six players from each team on the field at a time. The object is to pass to your teammates and try to score a goal. And yes, you have to hold your breath for a really, really long time!

0 6 . 1 1 Notice the schwas / ! / . So, you need I ball? Yeah and two big goals. Right. And, i m , you pass th| ball frSm one playir to anothlr. A Uh-huh. Ah, hah, is it socc§r? B No, sorry. You, i h , pass t h i b a l l with your hands. A OK. B Yeah ind, i h , you have t i put t h l ball down ov|r the line t ( score. A Oh! Is it Americin football? B No, no, you, i h , don't wear 1 helmet. But it's simil|r. Um, you ctn kick th| ball too. A I see... B It's populSr in Australii, New ZealSnd, Argentinf, South Africf, Eurfpe, and, Ih,... A Got it! It's... A B A B

O R e v . U.2 PS = pool supervisor

C = child

1 PS Hey! You can't run in here. 2 PS Hey! You can't dive in the pool. No diving!

06.8 M = Martin

Review 4

3 PS Sorry. You can't have food and drink in here. U PS The showers are over there. You have to take a shower before you swim. 5 PS How old are you? C I'm six. PS I'm sorry, children have to swim with adults. Where's your mom? O R e v . 4.3 Umm, hi, uh, my name's Clara Bush and I'm, uh, 22 years old. I'm from Phoenix, Arizona, but, uh, I'm living and studying in Mexico City for the summer. I, uh, really need to learn Spanish fast as, uh, I'm majoring in Spanish and have my final exams, uh, as soon as I, uh, as soon as I get back, uh, at the end of August. Uh, I...

ORev. U.U Uh, I absolutely adore traveling, I always have, and so when I turned 211 decided, uh, to go and live in Mexico to study Spanish. Uh, at first my parents didn't want me to leave the States, but eventually they agreed to pay for my studies here in Mexico City. Anyway, so now I'm here and it's great 'cos I can practice speaking every day, and I think my Spanish is really improving, and I hope to pass my final exam in two months. Uh, I kind of miss going to the mall with my friends back home, and of course my family, but I know I'll see them again soon. When I have finished studying here, I think I'm going to travel down south and maybe see some temples before I go home O R e v . 4.6

M = man

W = woman

W Would you like to get into a crocodile tank with just a two-inch thick plastic cage around you? M What? Of course not, I'm not crazy! Why? W I think it sounds amazing! It's totally safe M What are you talking about? W In Australia, you can get in a plastic tank and then you're lowered into the water. M And what's in the water? W Saltwater crocodiles! M That's insane! W It's not. I think it sounds cool. M When did you start wanting to do dumb things? W It's not dumb—it would be fun. It's only for about 15 minutes. M That 15 minutes would seem like a lifetime! W And you get really close to the animals. They swim really close to you and you have a 360° view of them as they swim around you. M And try to eat you, I suppose! W But they can't get through the plast:: - the organizers photograph you and film you as you do it.

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V M Even worse! I don't want people to see me terrified! Don't expect me to do it. W Oh, come on, there's room for two in the tank. I'll hold your hand. M Not in a million years!

Unit 7 0 7 . 2 Notice the intonation when he's sure \ and n o t sure A R = reporter

M = man

R Excuse me. M Yes? R I'm doing a survey for college. Do you have two minutes? M Yeah, I guess. r R Thank you very much. It's really very simple. I'll show you a list of kinds of movies and all you need to do is choose your three favorite genres and your least favorite one. M OK. R Take a look at this list, please. M Hmm... detective... adventure... drama... comedy... suspense... gangster... disaster... documentary... Hmm... I like detective^ stories... and suspenses movies, that's for sure. R OK, so, your top 3 are detective, suspense and...? M Gangster movies maybe? <* No, hang on... adventure movies. Yeah, definitely adventure. ^ R And your least favorite genre? M Maybe disaster movies? ^ No, nc, probably drama. Yeah, definitely drama. Real life is bad enough. R Thanks for your time. Really appreciate it. M No problem. Good luck. 0 7 . 5 Notice / k / and / § / . M = man

W It's true. Creature was so successful that they made two sequels a few years later. M Two sequels were made? Of this film? Seriously? W Uh-huh. And the three movies were produced in 3D! M Wow! I'd love to read the reviews. W Well, for your information, it got great reviews at the time. And they even made a musical a few years a|o. M Isn't that nice? A green monster singing love songs. Oh, wait, that's Shrek!

W = woman

M What are you watching this time? Another ; -movie like The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes? The Cars That Ate Paris? H Ha ha, very funny. You've seen all the Scary ' uie sequels five times, so what are you saying? M Yeah, but they're all much better than this stuff you're watching. What's this one called, anyway? • C aturefrom the Black Lafoon. M Creature from where? m The Black La§oon. M Wow... A movie from the 50s on DVD! Those :dios must be really desperate. • Yep, and Creature was released on Blu-ray™ last week, so you know what I want for my I :.:thday. «l So, let me §|ess... The main character is a : ,g scary monster who lives in the water and eats people. The end. •V No, he's not a monster, he's a prehistoric man. The creature was captured by an l expedition and... I • Oh, scary. I S . .. But he falls in love with one of the women K .n the froup. I I - And they j e t married? H I Ocme on, Travis, open your mind a little. This — Dvie was considered a classic at the time. • - classic? Yeah, right.

0 7 . 8 Notice the intonation as she expresses surprise ? and lack of surprise v M ... Welcome back to No, They Didn't, the radio show about the crazy things we all do. This week, we're looking at obsessive fans... Next up on our top 10 list... Number 5... Jack Moore, from the UK Jack is crazy about Katy Perry. W Well, who isn't? n. Katy's fantastic. M Well, yeah, but Jack is such a huge Katy Perry fan that he once said he liked her more than his own family. W Oh no! f Poor mother! M Yep. Jack drinks coffee from Katy Perry cups, eats from Katy Perry plates and his wall is completely covered with the singer's pictures. He's bought two copies of every magazine Katy has ever appeared in. W WeM. ' Such a waste of money! I mean, two copies? <" M Well, that's nothing compared to number 4 on our top 10... A Keanu Reeves fan from Dallas. W Oh, I love Keanu Reeves. M This man wanted to look like Keanu Reeves. W Well, lots of fans do... n. M Well, but this man is so obsessed with Keanu Reeves that he had plastic surgery to look like him. W No! He didn't! /» M Yep. Apparently he spent more than $3,000 to look like his idol. W $3,000? So much money for nothing! M So wait till you hear the next story in our top 10. Number 3... This one is about a man called Alonso Bellar. The man's such a crazy Penelope Cruz fan that he wrote a blog about his romance with her. W So what? \ Lots of people do that. M Trouble is, they've never met. W What? * They don't know each other? M Nope. W That is so weird. I mean, this guy should be in a mental institution. M After our commercial break, we're gonna... 0 7 . 9 Notice the connections. M = man

W = woman

M Welcome back... You're listening to No, They Didn't! This week, we're looking at_obsessive fans and some_of the crazy stuff they'll do. So, back to our top 10 countdown... Number 2... This boy calls himself the biggest Harry Potter fan_on Earth. Harry Potter is such_a big part_of his life that he got_a tattoo. W Oh yeah? So? M ... of J.K. Rowling's signature on his_arm. W J.K. Rowling? The author? M Uh-huh. W Wow! Hard to believe there are such crazy fans out there! I mean, a tattoo of_a signature!

Come on! There're so many better options! M Yeah, I know! Really insane, huh? Ready for number 1? W Yeah. Can't wait. M Our number 1 fan is a 33-year-old woman from Mexico... She's_a big fan of Pokemon. W You mean the cartoon? M Yeah. The woman liked Pokemon so much that she named_her son Pikachu. W You mean the little yellow monster? M Uh-huh. The good one. W Oh, my God! That's such_a horrible thing to do to_a child. I mean, think_of the...

a u CO O "D 3 <

O 7.16 Notice the short pauses / and longer pauses //. B = Bruce

J = Judy

B ... so why did I audition? //1 don't know. //1 was, uh, out of work, / so I had all the time in the world to spend hours and hours camped outside the auditorium. Anyway, / the big day arrived and I got there at around 5, 5:30 a.m. / it was such a huge place! // Huge! // There were, what, /10,000 people standing in line. It was... // it was raining torrentially and they only let us in at nine! // Can you believe those guys? // Where was I? / Oh, / well, / in the end, they only selected 200 people to audition in front of the show's producers. // If your voice was good enough, / you would then advance to the next round and finally sing in front of the celebrity judges... // Yeah, the bad, cruel guys. //1 made it to the top 200, / but during my audition there was something wrong with the audio and I didn't get to sing in front of the TV judges... //Actually, / few people get' that far / up to 40, usually. // This was such a disappointment! // I'd always wanted to meet the judges, you know. // Guess I'll try again next year. // Oh, / by the way, my name's Bruce and I'm from New Jersey. J ... and that was it. // So, as I was saying, / I'm writing an autobiography, / so I, / uh, /1 have a blog to test people's reactions and so on... / it's quite popular, / with about 750 visits a day. // Anyway, one day, someone from ABC / or was it NBC? / found my blog on the Internet and sent me an e-mail asking me if I wanted to be considered for the show. // You can imagine my surprise... //1 was chosen to be on TV! // She, / uh I, she said they were looking for interesting families. // "Why me?", /1 thought. / "I have such a conventional family!" //Well, / my immediate reaction was to say no, of course. // Why on earth would I want to go live with someone else? // But then I read somewhere that families were paid $20,000 to appear on the show... // and, / you know, / at the time, Mark was unemployed / so I thought it over for a week or so and /—surprise, surprise—/ in the end, /1 said yes. // So I gave the woman a call and left a message... // and again... // and again... //1 called her at least ten times. // Guess what, / all my calls were ignored! // All of them! // Anyway, / two months later / ironically / my husband and I got divorced. // By the way, / my name's Judy Jackson, and I'm from Dallas.

0 7 . 1 8 Notice the heavy stress for emphasis. B = Bruce

S = Simon

E = Emma

B Oh, my God, Simon and Emma it's such an... such an honor to meet you, guys! S What are you going to sing? I 163


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B "Crocodile Rock". S What? Really? That's such an old song. B I, uh... I've always liked this song... My dad used to play it on the piano and... S OK, OK... Go ahead. B "I r e m e m b e r when rock was young, m e and Suzie had so much fun, holding hands and skimming stones, had an old gold Chevy, a place of my own... Laaaaaaa, lalalalala..." E Thank you, darling... You've just killed my favorite song of all time. B What? I, uh... E No, seriously... There are not enough words in my vocabulary to say how terrible that was. B I thought it was good, actually. S Listen, Bruce... I, uh... I have to agree with Emma. I didn't think it was all that great. You're young and good-looking . and you have such a lot of potential! But you're not ready yet. E You'll never be ready. You sounded like Justin Bieber with a bad cold. S Bruce, listen, why don't you take some singing lessons and come back next year when you're ready, OK? E Don't listen to him, Bruce. You'll never ever have a career in singing. B You really think so? E Yes, I do, darling. Sorry. B Bye. Thanks for the opportunity. S What was that about? E What? S You destroyed him! E Really? S Yes! Poor thing! He even sent me a demo video. E Oh yeah? S Uh-huh. I thought it was OK. But this performance... It wasn't as good as I expected.

0 7 . 2 0 Notice / § / , /r)/ and [silent g. S = Simon

J = Joe

E = Emma

L = Lisa


OK, John... So, what are you j o i n g to sing tonight? Uh, it's Joe. What are you going to sing toni|gE]t Joe? "Daniel".


Elton John's "Daniel"? Uh-huh. OK, §o ahead.


"Daniel is traveling toni|ghjt on a plane, I can see the red tail li§h]ts heading for Spain. Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye, Mod it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes. They say Spain is pretty, though] I've never been. Well, Daniel says..." Thank you.

1 S

S 2 L E L E L


... and it's such an honor to meet you. I mean, I've always wanted to... So... Lisa... what are you going to try to sing? "Your Song," by Elton John. Oh dear. OK... when you're ready. "It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside, I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Don't have much money but boy if I did, I'd buy a bi| house where we both could live..." Thank you.

Unit 8 0 8 . 3 Notice / t / and / d / at the beginnins or in the middle of words. M = man W = woman D = device Important e-mail delected. Would you like me to print it out? W No, thank you. D Are you sure? It's from your supervisor. W Yes, I know, I've read it. D Well, I'm going to print it out anyway. It

D What were you wearing? ^ M This is going too far. D I'm only doing my job, Michael. M I can't remember what I was wearing. A white T-shirt, I think. D Try again. M Come on! Why are you doing this to me?

1 D

0 8 . 1 1 N o t i c e t h e unstressed or, to

a n d ®

1 B = Bob

S = Sue

B Guess what! I just bought a new car.

looks super important. W Wait! Don't switch on the prinler! This is an order! Oh no!

S Really? That's cool. I, uh, I'm going to try to sell mine in October H November, tops. It's got over 80 thousand miles on it, I t h i n k — time to get a new one.

2 M Have you done the dishes yet? D No, I haven't. You forgot to charge me up this morning. I'm running on economy mode so I can save enough battery power to make the beds. M Did I? I'm sorry. Let m e plug you in. D Thank you. Oh, that feels nice...

B Wow, that's a lot. Anyway, it's a brand new Focus and...

3 D The music is |oo loud. This is not good for your hearing. Please, iurn down the volume. W No way! I love this song. 0 i u r n i n g down volume in 3 , 1 , 1 second. W Hey, what are you doing? Turn the radio up! I u r n it up! Sjupid machine. 4 D M D


Please, look at the eye defection device... I'm sorry. I can't recognize you. What do you mean? I can't recognize your face. Please, look straight injfo the face sensor... I'm sorry. I still can't recognize you. Have you had a haircut or something? Oh no! Not again. You know what, I'm going to switch off this siupid... Michael, you know you can't switch m e off. Just be a good boy.

© 8 . 5 Notice the question intonation ^ A D = device M = Michael D May I ask you a few security questions? * M You mean the same old stupid questions you've asked me three times so far this week? ^ D No, sir, they'll be different questions so I can check your identity with even more precision. And, by the way, there's no need to be rude. What's your full name? ^ M Michael Jay Huff. D How do you spell "Huff"? M H-U-F-F. D Correct, Are you American? * M No, I'm from Canada. You know that! D When were you born? ^ M October 5. D Correct. M This is unbelievable. D How long have you had this vehicle? ^ M What? ^ D How long have you had this vehicle? ^ M Since April. You know that. D Information mismatch. M April, May, who cares? Just start the car. Please. D Did you say May? M Yeah. Whatever. D Correct. Did you use this car on Tuesday? ^ M Yeah.

S A Focus? No way! Dad drives a Focus, too, you know... Must be his third Uf fourth... You know what? I'll give him a call right now and break the good news. Dad, guess who I'm talking to... 2 R = Regis

A = Ann

R Hey, wanna have lunch together on Friday? A I can't. I'm seeing the doctor on Friday. R Oh yeah? Anything serious? A He's, uh, he's kind |of] worried about my cholesterol levels. R Well, well, well... we've had this discussion three 8 ! four times before, haven't we? A Oh, there you go again. R You eat far, far too much junk food and don't get enough exercise. A I know, I know. I'm a bad person. R And, worst |ofj all, you pretend you're in perfectly good health. Reality check: You're not! With this lifestyle, you're going to have a heart attack when you're 40 % 50. How many times have I told you to... 3 S = Sally

Y = Yuko

S Hi Yuko! Just saw your tweet. Calling to wish you a safe trip. Y Thanks. The plane leaves at two and I haven't started packing yet. S Oh, don't worry. You still have, what, five or six hours... Y I'm really excited. I'd like to know if all the stuff we see in movies... S ... is true? Oh, you bet it is... By the way, there's this great little restaurant on the corner ^fjBroadway and 47 th or 48 t h that you simply must try. Seriously, you've got to go there. I think it's called La Pasta... La Pasta something... Google it. Y What about the Guggenheim? Teri says... S Nah, she doesn't know what she's talking about. That museum is terrible. Sucks. You should visit the Museum ^ N a t u r a l History instead. You see...

© 8 . 1 5 Notice the stress for emphasis. J = Joe 1 P1 J P1

P1, P2, P3 = psychics

... which is exactly why you're here, I imagine. So Jay what... It's Joe. Of course. Joe, what exactly would you like to know?

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It's about my career... You see, I've worked at the same company for five, no, six years now and it feels like... well, it feels like I'm getting nowhere, you know what I mean? So, I guess my question to you is... Will I ever get a promotion? OK. Jack I need you to drink this... Thank you. So, am I going to get promoted? I doubt it. Look at the bottom of the cup... It looks like a man's face, doesn't it? It's your boss's face. He, uh, he hates you. But my boss is a woman... And she says she likes me. Well, she pretends she likes you, but she wants you out of the company. Oh my God! Am I... is she going to fire me? There's a good chance. You see, when this woman...

P2 ... so I can help you. Your name's Joe, correct? J Yes. You see, I've been seeing this girl for a year now and I like her... No, I love her, but I'm not sure she feels the same way about me. P2 What's her name and date of birth? J Her name's Emma and she was born on April 8,1992. P2 Alright. Close your eyes and think of Anna—Emma, please. Focus on her face... her eyes... What's your question Joe? J Are we going to get married? P2 Not a chance. I can... I can see another woman... Someone you work with, I think... She's blonde... tall... well, very tall and good-looking. J But you're describing... my boss! Hang on, hang on... this is insane. Will I fall in love with my boss? P2 Oh, for sure. She was put on Earth for you, Joe. You see, there's a... P3 Come in Joe. J Hi... Uh... Did I tell you my name over the phone? P3 Well... Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. Take a seat, please. J Thanks. Uh... You don't use coffee cups, crystal balls or anything, do you? I mean, I'm tired of... P3 No... I don't need any of that. I learned from my mother, and she learned from her mother. J Oh, that's good. Uh... first, I'd like to ask about... P3 ... your sister. J Yes. How do you know? P3 You're very transparent, Joe. Anyway, there's actually a reason why the two of you fight all the time, you know. J But... how do you know that we... »3 You see, she was your mother in another life... and you used to be a very difficult child and teenager. J Wow... I'm impressed. So... Will we ever stop fighting? P3 Oh no, no way! Jennifer is very shorttempered and so are you. But she loves you deeply. J Oh my God, did you just say my sister's name? P3 What else would you like to know, Joe? J Am I ever going to forgive my father? P2 Oh, absolutely. No doubt at all. You love your father.

Review 5 O R e v . 5.1 ... mostly cloudy during the day. So, if you've just tuned in, here are the answers to today's music quiz. Are you ready? Number 1: "Imagine" was written by John Lennon in 1971, but it was only released four years later, in 1975. Pretty easy, wasn't it? Number 2 may surprise you, but nearly 400,000 iPhones are sold around the globe every day—that's actually more than the number of babies being born each day. Yep, you heard it right: More iPhones are sold every day than babies are born. How 'bout that? Third question... Lady Gaga's first album was called The Fame. It was released in 2008 and went to number 1 in five different countries. Question 4... Amy Winehouse was only 27 when she was found dead in her apartment in London. Interestingly, singers Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain also died at age 27. And finally, here's our last question... British singer Adele is considered one of the world's best vocalists. Together, her first two albums, 19 and 21, have sold over 30 million copies... O R e v . 5.2 1 A ... hurry up. We're going to be late. The movie starts at nine. Oh no, your battery's almost dead. B Is it? Oh oh—2%. I'll charge it up—don't worry. A Where? B In the car. Let's go. 2 C Just downloaded a J.K. Rowling book. D Not another Harry Potter! C Nope. The Casual Vacancy. I'm going to read it on the plane. D Didn't know you had a tablet. C I don't. I'm going to print it out. D Seriously? Over 200 pages? 3 E ... which is exactly what I hate about her. Anyway, then she told me that I should... F What? E She told me that I should look for another job and... F Look for what? E Bill why do you always have to have your stereo so loud when I'm talking? F Oh, alright, I'll turn it down. E Thank you. That's much better. A G ... that's really exciting! I've never been there. Oh, you'll have a wonderful time. H Yeah, we're really excited. The plane leaves at ten. I'm counting the minutes. G What if I need to speak to you? You know, about the project... You're going to leave your cell phone on, right? H Well, actually, no. I'm going to turn it off and only turn it back on when I'm back home. G Really? But can I call the hotel at least?

05.3 1 ... and for the fourth consecutive month, unemployment has increased by 13.7%, twice as much as the same period last year. A spokesman for the...

2 ... the governor's chances of reelection. Now, on to local news. A three-hour power outage left the state of Michigan in the dark last night. 248 cities were affected and there are... 3 ... won last night's Emmy for best actor. Orange is in trouble with their latest tablet— the iTab. Over the past two weeks, there have been numerous reports of iTabs exploding and catching fire. Apparently, 2/3 of all iTabs produced in May were considered defective. A spokesman for Orange has... U ... the largest in history. A small town in Brazil has also made history this week, as new evidence emerges that some of its inhabitants were contacted by extraterrestrials on April 12. The town, with a population of only 40,540, was visited by UFOs in the past and according to a local TV station...

Unit 9 0 9 . 1 Notice / d 3 / and / g / . M = Michaela

P = planner

M So, my boyfriend, Johnny, proposed last week. It was so romantic! P Well, congratulations! That's wonderful! And you've come to the right place! As a wedding planner, I can help you with everything— from your engagement party to planning your honeymoon. I can find a place for the ceremony, send invitations (though you'll have to make your own guest list of who you want to invite), uh, choose the menu for the reception, find the perfect clothes for the bride and groom, and choose the outfits for the bridesmaids, as well as order the flowers that you choose. No stress! Uh... let's see, the gift registry is your responsibility, but I can make recommendations. Just tell me how much you want to spend and I will make this your perrrrrfect day. M OK. That sounds great. © 9 . 2 Notice / • / and I I I . M = Michaela

P = planner

P OK, Michaela. Here's how it's going to work. M Uh... I don't want anything very fancy, just... P How long was your engagement? M Uh, t h r ® years. P Then you need something fancy. We'll have invitations like this—black with gold letters. M Hmm—we actually just wanted pure white. P Then we'll have the ceremony at your home and—we'll keep it small, just two hundred guests. M Two hundred?! But that's not very small. We want the ceremony at the beach. P Two hundred is small sweetie. Then we'll have the reception in a grrreat restaurant that I know for about five hundred. M But we can't afford that! You know, we're thinking, like about fifty guests in a small restaurant. P OK, just four hundred guests then, and then your dress—I see it something like this: white and very feminine. M Uh, I was thinking of something more simple, just a plain dress—blue or green. P ... and let's see... about ten bridesmaids all carrying mountains of flowers. M Ten! No, I just want my sister and my nfece. P ... and the groom in white also—a white

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suit—and you'll both have huge gold rings. It's going to be fabulous! M Uh... Andf hates wearing a suit and we want to have silver rings. P Dltails, dltails! We'll work it out later... And then the honejrmoon on a remote island... a big Icological tour. M Well... ha ha... that's not really what we had in mind... we probably won't have time for a honeymoon until next year, and then we just want to go to a nice resort.

M He might be an athlete—he's wearing a spor| shirt. W He can'l be an athlete—look how thin he is. M Some athletes are thin! He may be a dancer, he's very graceful. W He can'l be a dancer—look how skinny his legs art. M He musl be a comedian—look how his dati is lajjghing! W Well, wloever he is, let's order quickly, or we won't get the special of the day!

© 9 . 6 Notice /as/ and / e i / .

© 9 . 1 5 Notice / I / , / 0 / and

M = Max

J = Jane

S = Sarah

M Hi Sarah. S Hi Mix. What's new? M Not much—you? S I'm waiting for Tony. Hive you seen him? M Uh... no. S He's always late these days and he never inswers my calls. M He's probably really busy at work. S Yeah, t h f t must be it. I saw him with a woman from work earlier. They were probably talking about work. M Uh... there's something I want to isk you,Sarah. S What is it? What's up?

© 9 . 7 Notice the silent letters. M Uh... Saral, what would you do if Tony cheated on you? S It depends. If I saw him with another person, I'd confront him. We've been dating for a year, so I think I know him. M W f a t if a friend told you, what would you do? S If I didn't fcnow for sure, I'd ask him first. M Would you spy on him, if you thought he likfd somione elsi? S No, I wouldn't. I'd trust him to tell me the truth, if he wanted to date someone els|. M I see... S W % ? Is theri somithing you want to tell me? You're his best friend. M No... I was just wondering.

M = man

W = woman

© 9 . 1 1 Notice the silent letters. M = man

W = woman

M Look! Wio's that over theri? W No idea, but he must be a celebrity—he's so hanisome.

I'm failing math class. You'd better start working harder or you won't get into college. D Yeah, I guess so.

5 D F

Unit 10 O 1 0 . 2 Notice /if/, / b / a n d have to =

^ .


M = Michael

Int = interviewer

J What's the matter Michael? M Uh... nothing. J Come on—I know you pretty well, what's wrong? M Well, it's dumb really. You know my bro|th|er, David? J Of course. He's your only brojt^er and he's a doctor, right? M Yeah, that's right. And I'm a teacher... J What about him? M Well, he just got a promotion and he bought a new car. J That's great! M Yeah, it is, except that I can't help feeling jealous. I want a new car and I can't alford one, because my job doesn't pay as well as his! J I see... Is he older or younger than you? M He's younger—I should be the one who makes more money and who buys a new car first! J It's perfectly natural for you to feel jealous of your bro|th]er, especially because you're older than him, but really, is i t ^ a t important? M I suppose it's just a car. J Yes, and think about all the stress he has in his job and the long hours he works. M You're right—I never wanted to be a doctor. J You see! You like your job, right? And you have a really nice lifi. M ffhlat's true... J Come on. Let's go for a walk! M If I had a new car, I would take you out somewhere really nice. J You don't need a new car!

0 9 . 1 0 Notice the schwas / ! / . M If you could be any kind of plrformlr, what would you be? W Hmm... I don't know, maybe I n actir or a singlr? Or I musicSSn? M Really? But you don't play any instrimlnts and you can't sing! W Yeah, but, uh, I c|n dream! M I see you as an athlete or i danclr. You're so sporty. W Uh, you think so? Really? Maybe I'd like ts be I gymnast or i skatlr, something like that. M Uh-huh. Yeah, I c|n see that. Uh, um, well, uh, I'd like t | be i comediln or I magician. W Really? What fbout 1 clown? M Hahahaha! What! What are you saying? W Just that you're funny Ind you make me laugh!

M Hey! Thanks for the tip, I hadn't thought of that

© 9 . 1 6 Notice sentence stress and

weak forms.

S = son

Mo = mom

F = father

D = daughter

M = man

W = woman

1 S I'm really bored. Mo Why don't you go to the mall? S That's a good idea. I'll call Mike. 2 W I'm so fed up with my boss. He always makes me stay late. M If I were you, I'd talk to him and, uh, explain that it's not fair. W Thanks for the suggestion, but, uh, you don't know my boss. I'm not sure that's the best thing to do. 3 M I feel hot and dizzy. W You should go home and go to bed. You shouldn't be at a party M You're right. I'm going home. 4 M I'm trying really hard, but, gee, it's so difficult to find a job. W What about calling my brother? He has a construction company and he might know of a job.


W = woman

M = man

Hello! I'm conducting a sur|ey for the Institute for Meditation and Relaxation. Do you hafe time to answer a question for me? What's the biggest stressor for you in your daily life?

1 W1 Hmmm... Well, in general, I would say that I always hafe so much work—my boss always gifes me deadlines—I |have| [t§ start and finish things with lery little time. In fact, I lhave to| do a report by the end of today, so, sorry, I have to| go. 2 M1 My kids—I hate two children—I lo|e them, don't get me wrong, but it's just so hard caring for them all the time. I never get a break! Melissa! Stop that! 3 W2 It would lhave td be school—there's so much pressure to succeed—we hale exams all the time and I need to do well to get into grad school. h M2 Uh... well, I neier seem to ha#8 enough money. I have a job, but I'm oferworked and underpaid, and I'm in school too and by the end of the month I hate no money and I lhave tolpav for things with my credit card—it's just a ficious circle. 5 W3 Food and eating is the biggest problem for me—I don't have time to eat well and so I eat fast, easy food and this is a really poor diet—I don't eat well when I'm stressed, then I get sick. 6 M3 Lack of sleep—when I don't sleep well, I get worried about not sleeping and that stops me from sleeping and then I get more stressed. Then, when I do sleep, I oversleep! I'm late for class, so I|haveto|go. 7 W4 I really need to exercise eiery day to get energy, but I'm always so tired when I get home at night that I just drop in front of the TV and I hawi no energy, so lack of exercise is my biggest problem. 8 M4 OK, great, thanks, talk to you later, bye.. So, I try to do so many things at the same time, I'm answering the phone and writing e-mails and reading reports all at the same time. Multitasking is really stressful! Excuse me... This is John Maley

© 1 0 . 3 Notice / | / and / r / . S = Suzanne

T = Tony

T What're fou doing Suzanne? S I took part in a survey today about stress and they gave me this questionnaire to answer online. T Well, |ou certainly are stressed. S What do I Usually do to relieve stress?

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••ir T Well, Jou sometimes have a beer. S Or two! But I never take medicine—I don't think that's a good idea. T And fou sure don't eat and sleep well— ipou're losing weight and pou go to bed late and you get up early. S I know. Some people put on weight when they're stressed—not me! T And jjiou don't sleep much. S Well, I can't sleep because I'm so worried about my work and so I get up to work. T I know! Ifou don't need to tell me—j(ou wake me up all the time! S Sorry! Let's see... I don't have much choice in my deadlines—my boss decides those and she's strict, but I do try to plan carefully so that I have enough time to do things. T What about exercise? Are you doing enough exercise? S Exercise? I don't have time to exercise!—and besides I'm too tired. T Suzanne it's easy to relax. Just breathe deeply and meditate. Ommmmmmmm. S Well, I took that Joga class last year, but I had :o stop, because I had so much work! I try to stop and take deep breaths when I get stressed out at work, but I don't meditate. I don't... T ! know... Mou don't have time. Hmmm... It seems like there are more things Ijtou could do. S Veah, maybe I'll contact the institute later and find out about their classes. But when will I have time? * 1 11 come with you—I need to learn to relax — ore too! Listening to Jou talking about f c u r stress is making me stressed!

O10.9 Notice / I / and / f / . r-ar: 3f the lifestyle inlolles salvaging discarded food. :.: thing and furniture from stores or athpr people's garbage! I happen to participate — :r.e part of freeganism quite often: the part -iiiere vou ;?.lvage furniture from the trash. N — 1 lite in New York City, where I think it's rr^rr.- common to pick up trashed furniture 3: elec : nics, because people here just leafte - j u : ; 1 _ff on the sidewalk for you to grab. And •stjer. you're on your way home and you walk rr = ;-erfectly good piece of furniture that you zzr. _=<e why not just scoop it up and schlep it hack to your abode ? A huge percentage of the fcrruT-ire in my house is actually from other reccle s trash. Recently I told that to some - who don't li#e in New York and they iteiT like "ewww" disgusted by it. While they the saving money, recycling side J-l they couldn't get past the other side of i ecne else who could have bedbugs or ttc-;—; giene owned that" side of it.


0 Notice the sentence stress.

sre some things I won't pick up—bedding, with a fabric covering, or just furniture 1c :k= toe dirty, but generally, if it looks like : accxs = nd it just needs a little cleaning—that : . mine and I'm psyched! So how about " at .vould you take out of the garbage g to your home, if anything? Is there a B—• ~ you' This week let's talk about that.

1 ' 1 Notice the intonation /"V ; zk: Mitchell \ and I was in the class 4 ' 1 was looking at my old school e * and I realized * that we haven't had for ages V There are several people

I haven't seen for years v and we used to have a lot of fun together s.—remember /*? Do you know what happened to Kyle Rodriguez /"? I'd like to find him \ and I know you two were friends v Anyway \ the reunion's going to be at Pete's Pizza s on Friday night V I'll put this info on Facebook s. too, so please reply there if you can come v Can't wait to see you J, bye!

O10.12 K = Kyle

N = Nicki

K Hi Nicki! Great to see you. When did we last see each other? N About ten years ago—when we finished high school. It was so cool to find you on Facebook and awesome that you could meet me. How are you? K Good—how about you? Are you married? N Yeah, I'm married with two kids. Jason is five and Scott is three. Um... I married Rick Respini. K No way! That's uh... wonderful. N Do you have kids? K Yes, my wife Jessie and I had twins last year. N That's awesome! K Yeah... so how many people do you still see from high school? N About 50 maybe. We have reunions in a pizza restaurant downtown. K Oh yeah? Which restaurant is it? N Pete's Pizza—they do great food. Do you want to come to the next one? K Yeah, I love their pizza! How often are the reunions? N About every six months or so. The last one was a lot of fun. Your ex, Mindy, was there. K Really? N Yeah, did you know she divorced her husband? K No! That's terrible. Did they have kids? N No, no kids, but I don't know much about it. You can find out all about it at the reunion.

© 1 0 . 1 5 Notice / ! / , / u : / and P = presenter


Dr = Dr. Marshall

P We've all hjearjd about speed reading and in these times we all want to save sime time. Dr. Samuel Marshall is a speed reading exp|er|t and he is here to give us sime tips on how to improve our reading speed and our Understanding of what we read. Dr Well, the fjnjst thing you can do is to give yourself one minute to read an article, it's better if it's an article that you are interested in, and see how far you get. This will give you an idea of how fast you read. Then, start again and read for one minute. Do this four times and try to read f a t h e r each time you read the same article. P And you'll find that you read f a t h e r each time you read, correct? Dr Yes, it's easier to read and Understand slmething the second time you read it, so you should read faster each time you read. OK, second strategy to try. Read the same short article of 200 wjorjds as many times as you can in two minutes. P And what will happen? Dr You should find that each time you read the article, you should read it faster, so if it takes you one minute the ijujst time, it should take you half a minute the seccr.d time and then less the thin: time 1 ."ext

strategy, if you're in a class, you can all try to read at the same speed. If you have a 100-w(oi]d text and you want to read at 200 w|or]ds p§r] minute, the class has just tb|5jty seconds to read the article. P So, you're all trying to read at the same speed? Dr That's right. And a final strategy to try. Choose your own reading pace and time yourself. For example, if you want to read at 200 wf5r)ds p^r] minute, divide the text into 200-w^d chinks and mark every 200 words. Have the alarm go off every minute and see where you are in the text. P Thanks Dr. Marshall. I'm [cerjtainly going to try out a few of these ideas.

Review 6 O R e v . 6.2 P = presenter

C = Carla

B = Dr. Brayman

P Now for our next caller. Carla, you're through to Dr. Brayman. C Hello, Dr. Brayman. B Hi Carla. What's your question? C It's kind of hard to talk about, but my question is about jealousy. My partner, Jack, calls me all the time to find out where I am and what I'm doing.

O R e v . 6.3 B Well Carla—this is a difficult problem, because most people who have a jealous partner make the problem worse. If a partner calls all the time, the natural thing to do is don't answer the phone calls and then you start to have secrets from your partner. Have you found that happening' C Yes, totally! I mean, sometimes, he calls me every hour, even when I'm at work! I don't answer the phone, or I sometimes tell him that I left my phone at home—anything so that I don't have to answer his calls. B And I understand that, but this makes Jack more jealous and then he calls you even more and you have to find other ways not to take his calls and you start to become more and more secretive, right? C That's right, so what would you do Dr. Brayman? B The best way to deal with a jealous partner is to talk about where the jealousy is coming from. Your partner feels jealous because he's afraid of losing you. Try talking to him about his fears and worries. Tell him that you love him and that you aren't going to leave him. Tell him that his jealousy is having a negative effect on your relationship. But at the same time you need to build his self-esteem and confidence. C I see, so you think I should talk to him instead of ignoring his phone calls? B Yes, but remember that he's not going to change from one day to the next. A problem like this will take months and even years, so you also need to decide if you want to take this time. If your partner agreed, I would recommend that you both go and talk to an expert. C Yeah, maybe he would go to a counselor. I'll try it. Thanks, Dr. Brayman.

B Good luck. Carla. P And our next caller is on line two...

a u to O "U


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The organization of the vowels chart on p. 154 is based on UNDERHILL, Adrian. Sound Foundations Learning and Teaching Pronunciation. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1994. The organization of the consonants chart on p. 155 is based on the articulation points used for producing those sounds according to author / teacher Robin Walker. ID Cafe reproduction: Mannic Media. Videos: Voice of America, 41; USA Underwater Hockey Team, 66; Lori Herfenist, 109. Adapted texts: Unemployment is world's fastest-rising fear/BBC, 16; What are your memories of the March 11 disaster/Japan Today, 21; Conspiracy Theorist Convinces Neil Armstrong Moon Landing Was Faked/The Onion, 34: Poor Stupid Cat/Adam Ellis, 44; Top ten talent retention tips/HCA Online, 53; My bungee jumping experience at the Macau Tower/Edcel Suyo, 68: 7 Words That Only Bad Movies Have in Their Titles/Seanbaby, 72; Living Without Money/Living Without Money, 108. Cover Photo: Thinkstock/Getty Images; Creatista/Shutterstock; Warren Bolster/Stone/Getty Images; Fuse/Getty Images; Ferran Izquierdo/ Photographer's Choice/Getty Images. We would like to thank the following reviewers for their valuable feedback, which has made English ID possible: Adriana Rupp, Ana Beatriz Medeiros de Souza, Brian Lawrence Kilkenny, Clara Haddad, Denise Almeida, Deyvis Sanchez, Diva Maria Abalada Ghetti, Elisabeth Blom, Frank Lido Coutc Henrick Oprea, Isabela de Freitas Villas Boas, Jose David Ramos Solanc Jose Olavo Amorin, Juliana Tavares, Kathleen M. Johnson ScholL Katia Andrea da Silva Falcomer, Lilian Leventhal, Louise Potter, Luzia Colferai Araujo, Lyda Lourengo Lacerda, Maria Cedlia Perez Gamboa, Maria Luiza Guimaraes Carmo, Maria Rute Leal, Mauro Vieira, Pamela Vittorio, Rer>e F. Valdivia, Ronaldo Mangueira Lima Junior, Silvana Sarrini, Sueli Monte": Suzy Teixeira de Almeida, Thais Musa. Paul Seligson would like to express his incalculable gratitude to all his family, friends, febow teachers, ex-students, co-authors and me entire -aooenec. Richmond team. «rtrxxt « h m ID couid ne^er

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is an innovative four-level young adult series that quickly teaches students to express themselves both accurately and fluently, thus building their own identity in English.

A range of innovative features


> A question syllabus: Every lesson begins with a question

S t u d e n t ' s B ook - Full Edition

that students learn to answer in that lesson.

Workbook -

> Song lines: Unique to English JD, these have a direct

Full Edition

Student's Book & Workbook 2A - Combo Ed.

link to each lesson, providing an authentic hook to help

Student's Book & Workbook 2B - Combo Ed.

students remember its language or theme.

Teacher's Book

> Picture Dictionary: Embedded in core lessons with contextualized listening and engaging texts, the ID Picture Dictionary system provides rich input and systematic

Class CD DVD

review to accelerate vocabulary learning.

Digital Book for Teachers

> Speaking: English JD offers fluency and accuracy opportunities everywhere. These are clearly marked with

Learning Platform

speech bubble models in every lesson. Âť Make it Personal: Each phase of every lesson in English JD ends with


, so students can talk about

themselves to personalize what they have studied. > World of English: In a chatty style, these boxes present interesting facts about English and how to study it. > Common Mistakes: Highlight what to avoid in order to maximize opportunities for accuracy. > ID Cafe: A sitcom-type video series that helps consolidate and further practice the main contents of each unit. > English i D Easy Autonomous Learning: This program provides a self-study route, linking all components, to help students catch up, review, practice and develop their English outside class.

Paul Seligson With over 3 0 years of global teaching and teacher-training experience, lead author Paul strongly believes we can accelerate our students' learning by acknowledging and embracing their existing linguistic backgrounds and knowledge. This is exactly what our groundbreaking series does. Welcome to English j D i

Richmond www.richmondenglishid.com









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