Journal of Political Affairs: 2020 American Election Preview

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From a Pandemic to Planned Parenthood: Healthcare’s Role in the 2020 Election By Gloria Manege Edited by Brenagh Rapoport The 2020 American election is taking place in the midst of a global health crisis. The United States has become one of the nations most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a staggering eight million cases and 200,000 deaths to date. 22 Although conversations surrounding healthcare have always been fueled by tension, this year has made this topic of healthcare reform particularly controversial. With the virus hitting certain communities harder than others, it is a salient time for an investigation into the plans for healthcare reform by the Democratic and Republican Parties. The Democratic Party has used the Trump administration’s management of the spread of COVID-19 to demonstrate the ways in which America’s healthcare system is in desperate need of reform. 23 The main focus on healthcare for the Democrats is to expand the Affordable Care Act so that more Americans can access free public healthcare, particularly in primarily Republican states where healthcare access tends to be more limited. They plan on executing this by automatically enrolling low-income citizens in the program that offers the public health option, as well as lowering the age eligibility to enrol in Medicare from 65 to 60 years of age. 24 The Democrats also plan on financing community and rural clinics in more remote areas. This will be done in hopes of providing medical treatment to those living in areas where access to clinics is extremely sparse and largely unaffordable. The Democrats have emphasized the need to make healthcare more inclusive when it comes to accessibility. This inclusion aims to target people of colour, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and Indigenous peoples. 25 One way that they hope to fulfil this goal is by repealing funding cuts by the Trump administration that have been imposed on Planned Parenthood, a healthcare provider for many marginalized communities. Increased funding for Planned Parenthood would enable women to have better access to facilities that offer more options for reproductive healthcare. 26 In contrast, the Republican Party’s healthcare agenda is rooted in repealing what the Democrats have been trying to firmly hold on to: namely, the Affordable Care Act. 27 The Republicans have claimed that this Act has ruined the traditional American healthcare dynamic emphasizing the importance of the patient-physician relationship. In an attempt to restore this relationship, the Republicans plan on decreasing reliance on public health options offered by federal government programs such as Medicaid. Instead, states will take it upon themselves to provide their residents with healthcare providers that they believe 22

“Covid in the US: Latest Map and Case Count,” The New York Times, October 19, 2020.

“Achieving Universal, Affordable, Quality Health Care,” Democratic National Committee, 2020. DNC, “Achieving Universal, Quality Health Care.” 25 DNC, “Achieving Universal, Quality Health Care.” 26 DNC, “Achieving Universal, Quality Health Care.” 27 “Republican Platform 2016,” Republican National Committee, August 24, 2020. 23 24

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