Radical Honoursty Culture Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party CommonSism: Common Sense Guerrylla Laws for a Sustainable Commons AEquilibriaex: balanced Eco/Anthropocentric law www.guerrylla -law.co.nr
14 April 2013 William Saunderson-Meyer Thought Leader, Jaundiced Eye: The Weekend Argus, The Citizen, and Weekend Witness. @thejaundicedeye. Ref: SA Legal Society Corruption1
CC: Bar Assoc & Legal Societies CC: Political Parties CC: International Bar Assoc CC: HRW & Amnesty Intn‟l
Dear Mr. Saunderson-Meyer, RE: SA’s Legal Corruption (denial of Legal Representation and access to courts to RH culture) is endorsed by SA Political Parties, Media Editors, International Bar Association, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, SA Judicial Service Commission, Tutu, Mandela & De Klerk. Thank you for your article exposing South Africa‟s endemic legal corruption: Just Trust Me, I’m a lawyer2. Please find herewith a list of Legal Corruption exposed by Radical Honesty culture: On 11 January 2013, I filed a single complaint to the European Court of Human Rights, against Norway‟s Legal Corruption in denying Anders Breivik a Free and Fair Treason/Necessity Trial: (a) Discrimination on 24 August 2012 by Oslo District Court: Judge Wenche Arntzen, in Norway v. Anders Breivik‟s Necessity Judgement; (b) Discrimination and Denied Right to an Effective Remedy: by (i) Supreme Court: Secretary General Gunnar Bergby: 10 September 2012 Decision; (ii) Parliamentary Ombudsman: Head of Division: Berit Sollie: 15 November 2012 Ruling. On 07 April 2013, correspondence from European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Registrar: Legal Secretary: Ragna Bjarnadottir, dated 05 March 2013 acknowledged receipt of my complaint, and informed me of the Case number and processing procedures: Application no. 16325/13: Johnstone v. Norway3.
ThoughtLeader: Just Trust Me, I‟m a lawyer http://www.thoughtleader.co.za/williamsaundersonmeyer/2013/04/13/just-trust-me-im-a-lawyer/ 2 ThoughtLeader: Just Trust Me, I‟m a lawyer http://www.thoughtleader.co.za/williamsaundersonmeyer/2013/04/13/just-trust-me-im-a-lawyer/ 3 http://ecofeminist-v-breivik.weebly.com/eu-court-human-rights.html 1
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