Transliteracy: An Unintentional Film Fest

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The ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools, and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks. . . A transliterate person is one who is literate across multiple media. Tranliteracy Research Group




d irect?

citizenship/ co mpassion

Spider-­‐man. Dir. Sam Raimi. Perf. Tobey Maguire and Cliff Robertson. Columbia, 2002. Film.

Master of the Web Iden:ty play with an avatar Publishes his photos & contributes: geeks out Interacts with all ages Constantly in contact with MJ & friends Monitors suspicious ac:vity in community Wants to ac:vely par:cipate Learning to use emerging powers Makes mistakes, but could be a hero Henry Jenkins


I.C.U. “Spiderman.” 24 May 2008. Flickr. 12 Feb. 2012. <h"p://>.

with great power ! comes great ! responsibility!! ! Uncle Ben (Voltaire, Luke?)

Lee, Stan and Steve Ditko.. “Uncle Ben.” Aug. 1962. Wikipedia. 12 Feb. 2012. Web. <h"p://>.

n o i t a t u p e R t n e m e g a n ma

w e n e h t s i c i l Pub . t l u a f de ld) onfe h c S k (Eric

rs e g n a r st o t g n in g n r Talki a e l ts n e s e r s. p e i t i n u opport

Resumes a re so ninetie s!

Academic digital footprint?

danah boyd This doesn't mean that they won't make mistakes, even mistakes that they regret. They will. But that is part of the process of growing up. And by and large, most of these mistakes are the type that create social bruises, not lifelong horrors. We teach our children to drive, even though there's a potential for accidents because we know that this is critical to the future. We also need to teach our children to navigate mediated social environments, because this too is critical to the future. They need to know how to interact in public.

Teen Socialization Practices in Networked Publics


Andrew Churches h"p://­‐ci:zenship-­‐byod/

Common Sense Scope and Sequence

Respect for intellectual property

The Social Network. Dir. David Fincher. Perf. Jesse Eisenberg. Columbia. 2010. Film

creative co m mons

Oliver, Tony. “Sioux Woman and her Child.” 1 Jun. 2007. Flickr. 30 Mar. 2010. <>.

“Pocahontas.” n.d. 30 Mar. 2011. <>

“Lone Ranger. 30 Mar. 2011. <>.

“indians from Peter Pan.”21 Jan. 2008. Nine Most Racist Disney Cartoons.


30 Mar. 2011. <>

fair use


Curation tools as search tools!

crap detecting

asking questions of our sources

(ala Howard Rheingold)

Who is an expert?

My Cousin Vinny. Dir. Jonathan Lynn. Perf. Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei Fred Gwynne and Lane Smith. Twen:eth Century Fox, 1992. Film.

In this participatory digital world, we are all novices at some point when judging who to trust. Appearance, credentials, and other indicators of quality, that used to serve as shorthand tests of credibility, don’t readily transfer online.

Debbie Abilock, True or Not? Ed Leadership, 3/12. 71

Debbie on Weighing Truth in Wikipedia:

Look for length—longer articles with more citations & contributors are typically more accurate Look for text revisions—Click on the WikiTrust tab & software calculates extent of revision. New text highlighted in orange. Scan archive of comments & revisions Look for editorial ratings—Small bronze star on upper right signals Wikipedia considers the article polished & of high standard. Small lock indicates article is controversial & now protected from contentious revision Look at patterns of editing— offers a record of each contributor’s editing pattern. The record & reasoning for editing allows us to judge objectivity

What is the information task?

David Warlick, Evaluating Internet-based Information, A Goals-Based Approach.

1. Who wrote it? 2. Why did they write it? 3. How does it help me answer my questions or make my case?

Are there new questions to ask of new types of sources?

We can no longer be content to train students to understand the difference between peer-reviewed journals and popular magazines, to appreciate the value of books, newspapers and reference sources, and to understand how to evaluate garden variety Web sites. We're on the cusp of profound changes in the scholarly process. The evolving nature of publishing, scholarly conversation and peer review is rich fodder for our students. This makes the work of forward-thinking instruction librarians challenging, but not impossible. These librarians can, among other things: •  •  •

•  •  •  •

Make students aware of the emergence of social scholarship. Teach students about Authority 3.0 - or whatever you want to call it. Alert them to the expanding world of scholarly communication. In conjuction with this, abandon of the notion that there is a clear distinction between traditional peer-reviewed authority and authority derived from social scholarship. To put this another way, introduce the notion that there are emerging metrics of authority that can be derived from social scholarship. Use social tools (blogs, wikis, forums, social bookmarking, etc.) as part of the research process in their courses. Assign readings from authoritative blogs in the research areas students are asked to explore. Practice social scholarship, and show these activities as examples of what's on the horizon. Incorporate this new material in tutorials on their library's Web site. (Laura Cohen) .

What is a primary source?

Thinking about Twitter . . . Who is the tweeter? How many voices are you comparing? Have you used hashtags (#) to gather a variety of voices?

Can you use other sources to triangulate the information? If you are focusing on one voice: How many followers does he or she have? Is the tweeter an individual? Does he or she represent a publication or an organization? What does the profile reveal? What type of language or vocabulary does the tweeter use? How useful is it to your research?

ques tioning /inquir y


it’s about a process

it’s about the question

Information is not the destination,

it is part of the journey toward knowledge.

Legally Blonde. Dir. Robert Luke:c. Perf. Reese Witherspoon and Linda Cardellini. MGM, 2001. Film.

Connect to self, previous knowledge Gain background and context Observe, experience


Develop questions Make predictions, hypothesis

Reflect on own learning Ask new questions


Express Apply understandings to a new context, new situation Express new ideas to share learning with others

Stripling Model of Inquiry




Construct new understandings connected to previous knowledge Draw conclusions about questions and hypotheses

h"p://  Â

Find and evaluate information to answer questions, test hypotheses Think about information to illuminate new questions and hypotheses


Apollo 13. Dir. Ron Howard. Perf. Ed Harris, Brian Markinson, and Cliff Robertson. Columbia, 1995. Film.

Missing piece—how to support the geeking out space to foster intellectual involvement and civic engagement


Jenkins on par8cipatory culture: 1. rela8vely low barriers to ar8s8c expression and civic engagement 2. strong support for crea8ng and sharing what you create with others 3. informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced gets passed along to newbies and novices 4. members feel that their contribu8ons maDer 5. members feel some degree of social connec8on with each other. Not every member needs to contribute but all need to feel that they are free to contribute when they are ready and that what they contribute will be appropriately valued if they do. Jenkins. From par8cipatory culture to par8cipatory democracy. hDp://


h"p:// Â

h"p:// Â





h"p:// Â Â

h"ps:// Â

To demonstrate its process for innova:on for an episode of ABC’s late-­‐night news show Nightline, IDEO created a new shopping cart concept, considering issues such as maneuverability, shopping behavior, child safety, and maintenance cost. The show concentrated on IDEO’s design process, recording as a mul:disciplinary team brainstormed, research, prototyped, and gathered user feedback on a design that went from idea to a working appearance model in four days. The nestable steel frame lacks sides and a bo"om to deter thef, and holds removable plas:c baskets to increase shopper flexibility, help protect goods and provide a method to promote brand awareness. A dual child seat uses a swing-­‐up tray for a play surface, and a hole provides a secure spot for a cup of coffee or a bunch of carna:ons.

h"p://­‐cart-­‐concept h"p://

before Â


Bye Bye Birdie. Dir. George Sidney. Perf. Ann-­‐Margret, Mary LaRoche, and Trudi Ames. Columbia, 1963. Film.


“The network is the learning.” George Siemens Big problems are solved not by individuals, but by networks.



This crowdsourced resource is meant to help those who are just beginning to start their journey as a "connected educator." Â It is not exhaustive. Â In fact, if all goes to plan, it will be a perpetual work in progress - just like the PLNs it will hopefully help build.

as information intersection

On Radical Change— interactivity, connectivity, and access: We believe authors, illustrators, and those with whom they work will find more creative ways to promote interactivity, connectivity, and access in hand-held books. We believe children will continue to expect these qualities in their books, just as they do in the digital resources they encounter. (Dresang and McClelland,1999)

EdLeadership, March 2012

Jessie Adams

Michelle Luhtala’s catalog

The reading experience, the relationship between author and reader, and the book itself are evolving. And this shift means that many young people are embracing books and reading as never before. Valenza & Stephens. “Reading Remixed: Far from killing reading, digital technologies are helping young readers become more engaged in books than ever.� Educational Leadership. Mar. 2012.

Erin Agnew

License to Kill. Dir. John Glen. Perf. Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell, and Desmond Llewelyn. MGM/UA, 1989. Film.



t n e t n journal a r:cles o c d e t a g e r e g boo g a ks k books r o w t n e stud


h c u m o S

! ! ff stu


museum collec8ons

enta :


infographics mobile apps google docs


d n a r b y l n o e h t t o N


Lopes de Santos, Jaci. “Book Photo.” 22 Aug. 2011. Flickr. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <h"p://>.

Nunley, Donnie. “Luminous.” 13 Aug. 2011. Flickr. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. <h"p://>.

maximize the new OER resources even a kid can be a trusted guide develop digital literacies not on the test make sense

determine relevance find a niche/take a lead detect crap search without Google/it’s not about the answer take responsibility for learning

h"p://  Â



h"p://  Â


Bananas. Dir. Woody Allen. Perf. Woody Allen. MGM. 1971. Film.

The mobile device will be the primary connec8on tool to the internet for most people in the world in 2020.

(Rainie & Anderson, Pew Internet & American Life. Future of the Internet III hDp://­‐Future-­‐of-­‐the-­‐Internet-­‐III.aspx)


h"p:// Â

What would they want it to look like?

What if they designed it? Â

And research can be . . .

Casablanca. Dir. Michael Cur:z. Perf. Humphrey Bogart, Paul Henreid, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Corinna Mura, Conrad Veidt, and Madeleine Le Beau. Warner Bros., 1942. Film.

Star Wars. Dir. Irvin Kershner. Perf. Frank Oz and Mark Hamill. Lucasfilm., 1980. Film.

with great power ! comes great ! responsibility!! ! Uncle Ben (Voltaire, Luke?)

Lee, Stan and Steve Ditko.. “Uncle Ben.” Aug. 1962. Wikipedia. 12 Feb. 2012. Web. <h"p://>.

hDp:// hDp://



South Park/Transformers Darfur Sa8re Shorts h"p://­‐9HxBfyg

Here is my hope. I hope that in addiFon to counFng the number of AP classes a school offers and the number of 4s and 5s its students score, that we also assess their efficacy as thoughOul invesFgators and storytellers. As parFcipants. That we assess the skills that have the longest legs. I will not discover a cure for cancer. I will not write the next Pulitzer prize book. I will not direct the next award-­‐winning Indie film. But I hope I will have students who do. I hope that their work makes a difference. I hope that my work makes a difference. You don’t need to do a hell of a lot of research to discover that mine is a species that some believe is endangered. That’s too bad. I am sad for the growing number of Sallies (and Sams and Dans and Maggies), who do not have access to and may never have access to a shiZed library or a powerful library program. I hope that when you are asked, like our Sallies, you will take a stand. Because some new storms are taking out a few things we really should have a plan to rescue. I am a librarian. It’s never been a more exciFng or rewarding, or more important Fme to be a librarian. Learners have never needed us more. Joyce at TEDedPhillyx See Sally Research

The Mummy. Dir. Stephen Sommers. Perf. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Universal, 1999. Film.

just ! the ! beginning !

Foolish is the person who misses his chance and afterward reproaches fate.

Dish , Central Asia, 10th Century, Doha Museum of Islamic Art



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