13-01-24: CIA: Maria Bochkareva: Pay Price 4 Peace Peacenik Oath

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Maria Bochkareva ‘Pay Price 4 Peace Peacenik’ (PP4PP) Oath

One Child Price for Peace CIA Leaver Peacenik Honour Medal Indigenous Rights European Code of Honour 01

TO THE DIR. GEN. OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: MARIA BOCHKAREVA ‘PAY PRICE 4 PEACE PEACENIK’ (PP4PP) OATH Declaration of ______________________________________ I, ________________________________, declare as follows: [1]






























































































































I enclose a copy of my passport for verification purposes. [2]

Maria Bochkareva One Child Price for Peace Oath:


I hereby provide the Central Intelligence Agency with the following

declaration & authority to act, in accordance to this declaration, should I violate it: [4]











Overpopulation and Resources Wars1 videos. [5]

I have watched Dr. Jack Alpert’s very simple explanation video: Human

Predicament: Better Common Sense Required2 how our thought process limitations have resulted in our failure to understand the Conflict – Resources Scarcity Death Spiral, which previously pressured surplus populations to colonize new territories, which are now all colonized; which means our civilization is heading to a crisis of conflict, which will dwarf all the wars of the past 200 years. [6]

I have also watched Dr. Jack Alpert’s video: Rapid Population Decline or

Civilization Collapse3, Dr. Alpert shows that for the human experiment to become peaceful, sustainable, and continue to advance art, science, and technology, it must rapidly reduce global population to less than 100 million, by means of humanity choosing to adopt a one child per family only procreation policy: (1) The 1 2 3

sqswans.weebly.com/overpopulation-means-murder.html sqswans.weebly.com/human-predicament.html sqswans.weebly.com/rapid-population-decline.html


Scarcity - Conflict death spiral; (2) The system trips the death spiral; (3) Human behavior trips the death spiral; (4) How Much Population Decline Saves Civilization?; (5) Are you sure we have to reduce population below 100 million? (a) What if the initial rich-poor spread is bigger?, (b) What if soil re-generation times are shorter?, (c) What if people have undying desires for self improvement?, (d) What if the richest keep getting richer?, (e) What if technology advances faster then we expect?; (6) It’s Rapid Population Decline or Civilization collapse. [7]

I hereby declare that I am a sincere peacenik, who is willing to pay the one

child or less per family price of peace, by addressing the root causes of conflict, to help move the humans on Planet Earth onto a procreation trend towards peace. [8]

I furthermore hereby declare that I understand that if I violate this Leaver

Peacenik One Child Oath, I thereby authorize the Central Intelligence Agency to remove me and my children from the Leaver genepool, by assassination. [9]

Should I have violated this Leaver Peacenik One Child Oath, and thereby

require the CIA to remove my dishonourable genes from the Leaver genepool, I hereby further inform the local Prosecutor’s Office, that if the CIA confirms that my assassination occurred in accordance with my violation of this oath, no further Prosecutorial or Police Investigation resources are required to be wasted on the matter, of my assassination. [10]

CIA Leaver Peacenik Honor Medal substitute for Nobel Peace Prize:


I further hereby request, that if Pfc Bradley Manning is willing to take this

Leaver Peacenik One Child Oath, that the Director General of the Central Intelligence Agency, make an official request to the relevant authority, for all charges against Pfc. Manning in this matter to be withdrawn and the matter to be considered amicably resolved, forthwith. [12]

Secondly, that the Central Intelligence Agency’s Kent Center4 establish a

fund for contributions in honour of Pfc Manning, to establish a bi-annual ‘Maria Bochkareva Leaver Peacenik Honor Medal’, to be awarded on the 23rd of April, of every year, for the individual who has done the most to educate their community, or




nation on the role of overpopulation and overconsumption as factors pushing society to conflict and war. [13]

Maria Bochkareva Indigenous Rights European Code of Honour:


I endorse the concept suggested to ‘Indigenous Rights’ King of Norway,

Anders Breivik5, that we establish a credible International and Military Law European Code of Honour, where we demand the assassination of any European political or military leader who (a) legislates Flat Earth ‘War is Peace’ Whore Tragedy of the Constitutional Commons Suicide Pacts, i.e. a ‘Peace Treaty’ which ignores









overconsumption to scarcity as an underlying cause of conflict; and/or (b) refuses to address and resolve Flat Earth ‘War is Peace’ Whore Treaties enacted by their dishonourable European predecessors who ignored confronting the Scarcity Combatant role of overpopulation and overconsumption to scarcity as an underlying cause of conflict? [15]

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the

foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Executed this ________ day of ________, 20___ [City] ________________, [Country] ________________

_____________________[Signature] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [Name]




CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND AUTHORISATION I certify that my original MARIA BOCHKAREVA PRICE FOR PEACE OATH and verification was electronically filed with the Director General, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20505, by facsimile to: (703) 482-1739, granting the CIA Director General the relevant authorization, as stated, on ___________________; and contemporaneously served electronically to:

AST ATT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY Lisa Monaco Asst Att. General for National Security National Security Division Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 Tel: (202) 514-2007 | Fax: (202) 514-5331 nsd.public@usdoj.gov

NO NOBEL COMMITTEE: CHAIR Chair: Thorbjørn Jagland Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 NO-0255 Oslo, Norway Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 94 76 11 17 postmaster@nobel.no

PRIVATE BRADLEY MANNING Private Bradley Manning Pfc Bradley Manning’s Counsel David Coombs Esq coombs@armycourtmartialdefense.com

ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK Anders Behring Breivik Postboks 150, 1332 Østerås, Norway c/o & via: Geir Lippestad Advokatfirmaet Lippestad AS Grensen 12, 0159 OSLO

Executed this ________ day of ________, 20___ [City] ________________, [Country] ________________

_____________________[Signature] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [Name]


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