13-01-19: Brad Blanton: Consumption & Procreation Footprint

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SHARP PP4PP PO Box 5042 George East, 6539 Tel: (044) 870 7239 Cel: (071) 170 1954 19 January 2013 Dr. Brad Blanton Radical Honesty

Brad Blanton’s Consumption & Procreation Footprint: Consumption: 85.18 gha, Procreation Factor: 120. Total footprint: 10,221.6 gha. If everyone consumed & procreated like Brad Blanton we would need 650 earths. Tentative conclusion: Consumption Footprint: 85.18 gha Using Myfootprint.org quiz, as documented below your consumption footprint is 85.18 global hectares (gha)1. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like you, but bred no children, we would need 5.42 earths. Procreation Footprint Factor: 120 You have six children. Your procreation footprint factor is 6 x 20* = 120. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 202] Net Consumption & Procreation Footprint: 10,221.6 gha Consumption (85.18) x Procreation (120) = Net Footprint of 10,221.6 gha. (102,21 km² or 39,46 sq mi) If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like you, we would need 650 earths.

Brad Blanton Tentative Consumption Test from MyFootprint.org: 1.

Country: United States of America


Measurements: Metric


People Living in your Household: 3


Annual household income in US Dollars: 30,000 – 59,0003


Size of Home: 50 - 100 square meters or less (apartment or studio)4

http://myfootprint.org/en/your_results/?id=2532846 Each child increases a parents footprint by a factor of 20 (Murtaugh Paul, 31 July 2009; Family Planning: A Major Environmental Emphasis, University of Oregon http://in-gods-name.blogspot.com/2012/12/every-child-increases-ecofootprint-by.html 3 $29,000 or less || $30,000 - $59,000 || $60,000 - $89,000 || $90,000 - $119,000 || $120,000 or more 4 50 - 100 square meters or less (apartment or studio) || 100 - 150 square meters (small home, approximately 2-3 bedrooms) || 150 - 200 square meters (average home, approximately 3 bedrooms) || 200 - 250 square meters (large home, approximately 4 bedrooms) || 250 square meters or larger (very large home) 1 2


Climate Zone: Temperate or Mediterranean5


Energy Sources used in home: Electricity, natural gas & wood6


Electricity percentaged generated from renewable source: 8.29% (USA Average)


Kilometres travelled per year: 5,000 - Automobile, taxis | 32,000 - Air Travel (two trips to greece per year)

10. Vehicle Most Often Drive in: A mid size car (4 door sedan)7 11. Usually share rides: yes. 12. Energy saving features in your home: * compact fluorescent bulbs, energy efficient appliances, solar panels8 13. Energy saving habits: Turn off lights, turn off computers, keep thermostat low in winter9 14. Home: Rural10 15. Have you purchased offsets for carbon emissions associated with your home energy use and transportation?: No 16. Diet: Carnivore: meat, seafood and dairy several times a week11 17. Where do you obtain most of your food: Supermarkets for some items, natural food stores for others12 18. How often do you select foods that are certified organic or sustainably produced?: sometimes13 19. Which choice best describes how much you normally eat?: One large meal and a couple of light snacks per day14 20. Do you have a garden or share one to grow your own vegetables and herbs?: Yes. 10square meters.

Arctic or high cold mountain regions (like northern Siberia or the high Himalayas) || High latitudes with cold winters and cool summers (like Moscow or Stockholm) || High desert (like Kabul or Mexico City) || Temperate or Mediterranean (like New York, Rome, Buenos Aires or Hong Kong) || Warm to hot lowland desert (like Phoenix or Dubai) || Tropical and wet, including rainforests (like Rio de Janeiro or Manila) || Tropical, but relatively dry, including savannahs (like Bhopal, Brasilia or Nairobi) 6 Electricity || Natural gas, propane, or liquefied petroleum gas || Heating oil || Wood or biomass 7 A hybrid || A small or compact car (2 door) || A mid size car (4 door sedan) || A large car (including vans and minivans) || A pickup truck or sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) 8 Compact fluorescent bulbs || Energy efficient appliances || Extra insulation || Insulating blinds || Solar panels || Storm doors and windows || Water saving fixtures 9 Turn off lights when leaving rooms || Use power strips to turn off stand-by lights || Turn off computers and monitors when not in use || Dry clothes outside whenever possible || Keep thermostat relatively low in winter || Unplug small appliances when not in use || Minimal use of power equipment when landscaping 10 Inner city || Older suburb || Newer suburb || Rural 11 Vegan – Plant based foods only || Vegetarian – Primarily plant based foods, but some dairy || Omnivore – An assortment of meat, seafood, vegetables, dairy, and grains || Carnivore – Meat, seafood, and dairy several times a week || Top of the food chain – Meat, seafood, or dairy at almost every meal 12 Farmers markets, gardens, cooperatives, and other local and fresh sources || Natural foods markets || Supermarkets for some items, natural food stores for others || Supermarkets, convenience stores, and prepared foods from restaurants || Restaurants, fast foods, and take out 13 Most of the time || Sometimes || Almost never 14 One large meal and a couple of light snacks per day || Two large meals and two or three light or medium sized snacks per day || Three large meals and several hefty sized snacks in between 5


21. Which best describes your home: Free standing single family house15 22. What is the approximate area of land occupied by your home, structures, and yard? If you live on an estate, farm or ranch, please don't count grazing lands, croplands, or wildlands: 150 sq meters 23. Was your home or any portion of it built with recycled materials, wood certified as sustainably harvested, or any other green design features?: Yes16 24. Approximately what share of your home furnishings are second hand or made of either recycled or sustainably produced materials?: A few17 25. Water saving features in your home: Low flow toilets, rain water catchment system18 26. Water Saving Habits: Wash cars rarely, avoid hosing down decks19 27. How often do you select cleaning products that are biodegradable or non-toxic?: sometimes20 28. What best describes your spending and saving habits?: I tend to spend all of my income and then some21 29. How often do you buy new things to replace old ones?: Some items I use for years, others I replace before I need to.22. 30. How many standard size garbage bins does your household fill each week?: one or two23 31. Recycling: Paper: fair amount24; Aluminum: fair amount; Glass: fair amount; Plastic: fair amount; Electronics: fair amount 32. When you buy clothing or paper products, how often do you select items labeled as recycled, natural, organic, or made of alternative fibers such as hemp or Tencel?: Sometimes25

An estate, ranch or farm || A free standing single family house || A house or building with 4 or fewer units || A small apartment building (5 - 20 units) || A large apartment building (20+ units) 16 Yes || No || Not sure 17 Almost none || A few || A fair amount || Almost all 18 Low flow toilets || Low flow shower heads and faucets || Instant water heaters on sinks || Rainwater catchment system || Grey water recycling system || Drought tolerant landscaping 19 Compost rather than use garbage disposal || Minimize shower time and toilet flushing || Run clothes and dish washers only when full || Wash cars rarely || Look for and fix leaks regularly || Avoid hosing down decks, walkways, driveways 20 Almost never || Sometimes || Most of the time 21 I tend to spend all of my income and then some. || I generally live within my means. || I am a frugal spender, and regularly save money for the future. 22 I tend to use things until I genuinely need to replace them. || Some items I use for years, others I replace before I need to. || I frequently replace belongings even if they are in good condition. 23 Less than one || One or two || More than two 24 None || Fair Amount || Almost All 25 Almost Never || Sometimes || Almost always 15


Transparency Disclosure: My consumption footprint is 10.83 gha, procreation factor is zero (no children); amounting to a net footprint of 10.83 gha. If everyone lived like me, we would need 0.69 earths.


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