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Canadian Surface 

Estos trabajos son de:

Raquel Valverde Baeza

Blanca Zufrí Quesada

Lucía Jiménez González

Mirian González Pérez


Este Trabajo es de: 

Raquel Valverde Baeza 1ºC E.S.O.



Demography ď‚Ľ

Canada has got a population of 31.612.897 and an important growth due to, principally, the immigration. The 80% of the population of Canada live near of the border of United Estates. 16/12/10

Canadian Sur face L and ď‚Ľ

Canada is located in North America. It has got 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada is the second largest country in the world. Canada has a big coast, and a lot of rivers and lakes. 16/12/10

Languages in Canada 

In Canada, there are two official languages: -English -French

67.5% of the Canadian population speak only English. 16/12/10


Parliamentary system ď‚Ľ

Canada is a democracy. The parliament of Canada is compose of three parts: the crown, the senate and the house of Commons. The powers of the parliament of Canada are limited by the constitution. Canadian people choose their representatives every five years.


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Canadian Economy ď‚Ľ

Canada has the ninth largest economy in the world. Canada is one of the world's wealthiest nations, and it is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and is a member of the G8, G20. Canada has important reservations of fossil fuels.


Este trabajo es de: 

Blanca Zufrí Quesada 1ºC E.S.O


River s of Canada

-River F r aser :(1.370 Km) -River Columbia:(2.044 Km) -River Kok soak :(874 Km) -River M ack enzie:(4.241Km) -River N elson:(660Km) -River San L or enzo 16/ 12/ 10

-River Cur chill:(856KM) -River Sainy-Jean:(673Km)

T hese ar e the r iver s of Canada 16/ 12/ 10

L ak es of Canada L ak e Super ior

It is the largest of the five Great Lakes of North America .

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L ak e Ontar io is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. Gr eat Bear L ak e is the largest lake entirely within Canada (Lake Superior and Lake Huron straddling the Canada-US border are larger), the third largest in North America, and the seventh largest in the world 16/ 12/ 10

L ak e H ur o


It is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. Geologically, it comprises the larger portion of Lake Michigan-Huron.

L ak e Er ie is the fourth largest lake (by surface area) of the five Great Lakes in North America, and the thirteenth largest globally 16/ 12/ 10

Gr eat Slave L ak e (French: Grand lac des Esclaves) is the second-largest lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada (after Great Bear Lake), the deepest lake in North America at 614Â m (2,014 ft),[1] and the ninth-largest lake in the world 16/ 12/ 10

Principal glaciars of Canadรก

-Athabasca glacier -Crowfoot glacier

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Great Bear Lake 16/ 12/ 10

Este trabajo es de: 

Mirian González Pérez 1ºB E.S.O


Gros Morne National Park of Canada The Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park of Canada was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.  It is an area of great natural beauty with a rich variety of scenery, wildlife, and recreational activities.  Visitors can hike through wild, uninhabited mountains and camp by the sea. Boat tours bring visitors under the towering cliffs of a freshwater fjord carved out by glaciers.  Waterfalls, marine inlets, sea stacks, sandy beaches, and colourful nearby fishing villages complete the phenomenal natural and cultural surroundings of Gros Morne National Park of Canada 



Natural Wonders & Cultural Treasures 

Abundant natural resources, such as fish and sea mammals, have attracted people to the Terra Nova area for at least 5,000 years.

Prehistoric peoples and European settlers depended on the rich resources of the sea and land, as do many people in the region today.

The significance of the area's natural and cultural heritage was officially recognized in 1957 when Terra Nova became Newfoundland's first national park.

Today, people continue to be attracted to this land 16/12/10 because of the abundant wildlife, exceptional scenery

Este trabajo es de: 

Lucía Jiménez González 1º C E.S.O


The climate of Canadá

In Canada, summers are warm. The average temperature is 25 °C. Winters are wet and cold. The average temperature is -7º C.


­Alberta 

The climate of Alberta is warm in summer and cold in winter. The temperature in winter is between -55°C and 5 °C. In summer the temperature is between 10 °C y 12 °C. 16/12/10

­British Columbia 

The climate of Columbia britanica is warm in summer and cold in winter. The temperature in winter is between -50 °C and 8 °C. The temperature in summer is between 6 °C and 32 °C. 16/12/10

­New Brunswick 

The climate of Nuevo Brunswick is warm in summer and cold in winter. The temperature in winter is between -14 °C and -3 °C. The temperature in summer is between 13 °C and 26 °C. 16/12/10

­Ontario 

The climate of Ontario is warm in summer and cold in winter. The temperature in winter is between -42 °C and 12 °C. The temperature in summer is between 38 °C and 9 °C. 16/12/10

­Prince Edward Island 

The climate of las Islas del Principe Eduardo is warm in summer and cold in winter. The temperature in winter is between -12 °C and -3 °C. The temperature in summer is between 13 °C and 22 °C. 16/12/10

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