Sculpture Vocabulary abstract: art in which the depiction of real objects nature is subordinated or entirely discarded additive: made by building up planes and or surfaces armature: framework used to support material being modeled in sculpture. assemblage: art composed of objects, parts of objects, or materials intended for other purpose base: the portion of the work on which the sculpture sits bust: portrait person that includes head, neck, and part of the shoulders and breast carving: creating sculpture by carving, chipping, or hewing wood or stone. casting: making forms by pouring a fluid substance such as molten metal, liquid plaster, or plastic into a mold. chisel: sculptural tool used in the subtractive process composition: plan, placement or arrangements of the elements in a work of art concave: surfaces that are hollow or curved inward conceptual: art in which the development of the artist’s conception is more important than the actual product construction: sculpture built by connecting several or many parts to each other convex: surfaces that curve outward craftsmanship: skill with which the artist uses tools and materials elements of three-‐dimensional form: shape, value, space, texture, color, line, time environmental art: art that is part of an environment, by surrounding it, creating a enclosed environment, allowing viewers to walk through or around figurative: portraying the human or animal figure found art: art composed out of items not originally intended for art free-‐standing: intended to be viewed from all sides in-‐the-‐round: meant to be viewed from all sides installation: the way a work is placed in a location