09-06-05: Request to SAPA: Re: News Article of 19 July 2007

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State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Defendant: CT-CAS 1340/7/07


Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH


George-CAS 572/02 :::



HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria. blogspot.com in-gods-name. blogspot.com

clo & via: M . Hannes de Wet TO: SAPA of McLennan Directors; clo & via: BOfrd M . Ben Mr. Ben McL nnan Capetown B reau News Editor SA Press Ass ciation Tel: (27) 02 4242133 Fax: (27) 02 424 9376 Email: capeews@sapa.org.za Honourable Transparenc

ransparency CC: Cape Party Leader: Mr. Jack Miller [Ref: RSAMedia Enquiry]

SAPA Board df Directors;



clo & via Mr. McClennan,

Transpantncy RE: (I) RetJuestRSAMedia to SAPA: News Enquiry Article: (I) Request SMS's


SAPA: News Article:

19 July 2007:(11) and Honourable

19 July 2007: Woman Defies Court over Rude De LiUe

Mr. MacLenntn,earlier Thanktoday. you for very much for your very professional help, in our brief telephonic conversation 1 requested to be provided with the name and contact details of the journalist A brief reca who wrote t e aforementioned article, distributed by SAPA. You informed me, you were currently un ble to inform me of the details I requested related to the journalist, since the journalist w a freelance journalist, also known as a 'stringer', who may be irregularly moonlighting without the knowledge of their primary employer. Accordingly disclosure of their name may re ult in them losing their job, since their employment contract forbids them to moonlight wi h other news organisations.

'stringer jou inform me of that their so For intention the (ii)

alist' who wrote the original article; whose name you are currently unable to I do not allege - in any way - that such journalist was maliciously motivated; only rces, or their source's sources appear to be either (i) negligently misinformed, or have no objections to you a copy of this correspondence to the lly 1providing the journalist withproviding disinformation.


be easily cor cted, by the provision of accurate information 1 hope itperce caseinofthe thematter. former (negligently misinformed), former tion


for such individual to adjust their in which case, such mistakels can

telephonic quest to you in writing; so that you may submit the information and request to Please written in request, as per your request that I submit the essence of my SAPAautho ties forfind theirmydecision the matter.


journalist w 0 wrote the SAPANews Article, of 19 July 2007, titled, Woman Defies Court Over I request SA[A SMS's. to provide me with the name and contact details (telephone number), of the Rude De Lit I require th information, so that I can either (a) contact the journalist to find out whom the source/s of heir erroneous information was; related to the allegations made in their news report; or ( if I am unable to contact such journalist, to obtain such sources details for them to be subpoen d to testify to the information published by SAPA;I require the journalists details, so that the j urnalist can be subpoenaed to provide the information, for the defence, on the witness stan

questions he e following (I have provided further quoted information, should yourself, SAPA,or specificallY'trom require the useful source inofterms the following perthis the the journali find the the journalist, additional Iinformation of makinginformation, your decisionas in matter):

the a rest was legal; i.e. conducted with the relevant required Arrest Warrant docu entation, and not blatantly irregular, due to the absence (non-existence) of any of Johnstone (Defendant's) arrest on Wednesday 18 July 2007, implying that 1. Arres The ftails Warrant. Outstanding Evidentiary Documentation: 'Outstanding Warrants': Two Alleged 'Outstanding Warrants', used by SAP INSP. Christian, to plausibly irregularly or illegally arrest and detain Defendant in this Crimin Inuria Matter, on 18 July


At the time of Inspector Christian's arrest of Defendant, Inspector Christian stated his justification for the Arrest were two outstanding Warrants, one allegedly in Pietermaritzburg and one in Port Elizabeth. Defendant requested proof and copies of these alleged Outstanding Warrants, as per the Constitutional Principle "to be informed of the charge with sufficient detail to answer it." Inspector Christian refused to provide proof of these alleged outstanding warrants, and proceeded to arrest and detain Defendant. The proof of these alleged Outstanding Warrants used to arrest and detain Defendant on 18 July 2007, have yet to be provided by Inspector Christian, the South African Police Services, or the National Prosecuting Authority; and were requested from the SAPSand the National Prosecuting Authority, by Lara Johnstone; from Attorney Mr. Malcolm Gezzler, by Lara and Andre Johnstone, and Attorney Mr. Milton de La Harpe, by Lara Johnstone. -- Excerpt: For the Record: State v Johnstone; 'Crimen Inuria': Incomplete Further Particulars 2. The s who i refus noted court Servic refus there

urce of the following SAPAreported information: (i) the name of the court orderly formed the court that "[Lara Johnstone] was violent, swearing and abusive, and to be brought into the courtroom"; (ii) the court record, where the Magistrate that "Accused refuses to be brought to court. She is abusive and hostile. "; (Hi) the ecord letter from Mr. Theo Dahms, from the Forensic Section of Community Health s Organisation, wherein he stated, "[Lara Johnstone] is totally uncooperative, and to answer any of my questions. She simply walked out of the room. I can re not comment on her mental condition, but would think if she persists in this

way ~he needs to be sent for psychiatric observation"; and 22, (iv) 2007. The Psychiatric Assesl;ment allegedly handed in to the court on September Outstanding Due Process Documentation: Referral to Forensic Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist's Report; and subsequent State Psychological Report: At approximately 10 am, on 19 July 2007, while awaiting to appear in court, in the Magistrate Court cells, the SAPSinformed the Defendant she was being taken to 'the Doctor'. At no time did the Defendant request to see any Doctor. The Defendant requested the Police to provide written reasons, for why she was being required to see a Doctor, without her request for seeing any Doctor. The Police laughed and told her to 'Shut Up and do as you are told'. The Defendant was taken by the SAPSto the Family Planning & Community Health Services to see Forensic Psychologist, Dr. Theo Dahms. The Defendant refused to answer any of Dr. Theo Dahms questions (Annex: Woman Defies Court Over Rude De Lille SMSs,SAPA); until she was provided with written documentation, proving (i) her arrest and detention to have been lawful, i.e. provided evidence of the alleged outstanding Warrants, and their relevant legal validity; and (ii) written documentation, including written reasons (South African Constitution ยง 32 & 33: Access to Information and Just Administrative Action; Criminal Procedure Act ยง 77 - 79: Accused: Capacity to Understand Proceedings: Mental Illness and Criminal Responsibility) by the alleged court official who alleged the Defendant was required to see a Forensic Psychologist, as a result of her being incapable of understanding Proceedings, due to Mental Illness. The Defendant was returned to Magistrate Court Holding Cells; and requested a telephone call to arrange for an Attorney. The SAPSrefused to allow the Defendant a telephone call, to arrange for an Attorney. The Defendant accordingly refused to enter the Court Room, without having been provided with her right to a telephone call to arrange for an attorney to represent her in court to apply for bail on her behalf. The SAPScontinued to refuse her the opportunity to make a telephone call, until the end of court day, and subsequently the Defendant was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison, by the SAPS;where she remained until 22 August, when Attorney Mr. Malcolm Gezzler, and Advocate Gary Beale, represented her in a bail hearing, where she was granted bail. The bail was granted upon the alleged legal validity, authenticity and existence of the still outstanding Warrants, used to arrest and detain Defendant; which to this date have yet to be provided by the SAPS. -- Excerpt: For the Record: State v Johnstone; 'Crimen Inuria': Incomplete Further Particulars For th Record: NPA-CT have so far refused to provide the aforementioned docu entation requested of them and the SAPS[See court proceedings of 02 March 2009]. The NPA: Pretoria, Adv. Ackerman (Priority Crimes Litigation Unit) did kindly res 0 d to my request, by forwarding my complaint to NPA:WC: Adv. De Kock. I have had no res onse from NPA:WC, Adv. De Kock, or anyone else in Western Cape, or Capetown NPA.

fully i formed decision in this matter; please simply ask; and if the information is avail a le to me, I have no problem whatsoever making it available to you. All - and I mean LL - information available to me, is according to my Radical Honesty principles of ShOUl~OU require any further available information from inme, order to enable you to make a Trans rency and'Disclosure, to SAPA thisinmatter.

Furt Cour htt : and

rmore, the primary documents related to this Crimen 'nuria and its preceding High Appeal matters, that are in my possession,I have made publicly available, at Icrimeninuria.blo s ot.com, in accordance with my PRHvalues of transparency 'sclosure, in this and related matters.

(11)Honoura le Transparency RSAMedia Enquiry. I am a great an of multi-tasking. Since it was my intention to call SAPAJohannesburg for a contact pers n, to submit Honourable Transparency RSA Media Enquiry to; and since I had to search for t ephone and fax numbers for SAPAJohannesburg, and I had been struggling to get a responsefro SAPACapetown in repeated previous telephonic conversations in 2008, re: my 19/07/07 En uiry (above); I thought I would do both at once. Johannesburg did not answer their phones, so t at is how I got hold of you - Mr. MacLennan-- first. Subsequent since my req Cape Party transparenc politically in yourself.

your request to me, to put my request to SAPA- via yourself - in writing; and est to your office, is directly related to the issues raised by individuals within The legations - namely whether the media is committed to PRACTICINGhonourable and disclosure, and honourable integrity in their reporting on controversial and orrect issues-- I thought I would submit both requests to SAPA;clo and via,

plausible Me ia Bias - and if intentionally avoiding the enquiry into the integrity and honour of TRC-RSA'sal eged identity, perhaps even fraud -- are of concern to you, to please be so kind as AcCOrdinglY'~would appreciate it if the issuesraisedfor in their theseattention two allegations related to to forward t em, to the appropriate SAPAOfficials; and response.

Respectfully 6ubmitted

State v. John tone: Crimen Inuda Lara JOhnsto~e httD:llcrime inuria.bloQSDot.com Encl: Honourbble


RSA Media Enquiry

State v. Johnstone Charges: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille Defendant: Lara Johnstone CT-CAS 1340/7/07 ft George-CAS 572/02 Cases: 17/1384/07 ft 14/1198/08 HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria. blogspot.com

rable Transparency RSAMedia Enquiry: 'I) Are the South African Media Predisposed to: (a) E.tctreme Prejudice and Bias, or (b) Fair and Balanced Reporting, towards The Cape Party? (11)Wa the TRC a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and wh te? Is 'TRC-RSA' serious B: committed to Truth Telling, Trans rency and Forgiveness? If not, is the TRC-RSA 'social cont act' null and void, as a result of fraud B: betrayal? Cape Party: Letter of Authorisation Elehoral

Commission: Acceptance

George By-Election:

of Nomination

by a Ward Candidate

Ward 19: Cape Party: Lara Johnstone

Media Enquiry Enclosures: The IrRC was a massive fraud on South Africans, black and white •• (PRH) US Convict Wins Love and Support in SA Town (Sunday Times); SA tplaasmeisie'

vas in VSA oor Golf-protes

(Die Beeld);

Woman Defies Court over Rude De Lille SMS's (SAPA); It's all Downhill From Here (Farmers Weekly) Timothy McVeigh & Me (New Abolitionist)

reality. To c ange something, build a new model Youthat never fightingobsolete." the existing makC~ange s the things existingby model !iuckminster Fuller's Law

"If the only ultimate check on the growth of population is misery, then the population will grow until it is miserable enough to stop its growth." Kenneth Boulding's "Dismal Theorem"

"What whatchange they do. corollary: changepeople what ""ink ~eopleis do, whatItsthey think." To Quinn's Second Law

"There never was an idea stated that woke men out of their stupid indifference, but its originator was spoken of as a crank." Oliver Wendell Holmes 'Buck v. Bell' Law

with change minds, people with a new vision. It "Ifnot the be WOrltis saved, it will with be saved people will sav d by old minds new by programs." shmaels Story of B Law

Insincere Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy. 'TRC' 'Proudly South African' Law




Letter of Authorisation

ape Party hereby authorises, Ann Johnstone, ID number: 4602140019083, to act on l;fhalf Cape Party in June the nomination of the candidate, Lara Johnstone, for the cteorgeofthe By-election on 24 2009.

Tel: (021) 671 8668; Fax: (021) 671 8202 Email: cape@capeparty.com ; Website: www.capeparty.com

MEC 26

Electoral Commission CCEPTANCE





] Ward



Identificatio /


. :/;;;NSCJ7'! number: I / I / I / 1;"')1

hi £ I


0 I1

t my nomination as an i~elB~BA€Jcnt'::8r~-~-8te/party pplicable) in the abovementioned election by ..


'&4. [Y(delete

ward ~ndidate

name of nominating individual or party)


Date: Signature of candidate

Reference Number. NB: Areas shaded in grey are for lEG official use only


gf()&R KbUT& &R&Rg~&M&~~


路S~ ",bRA\,

Mr. Awie Se koei Electoral P ject Coordinator Independen Electoral Commission (I.E.C) George Mu cipality - WC 044 Tel: (044) 8 3 2347 11 Fax: (044) 873 2367




Cell: 076: 1580861

CC: Jack Miller, Cape Party Leader; PER Email

RE: Geor.

By Election: Ward 19: Cape Party: Lara Johnstone Notice:

1. Cap Party Decision: Withdrawal of Nomination I was that has 19, 0

I full

informed by Mr. Jack Miller, per telephone on the afternoon of 4 June 2009; ubsequent to a meeting he held with Cape Party Officials, the Cape Party cided to withdraw their nomination of myself, for George By Election: Ward 24 June 2009.

support the Cape Party's decision to withdraw their nomination of myself,

2. in Lara!JOhnstone Support Ifor Cape Party Decision thl matter; accordingly have no objections thereto.

3. Writ en Reasons: SA Constitution: 搂 32. (1) and 33. (1) Subs quent to filing the Nomination Papers, a few Cape Party Officials declared their bjections thereto, during a meeting on the issue. Thei concerns being: The media may be predisposed to extreme prejudice and bias, s opposed to fair and balanced reporting and enquiry; towards the Cape Part related to my personal actions and views, as stated in my current legal cases -- namely the High Court CPDAppeal A 696-04 (GSH 20/2003 aka SAP 572/ 2); and its related subsequent Capetown Magistrate Crimen Inuria Case (SAP: 1340/7/07 aka CT Mag. Case: 17/1384/07, subsequently refiled as 14/1 98/08) - currently in the Criminal Justice System.

P 0 Box 5042, George East, 6539



Cell: (071) 170 1954


RbUT& &~&I(g~&~~

~C1ib~ ~&TWbJU{



·S~ W6RAl 56si&Tl( I acc rdingly support the Cape Party's decision, as I do not wish to be their - or any olitical party's nominated candidate - unless there is full and unequivocal supp rt for my candidacy by all Party Members, based upon fully informed deci ons, of (i) the political principles and values I represent and stand for, amo g others Total Transparency and Disclosure; and (ii) accordingly, full kno edge of my 100%transparent background.


Lara JohnstGme

Acknowledg~d as Received by IEC:

P 0 Box 5042, George East, 6539


Cell: (071) 170 1954


PRHExc~rpts: Crimen Inuria: The TRCwas a massive fraud on South Africans, black and white .. Brad & ALL!! Brad: Would holding an 8 workshop on South African Noble Peace and Tutu?

you be seriously interested in day Course in Honesty In Politics obben Island, for the leaders of all political parties and perhaps even rize dickheads De Klerk, Mandela

My trial date has been set for 8 July; when the Plaintiff will testifying. The Plaintiff 's the Leader of the Independent Democrats P itical Party: Hon. Mrs. Patricia de Lille. She wa very brave and is not afraid of being very 0 spoken. She is coloured, and she was the pe on who exposed South Africa's massive arm deal corruption scam which currently ha our possible future President, awaiting trial on over 780 indictments of fraud and corruptio . Other Politic l Leaders of Political Parties and renowned So th African individuals shall also be called for th r witness testimony; such as: Hon. Tony Leon, M ; Former Leader of the Democratic Alliance; Min of Intelligence: Mr. R. Kasrils; Former Presi ent. Mr. Thabo Mbeki; Former President: Mr Nelson Mandela. The charge ainst me is for crimen injuria (a unique South African law, that Does not allow you to ins t someone's dignity with bad language). Very briefly: ince 2002 I have been alleging that South Africa Truth and Reconciliation was FAKE... PRET'ND... NOT REAL.. a dog and pony political sho . In 1994 when the TRC was formed, I ha believed it was real. I voluntarily Submitted m Submission to the TRC and took Responsibility for the Crimes that had been conducted in y name. Over time, all my efforts of sincere re honest dialogue, to address racial issues, and anger and hate issues were discouraged, ilified, & obstructed. I repeatedly rovided the STATEthe opportunity to PROVEME RONG;in that they Were SERIOUS ABOUTTRUT TELLINGAND FORGIVENESS. THEY DID EVERYTH G TO PROVETHEY WERENOT.... AND TO AV ID THE TRIAL, AND ATTEMPTED VERY, VERY ARD TO HAVE ME CERTIFIEDAS INSANE. For example: Open Letter to the RSAMedia in 2002; hand d ivered to Mrs. De Lille [Office] [Excerpts:]"D openness, s honour, e frankness, c forthrightnes else is NOTD

mocracy is honesty, transparency, cerity, truthfulness, integrity, ics, reliability, uprightness, ndour, bluntness, outspokenness, and straightforwardness! Anything MOCRACY,it is HYPOCRISY:'

"Reconciliation and transformation are NOT two different things that need to be balanced. You CANNOT achieve reconciliation (forgiveness) without experiencing personal transformation. They are NOT SEPARATE,they are a PROCESS, one leads to the other. In order to achieve TRUE, HONEST,FRANK, reconciliation (forgiveness), it REQUIRESPERSONALTRANSFORMATION,Le. it requires telling the truth in an open frank, outspoken, forthright manner to another, listening, getting over your anger, compromising and getting to a point of understanding as well as forgiveness (not for the other person's benefit, but your own). It requires getting over anger to the point of forgiveness - THAT IS THE HONEST FORMOFTRANSFORMATION THAT LEADSTO REAL RECONCILIATION!Anything else, is nothing but politics masquerading as 'transformation' and 'reconciliation'! " South Africans are FAKING our reconciliation, because we are TOO AFRAID to confront each other openly and honestly with our criticism, fear, anger and hate towards each other, GET OVER IT and REALLYforgive each other (NOT PRETEND).We have millions of people in South Africa who have INVENTEDin their heads the IDEA that we have RECONCILlATON.We DON'T. The sooner we realize that fact and confront that problem, the better, for ourselves individually, as well as for our country, and the future of our children. Problems are best handled by confronting them openly rather than keeping them secret; by telling other people what problems we have and working them out in the public arena. As it turns out, not all problems are miserable. The current Hypothetical Conclusion for the purpose of this CRIMENINURIATRIAL: The TRC had been a massive fraud on South Africans, black and white; who now go around pretending to like each other to each others faces and cannot stand each other as hypocrites behind closed doors. Information about Radical Honesty and my perspective that STATESECRECY is AS BADAS IT WAS UNDERAPARTHEID(recently a news report by a State Archivist, Stated as such, accusing the ANC of THE SAMELEVELOF STATESECRECYAS UNDERAPARTHEID);and that in many ways our TRC effort of FAKE PRETENDRECONCILIATION, ONLYMADETHINGSWORSE. I .. shall get to the point. THIS ISMY 'DRAFTPLAN/IDEA:In South Africa we have a two tier law system. What does htat mean? It means for example that communities who have different values ... can choose to settle their differences by a separate judicial system;

PRHExcl:!rpts:Crimen Inuria: The TRCwas a massive fraud on South Africans, black and white .. where they re 'judged' and 'adjudicated' by individuals fr 11that particular tribal custom. MY POINT I THAT MY TRIBAL' CUSTOM IS RADICALHON STY: ..... I want to read them a statement, fr m the Radical Honesty TRIBE OR CULT or what ver. Do they have the courage to attend a Radi al Honesty Course in Honesty and Forgiveness? I


Sowhat do yo THINK???? Lara ++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dear Lara, I think the la you are being prosecuted for is ridiculous an dates back to a belief in curses from witch d ctors. And even though you are crazy and al lays asking for trouble, you are being ridiculo Isly prosecuted, and your defense is justified an accurate and that your statement about the dif "'rence between posed forgiveness and real forg eness is entirely accurate and, so far, almost al 'lays avoided by politicians. I think this trouble )u are making is good trouble to make. I am suret = conversation about honesty in politics must include the liklihood that the defense indus ry bribes to an upcoming head of state were k pt hidden and that what usually poses as polit :al honesty, isn't honesty. I would love to do a half day appreciation/resentment session with a.[ the party leaders paired up and talking to ea h other. I think the woman you refer to may b _ interested in that conversation. I believe in t e death penalty. I, personally, would like to ee a lot of people killed--heads of defense indus .ries, Monsanto, corrupt bankers, etc. for lying md murder. I would prefer being able to confr ,nt them and express myself and forgive them nd would love to have a system of justice that g,ve them the option of suicide or constructive s .rvice to make up for their sins. But since tl e standard is truth but no reconciliation, I think we should just kill the motherfuckers because we don't have time to wait for the ki ld of systemic change required for truth and reco 1Ciliation to occur. A lot of people are about to ie anyway, so why not pick which ones?Things r ~maining as hey are, simply all of the poor peop = will go first when at least half of

currently living human beings die within the next 10 years. That said, here is a statement that might be a start at 'splaining the difference between the mind's eye view and the heart's eye view of forgiveness: "Forgivenessoccurs through telling the truth and then staying there to experience the sensations in the body and the emotional response of the person speaking the truth. Staying present to the experience requires a broadening of attention, a widening of focus from the narrower focus on right and wrong, admitting lies, admitting crimes, reporting what really happened in the past. The shift from primary attention to the intellectual domain of judging right and wrong, to giving primary attention to the bodily experience that comes with telling the truth, is do that the person can feel their way through, rather than think their way around, the experience triggered by the report about the past. "Forgiveness is required for reconciliation. And the process of reconciliation is forgiveness squared. Because, as the one who initiates telling the truth, whether it is confessing what you have done or reporting on what others have done, you have to stay present to the persons who responds to your words, and to your feeling response and verbal response to them, and they must do the same in response to you... and this must go on for however long it takes for all the parties to be moved in their emotions, in their bodies and at the level of sensations experienced in the body, so that the sensations can increase, persist for a while, decrease, and then recede and go away. It is this bodily sensation of a change of heart that is the criterion for forgiveness that creates the possibility of reconciliation. If this process goes on honestly and is supported by those who give the invitation to reconciliation, sometimes former enemies become allies and friends out of mutual respect for each other's willingness to go through the process of telling the truth and experiencing and sharing their honest heartfelt, bodyfelt response. Sometimes, many times, the truth never gets told. Sometimes, many times, even if the truth is told, reconciliation does not occur. Sometimes truth and reconciliation happens. When it does, new people make a new beginning." Brad Blanton, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, world renowned author of the "Radical Honesty" series of books published in 12 languages around the world (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Spanish, Polish, ... and some former Soviet block countries.)

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Sunday Time~ - news - 31 May 1998

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Cape Town


31 May 1998

: News

US convict wins love and support in SA town

• Insight

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Volksrust rallies behind woman's campaign to free jailed husband by: MICHAEL SCHMIDT

., 1

• Lifestyle



ASOUTH African plaasmeisie has won a surprise victory over the hearts of residents of her home town of Volksrust after marrying a black American who has spent 15 years in jail for murder.

• Arts & E;ltertainment •



• •

Cape Town Durban


Born into a family related by marriage to former Prime Minister B J Vorster, was a child rebel, spurning racism for friendship with a black teacher. She became involved in student protests during the 80s and worked for Greenpeace and Amnesty International. Lara, now 31, made waves in October last year when she announced her marriage to Demian Johnson, 33, a black American in jail since the age of 18 for the killing of a taxi driver. Her parents, initially shocked by her decision to marry Demian, have become his greatest supporters and have urged all their friends to write to the parole board, demanding he be set free. A significant number of Volksrust residents have backed the call. Speaking from jail this week, Demian said Lara was "like an angel to me" and that he was "overwhelmed, delighted and inspired" by the support from VOlksrust, a town on the border between Mpumalanga and Kwazulu Natal.

LOCKED IN EMBRACE: Lara and Demian Johnson share a moment together behind bars after their wedding at the California State Prison

In 1983, he and two friends took a taxi ride, intending to run off without paying. But one of the friends pointed Demian's gun at the driver and the faulty weapon accidentally fired, killing the man, Wilmer Gates jnr. Even though Demian had no idea his friend planned to take out the gun, he faced the electric chair. But his sentence was plea-bargained down to "15 years to life" for second-degree murder. Lara "met" Demian over the Internet, while she was in Washington DC and he in jail in Sacramento. Demian, who spent the first nine years of his open-ended sentence as a "lifer" in solitary confinement, is due for a parole hearing in July. Speaking from California, this week, Lara said: "Growing up in Volksrust, you got to be pretty racist. It was real Broederbond territory, where the labourers would be sjambokked if they did anything wrong. It was Martha Shabalala, who taught at the fann school, who showed me another way." Lara's first contact with the world of prisons was as a child when her parents contracted prison labour to plant trees on the fann.

fi1e://F:\My Info Office\Act'm Ref & Research\Act'm Media Art's\Sunday Times - ne ...


r: 1917 lIIustr


sie: foto

Kategfie: BETOGINGS Kleur: olkleur


Finaal Bladsy 1

'plaasmeisie' vas in VSA oor Golfes ngton. Een van Suid-Afrika se voorbok-aktiviste

in Amerika,

me. Lctat:betoging tydensl'n .iJohnsom. teen (31), Amerika is eergister se lugaanvalle in Oakland, op Irak Kalifornie, in hegtenis genee 50 mense het aan die optog een van talle oor die he le land bskure beweging The Utopian Anarchist Party aan die spits eem.

Me. Lara Johnson met die woorde Wag the Dog op haar gesig, word in Oakland, Amerika, in hegtenis geneem saam met nog dertien betogers teen die aanvalle op Irak. Hulle het die federale gebou in die stad gedwing om twee uur lank te sluit.

Volksr st en "aangetroude familie" van wyle mnr. John Vorster, oudpr ier en -staatspresident, het verlede jaar opspraak gewek toe sy 'n tronk met die veroordeelde moordenaar Demian _tJOhn짜 n, wat haar bestempel 'n eenvoudige plaasmeisie van Johns n (33) getroud is. Hy dienas vyftien jaar tronkstraf weens moord uit.

Suid-A rika probeer kry om druk op Amerika uit te oefen om hom toe te laat om hom saam op die internet ontmoet, glo dadelik op hom verlief geraak en sedertdien steun in Sy methetfom ha r in Suid-Afrika te vestig.

het me haar Iyf geverf in die kleure van die Suid-Afrikaanse vlag. Sy wou daarmee die jaar was sy weer in die nuus toe sy aan die New Yorkse marathon deelgeneem Einde Jerlede aanda op haar teenmisdaad-veldtog in Suid-Afrika vestig.

veront gsaam en twee ingange van 'n federale gebou versper het. Die woorde Wag the Dog was in wart en wit op haar gesig geverf en sy was geklee in die kleure van die SuidJOhnS~ se is vlag. saam met nog veertien betogers in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle waarskuwings Afrikaa gers is weens betreding aangekla en aangese om Dinsdag in die hof te verskyn. is al maande lank betrokke by die Amerikaanse protes-politiek.

Sy lugaantalle het bistergekonfronteer in 'n e-pos-boodskap het.

aan Beeld vertel hoe sy 'n polisie-offisier oor die

rooi vi istof daarop omgekeer as simbool van die bloed wat Amerikaanse bombardemente doodkis vol puin voor die ingang van die gebou neergesit en toe vier bottels met in Irak I at'nvloei.


"Ons ottjette voor die twee ingange gese. van die gebou gaan le en mense verhinder om dit binne te gaan verlaat," het Johnson

Woman defiel court over rude De LiIle SMSs

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[ Print This

n defies court over rude De lille SMS , Sapa

A wi0 allegedly sent rude SMSs to politician Patricia deobservation Lille - and then refused to appear in woman the Cape Irown Magistrate's Court - was sent for psychiatric on Thursday. De Lille is th~ leader of the Independent Democrats political party.

Lara Johnst~ne (40) is charged crimen injuria, and prosecuting authorities are yet to decide whether to a~d intimidation to thewith charges.

No details injuria charge were given when prosecutor Thembela Yawa called her case in the o~the dape crimen Town Magistrate's Court. According tolthe charge sheet, Johnstone was arrested on Wednesday.


returned wit out her and explained that she was violent, swearing and abusive, and refused to be When called, a court orderly went to the court's holding cells to fetch her, but broughther into he was courtroom.

The magistr1te noted on the court record: "Accused refuses to be brought to court. She is abusive and hostile."


Services Or nisation, in which Theo Dahms stated: "She is totally uncooperative, and refuses to was a letterShe from the forensic services Also on any the f my questions. answer simply walked out of thesection room. of the Community Health

"I can theref~re on her observation." mental condition, but would think if she persists in this way she needs tolbe not sentcomment for psychiatric

Johnstone in her absence to September 22, when her psychiatric assessment is to be handed wts toltheremanded court. Free Daily N~wsletter - Sul:ts_CIill~tJ~JLV!l

mhtml:file://F:1My Info Office\Act'm Ref & Research\Act'm Media Art's\Woman defi ... 2009/06/05

• by invitl"ition

It's lall downhill from here Social activis Lara Johnstone is a woman on a mission - to alert all and sundry, and particularly governmentTlrnisters and other people of influence, that the era of abundant fossil fuel is coming to an end. W th the growing interest in biofuels, and the acute implications of the energy crunch for agricultul ::,her message may have special relevance for farmers.


~Q'.' ' the p IN 19 '." ...•••. 'i corre ..'.'.'. a Shel production pea 'Peak oil' refer production. An

ak oil concept, and , Mpredicted KING HUBBERT, Iy the US geologist, invented fthe early 1970s. to the peak in global oil I field's production inevi-

commonly referred to as the Hirsch Report . It warned of dramatic price volatility, saying that 'without timely mitigation, the economic, social, and political costs will be unprecedented', and that 'viable mitigation options exist on both the supply and demand sides, but to have substantial

tably and irrever ibly declines once about half the oil in th eld has been extracted.

impact, they must be initiated more than a decade in advance of peaking'. Recently,

Peak oil refers to he global phenomenon. Worldwide,S f the 65 largest oil-

it priced such mitigation

at a minimum


producing coun ies in the world have passed their pea and are now in decline.

$20 trillion of investment - prior to peak. Studies on net energy (also referred to as the energy returned on energy invested

According to Ma thew Simmons, CEO of the world's large t energy investment

ratio) are crucial, and help us to evaluate whether, all factors considered, a par-

bank, a large am that crude oil pr December 2005, decline, and not continues for an

unt of data indicates duction peaked in ith subsequent s 'if that trend ther 12

months, it will b fairly easy for people that ant to be realists to say w actually peaked atthe en of 2005'. After the peak every barrel is more difficult d expensive to produce, but

ecause of

increased popul tion and economic growt , demand continues to inc ase, which creates a growin


between supply

nd demand,

further spiking t e price. Declining oil oduction will have massivl



the way we live. In early 2005, th US Department of Energy commissioned a risk mitigation studytm peak oil: Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation and Risk Managemen"


1 December


ticular energy source provides more energy than it takes to produce it. Current net energy study results report that no combination of alternative energies can sustain current consumption in the absence of massive investment, as aforementioned.

to putting produced corn in your petrol tank. There are no substitutes for eating: The failure of our governmental


corporate officials to recognise that the magnitude of the crisis on transportation, food production, medicine, water distribution

and our economic paradigm,

all hugely dependent on cheap oil for their survival, requires immediate implementation of massive energy-descent mitigation strategies, informs us that the only remaining option is preparation on the personal, family, and community level. Consequently

I propose two possible

small-scale mitigation strategies: • Some precious beliefs are fatally threatened: our fantasy of eternal economic growth and its financial paradigm; our throwaway lifestyle; our ideas that our societal rules are more important than are the rules of nature; our definitions of - ourselves as a 'successful industrial society' of consumers, owners, and so on; our industrial form of agriculture. We need to create a new world in our minds, based on the ideas of solar

Tom Whipple, a

energy, permaculture

respected peak oil

of everything, where landfills become extinct, where every discarded mate-



the economic growth fanatics - who ignore the question as to how we are going to feed ourselves in an energy-scarce world, let alone industrially produce biofuels - that 'there are acceptable alternatives

and total re-use

rial is an input to another productive process - the way the planet does it. • Implementation of our power-down, energy-descent, relocalised world could look something like this: the creation of local cooperatives, for example biodiesel, building, housing, solar and wind energy utilities and urban permaculture gardens; new local renewable energy initiatives; new financial paradigms (local community currencies); and population reduction. Bluntly: prepare your community for a world with no food distribution, no electricity, an economic depression and financial meltdown - and lots of hungry people. atgreean@telkomsa.net, visit http://groups.yahoo .. • Contact Lara Johnstone com/group/PeakOiCRSA.


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reviated version of the text below was published in the New Abolitionist Journal of New Abolitionism, Race Traitor, under the heading, 'Timothy McVeigh and Me']

"I Vvias,and still am, a co-conspirator Bombing. "

in the OkLahoma City

By Lara Braveheart. April/May


still am, a co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City Bombing." My life as co-conspirator in bombings, murder and starvation, started when I was young. All it cost was my money, my vote, and my silence. I never did any of my killing myself, someone lse was always kind enough to do it for me. Why did I want others killed? 1was either afr id of them (they're brown, black, white, rich, poor, slanty-eyed, have different religions an I do, or some political 'ism' different than mine), or more often, they threatene my financial security (or so 1was told!). I was afra ourselves someone and my 0

d of them, so I, and many others, would dehumanize(hate) them, and then think etter than them, and very quickly we would have no qualms about getting lse, or our government, to silence them forever. Rather than understand myself n fear, 1sold my soul, my vote and my voice, for thirty pieces of silver.

My first t pieces of silver, vote and silence went to the South African Apartheid Governm t. In exchan e for the privileges of good schools, universities, shopping malls, jobs, careers, servants d good food for my 'white face', 1paid my taxes, voted and was silent as thousands of blacks were tortured, imprisoned and murdered, because they simply wanted to live th 'r lives freely and be treated as humane. My secon ten pieces of silver, vote and silence went to corporations in the name of mass productio and massconsumption. I worked like a robot on steroids. I conformed like a sheep. 1 s polite, nice and thought that the aim of my life was a good job, nice house, and 2.2 ki s. I did what 1was told. I drank beer to numb my questions, slept with strangers to numb y heart's longings, and bought toys to entertain my brainwashed mind. I watched as motor ompanies bought up public transit systemsand annihilated them. I watched as mining co panies raped the earth. I watched as pharmaceutical companies poured toxics down our ·vers. I watched as oil companies supported the murder of indigenous peoples. I watched s arms manufacturers made billions, subsidized by my taxes, selling landmines, guns and cket launchers to dictators around the world. I watched as the CIAsupported SaddamH ssein with my tax money, my vote and my silence. I watched mother earth get a hole in he ozone layer, her rivers turn toxic, her fish die, and her indigenous people's get slaughter because they still lived in harmony with nature. 1had lost all harmony with my nature. I d become a silent killing machine. I was eating my own fear of what I had become, 1 as so disgusted with myself and still I sat silent! My hands ere dripping with blood from the wound of my soul and I was unaware of my pain.

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