13-07-04: USMC-GCM: Manning: Amicus: NoM-Brief-Svc-Enc

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IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY FIRST JUDICIAL COURT FORT MEADE, MARYLAND UNITED STATES Plaintiff - versus MANNING, Bradley E., PFC US Army xxx-xx-9504 Headquarters and Headquarters Company, US Army Garrison, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Fort Myer, VA 22211 Accused


) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

DATE: 04 July 2013 Motion to Enter Appearance as Pro Se, Alien on Pale Blue Dot, Amicus Curiae, and to File Attached Brief In Propria Persona by Amici Curiae, Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot: Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Civilized Patriarchy’s AnthroCorpocentric Indulgences: ‘Innocence for Sale’ Jurisprudence..


Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot respectfully moves

this Court-Martial for permission to appear Pro Se - pursuant to Section 35 of the Judiciary Act of 1789, 1 Stat. 73, 92 - to appear pro hac vice for the limited purpose of being admitted as an Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence supporting Amicus Curiae. [1.2]

Alien further moves this Court-Martial for permission to file the

attached Brief In Propria Persona by Amici Curiae, Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot: Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Civilized Patriarchy’s AnthroCorpocentric Indulgences: ‘Innocence for Sale’ Jurisprudence, into the court record in these proceedings. [2]

Æquilibriæx: Balanced Eco/Anthropocentric Jurisprudence:

[2.1] (books),

Æquilibriæx is derived from æquus (equal), libra/æ (balance), libri lex








Eco/Anthropocentric law; occurs as Equilibriæx Jurisprudence adherence to the

laws of nature / ecology, with the goal of all species living in carry capacity harmony with another; and Aquilibriæx Jurisprudence adherence to laws of human nature, which the goal of harmony between humans and their tribes, based upon fully informed consenting agreements. [2.2]

Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence recognizes all Leaver beings, animal and

plant species, individuals, corporations, families, tribes, etc., rights to legal personhood; differentiating between Sustainable (Leaver) and Unsustainable (Taker) procreation, consumption and production practices; where Leavers are legally rewarded for their contribution towards Æquilibriæx inter and intraspecies harmony, and Takers are legally penalized for their contribution towards Æquilibriæx inter and/or intra-species disharmony and dischord. [3]

Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Civilized Patriarchy’s

AnthroCorpocentric Indulgences Innocence for Sale Legal Matrix Jurisprudence: [3.1]

A credible honourable court should find that the Enlistment Contract

and Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement entered into between the United States Government and Pfc. Bradley Manning did not meet the requirements of fully informed consenting agreements. [3.2]

The Enlistment Contract and Classified Information Nondisclosure

Agreement fail to clearly and simply disclose that the United States Constitution is based upon civilized patriarchy human factory farming war economy jurisprudence principles. The Civilized patriarchy elite socio-politically and economically profit from their Control of Reproduction jurisprudence absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, enabling them to breed a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population, for profitable conquering and culling acts of theft and murder. [3.3]

It is clear that Pfc Manning had not the foggiest clue when he signed

his Enlistment Contract with the US Army that he was signing up to become a cannon fodder soldier to be dispatched to plunder other nation‘s resources,

because his country‘s ecologically illiterate jurisprudence does not require his fellow citizens to procreate and consume below carrying capacity levels. [3.4]

It is also clear Pfc Manning had no idea when he signed the Classified

Information Nondisclosure Agreement with the United States Army, that he was expected to keep the thieving, plundering and culling consequences secrets of the American civilized patriarchy socio-political elite, endorsed by the legal matrix jurists, and an at best Ecologically Illiterate, and at worst a corrupt endorsement of Human Factory Farming War Economy, constitution; to himself. [3.5]

If honour or honourable credibility is important to the US Army /

Military, it should require its civilized patriarchy legal matrix legal officials to amend its Enlistment Contract and Non Disclosure Agreements to fully disclose to any prospective signer of such agreement that in the absence of legislation amending the Constitution‘s rights to procreate and consume to ecological carrying capacity limits; any individual signing any US military enlistment form is signing up to be cannon fodder resource thieves and mass murderers for a civilized patriarchy human factory farming profiteering elite, based upon the legal authority of an ecologically illiterate constitution. [3.6]








Innocent/Leaver: Pfc Manning, should consequently be dismissed; if Pfc Manning commits










Whistleblower/Activist Oath. [4]


ANDREA MUHRRTEYN: Andrea Muhrrteyn [feminine of Andrew

Martin], is a nom de plume for Lara Johnstone. A.

ANDREA: Andrea derives from the Greek ανήρ (anēr), genitive ανδρός (andrós), that indicates the man as opposed to the woman [Andrea Alciato, (1492 - 1550), was an Italian jurist and writer, regarded as the founder of the French school of legal humanists. Alciati is most famous for his Emblemata, a collection of short Latin verse texts and

accompanying woodcuts: Emblema CLXXXIX says: Mentem, non formam, plus pollere which means, Intelligence Matters, Not Beauty]. B.

MUHRRTEYN: Muhrr + teyn: Muhrr, for the Holy Oil, Myhrr and Teyn, is Nyet (No, in Russian) backwards. Mu: Mu: important in Zen & Discordian practice; also represents MU, a fictional parallel universe, continent, or place; or a MisUnderstood word. Martin also refers to Francis Marion, aka Benjamin Martin, from the movie The Patriot, whose guerrilla codename was The Swamp Fox. Francis Marion was the father of Guerrylla Warfare.


ANDREW MARTIN: Andrew Martin, is the U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men robot, NDR-113, in Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg‘s Positronic Man (1993). It is the story of Andrew‘s quest for legal recognition as a human.


ANDREA MUHRRTEYN: Andrea Muhrrteyn is thus a Gaia Primitivist Guerrylla Lawfare robot on an Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence quest: a.

for courts to provide automatic equal legal personhood and rights to women, non-patriarchal – matriarchal or gender balanced – cultures‘, nature and animal and plant species;


for jurisprudence and courts to (i) obey the objective and scientific breed and consume below carrying capacity truth of the laws of nature/ecology;






Overpopulation and Overconsumption induced Scarcity as a cause of conflict; and c.

to ―free Military National Security leaders from their duty to protect ecologically illiterate / Earth is Flat unsustainable civilized patriarchy legal matrix constitutions that legally, politically and procedurally denies them the opportunity of addressing the root causes of scarcity-conflict threats to national security; by holding legislators and citizens who legislatively or practically endorse

unsustainable right to breed and consume legislation, accountable as ‗breeding war‘ or ‗consumption war‘ scarcity combatants‖. [4.2] A.

Alien on Pale Blue Dot refers to: ALIEN: Hardin (1980)1: Religious historian, Ernest Renan invented the ―Man from Mars‖, or in this case that ‗Woman from Venus‘, that ―thoroughly rational, inquisitive being, who asks earthlings to explain what they do in terms that can be understood by an intelligence completely free of all traditional terrestrial beliefs, assumptions, and prejudices.‖


PALE BLUE DOT: Sagan C: Pale Blue Dot2: ―Consider again that dot .. home where everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.., every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by generals and emperors so that, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Our posturing, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light….. The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is determined only by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of life's meaning… knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better to embrace hard truth than a reassuring fable. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal…. Once we overcome our fear of being tiny, we find ourselves on the threshold of a vast Universe that utterly dwarfs — in time, space, and potential — the tidy anthropocentric proscenium of our ancestors.


Hardin, G (1980): Limited World, Limited Rights, Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Commentaries: Rights and Liberties, Society, 17 (4):5-8. May/June 1980 2 Sagan, Carl (1994). Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space (1st ed.). New York: Random House.


Lara Johnstone is a Radical Honoursty Ecofeminist paralegal /

Vermicompost farmer, a member of Friend of Wikileaks (FoWL), the Radical Honesty3 / Honoursty cultures. She is also the founder of Tsedaqah Yshmael Guerrylla Æquilibriæx (TYGÆ) Æx-Party4 (an unregistered Æx party, currently drawing up its Constitution and related documents for registration), which is based upon the principles of CommonSism and Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence. [6]

As such Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot respectfully

requests Amicus Curiae status herein. Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 04 July 2013

LARA JOHNSTONE, AKA ANDREA MUHRRTEYN, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539, South Africa Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239 jmcswan@mweb.co.za


SA Constitutional Court ruling of 03 May 2012 in CCT 23-10, reads as follows: “Ms. Lara Johnstone, Member of Radical Honesty Culture and Religion, is admitted as an amicus curiae.” 4 TYGAE Constitution: http://tygae.weebly.com/constitution--bylaws.html

IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY FIRST JUDICIAL COURT FORT MEADE, MARYLAND UNITED STATES Plaintiff - versus MANNING, Bradley E., PFC US Army xxx-xx-9504 Headquarters and Headquarters Company, US Army Garrison, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Fort Myer, VA 22211 Accused

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

DATE: 04 July 2013 Brief In Propria Persona by Amici Curiae, Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot: Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Civilized Patriarchy‘s AnthroCorpocentric Indulgences: ‗Innocence for Sale‘ Jurisprudence..



Introduction & Summary of Argument


Statement of Facts




Civilized Patriarchy


State of Civilized Patriarchy Jurisprudence System: Æquilibriæx (stable and balanced) or Disequilibrium (dizzy/out of balance/unstable)


State of Civilized Patriarchy‟s Control of Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket


State of Civilized Patriarchy‟s Control of Consumption Global Corporate Cultural Imperialism Racket


Consequences of Civilized Patriarchy‟s Control of Reproduction and Consumption:


SS-DEFCON 3: Ecological Overshoot


SS-DEFCON 2: Scarcity – Conflict


An Even More Detailed State of Global Civilized Patriarchy‟s – Control of Reproduction and Consumption Indulgence‟s –


Legal Matrix State of America‟s Corporate Flat Earth Godfather Elite profiting from Civilized Patriarchy‟s Legal Indulgence Matrix:


Conclusion: Madman from Kyishodruk‟s Humpty Dumpty Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom Relevance Test


Certificate of Filing and Service


Encl: MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath, submitted to „Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops Military Advisory Board‟

Encl. 01-04

Online Encl: Control of Consumption: Global Corporate Cultural Imperialism Racket1

CC: 01-89

Anthropological Perspective of Cultural Capitalism‟s Global Problems


Cultural Imperialism: The Religion of Compulsive Developmentism


Corporate Neo-Liberalism: Cultural Colonizers of Indigenous People's


Melting Pot Multiculturalism: the ideal Egotist Consumptionism Ideology of Multinational Capitalism




Control of Consumption: Effect on Climate Change


Corporate Influence and Control of Anthropocentric Jurisprudence


Corporate Media's Growth Agenda Censorship of GrowthOvershoot-Scarcity-Conflict Connection


De-Industrialization Factor: Only De-Industrialization can prevent runaway global climate change


Control of Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket2

CR: 01-75

Masculine Insecurity: Foundation of AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence‟s Human Farming „Control of Reproduction‟ 1 2

http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-07-04_usmc-gcm_manning_ssd_c-cons.pdf http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-07-04_usmc-gcm_manning_ssd_c-rep.pdf


War Economy Racket


Legislation of Occupational Licences for hundreds of occupations, sometimes even from children for lemonade stands, allegedly required to protect those occupations consumers from incompetent service and products.


Total Legislative Failure to legislate Breeding / Parenting licences, to (a) protect the rights of unborn and unwanted children, from unloving and incompetent parenting; and (b) prevent overpopulation.


Failure to Legislate Breeding/Parenting Licence, an endorsement of Masculine Insecurity‟s use of the Control of Reproduction as a Weapon of War.


Profiting from the absence of Breeding/Parenting Licence, and the Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population for the Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket.


Profiting from the absence of Breeding/Parenting Licence, and their Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Vote and Poverty Pimp Fodder Population.


Procreation Factor: Every Child Increases a Parents Carbon Footprint by a Factor of 20


Case Study: Western Civilized Patriarchy‟s Endorsement of ANC-Mandela‟s Control of African Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket SS-DEFCON 3: Ecological Overshoot3



SSD3: 01-100

Planetary Boundary Tipping Points


Natural Capital: Source and Sustenance of all Life


Loss of Biodiversity


Climate Change


Nitrogen Cycle


Ocean Acidification


Changes in Land Use


Global Freshwater Use


State Shift in Earth's Biosphere


Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources (NNR): Scarcity


Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons




Ecological Overshoot: Carrying Capacity SS-DEFCON 2: Scarcity-Conflict4

84-100 SSD2: 01-44

Difference between Sustainable Peaceful Procreation, Consumption and Production and Unsustainable ScarcityConflict Procreation, Consumption and Production


Scarcity-Conflict: Military Doctrine


Walking the National Security - Scarcity & Conflict - Talk to Support the Troops: Procreate and Consume below carrying capacity, to enable the avoidance of resource war conflict


Scarcity and Conflict: Academic Research


Media Censorship: Population-Environment Connection


TABLE OF AUTHORITIES: International Court of Justice: Opinion of Weeramantry J in the Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project5 (Hungary v Slovakia) (1998) 37 International Legal Materials 162 206. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 01 US Supreme Court: Craig v. Harney 331 U.S. 367 (1947) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 01 Jaffee v. Redmond 518 U.S. 1 (1996) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 01 Roberts v. Louisiana, 431 U.S. 633 (1977) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 01 Sierra Club v. Morton 405 U.S. 727 (1972) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 01 Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward6, 17 U.S. 518 (1819) .. .. .. .. .. .. . CC.42 Munn v. Illinois7, 94 U.S. 113 (1876). .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.43 Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company8, 118 U.S. 394 (1886) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..CC.44 Noble v. Union River Logging R. Co. 9 - 147 U.S. 165 (1893) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.46 Lochner v. New York10, 198 U.S. 45 (1905) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.46 Louis K. Liggett Co. v. Lee11 - 288 US 517 (1933) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.51 http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-07-04_usmc-gcm_manning_ssd-2_s-conflict.pdf issuu.com/js-ror/docs/970925_icj-weeramantry_husl 6 http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0017_0518_ZS.html 7 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=94&invol=113 8 http://reclaimdemocracy.org/santa_clara_vs_southern_pacific/ 9 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=147&invol=165 10 http://www.lectlaw.com/files/case37.htm 4 5


Ross v. Bernhard12 - 396 U.S. 531 (1970) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...CC.58 Marshall v. Barlow's, Inc. 13 - 436 US 307 (1978) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.59 First Nat'l Bank of Boston v. Bellotti14 - 435 U.S. 765 (1978) .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. CC.59 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission15, 447 U.S. 557 (1980) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . CC.59 Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce16, 494 U.S. 652 (1990) .. .. .. .. .. .. . CC.59 Nike, Inc. v. Kasky17 - 539 US 654 (2003) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . CC.59 Randall v. Sorrell18, 548 U.S. 230 (2006) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.59 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission19, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) .. .. .. CC.59. 7th Circuit: The Voices for Choices v. Illinois Bell Telephone Company 339 F.3d 542 (7th Cir. 2003). .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 01 Legislation: Public Law 107-40: A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States20. S.J. Res. 23 September 14, 2001 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 05 Public Law 107-243: Authorisation for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 200221. Oct 16, 2002 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 05 Official Publications: Bundeswehr (Sep 2010): Peak Oil: Security Policy Implications of Scarce Resources22; Bundeswehr. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... SSD2.9 Bush, GW Snr (1986/02): Public Report of the Vice-President‘s Task Force on Combatting Terrorism23, United States Government .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. SSD2.9 Canadian Security Intelligence Service: Gizewski, Peter (Spring 1997): Environmental Scarcity and Conflict24, by Peter Gizewski, Project on Environment Population and Security, Peace http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=288&invol=517 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=396&invol=531 13 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=436&invol=307 14 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?navby=case&court=US&vol=435&invol=765 15 http://epic.org/free_speech/central_hudson.html 16 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=494&invol=652 17 http://reclaimdemocracy.org/nike/ 18 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_v._Sorrell 19 http://reclaimdemocracy.org/who-are-citizens-united/ 20 thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d107:S.J.Res23: 21 www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ243/pdf/PLAW-107publ243.pdf 22 English: http://www.permaculture.org.au/files/Peak%20Oil_Study%20EN.pdf 23 http://www.population-security.org/bush_report_on_terrorism/bush_report_on_terrorism_3.htm 24 http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/pblctns/cmmntr/cm71-eng.asp 11 12


and Conflict Studies Program, University of Toronto; Canadian Security Intelligence Service: Archived: Commentary No. 71. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. …. .. SSD2.9 Congressional Hearing: (06 June 2008): National Security and Climate Change25; Energy Environment TV .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...


Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): Reports: Global Biodiversity Outlook 326; CBD .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.7, 21-34 IEA: International Energy Agency: IEA (2010): World Energy Outlook27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .


IEA: (2011) World Energy Outlook28 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


IISD: 1999: World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development29: Our Forests, Our Future30 (PDF31) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


NRC-Ocean Studies Board (2010): Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean32; NRC .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.51 White House: National Security Council (1974/04/24): National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests33, Cover Letter by Henry Kissinger .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. … SSD2.9 White House: National Security Council (1974/12/10): National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 200): Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests34, Washington, DC, 227 pp. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. SSD2.9 White House: National Security Council (1975/11/26): National Security Decision Memorandum 314: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests35, Washington, DC. 4 pp.; made public policy by Pres. Gerald Ford. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..SSD2.9 White House: Nixon, R. (1969/07/18): Special Message to the Congress on Problems of Population Growth36, Public Papers of the Presidents, No. 271, p. 521, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives, Washington, DC, 1971. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. ..


White House: Nixon, R (1970/03/16): Remarks of President Nixon on Signing Bill Establishing the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future37, White House. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.9 White House: Nixon, R. (1972/05/05): Statement About the Report of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future38, Public http://youtu.be/vl3CRssxU7s http://www.cbd.int/gbo3/ 27 http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/name,27324,en.html 28 http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/name,20549,en.html 29 http://www.iisd.org/wcfsd/finalreport.htm 30 http://www.iisd.org/publications/pub.aspx?id=333 31 http://www.iisd.org/pdf/wcfsdsummary.pdf 32 http://dels.nas.edu/Report/Ocean-Acidification-National-Strategy/12904 33 issuu.com/js-ror/docs/740424_wh-nssm200 34 issuu.com/js-ror/docs/740424_wh-nssm200 35 www.population-security.org/12-CH4.html 36 http://www.population-security.org/10-CH2.html 37 http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=2911 38 http://www.population-security.org/10-CH2.html 25 26


Papers for the Presidents, No. 142, p. 576, Office of Federal Register, National Archives, Washington, DC, 1974. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...SSD2.9 White House: Rockefeller Commission Report (1972/03/27): Population and the American Future: The Report of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future39 (PDF40); a Signet Special Edition, W5219, The New American Library, Inc., 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, March, 1972 .. .. SSD2.10 United Kingdom: Ministry of Defense: Development, Concepts and Doctrine Center (DCDC) (12 January 2010): Strategic Trends Programme: Global Strategic Trends - Out to 204041; Ministry of Defense .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .SSD2.13 UK National Ecosystem Assessment (2011): UK National Ecosystems Report42.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.79 United Nations: (1974/08): World Population Plan of Action43 (PDF44); Adopted by consensus of the 137 countries represented at the UN World Population Conference at Bucharest, August 1974 .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.10 UNEP: UNEP (March 2005): Millenium Ecosystems Assessment45; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD3.14 UNEP Threatened Plants of the World46: Searchable Database .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .SSD3.35 UNEP 2010 Annual Report47; UNEP .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .SSD3.35 UNEP (2011) UN Water Policy Brief (PDF48) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.58-63 United States Army: Department of the Army: Dept. of Army (December 1994): Field Manual 100-23, Peace Operations49. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army . .. .. … .. .. .. .. .SSD2.10 Dept of the Army (25 July 2008): Subject: 2008 Army Modernization Strategy50; Department of the Army; Lt. General Stephen M.Speakes, Dep. Chief of Staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.11. United States Army (2001): US Army Posture Statement - FY 200251. .. .. … ..SSD2.10 United States Army: Murphy, R (2006/10/24): US Army Strategy of the Environment52, Office of the Dep. Asst. Sec. of the Army, Environment, Safety & Occup. Health: Assistant for Sustainability. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.10

www.population-security.org/rockefeller/001_population_growth_and_the_american_future.htm issuu.com/js-ror/docs/720327_rock-pop 41 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/33717/GST4_v9_Feb10.pdf 42 http://uknea.unep-wcmc.org/Resources/tabid/82/Default.aspx 43 www.population-security.org/27-APP1.html 44 issuu.com/js-ror/docs/74_un-pop-actionplan 45 http://www.unep.org/maweb/en/index.aspx 46 http://www.unep-wcmc.org/species/plants/overview.htm 47 http://www.unep.org/annualreport/2010/pdfs/UNEP-AR-2010-FULL-REPORT.pdf 48 http://www.unwater.org/downloads/waterquality_policybrief.pdf 49 http://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/fm100-23(94).pdf 50 describes the arrival of a new "era of persistent conflict" due to competition for "depleting natural resources and overseas markets" fuelling "future resource wars over water, food and energy." http://downloads.army.mil/docs/08modplan/Army_Mod_Strat_2008.pdf 51 http://www.army.mil/aps/01/default.htm 52 www.cecer.army.mil/techreports/ERDC-CERL_TR-07-9/Session%20I/RichardMurphy.pdf 39 40


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www.army.mil/article/68379/Unified_Quest_2012___Fact_Sheet/ US Army's Strategic Studies Institute warned that a series of domestic crises could provoke large-scale civil unrest. The path to "disruptive domestic shock" could include traditional threats such as deployment of WMDs, alongside "catastrophic natural and human disasters" or "pervasive public health emergencies" coinciding with "unforeseen economic collapse." Such crises could lead to "loss of functioning political and legal order" leading to "purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency... "DoD might be forced by circumstances to put its broad resources at the disposal of civil authorities to contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility. Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States. Further, DoD would be, by necessity, an essential enabling hub for the continuity of political authority in a multi-state or nationwide civil conflict or disturbance." http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB890.pdf 55 http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA314878 56 Butts, Kent Hughes (25 April 1994): Environmental Security: A DoD Partnership for Peace http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB339.pdf 57 http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA326869 58 http://www.carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/parameters/Articles/1995/peters.htm 59 http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/Articles/97summer/peters.htm 60 http://www.carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/parameters/Articles/98spring/peters.htm 61 http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA378148 62 "climate change, energy security, and economic stability are inextricably linked." http://www.defense.gov/QDR/QDR%20as%20of%2029JAN10%201600.pdf 53 54


Defense Science Board Task Force (Oct 2011): Trends and Implications of Climate Change for National and International Security63; Dept. of Defense.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.13 Department of Defense (Jan 2012): Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for the 21st Century Defense64. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.26 United States Joint Forces Command (2010/02/18): The Joint Operating Environment - 201065 (The JOE – 2010). .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.11 U.S. Forest Service (Dec 2012): Report Predicts a Strain on Natural Resources Due to Rapid Population Growth66. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD2.11

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IUCN (2007): Species Programme: Red List: Species Extinction – The Facts (2007)161; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).. SSD3.14 IUCN (2012): What kind of world do we want?162; IUCN.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..SSD3.14 Jarvis Lionel, Rear Admiral, Royal Navy (17 Oct 2011): Climate Change and Military Security163; One World TV.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.13 Jowit Juliette (18 Feb 2010): World's top firms cause $2.2tn of environmental damage, report estimates164; The Guardian.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....SSD3.82 Karliner Joshual (1997): The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.60 Kleiner, Morris: Licensing Occupations: Ensuring Quality or Restricting Competition?165 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CR.11 O‟Brien, Alexa (28 February 2013): Pfc. Bradley E. Manning's Statement for the Providence Inquiry166, Alexa O‟Brien .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 06. Lafollette, H. Licensing Parents.167 Philosophy & Public Affairs 9.2 (Winter 1980): 182-197. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CR.17 Latiff Robert (4 Feb 2010): Managing Materials for a 21st Century Military168 (PDF169); National Academy Press.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.66-78 Latiff / MIBP (April 2009): Reconfiguration of the National Defense Stockpile Report to Congress (PDF170).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.66-78. Leahy Stephen (9 Oct 2009): Biodiversity: Dwindling Fish Catch Could Leave a Billion Hungry171, IPS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .SSD3.13-34 Leahy Stephen (2 Nov 2006): Environment: Ocean Life on the Brink of No Return172; IPS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD3.13-34 Lenton T et al (7 Feb 2008): Tipping Elements in the Earth's Climate System173; PNAS, Vol 105, 1786-1793.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.36-46 Lenton Tim (Nov 2009): Major Tipping Points in the Earth's Climate System and Consequence for the Insurance Sector174; UEA/Tyndall Center, WWF & Allianz.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.36-46. . Lucka Kajfez-Bogataj (11 Dec 2009): Climate Change as a National and International Security Threat175; Good Planet Org. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .SSD2.12

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Military Advisory Board (2007): National Security and the Threat of Climate Change189, Woodrow Wilson Center for Env. Security.. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.12 Military Advisory Board (MAB)(May 2009): Powering America‘s Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security190 ; CNA.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 03, SSD2.12,26-27 Military Advisory Board (MAB) (2009): Energy, Climate Change, and the Military: Implications for National Security191; Woodrow Wilson Center for Environmental Security. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Molyneux S (2010/04/17): Human Farming: Story of Your Enslavement192 (Stefan Molyneux) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Morisetti Neil, Rear Admiral (17 Oct 2011): Senior British Royal Navy officer, United Kingdom's Climate and Energy Security Envoy; Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti on link between climate change, health and national security193 ; OneWorldTV.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Munford, LT (1999): When Does the Curiae Need an Amicus?, 1 J. App. Prac. & Process 279, 280. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Murtaugh Paul A., Michael G. Schlax (2009): Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals194; University of Oregon.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . CR.36 NSIDC (15 Oct 2012): Open water means a warm Arctic195; Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD3.34-46 Paddock William (Jan 1998): Addendum on Journalists Noncoverage of Population196; Population & Environment; Vol 19, No 3, pp.221-224. .. .. .. .SSD2.32 Partnership for a Secure America: (25 Feb 2013): The Cost of Inaction on Climate Change Will be Staggering197; Partnership for a Secure America: Senators and Congress members, retired generals and admirals, Chair and Vice Chair of the 9/11 Commission, Cabinet and Cabinet-level officials from the Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush (41), Clinton, and Bush (43) administrations. 198.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.14

http://youtu.be/8m3DReZxePQ http://www.cna.org/reports/energy 191 http://youtu.be/w1FMeVH2AgI 192 youtu.be/Xbp6umQT58A 193 http://youtu.be/p4Af3AqUBVI 194 http://blog.oregonlive.com/environment_impact/2009/07/carbon%20legacy.pdf 195 http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/2012/10/ 196 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/27503579?uid=2&uid=4&sid=21102201433171 197 http://www.psaonline.org/article.php?id=976 and http://youtu.be/wf21Du67ls0 198 Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State 1997-2001 | Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State 2001-05 | Samuel Berger, National Security Advisor 1997-2001 | Sherwood Boehlert, US Congressman (R-NY) 1983-2007 | Carol Browner, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency 1993-2001 | Michael Castle, US Congressman (RDE) 1993-2011, Governor (R-DE) 1985-92 | GEN Wesley Clark, USA (Ret.), Fmr. Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO | William Cohen, Secretary of Defense 1997-2001, US Senator (R-ME) 1979-97 | Lt Gen Lawrence P. Farrell, Jr., USAF (Ret.), Fmr. Deputy Chief Of Staff for Plans and Programs, HQ USAF | BG Gerald E. Galloway, Jr., P.E., Ph.D., USA (Ret.), Fmr. Dean of the Academic Board, US Military Academy | Wayne Gilchrest, US Congressman (R-MD) 1991-2009 | James Greenwood, US Congressman (R-PA) 1993-2005 | VADM Lee F. Gunn, USN (Ret.), Fmr. Inspector General of the Department of the Navy | Lee Hamilton, US Congressman (D-IN) 1965-99, Co-Chair, PSA Advisory Board | Gary Hart, US Senator (D-CO) 1975-87 | Rita E. Hauser, Chair, International Peace Institute | Carla Hills, US Trade Representative 1989-93 | Thomas Kean, Governor (R-NJ) 1982-90, 9/11 Commission Chair | GEN Paul J. Kern, USA (Ret.), Fmr. Commanding General, US Army Materiel Command | Richard Leone, President, The Century Foundation 1989-2011 | Joseph I. Lieberman, US Senator (I-CT) 1989-2013 | Richard G. Lugar, US Senator (R-IN) 1977-2013 | VADM Dennis V. McGinn, USN (Ret.), Fmr. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Requirements and Programs | Donald McHenry, US Ambassador to the UN 1979-81 | Constance Morella, US Congresswoman (R-MD) 1987-2003, US Ambassador to 189 190


Perkins, John (2007): The Secret History of the American Empire, Plume. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CR.31 Rees William (2010): Whats blocking sustainability? Human nature, cognition and denial199; Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy.. .. .. .. .. ..CC.1 Reuters (15 Apr 2013): Scientists find Antarctic ice is melting faster200; Reuters.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.34-46 Robbins Richard (2011): Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism201; Allyn & Bacon Publishing Inc.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Rockstrom Johan (24 Sep 2009): A safe operating space for humanity202 (PDF203), Nature.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.12 Rogers, Will (20 March 2012): How are the Combatant Commanders thinking about Climate Change? 204; Center for New American Security.. .. .SSD2.13 Rushkoff, D: The Persuaders205 (PBS: Frontline) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.29-33 Sandbacka Carola (ed.) (1975): Cultural Imperialism and Cultural Identity. Transactions of the Finnish Anthropolological Society 2. Helsinki 1977 (in Finnish 1975) 13-36. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .


Sanderson E. W, Jaiteh M, Levy M. A. (2002): The Human Footprint and the Last of the Wild206. Bioscience 52, 891.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD3.46-50 Sarmela, Matti: What is Cultural Imperialism?207; Univ of Helsinki.. .. .. .. .. CC.10-21. Schultz, S (2010/09/01): [German] Military Study Warns of Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis208, Der Spiegel. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.25 Simmons, M (2000/09/30): Revisiting the Limits to Growth: Could Club of Rome Have Been Correct, After All?209; Energy Bulletin.. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.3 Simms Andrew (18 Feb 2010): The Price for Environmental Destruction? There is None210; The Guardian.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.80 Skole, D., and C. Tucker. 1993. Tropical deforestation and habitat fragmentation in the Amazon: Satellite data from 1978 to 1988 211. Science 260: 1905-09. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.13-34 OECD 2003-07 | Sam Nunn, US Senator (D-GA) 1972-96 | A. John Porter, US Congressman (R-IL) 19802001 | Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security 2003-05, Governor (R-PA) 1995-2001 | ADM Gary Roughead, USN (Ret.), Fmr. Chief of Naval Operations | Warren Rudman, US Senator (R-NH) 1980-92, Fmr. Co-Chair, PSA Advisory Board | Christopher Shays, US Congressman (R-CT) 1987-2009 | George Shultz, Secretary of State 1982-89 | Olympia J. Snowe, US Senator (R-ME) 1995-2013 | GEN Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (Ret.), Fmr. Chief of Staff, US Army, Chairman, CNA Military Advisory Board | Timothy E. Wirth, US Senator (D-CO) 1987-93 | Frank Wisner, Undersecretary of State 1992-93 | R. James Woolsey, Director of Central Intelligence 1993-95, Cofounder, US Energy Security Council | GEN Anthony Zinni, USMC (Ret.), Fmr. Commander in Chief, US Central Command 199 http://sspp.proquest.com/archives/vol6iss2/1001-012.rees.html 200 http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/04/15/us-antarctica-ice-idUKBRE93E08D20130415 201 http://faculty.plattsburgh.edu/richard.robbins/legacy/ 202 http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v461/n7263/full/461472a.html 203 http://www.environment.arizona.edu/files/env/profiles/liverman/rockstrom-etc-liverman-2009-nature.pdf 204 http://www.cnas.org/blogs/naturalsecurity/2012/03/how-are-combatant-commanders-thinking-about-climatechange.html 205 www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/persuaders/ 206 http://culter.colorado.edu/~kittel/Soils_footprint_references/Footprint_Sanderson02r_a5.pdf 207 www.kotikone.fi/matti.sarmela/culturimperialism.pdf 208 www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,715138,00.html 209 www.clubofrome.org/?p=1869 210 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/feb/18/price-of-environmental-destruction


Smith, D (2010/08/06): 'The horrible, unspeakable truth of war is that it's fun',212 The Guardian. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CR.30 Steffen, W., et al. 2004. Global change and the earth system: a planet under pressure213; Ecology and Society.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.9 Stevens William K (29 June 1993): Loss of Species is Worse than Thought in Brazil's Amazon214; New York Times.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.13-34 Stossel, John: I Tried to Open a Lemonade Stand215, Townhall.com. .. .. .. .. .. CR.14 Sukhdev Pavan (16 Mar 2012): Put a Value on Nature216; TED.. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.79 Sukhdev Pavan (16 Mar 2012): Whats the World Worth?217; Center for Policy Development.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..SSD3.79 Sukhdev Pavan (12 Jan 2011): The Invisible Economy: The hidden environmental and social costs from corporations218, TEEB.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.80 Sukhdev Pavan (15 Nov 2010): What is the world worth?: What the global economy would look like with nature on the balance sheet219, TEEB.. .. .. .. SSD3.80 Suurkula Jaan (6 Feb 2004): World-wide cooperation required to prevent global crisis; Part one— the problem220, Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


TEEB (2011): The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in National and International Policy Making221; TEEB.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .SSD3.79 Theel Shauna (27 June 2012): Study: Kardashians Get 40 Times More News Coverage than Ocean Acidification222; Media Matters .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.39 Ten Brink Patrick (11 April 2013): Ensuring healthy biodiversity and sustainable productive agriculture can coexist in Europe223; Hungry for Change II Conference and Exhibition, Brussels Biodiversity session – programme.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.83 Titley, David, Rear Admiral, USN (19 Nov 2010): Climate Change and National Security224; TEDxPentagon.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SD2.12 Tittle, Peg., ed. Should Parents Be Licensed?225, Debating the Issues. Prometheus Books, 2004. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CR.16

http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/docs/002-115/002-115.html www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/06/david-smith-africa-james-brabazon 213 http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss2/art2/ 214 http://www.nytimes.com/1993/06/29/news/loss-of-species-is-worse-than-thought-in-brazil-samazon.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm 215 http://townhall.com/columnists/johnstossel/2012/02/24/creators_oped/page/full/ 216 http://youtu.be/oU9G2E_RYJo 217 http://youtu.be/0n7lY3iYQ3s 218 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwmQH6HPbaU 219 http://vimeo.com/16841649 220 http://www.psrast.org/globecolcr.htm 221 TEEB (2011), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in National and International Policy Making. Edited by Patrick ten Brink. Earthscan, London and Washington. http://www.teebweb.org/publications/teeb-study-reports/national-and-international/ 222 http://mediamatters.org/blog/2012/06/27/study-kardashians-get-40-times-more-news-covera/186703 223 http://www.slideshare.net/Patricktenbrink/patrick-ten-brink-of-ieep-teeb-ecpa-hungry-for-change-ii-final-11-april2013 224 http://youtu.be/7udNMqRmqV8 225 http://astore.amazon.com/whitrefu-20/detail/ 1591020948/ 211 212


TruCost (05 October 2010): Universal Ownership: Why Environmental Externalities matter to Institutional Investors226; UN Principles for Responsible Investment.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD3.81 Trucost (15 April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities of Business227; TEEB.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . SSD3.83 Trucost (09 April 2013): Linking Environmental and financial performance228; State of Green Business Research.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.81 UMI (11 Feb 2013): Sunlight stimulates release of climate-warming gas from melting Arctic permafrost, study says229; PHYS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.34-46 Valente Marcela (1 Dec 2009): Environment: Tree Plantations are not Forests, Women Activists Say230; IPS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Vitousek, Peter M. , Harold A. Mooney, Jane Lubchenco, Jerry M. Melillo (25 July 1997): Human Domination of Earth's Ecosystems231 (PDF232), Science .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .


Vitousek et al (1997): Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle: Causes and Consequences233, Issues in Ecology, Number 1, Spring 1997; Ecological Society of America [Peter M. Vitousek, Chair, John Aber, Robert W. Howarth, Gene E. Likens, Pamela A. Matson, David W. Schindler, William H. Schlesinger, and G. David Tilman] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.46 Wen Tang & Gao Zitan (20 Nov 2011): Yangtze River Pollution Imperils Hundreds of Millions234; Epoch Times.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.60 Wheeler Timothy (September 2003): Skirting the Population Issue: Why Journalists Need to Tackle Growth235; Environment Writer. .. .. .. .. SSD2.32 Woolsey James (19 October 2009): How your Gas Money Funds Terrorism236, American Jewish Committee, Washington DC. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD2.28 Worm Boris (November 3, 2006): Losing species237, Dalhousie University.. .. SSD3.16 WWF (1998238 / 1999239 / 2000240 / 2002241 / 2004242 / 2006243 / 2008244 / 2010245 / 2012246): Living Planet Report247.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.14 TruCost (05 October 2010): Universal Ownership: Why Environmental Externalities matter to Institutional Investors; UN Principles for Responsible Investment http://www.trucost.com/published-research/44/universalownership-why-environmental-externalities-matter-to-institutional-investors 227 TruCost (Apr 2013): Natural Capital: The Top 100 Externalities; TEEB http://www.trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business 228 http://trucost.com/published-research/97/linking-environmental-and-financial-performance 229 http://phys.org/news/2013-02-sunlight-climate-warming-gas-arctic-permafrost.html 230 http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=49489 231 http://www.sciencemag.org/content/277/5325/494.short 232 http://www.lue.ethz.ch/education/Fowi/Ingbio/lubchenco_II.pdf 233 http://cfpub.epa.gov/watertrain/pdf/issue1.pdf 234 http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/china-news/yangtze-river-pollution-imperils-hundreds-of-millions-144822.html 235 http://www.environmentwriter.org/resources/articles/pop93a.htm 236 http://youtu.be/NfobHy0a9CU 237 http://www.dal.ca/news/2006/11/03/oceanstudy.html 238 http://assets.panda.org/downloads/livingplanetreport98.pdf 239 http://assets.panda.org/downloads/lpr_1999_1.pdf 240 http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/living_planet_report_timeline/lpr00/ 241 http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/living_planet_report_timeline/lpr02/ 242 http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/living_planet_report_timeline/lpr04/ 243 wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/living_planet_report_timeline/lp_2006/ 244 wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/living_planet_report_timeline/lpr_2008/ 245 wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/living_planet_report_timeline/2010_lpr2/ 226


WWF (24 Oct 2006): Human Footprint too big for nature248, WWF.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SSD3.14 Zerzan John (13 April 2010): Patriarchy, Civilization, and the Origins of Gender249; Anarchist Library.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.23 Zerzan John (16 May 08): Pretensions of Modernity250; A. Miltsov.. .. .. .. ..


Zerzan John (30 Aug 2007): John Zerzan on Property and Primitivism251; Terrorized to be Consumers.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . CC.23 Zerzan John: The Left, No Thanks252, John Zerzan.net.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CC.23 ŽiŞek, Slavoj (1997): Multiculturalism or the cultural logic of multinational capitalism253, in: Razpol 10 - glasilo Freudovskega polja, Ljubljana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . CC.26 Zizek, Slavoj (15 Nov 2001): 'The one measure of true love is: you can insult the other'254; Spiked Online .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. CC.31

http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/2012_lpr/ http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/ 248 http://wwf.panda.org/index.cfm?uNewsID=83520 249 http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/john-zerzan-patriarchy-civilization-and-the-origins-of-gender 250 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmSjMmqtF8g 251 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlnAYeWWwt8 252 http://www.johnzerzan.net/articles/the-left-no-thanks.html 253 http://www.soc.aau.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/kbm/VoF/ 254 http://www.spiked-online.com/articles/00000002D2C4.htm 246 247


INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT: “We cannot regulate our interaction with any aspect of reality that our model of reality does not include.” - Stafford Beer, Brain of the Firm1 “Thou shalt not legislate laws which enable citizen’s procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity.” – TYGAE Ecological Decalogue Commandment. ‘Military Endorsing Ecological Overshoot is criminal (paraphrased).. I absolutely love this planet. It is our responsibility as temporary guests on the planet to sustain this beautiful place called Earth.’ - Maj Gen Pittard, Ft Bliss Commander2


This Amicus Brief presents the Court with alternative3 important4 -- ‘search

for truth’ (Jaffee v. Redmond5), avoid argument duplication (Craig v. Harney6), ‘speaks on behalf of an unrepresented party’ (Sierra Club v. Morton7), ‘presents new ideas, arguments, theories, insights, facts and data’, and ‘presents a unique perspective and specific information’ (The Voices for Choices v. Illinois Bell Telephone Company8) -- Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence Sustainable Security legal arguments deemed too far reaching for emphasis by parties intent on winning their particular AnthroCorpocentric cases9. [2]

In considering a new – Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence – perspective The Opinion

of Weeramantry J10, advises to “follow in the path charted out by Grotius‘ that “it would be pity indeed if [the wealth of past experience from a variety of cultures] were left untapped merely because of attitudes of formalism which see such approaches as not being entirely de rigueur”. A court “needs to be multiBeer, Stafford (1981): Brain of the Firm; Second Edition (much extended), John Wiley, London and New York. Reprinted 1986, 1988. Translated into Russian. 2 Neela Banerjee (1 July 2013): At one Army base, a vision for a new shade of green; Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-green-army-20130701,0,3452802.story 3 Munford, LT (1999): When Does the Curiae Need an Amicus?, 1 J. App. Prac. & Process 279, 280. 4 Bruce J. Ennis, Effective Amicus Briefs, 33 CATH. U. L. REV. 603 (1984) “[A] common misconception[] about amicus briefs . . . is that [they] are not very important; that they are at best only icing on the cake. In reality, they are often the cake itself. Amicus briefs have shaped the judicial decisions in many more cases than is commonly realized.” 5 518 U.S. 1 (1996). 6 331 U.S. 367 (1947) 7 405 U.S. 727 (1972): Justice William O’Douglas dissenting 8 339 F.3d 542 (7th Cir. 2003). 9 Smith, PM (1998): The Sometimes Troubled Relationship Between Courts and Their “Friends”, note 2, at 26 10 ICJ: Weeramantry J in Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project 1


disciplinary, drawing from other disciplines .. such wisdom as may be relevant for its purpose”; since a court “cannot afford to be monocultural, especially where it is entering newly developing areas of law”. [3]

A credible honourable court should find that the Enlistment Contract and

Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement entered into between the United States Government and Pfc Manning did not meet the requirements of fully informed consenting agreements. [4]








Agreement fail to clearly and simply disclose that the United States Constitution is based upon civilized patriarchy human factory farming war economy jurisprudence principles. The Civilized patriarchy elite socio-politically and economically profit from their Control of Reproduction jurisprudence absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, enabling them to breed a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population, for profitable conquering and culling acts of theft and murder. [5]

It is clear that Pfc Manning had not the foggiest clue when he signed his

Enlistment Contract with the US Army that he was signing up to become a cannon fodder soldier to be dispatched to plunder other nation’s resources, because his country’s ecologically illiterate jurisprudence does not require his fellow citizens to procreate and consume below carrying capacity levels. [6]

It is also clear Pfc Manning had no idea when he signed the Classified

Information Nondisclosure Agreement with the United States Army, that he was expected to keep the thieving, plundering and culling consequences secrets of the American civilized patriarchy socio-political elite, endorsed by the legal matrix jurists, and an at best Ecologically Illiterate, and at worst a corrupt endorsement of Human Factory Farming War Economy, constitution; to himself. [6.1]

If honour or honourable credibility is important to the US Army / Military,

it should require its civilized patriarchy legal matrix legal officials to amend its Enlistment Contract and Non Disclosure Agreements to fully disclose to any prospective signer of such agreement that in the absence of legislation amending the Constitution’s rights to procreate and consume to ecological carrying capacity limits; any individual signing any US military enlistment form is signing up to be cannon fodder resource thieves and mass murderers for a civilized patriarchy human factory farming profiteering elite, based upon the legal authority of an ecologically illiterate constitution. 2


These civilized patriarchy criminal charges against Eco-Innocent/Leaver: Pfc

Manning, should consequently be dismissed; if Pfc Manning commits to signing the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath. MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath: [8]

Please find attached Amici’s MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace

Whistleblower / Activist Oath, submitted to the Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’ Military Advisory Board (11 Generals and Admirals concerned with ecological overshoot and scarcity induced resource war conflict11), copies sent to: Gen. Keith Alexander, National Security Agency; James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence and Lisa Monaco, Asst Att. General for National Security, National Security Division, Department of Justice. [9]

The oath submits that “our civilized patriarchy constitutions rights to breed

and consume have resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000 percent12, which is destroying our Planet’s Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences13; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points14: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions15; (ii) Climate Change16; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle17; (iv) Ocean Acidification18; (v) Changes in Land Use19; (vi) Global Freshwater Use20; (vii) State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere21; (viii) Peak NonRenewable Natural Resources: Scarcity22; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons23.” [10] It hopes to “free Military National Security leaders from their duty to protect Earth is Flat unsustainable constitutions that legally, politically and procedurally denies them the opportunity of addressing the root causes of scarcity-conflict threats to national security; by holding legislators and citizens who legislatively or

Center for Naval Analysis: Military Advisory Board: Powering America’s Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security http://www.cna.org/reports/energy || Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn; Energy, Climate Change, and the Military: Implications for National Security; Woodrow Wilson Center for Environmental Security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1FMeVH2AgI 12 http://tygae.weebly.com/ecological-overshoot.html 13 http://sqswans.weebly.com/rapid-population-decline.html 14 http://tygae.weebly.com/tipping-points.html 15 http://tygae.weebly.com/biodiversity-loss.html 16 http://tygae.weebly.com/climate-change.html 17 http://tygae.weebly.com/nitrogen-cycle.html 18 http://tygae.weebly.com/ocean-acidification.html 19 http://tygae.weebly.com/land-use.html 20 http://tygae.weebly.com/freshwater-use.html 21 http://tygae.weebly.com/biosphere-state-shift.html 22 http://tygae.weebly.com/peak-nnr-scarcity.html 23 http://tygae.weebly.com/corp-externalities.html 11


practically endorse unsustainable right to breed and consume legislation, accountable as ‘breeding war’ or ‘consumption war’ scarcity combatants”. [11]

It commits under oath to maintaining the oath keeper’s Walk my Eco-footprint

Talk to Support the Troops to below the following Carrying Capacity limits24: (procreate one child, to consume below 1 gha; procreate no children, to consume below 20 gha.); and authorizes the MAB to authorize the oath keepers assassination should they violate the oath, by procreating or consuming above said carrying capacity limits. [12] It also requests the NSA, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and KGB, to discard Civilized Patriarchy’s Norwegian Nobel Committee War is Peace Whore jurisprudence model; and embrace an ecology of peace jurisprudence model, by establishing a ‘Maria Bochkareva MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Medal, to be awarded on the 23rd of April, to an individual chosen by the ‘Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’ Military Advisory Board, who has done the most to either ‘Walk their Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’; and/or to educate their community, or nation on the role of overpopulation and overconsumption as factors pushing society to ecological overshoot scarcity induced conflict and war.

STATEMENT OF FACTS: “We are the sum of that which we are allowed to know ... Today's "flat-worlders" are those who believe that information can be controlled. Historically, information always equalled power. Rulers and civilizations viewed knowledge as a commodity to be guarded, a thing finite in its dimensions and lost when shared.” – Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, Spotting the Losers: Seven Signs of NonCompetitive States25 “The advent of this new information age has opened a fresh chapter in the human struggle for, and with, freedom. It will be a bloody chapter, with plenty of computer-smashing and headbashing. The number one priority of non-Western governments in the coming decades will be to find acceptable terms for the flow of information within their societies. They will uniformly err on the side of conservatism--informational corruption--and will cripple their competitiveness in doing so. Their failure is programmed.” - Ralph Peters, Constant Conflict26

http://sqswans.weebly.com/guerrylla-laws.html Peters, Ralph (Winter 1998) 26 Peters, Ralph (Summer 1997) 24 25



Pfc Manning‘s is charged with UCMJ 104 (Aiding the enemy), UCMJ 92

(Failure to obey a lawful order or regulation); and UCMJ 134 (General article); relating to the alleged leak of the largest amount of classified information in U.S. history to Wikileaks27; the (i) July 12, 2007 air-to-ground attacks28 by two United States Army AH-64 Apache helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, New Baghdad, Baghdad, during the Iraqi insurgency and U.S. Military Occupation of Iraq (Wikileaks: “Collateral Murder”29), (ii) 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan30; (iii) 250,000 United States diplomatic cables (Wikileaks: Cablegate31); and (iv) 500,000 army reports from Iraq (Iraq War logs) and Afghanistan (Afghan War logs).32 [14]

The Afghanistan War began on October 7, 2001, when the United States,

United Kingdom, Australia, and the Afghan United Front (Northern Alliance) launched Operation Enduring Freedom, citing their motives as being the September 11 attacks, dismantling al-Qaeda terrorist organization and removing the Taliban regime from power to create a Duhmockery state. The Iraq war began on March 20, 2003, with the U.S.-led coalition, military invasion of Iraq, motivated by US & UK‘s claims that Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD) posed a threat to their security and that of their coalition/regional allies. No such WMD were ever found. [15]

Afghanistan33 and Iraq34 were not “formally declared wars” where “formal

Declaration of War” refers to Congressional legislation with the phrase “Declaration of War” in the title35, being “authorized by Congress”36. Sen Paul‘s Amendment37 argues Congress should reclaim its power to “formally declare war”. [16]

Pfc Manning‘s Lamo chat38 implied both Anthropocentric and Ecocentric

Truthseeker39 motivations. Manning’s Anthropocentric motivation was to “unmask

27 Wikileaks is an international, online, not-for-profit organisation publishing secret information, news leaks, and classified media from anonymous news sources and whistleblowers. 28 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007_Baghdad_airstrike 29 www.collateralmurder.com 30 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granai_airstrike 31 wikileaks.org/cablegate.html 32 wikileaks.org/irq/ and wikileaks.org/afg/ 33 Public Law 107-40 34 Public Law 107-243 35 Declaration of War upon UK (1812), Spain (1898), Germany (1917), Austro-Hungary (1917), Japan (1941) Germany (1941); & Act providing for Prosecution of War Between US & Mexico (1846). 36 Doe v Bush: "[T]he text of the October Resolution itself spells out justifications for a war and frames itself as an 'authorization' of such a war." 37 Senate Amendment 1064 (S.AMDT.1064); Page: S7674 38 Hansen (2011/07/13): Manning-Lamo Chat Logs Revealed


evil.. by naming it, wherever it is”40 arose as he confronted the PR slaughterhouse41 reality, his assignment was to be a “dumb, stupid animal pawn”42 “high-class muscle man for Big Business, Wall Street and the bankers” 43 to bring Duhmockery44 to Iraq. Ecocentrically his Pale blue dot perspective45 was that humanity is destroying its home46.

Ibid (03:31:33 PM) I prefer a painful truth over any blissful fantasy. | (10:36:46 AM) living such an opaque life, has forced me never to take transparency, openness, and honesty for granted | (1:10:38-1:12:02 PM) its open diplomacy… world-wide anarchy in CSV format… its Climategate with a global scope, and breathtaking depth… its beautiful, and horrifying… and… its important that it gets out… I feel, for some bizarre reason …. it might actually change something | (02:28:10 AM) i want people to see the truth… regardless of who they are… because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public | (02:22:47-02:29:18 PM) i mean what if i were someone more malicious… i could‘ve sold to russia or china, and made bank? … [why didn‘t you?] because it‘s public data .. it belongs in the public domain .. information should be free .. it belongs in the public domain .. because another state would just take advantage of the information… try and get some edge .. if its out in the open… it should do the public good .. rather than some slimy intel collector .. im crazy like that | (05:53:09-05:56:02 PM) i dont have a doctrine.. socialism / capitalism are the same thing in practice.. i dont quite know.. seen too much reality to be “polar”.. i dont like dogma, that’s one thing i can say without doubt… 40 Ibid (03:29:31 PM) Elie Wiesel summed it up pretty well for me… though his story is much much more important that mine.. 41 Ibid (12:59:41 PM) uhm… crazy, almost criminal political backdealings… the non-PR-versions of world events and crises… uhm… all kinds of stuff like everything from the buildup to the Iraq War during Powell, to what the actual content of “aid packages” is: for instance, PR that the US is sending aid to pakistan includes funding for water/food/clothing… that much is true, it includes that, but the other 85% of it is for F-16 fighters and munitions to aid in the Afghanistan effort, so the US can call in Pakistanis to do aerial bombing instead of americans potentially killing civilians and creating a PR crisis 42 Ibid (02:31:02 PM) the thing that got me the most… that made me rethink the world more than anything was watching 15 detainees taken by the Iraqi Federal Police… for printing “anti-Iraqi literature”… the Iraqi federal police wouldn‘t cooperate with US forces, so i was instructed to investigate the matter, find out who the “bad guys” were, and how significant this was for the FPs… it turned out, they had printed a scholarly critique against PM Maliki… i had an interpreter read it for me… and when i found out that it was a benign political critique titled “Where did the money go?” and following the corruption trail within the PM‘s cabinet… i immediately took that information and *ran* to the officer to explain what was going on… he didn‘t want to hear any of it… he told me to shut up and explain how we could assist the FPs in finding *MORE* detainees… everything started slipping after that… i saw things differently.. i had always questioned the things worked, and investigated to find the truth… but that was a point where i was a *part* of something… i was actively involved in something that i was completely against… 43 Butler (1935) 44 Hansen (2011/07/13) (12:21:24 PM) say… a database of half a million events during the iraq war… from 2004 to 2009… with reports, date time groups, lat-lon locations, casualty figures… ? or 260,000 state department cables from embassies and consulates all over the world, explaining how the first world exploits the third, in detail, from an internal perspective? 45 Ibid (03:15:38-03:25:28 PM) i dont know… im just, weird i guess.. I cant separate myself from others.. i feel connected to everybody… like they were distant family … i… care? Pale blue dot.jpg <– sums it up for me … i probably shouldn‘t have read sagan, feynman, and so many intellectual authors last summer… >sigh< … we‘re human… and we‘re killing ourselves… and no-one seems to see that… and it bothers me … apathy … apathy is far worse than the active participation 46 Ibid (02:21:18-02:24:13 AM) and god knows what happens now … hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms … if not… than we‘re doomed … as a species … i will officially give up on the society we have if nothing happens | (02:29:31-02:31:49 AM) or maybe im just young, naive, and stupid… [which do you think it is?] im hoping for the former.. it cant be the latter.. because if it is… were fucking screwed … (as a society) … and i dont want to believe that we‘re screwed | (03:35:44-03:36:18 PM) i think ive been traumatized too much by reality, to care about consequences of shattering the fantasy … im not brave, im weak | (1:13:10 PM) i just… dont wish to be a part of it… at least not now… im not ready… i wouldn‘t mind going to prison for the rest of my life, or being executed so much, if it wasn‘t for the possibility of having pictures of me… plastered all over the world press… as boy… | (03:06:48 PM) i had about three breakdowns… successively worse, each one revealing more and more of my uncertainty and emotional insecurity | (01:49:28-01:50:57 AM) too many words in political spheres… too short of an attention span… too short of goals .. humanity can accomplish so much… but its like herding cats … getting the smart people with ideas to cooperate, that is 39



Pfc Manning‘s statement for the Providence Enquiry47, focuses primarily on his

Anthropocentric motivations. [18]

On 15 October 2013, Amici legally challenged Defendant Pfc Manning, his

alleged ‘Peacenik’ supporters and their ‘Anti-War’ and ‘Peace’ community friends, to demonstrate their sincere commitment to addressing the overpopulation and overconsumption causes of Scarcity related resource war conflict. [19]

They were challenged to answer the question: Are you Willing to Pay the One

Child Per Family Price for Peace? If so, they could demonstrate their sincere commitment









overconsumption, by signing the Maria Bochkareva Leaver Peacenik One Child Oath. [Amici submitted48 her own signed Maria Bochkareva Leaver Peacenik One Child Oath, to USCAAF Judges and the then Director General of the Central Intelligence Agency: General David Petraeus (PDF49)] [20]

On 27 June 2013, Pfc Manning and other whistleblowers: Edward Snowden,

Julian Assange, William Binny, Thomas Drake & Kurk Wiebe; and Mr. Daniel Ellsburg; were challenged to stop being ‘Flat Earth’ whistleblowers, by ignoring the underlying – overshoot-scarcity-conflict-security – root causes of the surveillance / civilized patriarchy resource war problem; and sign the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath (PDF50), submitting it to the ‘Walk your Talk to Support the Troops’ Military Advisory Board (MAB), eleven retired Generals and Admirals concerned with ecological overshoot and scarcity induced resource war conflict51. [21]

As of date, neither Defendant Pfc Manning, nor any of his ‘Peacenik’ or ‘Anti-

War’ supporters, or any other challenged whistleblowers, have been willing to sign the oath to demonstrate their willingness to address the root overpopulation and overconsumption of scarcity induced resource war conflicts.

Coombs, David E (11 March 2013); Alexa O’Brien (28 February 2013) http://sqswans.weebly.com/15-oct-price4peaceoath.html 49 http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/_12-1015_uscaaf_petition_reconsideration_rule31_mblpoath_signedcrtsvc.pdf 50 http://tygae.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-06-18_snowden-greenwald_milintedaywhistleblowing_cert.pdf 51 Center for Naval Analysis: Military Advisory Board: Powering America’s Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security http://www.cna.org/reports/energy || Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn; Energy, Climate Change, and the Military: Implications for National Security; Woodrow Wilson Center for Environmental Security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1FMeVH2AgI




ARGUMENT: Civilized Patriarchy: [22]

A system of society or government, is Patriarchal to the extent that it regulates

(a) the relations between humans, nature and other animals species and (b) the relations between humans amongst themselves, in terms of their gender, culture, ethnic, religious and ideological conflicts; for the (c) almost exclusive benefit of violent Anthropocentric humans and corporations. [23]

Consequently a legal, political or social system is Patriarchal to the extent of

its (a) failure to provide automatic equal legal personhood and rights to women, culture’s based on non-patriarchal principles, nature and animal and plant species; (b) disregard for the objective and scientific breed and consume below carrying capacity truth of the laws of nature/ecology; and (c) disregard for the laws of human nature; when they contradict the AnthroCorpocentric – breeding and consumption war – objectives of the holders of subjective AnthroCorpocentric Truth. [24]

A society has violent Patriarchal breeding and consumption war objectives, to

the extent that: [24.1]

its socio-political status symbols involve breeding war, consumption war

and violent warrior mythology: (a)

breeding war procreation above carrying

capacity: i.e. cultures that reward their male members with concepts of manhood virility status, which are based on the man breeding a family above carrying capacity levels; (b) consumption war consuming above carrying capacity; i.e. cultures










intelligence/virility status, which are based upon the man consuming above carrying capacity levels, to demonstrate his ‘large consumption penis’; (c) warrior mythology, where violent men are rewarded with ‘freedom fighter’ or ‘soldier’ sociopolitical status symbol medals and awards; particularly if the warrior mythology censors and ignores information to educate the culture’s members, that scarcity induced resource war violence can be avoided by the culture’s members choosing to breed and consume below carrying capacity levels. A culture which teaches a purely defensive warrior mythology; i.e. based purely on defense of its landbase and resources, i.e. which educate the members of the culture to avoid overpopulation and overconsumption scarcity inducing lifestyle’s within its culture, and hence does


not engage in patriarchal breeding and consumption war objectives would not be considered a patriarchal culture. [24.2]

Its religious, political and corporate leaders (a) endorse patriarchal

objectification and sexualized concepts of ‘beauty’, which demean and vilify all women who do not meet those ‘beauty’ requirements; where a woman’s value is not based on her honesty, character and integrity, but upon how well she is able to market and trade her sexuality for physical and economic safety and security, and (b) avoid addressing the overpopulation and overconsumption scarcity induced root causes of most direct and indirect causes of conflict: from murder, rape, suicide, homeless,








institutions, because cumulatively they serve as socio-political conflict pressure cookers to socio-psychologically pressure women to (i) purchase safety and security by trading sexual favours from men, for physical and economic safety and security; (ii) conform to civilized patriarchy’s expectation that she behave as her partners brood sow and/or sexual socio-economic status symbol bimbo accessory, to breed/consume above carrying capacity, to thereby (iii) aggravate scarcity induced violence, particularly against lower class men and women.

A Credible Æquilibriæx Judicial System: Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice.


A ‘credible’ judicial system – like the gender balanced Mosuo in South West

China who have no rape (not even a word in their language for rape, because it does not exist), no murder, no suicide and no unemployment; – is one which accurately applies the relevant natural or scientific laws, to attain a specific related required result of inter-human and intra-species harmony and balance; i.e. (A) the laws of nature/ecology, recognizing that a healthy ecological environment, with due regard for regulating human procreation and resource utilization behaviour in accordance with the carrying capacity laws of sustainability is a sine qua non52 for all other

52 “Environmental Protection as a Principle of International Law : The protection of the environment is likewise a vital part of contemporary human rights doctrine, for it is a sine qua non for numerous human rights such as the right to health and the right to life itself. It is scarcely necessary to elaborate on this, as damage to the environment can impair and undermine all; the human rights spoken of in the Universal Declaration and other human rights instruments.” -- Opinion of Weeramantry J in the Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v Slovakia) (1998) 37 International Legal Materials 162 206.


constitutional rights53; and (B) the laws of human nature; where the relevant disputing parties cultural, religious, and ideological laws of human nature 54, are applied to achieve the greatest possible level of intra-species harmony and balance. [26]







consciously and unconsciously regulates (A) the relations between humans, nature and other animals species, with regard to carrying capacity ecological limits and (B) the relations between humans amongst themselves, in terms of their gender, cultural, religious and ideological conflicts, within the overshoot-scarcity-conflict eco-political system; on behalf of the exclusive benefits of Anthropocentric males and corporations. [27]

A credible impartial objective analysis of civilized patriarchy’s Innocence for

Sale Indulgence Legal Matrix, would find that civilized patriarchy’s corporate, political, religious, media and cultural elite’s GDP/growth agenda’s victimhood welfare-vote-farm, poverty pimping and cannon fodder schemes (a) legislate laws which enable and encourage citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity, knowing (b) such legislation results in ecological overshoot,






inequality, and scarcity induced local, national and international conflict; (c) that ecological overshoot in multi-cultural/ethnic/religious communities, manifests as inter-cultural / ethnic / religious conflict; (d) inter-cultural / ethnic conflict is a great divide and conquer tool to manipulate the proletariat to perceive other cultural/ethnic proletariat as the source of their own overshoot-scarcity-conflict misery; as opposed to demanding their Duhmockery leaders abide by the Ecology of Peace Commandment: “Thou shalt not legislate laws which enable citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity.”

Civilized Patriarchy’s Innocence for Sale Indulgence Legal Matrix: [28]

Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix Reality doctrine -- the Inalienable ‘Right to

Breed and Consume, but you need a License to Own a Gun, a License to Drive a Car, a License to Practice Law, a television license, a credit license, a license to earn a living, a university exemption license, a license to fish, a license to hunt, a liquor license, a business license, a marriage license, in some U.S. states even a license to run a lemonade stand -- hypocritically referred to as the ‘rule-of-law’ is a Democracy Cannot Survive Overpopulation, Al Bartlett, Ph.D., Population & Environment, Vol. 22, No. 1, Sep 2000, pgs. 63-71; Bartlett (1994/09): Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment, Population & Environment, Vol. 16, No. 1, Sep 1994, pp. 5-35; Clugston, C (2009): Sustainability Defined (WakeUpAmerika) 54 Henrich Joseph, Heine Steven, Norenzayan Ara (05 March 2009); Watters, Ethan (25 Feb 2013); Jones, Dan (25 June 2010)



legal world of lawyers, politicians and priests, who prefer to negligently ignore, plausibly deny, or socio-psycho-phallicly benefit from the conquer-and-multiply control over the means of human reproduction. It is a Matrix reality, of legal, political and religious indulgence salesmen.


It is a legal world, very similar to the Matrix religious world that existed before

Martin Luther confronted the religious indulgence salesmen with his Ninety-Five Theses, on the Church of All Saints, on 31 October 1517, thereby initiating the Protestant Reformation. [30]

The Legal Matrix Reality World is a world where legal reality is generated by -

- and for the financial, legal, political and socio-indulgence benefit of – the Matrix Reality legal indulgence salesmen. It is a Legal Matrix Reality: a fictional


simulated legal reality social construct world that is quite different from the physical, sensate reality world. [31]

It is a flat earth Matrix Reality chimera that totally ignores Galileo’s ecological

carrying capacity reality. [32]

It is a Matrix world of legal indulgence salesmen; who with fancy terms of

‘Contempt in Facie Curiae’ and ‘Crimen Injuria’ demand the public’s sycophantic obedience and submissive respect; for their supposed superior intellectual Godlike capabilities, to decipher, decode and interpret which of us mere Commons surplus cannon fodder mortals acts of commission, or omission, is ‘lawful’ or ‘unlawful’.

Conquering and Culling Acts of Un/Lawfulness: [33]

Surplus vote fodder citizens may convert to becoming cannon-fodder citizens by

joining the military to commit conquering or culling acts of murder and theft, as long as their murder and theft is sanctioned as a lawful conquer, culling or theft order, by one or more groups of conquer-and-multiply legal indulgence salesmen. [34]

In this Matrix Reality legal world, soldiers tasked with the national security

conquering and culling responsibilities, of conquering to thieve another tribe’s resources, and culling population ‘useless eaters’ and ‘oxygen thieves’ surplus population excesses; on behalf of the conquering and culling profiteering demands of civilized patriarchy’s civilian corporate and political elite; constantly find themselves confronted with the conquer-or-culling “Befehl ist Befehl” Catch 22 dilemma: [34.1]

To obey, or not to obey, a ‘Lebensraum’, ‘Difaqane’, ‘Operation Freedumb’

and the thousands like them, order to conquer or cull; since a lawful conquer or culling order, by one group of conquer-and-multiply legal indulgence salesmen, can easily be reinterpreted to be an unlawful order, by another group of conquer-and multiply legal indulgence salesmen; presenting a Catch 22 dilemma from which there is no legal escape. [35]

One who refuses a conquering or culling order will still probably be jailed for

refusing orders, and one who accepts one will probably be jailed for committing unlawful culling or conquering acts. [36]

Who decides, what is, and what is not, a conquering or culling lawful, or

unlawful order?



The ‘Inalienable Right to Breed’ Matrix Reality conquer-and-multiply

indulgence salesmen, with their specious justifications, and nightmare of Legal Matrix reality generated bureaucratic stare-decisis cryptic rules and statutes, of course! "I don't know what you mean by 'glory,' " Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't—till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!' " "But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument'," Alice objected. "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master— that's all." -- Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll

Civilized Patriarchy: The Master of ‘Relevance’: [38]

The question in a civilized patriarchy court is only concerned with who is the

master of one word: ‘relevance’. [39]

Any question or answer that exposes civilized patriarchy’s Legal Matrix system

for what it is; a system far more corrupt than the Catholic Church’s Indulgences for Sale religious matrix, is simply deemed as ‘irrelevant’. [40]

It is ‘irrelevant’ that civilian lawyers, civilian courts, civilian judges, civilian

politicians, civilian corporatists legislate, implement, and interpret Legal Matrix doctrine, that encourages citizens to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits. [41]

It is ‘irrelevant’ that such legislation results in ecological overshoot, and

scarcity and scarcity induced conflict. [42]

It is ‘irrelevant’ that such scarcity inducing jurisprudence results in scarcity

induced resource wars for land, oil, food, water or minerals. [43]

It is ‘irrelevant’ that if the Legal Matrix enacted laws, which restricted all of

the nation’s citizens to breed and consume below carrying capacity; it would not be necessary to dispatch cannon fodder soldiers tasked with the national security


conquering and culling responsibilities, of conquering to obtain resources, and culling population ‘useless eaters’ and ‘oxygen thieves’ surplus population excesses. [44]

It is ‘irrelevant’ that Legal Matrix Legislators and Jurists defy the laws of

ecology, with a massive ‘fuck you’; sit in courts adjudicating about whether any soldier’s decision to obey or refuse to obey a conquer-or-culling “Befehl ist Befehl” Catch 22 dilemma order, is lawful or unlawful. [45]

It is irrelevant whether the Legal Matrix Legislators and Jurists decision to

defy the laws of ecology, with a massive ‘fuck you’; is ecologically and legally ‘lawful’ or ‘unlawful’ conduct; a violation of ‘Thou shalt not legislate laws which enable citizens procreation or consumption to transgress carrying capacity’. [46]

What is relevant?:


It is relevant that civilized patriarchy’s penis constitutions human factory

farming rights to breed and consume, is to be master —that's all. [48]

Who says so?:


Civilized Patriarchy’s ecologically illiterate Legal Matrix Legislator’s, lawyers,

judges and prosecutors genitals say so!

Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal -- Penis/Vagina – Matrix Monologues: [50]

When a member of civilized patriarchy is in conversation with his/her

penis/vagina: who is the boss in such relationship? [51]

Is their legal rational, impartial, evidentiary mind, based upon ecological

carrying capacity science, in charge? [52]

Or are their genitals demands to breed and consume with total disregard for

ecological carrying capacity limits; in charge? Are their genitals, who demand to endorse and enforce legislation which allows citizens procreation and consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity, resulting in ecological overshoot, and scarcity induced resource war and cultural and ethnic conflicts, the ability of the legal matrix elite to profit from vote fodder and cannon fodder surplus populations to use as their political and military battering ram to conquer other tribes to steal their resources; in charge? [53]

Does s/he Tell his/her Legal Matrix Penis/Vagina who is the Boss?:

[53.1] Does s/he set an ecology of peace example, by procreating and consuming below carrying capacity levels? (Procreate one child, to consume below 1 gha; P procreate no children, to consume below 20 gha).



Does s/he practice ecology of peace legal advocacy by encouraging and

supporting citizens (whether as accused in your courtroom, or plaintiff or accused client) to support the enactment of constitutional amendments limiting all citizens rights to breed and consume to below carrying capacity levels? [55]

Does s/he Walk their Talk of Supporting the Troops to avoid participating in

any Civilized Patriarchy Culling or Conquering Wars, to embrace an Ecology of Peace Warrior mythology that is based purely upon the defence of the landbase, authorizing Military Leaders to hold her/him personally accountable by taking the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath to Walk your Eco-Footprint Talk of Supporting the Troops by breeding and consuming below carrying capacity. [56]

Does s/he Ask his/her Legal Matrix Penis/Vagina who is the Boss?:

[56.1] Does s/he set a civilized patriarchy Legal Matrix Human Factory Farming War Economy example, by procreating and consuming above carrying capacity levels? (Procreate one or more children and consume above 1 gha; procreate no children, and consume above 20 gha). [56.2]

Does s/he practice civilized patriarchy human factory farming legal

advocacy by legislating / enforcing / advocating on behalf of laws which enable citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity? [56.3]

Does s/he Talk about Supporting the Troops refer to endorsing civilized

patriarchy’s legal matrix to breed surplus vote and cannon fodder for the purposes of conquering and culling surplus populations and their property and resources; on behalf of the socio-political and economic benefits of the corporate, political and juristic elite? [57]

Are you – Judge & Prosecutor -- ready to take control of your Legal

Matrix Penis/Vagina, to determine who is the Boss?: [58]

Drop your pants, and tell your Penis/Vagina. [58.1]

Penis/Vagina, as of today I am in charge of this relationship. I shall be a

Judge/Prosecutor in service to ecology of peace jurisprudence. I demand you grow up and give up your inalienable right to breed and consume, with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity. [58.2]

As of today, I shall embark on a mission to procreate and consume below

carrying capacity, and to set an example for others to do so. Furthermore my dignity and existential identity shall be a result of my honour, not my unconscious reliance on psychological or physical penis/vagina masculinity/femininity, related to how many men/women I fucked, how large my car or cleavage is, or how large my 15

ignorant imbecile fanclub is who believe my bullshit the public relations civilized patriarchy legal matrix jurisprudence verbal diarrhoea. [58.3]

My identity shall be based upon my honour: my willingness to defend my

word, my agreements with one and all, friend and foe, with my life, my refusal to practice plausible deniability or ignoring or marginalizing those I disagree with.

State of the Civilized Patriarchy Jurisprudence System: Æquilibriæx (stable and balanced) or Disequilibrium (dizzy/out of balance/unstable) In Stalking the Wild Taboo55, Garrett Hardin deals with the concept of


Competition, a process that is inescapable in societies living in a finite resource world. He proves that the end result of perfect laissez-faire, competition’s end result reduces all competitors until there is only one left. The monopolist will try to manipulate the machinery of society in such a way as to extend his powers everywhere, without limit. The same applies to labour monopolies. Under these conditions it is important to seek the boundary conditions within which the rule of laissez-faire can produce stability. An Act that may be harmless when the system is healthy and strong may be quite destructive when the system is stressed near its limits. To promote the goal of stability, a law must take cognizance not only of the act but also of the state of the system at the time the act is performed. Is civilized patriarchy’s jurisprudence control of reproduction and consumption


enabling a socio-political and ecological system of stability between humans, nature and other animal species, and between humans amongst themselves, in terms of their gender, culture, ethnic, religious, ideological, class and eco-cultural conflicts? It is submitted that the current state of civilized patriarchy’s system of









financially and spiritually unstable: [61.1]

Civilized patriarchy’s control of reproduction human factory farming war

economy racket and control of consumption corporate cultural imperialist racket has resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000

Part 4: Competition: (20) Competition, a Tabooed Idea in Sociology; (21) The Cybernetics of Competition; (22) Population, Biology and the Law; (23) Population Skeletons in the Environmental Closet; (24) The Survival of Nations and Civilisations



percent56, which is destroying the Planet’s Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences57; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points58: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions59; (ii) Climate Change60; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle61; (iv) Ocean Acidification62; (v) Changes in Land Use63; (vi) Global Freshwater Use64; (vii) State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere65; (viii) Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Scarcity66; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons67. [62]

Metaphorically the six billion citizens sitting in Civilized Patriarchy’s

AnthroCorpocentric jurisprudence Right to Breed and Consume planetary freight train are speeding over the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse cliff, without any seat belts, or parachutes; while the drivers of civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix freight train, refuse to investigate holding prosecutors and legislators criminally responsible for the absence of carrying capacity limits legislation, or to enact carrying capacity limits jurisprudence to restrict citizens rights to breed and consume to below carrying capacity levels; to pull the parachute ripcord and slow the descent of the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse freight train’s descent towards its collision with the ecological sustainability iceberg. [63]

Comparatively Pfc Manning’s acts of alleged illegality to wake his fellow

trapped citizens in the freight car in free fall descent to its collision with ecological reality, that the train has been driven over the cliff, is in free fall, and the psychopaths aren’t even considering handing out parachutes, pale to the trillionth degree in comparison to the psychopaths driving this civilized patriarchy suicide freight train. [64]

If Pfc Manning’s SOS distress call had diverted a healthy stable system to

divert onto an unsustainable unstable track, arguments for his criminality would be credible. However Pfc Manning’s SOS distress call was a desperate measure to awaken the six billion citizens sitting in Civilized Patriarchy’s AnthroCorpocentric

http://tygae.weebly.com/ecological-overshoot.html http://sqswans.weebly.com/rapid-population-decline.html 58 http://tygae.weebly.com/tipping-points.html 59 http://tygae.weebly.com/biodiversity-loss.html 60 http://tygae.weebly.com/climate-change.html 61 http://tygae.weebly.com/nitrogen-cycle.html 62 http://tygae.weebly.com/ocean-acidification.html 63 http://tygae.weebly.com/land-use.html 64 http://tygae.weebly.com/freshwater-use.html 65 http://tygae.weebly.com/biosphere-state-shift.html 66 http://tygae.weebly.com/peak-nnr-scarcity.html 67 http://tygae.weebly.com/corp-externalities.html

56 57


jurisprudence Right to Breed and Consume planetary freight train speeding over the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse cliff, without any seat belts, or parachutes; that the drivers of civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix freight train, refuse to pull the parachute ripcord and slow the descent of the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse freight train’s descent towards its collision with the ecological sustainability iceberg.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Control of Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [65]

The online briefing paper Control of Reproduction: Human Factory

Farming War Economy Racket (PDF68), documents detailed evidence for the following facts, should any of the facts be disputed:











frequently legislates licensing laws to ensure competence or protect consumers. [65.2]

Fact #2: AnthroCorpocentric Legal doctrine has legislated licensing laws

related to gun ownership, driving a car, practicing law, watching television, obtaining credit, earning a living as a professional, fishing, hunting, selling liquor, operating a business, getting married, etc. [65.3]

Fact #3: AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence has avoided legislating

licensing procreation laws to (a) protect unwanted and unloved children from being procreated; and/or (b) to require citizens to maintain their procreation factor footprint below carrying capacity levels. [65.4]

Fact #4: Significant historical evidence exists of Masculine Insecurity

Patriarchy’s obsession with controlling women’s reproduction powers – subservient status as human factory farming brood sows – for the purposes of breeding unwanted and unloved children, as economic and/or vote or cannon fodder surplus populations for the socio-political benefits of the patriarchal elite. [65.5]

Fact #5: Significant historical evidence exists of Masculine Insecurity

Patriarchy’s obsession – from Houari Boumediene, Yasser Arafat, Dr. Khalid Muhammad, to Nelson Mandela’s ANC and Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party – with using the Control of Reproduction as a Breeding War Weapon of War. [65.6]

Fact #6: Factions of the civilized patriarchy elite socio-politically and

economically profit from their Control of Reproduction jurisprudence absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, enabling a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population for profitable conquering and culling acts of theft and murder, as part of civilized patriarchy’s Human Factory Farming War Economy. [65.7]

Fact #7: Factions of the civilized patriarchy elite socio-politically and

economically profit from their Control of Reproduction jurisprudence absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, enabling a welfare vote farm Surplus Vote-Fodder population, economically and psychologically co-dependent upon their civilized patriarchy Foxy Liberal masters. [65.8]

Conclusion: Civilized patriarchy’s control of reproduction is a most

profitable human factory farming vote and cannon fodder war economy racket.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Control of Consumption Global Corporate Cultural Imperialism Racket 19


The online briefing paper Control of Consumption: Global Corporate

Cultural Imperialism Racket (PDF69), documents detailed evidence for the following facts, should any of the facts be disputed: [66.1]

Fact #1: Global Corporate Capitalism primary ideology is exponential

growth, reflected in its GDP Economic Growth religious fundamentalism. Civilized patriarchy jurisprudence has placed no boundary licensing limitations to restrict extraction and production of non-renewable or renewable resources to sustainable below carrying capacity levels. [66.2]

Fact #2: Culturally Corporate Capitalism’s exponential Consumptionism

ideology manifests as Compulsive Developmentism Cultural Imperialism. Cultural Imperialism is considered by some to be a useful consumptive weapon of war. [66.3]

Fact #3: Global Corporate Capitalism’s Compulsive Developmentism

Cultural Imperialism is the sponsor and primary profiteer of the corporate cultural ideology referred to as ‘multiculturalism’. [66.4]

Fact #4: Factions of the civilized patriarchy elite profit socio-politically

and economically from the absence of any carrying capacity restrictions to consumption, and from using Consumptionism, compulsive developmentism and multiculturalism as cultural consumptive weapons of war, for their own profits. [66.5]

Conclusion: Civilized patriarchy’s control of consumption is a most

profitable corporate cultural imperialist racket.

Consequences of Civilized Patriarchy’s Control of Reproduction and Consumption: SS-DEFCON 3: Ecological Overshoot [67]

The online briefing paper SS DEFCON 3: Ecological Overshoot (PDF70),

documents detailed evidence for the following facts, should any of the facts be disputed: [68]

Fact #1: Humans live on a planet with finite resources.


Fact #2: Ecological laws dictate that any conscious species living in an

ecosystem with finite resources, that wishes to avoid ecological overshoot, and the

69 70

http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-07-04_usmc-gcm_manning_ssd_c-cons.pdf http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-07-04_usmc-gcm_manning_ssd-3_e-overshoot.pdf


scarcity conflict consequences of overshoot, should enact legislation that limit their citizens procreation or consumption from transgressing cultural carrying capacity. [70]

Fact #3: Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix constitutions enable the licensing

of numerous behaviours, but avoid licences limiting procreation and consumption to below carrying capacity levels to avoid ecological overshoot, and the scarcity-conflict consequences of overshoot. [71]

Fact #4: Legislation which intentionally limits procreation and consumption to

below a specific identified – footprint, population density, thermodynamic or biological – carrying capacity levels is intentionally focussed on Sustainable Peaceful Procreation, Consumption and Production; whereas legislation which intentionally avoids limiting procreation and consumption to any reference of carrying capacity levels is intentionally focussed on Unsustainable Scarcity-Conflict Procreation, Consumption and Production. [72]

Fact #5: The worlds civilized patriarchy Legal Matrix constitutions argue – by

omission – that the earth is flat, resources are infinite and that citizens have a ‘god given’ right to procreate and consume, with (a) total disregard for ecological principles of ecological overshoot of carrying capacity limits; and (b) total unaccountability for the scarcity-conflict consequences of their breeding and consuming above carrying capacity choices. [73]

Fact # 6: The consequences of civilized patriarchy’s constitutional rights to

breed and consume, and the failure of jurisprudence to limits such rights to breed and consume within ecological carrying capacity limits, has resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000 percent 71, which is destroying our Planet’s Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences72; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points73: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions74;









Acidification77; (v) Changes in Land Use78; (vi) Global Freshwater Use79; (vii) State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere80; (viii) Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources:

http://tygae.weebly.com/ecological-overshoot.html http://sqswans.weebly.com/rapid-population-decline.html 73 http://tygae.weebly.com/tipping-points.html 74 http://tygae.weebly.com/biodiversity-loss.html 75 http://tygae.weebly.com/climate-change.html 76 http://tygae.weebly.com/nitrogen-cycle.html 77 http://tygae.weebly.com/ocean-acidification.html 78 http://tygae.weebly.com/land-use.html 79 http://tygae.weebly.com/freshwater-use.html 80 http://tygae.weebly.com/biosphere-state-shift.html

71 72


Scarcity81; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons82. [74]










AnthroCorpocentric jurisprudence Right to Breed and Consume planetary freight train are speeding over the ecological overshot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse cliff, without any seat belts, or parachutes.

SS-DEFCON 2: Scarcity - Conflict [75]

The online briefing paper SS DEFCON 2: Scarcity-Conflict (PDF83),

documents detailed evidence for the following facts, should any of the facts be disputed: [76]

Fact #1: When citizens procreate and/or consume unsustainably above carrying

capacity levels, ecological overshoot occurs, resulting in scarcity and aggravating scarcity induced resource conflicts. [77]

Fact #2: If legislators or jurists were sincere, serious and committed to

reducing scarcity induced resource war conflicts, they would explore legislation to limit the over-procreation and/or consumption root causes of ecological overshoot induced scarcity. [78]

Fact #3: Legislators sincere about legislation to limit conflict resulting from

ecological overshoot induced scarcity would explore legislation to determine: (A) Procreation footprint: how many children per family maintains procreation levels below carrying capacity and leads to sustainable peace? (B) Production Footprint: How much exploitation and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources maintains production below carrying capacity and leads to sustainable peace? (C) Consumption Footprint: How much individual consumption maintains consumption levels below carrying capacity and leads to sustainable peace? [79]

Fact #4: Scarcity-Conflict issues focussed on the consequences of procreating

and consuming above carrying capacity limits, and their overshoot-scarcity-conflict consequences have been researched and are of concern to academics, ecologists and military official’s individuals concerned about national security issues; however legislators and jurists have and continue to avoid exploring ecology of peace legislation to limit procreation and consumption to levels below carrying capacity limits; to reduce scarcity induced resource conflicts.

http://tygae.weebly.com/peak-nnr-scarcity.html http://tygae.weebly.com/corp-externalities.html 83 http://sqswans.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/13-07-04_usmc-gcm_manning_ssd-2_s-conflict.pdf 81 82



Fact #5: Civilized Patriarchy’s global AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence

Suicide Freight Train, which has driven society into between 700-400,000 % ecological overshoot, has as much chance of muddling through the coming ‘Falling Man Syndrome’ crisis of Conflict, as an individual sitting in an unbelted car crash. (Non-Linearity and Social Conflict84) [81]

Fact #6: The corporate media’s endorsement of Civilized Patriarchy’s Control of

Reproduction and Consumption is a significant factor contributing to citizen’s ignorance of the relationship between their rights to procreate and consume above carrying capacity levels, and their ignorance about the consequences of such lifestyle’s to their natural capital, and their children’s future of misery: In recent firefire coverage, only 6 percent of total wildfire items mentioned climate change, including 9 percent of major print coverage and 4 percent of TV coverage; and in Midwest flood coverage, only 3 percent of stories mentioned climate change. In 2012, the nightly news covered the royal family more than climate change. A recent study documenting the warmest year on record received cool media coverage, almost entirely censoring scientists from climate change discussion. In 2012, the Kardashians got 40 times more news coverage than ocean acidification, which affects over 50% of US fishery revenues. In 2012, TV media covered Joe Biden’s smile nearly twice as much as climate change, and Paul Ryan’s workout, three times more than record Arctic Sea Ice loss. [82]

Fact #7: Civilized Patriarchy’s global AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence

Suicide Freight Train Falling Man Syndrome belief that it is unnecessary to legislate carrying capacity restrictions on procreation and consumption, because “in 200 years, our Right to Breed and consume has resulted in the exponential consumption of over half of the Earth's resources, and nothing bad has happened yet”; is ecologically and scientifically equivalent to a man who has been pushed out of a 150 story building, passing the window of the 60th story, calling out to a friend “‘I’ve fallen 90 stories in the past 5 seconds and nothing bad has happened yet”. [83]

Conclusion: It can be safely said that sufficient academic, ecological evidence

and military doctrine concern exists to suggest the urgent military necessity of courts to investigate holding prosecutors and legislators criminally responsible for the absence of carrying capacity limits legislation, or to enact carrying capacity limits jurisprudence to restrict citizens rights to breed and consume to below carrying capacity levels; to pull the parachute ripcord and slow the descent of the




ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse freight train’s descent towards its collision with the ecological sustainability iceberg.

An Even More Detailed State of Global Civilized Patriarchy’s – Control of Reproduction and Consumption Indulgence’s -Legal Matrix “An externality arises when a person engages in an activity that influences the well-being of a bystander and yet neither pays nor receives any compensation for that effect” (Mankiw, Principles of Economics, Fourth Edition, p. 204). “In the market, as firms work to maximize their profits, they strive to maximize revenues while minimizing costs. A sure-fire way to minimize costs is to externalize as many of them as possible. In practice, if a corporation wants to minimize the costs of environmental protection, it can move its operation to a nation with lax environmental laws. It can do the same or find various “innovative” ways to avoid paying other costs, while passing them on to the rest of society. In the context of today’s economic game, this is a sound strategy. If the objective of the game is profit maximization, then a winning player will externalize as many costs as possible.” - Rob Dietz, 30 April 2012, Negative externalities are the norm85, Resilience “Once we know and are aware, we are responsible for our action and our inaction. We can do something about it or ignore it. Either way, we are still responsible.” Jean Paul Sartre, as quoted by Jochen Zeits, Executive Chairman of PUMA SE and Chief Sustainability Officer of PPR; PUMA’s Environmental Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 201086


So a negative externality occurs when an economic activity produces harm, and

the people suffering from that harm receive no compensation. And if that externality helped to generate a profit, effectively whoever receives that profit is in receipt of stolen profit, for services other people, ecosystems or animals were not paid for.

85 86

http://www.resilience.org/stories/2012-04-30/negative-externalities-are-norm# http://about.puma.com/wp-content/themes/aboutPUMA_theme/financial-report/pdf/EPL080212final.pdf



Since one of the easiest ways to maximize profits is to minimize the costs of

environmental protection, and finding innovative ways to avoid paying externality costs, while passing them onto society; its safe to assume that a significant number of winning corporations are those who have externalized as many costs as possible. [86]

As corporations get better and better at this game of externalizing

environmental and social costs, they accrue higher and higher profits and gain more and more influence. This influence often extends into the legislative bodies and regulatory agencies that could, in theory, prevent the inefficiency and injustice associated with negative externalities. It has become politically challenging, to say the least, for a government to place an externality-correcting tax on a corporate activity.87 [87]

Here follow a few economic assessments of corporate externalities, a general

fair conclusion which can be reached from them, would be that for any major multinational corporation in the top 100 of its sector, its externalities can be as little as 30% of profits, to as much as more than 100% of profits. Using an average of 50% of profits, is a fair generalization. [88]

$ 4.7 Trillion: 100 largest natural capital risks: [88.1]

Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities

for Business88: “100 biggest natural capital risks are costing the economy around $4.7 trillion per year in terms of the environmental and social costs of lost ecosystem services and pollution. ..[..] .. Many of these natural capital costs are found in the developing world, but the resulting goods and services are being consumed by resource intensive supply chains around the planet – thus it is a global challenge for a globalized world. For example, your suppliers may be using water from unsustainable sources, causing damage to business critical ecosystem services or generating health hazards from air pollution.” [88.2] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.

Rob Dietz, 30 April 2012, Negative externalities are the norm , Resilience http://www.resilience.org/stories/2012-04-30/negative-externalities-are-norm# 88 Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for Business http://trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business




Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from $4.7 Trillion of thefts from society’s natural capital: zero.

$7.3 Trillion Unpriced Natural Capital Costs of Primary production


and processing sectors: [89.1]

Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities

for Business89: “This study monetizes the value of unpriced natural capital consumed by primary production (agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining, oil and gas exploration, utilities) and some primary processing (cement, steel, pulp and paper, petrochemicals) in the global economy through standard operating practices, excluding catastrophic events. For each sector in each region (region-sector), it estimates the natural capital cost broken down by six environmental key performance indicators (EKPIs), and a ranking of the top 100 costs is developed from this. [89.2]

Conclusions: The primary production and primary processing sectors

analyzed in this study are estimated to have un-priced natural capital costs totalling US $7.3 Trillion which equates to 13% of global economic output in 2009. [89.3]

The majority of unpriced natural capital costs are from greenhouse gas

emissions (38%) followed by water use (25%); land use (24%) and water pollution (5%) and waste (1%). [89.4] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from $7.3 Trillion of thefts from society’s natural capital: zero.

Profits insufficient to cover externalities in High Impact Regions:



Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities

for Business90: “No high impact region-sectors generate sufficient profit to cover their environmental impacts. Subject to adaptive capabilities, this will cause them to pass on these costs to customers. Region sectors most at risk include coal power

Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for Business http://trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business 90 Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for Business http://trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business



generation in Eastern Asia, Wheat farming in Southern Asia, and Cattle Ranching in South America and Southern Asia. [90.2]

GHGs from coal power generation in Eastern Asia contribute the largest

environmental impact, followed by land use linked to cattle farming in South America. The most significant impacts making up the US$4.7 trillion are GHGs (36%), water use (26%) and land use (25%). [90.3] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.

Land Use Impact of $1.8 Trillion for Primary Prod/Proc Sectors:



Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities

for Business91: “The global natural capital cost of land use by the primary production and primary processing sectors analyzed in this study is estimated at US$1.8 trillion. The top 100 region-sectors (less than 10% of the total by number) accounted for 84% of the impact. Agriculture sectors, in particular cattle ranching, have the greatest impact. Due to both magnitude of land use for cattle ranching in Brazil, for beef eaters in the first world, and the high value of ecosystem services of the virgin land used, the impact of cattle ranching in S.America is especially high.” [91.2] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.

Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for Business http://trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business



Water Consumption Impact of $1.9 Trillion for Primary Prod/Proc


Sectors: [93]

Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for

Business92: “The global natural capital cost of water consumption by the primary production and primary processing sectors analyzed in this study is estimated at US$1.9 trillion. The top 100 region-sectors accounted for 92% of these costs, which are concentrated in agriculture and water supply. Water that is directly abstracted from surface or groundwater is rarely paid for adequately if at all, and its substantial value to society varies according to its regional scarcity. Abstracted water was valued according to national water availability. Rates of water use take into account national irrigation rates for agriculture, which is responsible for the vast majority of global water use, and local recycling rates and distribution losses for the water supply sector. The volume of water use by country-sector was valued by applying national water valuations to calculate the social cost of water consumption. Resulting values for water use were aggregated to create a ranking of the top 20 water consuming region-sectors in terms of social cost. Water costs were significant for several sectors in Asian regions and Northern Africa.” [93.1] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.


Greenhouse Gas Impact of $2.7 Trillion for Primary Prod/Proc Sectors:


Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for

Business93: “The global natural capital cost of GHG emissions by the primary production and primary processing sectors analyzed in this study is estimated at US$2.7 trillion. The top 100 region-sectors account for 87% of these costs. Impacts are dominated by thermal power production, steel and cement manufacturing, fugitive methane emissions and flaring at oil and gas wells, and energy required to Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for Business http://trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business 93 Trucost (April 2013): Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities for Business http://trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business



supply and treat water. Coal power impacts are high in regions with significant electricity production and where coal has a large share of the grid mix, such as Eastern Asia and North America. Livestock emissions are also significant.” [95.1] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.


$2.25 Trillion: Top 3.000 listed Corp’s Externalities:


The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)94 puts a value on the

ecological services provided to humanity. They have found that 3,000 listed companies around the world were responsible for over $2.25 trillion in environmental “externalities” (i.e. costs that have to be borne by society from ignored factors, or “social costs”). This is equivalent to 7% of their combined revenues and up to a third of their combined profits. [97.1] 94

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable:




Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.


$2-4.5 Trillion Natural Capital Losses: 45-90% of GDP of Poor:


Pavan Sukhdev (6 October 2010): The Economics of Ecosystems and

Biodiversity95; Congress of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag: “Ecosystem Services form 45% to 90% of the “GDP of the Poor” in rural and forested lands. We are losing land ecosystem services valued at $2-$4.5 Trillion in terms of human welfare benefits.”





TED: Pavan Sukhdev: Put a Value on Nature96: “Any development model that

destroys its natural capital foundation cannot and is not a development model, but the destruction of the natural capital foundation of any possible development.” [100.1] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.


Number of poor compensated for the loss of their natural capital, stolen by civilized patriarch corporations: zero.


Halving Deforestation saves $3.7 Trillion to Climate Damage Costs:


Pavan Sukhdev (6 October 2010): The Economics of Ecosystems and

Biodiversity97; Congress of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag: “Tropical Forests store a fourth of all terrestrial carbon (547 Gt out of 2,052 Gt (Truper et al. 2009). Tropical Forest Capture amounts to up to 4.8 Gt CO2 annually (Lewis and White 2009) (out of total emissions of p.a. ~32Gt). Stopping deforestation holds excellent cost-benefit ratio. Halving deforestation generates net benefits of about $3.7 trillion (NPV) including only the avoided damage costs of climate change (Eliasch Review 2008).” [103]

Ecological Infrastructure Investments Savings:


Pavan Sukhdev (6 October 2010): The Economics of Ecosystems and

Biodiversity98; Congress of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag: “Restoration can be a cost effective way of providing a service: planting mangroves along the Vietnam coastline cost $1.1. million but saved $7.3 million annually in dyke maintenance (GRID-Arendal 2002, Reid & Huq 2005)” [105]

Ocean Acidification Coral Reef destruction destroys livelihood of half

billion and collective coral reefs around the size of Texas:

http://youtu.be/oU9G2E_RYJo http://www.slideshare.net/cducsu/the-economics-of-ecosystems-biodiversity-5421773 98 http://www.slideshare.net/cducsu/the-economics-of-ecosystems-biodiversity-5421773 96 97



TED: Pavan Sukhdev: Put a Value on Nature99: Coral reefs provide the food

and livelihoods for more than half a billion people, about 1/8th of humanity. As these coral reefs are lost, above 350 ppm is too dangerous for the survival of these coral reefs, we not only risk the extinction of the entire coral species, 1/4 of all fish species, but the very livelihoods of more than half a billion people. So, in selecting a target of 450 ppm, or 2 degrees at climate negotiations, what has been done is to make an ethical choice, to not have coral reefs, to exterminate 1/4 of all fish species, and to deny more than 500 million people their livelihoods. [106.1] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Corporate CEO’s who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.


Puma’s Corporate Externalities (50%) $94 m out of $200 m profits:


TED: Pavan Sukhdev: Put a Value on Nature100: Puma declared externalities:

2.7 Billion turnover; 300 million of profits. 200 million profits after tax; 94 million of externalities. (PUMA’s Environmental Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2010101) [108.1] A.

State of Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix: disequilibrium / unstable: Number of Puma board members who honourably refused to accept profits stolen from society’s natural capital, and ordered their accountants to return the fraudulently earned profits to the communities from which the natural capital was stolen: zero.


Number of Puma corporate CEO’s prosecuted for their portion of profit resulting from thefts from society’s natural capital, and fraudulent public declarations to stock holders of alleged fair profits made: zero.

http://youtu.be/oU9G2E_RYJo http://youtu.be/oU9G2E_RYJo 101 http://about.puma.com/wp-content/themes/aboutPUMA_theme/financial-report/pdf/EPL080212final.pdf 99



State of America’s Corporate Flat Earth Godfather Elite profiting from Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Indulgence Matrix: [109]

A general fair conclusion about corporate externalities of any major

multinational corporation in the top 100 of its sector, is that its externalities can be anything from 30% of profits, to as much as more than 100% of profits. Using an average of 50% of profits, is a fair low generalization. [110]

Socialized Externality Costs Thievery Footprint of America’s 25

Richest Billionaires: Scarcity-Conflict equivalent of $316.35 billion. [111]

According to Forbes list102 of the World's 500 Richest Billionaires, the

American civilized patriarchy elite individuals who have profited the most from America’s involvement in the Control of Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket and the Control of Consumptionism Cultural Colonialism Racket are: (1) Bill Gates: $67 billion; (2) Warren Buffet: $53.5 billion; (3) Larry Ellison: $43 billion; (4) Charles Koch: $34 billion; (5) David Koch: $34 billion; (6) Christy Walton & Family: $28.2 billion; (7) Michael Bloomberg: $27 billion; (8) Jim Walton: $26.7 billion; (9) Sheldon Adelson: $26.5 billion; (10) Alice Walton: $26.3 billion; (11) S. Robson Walton: $26.1 billion; (12) Jeff Bezos: $25.2 billion; (13) Larry

Durgy Edwin (03/04/2013): The World's Richest Billionaires: Full List of the Top 500; Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/edwindurgy/2013/03/04/the-worlds-richest-billionaires-full-list-of-the-top-500/ Jardine, Nick (11 Oct 2011): Meet the 10 Richest People in Germany; Business Insider http://www.businessinsider.com/check-out-germanys-10-richest-individuals-and-families-2011-10?op=1 102


Page: $23 billion; (14) Sergey Brin: $22.8 billion; (15) Carl Icahn: $20 billion; (16) George Soros: $19.2 billion; (17) Forrest Mars Jr: $17 billion; (18) Jacqueline Mars: $17 billion; (19) John Mars: $17 billion; (20) Len Blavatnik: $16 billion; (21) Michael Dell: $15.3 billion; (22) Steve Ballmer: $15.2 billion; (23) Paul Allen: $15 billion; (24) Phil Knight: $14.4 billion; (25) Mark Zuckerberg: $13.3 billion. Total: $ 632.7 billion. [112]

If fifty percent of those profits were externalities, then these 25 individuals

have profited from externalizing their corporate environmental and social costs to the extent of $316.35 billion. [113]

Thermodynamic Footprint of America’s 25 Richest Billionaires:

Collective Scarcity-Conflict equivalent of 2.3 trillion hunter-foragers. [114]

America’s National Wealth103 amounts to $ 57.4 Trillion, so $316.35 billion

amounts to 0.55 %. [114.1] If the richest 5% consume 58% of the worlds total energy, then the richest 0.55 % consume approximately 7%. [114.2] 7% of US Energy Consumption: 290,647,630,000,000 kWH (290 trillion) A.

Total Electricity Consumption is 4,152,109,000,000,000


4,152,109,000,000,000 kWH (2010): 13,393.90 kWH (2010104) x Population: 310 million.

[114.3] Total American Population’s HE: 33,526,872,000,000 (33 brillion) A.

13,393.900 Watts + 125 / 125 = HE 108 x 310 million

[114.4] Elite’s 7% Human Equivalent: 2,346,881,040,000 (2.3 brillion) A.

93,875,241,600 HE (93 million) per elite member

[114.5] America’s Impact on the Environment: I=PAT: A.

310 million x 108 HE = 33,526,872,000,000 (33 billion)

[114.6] Consequently, although America’s numeric population was 310 million in 2010, its Thermodynamic Footprint105 (TF) or Human Equivalent (HE) amounted to 33.5 billion hunter-foragers. America’s 25 richest individuals collectively amounted

103 "National wealth accounts Gross stock of fixed assets". Federal Statistics Office. 2011-09-17. Retrieved 2012-03-01. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_wealth http://www.destatis.de/jetspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/ Internet/EN/Content/Statistics/VolkswirtschaftlicheGesamtrechnungen/Vermoegensrechnung/Tabellen/Content75/Br uttoanlagevermoegen,templateId=renderPrint.psml 104 2010 World Bank: http://www.orkii.com/united-states 105 http://www.paulchefurka.ca/TF.html


to a TF of 2.3 billion hunter-foragers. On average America’s 25 richest individuals amounted to a TF of 93 million hunter-foragers each. [114.7] The Thermodynamic Footprint, expressed in Human Equivalents, quantifies in general terms the amount of damage that our technological activity is causing to the planet’s life-support systems; or the measure of the impact we are having on (or damage we are doing to) our planet’s life-support systems. [114.8] In Scarcity-Conflict terms it is a measure of our damage to the planet’s physical, biological and chemical makeup – through mining, manufacturing, construction, habitat alterations, generation of wastes such as carbon dioxide, garbage and other pollution; our contribution to Resource Scarcity induced Conflict. [115]

America’s emissions destroy 20,900 m2 coral reefs, 95 m livelihoods:


According to Contributions of individual countries’ emissions to climate

change and their uncertainty106, by Niklas Höhne, et al; America’s estimated climate change CO2 emissions amount to: 19% of total.


American industry accounts for approximately 60% of those emissions.

Niklas Höhne, Helcio Blum, Jan Fuglestvedt, Ragnhild Bieltvedt Skeie, Atsushi Kurosawa•Guoquan Hu, Jason Lowe, Laila Gohar, Ben Matthews, Ana Claudia Nioac de Salles, and Christian Ellermann (24 June 2010): Contributions of individual countries’ emissions to climate change and their uncertainty http://archive.gcca.eu/usr/documents/Contributions_Individual_countries_201011229410.pdf 106



American production and consumption activity contributes 19% of climate

change emissions contribution to the ocean acidification and the destruction of coral reefs worldwide, including the lost livelihoods of 500 million poor people. 19% of 500 million is: 95,000,000 (95 million). [117.2]

According to the NOAA107 the world’s shallow water coral reefs occupy

approximately 284,300 square kilometers (110,000 miles 2) of the sea floor. If all of the world's shallow water coral reefs were placed side-by-side, they would occupy an area a bit larger than the state of Texas. 19% equates to 20,900 miles2, or 54,017 km2, which is about the combined size of all the following national parks: Yellowstone, WY; Yosemite, CA; Denali, AK; the Everglades, FL; Grand Canyon, AZ; Grand Teton, WY, Great Smokey Mtns, NC/TN; Redwood, CA;, Sequoia, CA;, Kobuk Valley, AK, totalling: 54,821 km2; or about 87% of the size of West Virginia (62,754.8 km2).108

http://coralreef.noaa.gov/aboutcrcp/news/featuredstories/may10/oilspill_coral/ Yellowstone, WY (8,983.2 km2); Yosemite, CA (3,080.7 km2); Denali, AK (19,185.8 km2); the Everglades, FL (6,104.8 km2); Grand Canyon, AZ (4,926.7 km2); Great Smokey Mtns, NC/TN (2,110.4 km2); Redwood, CA (455.3 km2); Sequoia, CA (1,635.1 km2); Kobuk Valley, AK (7,084.9 km2); totalling: 54,821 km2; or about 87% of the size of West Virginia (62,754.8 km2). 107 108



American Industry: destroys 32,410 km2 of coral reefs and livelihoods

of 57 million poor people living simply off the sea’s natural capital: [118.1]

American industry contributes 60% of America’s climate change

emissions contribution to the ocean acidification and the destruction of coral reefs worldwide, including the lost livelihoods of 500 million poor people. 60% of 95 million is: 57,000,000 (57 million). [118.2]

60% of 54,017 km2 is 32,410 km2, which is about the size of the state of

Maryland (32,133.2 km2) [118.3]

What would the citizens of Maryland say if German industry’s pollution

totally exterminated 100% of Maryland’s natural capital, turning it into a wasteland, destroying everyone in Maryland’s ability to live simply off the land? [119]

America’s 25 Richest Billionaires emissions destroy 2,268 km2 of coral

reefs and livelihoods of 3.99 million poor people living simply off the sea’s natural capital.



America’s 25 richest billionaires $ 316.35 billion wealth amounts to 0.55% of

America’s wealth. However, the richest 5% consume 58% of the worlds total energy, then the richest 0.55 % consume approximately 7%. [121]

If America’s billionaires contribute 7% to American industry’s climate

emissions, their contribution to destroyed livelihoods is 3.99 million, and destroyed coral reefs is 2,268 km2, which is slightly larger than the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in NC/TN (2,110.4 km2), or about 75% of Yosemite National Park in California (3,080.7 km2). Imagine: 25 people’s carbon emissions totally obliterate and destroy a pristine coral reef, three quarters the size of Yosemite National Park.

Madman from Kyishodruk’s Humpty Dumpty Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom Relevance Test: [122]

It is relevant that Ecological laws dictate that any conscious species living in

an ecosystem with finite resources, that wishes to avoid ecological overshoot, and the scarcity conflict consequences of overshoot, should enact legislation that limit


their citizens procreation or consumption from transgressing cultural carrying capacity. [123]

It is relevant that Civilized Patriarchy’s Legal Matrix constitutions enable the

licensing of numerous behaviours, but avoid licences limiting procreation and consumption to below carrying capacity levels to avoid ecological overshoot, and the scarcity-conflict consequences of overshoot. [124]

It is relevant that if legislators were sincere about legislation to limit conflict

resulting from ecological overshoot induced scarcity would explore legislation to determine: (A) Procreation footprint: how many children per family maintains procreation levels below carrying capacity and leads to sustainable peace? (B) Production Footprint: How much exploitation and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources maintains production below carrying capacity and leads to sustainable peace?


Consumption Footprint: How much individual

consumption maintains consumption levels below carrying capacity and leads to sustainable peace? [125]

It is relevant that the worlds civilized patriarchy Legal Matrix constitutions

argue – by omission – that the earth is flat, resources are infinite and that citizens have a ‘god given’ right to procreate and consume, with (a) total disregard for ecological principles of ecological overshoot of carrying capacity limits; and (b) total unaccountability for the scarcity-conflict consequences of their breeding and consuming above carrying capacity choices. [126]

It is relevant that the consequences of civilized patriarchy’s constitutional

rights to breed and consume, and the failure of jurisprudence to limits such rights to breed and consume within ecological carrying capacity limits, has resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000 percent 109, which is destroying our Planet’s Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences110; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points111: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions112; (ii) Climate Change113; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle114; (iv) Ocean Acidification115; (v) Changes in Land Use116; (vi) Global Freshwater Use117; (vii)

http://tygae.weebly.com/ecological-overshoot.html http://sqswans.weebly.com/rapid-population-decline.html 111 http://tygae.weebly.com/tipping-points.html 112 http://tygae.weebly.com/biodiversity-loss.html 113 http://tygae.weebly.com/climate-change.html 114 http://tygae.weebly.com/nitrogen-cycle.html 115 http://tygae.weebly.com/ocean-acidification.html 116 http://tygae.weebly.com/land-use.html 117 http://tygae.weebly.com/freshwater-use.html

109 110


State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere118; (viii) Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Scarcity119; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons120. [127]

It is relevant that the corporate media believe that the royal family, the

Kardashians, Joe Bidens smile, and Paul Ryan’s workout, are more important issues to cover than climate change, ocean acidification and record Arctic sea ice loss. [128]

It is relevant that America’s civilized patriarchy legal matrix jurisprudence

elite are unconcerned about implementing legislation to amend the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict consequences of a system where: [128.1] the Socialized Externality Costs Thievery Footprint of America’s 25 Richest Billionaires is equivalent of $316.35 billion. [128.2] the Thermodynamic Footprint of America’s 25 Richest Billionaires, is the collective Scarcity-Conflict equivalent Footprint of 2.3 billion hunter-foragers. [128.3] America’s carbon emissions destroy 20,900 m2 coral reefs, 95 m livelihoods. [128.4] American Industry destroys the livelihoods of 57 million poor people living simply off the sea’s natural capital, and 32,410 km2 of coral reefs which is about the size of the state of Maryland (32,133.2 km2) [128.5] America’s 25 Richest Billionaires emissions destroy the livelihoods of 3.99 million poor people living simply off the sea’s natural capital, and 2,268 km2 of coral reefs, amounting to 75% of Yosemite National Park in California (3,080.7 km2). [129]

It is relevant that six billion citizens sitting in Civilized Patriarchy’s

AnthroCorpocentric jurisprudence Right to Breed and Consume planetary freight train are speeding over the ecological overshot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse cliff, without any seat belts, or parachutes. [130]

It is relevant that Scarcity-Conflict issues focussed on the consequences of

procreating and consuming above carrying capacity limits, and their overshootscarcity-conflict consequences have been researched and are of concern to academics, ecologists and military official’s individuals concerned about national security issues; however legislators and jurists have and continue to avoid

http://tygae.weebly.com/biosphere-state-shift.html http://tygae.weebly.com/peak-nnr-scarcity.html 120 http://tygae.weebly.com/corp-externalities.html




exploring ecology of peace legislation to limit procreation and consumption to levels below carrying capacity limits; to reduce scarcity induced resource conflicts. [131]









Jurisprudence Suicide Freight Train, which has driven society into between 700400,000% ecological overshoot, has as much chance of muddling through the coming ‘Falling Man Syndrome’ crisis of Conflict, as an individual sitting in an unbelted car crash. [132]

It is relevant that if it is criminal to drive a car without strapping in your

children to wear their seat belts; it should be 6 billion times more criminal to drive a system of jurisprudence bus with 6 billion passengers, and have no seat belts for any of them, while sticking your foot on the gas pedal while driving across a road littered with IED (ecological tipping point) mines, headed directly for a cliff at full speed with no brakes. [133]









Jurisprudence Suicide Freight Train Falling Man Syndrome belief that it is unnecessary to legislate carrying capacity restrictions on procreation and consumption, because “in 200 years, our Right to Breed and consume has resulted in the exponential consumption of over half of the Earth's resources, and nothing bad has happened yet”; is ecologically and scientifically equivalent to a man who has been pushed out of a 150 story building, passing the window of the 60 th story, calling out to a friend “‘I’ve fallen 90 stories in the past 5 seconds and nothing bad has happened yet”. [134]

It is relevant that the six billion citizens sitting in Civilized Patriarchy’s

AnthroCorpocentric jurisprudence Right to Breed and Consume planetary freight train are speeding over the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse cliff, without any seat belts, or parachutes; while the drivers of civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix freight train, refuse to investigate holding prosecutors and legislators criminally responsible for the absence of carrying capacity limits legislation, or to enact carrying capacity limits jurisprudence to restrict citizens rights to breed and consume to below carrying capacity levels; to pull the parachute ripcord and slow the descent of the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse freight train’s descent towards its collision with the ecological sustainability iceberg. [135]

It is relevant that comparatively Pfc Manning’s acts of alleged illegality to

wake his fellow trapped citizens in the freight car in free fall descent to its collision with ecological reality, that the train has been driven over the cliff, is in free fall,


and the psychopaths aren’t even considering handing out parachutes, pale to less than a trillionth degree in comparison to the criminality of the psychopaths, calling themselves lawyers and judges driving this civilized patriarchy suicide freight train. [136]

It is relevant that if Pfc Manning’s SOS distress call had diverted a healthy

stable system to divert onto an unsustainable unstable track, arguments for his criminality would be credible. However Pfc Manning’s SOS distress call was a desperate measure to

awaken the six billion citizens sitting in Civilized

Patriarchy’s AnthroCorpocentric jurisprudence Right to Breed and Consume planetary freight train speeding over the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse cliff, without any seat belts, or parachutes; that the drivers of civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix freight train, refuse to pull the parachute ripcord and slow the descent of the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse freight train’s descent towards its collision with the ecological sustainability iceberg. [137]

It is relevant that sufficient academic, ecological evidence and military

doctrine concern exists to suggest the urgent military necessity of courts to send a loud warning to prosecutors and legislators that they shall be held criminally responsible for the absence of carrying capacity limits legislation, or to enact carrying capacity limits jurisprudence to restrict citizens rights to breed and consume to below carrying capacity levels; to pull the parachute ripcord and slow the descent of the ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict – economic collapse freight train’s descent towards its collision with the ecological sustainability iceberg. [138]

It is relevant that the United States Constitution and its civilian and

military jurisprudence does not honourably and transparently fully inform its ignorant or naïve citizens joining the military that it intentionally avoids limiting procreation and consumption to carrying capacity levels, in order to socio-politically and economically profit from a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population for profitable conquering and culling acts of resource thievery and culling mass murder, benefiting the elite of civilized patriarchy’s Human Factory Farming War Economy. [139]

It is relevant that Pfc Manning clearly had not the foggiest clue when he

signed any Enlistment Contract with the US Army that he was signing up to become a cannon fodder soldier to be dispatched to plunder other nation’s resources, because his country’s ecologically illiterate psychopathic jurisprudence does not require his fellow citizens to procreate and consume below carrying


capacity levels; to thereby only dispatch its military to war on honourable self defense motivations. [140]

It is relevant that Pfc Manning also had no clue when he signed the Classified

Information Nondisclosure Agreement with the United States Army, that he was expected to keep the thieving, plundering and culling consequences secrets of America’s civilized patriarchy corporate elite, as authorized by the legal matrix jurists, and an at best Ecologically Illiterate, and at worst a corrupt endorsement of Human Factory Farming War Economy, constitution; to himself. [141]

It is relevant that United States lawyers, judges and legislators should be

called to explain to Pfc Manning and the court based upon what scientific, ecological or other rational legal arguments, do they defy the laws of ecology; with a big ‘fuck you’, and such acts of defiance for ecological science are not to be considered ecologically and legally ‘unlawful’ conduct; a violation of ‘Thou shalt not legislate laws which enable citizens procreation or consumption to transgress carrying capacity’. [142]

It is relevant that the US Army / Military should amend its Enlistment

Contract and Non Disclosure Agreements to accurately and clearly fully inform any prospective signer of such agreement that: [142.1] US jurisprudence is based upon ‘War is Peace’ (ecological overshoot – scarcity – conflict) civilized patriarchy Control of Reproduction and Consumption principles, where citizens are granted the right to breed and consume, with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity levels. [142.2] The consequences of this civilized patriarchy system of War is Peace jurisprudence is that citizens procreate and consume above carrying capacity levels, which results in ecological overshoot, scarcity and scarcity induced conflict. [142.3] The civilized patriarchy elite socio-politically and economically profit from their War is Peace Control of Reproduction jurisprudence absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, enabling a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population for profitable conquering and culling acts of theft and murder, as part of civilized patriarchy’s Human Factory Farming War Economy. [142.4] As long as the soldiers acts of resource thieving soldiering and mass murdering, terror or torture benefits the civilized patriarchy socio-political elite, the soldier can thieve and mass murder, torture and terrorize with legal impunity.


[142.5] The soldier shall receive thousands of conquer-or-culling “Befehl ist Befehl” dilemma orders: ‘Lebensraum’, ‘Difaqane’, ‘Operation Freedumb’ orders to conquer or cull. [142.6]

Any conquer and culling orders, can be deemed to be a lawful conquer or

culling order, by one group of conquer-and-multiply legal indulgence salesmen, but can equally easily be reinterpreted to be an unlawful order, by another group of conquer-and multiply legal indulgence salesmen; presenting a Catch 22 enlistment agreement dilemma from which there is no legal escape. [142.7] A soldier can be jailed for refusing a conquering or culling order, and one who accepts one will probably be jailed for committing unlawful culling or conquering acts. [142.8] In a civilized patriarchy legal matrix system of jurisprudence, if or where any soldier is accused of obeying an unlawful order, or disobeying a lawful order, it is not a judge, or jury’s rational, legal scientific mind/s, based upon reason, ecological science and evidence, that determines a soldiers guilt or innocence, but a judge, or jury’s penis/vagina’s who insist on its civilized patriarchy Legal Matrix Human Factory Farming War Economy right to procreate and consume without any regard for carrying capacity limits; and to send cannon fodder soldiers off to war to conquer and thieve other nations resources. [143]

Finally, it is relevant that all of the aforementioned points are, and will be

relevant to any citizen, lawyer, prosecutor, politician, soldier, judge or prosecutor who: [143.1] has and is in control of their Penis/Vagina, who consciously chooses to live a procreation and consumption lifestyle below carrying capacity limits; and/or [143.2] Sets an Ecology of Peace Leaver example, by procreating and consuming below carrying capacity levels? (Procreate one or more children and consume below 1 gha; procreate no children, and consume below 20 gha); and/or [143.3] Practices Ecology of Peace legal advocacy by encouraging and supporting citizens (whether as accused in your courtroom, or plaintiff or accused client) to support the enactment of constitutional amendments limiting all citizens rights to breed and consume to below carrying capacity levels; and/or [143.4] Walk her/his Talk of Supporting the Troops to avoid participating in any Civilized Patriarchy Culling or Conquering Wars, to embrace an Ecology of Peace Warrior mythology that is based purely upon the defence of the landbase, authorizing Military Leaders to hold her/him personally accountable by taking the


MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath to Walk your Eco-Footprint Talk of Supporting the Troops by breeding and consuming below carrying capacity. [144]

It is however doubtful whether any of these arguments would be considered

relevant by any citizen, lawyer, prosecutor, politician, soldier, judge or prosecutor whose penis/vagina: [144.1] Insists on their civilized patriarchy Legal Matrix Human Factory Farming War Economy right to procreate and consume without any regard for carrying capacity limits; and/or [144.2]

Practices civilized patriarchy human factory farming legal advocacy by

legislating / enforcing / advocating on behalf of laws which enable citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity; and/or [144.3]

Whose Talk about Supporting the Troops refers to profiting from civilized

patriarchy’s legal matrix to breed surplus vote and cannon fodder for the purposes of conquering and culling surplus populations and stealing their property and resources. [145]

Finally the ‘Walk Your Talk” test to determine whether any individual

considers the aforementioned arguments to be sincerely and honourably relevant or not, should be determined by their willingness to taking the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath. ‘Military Endorsing Ecological (paraphrased).. I absolutely love responsibility as temporary guests on beautiful place called Earth.’ - Maj Commander121

Overshoot is criminal this planet. It is our the planet to sustain this Gen Dana Pittard, Ft Bliss

Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 04 July 2013

LARA JOHNSTONE, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539, South Africa Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239 jmcswan@mweb.co.za

Neela Banerjee (1 July 2013): At one Army base, a vision for a new shade of green; Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-green-army-20130701,0,3452802.story



CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I certify that the original was electronically filed to: United States Army First Judicial Court, Fort Meade, MD: Clerk of the Court: c/o: Convening Authority: Major General Jeffery S. Buchanan (jeffrey.s.buchanan@us.army.mil) c/o: Staff Judge Advocate, US Army Ft George Meade Garrison, Maryland: 4217 Roberts Ave., Fort Meade, MD, 20755. Tel: (301) 677-9536 or (301) 677-9504; c/o Public Affairs Office (fggm.pao.web@us.army.mil) and contemporaneously served electronically to: 1. Plaintiff: United States Government: Captain Chad M. Fisher - Chad.m.fisher.mil@mail.mil 2. Defendant: Pfc Bradley Manning David Coombs Esq - coombs@armycourtmartialdefense.com 3. US Army First Judicial Court Military Judge: Judge Denise Lind - dlind@law.gwu.edu 4. USCAAF Transparency Copy: CCR/Wikileaks Mr. Shayana D. Kadilal - shanek@ccrjustice.org 5. USCAAF Transparency Copy: Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Mr. Gregg P. Leslie - gleslie@rcfp.org 6. USCAAF Transparency Copy: USCAAF Clerk of the Court DeCicco, William, CIV, USCAAF - bill.decicco@armfor.uscourts.gov Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 04 July 2013

___________________________ LARA JOHNSTONE, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539 South Africa Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239 jmcswan@mweb.co.za


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Walk Your Eco-Footprint Talk to Support the Troops []ath to Procreate S Consume below Carrying Capacity 1 child, consume



1gha; (] children, consume




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Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops' Military Advisory Board1 General Charles F. "Chuck" Wald, USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Commander, Headquarters U.S. European Command (USEUCOM); Lieutenant General Lawrence P. Farrell Jr., USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force General Ronald E. Keys USAF (Ret.): Former Commander, Air Combat Command General Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (Ret.): Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Admiral John B. Nathman, USN (Ret.): Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Admiral T. Joseph Lopez, USN (Ret.): Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Allied Forces, Southern Europe CC: Gen. Keith Alexander National Security Agency CC: James Clapper: Director of National Intelligence

General Charles G. Boyd, USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces in Europe General Paul J. Kern, USA (Ret.): Former Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command Admiral T. Joseph Lopez, USN (Ret.): Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and of Allied Forces, Southern Europe Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn, USN (Ret.): Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfare Requirements and Programs Rear Admiral David R. Oliver, Jr., USN (Ret.): Former Principal Deputy to the Navy Acquisition Executive Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.): Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command CC: Lisa Monaco, Asst Att. General for National Security,National SecurityDivision Department ofJustice

MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath I, Lara Johnstone, declare as follows:

1 Center for Naval Analysis: Military Advisory Board: Powering America's Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security http://www.cna.org/reports/energyIIViceAdmiralDennisMcGinn;Energy.Climate Change, and the Military: Implications for National Security; Woodrow Wilson Center for Environmental Security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlFMeVH2AgI

PO Box 504% * George East, 6539 * Cel: (071:) 1:70 1:9S4 * guerryUa-law.c:o.nr








- -------------------------------~-

[1] I hereby wish to confirm my 'Walk My Talk' sincerity, in writing, under oath, that my peace/disclosure/anti-war activismlwhistleblowing motivations include 'Freeing Military National Security leaders from their Catch 22 'Civilized Patriarchy Duhmockery' straight-jackets. [2] I am an adult paralegal, member of Friend of Wikileaks (FoWL) and the Radical Honesty culture2; resident in George, Southern Cape, South Africa; where I run a small EcoFeminist pedal"powered wormery business3• I enclose a copy of my passport for verification purposes. I am the founder of the Tsedaqah4 Yshmae5J Guenylla6 .£quilibrilEx7 ("TYGJE"8) unregistered political party, which is based upon CommonSism9 JEquilibrirexGuerrylla LawslO• Military Advisory Board Authority to Act: [3] I hereby provide the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and/or National Security Agency (NSA) with the following declaration and authority to act, III accordance to this declaration, should the 'Walk Your Eco"Footprint Talk to Support the Troops" Military Advisory Board, unanimously conclude that I have violated it. [4] I hereby attempt to free Military National Security leaders from their duty to protect Earth is Flat unsustainable constitutions that legally, politically and procedurally denies them the opportunity of addressing the root causes of scarcity" conflict threats to national security; by holding legislators and citizens who

2 SA Constitutional Court ruling of 03 May 2012 in CCT 23-10, reads as follows: "Ms. Lara Johnstone, Member of Radical Honesty Culture and Religion, is admitted as an amicus curiae" 3 http://sqworms.co.nr 4 The Hebrew word for righteousness is Tsedaqah. Tsedaqah is a noun in the feminine form; the masculine form of the word is tsedeq. Tzedek is Hebrew for a righteous person, and also refers to ecological balance. Tsedeq originates from a Semitic word which means to be straight, firm, "steel-like determination of integrity in one's inner being." The Arabic equivalent means to be mature, balanced, and fully developed. In the military context, Ringgren says tsedeq can mean "victory which re-asserts the world's just order." The word tsedeq, in its fullest sense, means "world in balance" both ecologically and politically. 5 Ishmael is the telepathic gorrilla in Daniel Quinn's novels: Ishmael and My Ishmael, which examine mythology, its effect on ethics, and how that relates to sustainability. Ishmael defines: (j) Takers as people often referred to as "civilized," from the culture born in an Agricultural Revolution that began about 10,000 years ago in the Near East. ill) Leavers as people of all other cultures; often derogatorily referred to by Takers as "primitive." The Leavers are the endangered species most critical to the world not because they're humans but because they alone can show the Taker destroyers of the world that there are ways to live in ecological balance. 6 A Guerryllre is a person who engages in Yshmael irregular ecological warfare by engaging in (a) non-violent Leaver Guerryllre Law procreation and consumption lifestyle values; and (b) socio-political support for Leaver Ecological, Animal Rights, Indigenous Rights, Radical Honesty and Transparency Activism, against Taker Individuals and· Corporations. 7 A<:quilibrirex Jurisprudence is Equal & balanced Eco/Anthropocentric law 8 http://www.guerrylla-Iaw.co.nr / http://tygae.weebly.coml 9 CommonSism refers to an ideology of Common Sense Guerrylla Laws for a Sustainable Commons 10 Guerrylla Laws (A) simply and very specifically clarify the difference between the consumption and procreation behaviour of an Unsustainable Taker (Scarcity Combatant) vs a Sustainable Leaver (Eco-Innocent); and are (B) used in courts to (a) provide legal rights and socio-political rewards of recognition to Sustainable Leaver's for their Heroic lifestyle choices and practices; (b) confront Taker Scarcity Combatants of their Breeding / Consumption combatant behaviours aggravation of Scarcity induced socio-economic problems, by means of aggravated legal penalties, in accordance to their 'Taker Scarcity Combatant' status.




legislatively or practically endorse unsustainable right to breed and consume legislation, accountable as 'breeding war' or 'consumption war' scarcity combatants. I submit that our civilized patriarchy constitutions rights to breed and consume have resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000 percentll, which is destroying our Planet's Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending 'scarcity"conflict' death spiral consequences12; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points13: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions14; (ii) Climate Change15; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle16; (iv) Ocean Acidification17; (v) Changes in Land Use18; (vi) Global Freshwater Use19; (vii) State Shift in the Earth's Biosphere20; (viii) Peak Non" Renewable Natural Resources: Scarcity21; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons22.


I authorize Military Leaders to hold me personally accountable to this Oath to Walk. My Eco"Footprint Talk. of Supporting the Troops by breeding and consuming below carrying capacity.


I commit to maintaining my Walk. My Eco"footprint Talk to Support the Troops by keeping my footprint below the following Carrying Capacity limits23:



If I procreate one child, to consume below 1 gha.


If I procreate no children, to consume below 20 gha.

My current Ecological Footprint: Consumption Footprint x Procreation Factor is currently as follows:


Procreation Factor: Zero


Consumption Footprint: Using Sustainable Economy's Myfootprint.org quiz, my consumption footprint is 12.75 global hectares (gha)24.(Annex A) [8.2]

I declare that I understand that should the 'Walk Your Eco-Footprint Talk to Support the Troops" Military Advisory Board, unanimously conclude that I have violated my Oath, by consuming or procreating in violation of this oath; I thereby


II http://tygae.

weebly .com/ecological-overshoot.html http://sqswans.weebly.com/rapid -population -decline.html 13 http://tygae.weebly.com/tipping-points.html 14 http://tygae.weebly.comlbiodiversity-Ioss.html 15 http://tygae. weebly .com/climate-change .html 16 http://tygae.weebly.com/nitrogen -cycle.html 17 http://tygae.weebly.comlocean-acidification.html 18 http://tygae.weebly.comlland-use.html 19 http://tygae.weebly.com/freshwater-use.html 20 http://tygae. weebly .comlbiosphere-state-shift.html 21 http://tygae.weebly.com/peak-nnr-scarcity .html 22 http://tygae. weebly.com/corp-externalities.html 2.1 http://sqswans.weebly.comlguerrylla -laws.html 24 http://sqworms. weebly .comllara -johnstone-eco-081.html 12

MILINT Earth Day Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr

WH Petition' http"'WhOgov,,"y"[j)

authorize them to authorize the NSA or CIA to remove me (and my children if any) from the planetary genepool, by assassination. [10] Should it be determined that I have violated this MILINT Earth Day/Free Catch 22 Duhmockery Oath, requiring my assassination, I hereby further inform the local Prosecutor's Office, that if the Military Advisory Board confirms that my assassination occurred in accordance with my violation of this oath, no further Prosecutorial or Police Investigation resources are required to be wasted on the matter, of my assassination. [11] Finally I request the NSA, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and KGB, to establish a 'Maria Bochkareva MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Medal, to be awarded on the 23rd of April, to an individual chosen by the 'Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops' Military Advisory Board, who has done the most to either 'Walk their Footprint Talk to Support the Troops'; and/or to educate their community, or nation on the role of overpopulation and overconsumption as factors pushing society to ecological overshoot scarcity induced conflict and war. [1] Pursuant to 28 U.S.C § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Execu~.3d\at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 19 June 2013


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Lara Johnstone MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath

End» Analysis ofL Johnstone's Consumption & Procreation Footprint: 12 gha, no biological children. » Letter to Edward Snowden, W. Binny, T. Drake, K. Wiebe, D. Ellsburg, J. Assange, B. Manning, et al: Are you a l1at earth' wmstleblower or a MIL/NT Earth Day Ecology of Peace/'Free the Catch 22 Duhmockery'


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MILINT Earth Day Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr

WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC

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