10-02-22: Beeld Editor: Tim du Plessis: Deliberate Indifference to RH White Refugees

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Request Beeld’s Official Comment on Free Speech Legal Issue: American politician and author Dr. Brad Blanton accuses SA Government of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience Radical Honesty White Refugee Free Speech dissenter. The Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’ (PDF[9]), states among others, that: 

Hon. Mrs. De Lille, and the NPA Senior Prosecutor conducted a political and legal prosecution and persecution campaign against the defendant, myself.

If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks, where ‘civil disobedience’ is defined as: “a public, nonviolent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government”; then it is not a democratic country.

The law of crimen injuria is a law so ridiculous, it appears to date back to a belief in curses from witchdoctors.

Confirms my culture and religion as that of Radical Honesty; namely to non-violently tell another the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God; with a commitment to remaining in the conversation until sincere forgiveness has occurred.

My defence of non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence was justified and accurate.

My opinion that there is a significant difference between posed forgiveness and real forgiveness and that this difference is almost always avoided by politicians, such as South Africa’s alleged Truth and Reconciliation politicians is entirely accurate.

Beeld: Editor: Tim du Plessis: 25 February 2010 “Kindly be informed that I am not going to comment on the questions/issues raised in you letter. There will be no further correspondence or liaison in this matter.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27357977/10-02-22-Beeld-Editor-Tim-du-Plessis

Questions for SANEF Beeld Editor: Mr. Tim du Plessis Statement of Fact: Beeld Editor, Mr. Tim du Plessis is aware of the contents of the First Amicus Curiae before the Constitutional Court in Citizen vs. McBride, which alleges TRC fraud and media corruption, and which is supported by the expert witness statements of (a) the worlds foremost expert on honesty, transparency and sincere forgiveness, Dr. Brad Blanton, bestselling author of Radical Honesty series of books, and former ‘Honesty in Politics’ candidate for Congress in Virginia in 2004 and 2006; (b) Dr. T. Michael Maher, the author of the study How and Why Journalists Avoid the Environment-Population Connection. (First Amicus included as attachment to this email); Beeld has decided to censor this information from SA public.



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