11-06-27: MC: Prince Albert II & Consul of Monaco: Demands to Delete Jus Sang Petition

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27 June 2011

Prince Albert II & Min. of State: Michel Roger c/o: Mr Francis Kasasa, Honorary Consul Principality of Monaco Honorary Consulate Unit 1 Milton's Way, 11 Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, Westlake, CAPE TOWN, 7945 Tel: (021) 702 0991 / 0992 | Fax: (021) 702 0993

Ref: Prince Albert and Consul of Monaco‟s legal allergy to Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat 4 African White Refugees Petition1

Dear Counsel for Prince Albert II & Min. of State: Michel Roger & Hon. Consul Mr. Kasasa, RE: Prince Albert II, Minister of State: Michel Roger and Hon. Consul Mr. Kasasa’s Demands to Delete Jus Sanguinis Webpage: African White Refugees Petition to Principality of Monaco2 I acknowledge receipt of Ms. Karin Andersen‟s email sent Mon 6/27/2011 11:33 AM: From: Consulate of Monaco - Info [mailto:info@consulate-monaco.co.za] Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 11:33 AM To: jussanguinis@mweb.co.za Subject: REMOVE!!! Importance: High Kindly remove all reference to the Principality of Monaco, Prince Albert II and any other reference to the country from your website IMMEDIATELY. We do not support you or your cause and do not wish to be associated in any way with it. If you do not remove all references to Monaco from your website we will be obliged to take legal action against you. Bien à vous / Regards, Karin Andersen Assistant to the Consul Consulate of Monaco No. 1 Milton's Way | 11 Bell Crescent Close | Westlake Business Park | Westlake 7945 | Cape Town | South Africa Tel: +27 (21) 7020991 | Fax: +27 (21) 702 0993

Issues of Response: 1 2

http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_monaco.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_monaco.htm

Boer Volkstaat; &/or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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