Manukau Christian School A Ministry of the Auckland Christian Schools Trust
“In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ”
20 November 2009
END OF YEAR SURVEY FOR PARENTS Dear Parents Our Mission Statement reads: “We aim to assist parents in the education of their children by providing an environment where academic excellence, godly character and servant leadership are developed in accordance with biblical truths and principles.” This is a pertinent time of the year to reflect on achievements and set goals for the forthcoming year. We continue to strive to work together in our partnership with you to achieve the very best for your child. To this end, please would you help us by completing the questionnaire below and return it to school by Friday 27th November. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE 1. On the scale below, circling the appropriate number, how important and helpful is the Cambridge Checkpoints system, in tracking your child's preparation for secondary school, to you? Not important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very important
2. How important is it that your child uses current electronic technology in upper year levels e.g. wikispaces, digital cameras, powerpoint etc? Not important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very important
3. Each child is encouraged to achieve to their God-given ability. To this end, we employ additional teacher aides, specialist teacher support, and ESOL teachers, when we believe it will help. How important is this to you? Not important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very important
4. In what area of the curriculum are you particularly satisfied? _________________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments, criticisms, suggestions with regard to Academic Excellence: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
COMMUNICATION We believe very strongly that the best education takes place when both teacher and parents are working together as a team and that parents are our greatest educational resource. Consequently, we work hard to keep you as informed and up-to-date as possible with what is gong on at school in general, and in your child's classroom in particular. 5. To keep in touch with what is happening in your child's class, we use homework books, weekly report cards, after school opportunities, parent interviews, newsletters and wikispaces. How satisfied are you with the current level of communication and reporting available to you? Not satisfied
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very satisfied
How valuable or useful do you find each one. e.g. Circle as appropriate Homework notebooks
very helpful
not particularly helpful
Weekly report cards
very helpful
not particularly helpful
After school opportunities
very helpful
not particularly helpful
Parent Interviews
very helpful
not particularly helpful
very helpful
not particularly helpful
very helpful
not particularly helpful
Are you interested in a training workshop on how to use wikispaces?
Yes / No
Additional comments, criticisms, suggestions with regard to Communication: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
SCHOOL COMMUNITY Our wider school community is very important to us. It includes not only our current school families, but their grandparents, aunts, uncles. It also includes all past graduates and their families. Our objective is to encourage the wider families of all our pupils to have a lifelong interest in our school. This will make us much stronger in the years ahead. 6. All our families automatically become a member of “Friends of Manukau Christian School” called FrieMCS for short when their children are enrolled. This year we set up a blog for FrieMCS. Have you visited the school blogspot for friends and parents of the school which is being gradually added to: ( Yes / No
(Circle as appropriate)
If Yes, how regularly do you visit the site? ________________________
7. What else would you like to see on our FrieMCS blog?
Would you be interested in contributing to the blog from time to time (News? Recipes? Ideas? Books? Fun family things you have done?, etc) ___________________________________________________________________________________
8. We have a strong school community already through institutions like “Parents in Prayer” and “Welcome Evenings for New Parents” and “Grandparents days” but we would like to see it strengthened further. What else would you like to see / suggest in regard to strengthening the school community? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments, criticisms, suggestions with regard to the School Community: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
-3OTHER 9. We have some opportunities for additional fundraising and calendars. The bulk of our school fees goes towards teachers salaries. How important is it that the school fundraises for extra items not within the operating budget i.e. playground, additional school trips, and extra-curricular activities? Not important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very important
10. How do we rate in developing positive pupil/teacher relationships, nurturing your child and providing a caring family environment? Not very well
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very well
11. For parents of pupils in year 8: How well is your child prepared for secondary school? Not very well
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very well
Any other general comments or suggestions about how we might serve you better: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Yours in Christ
Shane Kennedy PRINCIPAL
Please return this questionnaire by Friday 27 November. Thank you.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 77 Rogers Road ● P O Box 75-623 ● Manurewa ● Tel: 269-1050 ● Fax: 269-1049 Email: ● Website:
Principal: Mr Shane M. Kennedy