10-31-16: Volkstaat Jus Sanguinis Petition: UK: Scottish Green Party: Robin Harper

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05 – 16 December 2010 Robin Harper Scottish Green Party Pàrtaidh Uaine na h-Alba Scots Green Pairty 20 Graham Street Edinburgh EH6 5QR Scotland

Ref: * Peak Oil: Implications Of Resource Scarcity On (National) Security; Center for German Army Transformation, Group for “Future Studies”, July 20101; * The 2010 ASPO Conference: National Security Aspects2

c/o & via: Dr. Nicola Brewer High Commissioner British High Commission 255 Hill Street, Arcadia Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 421 7500 Fax: +27 (12) 421 7599 c/o & via: Richard Wood, British Consulate General PO Box 500 Cape Town 8000 Tel: +27 (21) 405 2400 Fax: +27 (21) 405 2447 Per Consular Fax Dear Mr. Harper and Pàrtaidh Uaine na h-Alba Members,

Volkstaat Secession in South Africa; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) United Kingdom Citizenship for African White Refugees

1 Military Study Warns of Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis, Der Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,715138,00.html Leaked German Military Study Warns of Peak Oil, Robert Rapier, Oil Price, 03 September 2010: This week a study on peak oil by a German military think tank was leaked on the Internet. The document shows that the German government is closely studying the issue of peak oil, and is aware of the potential for serious consequences as oil production declines. The study is reminiscent of the Hirsch Report, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy, that warned of the risks posed by peak oil. The document warns of the potential for regional shortages, market failures, and a shift in political power toward those capable of exporting oil. http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Leaked-German-Military-Study-Warnsof-Peak-Oil-Crisis.html 2 The 2010 ASPO conference: national security aspects, by Rick Munroe, Energy Bulletin, 17 October 2010 http://energybulletin.net/stories/2010-10-17/2010-aspo-conference-national-security-aspects

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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