08-12-28: S v. Johnstone: ‘Crimen Injuria’: Incomplete Further Particulars

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State v Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: Incomplete Further Particulars



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Ref: Incomplete New Evidence, Further to thisParticulars: Crimen Inuria (1) The matter, Further dismissed Particulars from of the12Court December Role, 2p08 ~ Magistrate contain No Tyulu, on 02 June 2008.

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HON. MR. TONV LEON, MP Democratic

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Ref: Incomplete Further Particulars (4) Incomplete Investigation by SAPS: Prior Legal Correspondence



& T. VAN ZVL, Ad




& G. BEALE, Advo

ates (*)

Ref: Incomplete Further Particulars: (5) Outs ,,~, Response to Defendant's Offers


V1 -)~

MR. MILTON DE LA HARPE, Attorney (*) MR. MALCOLM GEZZLER, Attorney (**)


Ref: Incomplete further Particulars: (5) Outstanding State Response to Defendant's Offers Notice of Legal EtPolitical Delivery documentation delivered to Plaintiff, on behalf of Defendant, by Hon. Tony Leon, MP, DA.


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Notice of Legal EtPolitical Delivery documentation ~~I.). ~ delivered to Plaintiff, on behalf of Defendant, by " ~ a\ H Hon. Tony Leon, MP, DA. (f' 0\)<\--\ \


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S;' PROS. JACOBS (*) 8: ADV. ANTON ACKERMAN ( Re' R. locomplete Furthe, P,,"~I~, Care, CAS 134017107, Statev. HM. M~. P. de Lille, MP, Leader of Independent Democrats Political PartyJohn"'me; Pla/nt;ff,

Capetown ~





& NPA: Priority

(U) CV

nding Sta"tiL..5


entation 1) ant, by Hon. ID

Notice of Legal EtPolitical Delivery doc delivered to Plaintiff, on behalf of Defe Tony Leon, MP, DA.

LT. COL. DAVE GROSSMAN, Psych logist (@) DR. BRAD BLANTON, PH.D, Psych logist (@) Ref: Incomplete Further Particulars: (5) Outs nding State Response to Defendant's Offers JAG 07-146: Critical Psychology's Assumdtions 8: Practices'Sustaining Patriarchal Social InJustice [$8:CFB] Conformity Pressures

(**) clo Adv. Gary Beale

CONTENTS OF DOCUMENTATION: Letter: For the Record: State v Johnstone; 'Crimen Inuria': Incomplete Further Annex i:

Transcript: 2004 Court Record Letter by Brad Blanton, Ph.D, SAP Case: 572/02: Re: Disdlosure Trial: Lara Johnstone Psychological Integrity Reference

Annex ii:

Letter: Tony Leon, MP to Lara Johnstone, Notice of Legal and Political

Annex iii:

News Article:

Annex iv:

Letter to Att. M. de La Harpe: Representation:

Annex v:

2 Data DVD's: Alternative Perspectives to 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts: CIA Et Pentagon: Political Will: Overpopulation, Terrorism Et Resource Wars, Nightline, 2000; Energy Fx Et Population, Dr. Alfred Bartlett; Practicing Radical Honesty, Brad Blanton, PhD; Correct Language, George Carlin; Walking on Egg-Shells Language, Pastor James Man Iatrogenic Origin of AIDS, Dr. L. Horowitz; Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram; Authority, Sundance; HAARP Psychotronics, Nick Begich; Quiet Rage: The Stanford P Stanford Uni.; Exponential Growth 80mb, Growth Busters; Crude Impact, Vista Clara


29 Ja6 '04

Woman Defies Court Over Rude De Litle SMS's, SAPA, 19 July '07 Re: Lara Johnstone,

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/

'Crimen Inuria',


1 Dec '08 ack of Exponential Iitically ng; bedience to ;son Study, JJ Wood



o\·Z :tk;. :\ c.jJ- /


State v Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: Incomplete Further Particulars Lara Johnstone

16 Tel:Taaibos (044) 870 Ave,7239 Heatherpark, I Cell: (CV1) fjeorge, 170 6529 1954 r

28 December


Adv. Anton Ackerman

Snr. Prosecutor Jacobs

Head: Priority Crimes Litigation Unit Per: Facsimile/Registered Mail

Capetown Prosecutor's Office Per Hand Delivery


For the Record: State v Johnstone: Defendant's Interpretation

'Crimen Inuria':

IncomDlete further


of (i) Magistrate's 12 December 2008 instructiong:

Concern for expeditious court proceedings in this matter, to avoid wasting th court's time with issues that could be resolved professionally and expeditiou~ly out of court. (ii) Honourable Legal Psychological Integrity Conduct Principles: "A lawyer shall not suppress any evidence that he or his client has a legal obligation to re or produce." disclosure to counsel for the defendant, or to the defendant if he has no counsel, of he existence of evidence, known to the prosecutor or other government lawyer, that tends to "A public prosecutor or other mitigate government lawyerof in make ti~IY." negate the guilt of the accused, the degree thecriminal offense, litigation or reduce shall the punishmen




New Evidence to this Crimen Inuria Case, dismissed from the Court Role by 1. Magistrate No New Evidence: Particulars of 12 December 2008 -C~tain Tyulu onThe 02 Further June 2008. (Dismissed when SAPSfaited d e to aNo 'backlog' - to produce the alleged Outstanding Warrants etc.). 2. Outstanding Alleged 'Outstanding Evidentiary Warrants', Documentation: used by SAP Insp.'Outstanding Christian, toWarrants': Arrest and,.lo -~~tain Defendant in this Crimin Inuria Matter, on 18 July 2008. 3. Outstanding Due ProcessReport; Documentation: Referral to Forensic psyc~ologist, Forensic Psychologist's and subsequent State Psychologica~ Report:

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/

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4. Incomplete Investi~ation by SAPS: to Plaintiff's 'Crimen Inuria' al gations, considering Relevant Evidence Known to the Plaintiff, SAPSand N A: Prior Relevant Legal Correspondence between Plaintiff and Defendant: DEFENDANT'SFURTHERNOTICEWRITTEN REPRESENTATION: 5. As of Date. No State Response to Defendant's Offers: (i) Offer for to withdraw Transfer of HC-CPDAppeal A696-04, to US Navy JAG, any of the State's Relevant Questions should the State continue to allege Defendant's 'Mental Incapacity'; submitted Division; to the State, respectiv clo and proceed in the High Court, Cape Provincial and (ii) Offer [0Iy;Answer via Attorneys Mr. Gezzler and Mr. de La Harpe. 6. Data DVD: Alternative

Perspectives to 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts.

FOR THE RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Further Particulars of 12 December 2008 are Incomplete, as follows: 1. No New Evidence: The Further Particulars of 12 December 2008 c New Evidence to this Crimen Inuria Case, dismissed from the Cour Magistrate Tyulu on 02 June 2008 (Dismissed when SAPSfailed - d 'backlog' - to produce the alleged Outsanding Warrants etc.). On June Magistrate Tyuluinvestigation, struck this crimen inuriarequired matter documentation from the MagistrJate's Court's roll,02due to 2008, the SAPSincomplete to provide tb the Further Particulars of 22 August 2007.

either intentionally or negligently and irregularly withheld from the Defendant, and er Counsel, by the SAPSand/or NPA: (1) Two alleged outstanding Warrants, used by SAPInspect r Christian, to arrest and detain Defendant in this Crimen Inuria matter, on 18 July 2007; (ii) Ou standing Due The Further Particulars of 19 22 July August 2007 2007 Referral were incomplete, for State Psychological the followingReport; documen~tion (iii) utstanding being Process documentation Prior Relevant Legal Correspondence between Plaintiff and Defendant. aforementioned Required Evidence; to this Crimen Inuna Matter struck from the Rol by 2008. Accordingly the Further Particulars of 12EVidence,~nor Decemb r 2008, like Magistrate Tyulu on 02 June Accordingly, the Further Particulars of 12 December 2008 contain No New the Further Particulars of 22 August 2007, are incomplete.

'Outstanding Warrants', used by SAP INSP. Christian, to plausibly i egularly 2. or Outstandin~ Evidentiary Documentation: Warrants': illegally arrest and detain Defendant in'Outstandin~ this Crimin Inuria Matter~o onAlleged 18 July 2007. justification At the time of forInspector the Arrest Christian's were two arrest outstanding of Defendant, Warrants, Inspector one allegedly Christian in Pietermfritzburg stated I1s one in Port Elizabeth.

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/


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Constitutional Principle "to be informed of the charge with sufficient detail to ans er it." Defendant requestedrefused proof and copies proof of these alleged Outstanding Warrants, as Pf.r the Inspector Christian to provide of these alleged outstanding warrants and proceeded to arrest and detain Defendant. 2007, have yet to be provided by Inspector Christian, the South African Police Serv ces, or the National Prosecuting Authority; and were requested from the SAPSand the Nation Prosecuting The proof of alleged Outstanding Warrants used to arrest andbydetain DefendJnt on 18 July Authority, by these Lara Johnstone; from Attorney Mr. Malcolm Gezzler, Lara and And e Johnstone, and Attorney Mr. Milton de La Harpe, by Lara Johnstone.

3. Outstandin Forensic Ps At approximately 10 am, on 19 July 2007, while awaiting to appear in court, in the agistrate Court cells, the SAPSinformed the Defendant she was being taken to 'the Doctor' . t no time did the Defendant request to see any Doctor. The Defendant requested the Police to p vide written reasons, for why she was being required to see a Doctor, without her request for sing any Doctor. The Police laughed and told her to 'Shut Up and do as you are told'. The D fendant was taken by the SAPSto the Family Planning & Community Health Services to see Fore sic Psychologist, Dr. Theo Dahms. The Defendant refused to answer any of Dr. Theo Dahms questions (Annex: Woma Over Rude De LiIle SMSs, SAPA); until she was provided with written documentati her arrest and detention to have been lawful, Le. provided evidence of the alleged Warrants, and their relevant legal validity; and (ii) written documentation, includin reasons (South African Constitution ยง 32 & 33: Access to Information and Just Ad Action; Criminal Procedure Act ยง 77 - 79: Accused: Capacity to Understand Procee Illness and Criminal Responsibility) by the alleged court official who alleged the De required to see a Forensic Psychologist, as a result of her being incapable of unders Proceedings, due to Mental Illness.

Defies Court ,proving (i) outstanding written nistrative ings: Mental ndant was anding

The Defendant was returned to Magistrate Court Holding Cells; and requested a tel hone call to arrange for an Attorney. The SAPSrefused to allow the Defendant a telephone call, 0 arrange for an Attorney. The Defendant accordingly refused to enter the Court Room, without ving been provided with her right to a telephone call to arrange for an attorney to represent er in court to apply for bail on her behalf. The SAPScontinued to refuse her the opportunity to m ke a telephone call, until the end of court day, and subsequently the Defendant was tra ferred to Pollsmoor Prison, by the SAPS;where she remained until 22 August, when Attorney r. Malcolm Gezzler, and Advocate Gary Beale, represented her in a bail hearing, where she wa granted bail. The bail was granted upon the alleged legal validity, authenticity and existence of t e still outstanding Warrants, used to arrest and detain Defendant; which to this date have et to be provided by the SAPS.

SA Constitution: 32 (1) Everyone has the right of access to (a) any information held by the state; and lb) any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercis protection of any rights; 33 (1) Everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable proceduralIy fair (2) Everyone whose rights have been adversely affected administrative action has the right to be given written reasons.

Criminal Procedure Act:

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78 (lA)soEvery person isresponsible presumed not to suffer from a 78(1), mental until illness mtntal defect as notaccused to be criminally in terms of section theorconlrary is proved on a balance of probabilities. commission of an act or an ommission which constitutes an offence is an issue the 78 (lB) of Whenever criminalto responsibility of an accused with reference burden proof with the reference the criminal responsbility of the accused shall tathe b on the party who raises the issue.

4. Incom lete Investi ation b SAPSto Plaintiff's 'Crimen Inuria' alle ations considering Relevant Evidence Known to the Plaintiff. SAPSand N A: Prior Relevant Legal Correspondence between Plaintiff and Defendant: The Affidavit of the Plaintiff in the Further Particulars of 12/12/08, alleges that th Defendant was "UNKNOWN" to the Plaintiff (Under Oath Statement by Plaintiff Mrs. De Lille t the SAPS). Plaintiff's definition of "Unknown", is unknown by the Defendant. However within he 'normal conformist interpretations', the term 'UNKNOWN' does appear to plausibly contrad ct the Legal documentation delivered to Hon. M.P. Mrs. De Lille in July 2007; May 2008; Janua 2004, and Telephonic Conversations between the Plaintiff and Defendant. Please Note: (i) The legal document, delivered to Mrs. De Lille, c/o and via the Offl Leon, titled Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability, was sub in 2004, for her response as the Non SubJudice Executive: Opposition Party. Th notified her of the opportunity to indicate her interest in negotiating the issues in (HC-CPDAppeal A 696-04) matter on behalf of the relevant individuals therein refe Correspondence Documentation by Defendant, to Mrs. De Litle, in January 200 document was submitted to her to plausibly approach the Executive for Assistance for a plausible Political Solution to the Issues Raised. The Plaintiff declined to act t resolve the matter via a Political Solution Negotiated Settlement. Accordingly, the documentation, namely The Withdrawal of HC-CPDAppeal A 696-04 (SAP572/0 Transfer to JAG, delivered to Mrs. De Lille in July 2007, was the notification updat Lille, on the status of SAP 572/02, and its transfer to US Navy JAG, effective 18 Jul 07-146. Reasons Provided included among many others: Mrs. De Lille's refusal to co issues therein worthy of her serious committed consideration for a plausible Politic Negotiation; not even for an acknowledgement of receipt of the documentation, or matter any response to the Defendant in the matter, whatsoever.

e of Mr. Tony itted to her document P 572/02 ed to (Legal ). The the matter, attempt to ubsequent

and ng Mrs. De 2007, as JAG sider the I Solution or that

Political Liability Undesirability of Sentence Execution: Approach Executive: If or w rendering the execution of a sentence undesirable, the executive should be approached or subsequent An circumstances shed new light on the factsAppropriate which already existed[Rduring the 1 tÂŁI' 52 assistance. Appeal would therefore not be Procedure v Verster (2) SA 231 (A) 236 A-C; R v Hobson 1953 (4) SA 464 (A) 466 F-G] I. Legal Documentation

Delivered to Hon. M.P. Mrs. De Lille in July 2008:

titled, Notice of Withdrawal of Application For Leave to Review With a View to ppeal # A 1. Notice of Impending of HC-CPDA696-04, with Reasons, toOffic US ,George, JAG, on 696-04 (et al), Pages 22; Transfer hand delivered to: SAPGeorge andWritten Chief Magistrates 09 July 2007: [Copy at: www.guerrylla-yewgenics.co.nr]


~epub~ic of South ~fiic~: O~cial Elimination ofPlausibl~ "AIDS if a Black DepopulatIOn VIruS; SAPNotice: Case 572/02 NoticeDeniabiIity: To: SA Govemmlnt (Exec.lJud./Leg.): clo & via: Hon. MP Ms. Patricia de LiIIe .

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Objections: Any written objections to RSA 'official representation' as stated herein; b South Africans (individual or otherwise), may be submitted, with reasons, before (EST) 18 July 2007, to: Deputy Advocate General; Naval I1egal Service onCommand; V.S. Navy Judge Judge Advocate General's Office;Commander, 1322 Patterson Av4nue, Suite 3000; Washington Navy Yard, DC, 20374-5066, USA.


2. Notke of Withdrawal of Application for Leave to Review with a view to Afpeal 696/04 (et al): Update on 10 July 2007 @ +2: 19:15 hrs: At approximately 15:00 hrs I telephoned M.P. Ms. De Lille, from my cell phone (Voda om: 072-7850080) to her cell phone (083-303 8352). I apologized to bother her, and stated that my name was Lara Johnstone, and I was just calling to confirm that she had receive an important document I had sent to her for her urgent attention, via the CEO of Telkom: Mr. Ruben September. I just wanted to confirm that she had received it. She said she as currently ill and not at work. I stated that the document was important, and I would ima ine that even if she was ill, her staff would still forward documents to her at home 0 an important nature for her attention. She asked what the document was about. I said it the latest 18 July 2007. She then went into a rant about how she provides support e ery legal document relatedbaby to atto least 40 million AIDS, and required resPOnStbY month for one AIDS receive retroviralpeople care. with I attempted to inform hera that this as about much larger issues than what she was wanting to convince me her level of caring for. She put the phone down on me. I then sent her an SMS, which said something to the sort of (didn't save it): 'U knffir mrJron imbecile, don't say I didn't warn you, and you still did nothing about it.• To which she responded with: 'Thank u I will now lay a complaint with the police. Tnose day r over when you could refer to us as k-----!" To which I responded with: "Be my guest kqffir! Quote SAP George Case 572-02. U moron imbecile. " And finally at approximately 19:00 hrs I sent her the following SMS: "As usual u gutless 2faced hypocrite coloured knffir imbecile, u r all talk & no action. # 572/02 u rotting excuse 4 a brain!" Nedbank, Telkom; on behalf of: "The victims of Your Enthusiastic Participation in Mo ey Worshipping War Profiteering Financial Genocide (aka Fiat Currency Debt-Based-Gro h Hand Delivered to: The Board of Directors Resource of ABSA, Theft First National Bank,everywhere, Standard BF,k' Economic & Financial War Incitement Propaganda) ut particularly, subsequent to 19 April 2002.


Legalising Evil: Disobedience to Authority: CPD-HC Appeal No. 696-04, with attac ed letter requesting their comment: (a) Copies of the draft documentary were delivered to: (i) On 23 May 2007, Ms. Ms. P.Johnstone compiled a draft DVD from Documentary Collage, to tittd, .......... LP Leader, de Lille ..... , requesting comment the aforementioned he documentary, prior to it's intended release on 18 July 2007.



1. In aOffices legal delivery letter, datedAlliance: 13 January and documentation hand-deliltered the George of the Democratic Major2004, Marius Swart, on 19 January 2004,ltitled to Notke

State v. Johnstone:

Crimen Inuria:


State v Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: Incomplete Further Particulars of Legal and Political Delivery: Request for Forwarding: Page Numbers: Ref: T113.2; bundle 5; page 1343]

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[HC-CPD A696-04 Refer~nces and

Mayor of George, Mr. Marius Swart, the following mentioned document (& attachme ts), Be to take Notice thatto Defendant the Office's Office offorwardin the Exec~iveas for pleased his Office's Forwarding Hon. Mr. hereby Tony delivers Leon, forto his mentioned.


Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability, dated 14 Janua 2004, was legally forwarded by Hon. Tony Leon, MP (on Defendant's behalf) to Political and E ecutive Legal Authority Individuals: (i) Mr. Thabo Mbeki, President of SA; (ii) Mr. B. Nguka, Natio al Director, Public Prosecutions; (Hi) Mr. J.S. Selebi, National Commissioner, SAPS;(iv) Mr. B.M. Skosana, Minister Dept. of Corrections; (v) Hon. MP Ms. De Lille; Non Sub Judice Executive: pposition Party; (vi) Mr. Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela Foundation [HC-CPD A696-04 Refer nce Details: Ref: T113.3 8: T125.4; bundle 4; page 1099-1100 (Notice of Elimination of Executiv Authorities Plausible DeniabWty Et Notice of Intent to Produce, dated 14 January 2004); T113. 8: 125.5, bundle 4; pages 1101-1102 (Restricted Iatrogenic Origin of AIDS Theory Investigati by Dept. of Defense: SA Military Health services: Surgeon General: Lt. Gen. JL Jansen van Ren burg & brief contextual thereto attachments Cover Sheet: 2; Pages: 26)] Be Pleased to Take Notice that Defendant hereby Delivers Notice of the Eliminatio Plaintiff7State Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability to: 1.

Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation; Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003;

(ii) Investigation,

& [iii)

Contextual Further Particular Note: Defendants Volunteer Assignment Costs to Violently Disclose Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory Documentation into Approximately R450,000; (B) Two Water-Only Hungerstrikes while in Dept. of Corrections custody; (C) Physically Assaulted twice by 2 prisoners while in Dept of Government custody, Executive Public Record includes, is notand limited Corrections one&of Judicial whom has AIDS; (D) 379 Days inbut custody confinetO~A) ent of SA Government with no Political Prisoner Acknowledgement whatsoever; Criminal Record for: Contempt in the Face of the Court (in Facie Curiae); - B Threat; & Malicious Damage to State Property.


Grossly Irregular & Improper Proceedings in Case GSH 20/2003 by Plaintiff7S (NP A, SAP etc employees) denying, obstructing, refusing and ignoring Defendant Defense (Political Necessity); AIDS epidemic has left more than 13 million children with neither father nor mot er. Every day, 8,000 people in sub-Saharan Amca die of AIDS, while ano er l4,OOOcontract the mv virus for the first time." - Pg 147 of 'The Dream Giver,' by AfTica'fhe Contextual Political Necessity Further Particular Note: "Across Southern Bruce Wilkinson, Chairman of Turn the Tide for Children, Johannesburg, October 20 3. For further details and particulars please refer to attached documents, namely:

1. 11.

State v. Johnstone:

SA Military Health services: Surgeon General: Lt. General JL Jansen an Restricted &Iatrogenic Origin thereto of AIDS Theory Investigation by Dept. of Defe}Se: Rensburg brief contextual Attachments [Pages of Docs: 25; Cover Sh et: 2] Schedule of Related Documents submitted into, or for, Case GSH 20/2003 C Record, as of 13 January 2004 [Pages:2]

Crimen Inuria:


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Leon, MP, as Leader of the Democratic Alliance, confirmed receipt and acknowled ed that he had forwarded delivery of the documentation, to aforementioned individuals, one of t em being the 3. In a in letter January titled Notice of request. Legal and PoliticalA696-04 etails, Mr. Tony Plaintiff this dated matter,29as per the2004, Defendant's original [HC-CPD References and Page Numbers: Ref: T120.2 & T 125.3; bundle 4; page 1084]


IV. Telephone

Conversations with Hon. M.P. Mrs. De Lille in October 2002:

Verbatim response byLara Hon.Johnstone, Mrs. Patricia Lille to Hon. two separate cell de phone between Defendant, anddePlaintiff Mrs. Patricia Lille,converlations on 11 and 18 October 2002: 1.

11 October 2002: 11:39 hrs; call to Mrs. De Lille, M.P. PAC: Cell: (083) 303 83 HARTSINSA_NEWS: Ms de Lille: Yes

Ms De LiIle?

HARTSINSA_NEWS: calling FOR to request a comment frominthe Ms. de Lillf on "AIDS is a depopulation I'm program BLACKS." Officials thePAC CIA,orNSA, a meriber of Congress, two officials from European countries and an official from a Middle E country have confirmed the statement for me. Ms de Lille: Who said that? HARTS/NSA_NEWS: It's been unofficially confirmed by officials from the CeJtral Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, a member of Congress .... Ms de Lille: Please go a bit slower; are you a journalist and you want me to comment on that statement? HARTSINSA_NEWS: Yes, I'd like you to comment on that statement. Ms de Lille: Where is the evidence for this statement. There is none. HARTSINSA_NEWS: I've supplied you with documents for the past nine months, M Lille. Did you read any of those documents? Ms de Lille: No, I have to admit I didn't. as to why AIDS was created as a depopulation virus, how it was created, and much mo . Ms de Lille: There are so many theories where AIDS comes from ... from apes to gay to monkeys, my approach has always been that AIDS exists and we must fight it toget er. HARTSINSA That whether information contained volumesI'm of not evidence and in.... informa{on And I think the NEWS: debate about it's done intentionally, interested pe le who want to continue to debate at the leveL .." HARTSINSA_NEWS: Mam, it was done intentionally for a reason. Ifpeople do not to address the reasons why it was created, then those who intentionally created AIDS simply continue to do so, and in fact will intensify it. You cannot solve a problem wit dealing with whatever caused the problem. Ms de Lille: Well I think if it's a manmade thing, it's absolutely disgusting. If its true,lit's disgusting, why, what purpose would it serve? HARTSINSA_NEWS: The purpose would be [interrupted] affected, so you know as I said earlier, we must fight it together. Others can continu to IS Ms de LiUe: The problem those ifwho infected by the disease, the basis wholewho h ve involve themselves in that is debate theyare want to. I see people on abut daily Aids. We need to fight it together? HARTS/NSA_NEWS: How can we fight it if we don't face up to or deal with the caDse of why it was created? Ms de Lille: That's nonsense; I'm not interested in entering a debate on the issue. ThAt's all I have to say. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Okay. Thank you.


State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/

State v Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: Incomplete Further Particulars

HARTS/NSA_NEWS: I'd like a comment from the PAC to the following statement that AIDS IS A DEPOPULATION VIRUS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. That statement has een 83t2: 18unofficially October 2002: 19:56by hrs; callAmbassador to Mrs. De Lille, M.P.Hume, PAC: Cell: (083) 303 Pre confinued U.S. Cameron U.S. Embassy, ria, among other high level individuals in the CIA, NSA, Pentagon, US Army, US Na Air Force, US Dept. of Health: Ms de LiIle: 'No Fucking Comment. No Conspiracy. Fuck You!'



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Mrs. De Lille was provided a written transcript of her aforementioned state m 2002, per facsimile; should she have wanted to correct them, or alter them, 0 Fucking Comment... No Conspiracy. Fuck You'. The Defendant supports the Pla ntiff's right to Freedom of Speech, even speech she may not disagree with, in accordance wi h the principle that "All real freedom starts alternative with Freedom of Speech. she If there Freedom Speech, Defendant of any particular interpretation had is fornoher of 'No then there can be no Real Freedom."


DEFENDANT'S FURTHER NOTICE WRITTEN REPRESENTATION: Relevant Inforrtation submitted to the State for further Negotiation. No Response from the State 5.


Offer for Negotiation: Withdraw Transfer of HC-CPDAppeal A 696-04, to US Navy JAG, and proceed in the High Court, Cape Provincial Division: In written instructions, 20 August and Attorney Mr. Gezzler, by facsimile,dated subsequent to 2007, release onsubsequent bail; to be thereto submittedprovidecl to Ad~.toAnton Ackerman, Head: NPA: Priority Crimes Litigation Unit, for negotiation. Offer: In exchange for the State showing an act of goodwill to the concepts of Law and and the rule of law, by (1) dropping the crimen injuria charges, and (2) payin Advocates Jaap Cilliers, Tokkie van Zyl & Pete Mihalik to represent me in the CP Appeal A 696-04 matter -- considering the issues raised therein, and the State's neg and previous obstruction of justice etc. conduct in the trial and subsequent A documentation filed - I would withdraw the Transfer of the Appeal to JAG, an Appeal could proceed in the CPD-HC.

rder for -HC gent peal the

submitted my offer to, or whether they did submit the offer to Adv. Anton Ack rman for his consideration. I suspected that Attorney Gezzler, and Adv. Beale's plausible re sal to follow my instructions, had to do with the influence by the National Prosecuting Auth rity's was unableagainst to get my clarity fromMental Attorney Mr. Gezzler, or Adv. G.Legal Beale, as to ~oms they allegations alleged Incapacity to Understand Proceedi J

The aforementioned

Offer was also subsequently provided to Attorney Mr. de L~ Harpe.

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/

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Crimen Inuria: Incomplete

Further Particulars

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Offer to allege to Answer Defendant's Any of'Mental the State's Incapacity Relevant to Understand Questions should Legal Proce~dings' the S1atecontinue defects' of Lara Johnstone addressed to: Advocate Anton Ackerman, Head 0 Priority Crimes Litigation 09 Apr '08 Letter: Unit RSAState ft Senior Officials Prosecutor repeated Prosecutor insinuations Jacobs, Capetown as to the allegtd Magi rates 'mental Court; Ref: State vs. Lara Johnstone; clo and via: Attorney Milton De La Harpe Should any NP A or SA Government official insinuate any alleged mental defec myself (so far it remains the Prosecutions favorite tactical diversion strategy, to addressing the fundamental issues): Please find attached a letter to the NPA, statin conditions whereby I would be happy to comply to any official NPA written allega with sufficient particular reasons (Access to Information, Just Admin. Action) as t alleged 'mental defect' incapacity to understand proceedings, so as to be unab present a proper defence.

28 May '08 Letter: RE: Court Appearance on

2 June, and some thoughts bef6re then:

I do understand where I think they stand on the issue. I think they stand on a slippery slope; and their natural response as has been less than democratic govern natural response to any serious criticism of their conduct, is to attach a label to t questioning their psychological integrity, so that others won't take the person seri It's been done since the days of Stalin, Hitler, et al; doesn't make it right. So we are on slippery slopes. Fair enough. The way in which I deal with that, is attempting to fair and impartial to the other side as possible. If they want to play dirty, that is choice, my experience is that playing dirty comes back later like a boomerang. Fa difficult, but when you finally find a fair Magistrate; it reaps its dividends.

6. Data DVD: Alternative

by aid the ion, any to

ery nts em us. oth as eir is

Perspectives to 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts.

Please find attached DATA DVD:

Alternative Perspectives to 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts: CIA & Pentagon: Lack of olitical Will: Overpopulation, Terrorism & Resource Wars, Nightline, 2000; Energy, Exponent al Fx & Population, Dr. Alfred Bartlett; Practicing Radical Honesty, Brad Blanton, PhD; P Iitically Correct Language, George Carlin; Walking on Egg-ShellsLanguage, Pastor James anning; Iatrogenic Origin of AIDS, Dr. L. Horowitz; Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgr m; Obedience to Authority, Sundance; HAARPPsychotronics, Nick Begich; Quiet Rag : The Stanford Prison Study, Stanford University; Exponential Growth Bomb, Growth B ters

CONCLUSION: The Further Particulars of 12 December '08 provide No New Evidence to justify ov turning the decision of Magistrate Tulu on 02 June 2008, to strike this Crimen Inuria matter fro the Court Role.

RELIEF REQUESTED: Please Take Notice That: The NPA are herewith requested to either:

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/

State v Johnstone:

Crimen Inuda: Incomplete Further


ge 11 of 12

1. Honourably withdraw the 'Crimen Inuria' charges, at the next court appeatance of 12 February '09; or, 2. Provide the Defendant with the Full Further Particulars, as herein request d, namely: (i) the alleged Outstanding Warrants, (ii) the outstanding Due Process Fore sic Psychologist Documentation; and (iii) Relevant Reasons for withholding rel vant impartial Psychological Integrity information from Defendant's prior Legal ounsel, in consideration of the Honourable Legal Psychological Integrity Conduct Prin iples herein provided. Alternatively, should the National Prosecuting Authority wish to discuss any of aforementioned Offer's for Negotiation; please be so kind as to inform the De ndant in writing (Honourably CCd to Attorney's de La Harpe and Gezzler, and Adv. Bea e, for their records) of the name and contact details of such NPA negotiator, so that the D fendant may contact the relevant negotiator to arrange a meeting for negotiation of these i sues, personally and/or with any aforementioned Attorney's willing to represent her in the capacity of Assistance of Counsel (Note: Not Representation of Counsel), fo such negotiations. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone Encl.

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/


Magistrate Mr Buhr, George District Court: Reference GSH2012003, regarding Disclosure Trial, Lara Johnstone reference letter.

I. I don't know if Larawould ever be she hasn't been so far as I've knowl years.

My name is Brad Blanton, I have a Ph.D degree in Psychology, I have been a clinical psychologist in WashingtonDCfor 25 years.

Shehasworked hard to demand fairn ssand to oppose inequality among people. Lara has Id me that the clinical psych report dated 22 July 003 stated that she is very oppositional, will not c form, has over valued ideas about conspiracies hich might be psychotic, also that she battles to fun tion normally in a community due to her overvalued id as.

I am the author of 1) Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Ufe by Temng The Truth; 2) Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Uttle Help From Your Friends, 3) Honest to God: A Change of Heart that can Change the World with Neil Donald Walsh, author of the Conversationswith Good books 4) Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World; 5) The Truthtellers: Stories of Successby Radically Honest People and 6) Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Ufe by Temng the Truth, a new revised and updated edition. I am the founder and currently the President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises SparrowHawk Book Publishing, the founder and board member of the Center for Radical Honesty, a non-profit corporation. I have been developing and conducting the Course in Honesty eight day residential workshop, The Power of Honesty three day residential workshop and the Course in Honesty in the World, five day residential workshop for a number of years and now conduct an annual trainers training to teach people to conduct the workshops. You can find out more by visiting www.radicalhonesty.com and read Change of Heart at USOB.org. I am a Candidate for Congressof the United States from Virginia in 2004. Lara read one of my books, contacted me, attended some of my programs, worked for me briefly and has correspondedwith me via email for several years. Lara and I were arrested together while protesting campaign finance corruption in the Rotunda of the Capital Building in Washington DC in January of 2000. It was a non-violent protest and we were jailed for less than six hours. If you are interested, the story and purpose of that action, is in my report for the second time I was arrested for the same cause a month later. It is in my book co-authored with Neil Donald Walsch, Honest to God: A Change of Heart that can Change the World. Lara is pissed off about abusive lying and withholding authorities who get by, by withholding, secrecy and hiding what they do in the name of security and so am

I pretty much agree with that re rt, however, I imagine the same could probably be s id of most of us who haven't been completely brain shed, including many people in your goverment, yo r court system, the psychologist, who made the ssessment and probably yourself in certain circumsta ces. I imagine you are focusing on the que dangerousas a real threat to the live or not. I doubt it, but I don't know know for sure about you or me ei certain circumstancesit would be the

ion is she really of other people or sure, I don't her because in est thing to do.

For example, if you had Anne Frank the Nazis knocked on the door and sai Jews in this house," and you knew he he found her, would you kill him or no

n the attic and , "Are there any ould kill her if .

I would kill him if I could. good assessmentof which violence i appropriate in any situation. I would say probably m st of the time, yes. If you want to be more certain th n that you must The is, can be La trfsted to ongoing make a go toproblem the trouble to Lara's really mind engage a in an honest therapeutic conversation. I do think that if she was engagedin a conversation with a professionally com it would be a lot better for her than and that some therapeutic progress with her, with regard to how sheexpr makesjudgments, or how much of if i events in her life, as long as the pers wasn't just a conformity wonk.

ongoing honest etent therapist st being in jail ould be made sesherself and related to past n engaging her

competent enough to be of help to he and who is also She could useperson. some Let help the~e is be someone an independent me ifknow i I can of any further assistanceto you in this matter Sincerely路 Brad Blanton

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/

Democratic .; Parliament


of South Africa

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Parlement van S id-Afrika

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Faksf'27 '21 461-0092 • Suid-Afrika

P 0 Box 15 • Cape Town 8000 • South Africa

29 January 2004

Ms Lara Johnstone George Correctional Private Bag X6539 GEORGE 6530


Dear Ms Johnstone

Notice of Legal and Political Delivery . I am in receipt of correspondence forwarded to me by the Mayor of George Swart, and I have noted the contents thereof. The Democratic Alliance is committed to fighting the scourge of HIVI AIDS irrespective of the origin thereof, and we will continue to advocate the responsibility of Government to fight the disease. Thank you for supporting our stance in this matter.

Kind regards Yours sincerely


Leader of the Democratic Alliance

Leader: A


Leon MP • Chairperson:

Leier: A J Leon LP • Vcorsitter:

W J Seremane W






Woman defies court over rude De Lille SMSs


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Woman defies court over rude De l,lIe SMSs

, Sapa 19 July, 2007 07:17:09

A who allegedly sent rude SMSs to politician Patricia deobservation Lille -- and then refu4ed to appear in woman the Cape Town Magistrate's Court - was sent for psychiatric on Thurs~ay. De Lille is the leader of the Independent Democrats political party. Lara Johnstone (40) is charged with crimen injuria, and prosecuting authorities are yet to decide whether to add intimidation to the charges. No details of the crimen injuria charge were given when prosecutor Thembela Yawa dalled her case in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court. According to the charge sheet, Johnstone was arrested on Wednesday.

When herwithout case was a court orderly the court's holding to fetch but to be returned her called, and explained that shewent was to violent, swearing andcells abusive, andhet, r4fused brought into the courtroom. The magistrate noted on the court record: "Accused refuses to be brought to court. SHe is abusive and hostile."

Also on the record was in a letter forensic services the Community an Htalth Services Organisation, whichfrom Theothe Dahms stated: "Shesection is totallyof uncooperative, refuses to answer any of my questions. She simply walked out of the room.

"I can therefore not comment on her mental condition, but would think if she persists it this way she needs to be sent for psychiatric observation." Johnstone was remanded in her absence to September 22, when her pSYChiatricassElssment is to be handed to the court. Free Daily Newsletter - ~Qb~J:Il~~J"JtVtl




Lara Johnstone

16 Tel: Taaibos (044) AYe, 870723911 Heatherpart, Cell:k071) George, 170 6529 1954 10 December 2008

Attorney Milton De La Harpe,

Representation: Re: Lara Johnstone, Charae: 'Crimen Inuria' I herewith apologize for (i) delay in getting back to you, regarding your representatiJn of myself, and (ii) any prior miscommunications and misunderstandings.

informing yourself of the information herein, should you wishto continue representi me in this matter; would a meeting on Friday afternoon, 12 December, in your offices be suita le? If you My parents and I herewith attempt to clarify the matter. SUbSeq~ent prefer to terminate your representation, mayour we perspectives part companyonwithout any resentm nts? to INFORMATION FOR YOUR ATTENTION AND CONSIDERATION:

document, titled, "Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Leave to Review with View to t0f,e For the Record: Where I use the words 07-1461' in this letter, I am toreferring (Total Pages'~AG 24: 22 + 2 (Update)), provided you in ou meeting at Appeal # A 696/04 (et al)" your office, a few weeks after we first met, and you helped me to get bail. Correct me if I am wrong; but it is my conclusion that: A.

Your Defense to 'Crimen Inuria' is to plead 'Not Guilty', that I never sent the SMf)'s; even though: i. I have told you that I did send the SMS's; ii.


I~AG 07-1461 which t~e South I have admitted (in the CourttheRecord African Police, Mrs. De High Lille and Prosecutor's Office documents, all have a copy of);lthat I did send the SMS's, including the verbatim language of the SMS's

Your response to my instructions in this matter pertaining to contacting the NPAlabout the High Court status of ~AG 07-146!, has been as follows: i.

'The 'Crimen Inuria' SMS's have nothing whatsoever to do 'I~AG 07-146!'.

Question: If it isplease 'true' that sent you Patricia Lille, to do '~AG 07-1461; can the you SMS's tell me Iwhat thinkdeare the have 'true nothing reasons'whatsoeveI for why I ent herwith the SMS's? What was my motive for sending her the 'Crimen Inuria' messages? Put Differently: Your Representation for My Defense Requires me to Plead (i) NOT (ii) LIE about SMS's that the Prosecutors Office, the Police, and Mrs de Lille KNOW because I informed them in writing that I did, in the ~AG 07-1461 legal document file Court Record, with the High Court. It was for the aforementioned reasons; that in my letter to you dated 28 May 2008,

J:: Court

Appearance on 2 June, and some thoughts before then, I requested you to plea

Contact Prosecuting Western out: (i)Appeal the name of tpe AdvocatetheatNational the NP A-WC who is Authority, in charge of dealing Cape with to thefind HC-CPD A 6961'04; and to (ii) Contact aforementioned NP A-WC Advocate, ask her or him, what the NP A' official status isinformation, on HC-CPD because Appeal they A 696-04 theAttorney, past, the and NP Aamhave ~ give me the Appeal say I .... am notInan not refused allowedho be given the name of Advocates at the NP A, dealing with the Appeal; and they and the Hi Court Registrar refused to place the Appeal on the roll for hearing in the High Court.

Questions: 1. Are you aware the 'four new 'Crimen Inuria' charges, are the exact verbatim of th referred to in ~AG 07-146i,(Page 23)? 2. If (i) sending a few cryptically coded 'In Your Face bad language SMS's to Mrs. D managed to get her attention to the ur enc of the importance of educating the people of South on the 07-146(ii)ISSUES, viabeneficial her 'Crimen Inuria' tl-ial testimony (or viaAfrica the High CourtAG Appeal); would the consequenbes of preventing the worst of imminent harms detailed in ~AG 07-146!, have justified sending the SMS's? 3. What are the ~AG 07-14~ ISSUES? ~AG 07-14~ ISSUES: Brief description of JAG 07-146: Political Necessity Defence, na the French Lilly Pond Tipping Point Urgency of Disclosing and Educating the Peopl that: (i) (ii) (iii)





AIDS is a biological warfare depopulation virus (Horowitz) & motives therMor: Root Cause of Terrorism is Overpopulation (V.P Bush Terrorism Task F Pentagon, CIA and US Navy studies) Exponential Population (Bartlett: Mathematics, Population & Energy) Increases colliding with Finite Depleted and Scarce Resources exacerba Terrorism, Crime, Violence, Political Conformity (Fascism) Pressures; Political Economic and Religious Policies encouraging Economic and Population Growth, exponentially exacerbate Terrorism, Crime, Violence, Political Conformity (Fascism) Pressures Media Agenda Setting process intentionally withholdsgrowth, information about t(1e relationship of exponential economic and population and it's sociÂŁeconomic and national security consequences from the public (How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection, by Univ. Of SW Louisiana); is exponentially resulting in: Peak Oil, Peak Arable Land, Peak Water, Peak Food which indicates an Exponential 'French Lilly Pond Tipping Point' of humanity overshooting resource limitations, with potentially disastrous, Financial and Terrorism 'Armageddon' consequences; all of which require: urgently educating citizens on importance and exponential future benefits of loving zero and negative growth procreation population and sustainable z ro Urgent economic (French Lilly Pond Tipping Point) Time Sensitive NeceSSit growth policies. [Other examples of the FrenchPolitical Lily Pond Tippi g of Point concept are 'USURY', which is a result of compound interest (exponential growth), and fractional reserve ('fiat money') banking. Do yo recall the 'usury' contents of my SMS to Mrs. De Lille? Do you know 'kaffiL' also means 'infidel', Le. someone who does not believe in 'God']

defendants were illegal, but necessary to prevent greater harm. The very existence of the defense of necessity in common law and in the law of constitutional governments i a recognition POLITICAL defense' allows that taken bY~. e that commonNECESSITY: sense shouldThe take'necessity precedence over the letter of the actions law in extreme c es. The roots of this tradition lie in Jewish Law. According to the Talmud: "Whatever a scholar will yet derive from the Law, that was already given to Moses on Mount Sin principle of a Higher Law is not only well-established; it is the very foundation of all Where the law of the state contradicts this Higher 'God's law' principle, the law of t altogether null and void. In certain circumstances, as we shall now discover, such c positively mandates opposition to the law of the state. Here, what is generally know disobedience" is not only lawful, but genuinely law-enforcing. Necessity defenses a labeled "competing harms". Under such circumstances, the evil brought about from law is deemed to be less than the evil of which would have resulted from literal corn the law.

ompetent i," the gal order. State is ntrast as "civil sometimes iolating the liance with


eventually go to trial, Mrs. De Lille & others testify, they will be required to testify to e ~ COMPETING Should 'Crimen Inuria' of trial, ~POLITICAL ISSUESNECESSITY sent to her and their offices,HARMS: requesting theythe inform the public the i formation; and the media would be forced to expose the ~AG 07-1461 ISSUES to the Public. FRENCH LILY POND RIDDLE: The French Riddle of the Lily Pond describes the d powers of exponential economic and population growth, and the apparent suddenn it approaches a fixed limit. In this riddle, the lily pond has a potentially virulent lily th size each day. If the lily grows unchecked it will cover the entire pond in 30 days, ch other forms of life in the water by the time it covers the entire pond. If a skeptic wait of the pond was covered before taking any remedial action to save the pond, when The answer: on the 29th day of the month! But by then, it would be too late.

ceptive s with which doubles in king off all d until 50% ould he act?

If you were a former skeptic; Have we passed the 29th day of the month? If not, how long do we wait, before we act? When do we justify educating South Africa on these AG 07-1 6 ISSUES; and would such education qualify as preventing or mitigating an imminent harm? CONCLUSION: I shall respect whatever decision you make, in terms of whether yo represent me, in this matter or not? If not, I hope we can part company, without resentment. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone PS: The OneCourage of the reasons, I useI the plume' Laraletter, Braveheart' is to denote ,BraJe Le. to Forgive'. have'nom not de used it in this for the simple reason, t~t of meHeart, using it appears to either irritate you, or confuse you.

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