09-06-17: Add Info: Comlaint to Press Ombudsman: SAPA: 19 July 2007

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State v. Johnstone: Charge: Crimen Inuria SAPS: CT: CAS 1340/7/07 SAPS: George: CAS 572/02 HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com Recipient:


Company I

Press Ombudsman: Mr Tholoe

Sent By:

Lara Johnstone

The Press Council of SA



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Date: 20(19/06/17


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044-870 7239

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I Official Complaint to the Press Council of South Africa: The Press Ombudsman

COM Additior1allnformation stated: Compl Reporti Errone Predisp represe

to Complaint Filed on 11 June 2009; as previously

nt Brief Overview: SAP A alleged guilty of: (i) Erroneous g & Refusal to Impartially Enquire into Errors, or Correct its us Reporting; (ii) Reporting & 'Credible News' selection, that is sed to Extreme Bias, and Prejudice; and (iii) fraudulent tation, of "If SAPA knows .. South Africa knows ...."

Lara Johnstone


16 Taaibos Ave, 6529 George, Heatherpark, Tell Fax: (044) 870 7239

I .A \Y:f

~ti 17 June 2009

crimeninuria. blogspot.com in-gods-name. blogspot.com

Ref: Additional


to Complaint Filed on 11 June 2009


2 d Floor, 7 St. Davids's Park St Davids Place, Parktown, 2193 T l: 011 484 3618/2 11 Fax: 011 484 3619 T~eail: Press Council of South Africa: Press Ombudsman E ombudsman庐presscouncil.org.za (Per Fax 8: Email)


RElspondent: Mr. Mark van 782 der 1591; VeldenEmail: news庐sapa.org.za (27) 011 TEll: (27) 011 SAPA:Editor: 782 1600 11 Fax:

(Per Fax



Official Complaint to the Press Council of South Africa: The Press Ombudsman:

Impartially News' selec Complaint representati

nquire into Errors, or Correct its Erroneous Reporting; (ii) Reporting & 'Credible 路on, that is Predisposed to Extreme Bias and Prejudice; and (iii) fraudulent Overview: (i) Erroneous Reporting & Refusal to n, of "If SAPASAPA knowsalleged ... Southguilty Africaof: Knows ... "


Please Take N~tice of: Additional Evidentiary Relevant Documentation: Sourc : AfricanCrisis: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php?ID=44826ftM=W8: Overv ew of Additional Evidentiary Information: Recen (htt : Ombu articl indivi aUega

discussion at African Crisis, by African Crisis readers, discuss Respondents News Article /m broadband.co.za/news/Cellular/698.html), namely the source of this complaint to the sman. Such readers have provided a new 'news' link to Respondents 'old' erroneous news resurrecting it into the news, for all African Crisis news readers. Furthermore such als discussing Respondents News Article, appear to assume, that Respondents NewsArticle ions were correct; and not erroneous, as the Complainant has informed the Respondent.

I imag e, such readers of Respondents News Article, plausibly also assume that if the Respondent had m de an error, then the Respondents Professional Honourable Standards would require them to cor ct the error, and they would have printed such a correction, would be available to the Compl inant. Since no such corrections have been printed, and are accordingly not available to the Co plainant to share with such individuals, it is assumed, that the Complainant must be, either liar, or delusional. Considering the context of the erroneous allegations in the Respo dents news article, one can hardly blame the readers, of the Respondents erroneous report for coming to such conclusions.



Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.

php ?ID=44826&M=W &

News - South Africa: 'I screamed and be!!!!ed to live' uesday I7-Mar-2009

These were 'I mother-in-Ia

e chilling words of a Pretoria mother of three, Edri Myburgh, who along with her

remember!S eyes. I remember cold look, the laugh, therange grin during and then the clickrobbery. of the gun." survived being shotthat in the head at point-blank a botched

attacked in ir Bronkhorstspruit home last month by two men who allegedly tortured the trio for Myburgh, mother-in-law, Anna Myburgh, 55, and domestic worker, Paulina Zithobeni, were hours with 2~her a ot iron.

home, were ested within hours of the attack. They were caught soon after they smashed the Myburgh fi ily's car as they fled along a deserted farm road outside Bronkhorstspruit where they The suspec~s Helton had allegedl shot theMatsimela, two women.27, and Daniel Motshwarateu, 22, a gardener at the Myburgh

Zithobeni, wl}.owas forcedcondition back intointhe car Biko at gunpoint, wasHospital. left paralysed after she was hurt in the crash. She is In a serious Steve Academic

'I remembe being pushe next to the tdee and the men

Speaking about their six-and-a-half-hour ordeal, an emotionally strong Myburgh, whose left side of the face is paralysed by a bullet which shattered her jaw and is now wedged in her skull behind her left ear, said she could clearly recall everything that happened.

"I remember being pushed next to the tree and the men walking towards us and shooting. Mom tried to ask them to phone Dad to say goodbye, but they would ey didn't say anything except the one who laughed and grinned at me. Then he just er my mom turning her head as the man pushed the gun against her head and shot.

walking towtrds us and shoot ng' not let her. shot. I reme That was it.

children and en going strangely calm," she said, describing how a surreal deathly quietness descended ov r her. blood. I screamed and begged to live. I remember crying and telling them I have "I rememberÂŁe

Praying tnd light" over again to survive so that she gunmen could watch her achildren grow Myburgh said she felt aover "whJte surround her as one of the pointed gun at her andup, shot her in the face.


right. I knew the a"When loud bang

was going to survive. I knew it was not going to be my last day on Earth. There was I knewEverything in my heartwas I was not going to die. I knew I was going to be all dwent then off nothing. quiet."

After regaini consciousness as her attackers fled, Myburgh, saw her mother-in-Iaw's body sprawled in a loody heap behind a tree, and she began running. "When I woke up and saw her on the ground I ought she was dead. When I heard the gunshot go off and saw her fall I thought she was gone."

Ripping offh4r T-shirt to stop the bleeding, stumbled, crawled and ran nearly I5km throughJthick bushand to pants a nearby church for help. AMyburgh farmer driving to Bronkhorstspruit for a

Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php?ID=44826&M


doctor's app<t.ntment spotted her and took her to the local hospital, where her mother-in-law is being treated Describing tlle series of events as miracles, Myburgh said she should not be alive. e right ammunition in the gun I would be dead. If I had brought my children with me Iyto go do shopping they would also be dead. If I had not prayed I would be dead.

"The doctorslsay is a miracle weAfrica are alive. meant to have survived," she said, adding that n}any itpeople across that South wereWe notwere so lucky. Describing htr lack of anger towards her attackers, Myburgh said it was because she was alive.

been caught. have forgiven them because if I do not, then I will never be able to carry on with my life. peace with what my happened nowupthey to dothethecriminals same," said "I amI have not an~rydebecause I amGod aliveabout to watch childrenand grow and have because have Myburgh. as planning to leave the country as a result of this incident, she said she would not.

"Why my home and I am proudly South African. I am not afraid to J am notSouth afraidAfrica to liveishere." say thatmust and Illeave?

Matsimela Motshwarateu are to appear in thetheft Bronkhorstspruit Court on April on charges atjd of armed robbery, attempted murder, and possessionMagistrate's of unlicensed firearms and2, ammunition. o I Source Url: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php

? art id=vn20090317062348177

C9831 02

Posted By: Jan AfricanCrisis Webmaster Author of: Government bv Deception

Readers' Comments

Date Posted: Wednesday 25-Mar-2009 Anon, Not sure what you mean by "How could you escape, Lara?" How could I escape from where, Anon? Observation? Well it is -- I guess -- possible that the SAP A news article is correct, and I was sent for observation, and I am such a freaking nutcase that I don't remember. That is -- I

Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.

php ?ID=44826&M=W &

guess -- possible. Anyway, just in case I am 'out of my mind' or a 'freaking nutcase' I did file a written request with the SAP and NP A to provide the evidence for the statements made in this SAPA news article. Neither the SAP, nor the NP A, have yet provided the evidence that I was sent for observation, or the final report; and I ain't got any evidence that I was sent for observation, nor do I recall being sent for observation. Here is my request to the NP A for their evidence that I was sent for observation, and the subsequent observation report. http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/02/09-02-17 -npa-prioritv-crimeslitigation.html http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/0 I /for-record-state- v- iohnstone-crimen.html Doc. Title: For the Record: State v Johnstone; 'Crimen Inuria': Incomplete Further Particulars, 28 Dec 2008 wherein proof is requested from the State, of some of the issues referred to in this SAPA article, as alleged fact: Excerpt from letter herewith provided: ---------------- excerpt -----------------Outstanding Evidentiary Documentation: 'Outstanding Warrants': Two Alleged 'Outstanding Warrants', used by SAP INSP. Christian, to plausibly irregularly or illegally arrest and detain Defendant in this Crimin Inuria Matter, on 18 July 2007. At the time of Inspector Christian's arrest of Defendant, Inspector Christian stated his justification for the Arrest were two outstanding Warrants, one allegedly in Pietermaritzburg and one in Port Elizabeth. Defendant requested proof and copies of these alleged Outstanding Warrants, as per the Constitutional Principle "to be informed ofthe charge with sufficient detail to answer it." Inspector Christian refused to provide proof of these alleged outstanding warrants, and proceeded to arrest and detain Defendant. The proof of these alleged Outstanding Warrants used to arrest and detain Defendant on 18 July 2007, have yet to be provided by Inspector Christian, the South African Police Services, or the National Prosecuting Authority; and were requested from the SAPS and the National Prosecuting Authority, by Lara Johnstone; from Attorney Mr. Malcolm Gezzler, by Lara and Andre Johnstone, and Attorney Mr. Milton de La Harpe, by Lara Johnstone. Outstanding Due Process Documentation: Referral to Forensic Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist's Report; and subsequent State Psychological Report: At approximately 10 am, on 19 July 2007, while awaiting to appear in court, in the Magistrate Court cells, the SAPS informed the Defendant she was being taken to 'the Doctor'. At no time did the Defendant request to see any Doctor. The Defendant requested the Police to provide written reasons, for why she was being required to see a Doctor, without her request for seeing any Doctor. The Police laughed and told

Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php

?ID=44826&M=W &

her to 'Shut Up and do as you are told'. The Defendant was taken by the SAPS to the Family Planning & Community Health Services to see Forensic Psychologist, Dr. Theo Dahms. The Defendant refused to answer any of Dr. Theo Dahms questions (Annex: Woman Defies Court Over Rude De Lille SMSs, SAP A); until she was provided with written documentation, proving (i) her arrest and detention to have been lawful, i.e. provided evidence of the alleged outstanding Warrants, and their relevant legal validity; and (ii) written documentation, including written reasons (South African Constitution ยง 32 & 33: Access to Information and Just Administrative Action; Criminal Procedure Act ยง 77 - 79: Accused: Capacity to Understand Proceedings: Mental Illness and Criminal Responsibility) by the alleged court official who alleged the Defendant was required to see a Forensic Psychologist, as a result of her being incapable of understanding Proceedings, due to Mental Illness. The Defendant was returned to Magistrate Court Holding Cells; and requested a telephone call to arrange for an Attorney. The SAPS refused to allow the Defendant a telephone call, to arrange for an Attorney. The Defendant accordingly refused to enter the Court Room, without having been provided with her right to a telephone call to arrange for an attorney to represent her in court to apply for bail on her behalf. The SAPS continued to refuse her the opportunity to make a telephone call, until the end of court day, and subsequently the Defendant was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison, by the SAPS; where she remained until 22 August, when Attorney Mr. Malcolm Gezzler, and Advocate Gary Beale, represented her in a bail hearing, where she was granted bail. The bail was granted upon the alleged legal validity, authenticity and existence of the still outstanding Warrants, used to arrest and detain Defendant; which to this date have yet to be provided by the SAPS. SA Constitution: 32 (1) Everyone has the right of access to (a) any information held by the state; and (b) any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights; 33 (1) Everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair (2) Everyone whose rights have been adversely affected by administrative action has the right to be given written reasons. Criminal Procedure Act: 78 (lA) Every accused person is presumed not to suffer from a mental illness or mental defect so as not to be criminally responsible in terms of section 78(1), until the contrary is proved on a balance of probabilities. 78 (IB) Whenever the criminal responsibility of an accused with reference to the commission of an act or an ommission which constitutes an offence is an issue, the burden of proof with reference to the criminal responsbility of the accused shall be on the party who raises the issue. ---------------- End excerpt -----------------I'm not sure if that answers your question Anon.

Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php



I can only provide you with the information and evidence available to me. I cannot make your decisions for you; nor would I wnat to. I subscribe to the principle as enunciated by John Holt and John Galt: 'Who thinks the State should tell our children what to think?' I can only provide you with the information available to me; and answer any questions you may have as best I can. Respectfully, Lara Lara Johnstone George, SC South Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday 25-Mar-2009 "I can therefore not comment on her mental condition, but would think if she persists in this way she needs to be sent for psychiatric observation." Hie hiee, Lara in lala land, ....Sorry .. Don't post if offensive. Hie hiee. Grazy Pretoria South Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday 25-Mar-2009 How could you escape, Lara? Woman defies court over rude De Lille SMSs 19 July, 2007 07:17:09 A woman who allegedly sent rude SMSs to politician Patricia de Lille -- and then refused to appear in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court -- was sent for psychiatric observation on Thursday. De Lille is the leader ofthe Independent Democrats political party. Lara Johnstone (40) is charged with crimen injuria, and prosecuting authorities are yet to decide whether to add intimidation to the charges. No details of the crimen injuria charge were given when prosecutor Thembela Yawa called her case in the Cape Town Magistrate's Court. According to the charge sheet, Johnstone was arrested on Wednesday.

Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php?ID=44826&M=W


When her case was called, a court orderly went to the court's holding cells to fetch her, but returned without her and explained that she was violent, swearing and abusive, and refused to be brought into the courtroom. The magistrate noted on the court record: "Accused refuses to be brought to court. She is abusive and hostile." Also on the record was a letter from the forensic services section of the Community Health Services Organisation, in which Theo Dahms stated: "She is totally uncooperative, and refuses to answer any of my questions. She simply walked out of the room. "I can therefore not comment on her mental condition, but would think if she persists in this way she needs to be sent for psychiatric observation." Johnstone was remanded in her absence to September 22, when her psychiatric assessment is to be handed to the court. http://mybroadband.co.za/news/Cellular/ http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews33

698 .html .html


Date Posted: Monday 23-Mar-2009 Deutscher, Hi. It appears you have never met a black man of honour and integrity. I don't blame you therefore, they are perhaps an endangered species. But to be fair, I can't say I know hundreds of white men with honour and integrity either. I judge a man or a woman, based on their character Sir; not their skin colour, alleged religion or political ideology; but whether they walk their talk, practice what they preach, kind of thing. I've met white k*ffirs, black k*ffirs, coloured k*ffirs, christian k*ffirs, and muslim k*ffirs; just depends on your definition of the word 'k*ffir'. Anyway, you are more than welcome to your interpretation of my character; without knowing me, and without the honour and integrity to notify me personally, of your opinion about me, for my response. The fact that you lack the honour to inform someone directly of the criticism you have of their behaviour, indicates that honour ain't a high priority for you, in terms of your personal values and principles. That's okay. For me honour is; and I value anothers character based on the quality of honour in their character, irrespective ofthier ethnicity, religion or otherwise. Perhaps that may change; I too was once someone who valued my hate and fear for a group of people, more than my love for values of honour, honesty and integrity. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone

Source: http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.

php ?ID=44826&M=W &

Lara Johnstone George, SC South Africa

Date Posted: Tuesdav 17-Mar-2009 "I am not angry because I am alive to watch my children grow up and because the criminals have been caught. I have forgiven them because if I do not, then I will never be able to carry on with my life. I have made peace with God about what happened and now they have to do the same," What a STUPID, LIBERAL WHITE BITCH! Why only forgive? You could also marry one of those black murderers like this another piece of shl t Afrikaner woman .. http://www.scribd.com/doc/5503257 /31-May-1998-Sunday- Times-US-convict-winslove-and-support- in-SA -town-by -Michael-Schmidt http://www.scribd.com/doc/13270097 1980924- V olkrust-FarmGirl- Doomed- Lovefor-Black-Convict-by-Frans-Kemp- Y ou-Magazine-Huisgenoot-p02 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009

10 I Ilara- iohnstone-succinct


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