Springfield Township High School Library Annual Report—June 2013
Celebrating our library!
Highlights of 2012/2013 • Migrated all existing pathfinders to LibGuides platform • Planned and hosted two OneBook,OneSpringfield programs: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and Unbroken • Initiated highly successful Poetry Slam events • Hosted virtual author visits from Cory Doctorow and Laurie Halse Anderson • Launched new Creative Commons media production space with students • Launched MackinVia app to provide a one-password access to subscription databases from home • Developed and launched new mobile STHS library app • Added EBSCO e-book collection of more than 115,00 e-books to our collection • Explored and launched EBSCO Discovery Search to search across all library holdings • Offered a series of Lunch & Learn professional development programs • Participated on YALSA/ConnectedLearningTV broadcast on Teens and the Future of Libraries • Engaged student participation in seasonal door art creation • Technology Department updated most of our library desktop computers • Selected for Bammy Awards--named a member of the Twitterati (September 2012) and selected as a School Librarian Bammy Nominee April 2013. • Keynoted at IASL (Doha, Qatar),Texas Library Association, and Georgia Conference on Information Literacy • Launched PSLA’s first Unconference • Library functioned as hub for research, production, presentation, and culture: a learning commons
2012/2013 was a year focused on participation, curation and digital shift.
This report is meant to be viewed online. Please visit our Virtual Library (http:// sdst.libguides.com/index)
for easy access to links.
Students visited our library physically and virtually, formally and informally to engage in inquiry projects, work in groups, explore digital storytelling and publishing strategies, search e-book and scholarly journal databases, discover search tools and strategies, document sources with online citation generators, present the results of their research, describe and critique each others’ newly installed art, conference with experts and authors, produce media, and collaborate.