09-06-06: TRC Fraud Complaint to Nobel Committee:

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State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

06 June 2009 The Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee: Thorbjørn Jagland (Chair); Kaci Kullmann Five (Deputy Chair) Sissel Marie Rønbeck; Inger-Marie Ytterhorn; & Ågot Valle (Members) Henrik Ibsens Gate 51, No-0255 Oslo, Norway Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 22 12 93 10 Email: postmaster@nobel.no & library@nobel.no Honourable Transparency CC:

Honourable Transparency CC: Honourable Transparency CC:

H.E. Mr. Tor Christian Hildan Royal Norwegian Embassy in South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 342 6100 | Fax: +27 (12) 342 6099 Email: emb.pretoria@mfa.no Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, c/o Ask Prime Minister [Ref] Adm. Mike Mullen, Joint Chiefs of Staff; [Ref] c/o CSS Chief: Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander: NSA National Information Assurance Svc. Ctr: NIASC@nsa.gov

Dear Norwegian Nobel Committee,

Notice of Legal and Political Request to: (I)

Withdraw Nobel Peace Prize’s from Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for (a) Intellectual Dishonesty & Hypocrisy; (b) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (c) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal; and


Accept Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for Dr. Albert Bartlett; Dr. Garret James Harden, and Dr. M. King Hubbert, for Intellectually Honest and Politically Honourable Ecologically Sustainable, Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice Advocacy.

Please Take Notice of Request for the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s: 1. Official Forwarding of: Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations of plausible ‘TRC’ Fraud and Betrayal, to ‘TRC-RSA’ Peace Prize Recipients: (I) Former South African Presidents: (i) Nelson Mandela and (ii) F.W. de Klerk; and (II) Archbishop Desmond Tutu. 2. Serious Sincere Enquiry into the allegations of plausible ‘TRC’ Fraud and Betrayal, by ‘TRCRSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, that: (i) South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; (ii) Proudly South African/‘TRC-RSA’ are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, Transparency and Forgiveness; and (iii) If not, whether the TRC-RSA ‘social contract’ is null and void, as a result of ‘TRC’ fraud and betrayal. 3. In the event of your enquiry concluding that sufficient beyond reasonable doubt evidence exists for the aforementioned allegations; to:

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

a. Withdraw the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Nominations, from the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Hypocrits, Moral, Political and Religious Prostitutes and Fraudulent Betrayers; for these reasons -- as stated. 4. Please accept my nomination of the following indivduals: --- who, unlike your prior choices of three Intellectual Hypocrits and Moral Prostitutes, are -- in my opinion – Sincere and Committed Ecological Sustainable Candidates, and whose Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice work, honourably qualifies for those principles in accordance with their integrity adherance to the Laws of Sustainability; ---- (a) Dr. Albert Bartlett (Arithmetic, Population and Energy/The Essential Exponential: For the Future of Our Planet!) , (b) Garret Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons/Garret Hardin Society) and (c) M. King Hubbert (Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/Steady State Economy, etc.). 5. Official Archival of this documentation in the Nobel Institute Archive Library. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria Encl: 

Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peaace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of: (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Mora, Political and Religious Prostitution, and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal.

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

06 June 2009 TO: ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients: c/o & via:


Former ‘TRC-RSA’ President Nelson Mandela Former ‘TRC-RSA’ President F.W. de Klerk Archbishop Desmond Tutu

The Norwegian Nobel Committee: The Nobel Institute, Henrik Ibsens Gate 51 No-0255 Oslo, Norway Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 22 12 93 10 Email: postmaster@nobel.no & library@nobel.no

Die SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns: Prof. Jacques van der Elst, Dir. (jvde@akademie.co.za) Jack Miller, Leader of The Cape Party (jack@capeparty.com) Tony Leon, Former Leader of the Democratic Alliance (tonyleonblog.blogspot.com) Evita Bezuidenhout, Evita’s People’s Party (evita@evita.co.za)

Dear ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients,

RE: Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRCRSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal. Please Take Notice that: 1. I hereby accuse you of: (i) Human Rights Advocacy Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Proudly South Africa/’TRC-RSA’ Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal [Honourable Transparency RSA Media Enquiry]. 2. My allegations are based upon my observations of your conduct, since 1994; and the working assumption conclusions I have reached are that, it appears highly plausible that: a. The TRC was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; b. White Guilt and Black Denial Politically Correct Proudly South Africa/TRC-RSA South Africans, & their Poverty Pimp dog-and-pony-TRC-show of pretend ‘Pimping Fake Reconciliation’ leaders (yourselves), are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, most definitely not to Transparency, and undoubtedly not to unequivocal emotional & psychologically sincere Forgiveness; and c. If (a) and (b) are proven beyond reasonable doubt to be legally true; then the TRCRSA ‘social contract’ is null and void, as a result of your fraud and betrayal! 3. In accordance with your Constitutional Rights in terms of § 32 and § 33 (Just Administrative Action; and Access to Information); please find herewith the information that I base my accusations upon; for your – hopefully serious – consideration, and response.

§ 32 and § 33 (Just Administrative Action; and Access to Information):

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

My allegations are founded upon (I) Principles of Ecological and Socio-Economic Sustainability, without which sustainable Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice are IMPOSSIBLE; and (II) examples of what I alleged to be ‘Proudly South African/’TRC-RSA’ intellectual dishonesty; Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution and Hypocrisy conduct – or deliberate conscious indifference – to truthfully, transparently and with a committed focus on sincere (fake forgiveness is just that: FAKE, DISHONEST, FRAUD) forgiveness address the fundamental ecological carrying capacity requirements required for sincere committed advocacy for Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice issues.

ONE: Your Intentional, Deliberate and perhaps Malicious Avoidance of Sincere Honourable Truthfully Transparent Advocacy for Ecologically Sustainable Principles of Sustainable Human Rights, Peace & Social Justice: 1. To advocate for human rights, peace, and social justice while ignoring their necessary ecological basis --— a stable human population – at, or slightly less than – the eco-systems long term carrying capacity --- is intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy. 2. International or National Humanitarian Awards Organisations whose ‘Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice’ Awards, do not require the Award recipients to advocate for human rights, peace or social justice, by advocating for their necessary ecological stable human populaton basis; are (i) rewarding -- and accordingly encouraging – Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; and (ii) if consciously intentionally doing so, committing ‘Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice’ FRAUD, and accordingly intentionally and maliciously BETRAYING the fundamental principles of Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice. 3. Sustainable Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice Advocacy must be in accordance with the Laws of Sustainability: Population Policy Common Sense: Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice: Exponential Functions & The Laws of Sustainability. 4. Put differently: crime, unemployment, poverty, racism, food shortages, inflation, local, national and international resource wars, species extinction, energy and resource depletion, etc – these are not the problem; they are only the symptoms. The singular root problem that causes all these braintumour symptoms, is overpopulation, colliding with scarce or finite resources. The logical Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice solution that will significantly reduce these braintumour symptoms, being to simply reduce the population of humans on the planet, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, to an ecologically socio-economic sustainable number, via voluntary humanitarian methods. Your TRC-RSA Truth (sic), Transparency (sic) and Reconciliation (sic) ‘leadership’ (sic) conduct has avoided – like the plague – any efforts towards raising awareness, public discussion, truth telling, and transparent public discusion of addressing the fundamental ecological requirements that enable sustainable Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice in communities, nations or internationally. 5. An example of Honesty and Transparency in Politics, by someone who practices what he preaches, namely, Honesty and Transparency in Politics, with a focus on Forgiveness. To this man, my former employer, and current friend; honesty and transparency in politics is more important, namely a higher priority, in terms of his honest, transparent relationship with any possible voter. He refuses to pretend to be and represent something that he is not. He refuses to be less than honest, or less than totally transparent, so as to avoid offending anyone who may possible wish to vote for him. He refuses to get anyone’s vote, by pretending to represent something that he is not, namely by intentional and deliberate fraud and deception. He simply refuses, as a matter of honour and integrity to lie to anyone, to get their vote! He would rather

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com tell them the truth, and practice Honesty and Transparency in Politics, and offend them; and lose their vote; than lie to them, and avoid offending them, to intentionally and fraudulently deceive them, to get their vote. “I [Brad Blanton] was just on a national TV show in Sweden with the Prime Minister of Sweden and some actors and a comedian and a talk show host. The show was an hour long discussion of honesty, including honesty in politics. One of the things I said to the PM was that if you had lived a relatively uneventful, unadventurous and fairly uninteresting life, it should be easy to be honest, because no one would be offended. So, compared to me, I told him, he should have an easy time of it. (This was after the host had asked if I admitted using illegal drugs when I ran for congress and I answered yes and elaborated on that and various other socially tabooed topics, and explained that one reason I got only 25% of the vote may not have been because I was honest, but the offensiveness to some people of what I had been honest about). As you see, there is no way to account for people's reactivity to image and behavior. I think we just have to wade in and keep sharing and let the chips fall where they may and clean up the chips later.” -- Brad Blanton, Practicing Radical Honesty [www.radicalhonesty.com]

TWO: Your ‘Proudly South African/’TRC-RSA’ Iintellectual Dishonesty, Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution and Hypocritical conduct; violating not only Honourable Advocacy for Human Rights, Peace & Social Justice Principles; but additionally; fundamental principles of Honesty, Truth Telling, Transparency and a Sincere Commitment to Forgiveness, includes, among many others: 1. Conscious Deliberate Avoidance of Publicly, Truthfully, Transparently and with a focus on Reconciliation, addressing the fundamental root cause -– population policy common sense. Put differently Population Policy Common Sense iimplies that overpopulation colliding with scarce resources is the root caus of socio-economic problems ranging from crime, poverty, and unemployment; to Food Shortages and Inflationary Food and Energy costs, Political Instablity and Loss of Freedoms, Conformist Politically Correct Fascism Trends, Vanishing Species, Garbage, Pollution, etc…. a. Please be so kind as to inform me, of any efforts you have made to use your ‘TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize’ stature, to Publicly, Truthfully, Transparently and with a focus on Reconciliation, educate and raise awareness of -- population policy common sense – that South Africa’s socio-economic problems ranging from crime, poverty, unemployment; to Food Shortages and Inflationary Food and Energy costs, Political Instablity and Loss of Freedoms, Conformist Politically Correct Fascism Trends, Vanishing Species, Garbage, Pollution, etc; are a DIRECT RESULT OF OVERPOPULATION COLLIDING WITH SCARCE AND DEPLETING RESOURCES. b. Provide me with examples of where you had honest, truthful and publicly transparent conversations encouraging: i. a humanitarian voluntary zero population growth policy for South Africa and Africa; ii. public discussion of small and loving families, where children are conceived responsibly, only after parents have made commitments to one another;

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com iii. your devoted fanclubs, to confront the reality of their Patriarchal Afrikan slave and cannon fodder procreation cultural addictions, of breeding children as economic and sex slaves, and cannon fodder.

2. Eugene de Kock & the Truth & Reconciliation Fraud and Betrayal: A SADF soldier, named Eugene de Kock – the most honest man in Africa, in my personal opinion – is in prison for 212 years, for telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about his POLITICALLY MOTIVATED CRIMINAL ACTS during apartheid; to the ‘Truth (sic) and Reconciliation’ (sic) Commission; while his political superior, runs around the world with a Nobel Peace Prize Medal, and -- it appears -- a morally bankrupt conscience!

3. HC-CPD Appeal A696-04 & Opportunity for ToughLove Shock Doctrine Truth & Forgiveness: Suffice to say: Documentation within, and related to HC-CPD Appeal A696-04 substantially documents, among others, that you were repeatedly informed: a. That numerous individuals; such as a former Officer in the Bureau of State Security, a former SADF Officer Assassin, and an Apartheid Prime Minister SAP Body Guard, alleged AIDS was of Iatrogenic origin, and were willing to testify to this fact, with a focus on providing the reasons for its creation, as education on the importance of Population Policy Common Sense Issues for those ignorant of such issues [07-07-07: HC-CPD Appeal A 69604 Transfer to US Navy JAG, effective noon 18 July 2007)] b. Of United States Government evidentiary documentation for the Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS, as a biological warfare Immune Destroying Depopulation Virus; created as a result of (a) a serious concern for the ecological, socio-political and humanitarian consequences that occur as a result of overpopulation colliding with scarce resources; (b) subsequent to their efforts to address the aforementioned issues via frank education and zero growth stabilization population policies suggestions at United Populations Conferences, such as Bucharest, were denounced by Third World African leaders as ‘racist’; and (iii) the opportunity that certain individuals within the President George W. Bush Administration, supported the truth about AIDS Iatrogenic origins to be revealed, as a Tough Love Shock Doctrine Educational Opportunity for the Third Worlds Poor, in the spirit of supporting real Sincere and Committed ‘Truth Telling, Transparency and Public Resolution of Popultion Policy Problems via a Commitment to Education and Forgiveness [Notice of Legal & Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003]. c. Your response to (a) and (b) being diametrically opposed to the conduct of imbecile allegedly committed to ‘Truth Telling’, ‘Transparency’ and ‘Forgiveness’… let alone world renowned Nobel Peace Prize Recipients pretending to stand for ‘Truth Telling’ ‘Transparency’ and ‘Forgiveness’; not to mention anyone also allegedly committed to ‘Human Rights’, ‘Peace’ or ‘Social Justice’. d. Furthermore, your ‘intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy and prostitution’ conduct, was not the result of unconscious negligence; but in fact, the consciously malicious conduct of premeditated and deliberate intentional ‘Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy’. Accordingly it is not rocket science to understand why many who observe your deliberate intentional ‘Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy’, hiding behind Perception Management ‘Human Rights’ Propaganda; concludes that your actions are nothing short of ‘malicious and

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com intentional fraud and betrayal’ of not only the principles you pretend to uphold; but those you betrayed with your intellectual dishonesty and hypocritical ‘leadership’.

4. White Afrikaner Genocide: Farm Murders & Torture motivated by Ethnic Hate & Vengeance. Put differently, while ‘TRC-RSA’ leaders pretend that ‘TRC’ sincerely exists in South Africa; they ignore any evidence that their TRC was fake, not real, and insincere, and – in fact – made things worse. The conduct of those who murder and torture, based purely on racial hate, and the total lack of any official enquiry into the failure of ‘TRC’ for significant portions of South African Society; does not appear to be a priority for TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize leaders (sic). Furthermore the Unfathomable Silence from ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, and your fundamental lack of interest to publicly confront this reality and deal with it; with a commitment to your alleged ‘Social Justice’ goals; creates the distinct perception that as far as you are concerned ‘White Afrikaners’ are not even worthy of your Hypocritical Two-Faced Intellectual Hypocrisy ‘Social Justice’ and ‘Human Rights’ efforts’. Since, 1994, over 3,000 White Afrikaner Farmers have been murdered, many of them tortured, their wives and daughters raped, infront of them; and often the perpetrators stole absolutely nothing. For example: a. In 2003 SA Investigative Journalist Susan Puren – CNN’s African journalist of the year – published a warning by the world’s top genocide expert, Dr. Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch, that the Afrikaner/Boer white ethnic-minority in South Africa were in great danger of a ‘silent genocide,’ which had already begun. Since that warning was issued, an additional 1,800 + rural Afrikaners were slaughtered. b. Two defenceless women were beaten, humiliated, raped and finally tortured by two young black men, whose ‘TRC-RSA’ motivations included: cutting the women to pieces with knives and broken bottles, while still alive; forcing glass shareds up their vagina’s and cutting one of the women’s breasts off, after which it was used to paint bloody anti-White slogans on the walls. [Die Volksblad] c. In June 2004; the South African government was provided with a report detailing how its current penological (prison) policies were DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY CAUSING CRIME AND FOSTERING HATE FOR WHITE MINORITIES. [04-06-11: An Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy: Fraudulent ‘Rehabilitation’ Boomerang: Correctional Services Prison Policies As a Major Intentional Source of New South Africa’s ‘Kaffirs’ AKA ‘Criminals’]. The only Politician concerned about the report, was Tony Leon, and the DA. d. Please herewith consider yourself informed of the Elimination of Your Plausible Deniability to: Proudly South African/TRC-RSA Afrikaner Genocide Report, which includes Adriana Stuijt’s Censorbug Bear Blog Reports: (i) Alphabetical Listing of Farm Murderz: A – Z; (ii) 2008 Farm Murders in South Africa: Brief Summaries; and (iii) Genocide Watch 2002 Report on Boer Farm Murders.

5. Consequence of Afrikan Patriarchal Hateful Procreation of thousands and thousands of hated, unloved and unwanted Slave and Cannon Fodder Bred Children for Child Prostitution, Sexual Slavery and Rape: a. One child is raped in South Africa every three minutes, a report by (White) trade union Solidarity said. A report compiled by Solidarity Helping Hand said while there are about 60 cases of child rape in South Africa every day, more than 88% of child rapes are never reported. “This means that about 530 child rapes take place every day - one rape every

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com three minutes,” said spokeswoman Mariana Kriel. [One Child Raped Every Three Minutes, News 24] b. There are about 10 000 child prostitutes in Johannesburg alone, a group concerned with child abuse said on Wednesday. Bloemfontein, meanwhile, is one of the biggest focal points of syndicates as far as trafficking in children for sex and drug trading are concerned. A founding member of Sapsac, a body investigating child abuse, Retha Meintjes, who is also the deputy director of public prosecution, says … the situation in Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth are “equally grave”. According to Sapsac, girls in South Africa are sold for between R2 500 and R12 000. [10 000 child prostitutes in Jhb alone, News 24]

6. 18 July 2006_PeakOilRSA Briefing Paper: Is Gross Mismanagement of the Nation’s Energy Policy an Impeachable Offense?; delivered to your offices; c/o & via: The Office of -- then Leader of the Opposition, -- Mr. Tony Leon. The 18 July 2006__PeakOil_RSA__BriefingPaper, documents among others: o o o o

o o o


Introduction: Limits to Growth I. What is Peak Oil? II. Who Knows What About Peak Oil? III. How Serious is the Threat of Peak Oil?  Peak Oil: Food Production and Population Issues  Peak Oil: Medicine, Water and National Defense  Peak Oil: Financial/Banking System  Conclusions: What Does All of This Mean? IV. What about Alternative Sources of Energy? V. Who is Serious About the Threat of Peak Oil? VI. What should the people of South Africa, be doing about Peak Oil?  Oil Depletion Protocol  a. Limit Population  b. Implement an Urgent New Deal Plan to Develop Alternative Energies  c. Reinvent the Way Money Works  d. Save Energy  e. Foster Local Communities  f. Get out of Debt  g. Educate and Raise Awareness: Talk About the Issue VII. Why are so many people who have heard of Peak Oil, in denial?

It is as a result of your aforementioned conduct; that I have lodged this complaint with the Nobel Institute: Nobel Peace Prize Committee; to request their:

A. Serious Sincere Enquiry into the allegations of plausible ‘TRC’ Fraud and Betrayal, by ‘TRCRSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, that: (i) South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; (ii) Proudly South African/‘TRC-RSA’ are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, Transparency and

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

Forgiveness; and (iii) If not, whether the TRC-RSA ‘social contract’ is null and void, as a result of ‘TRC’ fraud and betrayal. B. In the event of the Nobel Institute: Nobel Peace Prize Committee’s enquiry concluding that sufficient beyond reasonable doubt evidence exists for the aforementioned allegations; to: a. Withdraw the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Nominations, from yourselves, as Nobel Peace Prize Hypocrits, Moral Prostitutes and Fraudulent Betrayers; for these reasons -- as stated. C. Please accept my nomination of the following individuals: --- who, unlike the Nobel Institute’s prior ‘TRC’ choices of three Intellectual Hypocrits and Prostitutes, are -- in my opinion – Sincere and Committed Ecological Sustainable Candidates, and whose Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice work, honourably qualifies for those principles in accordance with their integrity adherance to the Laws of Sustainability; ---- (a) Dr. Albert Bartlett (Arithmetic, Population and Energy/The Essential Exponential: For the Future of Our Planet!) , (b) Garret Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons/Garret Hardin Society) and (c) M. King Hubbert (Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/Steady State Economy, etc.). Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone ‘SQ Worm Sosiety (sqworms.co.nr) Cape Republic of Good Hope (whatisyourrrintelligence.blogspot.com) [Д♠] Impact :: [Д♠] Sex & War (in-gods-name.blogspot.com)

Encl:       

Honourable Transparency RSA Media Enquiry Population Policy Common Sense: Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice: Exponential Functions & The Laws of Sustainability 07-07-07: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 Transfer to US Navy JAG, effective noon 18 July 2007 Notice of Legal & Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003 04-06-11: An Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy: Fraudulent ‘Rehabilitation’ Boomerang: Correctional Services Prison Policies As a Major Intentional Source of New South Africa’s ‘Kaffirs’ AKA ‘Criminals’ Proudly South African/TRC-RSA Afrikaner Genocide Report: Censorbug Bear Blog Reports: (i) Alphabetical Listing of Farm Murderz: A – Z; (ii) 2008 Farm Murders in South Africa: Brief Summaries; and (iii) Genocide Watch 2002 Report on Boer Farm Murders 18 July 2006: PeakOilRSA Briefing Paper: Is Gross Mismanagement of the Nation’s Energy Policy an Impeachable Offense?

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

Email Letters to Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee

Notice of Legal and Political Request (I)

Withdraw Nobel Peace Prize’s from Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu; (II) Accept Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for Dr. Albert Bartlett; Dr. Garret James Harden, and Dr. M. King Hubbert Verbatim Text of Email Delivery Receipts of Email Read Receipts of Email

Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:... 'Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal.

Verbatim Text of Email Delivery Receipts of Email Read Receipts of Email

Text of Email Letter to Nobel Institute: From: Lara Johnstone [JMCSwan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Mon 2009/06/08 03:21 To: 'postmaster@nobel.no'; 'library@nobel.no' CC: 'NIASC@nsa.gov'; 'emb.pretoria@mfa.no' Subject: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee: Notice of Legal and Political Request 06 June 2009 The Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee: Thorbjørn Jagland (Chair); Kaci Kullmann Five (Deputy Chair) Sissel Marie Rønbeck; Inger-Marie Ytterhorn; & Ågot Valle (Members) Henrik Ibsens Gate 51, No-0255 Oslo, Norway Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 22 12 93 10 Email: postmaster@nobel.no & library@nobel.no Honourable Transparency CC:

Honourable Transparency CC: Honourable Transparency CC:

H.E. Mr. Tor Christian Hildan Royal Norwegian Embassy in South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 342 6100 | Fax: +27 (12) 342 6099 Email: emb.pretoria@mfa.no Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, c/o Ask Prime Minister [Ref] Adm. Mike Mullen, Joint Chiefs of Staff; [Ref] c/o CSS Chief: Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander: NSA National Information Assurance Svc. Ctr: NIASC@nsa.gov

Dear Norwegian Nobel Committee,

Notice of Legal and Political Request to: (I)

Withdraw Nobel Peace Prize’s from Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for (a) Intellectual Dishonesty & Hypocrisy; (b) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (c) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal; and


Accept Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for Dr. Albert Bartlett; Dr. Garret James Harden, and Dr. M. King Hubbert, for Intellectually Honest and Politically Honourable Ecologically Sustainable, Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice Advocacy.

Please Take Notice of Request for the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s:

1. Official Forwarding of: Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery:

Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal, to ‘TRC-RSA’ Peace Prize Recipients: (I) Former South African Presidents: (i) Nelson Mandela and (ii) F.W. de Klerk; and (II) Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

2. Serious Sincere Enquiry into the allegations of plausible ‘TRC’ Fraud and Betrayal, by ‘TRC-

RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, that: (i) South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; (ii) Proudly South African/‘TRC-RSA’ are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, Transparency and Forgiveness; and (iii) If not, whether the TRC-RSA ‘social contract’ is null and void, as a result of ‘TRC’ fraud and betrayal.

3. In the event of your enquiry concluding that sufficient beyond reasonable doubt evidence exists for the aforementioned allegations; to:

a. Withdraw the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Nominations, from the

aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Hypocrits, Moral, Political and Religious Prostitutes and Fraudulent Betrayers; for these reasons -- as stated.

4. Please accept my nomination of the following indivduals: --- who, unlike your prior choices of three Intellectual Hypocrits and Moral Prostitutes, are -- in my opinion – Sincere and Committed Ecological Sustainable Candidates, and whose Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice work, honourably qualifies for those principles in accordance with their integrity adherance to the Laws of Sustainability; ---- (a) Dr. Albert Bartlett (Arithmetic, Population and Energy/The Essential Exponential: For the Future of Our Planet!) , (b) Garret Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons/Garret Hardin Society) and (c) M. King Hubbert (Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/Steady State Economy, etc.).

5. Official Archival of this documentation in the Nobel Institute Archive Library. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria Encl: 

Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peaace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of: (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution, and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal.

Email Delivery Receipts: General: From: Mail Delivery System [MAILER-DAEMON@ctb-mesg-1-3.saix.net] To: JMCSwan@mweb.co.za Subject: Successful Mail Delivery Report Attachment: details.txt (1KB); Message Headers.txt (1KB)

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Email Delivery Receipt: Royal Norwegian Embassy From: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Pretoria [emb.pretoria@mfa.no] To: Lara Johnstone Sent: Mon 2009/06/08 09:10 Subject: Read: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee: Notice of Legal and Political Request Your message was read on Monday, June 08, 2009 9:09:57 AM (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague.

Text of Email to Nobel Institute…. ‘Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients’ From: Lara Johnstone [JMCSwan@mweb.co.za] To: 'postmaster@nobel.no'; 'library@nobel.no' CC: 'jvde@akademie.co.za'; 'Jack Miller'; 'evita@evita.co.za'; 'INFO@TONYLEON.COM' Subject: FW: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:... 'Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Sent: Mon 2009/06/08 03:30 -----Original Message----From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:JMCSwan@mweb.co.za] On Behalf Of jmcswan@mweb.co.za Sent: 08 June 2009 03:21 To: 'postmaster@nobel.no'; 'library@nobel.no' Cc: 'NIASC@nsa.gov'; 'emb.pretoria@mfa.no' Subject: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee: Notice of Legal and Political Request

06 June 2009 The Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee: Thorbjørn Jagland (Chair); Kaci Kullmann Five (Deputy Chair) Sissel Marie Rønbeck; Inger-Marie Ytterhorn; & Ågot Valle (Members) Henrik Ibsens Gate 51, No-0255 Oslo, Norway Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 22 12 93 10 Email: postmaster@nobel.no & library@nobel.no Honourable Transparency CC:

Honourable Transparency CC: Honourable Transparency CC:

H.E. Mr. Tor Christian Hildan Royal Norwegian Embassy in South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 342 6100 | Fax: +27 (12) 342 6099 Email: emb.pretoria@mfa.no Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, c/o Ask Prime Minister [Ref] Adm. Mike Mullen, Joint Chiefs of Staff; [Ref] c/o CSS Chief: Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander: NSA National Information Assurance Svc. Ctr: NIASC@nsa.gov

Dear Norwegian Nobel Committee,

Notice of Legal and Political Request to:


Withdraw Nobel Peace Prize’s from Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for (a) Intellectual Dishonesty & Hypocrisy; (b) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (c) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal; and


Accept Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for Dr. Albert Bartlett; Dr. Garret James Harden, and Dr. M. King Hubbert, for Intellectually Honest and Politically Honourable Ecologically Sustainable, Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice Advocacy.

Please Take Notice of Request for the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s:

1. Official Forwarding of: Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery:

Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal, to ‘TRC-RSA’ Peace Prize Recipients: (I) Former South African Presidents: (i) Nelson Mandela and (ii) F.W. de Klerk; and (II) Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

2. Serious Sincere Enquiry into the allegations of plausible ‘TRC’ Fraud and Betrayal, by ‘TRC-

RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, that: (i) South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; (ii) Proudly South African/‘TRC-RSA’ are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, Transparency and Forgiveness; and (iii) If not, whether the TRC-RSA ‘social contract’ is null and void, as a result of ‘TRC’ fraud and betrayal.

3. In the event of your enquiry concluding that sufficient beyond reasonable doubt evidence exists for the aforementioned allegations; to:

a. Withdraw the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Nominations, from the

aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Hypocrits, Moral, Political and Religious Prostitutes and Fraudulent Betrayers; for these reasons -- as stated.

4. Please accept my nomination of the following indivduals: --- who, unlike your prior choices of three Intellectual Hypocrits and Moral Prostitutes, are -- in my opinion – Sincere and Committed Ecological Sustainable Candidates, and whose Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice work, honourably qualifies for those principles in accordance with their integrity adherance to the Laws of Sustainability; ---- (a) Dr. Albert Bartlett (Arithmetic, Population and Energy/The Essential Exponential: For the Future of Our Planet!) , (b) Garret Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons/Garret Hardin Society) and (c) M. King Hubbert (Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/Steady State Economy, etc.).

5. Official Archival of this documentation in the Nobel Institute Archive Library. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone State v. Johnstone: Crimen Inuria Encl: 

Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peaace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of: (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution, and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal.

======================================================================= 06 June 2009 TO: ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients: c/o & via:


Former ‘TRC-RSA’ President Nelson Mandela Former ‘TRC-RSA’ President F.W. de Klerk Archbishop Desmond Tutu

The Norwegian Nobel Committee: The Nobel Institute, Henrik Ibsens Gate 51 No-0255 Oslo, Norway Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 22 12 93 10 Email: postmaster@nobel.no & library@nobel.no

Die SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns: Prof. Jacques van der Elst, Dir. (jvde@akademie.co.za) Jack Miller, Leader of The Cape Party (jack@capeparty.com) Tony Leon, Former Leader of the Democratic Alliance (tonyleonblog.blogspot.com) Evita Bezuidenhout, Evita’s People’s Party (evita@evita.co.za)

Dear ‘TRC-RSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients,

RE: Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of ‘TRCRSA’ Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal. Please Take Notice that: 1. I hereby accuse you of: (i) Human Rights Advocacy Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Proudly South Africa/’TRC-RSA’ Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) ‘TRC-RSA’ Fraud and Betrayal [Honourable Transparency RSA Media Enquiry]. 2. My allegations are based upon my observations of your conduct, since 1994; and the working assumption conclusions I have reached are that, it appears highly plausible that: a. The TRC was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; b. White Guilt and Black Denial Politically Correct Proudly South Africa/TRC-RSA South Africans, & their Poverty Pimp dog-and-pony-TRC-show of pretend ‘Pimping Fake Reconciliation’ leaders (yourselves), are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, most definitely not to Transparency, and undoubtedly not to unequivocal emotional & psychologically sincere Forgiveness; and c. If (a) and (b) are proven beyond reasonable doubt to be legally true; then the TRC-RSA ‘social contract’ is null and void, as a result of your fraud and betrayal! 3. In accordance with your Constitutional Rights in terms of § 32 and § 33 (Just Administrative Action; and Access to Information); please find herewith the information that I base my accusations upon; for your – hopefully serious – consideration, and response.

§ 32 and § 33 (Just Administrative Action; and Access to Information): My allegations are founded upon (I) Principles of Ecological and Socio-Economic Sustainability, without which sustainable Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice are IMPOSSIBLE; and (II) examples of what I alleged to be ‘Proudly South African/’TRC-RSA’ intellectual dishonesty; Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution and Hypocrisy conduct – or deliberate conscious indifference – to truthfully, transparently and with a committed focus on sincere (fake forgiveness is just that: FAKE, DISHONEST, FRAUD) forgiveness address the fundamental ecological carrying capacity requirements required for sincere committed advocacy for Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice issues.

Full Copy of Letters (HTML & PDF) at: http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/06/nobel-institutenorwegian-nobel.html

Read Receipt from Tony Leon, Former Leader of the DA: From: Tony Leon [info@tonyleon.com] To: Lara Johnstone Sent: Mon 2009/06/08 16:20 Subject: Read: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:... 'Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Your message To: postmaster@nobel.no; library@nobel.no Cc: jvde@akademie.co.za; 'Jack Miller'; evita@evita.co.za; INFO@TONYLEON.COM Subject: FW: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:... 'Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Sent: 06/08/2009 3:29 AM

was read on 06/08/2009 4:19 PM.

Read Receipt from Professor van der Elst, SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns: From: Prof van der Elst [jvde@akademie.co.za] To: Lara Johnstone Sent: Mon 2009/06/08 07:13 Subject: Read: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:... 'Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Your message To: postmaster@nobel.no; library@nobel.no Cc: jvde@akademie.co.za; 'Jack Miller'; evita@evita.co.za; INFO@TONYLEON.COM Subject: FW: Att: Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:... 'Dear TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Sent: 6/8/2009 3:29 AM

was read on 6/8/2009 7:11 AM.

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