21 March 2010, Human Rights Day Prime Minister Stephen Harper Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, K1A 0A2, Canada Fax: 613-941-6900 Email: pm@pm.gc.ca
Ref: HC-WC 19963-09: Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter: Educate 2 Liberate
Hon. Prime Minister Harper, For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law. Please find herewith the High Court, Western Cape, Case # 19963-09: Human Consciousness1
Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter2, Social Science Enquiry Report: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law3. 30 South African Media Corporations Editors; 7 Political Party Leaders; 2 Gov. Protection Bodies, including the Public Protector; 12 Human Rights Org's, incl. the F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela Foundations; 9 University Vice Chancellor’s; and 76 Academics who signed a Petition to the Canadian Charge D'Affaires in Pretoria, objecting to the granting of ‘White Refugee’ status to Brandon Huntley; were personally contacted to determine their official representation related to the Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter. They were informed that it was assumed that they (a) are Proudly TRC SA leaders who agree that if SA does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, it is not a democratic country and (b) if informed of evidence the SA government is legally and politically persecuting a SA citizen; they would wish to express their democratic objections thereto, with at the very least a public comment, that they object. Unlike “Dr. Truth” Brad Blanton, former ‘Honesty in Politics’ Congressional Candidate for Congress, bestselling author and psychologist from Virginia; who filed an expert witness written affidavit under oath on behalf of the Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter; not one South African would provide even a comment to object to the SA Government's persecution of the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”). Not one disputed the RHWR’s persecution: the illegal arrest, detention, obstruction of justice, denial of defence and due process, conviction & sentence for a lawful act; i.e. political & legal persecution; as a result of her Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter advocacy. Respectfully,
Lara Johnstone P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 Western Cape, South Africa
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PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520279/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Truth-Forgiveness-Social-Contract PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520277/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-Laws-of-Sustainability PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28684119/10-03-21-140-SA-Political-Academic-Media-Elite-Say-No-Thanks-to-Rule-of-Law