09-09-11: HC-WC: 19963-09: Affidavit of Lara Johnstone in Support of Judicial Review

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IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE WESTERN CAPE Mag.Crt: 14/1198/08 CT.CAS: 1340/7/07

Lara Johnstone

[17/1384/07] [Grg: 572/02]


And Magistrate Louw Nat. » » » » » »

First Respondent 1

Dir. Of Public Prosecutions Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Former President Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, Former NPA Nat. Dir. Mr. J.S. Selebi, Former SAPS Comm. Mr. BM Skosana, Former Min. Corrections Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President

Second Respondent Third Respondent Fourth Respondent Fifth Respondent Sixth Respondent Seventh Respondent Eighth Respondent

Minister of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada Ninth Respondent Per: Deputy Attorney General of Canada Per: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Per: Consulate General of Switzerland, Capetown The Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee Per: Royal Norwegian Consulate, Capetown

Tenth Respondent

Founding Affidavit of Lara Johnstone; in support of Notice of Intention: Application for Leave; and Judicial Review; in terms of § 309B (1)) & 304A of Criminal Procedure Act (“CPA”); with § 24(1) of the Supreme Court Act

I the undersigned, Lara Johnstone, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1)

This affidavit is based on my personal knowledge, except where otherwise stated, and, if called upon to do so, I could and would competently testify to the matters herein stated.


I am 42 years old. With the help of an IUD, inserted at age 19, Common Sense and a Love for Children; I have never been pregnant, nor had an abortion; nor brought any unwanted children onto the planet, nor contributed to local, national or international overpopulation or resource wars; nor advocated on behalf of population or economic growth; or materialist consumerism.


I have a Paralegal Certificate, and Paralegal Diploma, both with Distinction; from The South African Institute of Legal Training and Damelin Correspondence Career Development College2


I am a former employee of: A)

Dr. Brad Blanton: (1) President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises SparrowHawk Book Publishing and The Center for Radical Honesty, both dedicated to promoting honesty in the world; (2) former candidate for Congress in 2004 and 2006; (3) Pope of the Radical Honesty


See: State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument, 11 August 2009: Legal Argument: Facts Not In Dispute: (I) At 15:23; 15:32 and 18:32 hrs, on 10 July 2007, the Defendant sent three SMS’s to the Plaintiff; for the attention of: (i) Mr. Thabo Mbeki, (ii) Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, (iii) Mr. J.S. Selebi, (iv) Mr. B.M. Skosana, (v) Mr. Nelson Mandela, and (vi) Mrs. Patricia de Lille; all c/o Plaintiff1, in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party; (II) At 10:23 and 11:32 hrs on 16 July 2007, the Defendant sent two SMS’s to the Plaintiff; for the attention of (i) RSA Legislature; (ii) RSA Judiciary; (iii) RSA Executive Officials; all c/o Plaintiff1, in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party 2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/8815299/Lara-Johnstone-Paralegal-Certificate-and-Diploma

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Futilitarian Church; and (4) author of (i) Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling The Truth; (ii) Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help From Your Friends, (iii) Honest to God: A Change of Heart that can Change the World with Neil Donald Walsh, author of the Conversations with Good books; (iv) Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World; (v) The Truthtellers: Stories of Success by Radically Honest People and (vi) Beyond Good and Evil: The Eternal Split-Second Sound-Light-Being; (vii) Some New Kind of Trailer Trash. B)

Ms. Peggy Noonan3: (1) current Wall Street Journal columnist; (2) former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan (1984 – 86), and chief speechwriter for George Bush, Snr.; and (3) author of (i) What I Saw at the Revolution, (ii) Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, (iii) Simply Speaking, and (iv) John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father


“Committee of 300”4 Members5: I)

Lord and Lady Glenapp, now Earl and Countess Inchcape; as their children’s nanny


Prince Johannes & Princess Gloria6 Von Thurn & Taxis7, on their Royal Yacht, S.Y. Aiglon


I am the Defendant / Applicant in this ‘Crimen Injuria’ matter. According to my interpretation of the Charge Sheet; the five Crimen Injuria charges are regarding five alleged SMS text messages, allegedly sent by myself, allegedly sent to the (Primary) Plaintiff, allegedly with the intention ‘to insult the Plaintiff’; three on 10 July 2007, and two on 16 July 2007.


On 10 July 2007 at 15:00 hrs -- subsequent to SAP CAS #572/028 2002 to 07 July 2007 events -- I telephoned the Plaintiff, on her cellphone, to inform her of 07 July 2007: Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Leave to Review with a View to Appeal # A 696-04, subtitled, Official Notice: Elimination of Plausible Deniability: “AIDS IS A ‘BLACK’ DEPOPULATION VIRUS” document for her attention. She was at home, ill. We spoke for about two to three minutes. I informed her: who I was, and that I was calling her; in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive: Opposition Party 9 as per the documentary information sent to her, on my behalf, by Mr. Tony Leon, leader of the DA/Opposition, dated 14 January 2004, Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability. Political Liability Undesirability of Sentence Execution: Approach Executive: If or where subsequent circumstances shed new light on facts which already existed during the trial, rendering the execution of a sentence undesirable, the executive should be approached for assistance. An Appeal would therefore not be the Appropriate Procedure [R v Verster 1952 (2) SA 231 (A) 236 A-C; R v Hobson 1953 (4) SA 464 (A) 466 F-G]


Furthermore, I explained to her that (i) the document was accordingly a Legal Military TimeSensitive Document, which I had sent to the ID Office for her Attention; (ii) Any written objections, to deny RSA ‘official representation’, were to be submitted to the Deputy Judge Advocate General, Commander, Naval Legal Service Command, U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Office, Washington Navy Yard; by noon on 18 July 2007. (iii) In her capacity of Non Sub Judice Executive: Opposition Party, she was the ‘Spokesperson/Negotiator’ and it was her duty to inform her fellow ‘Elimination


See www.peggynoonan.com; and http://www.scribd.com/doc/5506509/2001-Sept-03-Letter-to-Peggy-Noonan-on-behalf-of-The-DisclosureProject-witnesses According Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, by Dr. John Coleman, a former intelligence agent with MI6, the Committee of 300 are secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727; as an international council which organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts. See also: www.farmer-in-chief.co.nr See also: Court Record: Annex A1-9: Dept. of Defence: Surgeon General Iatrogenic AIDS Origins Investigation & Special Virus Cancer Program Evidentiary Documentation, Fig 15.2: Organisational Chart for Global Control: Committee of 300, and Fig 16.1: Famous Members of the “Committee of 300” 5 ‘Committee of 300’ Employment References: (http://www.scribd.com/doc/5505801/References-from-Committee-300-Family-Corporation-Earl-ofInchcape-then-Lord-Glenapp-Aiglon-von-Thurn-Taxis-private-yacht) 6 The Conversion of Gloria TNT (http://www.vanityfair.com/fame/features/2006/06/princesstnt200606) 7 Schloss St. Emmeramm, Regensburg, (http://www.thurnundtaxis.de/frs_home.html) 8 As detailed under: SAP CAS #572/02; HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04; JAG 07-146 9 See: Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: # 04 & 07 [Notice of Legal & Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003] and [HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 transfer to US Navy JAG, effective noon 18 July 2007: Elimination of South Africa’s Plausible Deniability: AIDS is a ‘Black’ Depopulation Virus] 4

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of Plausible Deniability’ co-accused [Secondary (&Tertiary) Plaintiffs]10, of the contents and the ‘Official Proudly RSA Representation. She ended the conversation with: “Fuck Your [Legal Military] Document. Fuck Your Racist Conspiracy Theories about the [Manmade Biological Warfare] Origins of AIDS; and Fuck You!” 8)

As stated in State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: 11 August 2009 11: Facts Not In Dispute: My ‘Political Necessity Written Formal Admissions’ were as follows: A)

At 15:23 12; 15:3213 and 18:3214 hrs, on 10 July15 2007, I sent the Plaintiffs three SMS’s; for the attention of: (i) Mr. Thabo Mbeki, (ii) Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, (iii) Mr. J.S. Selebi, (iv) Mr. B.M. Skosana, (v) Mr. Nelson Mandela, and (vi) Mrs. Patricia de Lille; all care of and via the Plaintiff16, in her capacity of, Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party 17;


Then, at 10:23 and 11:32 hrs on 16 July18 2007, six days later, I sent the Plaintiff two SMS’s; for the attention of (i) RSA Legislature; (ii) RSA Judiciary; (iii) RSA Executive Officials; all care of and via the Plaintiff19, in her capacity of, Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party20


During Court Proceedings, on 16 March 2009, when the Plaintiff set the court date for 08 July 2009; I informed the court that on 08 July 2009; I intended to (a) seek to invoke to plead to the Political Necessity Defence (among others); and (b) requested a Jury Trial.


On 08 July 2009, I informed Magistrate Louw, of my request to invoke the Political Necessity Defence. Upon his approval that I could make an Offer of Proof to invoke the (perhaps he did not know what I meant by the Political Necessity Defence?) Political Necessity Defence, as my Legal Justification, I accordingly made Verbal Formal Admissions, as required to plead to the Political Necessity Defence, and submitted my ‘Offer of Proof’21 evidentiary documentation.


Subsequent to my ‘Offer of Proof’ witness testimony, I requested whether the State wished to place any Issue of Facts in Dispute, regarding the ‘Offer of Proof’ evidentiary documentation submitted. The State – perhaps misunderstanding my request for clarification of Issues and/or Offer of Proof


See Court Record Annex A1-9: Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory: (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003, dated 14 January 2004, sent to all Plaintiffs, by Mr. Tony Leon, Leader of the DA. 11 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598525/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-15-Political-Necessity-Facts-Not-In-Dispute 12 23: (i) Holy Number in Discordianism; (ii) 23 in South Africa: refers to the 23 conscientious objectors who publicly refused to do military service in the Apartheid army in 1987 (iii) 23 in Code: the codewords in the perfect (non-extended) binary Golay code are the size of 23; (iv) 23 in Paradox: According to the birthday paradox, in a group of 23 (or more) randomly chosen people, the probability is more than 50% that some pair of them will have the same birthday [18 July: 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper]. 13 32: (i) 32 is the occult opposite of 23 (ii) Power of 32: The fifth power of two, 32 is also a Leyland number since 24 + 42 = 32 | 32 (iii) Astronomy & ‘Kaffirs’: The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series began on June 1113, 1691 [“Kaffir” Rehabilitation Article was dated 11 June. See June 11 Anniversaries Footnote.] (iv) 32 and Military Justice: Article 32 of the United States Military Code of Justice concerns pre-trial investigations. Such a hearing is often called an “article 32 hearing”. 14 Minutemen: Minutemen were members of teams of select men from the American colonial militia during the American Revolutionary War. The Minutemen were among the first people to fight in the American Revolution. These teams constituted about a quarter of the entire militia, and generally were the younger and more mobile, serving as part of a network for early response. Minuteman and Sons of Liberty member Paul Revere spread the news that the British Regulars (soldiers) were coming out. The mobilization of the minutemen resulted in the events of April 19, 1775, of Concord, which jumpstarted the Revolutionary War. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his "Concord Hymn", described the first shot fired by the Patriots at the North Bridge as the "shot heard ‘round the world’” 15 10 July Anniversaries: (i) 1832 – U.S. President Andrew Jackson vetoes a bill that would re-charter the Second Bank of the United States; (ii) 1985 – Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior is bombed and sunk in Auckland, New Zealand Harbor by French DGSE agents; (iii) 1925 – Scopes Trial: In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called “Monkey Trial” begins with John T. Scopes, a young high school science teacher, is accused of teaching evolution in violation of the Butler Act, defended by Clarence Darrow 16 See: Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: # 08 (10 & 16 July 2007: ‘Crimen Injuria’ SMS’s) 17 See: Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: # 04 & 07 [Notice of Legal & Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003] and [HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 transfer to US Navy JAG, effective noon 18 July 2007: Elimination of South Africa’s Plausible Deniability: AIDS is a ‘Black’ Depopulation Virus] 18 16 July Anniversaries: (i) 1945: Manhattan: The Trinity Nuclear Test: At precisely 5:30 a.m. on Monday, July 16, 1945, the nuclear age began. Robert Oppenheimer chose to name this the “Trinity” test, a name inspired by the poems of John Donne. The site chosen was a remote corner on the Alamagordo Bombing Range known as the “Jornada del Muerto,” or “Journey of Death,”; (ii) 1969: Launching of Apollo 11 mission, the first manned mission to land on the Moon. It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon, or Moon orbit..Lunar Module callsign: EAGLE 19 See: Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: # 08 (10 & 16 July 2007: ‘Crimen Injuria’ SMS’s) 20 See: Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: # 04 & 07 [Notice of Legal & Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003] and [HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 transfer to US Navy JAG, effective noon 18 July 2007: Elimination of South Africa’s Plausible Deniability: AIDS is a ‘Black’ Depopulation Virus] 21 See Annexure AA: Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence, by John Alan Cohan, Pierce Law Review: Civil Disobedience Defence, based on the Nuremberg Principles.

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Facts in Dispute – declined to place any matter in Dispute; except that they insisted my Mens Rea Intention was to Insult the Plaintiff. 12)

During proceedings on 08 and 09 July 2009, it became plausible that neither Magistrate Louw, nor the Prosecutor had any idea that: My reality and intentions were that I was in court for a Preliminary ‘Offer of Proof’ Hearing, and they were going through ‘Trial’ Procedures. I am not sure how many times, and in how many ways, I am required to inform Court Officials that I intended to plead to the Political Necessity Defence. I informed the Plaintiffs – before I even committed the ‘criminal/crimen injuria’ act; on 23 May 2007; and again on 07 July 2007; and I informed the court and Prosecution in writing, on 28 December 2008.


It is my understanding that in order to plead to the Political Necessity Defence: A Preliminary Hearing is scheduled where I submit ‘Offer of Proof’ documentation to the court, for its consideration, as to whether I am approved to invoke the Political Necessity Defence, or not. If at such Preliminary Hearing, my ‘Offer of Proof’ is accepted, and I am granted the opportunity to invoke the Political Necessity Defence, then such approval, from such Magistrate is an agreement that: according to Political Necessity Defence principles: I am invoked the means to discuss political issues in the court room, a forum in which reformers can demand equal time, and perhaps, respect. Moreover, it allows me to describe my political motivations. In proving the imminence of the harm, I can demonstrate the urgency of the social problem. In showing the relative severity of the harms, I can show the seriousness of the social evil I seek to avert. In establishing the lack of reasonable alternatives, I can condemn the unresponsiveness of those in power in dealing with the problem and prod them to action. And in presenting evidence of a causal relationship, I can argue the importance of individual action in reforming society. Thus, the elements of the Political Necessity Defence, provide me an excellent structure for publicizing and debating political issues in the judicial forum. If at such Preliminary Hearing, my ‘Offer of Proof’ is denied; and I am refused the opportunity to invoke the Political Necessity Defence, then the ‘Political Necessity Formal Admissions’ I made, at such Preliminary Hearing - as are required to apply to plea to Political Necessity - are additionally revoked”


Accordingly, I drafted State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: 11 August 2009; submitted into the court record, on 12 August 2009, before Magistrate Louw. Magistrate Louw, without even looking at it, ruled it as “irrelevant’. It comprised: [1/5] Political Necessity: Facts Not In Dispute22; [2/5] Chronology of Facts23; [3/5] Propositions of Law with Reference to Authorities24; [4/5] Miragestorum Navajo DwarfWhisper32 25; and [5/5] Application of Facts to Propositions of Law26


Subsequent to Magistrate Louws refusal to accept it into the court record, I delivered it, with Request: for Impartial Record Keeping of Documentation: State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument, dated 11 August 200927, dated 13 August 2009, to Head of the Cape Bar, Pro Bono and Human Rights Committee’s, respectively Adv. R.W.F. MacWilliam and Adv. Anton Katz; copies of cover letters, delivered to: Senior Prosecutor Mr. Jacobs, and Magistrate Louw, Capetown Mag. Court.

Political Necessity: Civil Disobedience28 & the Nuremberg Principles29 Freedom of Speech: ‘Radical Hon(our)sty’ Cultural Religion Background: 16)

My cultural religious practice30 is that of Radical Hon(our)sty, which is a combination of Radical Honesty, and Bushido Discordianism31. A simplistic legal way of describing that would be the


http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598525/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-15-Political-Necessity-Facts-Not-In-Dispute http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598474/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-25-Chronology-of-Facts 24 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598442/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-35-Propositions-of-Law-With-Regard-to-Authorities 25 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598519/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-45-Miragestorum-Navajo-DwarfWhisper-32 26 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598453/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-55-Application-of-Facts-to-Propositions-of-Law 27 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18634354/090813-CapeBar-ProBono-Human-Rights-Committee-Request-Impartial-Record-Keeping-of-Appeal-11August-2009 28 See Annexure AA: Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence, by John Alan Cohan, Pierce Law Review: Civil Disobedience Defence, based on the Nuremberg Principles. 29 See Annexure AA: Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence, by John Alan Cohan, Pierce Law Review: Civil Disobedience Defence, based on the Nuremberg Principles. 30 See: Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity (http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity) 23

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consciousness, that every single decision I make, in terms of what I say, or what I do, or what I write, are simplistically a conscious legal, psychological, ideological, sexual, emotional, political, spiritual and/or intellectual choice between:


“I Must Follow ‘***Ism’ Orders”


“I Will Not Obey Orders without Question”


I am the author, of Submission to ‘Register of Reconciliation’ and donation to Presidents Fund for reparations to assist victims of gross violations of human rights, dated 18 January 199932; to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Bishop Desmond Tutu personally responded in writing.


I am the author of articles, Zero Tolerance33, and Tim McVeigh and Me34 in Race Traitor, the Journal of the New Abolitionism. My interpretation of Race Traitor’s maxim “Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity35”; is as follows ‘“Being Black”36 is not a matter of pigmentation; “Being Black” is a reflection of a Mental Attitude’37; anyone with Black pigmentation can have a “Being White/Miss Ann/House Nigga” Mental Attitude, and anyone with European pigmentation, can have a “Being Black/Field Nigga” Mental Attitude. Consequently, “Being Black” or “Being White” is not a matter of pigmentation; but a reflection of a Mental Attitude.


I am the author of the 11 June38 2004, Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy39, which accuses the South African Government, that its Criminal Justice and Penological (Prison) Policies are a Major Intentional Source of New South Africa’s ‘Kaffirs’. In a letter, dated 13 July 2004, Hon. M.P. Mr. James Selfe, DA; responded to my ‘provocative’ allegations, in Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy, agreeing with my conclusions therein.


I was involved in the following Nuremberg Principles Civil Disobedience, and subsequent Radical Hon(our)sty Actions, which did not result in arrest: A)

In 1999, I went on a 21 day hungerstrike to request Governor Gray Davis support, to demand the CA Dept. of Corrections remove the ‘Black Guerrilla Family’ gang label, from my former African-American husband, Demian Emile Johnson40, prisoner file. The CA Dept. of Corrections removed the gang label from his file41.


I was the Oakland activist organizer, to support Attorneys Katya Komsaruk & Bill Simpich and Investigator, Michael Ruppert (former LAPD narcotics investigator), to file two class action lawsuits against the CIA and Dept. of Justice; Lyons vs. CIA on behalf of African Americans harmed by the important of tons of cocaine into CA metropoles’ crack-cocaine epidemic.


From 28 July to 06 September 2001, I went on a 40 day liquids only hungerstrike, to Request President Bush’s support for the 400 military, intelligence agency, and scientist witnesses of The Disclosure Project. On 06 September 2001, Mr. Nicholas Calio, Legislative Assistant to the President, responded in writing; c/o and via US. Representative Ms. Barbara Lee, to my Disclosure Project hunger strike.


See: Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity (http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity) 32 See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/16224046/990118-Truth-Reconciliation-Commission-Submisson-to-Register-of-Reconciliation 33 Journal of New Abolitionism: Race Traitor: Zero Tolerance, by Lara Johnson (racetraitor.org/zero.html) 34 Journal of New Abolitionism: Race Traitor: Tim McVeigh and Me (formerly titled I was, and still am, a co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City Bombing”), by Lara Braveheart (racetraitor.org/racetraitor15.html). See also: http://www.scribd.com/doc/5508338/AprilMay-2001-I-was-andstill-am-a-coconspirator-in-the-Oklahoma-City-Bombing-by-Lara-Braveheart-Johnson-Johnstone 35 New Abolitionist’s Perspective (www.racetraitor.org): Abolitionists do not limit themselves to socially acceptable means of protest.” 36 Steve Biko was once asked in the courtroom by a so-called white judge: “Why do you call yourself black, when you are clearly brown?” to which Biko replied: “Why do you call yourself white, when you are clearly pink?” 37 “Being black is not a matter of pigmentation — being black is a reflection of a mental attitude.” Steve Biko, I Say What I Think, 1978 38 11 June Anniversaries: (i) 1776: Committee of Five: The Continental Congress appoints Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. (ii) 1963 – Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc burns himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam. (iii) 1971 – End of the Native American Occupation of Alcatraz Island (The Rock), based upon the Treaty of Fort Laramie (Sioux Treaty) of 1868. 39 See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/5502714/040611-Essay-on-Proudly-South-African-Parasite-Hypocrisy-Fraudulent-Rehabilitation-BoomerangCorrectional-Services-Prison-Policies-As-A-Major-I 40 Lara Johnstone married Demian Johson at Folsom Prison, Sacramento, California; on 11 October 1997. See also: Sunday Times, 31 May 1998: US Convict Wins Love and Support in SA Town; Huisgenoot, 24 September 1998: Huisgenoot: Volksrust Farm Girls Doomed Love for Black Convic 41 RSA OVERSEAS: South African on hunger strike in California, by Ilda Jacobs

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On 28 October 2001, I informed the National Security Agency (Lt. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, USAF); c/o the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Gen. Richard Myers), Pentagon; c/o Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Ranking Minority Member of the Armed Services Committee, in a letter on the issue of 18 U.S.C. § 4 : US Code - Section 4: Misprision of felony42; that I legally authorized them to monitor and record all telephonic communications by myself in terms of any conversations I had, on issues relating to the (i) Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS, (ii) UFO Disclosure; (iii) Oklahoma City Bombing, (iv) World Trade Center Attacks; or any Issue of Disclosure of National Security matters. Furthermore, should they doubt my Radical Hon(our)sty intentions, they were further authorized to verify, or monitor, my thoughts, by means of Psychotronics43.


On 31 Jan 2003, I went on a 23 day water only hunger strike, as a prisoner in George Women’s Prison, to request the South African Government to hold an Official Legislative Enquiry into the Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS. No response from the South African Government.

I was involved in the following Nuremberg Principles Civil Disobedience, and subsequent Radical Hon(our)sty Actions, which resulted in arrest, in the United Kingdom and United States of America: A)

In Easter 1993, I was arrested with a few dozen Greenpeace activists at Sellafield, Nuclear Power station, in Scotland, for trespassing. I was neither charged nor prosecuted.


On 17 Dec 1998, I was arrested at Oakland Federal Building, with anti-war protestors who dumped a coffin of blood and trash in Federal Foyer; and shut down the Federal Building for two hours44. I was detained by Oakland Police for an hour, before being released. Alameda Co. District Attorney declined to prosecute.


In 2000, I was arrested & detained for 3 hours, with Brad Blanton & others in the Washington, DC, Capital of the Rotunda, on the issue of Campaign Finance Reform. District Attorney declined to Prosecute.

SAP CAS #572/02; HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04; JAG 07-146 22)

On 1845 June46 02, Phi Day (SAP Case 572/0247), I made the “Al’Qanoon: AIDS is an Iatrogenic Black Depopulation Virus Disclosure Trial” bomb threat to PW Airport, c/o The George Herald. I


18 U.S.C. § 4 : US Code - Section 4: Misprision of felony “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” Black’s Law Dictionary Seventh Edition defines Accessory after the fact as an accessory who knows that a crime has been committed and who helps the offender try to escape arrest or punishment. The English legal authority William Blackstone, in his famous Commentaries, accessory a "II. AN accessory is he who is not the chief actor in the offense, nor present at its performance, but is someway concerned therein, either before or after the fact committed." 43 See: State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: 11 August 2009: Propositions of Law with Reference to Authorities: Miragestorum Navajo DwarfWhisper32: …. [Rotting Brain].. Covert Operations of the National Security Agency, by John St. Clair Akwei: John St. Clair Akwei vs. National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, USA (Civil Action 92-0449): …. Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance: A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day. See also Psychotronics, by Dr. Nick Begich, under ‘Radical Hon(our)sty Offer of Proof’ documentation: HAARP Psychotronics I (10:00), II (10:01), III (06:01) [Dr. Nick Begich: Psychotronics: Are You a Manchurian Candidate?; Psychotronic Mind Control: A Brave New World of Enhancing Human Performances], submitted into court record, on 12 August 2009, with State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: 11 August 2009: (i) DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], and (ii) Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 22.] See also Francis, the ‘Psychotronic’ Mule; at Radical Hon(our)sty Nom De Plume Francis Marion Braidfute Footnotes See also Ishmael the ‘Psychotronic’ Guerrilla, in 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper… Having vs. Being… (P:96) 44 19 Dec 98: Beeld: SA `plaasmeisie' vas in VSA oor Golf-protes 45 18 = (i) DEAD MANS HAND: a two-pair poker hand, ie "aces & eights". The hand gets its name from the legend of it being the five-card draw hand held by Wild Bill Hickock at the time of his murder (August 2, 1876), in a Deadwood, South Dakota Saloon. His murderer was one Jack McCall, acting on behalf of some crooked gamblers who felt Wild Bill’s imminent appointment as town marshall would be detrimental to their interest; (ii) In Chinese folklore, the Shaolin temple, had a group of 18 bronze Monks. Shaolin Temple, on Mount Song, is the birthplace of Zen Buddhism in China. Mount Song, known in Chinese as Song Shan (嵩山), is one of the Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism and is located in Henan province, on the bank of the Yellow River in China; (iv) Catch 22 was originally named Catch-18 because of the Hebrew meaning of the number; the Hebrew word for "life" is ‫( יח‬chai), which has a numerical value of 18; (v) In neo-Nazi circles, it is a code word for Adolf Hitler: A = 1, H = 8. 46

18 June: (i) Phi Day: In Greek, F denotes: Phi: Φ, φ or ϕ - Phi (Greek). Phi is also known as the Golden Mean, or Golden Ratio – i.e. 1.618 in mathematics, art & architecture --, and phi phenomeonon. The mathematics of the golden ratio and of the Fibonacci sequence are intimately interconnected. The Fibonacci sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 (ii) 1420: French forces under the leadership of Joan of Arc defeat the main English army under Sir John Fastolf at the Battle of Patay. This turns the tide of the Hundred Years War.; (iii) 1940: The Appeal of June 18 (L'Appel du 18 Juin) was a famous speech by Charles de Gaulle (born in Lille, France), the leader of the Free French Forces, in 1940. The appeal is the origin of the French Resistance to the German occupation during World War II. (iv) 1981: The

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was arrested on 27 June ‘02, made an ‘Offer of Proof’ 48, to Western Cape Attorney General Theunissen, to plea to the Political Necessity Defence, dated 11 September 2002; which was subsequently denied as a result of alleged Irregular49 Prosecutorial Misconduct, as alleged in Review with a View to Appeal HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04. 23)

On 31 January 2003, I was charged, convicted and sentenced, by Magistrate ADS Meyer, on 3 counts of Contempt in Facie Curiae, for refusing to proceed with that “Black Kaffir Bitch” Prosecutor, and saying “Fuck You” to the Magistrate -- who insisted I proceed with the Prosecutor, irrespective of her “conflict of interest,” -- a few times; who sentenced me, to one year in Prison.


In April 2004, I was charged with five charges of “Malicious Damage to State Property”, for breaking Dept. of Corrections prison windows, and setting the George Women’s Prison on fire, on 19 April 2003; subsequent to Prison Authorities refusing both my hungerstrike and written requests to be permanently placed in a single cell, for the duration of my sentence.


On 05 April 2004, I was found guilty by Magistrate Buhr, on six charges: one charge of ‘terrorism’ (making the bomb threat) and five charges of ‘Malicious Damage to State Property’ (breaking prison windows and setting prison on fire); and sentenced to Community Supervision.


On 16 February 2004, prior to being sentenced and subsequent to conviction I registered An Application for Review, with a View to Appeal, which was approved in court proceedings, by Regional Magistrate VA Botha. Magistrate Botha, instructed Prosecutor Ms. Kortje to personally make sure that my Application for Review documentation was submitted to the Clerk of the Court. Prosecutor Kortje submitted it to the Senior Prosecutor Mr. Redelinghuys, who then personally submitted it, on behalf of myself, to the Clerk of the Court; on 16 February 2004, in my presence. It was subsequently given the Appeal Reference Number: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04, also sometimes referred to as 16/04.


Between April 2004 and June 2006, the National Prosecuting Authority, refused to place it on the roll for hearing, and refused to inform me, of the name of the Advocate dealing with the Appeal. By 2006, the Registrar suggested that I file the Heads of Argument.


On 17 June 2006, I filed the Heads of Argument, HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 (16/04): Application for Leave to Review with a View to Appeal: Heads of Argument50


From 18 June 2006, to 18 June 2007, the NPA’s refused to (a) inform me of the name of the Advocate dealing with the Appeal, and (b) refused to place the matter on the High Court Roll for hearing. [Note: On 12 August 2009, a Clerk of the Court finally informed me the Adv. dealing with the Appeal at the NPA was Adv. Tarentaal]


Documentation dated 07 July51 2007: Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Leave to Review with a View to Appeal # A 696-04, subtitled, Official Notice: Elimination of Plausible Deniability: “AIDS IS A ‘BLACK’ DEPOPULATION VIRUS”; including written reasons for the

AIDS epidemic is formally recognized by medical professionals in San Francisco. (v) 1983: Space Shuttle Program: STS-7, Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space. See: State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: (1) 28 April 2002: South Africa: Democracy or Hypocrisy? (2) 11 October 2002: Plaintiff/Defendant Telephone Conversation; (3) 18 October 2002: Plaintiff/Defendant Telephone Conversation; (4) 14 January 2004: Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory; (5) 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper; (6) 23 May 2007: Legalizing Evil: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity; (7) 07 July 2007: Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Leave to Review with a View to Appeal # A 696/04 (Et Al): Republic of South Africa: Official Notice: Elimination of Plausible Deniability: “AIDS IS A ‘BLACK’ DEPOPULATION VIRUS” 48 11 September 2002: Political Necessity Defence, Letter to Attorney General Theunissen, Political Necessity Defence: Revolution or Evolution? http://www.scribd.com/doc/7683788/020911-Political-Necessity-Defence-Revolution-or-Evolution-HCCPD-A-69604-by-Lara-Johnstone 49 Irregular: Violation of Criminal Matters Amendment Act Due Process Guidelines. This is one of the Issues of HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04: Issue (B) Review: Irregular Pre-Trial Bail Proceedings: Denied Defence: “Consider whether the State’s Pre-trial J138A Referral proceedings violated and breached the original Bail Agreement made between the State and the applicant, and infringed the applicants fundamental constitutional rights to due process, liberty and psychological integrity, and (I) Did the State’s irregular J138A Referral proceedings prima facie constitute a denial (rejection) to the applicant of expert witnesses (admissible or competent evidence) for her Political Necessity Defense, and therefore to a fair trial, and liberty, and (II) Did the State satisfy the onus of proof, in this defence of necessity, by ruling out the reasonable possibility of an act of necessity on the part of the applicant/defendant, since it is not for the accused to satisfy the court that she acted from necessity. 50 HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 (16/04): Application for Leave to Review with a View to Appeal: Heads of Argument (http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/17-june-2006-hc-cpd-appeal-696-04-1604.html) 51 7 July, or 7/7 Anniversaries: (i) 1456 – A retrial verdict acquits Joan of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death; (ii) 1959: 14:28 UT Venus occults the star Regulus. This rare event is used to determine the diameter of Venus and the structure of the Venusian atmosphere; (iii) 1983: Cold War: Samantha Smith, a US, a U.S. schoolgirl, flies to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Secretary General Yuri Andropov. 47

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withdrawal, was filed with George SAP, and the George Magistrates Office, on 09 July 2007. The document is addressed to the Plaintiff, in her Non Sub Judice Executive: Opposition Party (i.e. with the exact same Elimination of Plausbile Deniability) title, as per the documentation sent to the Plaintiff, by Mr. Tony Leon; dated 14 January 2004, Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of Executive Authorities Plausible Deniability: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory: (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003.

CAS #1340/7/07 ILLEGALITIES AND IRREGULARITIES: Illegality: States Unlawful Arrest of Defendant on 18 July 2007 31)

On 18 July52 2007, in my SAPS: Statement Regarding Interview with Suspect, to Supt. Claude Deon Christians, I asked him whether he knew what an ‘Article 32 Hearing53’ had in common with Society of Jesus54 Psychotronics, and the doctrine of plausible deniability55. I suggested that he draw up a SAPS written request to the National Security Agency; for the release of the copy of their audio record of my cellphone conversation with the Primary Plaintiff, on 10 July 2007; for me to sign. He laughed, as if I was crazy. So I asked him, if his opinion of me was that I lack mens rea and actus reus psychological social standing, how could it be, that anyone who thought I lacked mens rea and actus reus psychological social standing, would find anything I said offensive to their dignity.


SAPS Insp. Christian proceeded to arrest and detain me, justifying his arrest with two alleged outstanding Arrest Warrants, one in Port Elizabeth & one in Pietermaritzburg. He refused to provide me with a copy of these alleged outstanding Warrants.


I was detained at Capetown Magistrate Courts and Pollsmoor Prison, from 18 July to 22 August 2007, based on the alleged legality of these Outstanding Arrest Warrants.


My Family, Legal Representatives and myself repeatedly requested copies of these alleged Outstanding Arrest Warrants, to no avail.


During his representation of me, Attorney Gezzler informed me that: The State refused to provide him with copies of alleged Arrest Warrants, used to detain and arrest me on 18 July 200756.


During his representation of me, Attorney De La Harpe informed me that: The State refused to provide him with copies of alleged Arrest Warrants, used to detain & arrest me on 18 July 200757.


In a 29 December 2008, letter to the State (Snr. Pros. Jacobs), For the Record: State v. Johnstone: ‘Crimen Injuria’: Incomplete Further Particulars58, I provided the State with Written Request for Copies of the Alleged Outstanding Arrest Warrants. To date the State have not yet provided them.

Irregularity: State’s Irregular Pre-Trial Allegations of Defendants ‘Mental Defects’: 52

18 July Anniversaries: (i) 1862: First ascent of Dent Blanche, one of the highest summits in the Alps.; (ii) 1870: The First Vatican Council decrees the dogma of papal infallibility; (iii) 1925: Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf. Article 32 of the United States Military Code of Justice concerns pre-trial investigations. Such a hearing is often called an “Article 32 hearing”. The purpose of an ‘article 32 hearing’ is to determine whether there is enough evidence to merit a general trial; so as to avoid wasting the court’s time, with trials, for which the Prosecutor’s Office clearly lacks sufficient evidence to prove. An Article 32 Hearing is required to investigate all documentary or real evidence, available against and in favour of the accused. 54 Society of Jesus, was founded by Francis Xavier and Ignatius Loyola, and five others on August 15, 1534, in Montmartre, outside Paris. Saint Francis Feast day is 3 December, a significant day in 1984, for Winston at the Ministry of Truth [Re: ‘Francis,’ NDR-113 meaning, see Radical Hon(our)sty pseudonym Francis Marion Braidfute footnotes]. The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J. and S.I. or SJ, SI) is a Roman Catholic religious order of clerks regular whose members are called Jesuits. The Society of Jesus is consecrated under the patronage of Madonna Della Strada, a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is led by a Superior General (Black Pope), currently Adolfo Nicolás.[2][3] The headquarters of the Society, its General Curia, is in Rome. Society of Jesus & Jesuit History, is recorded by Society of Jesus Investigative Researcher, Eric Jon Phelps, in Vatican Assassins, which exposes the shocking, long suppressed, diabolical history of the Jesuit Order. It is a history of crime, conspiracy, Satanism and mass murder, including the creation of the Federal Reserve; the sinking of the Titanic; the attack on Pearl Harbor; the Nuclear/Cold War Hoax and the assassination of many of the world's leaders like Lincoln, Kennedy and Patton. More info at www.vaticanassassins.org 55 Plausible Deniability: An example of plausible deniability is someone who actively avoids gaining certain knowledge of facts because it benefits that person not to know. As an example, a policeman, prosecutor or attorney may suspect that facts exist which would hurt his case, but decide not to investigate the issue because if s/he had actual knowledge, the rules of ethics might require him to reveal those facts to the opposing side. Thus his failure to investigate maintains plausible deniability. 56 See also: Court’s Irregular Conclusions that the Defendant ‘Insisted on conducting her own Defence, refusing all legal representation 57 See also: Court’s Irregular Conclusions that the Defendant ‘Insisted on conducting her own Defence, refusing all legal representation. 58 http://www.scribd.com/doc/11489675/081228-For-the-Record-State-v-Johnstone-Crimen-Inuria-Incomplete-Further-Particulars 53

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On 19 July 2007, State irregularly referred me to Forensic Services Psychologist Dr. Theo Dahms. I informed Dr. Dahms, I would be happy to answer any questions he had for me, as soon as he provided me with a written copy of (i) the Criminal Matters Amendment Act, Referral documentation, and (ii) the Arrest Warrants, allegedly justifying my detention. Until he did so, I had nothing to say to him.


On 19 July the State informed a freelance journalist with SAPA59, (“the Media”) that among others, I (i) was sent for Psychological Observation on 19 July 07; (ii) was arrested on 18 July 07; and (iii) the Psychological Observation Written Assessment was to be handed in to court on Sep. 22, 07.


From July 2007, to Jan 2009, State implied to my Legal Representatives, that I lacked psychological integrity, and suffered from mental defects60:



During his representation of me, Attorney Gezzler informed me that: the State implied to him that I required psychological observation and lacked psychological integrity.


During his representation of me, Attorney De La Harpe informed the Defendant that: The State implied to him, that Defendant required psychological observation and lacked psychological integrity.

In a 29 December 2008, in a letter to the State (Snr. Pros. Jacobs), For the Record: State v. Johnstone: ‘Crimen Injuria’: Incomplete Further Particulars61, I: A)

provided the State with a verbatim transcript of 2004 Court Record Letter by Brad Blanton, Ph.D, SAP Case: 572/02: Re: Disclosure Trial: Lara Johnstone Psychological Integrity Reference62


made a Written Offer to State, to Answer Any of the State’s Relevant Questions should the State continue to allege Defendant’s ‘Mental Incapacity to Understand Legal Proceedings’ Should any NPA or SA Government official insinuate any alleged mental defects by myself (so far it remains the Prosecutions favorite tactical diversion strategy, to avoid addressing the fundamental issues): Please find attached a letter to the NPA, stating the conditions whereby I would be happy to comply to any official NPA written allegation, with sufficient particular reasons (Access to Information, Just Admin. Action) as to any alleged ‘mental defect’ incapacity to understand proceedings, so as to be unable to present a proper defence. 28 May ’08 Letter: RE: Court Appearance on 2 June, and some thoughts before then: I do understand where I think they stand on the issue. I think they stand on a very slippery slope; and their natural response as has been less than democratic governments natural response to any serious criticism of their conduct, is to attach a label to them questioning their psychological integrity, so that others won’t take the person serious. It’s been done since the days of Stalin, Hitler, et al; doesn’t make it right. So we are both on slippery slopes. Fair enough. The way in which I deal with that, is attempting to be as fair and impartial to the other side as possible. If they want to play dirty, that is their choice, my experience is that playing dirty comes back later like a boomerang. Fair is difficult, but when you finally find a fair Magistrate; it reaps its dividends.


Provided the State with Written Request for Copies of (i) State’s Irregular 19 July 2007 Referral of Defendant to Forensic Psychologist, (ii) the alleged Forensic Psychologists Report; and (iii) subsequent State Psychological Report.

Political Necessity: Civil Disobedience63 & the Nuremberg Principles64

59 SAPA: Alleged Text Pest Sent for Observation, 19 July 2007 See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/16320245/SAPA-Delille-Case-Alleged-TextPest-Sent-for-Observation and http://mybroadband.co.za/news/Cellular/698.html 60 See also: Court’s Irregular Conclusions that the Defendant ‘Insisted on conducting her own Defence, refusing all legal representation 61 http://www.scribd.com/doc/11489675/081228-For-the-Record-State-v-Johnstone-Crimen-Inuria-Incomplete-Further-Particulars 62 http://www.scribd.com/doc/12945142/2004-Court-Record-Letter-by-Brad-Blanton-PhD-SAP-CASE-57202-RE-Disclosure-Trial-Lara-JohnstonePsychological-Integrity-Reference

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Freedom of Speech: ‘Radical Hon(our)sty’ “Offer of Proof” Documentation: 42)

During court proceedings, on 08 July 2009, I submitted evidentiary information, regarding my ‘Kaffir’ Civil Disobedience, Political Necessity, and Free Speech Defences, on the issue of Freedom of Speech: ‘Radical Hon(our)sty, specifically, in written format: A)

Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity65: I)


A 151 page66 copy of 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, which includes: I)


Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech, Radical Hon(our)sty & Civil Disobedience The 136 page, 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper67: … Why Are So Many People Who Have Heard of Peak Oil, in Denial?, cites (a)

Dr. Susan Blackmore, Waking from the Meme Dream68, on the neuroscience studies, that conclude that there is no-one inside the brain, no central controller, no decision-maker;


Erich Fromm, To Have or To Be, and The Sane Society on the pathology of normalcy, religion and character; in terms of Having vs. Being;


The Work of Stanley Milgram, excerpt from Practicing Radical Honesty [Having/Obedience to Authority] vs. [Being/Rebellion69];


The Sufi Levels of Consciousness, excerpt from Practicing Radical Honesty;

On 12 August 2009, I submitted the following Freedom of Speech: ‘Radical Hon(our)sty Documentary evidence, in written and DATA DVD format: A)



Engineering Consenting Psychological “Kaffirs”?: Conforming to Blind Obedience to Authority, or Cultural Belief70? I)

The Milgram Experiment: Obedience to Authority, by Dr. Stanley Milgram


The Work of Stanley Milgram & Suffering as Attachment to Belief, by Dr. Brad Blanton

An Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy: Fraudulent ‘Rehabilitation’ Boomerang: Correctional Prison services Prison Policies as a Major Intentional Source of New South Africa’s ‘Kaffirs’ AKA ‘Criminals71 (P:31) it additionally includes relevant information on following issues: I)

Dissent, or, Obedience and Conformity to Authority?


Building Psychic Freedom Muscles: Regular & Safe Draining Off of Rage, Anger & Hopelessness


Mutual Destiny Control Colleagues: A Guide for Peaceful Revolution in South Africa

Practicing Radical Honesty Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract72: (P:38)


See Annexure AA: Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence, by John Alan Cohan, Pierce Law Review: Civil Disobedience Defence, based on the Nuremberg Principles; and Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence Footnote above See Annexure AA: Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence, by John Alan Cohan, Pierce Law Review: Civil Disobedience Defence, based on the Nuremberg Principles; and Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence Footnote above. 65 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity 66 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19060700/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-060718-18-July-2006-Peak-Oil-RSA-Briefing-Paper-Ministry-ofIntelligenceRSA 67 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak_9117.html 68 Waking from the Meme Dream, Paper presented at the Psychology of Awakening: International Conference on Buddhism, Science and Psychotherapy, at Dartington, 7 – 10 November 1996, Dr. Susan Blackmore of the Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of West England 69 MU (Zen for Round Eyes) and Rebellion: Still Life with a Woodpecker: “Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not. Tom Robbins wrote that the only serious question is whether time has a beginning and an end. Camus clearly got up on the wrong side of bed, and Robbins must have forgotten to set the alarm.” 70 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18631336/090811-Legal-Argument-Encl-Engineering-Consenting-Psychological-Kaffirs 71 http://www.scribd.com/doc/5502714/040611-Essay-on-Proudly-South-African-Parasite-Hypocrisy-Fraudulent-Rehabilitation-BoomerangCorrectional-Services-Prison-Policies-As-A-Major-I 72 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16203475/090606Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-The-Laws-of-Sustainability 64

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Abstract, Concrete, General and Specific Terms, by John Friedlander, Assoc. Prof. English Dept. SW Tennessee Comm. College


Practicing Radical Honesty: Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness

DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts73: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], related documentaries/excerpts: I)

PRH: Beyond Good and Evil (00:39)


PRH: Brad Blanton for NWO President (07:25) and Brad Blanton for Congress (09:38)


PRH: Interpretations of Language – Brad Blanton (00:57)


PRH: Radical Honesty I (03:44); II (03:23); III (04:23)


Obedience to Authority – Stanley Milgram (44:33)


Obedience to Authority – Sundance (03:14)


Politically Correct/Soft Language – George Carlin (06:56)


A Call To Arms for White People of Truth/Walking on Egg Shells Language, by Pastor David James Manning (04:32)

DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 2274; documentaries; or relevant excerpts: I)

Obedience to Authority – Stanley Milgram (44:33)


Obedience to Authority – Sundance (03:14)


Disobedience to War: Sir!, No Sir! 6/6 (David Zeiger)

Psychotronic DeKaffirNated Matrix: Bushido Discordianism: MI6GASM: KAFFIR LILLE: ‘Offer of Proof’ Documentation 44)

In my Radical Hon(our)sty Practice, I have used, among others, the following relevant Radical Hon(our)sty pseudonyms: Andrea Muhrrteyn75; Francis76 Marion77 Braidfute78, DwarfWhisper32; whose design is based on the Mû-trîôŝh-kâ Carat79 Language Paradigm Principle.


MI6 refers to Miragestorum, which is Latin for Miracle; GASM80 refers to Golden Apple Seed Missions. A GASM is a Dischordian Activist “Assistance Requested” project, which would be more


http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-12-alternative.html http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-22-07-05-23.html 75 Andrea Muhrrteyn [Andrew Martin]; Andrea is the feminine version of among others Andrew. Andrea derives from the Greek ανήρ (anēr), genitive ανδρός (andrós), that indicates the man as opposed to the woman [Andrea Alciato, (1492 - 1550), was an Italian jurist and writer, regarded as the founder of the French school of legal humanists. Alciati is most famous for his Emblemata,a collection of short Latin verse texts and accompanying woodcuts: Emblema CLXXXIX: Mentem, non formam, plus pollere means, Intelligence Matters, Not Beauty]. Muhrr + teyn: Muhrr, for the Holy Oil, Myhrr and Teyn, is Nyet (No, in Russian) backwards. Mu: Mu: 無, important in Zen & Discordian practice, ie: ‘No’ or “nothingness’; “Your question cannot be answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions” or "the answer lies outside the context framed by the question/assertion/statement". MU also represents a fictional parallel universe, continent, or place; or a MisUnderstood word. Andrew Martin, NDR-113, is the U.S. Robots & Mechanical Men robot, in Positronic Man, which is the story of Andrew’s quest for legal recognition as a human. 76 Francis: Francis (film & comedy series) is an experienced Army mule, and Peter Stirling, the young soldier whom he befriends (and stays with through civilian life and then back into the military). In the original 1950 film, the mule identifies himself to the commanding general as "Francis...123d Mule Detachment...[serial number] M52519. Stirling, with the sage but sardonic advice of Francis (gleaned from overhearing generals plan strategy or from discussions with other equines), would triumph over his own incompetence. However, inevitably, he would be forced to reveal that his advisor was a mule, and be subject to mental analysis until the grand reveal, when Francis displayed his talent. 77 Francis Marion (26 Feb, 1732 – 27 Feb, 1795) was a Brigadier General who served in the American Revolutionary War. Acting with Continental Army and South Carolina militia commissions, he was a persistent adversary of the British in their occupation of South Carolina in 1780 and 1781. Due to his irregular methods of warfare, he is considered one of the fathers of modern guerrilla warfare, and is credited in the lineage of the United States Army Rangers. Francis Marion (known as the Swamp Fox) was one of the influences for the main character in the movie The Patriot. In the film, the fictional character Benjamin Martin. 78 Marion Braidfute, was the wife of William Wallace, depicted in the movie Braveheart, where she was known as Murron MacClannough. According to later legend, written by Blind Harry, Wallace, killed, the English Sheriff of Lanark, in May 1297, and jumpstarted the Scottish rebellion, as a result of Wallace seeking revenge for the killing by Heselrig of his wife, Marion Braidfute of Lamington. Along with Andrew Moray, he defeated an English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, on 11 September 1297,to became Guardian of Scotland. 79 See: State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: 11 August 2009: 07 July 2007: Three Symbols *&^:…. ^ A Caret (^) is sometimes spelled carat, is the name for the symbol in ASCII and some other character sets. CARET is also the acronym for “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology”, also humorously referred to as “Civilians Are Rarely Ever Trusted”. CARET ‘language’ is a system of symbols. 80 http://www.blackironprison.com/index.php?title=GASM 74

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fun and effective if more people were involved. A MUGASM, refers to a MU type of GASM (Golden Apple Seed Mission). MU referring to: MU is a Japanese/Korean word important in Zen practice. It is roughly translated as "no", "none", "null", "without", "no meaning". In English it is more famously used as a response to koans; intending to indicate that the question itself was wrong. MU is considered by Discordians to be the correct answer to the classic logical fallacy of the loaded question; “Your question cannot be answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions” (or, in the original phrasing, “the answer lies outside the context framed by the question / assertion / statement”); MU also famously refers to a hypothetical continent, a fictional place, a parallel reality.


During court proceedings, on 08 July 2009, I submitted evidentiary information, regarding my ‘Kaffir’ Civil Disobedience, Political Necessity, and Free Speech Defences, on the issue of MI6GASM: KAFFIR LILLE: French Riddle of the Lilly Pond, specifically, in written format: A)

Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity81: I)


Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech, Radical Hon(our)sty & Civil Disobedience

14 January 200482: Letter to USMC Sgt. Peter Hubbard, US Embassy, USAID: Iatrogenic AIDS Origins Theory…. Message for US Army Sgt. Bossman/Purple Sage: “Navajo Eagle Whisper: Dept of Corrections ‘stole/lost’ my Lucky Rock! Flack-in-the-Box Geronimo-N-Phoenix S-Union? Purple-SageSedona-Rock Little Bird – Sea Bat Requested? Missing Blue Eye/Flying J Berry-Berry-Berry Bossman!”


A 151 page83 copy of 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, which includes:


The 136 page, 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper84 (as referred to under PeakOil & Resource War “Offer of Proof”), and additionally the section Why Are So Many People Who Have Heard of Peak Oil, in Denial?, cites




Dr. Susan Blackmore, Waking from the Meme Dream85, on the neuroscience studies, that conclude that there is no-one inside the brain, no central controller, no decisionmaker, to ‘have their dignity insulted’;


Erich Fromm, To Have or To Be, and The Sane Society on the pathology of normalcy, religion and character; in terms of Having vs. Being;


The Sufi Levels of Consciousness, excerpt from Practicing Radical Honesty, and

Engineering Consenting Psychological “Kaffirs”?: Conforming to Blind Obedience to Authority, or Cultural Belief? 86 I)

Propaganda: Organizing Chaos, by Edward Bernays


Conformity Paradigm and Experiments, by Dr. Soloman Asch


Reality is a Shared Hallucination, by Howard Bloom (The Global Brain)

On 12 August 2009, I submitted the following MI6GASM: KAFFIR LILLE: French Riddle of the Lilly Pond, in written and DATA DVD format: A)

State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument: 11 August 2009: Propositions of Law with Reference to Authorities: Miragestorum Navajo DwarfWhisper3287. I)

Covert Operations of the National Security Agency, by John St. Clair Akwei: John St. Clair Akwei vs. National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, USA (Civil Action 92-0449): …. Detecting EMF


http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity http://www.scribd.com/doc/19069742/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-030820-Corr-George-Mayor-Iatrogenic-Aids-Origins-Theory http://www.scribd.com/doc/19060700/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-060718-18-July-2006-Peak-Oil-RSA-Briefing-Paper-Ministry-ofIntelligenceRSA 84 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak_9117.html 85 Waking from the Meme Dream, Paper presented at the Psychology of Awakening: International Conference on Buddhism, Science and Psychotherapy, at Dartington, 7 – 10 November 1996, Dr. Susan Blackmore of the Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of West England 86 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18631336/090811-Legal-Argument-Encl-Engineering-Consenting-Psychological-Kaffirs 87 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18598519/11-Aug-09-Legal-Argument-45-Miragestorum-Navajo-DwarfWhisper-32 82 83

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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Fields in Humans for Surveillance: A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day.



DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts88: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], documentaries/excerpts: I)

PRH: Beyond Good and Evil (00:39)


PRH: Interpretations of Language – Brad Blanton (00:57)


Politically Correct/Soft Language – George Carlin (06:56)


What is Peak Oil? – End of Suburbia (00:59)


HAARP Psychotronics I (10:00), II (10:01), III (06:01) [Dr. Nick Begich: Psychotronics: Are You a Manchurian Candidate?; Psychotronic Mind Control: A Brave New World of Enhancing Human Performances

DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 2289; documentaries; or relevant excerpts: I)

CIA: Secrets of the CIA (Danny Wallace, SkyOne)


Disobedience to War: Sir!, No Sir! 6/6 (David Zeiger)


OKCondor: 3 Days of the Condor (Sydney Pollack)


In Memory of Tim McVeigh: Why I Bombed the OKC Murrah Building, by Zhenbumi

ACT OF OMMISSION: Nullification of the TRC Social Contract: IATROGENIC ORIGINS OF AIDS ‘Offer of Proof’ Documentation: 48)

During court proceedings, on 08 July 2009, I submitted evidentiary information, regarding my ‘Kaffir’ Civil Disobedience, Political Necessity, and Free Speech Defences, on the issue of Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory, specifically, in written format: A)


Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity90: I)

Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech, Radical Hon(our)sty & Civil Disobedience


Overview: Evidentiary Documentation: Written & Telephonic Correspondence: Defendant and Plaintiff 2002 – 2009

Correspondence91 letter from Mayor of George, Mr. Marius Swart, on behalf of DA Leader, Mr. Tony Leon, dated 20 August 2003, notifying me the DA had delivered Iatrogenic IADS Origins Theory documents, as requested to among others: Minister of Health, Min. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang; and AIDS Law Project: Advocacy Officer [Plaintiffs informed in subsequent January 14, 2004 documentation] I)


[I] Iatrogenic Aids Origins Questions; [II] Iatrogenic Theory: AIDS/HIV: Intro to Retrovirology; Foreign Plant Derived Substances as Stimulants; Immunosuppression: Entry & Control of Foreign DNA into Cell/s; Immunosuppression: Foreign DNA: Pathogenic Fungi/Bacteria: Mycoplasma; Means, Motive & Opportunity; Conclusion; [III] Evidentiary Docs

14 January 2004: Notice of Legal and Political Delivery92, letter from DA Leader Mr. Tony Leon, dated 29 January 2004, notifying me that he had delivered the Elimination of Your


http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-12-alternative.html http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-22-07-05-23.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity 91 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19069742/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-030820-Corr-George-Mayor-Iatrogenic-Aids-Origins-Theory 92 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19061104/090708-S-v-Johnstone-040129-Tony-Leon-Notice-of-Legal-Political-Delivery-Iatrogenic-AIDS-Origins 89 90

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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Plausible Deniability documentation to the Plaintiffs, and Primary Plaintiff, in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive: Opposition Party. (P:7)





Elimination of Your Plausible Deniability, to (I) Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Theory (i) Documentation, (ii) Investigation, & (iii) Disclosure Case GSH 20/2003, and (II) II. Grossly Irregular and Improper Proceedings in Case GSH 20/2003 by Plaintiff/State (N.P.A., S.A.P. etc. employees) denying, obstructing, refusing & ignoring Defendant her Defense (Political Necessity) (P:4)


National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security & Overseas Interests, April 1974: 20 Key Points from the Main Body of the Report, by Center for Population & Security (P:2)

Dept. of Defence: Surgeon General Iatrogenic AIDS Origins Investigation & Special Virus Cancer Program Evidentiary Documentation93: (P:75) I)

RSA Dept of Defence: Surgeon General: Restricted: Iatrogenic Aids Origins Theory (P:4)


1971 Special Virus Cancer Program Flow Chart & AIDS is Manmade94 (P:6)


Excerpts from Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional, and Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare, by Dr. Leonard Horowitz (P:63)


RSA Political Perspectives on the Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS (P:2)….. AIDS Investigators/Researchers/Authors: (*) Dr. Garth and Nancy Nicholson; (*) Dr. Robert Strecker, The Strecker Memorandum, (*) Eva Lee Snead, Some Call It AIDS, I Call it Murder, (*) Alan Cantwell, JD, AIDS and the Doctors of Death

Iatrogenic AIDS Origins Theory: Medical Eugenics’ Industrial Complex: ‘Means, Motive & Opportunity”95 (P:30) I)

Who’s Teaching the Doctors? Drug Firms Sponsor Required Courses – and See their Sales Rise, USA Today, March 9, 2000


Who Pays the Piper (American Medical Association), by G Edward Griffin


The Future of Mental Health: Radical Changes Ahead, USA Today 03/01/97


Psychiatry and the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Complex, Foundation for Truth in Reality


Reality, Belief and the Mind: An Example: Modern Medicine, by Gene Zimmer


Vioxx maker Merch and Co., drew up a doctor hit list, The Australian

On 12 August 2009, I submitted the following ‘motive’ contextual Iatrogenic AIDS Origins Theory Documentary evidence, in written and DATA DVD format: A)


Population Policy Common Sense: Human Rights, Peace & Social Justice: Exponential Function Laws of Sustainability: Population, Politics & Political Cowards96: (P:38) I)

Exponential Functions: French Riddle of the Lily Pond: Understanding Exponential Growth: Bacteria in a Bottle, by World Population Balance


National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications for Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security & Overseas Interests, April 1974, by President Nixon’s, National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger


The Laws of Sustainability, excerpt from Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment, by Dr. Albert Bartlett

Is the African Ideal of Manhood a Kaffir Cultural Belief97 (P12)


http://www.scribd.com/doc/19060406/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Special-Virus-Cancer-ProgramEmerging-Viruses-Death-In-the-AirEvidentiary-Documents http://www.scribd.com/doc/13253190/041005-Final-Call-News-Manmade-AIDS-Interview-with-Boyd-Graves 95 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19059620/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A19-Iatrogenic-Medical-Genocide-Industrial-Complex 96 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16203475/090606Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-The-Laws-of-Sustainability 94

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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ANC dying of AIDS || AIDS Sweeps Through Councils


AIDS+TB infected soldiers lethal and mutinous, warns psychiatrist


MRC: Quarter of men in South Africa admit rape


One child raped every three minutes


10 000 child prostitutes in Jhb


HIV/AIDS, the stats, the virgin cure and infant rape


Child rape: A taboo within the AIDS taboo; More and more girls are being raped by men who believe this will 'cleanse' them of the disease, but people don't want to confront the issue

DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts98: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], documentaries/excerpts: I)

[Context] CIA & Pentagon on Overpopulation - 1 (05:42); 2 (05:24); i.e. the 2000 Nightline with Ted Koppel CIA and Pentagon Interviews on the issues of the lack of Political Will to deal with preventing Overpopulation; and the consequences.


[Context] Crude Impact - Vista Clara JJ Wood (14:00); by James Jandack Wood, with interviews of Mathew Simmons, et al; reference to population issues.


[Context] Exponential Fx Population & Energy 1/8 (10:32); 2/8 (10:17); 3/8 (09:41); 4/8 (10:50); 5/8 (10:21); 6/8 (10:12); 7/8 (08:32); 8/8 (06:18); Dr. Al. Bartlett’s series on Arithmetic, Population and Energy


[Context] Exponential Growth Bomb – Growth Busters (04:42), exploring humanities addiction to population and economic growth; and its consequences.


Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS (Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?) 3/3, by Dr. Len Horowitz

DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 2299; documentaries; or relevant excerpts [Legalizing Evil I100, sent to all Plaintiffs on 23 May 2007]: I)

[Context] CIA’s Perspective on Overpopulation & Resource Wars (Nightline)


[Context] Third World Population Reduction, by former CIA Agent Stockwell 2/2 (Frank Dorrell)


HIV-101: Brief Simple Explanation


Dr. Boyd Graves: Dynamics in Black and Special Virus Cancer Program


Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional 3/3 (Dr. Len Horowitz)


Origin of AIDS (Sundance)


The Strecker Memorandum (Dr. Robert Strecker)

ACT OF OMMISSION: Nullification of the TRC Social Contract: OVERPOPULATION & RESOURCE WARS ‘Offer of Proof’ Documentation: 50)

During court proceedings, on 08 July 2009, I submitted evidentiary information, regarding my ‘Kaffir’ Civil Disobedience, Political Necessity, and Free Speech Defences, on the issue of Overpopulation & Resource Wars, specifically, in written format:


http://www.scribd.com/doc/18631468/090811-Legal-Argument-Encl-Is-the-African-Ideal-of-Manhood-a-Kaffir-Cultural-Belief http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-12-alternative.html http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-22-07-05-23.html 100 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/07-05-23-legalizing-evil-cpd-hc-appeal.html 98 99

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity101: I)

Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech, Radical Hon(our)sty & Civil Disobedience (a)


14 January 2004: Notice of Legal and Political Delivery103, letter from DA Leader Mr. Tony Leon, dated 29 January 2004, notifying me that he had delivered the Elimination of Your Plausible Deniability documentation to the Plaintiffs, and Primary Plaintiff, in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive: Opposition Party. (P:7) I)


National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security & Overseas Interests, April 1974: 20 Key Points from the Main Body of the Report, by Center for Population & Security (P:2)

A 151 page104 copy of 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, which includes: I)


How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection102, by T Michael Maher, Univ. of SW Louisiana; Population & Environment, 1977

The 136 page, 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper105 (as referred to under PeakOil & Resource War “Offer of Proof”), and additionally the section Peak Oil: Food Production, Resource Wars & Population Issues cites (a)

Eating Fossil Fuels, by Dale Allen Pfeiffer, From the Wilderness


The Tightening Conflict: Population, Energy Use, and the Ecology of Agriculture, Giampietro, Mario and Pimentel, David, 1994.


The Limits to Growth: The 30 Year Update, Dennis Meadows


Growth & the Culture of Culture of Limits, Richard D. Lamm


Powerdown: Options & Actions for a PostCarbon World, by Richard Heinberg


The Party’s Over: Oil, War & the Fate of Industrial Societies, by Richard Heinberg


Resource Wars, the Landscape of Global Conflict, by Michael Clare

On 12 August 2009, I submitted the following Overpopulation & Resource Wars Documentary evidence, in written and DATA DVD format: A)

Population Policy Common Sense: Human Rights, Peace & Social Justice: Exponential Function Laws of Sustainability: Population, Politics & Political Cowards106: (P:38) I)

Exponential Functions: French Riddle of the Lily Pond: Understanding Exponential Growth: Bacteria in a Bottle, by World Population Balance


The Culture of Future Conflict: Overpopulation & Resource Scarcity will be the Direct Cause of Confrontation, Conflict & War107, by Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, US Army’s Senior Professional Journal


Public Report of the Vice President’s Task Force on Combatting Terrorism, February 1986108, by Former President George W. Bush, Snr.


National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications for Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security & Overseas Interests, April 1974109, by President Nixon’s, National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger


The Laws of Sustainability, excerpt from Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment, by Dr. Albert Bartlett


http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity http://in-gods-name.blogspot.com/2009/03/politician-attempts-to-remedy-evil-by.html and http://dieoff.org/page118.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/7743075/Zero-Population-Growth-Values-Nuclear-War-Terrorism-by-Lara-Braveheart-JAGIA-07146 103 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19061104/090708-S-v-Johnstone-040129-Tony-Leon-Notice-of-Legal-Political-Delivery-Iatrogenic-AIDS-Origins 104 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19060700/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-060718-18-July-2006-Peak-Oil-RSA-Briefing-Paper-Ministry-ofIntelligenceRSA 105 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak_9117.html 106 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16203475/090606Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-The-Laws-of-Sustainability 107 http://sqwormsgreean.blogspot.com/2009/06/us-army-war-college-culture-of-future.html 108 http://www.scribd.com/doc/5948764/Public-Report-of-the-Vice-Presidents-Task-Force-on-Combatting-Terrorism-February-1986 109 http://in-gods-name.blogspot.com/2009/05/national-security-study-memorandum-200.html 102

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DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts110: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], documentaries/excerpts: I)

CIA & Pentagon on Overpopulation - 1 (05:42); 2 (05:24); i.e. the 2000 Nightline with Ted Koppel CIA and Pentagon Interviews on the issues of the lack of Political Will to deal with preventing Overpopulation; and the resource war consequences.


Crude Impact - Vista Clara JJ Wood (14:00); by James Jandack Wood, with interviews of Mathew Simmons, et al.


Exponential Fx Population & Energy 1/8 (10:32); 2/8 (10:17); 3/8 (09:41); 4/8 (10:50); 5/8 (10:21); 6/8 (10:12); 7/8 (08:32); 8/8 (06:18); Dr. Al. Bartlett’s series on Arithmetic, Population and Energy


Exponential Growth Bomb – Growth Busters (04:42), exploring humanities addiction to population and economic growth; and its consequences.

DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 22111; documentaries; or relevant excerpts: I)

Attack or Godsend? Meacher and Von Beulow (Tweedag, Dutch TV)


Hijacking Catastrophe: 911 – Fear and Selling of the American Empire (Media Education Foundation)


911 Accountability: Strategies & Solutions Conference (911TV.org);


3 Days of the Condor (Sydney Pollack)


A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (Basil Gelpke & Ray McCormack)


The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror (Free Will Productions)


CIA’s Perspective on Overpopulation & Resource Wars (Nightline)


[Legalizing Evil I112, sent to all Plaintiffs on 23 May 2007 also included Oil, Smoke and Mirrors, by Ronan Doyle ]

ACT OF OMMISSION: Nullification of the TRC Social Contract: PEAK OIL & RESOURCE WARS ‘Offer of Proof’ Documentation: 52)

During court proceedings, on 08 July 2009, I submitted evidentiary information, regarding my ‘Kaffir’ Civil Disobedience, Political Necessity, and Free Speech Defences, on the issue of Peak Oil & Resource Wars, specifically, in written format: A)

Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity113: I)


Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech, Radical Hon(our)sty & Civil Disobedience

A 151 page114 copy of 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, which includes: I)

The 136 page, 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper115 sources cited, among others: (i) Life After The Oil Crash and Matt Savinar, (ii) From the Wilderness & Michael Ruppert, including Dale Allen Pfeiffer (iii) Richard Heinberg, (iv) Dr. M. King Hubbert, (v) ASPO, (vi) ODAC, (vii) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, (viii) Colin Campbell, (ix) Prof. K. Deffeyes, (x) Prof. K Aleklett, (xi) The Hirsch Report, (xii) Simmons & Company International & Mathew Simmons, (xiii) Mr. Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, (xiv) Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), (xv) Michael Meacher, (xvi) Vice Pres. D. Cheney; (xvii) Peak Oil books and Peak Oil articles, etc.


http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-12-alternative.html http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-22-07-05-23.html 112 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/07-05-23-legalizing-evil-cpd-hc-appeal.html 113 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity 114 http://www.scribd.com/doc/19060700/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-060718-18-July-2006-Peak-Oil-RSA-Briefing-Paper-Ministry-ofIntelligenceRSA 115 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak_9117.html 111

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The Press Release for 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, an Open Request to Parliament: “In Search of a ‘Powerdown’ Energy Champion….116


18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, Cover Letter to Minister of Intelligence: Mr. Ronnie Kasrils, Is Gross Mismanagement of the nations energy policy an impeachable offense


Who In South Africa Knew What About Peak Oil, and When?117 A list of all Official Government Departments, Corporations, Media Editors, including the Primary Plaintiff and Secondary Plaintiffs, etc. to whom the 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper, was sent.

On 12 August 2009, I submitted the following Peak Oil & Resource Wars Documentary evidence, in written and DATA DVD format: A)



Population Policy Common Sense: Human Rights, Peace & Social Justice: Exponential Function Laws of Sustainability: Population, Politics & Political Cowards118: (P:38) I)

Exponential Functions: French Riddle of the Lily Pond: Understanding Exponential Growth: Bacteria in a Bottle, by World Population Balance


The Culture of Future Conflict: Overpopulation & Resource Scarcity will be the Direct Cause of Confrontation, Conflict & War, by Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, US Army’s Senior Professional Journal


Public Report of the Vice President’s Task Force on Combatting Terrorism, February 1986119, by Former President George W. Bush, Snr.


National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications for Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security & Overseas Interests, April 1974120, by President Nixon’s, National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger


The Laws of Sustainability, excerpt from Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment, by Dr. Albert Bartlett

DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts121: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], documentaries/excerpts: I)

CIA & Pentagon on Overpopulation - 1 (05:42); 2 (05:24); i.e. the 2000 Nightline with Ted Koppel CIA and Pentagon Interviews on the issues of the lack of Political Will to deal with preventing Overpopulation; and the resource war consequences.


Crude Impact - Vista Clara JJ Wood (14:00); by James Jandack Wood, with interviews of Mathew Simmons, et al.


Exponential Fx Population & Energy 1/8 (10:32); 2/8 (10:17); 3/8 (09:41); 4/8 (10:50); 5/8 (10:21); 6/8 (10:12); 7/8 (08:32); 8/8 (06:18); Dr. Al. Bartlett’s series on Arithmetic, Population and Energy


Exponential Growth Bomb – Growth Busters (04:42), exploring humanities addiction to population and economic growth; and its consequences.

DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 22122; documentaries; or relevant excerpts: I)

Attack or Godsend? Meacher and Von Beulow (Tweedag, Dutch TV)


Hijacking Catastrophe: 911 – Fear and Selling of the American Empire (Media Education Foundation)


911 Accountability: Strategies & Solutions Conference (911TV.org);


http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak.html http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak_27.html 118 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16203475/090606Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-The-Laws-of-Sustainability 119 http://www.scribd.com/doc/5948764/Public-Report-of-the-Vice-Presidents-Task-Force-on-Combatting-Terrorism-February-1986 120 http://whatisyourrrintelligence.blogspot.com/2009/05/national-security-study-memorandum-200.html 121 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-12-alternative.html 122 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-22-07-05-23.html 117

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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3 Days of the Condor (Sydney Pollack)


A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (Basil Gelpke & Ray McCormack)


The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror (Free Will Productions)


CIA’s Perspective on Overpopulation & Resource Wars (Nightline)


[Legalizing Evil I123, sent to all Plaintiffs on 23 May 2007 also included Oil, Smoke and Mirrors, by Ronan Doyle ]

ACT OF COMMISSION: Nullification of the TRC Social Contract: ‘KAFFIR’ PARASITE RESOURCE WARS ‘Offer of Proof’ Documentation: 54)

During court proceedings, on 08 July 2009, I submitted evidentiary information, regarding my ‘Kaffir’ Civil Disobedience, Political Necessity, and Free Speech Defences, on the issue of ‘Kaffir’ Parasite Resource Wars, specifically, in written format: A)



Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity124: I)

Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech, Radical Hon(our)sty & Civil Disobedience


Overview: Evidentiary Documentation: Written & Telephonic Correspondence: Defendant and Plaintiff 2002 – 2009

An Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy: Fraudulent ‘Rehabilitiation’ Boomerang: Correctional Prison services Prison Policies as a Major Intentional Source of New South Africa’s ‘Kaffirs’ AKA ‘Criminals125 (P:31): I)

Your Crime Against ‘Kaffirs’ and Yourselves


Are You a Social Engineer, or a Parasite?

On 12 August 2009, I submitted the following ‘Kaffir’ Parasite Resource Wars Documentary evidence, in written and DATA DVD format: A)

Practicing Radical Honesty Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract126: (P:38) I)




Social Contract Theory Law and Legal Definition

Engineering Consenting Psychological “Kaffirs”?: Conforming to Blind Obedience to Authority, or Cultural Belief127? I)

Propaganda: Organizing Chaos, by Edward Bernays


The Stanford Prison Experiment: The Lucifer Effect, by Dr. Phillip Zimbardo


Conformity Paradigm and Experiments, by Dr. Soloman Asch

DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts128: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS] documentaries/excerpts: I)

Quiet Rage: Stanford Prison Experiment – Stanford (49:51)


A Call To Arms for White People of Truth/Walking on Egg Shells Language, by Pastor David James Manning (04:32)

DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 22129; documentaries; or relevant excerpts: I)

Black Consciousness: Malcolm X: Who Are You?


http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/07-05-23-legalizing-evil-cpd-hc-appeal.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity 125 See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/5502714/040611-Essay-on-Proudly-South-African-Parasite-Hypocrisy-Fraudulent-Rehabilitation-BoomerangCorrectional-Services-Prison-Policies-As-A-Major-I 126 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16203475/090606Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-The-Laws-of-Sustainability 127 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18631336/090811-Legal-Argument-Encl-Engineering-Consenting-Psychological-Kaffirs 128 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-12-alternative.html 129 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-11-aug-data-dvd-22-07-05-23.html 124

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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For the Record: NDR-113 Matrix Defence in Legal Indulgence Matrix Reality: 56)

During conviction, Magistrate Louw stated, among others: Mrs. Johnstone preferred to conduct her own defence. All suggestions to the contrary by the court in this regard had been turned down by the accused. She insisted in conducting her own defence. The court was unsuccessful to talk her into legal representation.


Magistrate Louw and the Court Record appear to be ignorant or unaware of the following: A)

Attorney Malcolm Gezzler & Adv. Gary Beale were appointed to represent me, by my brother, Andre Johnstone, subsequent to my Arrest, on 18 July 2007, and Detainment in Pollsmoor, on 19 July 2007. They represented me at Bail Hearing on 22 August 2007, and with written representations to Snr. Prosecutor briefly thereafter.


Representation terminated in October/November 2007. Total cost, approx: R 9,000.00130


My family appointed Attorney Milton de La Harpe to represent me at Bail Hearing on 08 April 2008. He continued to represent me with (i) written representations to Plaintiff on 08 April 2008; (ii) at ‘postponement’ hearings until matter struck from role, by Magistrate M. Tyulu, on 10 June 2008.


Attorney De La Harpe representation was terminated on 29 Jan ’09, as a result of financial indigence. Total representations costs, approximately R11,000.00.


I Applied for Legal Aid on 28 January 2009 131. I was approved for Legal Aid, as financially indigent (i.e. earning less than R1,000.00 per month), on 28 January 2009.


I met my Legal Aid appointed Attorney, Ms. Gaudia, on 12 February 2009; and provided her with an overview of my written instructions regarding the matter, dated 10 February 2009132. As of 02 March 2009, three weeks later, she had not read any of it; and had no idea what my case was about.


On 02 March 2009, subsequent to receiving my written instructions133, instructing my attorney to inform the State, as a matter of record, that I intended to plead to Political Necessity, and accordingly a Pre-Trial “Offer of Proof” hearing needed to be scheduled; my Legal Aid Attorney, Ms. Gaudia withdrew as my Legal Aid representative, citing “conflict of interest”.


In a letter to the State, FOR THE RECORD: State v. Johnstone: ‘Crimen Injuria’: Incomplete Further Particulars134, dated 28 December 2008, I made an offer for Negotiation, on the issue of my lack of Legal Representation, to the State: Snr. Prosecutor Jacobs. The letter was CC’d to Adv. A. Ackerman, of the NPA’s National Priority Crimes Litigation Unit Head Office. In exchange for the State showing an act of goodwill to the concepts of Law and Order and the rule of law, by (1) dropping the crimen injuria charges, and (2) paying for Advocates Jaap Cilliers, Tokkie van Zyl & Pete Mihalik to represent me in the CPD-HC Appeal A 696-04 matter -- considering the issues raised therein, and the State’s negligent and previous obstruction of justice etc. conduct in the trial and subsequent Appeal documentation filed – I would withdraw the Transfer of the Appeal to JAG, and the Appeal could proceed in the CPD-HC.


In an email135, to National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), also Founder/Spokesman, for Black Lawyers for Justice (BLFJ): Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq, (shabazzlaw@aol.com), on Tue, January 20, 2009, at 4:58 pm; copied to among others: CounterIntelligence Field Activity, Dept. of Defence (Loretta.buckley@cifa.mil), titled, Request for Information: New Black Panther Party’s Population Policies on Root Causes of Terrorism, I invited Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq., or any American Black Lawyer for Justice, to represent me in this Crimen Injuria matter:


http://www.scribd.com/doc/11542915/070829StatementofAccBailHearingAttyGezzlerp03 http://www.scribd.com/doc/12335846/090128-Legal-Aid-Application-for-Legal-Aid-Cover-Letter 132 http://www.scribd.com/doc/12335858/090210-Legal-Aid-Gaudia-Brief-Overview-Instructions-and-Documentation-Letter-to-Legal-Aid 133 http://www.scribd.com/doc/12928479/090302-Instructions-to-Legal-Aid-Ms-Gaudia-RE-Instructions-for-02-March-2009-Court-Appearance 134 http://www.scribd.com/doc/11489675/081228-For-the-Record-State-v-Johnstone-Crimen-Inuria-Incomplete-Further-Particulars 135 Disclosure Email: Request for Info on New Black Panther Party's Population Policies on Root Causes of Terrorism (http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/02/disclosure-email-request-for-info-on.html) 131

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Should you wish to make some REAL REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS HISTORY …., Mr. Shabazz, I invite you to represent me in the Crimen Inuria Case Against me, by Hon. Mrs. Patricia De Lille, MP; to demonstrate your commitment as a Black Lawyer for Justice, including for those you may consider 'enemies'; like a brave 'Lawyer for Justice' named Braam Fischer once did.




In a letter, Representations: S. v. Johnstone – Crimen Injuria: Incomplete Further Particulars136, dated 17 February 2009, Adv. Ackerman, responded to my letter FOR THE RECORD: State v. Johnstone: ‘Crimen Injuria’: Incomplete Further Particulars137, stating he had forwarded the letter to NPA: Western Cape, Adv. R. de Kock, for his response.


There has been no response from Adv. R. de Kock, or Senior Prosecutor Jacobs, to the Offer.

Accordingly, it appears, I shall be representing myself, until I find a legal representative, who wants to represent me, in this matter; who understands, or at the very least has the slightest little bit of curiosity to attempt to comprehend; A)

The Psychological, Emotional and Noticing Skills and Competencies required to be, and live in accordance to such being, to the Radical Hon(our)sty Social Contract;


the Consciousness Level Difference between the 92% of individuals who spend 92% of their lives at the consciousness Level of Belief; and the 8% who prefer the Level of Pure Reason;


the courage it takes to practice Direct Face-to-Face Resentments; and the difference between fake, posed intellectual forgiveness and real, sensate being forgiveness;

If -- like NDR-113 Andrew Martin’s family; -- past and future legal representatives are as limited in their ability to assist me, to the degree that they were and are prepared to acknowledge my humanity; does the court expect me to appoint legal representatives who are either incapable or refuse to acknowledge my humanity (religion, culture, ideas, traditions)?

Radical Hon(our)sty Social Contract Offer138: Revolution of “Being Black/ Being White” Consciousness; OR Minutemen Secession?


http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/02/09-02-17-npa-priority-crimes-litigation.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/11489675/081228-For-the-Record-State-v-Johnstone-Crimen-Inuria-Incomplete-Further-Particulars 138 Political Necessity Defence, ‘Offer of Proof’, dated 11 September 2002, in SAP Case 572/02, to Attorney D’Oliviera and WC: AG Theunissen: (1) Freedom to Choose; (2) Courage to Doubt (Voltaire); (3) Laboratory Birth of AIDS; (4) The Overpopulation Devils Advocate; (5) What is the Legitimate Uce of Coercive Force? (6) Revolution or Evolution? (7) Wake Up! You are Breaking the Social Contract! 137

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument

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