Mandelatopia'sTRC Fraud: Boer Volkstaat Theses: Dutch Embassy: Expert Witnesses

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Netherlands Embassy: Expert Witnesses The following Expert Witnesses were available to testify to their particular issue of expertise argued in the Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat 10.31.16 Theses; for the Netherlands Embassy Meeting, requested by Minister of Foreign Affairs on 31 March 2011; which was subsequently cancelled by the Netherlands Embassy on 11 April 2011. 

Arif Hasan Akhundzada: Formerly Pakistan Representative of Renaissance Vanguard (RV) (PK)

Brad Blanton, Ph.D: Psychologist; Founder Radical Honesty; Green Ind. Candidate for U.S. Congress in 2004 & 2006 (USA)

Gedaliah Braun, Ph.D: Professor: Philosophy, Nigeria, Kenya & Papua New Guinea (ZA)

Jason G. Brent: Former Judge; Author: Humans: An Endangered Species (USA)

Andries Breytenbach: Leader: Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP); Chairman: Die Afrikanerfront; Chairman: Boere-Afrikanervolksraad (ZA)

Marius Coertze: Attorney: Clive Derby Lewis (ZA)

Frank Ellis, Ph.D: Former Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies at Leeds Univ. UK; Author: Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle (UK)

Ben Geldenhuys: Chairman: Verkenners Beweeging van Suid Afrika and Projek 2010 (ZA)

Andres Herkel: Former Vice Pres. of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (EE)

Russell Kaplan: Attorney for White Refugee Brandon Huntley (CA)

Paul Kruger: Chair: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) (ZA)

Meshack Mabogoane: Founder: Federal Africa (ZA)

T. Michael Maher, Ph.D: Prof. & Head: Dept. of Communication, University of Louisiana: How & Why Journalists Avoid Environment-Population Connection (USA)

Pastor James Manning, Ph.D: Chief Pastor: Atlah World Ministry Church, New York (USA)

Eric Jon Phelps: Author: Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends (USA)

Sebastian Ronin: Chairman: Renaissance Vanguard (CA)

Frank Salter, Ph.D: Max Planck Institute for Behaviour Physiology: On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration (DE)

Nicolai Sennels: Psychologist, Author: Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologists Experiences from Copenhagen Municipality (DK)

Jared Taylor, Ph.D: Editor: American Renaissance. Author: A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the 21st Century (USA)

General Johan van der Merwe: Former Commissioner: South African Police Force (ZA)

Steyn van Ronge: Leader: Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB) (ZA)

General Constand Viljoen: Former Chief: South African Defence Force (ZA)

Andries Visagie: Chairman: Geloftevolk Republikeine (ZA)


Arif Hasan Akhundzada Formerly Pakistan Representative of Renaissance Vanguard Arif Hasan Akhundzada is 43, and was the Pakistan executive member of the Renaissance Vanguard (RV) until fall of 2011. He is unmarried and lives off the income of his inherited tribal lands. His mother was English. He has college level education and is also a trained pilot. His main activities center around all kinds of reading and writing, and since his (late father's) family has a high standing in our local Pashtun tribal society in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, he also takes part in local social and political activity. On the internet his scope and reach extends far beyond the local Pashtun tribal scene - though the former has been his prime focus till now. His eventual goal is to be effective on the vast level of continental Eurasia - from the English Channel, to Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan. He believes he has the wherewithal for this task! He hopes to use his heritage in this endeavour. The world is growing smaller, and access is growing, and it is his wish that the positive influences of our collective heritage make it through. His ancestor was originally a Turkoman from Central Asia in what is now the Turkmenistan and Southern Russian region, but their clan has been living in ethnic Afghan lands, within present day Pakistan, for the better part of 300 years. Mr. Akhundzada shares Renaissance Vanguard‟s recognition of the triple political convergence of Post-Peak Oil, secessionist pressures on the large industrial nation-state, and Ethno Nationalism. Mr. Akhundzada is currently Diplomatic Head of Asian Affairs for Sovereign Grand Duchy von Drakenberg and Vice-President (Asia) of the Royal Academy of Aristocracy1. Expertise: 

The Pashtun, A Post-Peak Oil Tribal Beacon for the Occident2, by Arif Hasan Akhundzada, formerly RV Pakistan Representative ©

Peak Oil, Ethno-Nationalism, Secession3

Ethnicity a basis for rather than threat to democracy and freedom, Tartu conference concludes4

Ethno Nationalist Secession-by-Default: Post-Peak Oil Devolution of the Developing Industrial Nation-State5

1 3 4 5 2


Brad Blanton, Ph.D Psychologist, Founder Radical Honesty culture Green Independent Candidate for U.S. Congress in 2004 & 2006 Brad Blanton6 (born September 4, 1940) is an author, seminar leader, and 2004 and 2006 candidate for United States House of Representatives. He was trained in Gestalt Therapy by Fritz Perls, M.D., Ph.D., the founder of Gestalt Therapy. His first book, Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth, became a nation-wide bestseller in 1996 and has been translated into nine languages. That success was followed by books that applied the principles of Radical Honesty to personal growth, social transformation and parenting. Dr. Blanton earned his doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin in 1966 when he was 25 years old. He spent 25 years in the private practice of psychotherapy, becoming the Director of The Center for Well Being in Washington, D.C., where he worked with individuals, couples, and groups. He also served as a consultant to corporations, government and the media. In 1990 he moved to central Virginia and founded Radical Honesty Enterprises, and The Center for Radical Honesty7, both dedicated to promoting honesty in the world. Politically active from his days in the civil rights movement to the present, Dr. Blanton ran as an Independent against Eric Cantor in 2004 election for the United States Congress in Virginia's Seventh Congressional District. In that race, he earned 24% of the vote. Brad Blanton now lives in Stanley, Virginia, where he spends his time writing, farming, community organizing and conducting seminars in Radical Honesty. Other books by Dr. Blanton include: * Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help From Your Friends, * Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World, * The Truthtellers, * Beyond Good and Evil: The Eternal Split-Second Sound-Light Being, * Honest to God: A Change of Heart That Can Change the World (with Neale Donald Walsch), * The Korporate Kannibal Kookbook and * Some New Kind of Trailer Trash. Radical Honesty is a kind of communication that is direct, complete, open and expressive. Radical Honesty means you tell the people in your life what you've done or plan to do, what you think, and what you feel. It's the kind of authentic sharing that creates the possibility of love and intimacy. The practice of Radical Honesty is based on the concept that the best way to reduce stress, make life work, and heal the past is to tell the truth. People who practice Radical Honesty have healthy, free, powerful and joyful lives. Lying and protecting your image takes a heavy toll on your health and relationships. Telling the truth is less destructive than lying. One key to telling the truth is knowing what you are actually experiencing: learning to rely on noticing, rather than thinking, as the basis for getting grounded in your experience and creating real intimacy. Expertise: ď ś

6 7

Radical Honesty Beyond Left/Right Problem Solving: No real thinking or problem solving happens amongst great pretenders including during Ecological Overshoot Denial: There is no


possibility for a real resolution of resource war conflicts between the "clique of the ignorant" 'right wing' versus the "clique of cowardice" 'left wing'; while ignoring the masculine insecurity demographic slave and cannon fodder breeding-war root causes of these Poverty Pimping ecological conflicts: Real Conflict Resolution is Hard Enough: Taboos Against Self-Expression and Root Cause Problem Solving Make It Damned Near Impossible 

Difference between fake intellectual forgiveness and sincere sensate forgiveness.

Importance of honesty, truth telling & sincere forgiveness to healthy relationships.

Consequences of fake intellectual forgiveness to creating toxic political correct relationships.

Tao of Democracy: Tom Atlee, the author of The Tao of Democracy, postulates the possibility of something he calls co-intelligence. He asserts that if people of divergent viewpoints get together and disagree to whatever degree possible but remain committed to solving a problem; they will eventually come up with a solution more brilliant and creative than any of them could have come up with alone. This form of deep democracy differs from the usual process known as co-stupidity. When people can honestly disagree and still stick with each other, instead of having an ideal that all must believe in, in common, before they can act together—we then have a process through which all can discover in common, and create together unique solutions. We substitute the process of mutual problem solving for idealism of any kind. That's it. That's very radical and that's our only hope. Radical hope depends on radical honesty.

Gedaliah Braun, Ph.D Professor of Philosophy, Nigeria, Kenya & Papua New Guinea Dr. Braun8 is an American who from 1976 to 1988 taught philosophy at universities in Nigeria, Kenya and Papua New Guinea, since which time he has lived in South Africa. Author of: Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred & Self-Deceit: A Philosophers Hard-Headed Look at the Dark Continent9. Expertise: 

Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred & Philosophers Hard-Headed Look Continent10

Self-Deceit: A at the Dark

What is Racism?: A Practical Guide to Philosophy11

Black v. White Rule: Sixteen years of frank conversations with Black Africans and Black South Africans regarding their preference for white or black rule12.

How westernized blacks use „white guilt‟ and „black rage‟ to manipulate whites.

8 10 11 12 9


Judge Jason G. Brent Former Judge; Author: Humans: An Endangered Species 1956: B.S., in Industrial Engineering, with Honors: Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1957: M.S., in Business (Accounting), Columbia University, New York City 1960: J.D., Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, Columbia University, New York City 1966-75: Accounting culminating in: Jason G. Brent, C.P.A. 1972-2000: Attorney: Law Office of Jason G. Brent, later Brent & Klein 1988-1991: Judge, East Kern Municipal Court, Mojave, California Legal Admissions: 1971: California Bar; 1960: New York Bar; 1972: U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, U.S District Court, Central Dist. of California, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Court of Claims Legal Rating & Major Cases: Rated AV by Martindale-Hubbell; Sindell vs Abbott (1980) 26 Cal 3rd 588; Judd vs Superior Court (1976) 60 Cal App 3rd 38 Community Service: American Mensa Society; California Judges Association; Kern County and San Fernando Bar Associations; Kern Transportation Foundation; East Kern County Air Pollution Control District, Review Board Chairman; Kern County Human Relations Commission, Vice Chairman; Regional Occupation Program Review for Criminal Justice, Chairman; Temple Judea, Board of Directors; Desert Counselling Service, Board of Directors. Author: Humans: An Endangered Species13 Expertise: 

"We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war" -- Jason G. Brent, Former Judge East Kern Municipal Court, Mojave, California

"No one has the right to use his penis or her womb to destroy all of humanity. There is not a God given right to reproduce or to reproduce in a manner which results in the total and complete destruction of our species." -- Humans: An Endangered Species

If you were the counsel for white South Africans prior to implementing Apartheid; who perceived (rightly or wrongly) Africans to be using their penis and womb's as acts of war; what would you have suggested to your Afrikaner clients, as their Population Policy legal counsellor, were their legal 'Just War Self Defense' options for survival in the face of such a breeding war act of war?



Andries Breytenbach Leader: Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP); Chairman: Die Afrikanerfront; Chairman: Boere-Afrikanervolksraad Andries Breytenbach14 is a founder of the HNP15 and has for many years been a member of its Management. In 1994 he was the secretary and organizer of the Afrikaner-Volkscongress, whose goal was to raise the morale of Afrikaners subsequent to the depressing circumstances related to De Klerks handover of the government to the ANC. He subsequently published the speeches made under the title 'We Will Stand Up". From 1996 to 2002 he was the secretary of the Volks Committee for the Remembrance of the Second World War. He is currently involved in the organisation of Afrikaner cultural life as a director of the Volkseie Museumraad, a former director of Radio Pretoria, a trustee of the Majuba Boerevolk Trust and the chairman of the Afrikanerfront. In September 2009 he was chosen as a member of the Geloftevolk Coordinating Committee. His other activities include being a speaker at Geloftefees events, participating in debates on Radio Pretoria, and the writing of articles on South African history and politics. Expertise: 

The Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival

Verwoerd and Malan‟s „swart gevaar‟ (black peril) motives for establishing Apartheid: Verwoerd described the motives, practices and policies for apartheid, aka separate development, or Harmonious Multi-Community Development , and Live and Let Live in depth, in the submissions to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on South West Africa, about the „superiority of numbers of the Natives‟

Living standards of black Africans under Apartheid, compared to African countries run by African Liberation Movements and Soviet countries, under Marxism

14 15


Marius Coertze Attorney for Clive Derby-Lewis Marius Coertze was admitted to practice law in the High Courts in 1989. He has experience in more than 600 legal cases regarding family law. His legal firm has also dealt with issues of public interest, of which two cases were dealt with in the Constitutional Court. Expertise: 

Double standards and political fraud involved with the case of Clive Derby-Lewis.

Clive Derby Lewis: Clive John Derby-Lewis (born 22 January 1936) is a South African ex-politician, who was involved first in the National Party and then, while serving as a Member of Parliament, in the Conservative Party. He is serving a life sentence for his role in the assassination of South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani and was denied amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The following brief analysis of the case of Clive Derby Lewis is from Liberal Kameraad Mhambi/Wessel van Rensburg16, a former investigator and evidence analyst for the South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Left Me Dazed and Confused17. In his article: Clive Derby Lewis on the Wrong Side of History18, he writes: “I will tell you will not go out (of prison) Clive Derby-Lewis…you can go to hell. You‟re not going to go out until you do your time, it‟s as simple as that.” Those were the words this week of prisons minister Ngconde Balfour the Sunday Times reports. In terms of South African prison regulations Derby-Lewis is legitimately up for parole and has been recommended for it by the parole board. As anonymouse, a commentator on the Constitutionally speaking blog, has pointed out: (1) An Act of parliament passed after 1994, determines that a person who has been sentenced to life imprisonment, who has already served 15 years of his sentence, and who is older than 65 years are entitled to be considered for release on parole. (2) Two times now, the Parole Board has in the light of this recommended that DerbyLewis be released when he becomes 65 years, which is now. (3) Ncgonde Balfour argued in the past, that the three years that Derby Lewis spent on death row, before the CC declared the death penalty unconstitutional and his sentence was accordingly commuted into life imprisonment does not count as part of his prison sentence. (4) Janus Walusz, the other accused is not being considered for parole simply because he is not yet 65 years old. In his case, he will have to serve at least 25 years before being considered for release. The final decision still rests with the minister and he has now made his preference clear.

16 18 17


After Mandela, Chris Hani has enjoyed almost mythical reverence from most of black South Africa. Hani is also a rallying point for those in the ANC that opposed the rule of Thabo Mbeki. Considering some of the vengeful statements of late on behalf of leaders, I am not surprised by Balfour‟s statement that Derby-Lewis “can go to hell”. But should we not lament that South Africa does not apply its rules consistently to all? In Derby-Lewis‟s case the rules have been bent before. In fact he and Walusz should not have been in prison in the first place, had the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) applied the rules contained in its own amnesty legislation. The TRC had a problem. One of its central big ideas and supposed balm for our festering historical sores was giving amnesty for political crimes. That is if there was a spilling of the beans or so-called full disclosure. In law there was no definition of what constituted a political crime however. When Namibia went through a similar post conflict process as South Africa they asked a professor Norgaard to define a political crime for them. Norgaard had nothing to go on accept for international public law on political asylum. Looking at different examples of when countries declined to extradite prisoners to other countries on political grounds, he made a set principles that would form the basis for the Namibian solution. Most importantly applicants in Namibia had to prove that their act had a political aim and that it was proportionate to their aim. According to the Norgaard principles placing a bomb in a public space was indiscriminate and not proportionate to the political aim of liberating the country, but killing a senior political figure, or a policeman (who was protecting the state) was. In other words the killings of civilians were not acceptable. In Namibia, where the principles were first created and used, a Swapo cadre who had tortured and killed a farm worker (who also moonlighted as a tracker for the security forces) was given amnesty, but another cadre who placed a bomb in a Windhoek shopping center was not. The TRC act incorporated the Norgaard principles verbatim. But seen through the prism of the Norgaard principles Derby-Lewis and Walus committed the classic political crime. Only to be matched by the assassination of a person like Magnus Malan. But still they were refused amnesty. Ironically because of political reasons it was unpalatable (to both the ANC and Nats) to set them free. The ANC because they and their constituency adored Hani. The Nats wanted to show that „ons is nie almal so nie‟. They were not like the bad whites to their right. Both the ANC and especially the Nats feared a backlash from disappointed young black people. Derby-Lewis and Wallus was expendable and had no real constituency or power base to worry about. Tough luck. But principles flew out the door more than once. As the cut off date for amnesty applications came nearer the TRC has received all but a dearth of mea culpas. The TRC became worried. How to unpick the security services‟ can of worms with no information. Especially as the rise of the TRC effectively meant the end of provincial investigation teams like Jan D‟Oliviera‟s (The Transvaal Attorney General). It was his team that had gone after hit squad leader Eugene de Kock and others so successfully. The Commission, probably rightly, thought that ex-policemen, soldiers and MK cadres had sought legal advice. Proportionality would be a problem for them. Suddenly, with barely a week to go, the Commission pardoned convicted policeman Brian Mitchell. A man who orchestrated the massacre of civilians at Trust Feeds. The amnesty applications went from a trickle to a stream.


Frank Ellis, Ph.D Former Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies at Leeds Univ. UK Dr. Ellis is a former Special Forces soldier, and the Former Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies at Leeds University. He is the author of: Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle Published Articles include among others: * The Teaching Establishment is Bad for Our Schoolchildren, * Equal Opportunities or Institutionalized Envy, * Time to face the truth about Multiculturalism, * Review of Dr. Thilo Sarrazin's Germany Consigns Itself to Oblivion. Expertise: 

Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle

Europe commits Ethno-Cultural Suicide / Review of Dr. Thilo Sarrazin's Germany Consigns Itself to Oblivion19

Demographic decline of Europeans in Europe / Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Europe for Everybody

Time to face the truth about Multiculturalism20

Ben Geldenhuys Chairman: Verkenners Beweeging van Suid Afrika and Projek 2010 Mr. Geldenhuys is the Chairman of the Beweeging van Suid Afrika21, and Projek 201022.


Expertise: 

Overview of Projek 2010 Database23 information; and relevant details in regards to 'racial hatred' aspects of murders of Afrikaners.

Verkenners Beweging van Suid Afrika Genocide Complaint to International Criminal Court (ICC): Probe ANC for genocide: the Hague ICC petitioned24.

19 22 23 24 20 21


Andres Herkel, MP Former Vice Pres. of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Andres Herkel25 was born: 14 August 1962, Tallinn, Estonia Education: University of Tartu, MA in history 1998; University of Tartu, psychology 1985; Saku Secondary School 1980 Career: 9th, 10th and 11th Riigikogu 1999-; Chancellery of the Riigikogu, adviser 1993-1999; Estonian Institute of Humanities, lecturer 1992-1993; Eesti Elu/Kultuur ja Elu journal, editor-in-chief 1991-1992; Journal Vikerkaar, editor 1990-1991; ESSR Institute of Pedagogical Research, researcher 1985-1989. Mr. Herkel was Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, at the time of his agreement to be an expert witness to the Netherlands Embassy. Expertise: 

Ethnicity a basis for rather than threat to democracy and freedom, Tartu conference concludes26

Role of Ethnic National identity in national constructions, together with the historical narratives they are based on, contribute to conflict, when they are incompatible and, antagonistic.

Why a society without a strong sense of ethnic identification, will often lack the social cohesion democracy and individual freedom require. When a nation ignores the claims of ethnic communities within its population that undermines the chances for democracy and individual rights.

Why it is important for Tallinn to continue to support peoples without statehood?

Russell Kaplan Attorney for White Refugee Brandon Huntley Russel Kaplan27 is the Immigration lawyer in Toronto, who handled the 'white refugee' case of Brandon Huntley's application for refugee status in Canada28. Russel Kaplan left South Africa during apartheid, as a result of his objections to Apartheid. Robert Kaplan is his brother. The 1997 Salon article - What Happened to Rob Kaplan29 -- states: The No. 1 Web site in South Africa is not about the beautiful countryside, the miraculous overthrow of apartheid or the glory of Nelson Mandela. It's about "a brutal act of violence" that has left its white victim "battling to breathe." [..] Irnest Kaplan, found his elder brother Rob, 34, near death in his Johannesburg home on May 1. Rob, who ran a computer training center for blacks, had been shot twice in 25 27 28*%20WR%3A%20Brandon%20Huntley 29 26


the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for hours with a household heating iron by three Zulu-speaking robbers seeking the keys to a nonexistent safe. The Kaplan incident was typical of the horrendous street crime that has enveloped South Africa. Carjackings, shootings, knifings and rapes have become so common that many newspapers have simply stopped reporting them unless the details are particularly grotesque -- a burning, for example, or a machete maiming. So far President Mandela's office has remained silent, no doubt aware of the racial dimension of the issue. The Kaplan‟s are white and those complaining most vocally about violent crime are white. And the alleged perpetrators are mostly black. They almost always involve a high degree of gratuitous violence. Gang rape is a growing phenomenon. Are these merely post-apartheid expressions of white racism? No, says former New York Police Commissioner William Bratton, who was asked to come up with a crime reduction proposal for South Africa's minister of police. "The situation seems to be getting worse. [..] The former Lebanese ambassador, who fled the country after his house was broken into once too often, was quoted as saying that Beirut, even in its worst days, was safer than Johannesburg today. [..] Still, says Bratton, "They shouldn't lose optimism." Crime can be lowered, he says, but it requires something he says the Mandela government has so far not shown: "leadership."

Expertise: 

Overview of Canada v. Brandon Huntley

Future applications by South Africans for White Refugee status

Paul Kruger Chairman: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) Paul Kruger30 completed national service in the South African Defense Force (1986) as an officer. Attained a degree in Political Science (including Political Science, International Politics, Anthropology and German) at the University of Pretoria in 1989. Was appointed to the Department of Foreign Affairs (1990), which was terminated after a short while due to his extreme disagreement with the FW de Klerk regime. Attained an honours degree in Strategic Military studies at UNISA (1992) and a law degree in 1995. He has been active in Afrikaner politics, since his student years. He manages a law firm in Pretoria since 1997. He is currently the Chairman of the Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK)31. Expertise: 

The political need for VVK ( in SA

VVK & International Determination.

VVK & TRC Fraud

30 31






Meshack Mabogoane Founder: Federal Africa Meshack Mabogoane is the founder of Federal Africa32. Born in 1947 in Payneville, Springs. 1971: BA from Univ. of Nairobi. Graduate studies at UNISA in telecommunications. 1980-82: Financial Mail, as a senior writer specializing in black labour, business and politics. 1982: publish an independent magazine - African Impact- covering labour, business, politics and arts. Member Orgs: (i) South African Research and Development Trust, SARDET; (ii) Cultural Reclamation Forum, (exec. member), a black discussion and think tank: 1998/2003; (iii) Panafest, a pan African cultural organization, Ghana: 2003/4; (iv) Forum of Black Journalists as secretary general. 2003. Freelance Journalist: (*) How ANC is Sponsoring SA's Moral Holocaust33; (*) Denial and blame stand in way of development34; (*) The search for cultural inspiration amid ruins35; (*) Songs used as buoys to keep ANC myth afloat36; (*) Mbeki's legacy not his alone37; (*) Salute the bravery and vision of SA's founders38; (*) Msholozi Shosholoza39; (*) No surprise that SA is the global leader in HIV/AIDS40; (*) In times of crisis, better leaders will rise in Africa41; (*) Mbeki spits racist venom from his ivory tower42; (*) Ideological music fades but alliance dances on43; (*) Welfare state gives rise to xenophobic violence44; (*) Army not the solution to raging social decay45. Expertise: 

How the ANC is sponsoring SA‟s Moral Holocaust, through its “abnormal governmentsponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration".

ANC regime motives for destroying its vulnerable citizens by exploiting their weaknesses. The array of government policies and programmes around sexuality stoking moral decay in black communities: “In the name of "human rights", social, moral and legal restrictions on sexuality, especially among young people and even minors, were removed. Indeed, the departments of education and social development have formulated measures encouraging widespread sexual activities among teenagers, and it rewards them.”

The ANC‟s motives for “social engineering aimed at producing a degenerate social climate and, out of that, a malleable rabble.”

ANC‟s role in falsifying history.

How and why accepting one‟s underdevelopment begins the process of development.

32 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 33 34


T. Michael Maher, Ph.D Prof. & Head: Dept. of Communication, University of Louisiana Ph.D. The University of Texas, Austin M.S. The University of Maine B.A. The University of Louisiana, Lafayette Prof. Maher has been a Professor with the Dept. of Communication46 at the University of Louisiana, since November 1974, and became Head thereof in 2003. He was also Fulbright Professor, at the University of Regensburg, Germany (Sept. '07 - July '08). Expertise: 

How and Why Journalists Environment Connection47




Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue

Written Statement by Consent of T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness for How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection and Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue48

"Population growth has been implicated in promoting water shortages, urban sprawl, global climate change, and most importantly for this court case, massive migration, social stress and resource scarcities that can lead to violence (cf Thomas Homer-Dixon, Environment, Scarcity and Violence)." (-- Written Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, to SA Concourt49)

"The evidence clearly suggests that population growth is bad policy. But in most countries pressure to change pronatalist or pro-immigration policies is light, which is explained by my next point. 2. In covering population-driven environmental problems, media seldom link the problem to its source in population growth." (-- Written Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, to SA Concourt50)

James Manning, Ph.D Chief Pastor at Altah World Ministry Church Pastor Manning grew up in Red Springs, North Carolina, born to an African American family, and has been at ATLAH51 since 1981. Manning is fiercely opposed to Barak Obama as President 52 and decided to hold what he calls a "10th Amendment sanctioned trial"53 after reviewing the briefs filed by myriad attorneys and watching as case after case was categorically denied access or due process on the matter 46 49 50 51 52 53 47 48


of Obama's eligibility to hold office in terms of Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen years a Resident within the United States." "We have proof of Obama's ineligibility," declared Manning, "We have documented evidence that Barack Hussein Obama II is not a 'natural born Citizen,' as required by the U.S. Constitution to be President of the United States, and that Obama also did not attend Columbia University from 1981-1983 as Obama has claimed." On Tuesday, May 18, the jury in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial54 returned guilty verdicts against Obama, Michael Sovern, who was president of Columbia University during the period of time Obama supposedly attended, and the trustees of Columbia University, on all 17 counts of sedition, conspiracy, fraud and obstruction of justice. Manning held a press conference on Friday, May 21, to formally announce the verdict and answer questions. Monday, May 24, Manning announced, "We the People spoke," and said he was assembling a coalition to hand over the verdicts to the judiciary of the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the U.S. Attorney General. Expertise: 

Call Me Uncle Tom Ruckus, Please Sir: The Hon. James David Manning, PhD speaks about Japan Earthquake vs. Hurricane Katrina & Haiti Earthquake.55

A Call to Arms for White People of Truth56

Her Name is "Ms Ann"57

Remember South Africa58

Pastor Manning says black people have no honor59

Roland "Clark Gable" Martin & Winnie "Floozy" Mandela60

Seven Reasons Why Black People have no Honour61

Black Women have no Honour62

Eric Jon Phelps Author: Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends 54 57 58 59 60 61 62 55 56


Eric Jon Phelps is a Jesuit historian and author of Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends63. Phelps' main focus is on the role of the Roman Catholic Church, and particularly the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta), as secretly responsible for many important historic events. Among other charges, Phelps claims Vatican involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, complicity in the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, and control of Communist dictators such as Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh. Phelps' work is heavily sourced, using many of the Jesuits' own writings to back up his theories. Phelps' book is referenced in Bill Hughes' book The Secret Terrorists64. Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, gives the past and present diabolical history of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Its Second Thirty Years War (1914-1945), including the Jewish, Lutheran, Orthodox and Buddhist Holocausts, was vengeance for the Order's expulsion from Europe and Asia during the Nineteenth Century. Its Cold War was the continuation of the killing of "accursed heretics and liberals" pursuant to the Council of Trent -- upheld by the Second Vatican Counsel -- while using both the American and Soviet Empires to erect dictators worldwide who were secretly or openly loyal to the Pope. Jesuits & Society of Jesus: Destroy Protestantism & Restore Pope as the Universal Monarch of the World: The Jesuits or Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J., SJ, or SI) is a religious order of men called Jesuits, who follow the teachings of the Catholic Church. Jesuit priests and brothers— also sometimes known colloquially as "God's Marines" and as "The Company". The Society of Jesus was founded on August 15, 1534, by Ignatius of Loyola (born Íñigo López de Loyola), a Spaniard of Basque origin, and six other students at the University of Paris who met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre. “... the Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits.” -- G. B. Nicolini of Rome, 1854 Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to England (History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs, G. B. Nicolini of Rome, (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854) p. 2.) “The purpose of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1534 and formally established by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 with a Papal Bull titled Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (R[O]ME), is to destroy every vestige of the Protestant Reformation begun by Martin Luther in 1517. The Jesuits call this “the Counter-Reformation.” “In seeking to destroy the Protestant Reformation, the Professed Jesuits, after a fifteenyear education and thirty-one years in the Order, have obligated themselves with an Oath known as the Fourth Vow. Many Jesuits, however, are not professed and therefore have never been fully initiated into the evils of “the Company.” 63 64


-- Eric Jon Phelps, Vatican Assassins (pg 88) “I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard (a dagger) or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith, of the Society of Jesus.‟”” -- Portion of Jesuit Fourth Vow/Oath published in 1981, by Alberto Rivera, a former Professed Jesuit (Vatican Assassins, pg.99) “The term “Protestant,” as the Jesuits understand it, includes all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who reject both the Spiritual Power and the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome, while believing and teaching the Biblical doctrines proclaimed during the Protestant Reformation, championed by Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Knox (“Calvin with the Sword of Just Defense”) in particular. Protestants are “heretics” and must be “exterminated from the face of the whole earth.” The term “Liberal,” as the Jesuits understand it, includes all Catholics who concur with the Protestants in rejecting the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome. Liberals both believe and teach that governments are best when they serve the people, and when their powers are expressly limited by written Constitutions. Liberals, like both the Protestant and Baptist Calvinists, further believe that if governments become absolute tyrannies, they have the right and duty to formally withdraw their allegiance and resist those tyrannies with armed force, called by John Knox “the Sword of Just Defense.” It is for this reason the Black Pope‟s fascist-communist military dictatorships forbid gun ownership by the peoples they rule. It is for this reason “The Jesuit Conference” within the United States seeks to abolish gun ownership through their agents within their Council on Foreign Relations, thereby destroying the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution — that “heretic” document created by condemned “Protestants and Liberals.”” -- Vatican Assassins, by Eric Jon Phelps (pg.100) “An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors.” -- Proofs of a Conspiracy65, by John Robison, a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and a member of a Freemason Lodge there, was invited to join the Illuminati. After consideration he declined and in 1798 published Proofs of a Conspiracy. “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation).” -- George Washington's response to reading John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy (Jacobinism at that time referred to the concept of centralized political power, at the expense of local or regional governments.)

Expertise: 

Jesuit Origins and Political Implementations of Liberation Theology

Liberation Theology as a Tactical Tool of the Jesuit Counter-Reformation to destroy Protestantism

Vatican Assassins: Answer to White Protestant Genocide in South Africa: Secession or Return to Europe66

65 66


Sebastian Ronin Chairman, Renaissance Vanguard (RV) Mr. Ronin was a pioneer member of the first Green party founded on the North American continent, the Green Party of British Columbia. He served on the GPBC Executive, 19841986. He resigned from the party in 1986 in protest against the creation and general support for the founding of the Green Party of Canada. His efforts to introduce a pure bioregional, Cascadian secessionist plank in the GPBC platform went unsupported. He is of the opinion that the core "Green" principles of bioregionalism and decentralization, i.e. bioregional, devolutionist secession, were both betrayed and abandoned by the creation of a federal Green party. Mr. Ronin was active in Vancouver civic politics at the community level from 1986 to 1990. In 1990, he dropped away from political activity to concentrate on familial and business responsibilities. He broke his political "hiatus" in 2007. In 2008, Mr. Ronin delivered the paper, "Post-Peak Oil and NAmerican Regional Secession" at the Third North American Secessionist Conference in Manchester, New Hampshire. In the same year, he launched an unsuccessful bid as an independent candidate in that year's federal election. In 2009, he ran unsuccessfully as a leadership candidate for the Green Party of Nova Scotia on a Peak Oil and soft "secessionist" platform. Lastly, in 2009 Mr. Ronin was the driving force for the creation of the Renaissance Party of North America and the related organization, Renaissance Vanguard67. Both organizations recognize the triple political convergence of Post-Peak Oil, secessionist pressures on the large industrial nation-state, and Ethno Nationalism. In 2010, Mr. Ronin attended the annual American Renaissance Conference68 held in Herndon, Virginia. Mr. Ronin currently lives in rural Nova Scotia on a couple of acres as a widower with three cats. His intent is to be food and energy self-sufficient. In anticipation of a Post-Peak Oil world, Mr. Ronin is better prepared than most and not as well prepared as some. Expertise: 

Peak Oil, Ethno-Nationalism, Secession69

Ethnicity a basis for rather than threat to democracy and freedom, Tartu conference concludes70

Ethno Nationalist Secession-by-Default: Post-Peak Oil Devolution of the Industrial NationState71

67 70 71 68 69


Frank Salter, Ph.D Max Planck Institute for Behaviour Physiology Frank Kemp Salter72 is an Australian academic and researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology, Andechs, Germany, best known for his writings on ethnicity and ethnic interests. He is a political ethnologist, studying political phenomena using the methods and theories of behavioural biology in addition to conventional methods. Those phenomena include hierarchy (Emotions in Command, 1995), indoctrination (Ethnic Conflict and Indoctrination, 1998, edited with I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt), ethnic altruism and conflict (Welfare, Ethnicity and Altruism, 2002, Risky Transactions: Trust, Kinship and Ethnicity, 2004), and genetic interests (On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration73, 2003). Expertise: ď ś

On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration: The strategies used in group competition, with a particular interest in win-win strategies, those that would be adaptive to all groups, or what you termed "Universal Nationalism".

Nicolai Sennels Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologists Experiences from Copenhagen Municipality Nicolai Sennels74 (born 1976) is a Danish psychologist and author of Among criminal Muslims: A psychologist's experiences from Copenhagen Municipality75 wherein he investigates the psychological causes of the immense problems with integration of Muslims in Europe as they are unveiled in the psychologist's office, the therapy room. Sennels explains the basic psychological difference between Muslim and Western societies concerning the experience of causality in their lives. Expertise:

72 74 75 73


Multi-culturalism Impossible with Dysfunctional Cultures: Danish Psychologist: “Integration of Muslims in Western Societies is not possible”76

While self-reflection and self responsibility is a basic principle of Western upbringing, the Muslim upbringing focuses on finding external causality events or reasons for his problems. This cultural pattern supports the experience of being the victim to external conditions and thereby diminishes the individual's motivation for taking responsibility for their life.

Jared Taylor, Ph.D Editor: American Renaissance Samuel Jared Taylor77 (born 1951) of Oakton, Virginia, is an American journalist and an advocate of what he describes as racial realist explanations for the sociological and economic problems associated with multi-culturalism, in Western countries. Taylor is the editor of American Renaissance, a journal that describes itself as "America's premiere publication of racial-realist thought". He is the president of the parent organization, New Century Foundation, and a former director of the National Policy Institute, a Georgia-based think tank. He is a former member of the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly. Born to missionary parents in Japan, Taylor lived in that country until he was 16 years old. His parents were conventional liberals, and so was he until the age of 30. He graduated from Yale University in 1973 with a BA in Philosophy, and graduated from Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) in 1978 with a MA in International economics. Taylor speaks fluent English, Japanese and French. In the 1980s, Taylor was West Coast editor of PC Magazine and a consultant before founding the American Renaissance78 periodical in 1990. Taylor has taught Japanese to summer school students at Harvard University. Taylor first turned to race in Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America79 (1993), in which he argued that racism is no longer a convincing excuse for high black rates of crime, poverty, and school failure. He also edited The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration, and the Future of America80. Taylor supervised preparation of The Color of Crime81 (1998, 2005), which cites government statistics showing that blacks and Hispanics commit violent crimes at considerably higher rates than whites, and Asians at lower rates than whites. He is the main contributor to a collection of articles from American Renaissance magazine called A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the 21st Century82, (2003) and editor of a collection of essays by the late Samuel Francis entitled Essential Writings on Race (2007). Expertise: 76 79 80 81 82 77 78


Race Realism83: “Race realism is rejection of the agreeable fantasies about race that have become orthodoxy since the 1960s. First, it is obvious that most people prefer the company of others of their own race. Forced integration therefore causes tension and resentment.....”

Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society-language, religion, class, ideology-it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century... Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse.

Multiculture and Diversity84

General Johan van der Merwe Former Commissioner: South African Police Force General van der Merwe85 joined the SA Police Force in 1953. In January 1986 he became the Commanding Officer of the Security Branch of the SA Police, which post he held until October 1989 when he became the Deputy Commissioner of the SA Police. In January 1990 he was promoted to the rank of general and became the Commissioner of the SA Police. He retired in March 1995. As the former Commission of the South African Police Force as well as the Former Commanding Officer of the Security Branch of the SA Police Force from 01 January 1986 to August 1988, he was actively engaged in the conflict of the past and the TRC-proceedings. A 9 October, 1997 SAPA report details General van der Merwe‟s involvement in the disagreement that ensued before the TRC Hearings over the definition and interpretation of the word “eliminate”; which was subsequently referred to in the TRC Report, as an example of Apartheids alleged vague and ambiguious definitions; yet no definition whatsoever has been provided, defining „forgiveness‟ or „reconciliation‟. Author: The Conflict of the Past: A Factual Review86. VAN DER MERWE, COPS CLASH OVER MEANING OF "ELIMINATE"


Former police commissioner Gen Johan van der Merwe has found himself at odds with former high-ranking subordinates over whether or not the words "eliminate" and "neutralise" meant to kill or to simply arrest and detain. The differences emerged at a Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearing into the role of the police under apartheid in Cape Town on Thursday. Van der Merwe was questioned by members of a TRC panel on decisions taken by the former government's state security council (SSC), the body responsible for security policy formulation during the height of apartheid.

83 85 Image: Former police commissioner General Johann van der Merwe at a South African Police (SAP) ceremony on December 1, 1989. 86 87 84


TRC member Richard Lyster said the commission had received a number of applications from policemen for killings they claimed had been committed in line with orders to eliminate, neutralise or "make a plan" with the person concerned. Van der Merwe, who sat on the SSC from 1990 until its dissolution prior to the 1994 elections, acknowledged that the words eliminate and neutralise had been used in SSC policy documents. In retrospect, they had been an "unfortunate choice of words". However, he insisted that they were open to interpretation by individual SSC members and security force personnel. He had always understood them to mean arrest and detain. "However, police on the ground... in a life and death struggle could however have seen it (the word eliminate) as an order to kill. "If you tell a soldier `eliminate your enemy', depending on the circumstances, he would take that to mean kill." Two retired security police brigadiers, Alfred Oosthuizen and Willem Schoon, both of whom have applied for amnesty, said the words were not open to interpretation. They had only one meaning - to kill. "Words like eliminate and `take out', for the members on the ground who were in a war situation, referred only to killing people," said Schoon, the former head of the security police's C-section and overall commander of Vlakplaas. This was echoed by Oosthuizen, the former chief of the security police's intelligence section, and one-time Northern Transvaal security policemen Major Sarel Crafford. "Elimination had only one meaning; it was to kill," said Crafford. Former police spy Major Craig Williamson said the language of instructions used in counterinsurgency operations had been deliberately "all-encompassing". The former government had sought to keep itself at arms length from covert operations against anti-apartheid activists so that it could deny knowledge or responsibility for such actions. "The operational procedures were designed by people who knew the law, in order to circumvent proof of legal responsibility for the deed by the upper echelon," Williamson said. "With the benefit of hindsight, it appears that the upper echelons, especially the politicians, were so keen to be at `legal arms length' from covert action, that they abdicated their responsibility to exercise close operational supervision of such actions and so lost significant operational control." It was for this reason that specific chains of responsibility would, in many instances, be impossible to determine. "The basis of such operations in the `grey zone' was deniability". Van Der Merwe testified earlier on Thursday that while the SSC had never issued instructions for gross human rights violations, it was aware that unlawful actions were being carried out. "Certain instructions were given with the approval of the minister. He would have informed the SSC," he said. "Consequently, if it is denied that the previous government, specifically the SSC, did not have knowledge of certain unlawful actions, that is not true." In his testimony, former police commissioner Gen Johann Coetzee denied ever ordering a subordinate to commit an unlawful act. "I have not given a single policeman a single order to commit an illegal action. If he construed what I said in the wrong way, I cannot comment on that."

Expertise: ď ś

Unjust denial of amnesty to Eugene de Kock.

ď ś

The Conflict of the Past: A Factual Review88, by Johan van der Merwe



General Constand Viljoen Chief: South African Defence Force Constand Laubscher Viljoen89 was born on 28 October 1933 in Standerton, Mpumalanga Province. He matriculated in Standerton High School in 1951. He joined the South African Defence Force and obtained the degree B.Sc (B. Mil) at the University of Pretoria in 1955. From 1956 he served as an officer in the South African Defence Force. General Viljoen's promotions as a military officer went as follows: 1954: Second Lieutenant; 1968: Colonel; 1956: Lieutenant; 1971: Brigadier; 1959: Captain; 1974: Major-General; 1961: Major; 1976: Lieutenant-General; 1965: Commandant; 1980: General. In 1977 General Viljoen became the Chief of the South African Army and in 1980 the Chief of the South African Defence Force. In 1985 General Viljoen retired and went on pension to start farming full-time. On his farm in the Ohrighstad district in Mpumalanga, he is farming with cattle and paprika. Together with three other Generals, General Viljoen helped to establish the Afrikaner Volksfront in 1993. By doing so General Viljoen answered to the call of a large group of Afrikaners. Political developments in South Africa lead to the establishment of the Freedom Front Party90 by General Viljoen, and the participation of this Party in the April 1994 elections. During these elections the Freedom Front obtained 640 000 votes which gave the party 9 representatives in the National Parliament together with 5 senators in the Senate. Gen. Viljoen retired from active politics and as leader of the Freedom Front in 2001. At present he is a full-time farmer on his farm in the Ohrigstad district and is also a director on the Board of Armscor. Expertise: 

23 April 1994 Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination, signed by Freedom Front, SA Government (National Party) and ANC

Complaint to Public Protector of TRC Handling of SADF91

Assessment of the Probable Results of Activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as perceived by Former Chiefs of the SADF IRO the SADF

89 91 90


Steyn van Ronge Leader: Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB) Mr. van Ronge is the leader of the Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB)92, since the murder of Eugene Terre'Blanche Expertise: 

TRC was a Fraud

Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State's Systemic Collapse

Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?

Andries Visagie Chairman: Geloftevolk Republikeine Mr. Andries Visagie used to be the spokesperson for the Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB)93, but broke away after the death of Mr. Eugene Terreblanche to form Geloftevolk Republikeine94. Expertise: 

TRC was a Fraud

Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State's Systemic Collapse

Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?

The Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival, in face of Marxist Swart Gevaar

Friction Theory and Fragility of Multi-Ethnic Societies

92 94 93


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