10-03-21: CA: PM Stephen Harper: Human Cons. Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter

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21 March 2010, Human Rights Day Prime Minister Stephen Harper Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, K1A 0A2, Canada Fax: 613-941-6900 Email: pm@pm.gc.ca

Ref: HC-WC 19963-09: Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter: Educate 2 Liberate

Hon. Prime Minister Harper, For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law. Please find herewith the High Court, Western Cape, Case # 19963-09: Human Consciousness1

Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter2, Social Science Enquiry Report: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law3. 30 South African Media Corporations Editors; 7 Political Party Leaders; 2 Gov. Protection Bodies, including the Public Protector; 12 Human Rights Org's, incl. the F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela Foundations; 9 University Vice Chancellor’s; and 76 Academics who signed a Petition to the Canadian Charge D'Affaires in Pretoria, objecting to the granting of ‘White Refugee’ status to Brandon Huntley; were personally contacted to determine their official representation related to the Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter. They were informed that it was assumed that they (a) are Proudly TRC SA leaders who agree that if SA does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, it is not a democratic country and (b) if informed of evidence the SA government is legally and politically persecuting a SA citizen; they would wish to express their democratic objections thereto, with at the very least a public comment, that they object. Unlike “Dr. Truth” Brad Blanton, former ‘Honesty in Politics’ Congressional Candidate for Congress, bestselling author and psychologist from Virginia; who filed an expert witness written affidavit under oath on behalf of the Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter; not one South African would provide even a comment to object to the SA Government's persecution of the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”). Not one disputed the RHWR’s persecution: the illegal arrest, detention, obstruction of justice, denial of defence and due process, conviction & sentence for a lawful act; i.e. political & legal persecution; as a result of her Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter advocacy. Respectfully,

Lara Johnstone P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 Western Cape, South Africa

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PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520279/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Truth-Forgiveness-Social-Contract PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520277/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-Laws-of-Sustainability PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28684119/10-03-21-140-SA-Political-Academic-Media-Elite-Say-No-Thanks-to-Rule-of-Law




HC-WC # 19963-094 Human Consciousness5 Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter6 “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect; has intended us to forego their use” – Galileo Galilei

White Refugee Guerrilla-Law Social Science Enquiry:

Rule-of-Law vs. No Rules at All Freedom to Be Responsible vs. Freedom from Responsibility Power vs. Force and Consciousness vs. Belief 140 of SA’s Political, Media & Academic Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to Rule-of-Law Population Policy Common Sense Eco-Family Consciousness

If the only ultimate check on the growth of population is misery, then the population will grow until it is miserable enough to stop its growth. If something else, other than misery and starvation, can be found which will keep a prosperous population in check, the population does not have to grow until it is miserable and starves, and it can live ecologically and lovingly, and be stably prosperous. To advocate for human rights, peace & social justice; while ignoring their ecological basis -- a stable human population at slightly less than the eco-system’s long term carrying capacity -- is intellectual dishonesty & hypocrisy.

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http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2333061 http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520279/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Truth-Forgiveness-Social-Contract http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520277/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-Laws-of-Sustainability




Why We Are African White Refugees....

140 of SA Political, Academic & Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law Table of Contents (PDF Download7)



Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence; ANC-Fanonstein ‘struggle’ spawned a Gov. of Comrade-tsotsis, Gangsters & Kleptomaniacs, by Mphutlane wa Bofelo


Brief Description of Stanley Milgram Psycho-Social Experiment on Obedience:

3-4 5

Excerpt from Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, author, psychologist & politician


African White Refugee Memo to: Min. of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada, For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)


For the White Refugee Record: 140 SA Elite on HC-WC Case: #19963-09: » Radical Honesty Dr. Brad Blanton’s Allegations




» Editors, TV News Producers & Radio Station Manager, etc.



» Political Parties & Government Bodies



» Non-Prof Human Rights Related Org’s



» University Rectors & Vice Chancellors



» TRC Academics who Petitioned Canadian Charge D’Affaires objecting to IRB granting Brandon Huntley ‘White Refugee’ status.


Admin: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt » Min of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada; IRB & High Commissioner » UNHCR, Amnesty Intn’l & EU Council for Refugees


34 – 39

The Rule-of-Law; or No Rules at All? ……..

140 of SA Political, Academic & Media Elite; say ‘No Problem’ to Persecution…. 7

PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28684119/10-03-21-140-SA-Political-Academic-Media-Elite-Say-No-Thanks-to-Rule-of-Law




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