Manukau Christian School
Newsletter “In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ”
Dear Parents Welcome back to pupils and parents. We particularly extend a warm welcome to our new families who have children starting this term. We trust your association with Manukau Christian School will be both encouraging and beneficial to you and your children.
National Standards While the state education system is in an uproar over the recently introduced national standards we would just like to remind you that ‘standards’ are nothing new for Manukau Christian School. Ever since our school was established in 1987 we have used benchmarked standards in the key curriculum areas for each class level. In more recent times these ‘standards’ have been aligned with the Cambridge International Primary Programme and Checkpoints at the intermediate / junior secondary level. Our assessments and school reports reflect this commitment to inform parents on the progress and achievements of their child against age/class appropriate benchmarks, highlighting both the child’s strengths and weaknesses.
Term 1, Week 2 9 February 2010
Parent/Teacher Interviews These will take place on Tuesday 16th March. This is an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher and find out how their child is settling into class. Parents will also be informed of expectations and given the results of early testing and particular strengths and weaknesses. A time sheet will be sent home closer to the time for you to complete and return to the office. Please mark your calendar with this date. School will close at 12.30pm on this day.
School Hours The hours of school are 9.00am to 3.00pm. Children are expected to be at school between 8.40-8.55am, ready to start work at 9.00am. Staff will be on duty from 8.30am, and children will be permitted to go into class at 8.45am. We have noticed children being dropped off as early as 8.00am—please be aware that there is no supervision until 8.30am. Teachers’ prayer time is from 8.30-8.45am—classroom are locked until this time. School finishes at 3.00pm and we would request that children are picked up no later than 3.15pm as there is no supervision of children after this time.
Absent Children If your child is unable to attend school, please ring the school. While we endeavour to follow up on absent children, it remains the parents’ responsibility to inform the school if your child is going to be away for the day. We require a note the following day if your child has been absent unless you ring to inform the school office.
Late Arrivals We appreciate the efforts of parents to get their children to school on time. Each teacher records late arrivals on their class attendance register. If your child is late please do not disturb the class by going into the classroom with your child. Any communication you wish to make at this time may be done via the school office.
School Fees
Term Dates 2010 Term 1: 3 Feb - 1 Apr Term 2: 19 Apr - 2 Jul Term 3: 19 Jul - 24 Sep Term 4: 11 Oct - 10 Dec
School fees are due on the first day of each term unless paying by automatic payment. If your fees are not paid in full at this stage, please assist Mrs Oosterbeek by obtaining details from the office so that we can set up an automatic payment. A reminder that a term’s notice must be given if withdrawing your child from school.
Lost Property Please check the lost property basket regularly which is located in the inner courtyard of the junior block. Unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of each term.
Staff List Year 1 Year 2 Year 3/4 Year 5/6 Year 7/8
Mrs Christina Ackermann Miss Char Luck Mrs Leonie Logan Mrs Cherry Peek Mrs Shirley Smith
ESOL/Specialist Subjects French (Y7/8) Teacher Aide: Caretaker: Executive Officer: Principal:
Mrs Kay Coulthard Mrs Maree Kennedy
Mrs Marcia van de Weg Mr Maurice Papesch Mrs Geraldine Oosterbeek Mr Shane Kennedy
Trustboard Members The current members of the Trustboard are: Mr Peter Boyd (Chairman) Mr Gus Sonneveld (Treasurer) Mr Rod Peek (Secretary) Mr Simon Camp Mr Richard Flinn Mr Rob Darby
Parking Could parents please drop children off and collect using the entrance that is closest to the class of their youngest child. Please be considerate of other parents when dropping off and collecting children. If your child needs assistance with getting in and out of the car, please park your car to prevent traffic build-up. Picking up your child after school Our school policy states: • Children in Years 1 to 4 being picked up by parents, are required to wait on the seats outside the main school block. • Parents/caregivers must come down from the carpark to the assembly point and physically accompany their child back to the car. • Children will not be released by the duty teacher to go off unaccompanied to the carpark.
Dress Code Our school policy on dress code states: Parents must ensure that pupils are neatly, suitably and cleanly dressed at all times. Although there is no school uniform, all pupils are expected to be neither unduly flamboyant nor overly casual. Pupils are not at school to make a fashion statement but rather to get on with the business of learning. Boys: Hair must be natural and tidy, well groomed and cut in a short masculine style. No jewellery may be worn. Girls: Hair must be natural and tidy, well groomed and feminine. Long hair must be tied back from the face. No jewellery or make up or nail polish may be worn. Plain studs only in pierced ears. Please note that dyeing, spiking, excessive gelling of hair and adornments are both unnecessary and unacceptable during school term times. For safety reasons, suitable footwear includes sandals with backs or straps—no jandals, scuffs or running shoes without backs please. To help parents understand the philosophy and reasoning behind our dress code, copies of the “School Dress Code Explained” are available from the office.
T-Shirts and Hats T-shirts are to be worn on school outings in the interests of safety. Please order yours from the school office. We have a few second-hand t-shirts for sale at $10 each.
Dental Clinic The mobile Dental Clinic will be visiting the school this term. If you wish to contact the dental therapist, this can be done through the Manurewa Central School Dental Clinic on Hill Road. Ring the dental clinic on 2688020 or see Mrs Oosterbeek in the office if you have any queries.
Parents helping in the school We encourage parents to be involved with what their children are doing and would welcome any offers of assistance. No special skills are required. We always need assistance with writing up homework books, listening to children read, supervising Maths work set by the teacher etc. Please ask your child’s teacher if you can assist or speak with Mrs Oosterbeek in the office.
Fridays: 12 February to 5 March: Swimming for Years 7 and 8 at Manurewa Pools. 1.30—2.30pm. Thursdays: 25 February to 18 March: Gymsport for Years 1 and 2 at Bruce Pulman Park, Porchester Road. 1.30—2.30pm Thursday 18 February: Coffee and Dessert evening for parents of new pupils to the school. Monday 1 March: Whole School Assembly 9.00am Tuesday 16 March: Parent / Teacher Interviews. School closes at 12.30pm. Thursday 1 April: End of Term 1. School closes at 12.30pm Monday 19 April: Start of Term 2 Every Friday 9.00am: Parents in Prayer Support (PIPS) meet in the church lounge.
Topics this Term Science: What is Science? Creation vs Evolution Air
Culture: Manukau Egypt
You can assist your child by borrowing books from the local library on these topics and for younger children, by reading to them.
PIPS - Parent in Prayer Support of our School PIPS meet each Friday morning from 9.00am to 10.00am in the church crèche. All parents are welcome to join and acknowledge God’s faithfulness and ask for His blessing on our children and school.
Responses to End of Year Survey A big thank you to all our parents who took time out to respond to our survey. We really appreciate the feedback. The survey asked parents to rate and comment on a number of aspects of our school programme. 1.
Parents in general expressed a high level of satisfaction with our curriculum and academic programme. A number of par ents suggested a need for more ‘hands-on’ activities and a balance between the ‘academic’ and other areas e.g. P.E.
Parents expressed a high level of satisfaction with our current communication and reporting channels.
Question 8 invited suggestions and comments for strengthening the school community: We received a lot of good feedback, helpful comments and interesting suggestions! We are processing some of these and investigating ways to incorporate them into our overall programme, goals and vision for the school.
Playground Update Through the help of parents, we have obtained and disassembled second-hand playground equipment. We have a copy of our plans available for parents to view. We are in dialogue with the church as to the exact location of the playground, so that it meets the needs of both the church and the school. Thank you again to those parents who have offered their help in the past and in the future with re-assembling the playground.
School Banking As a special promotion during Term 1, each child who makes a deposit, their name will be entered into a weekly draw for a $50 prize. If you would like your child to take part in the school banking programme, please see Mrs Oosterbeek for an enrolment pack. Deposits are accepted on Tuesdays.
Community Notice If any parent is interested in car-pooling from the Manukau area please see Mrs Oosterbeek in the office. Thank you.
Newsletter in colour Please email Mrs Oosterbeek if you would like to receive an electronic version of this newsletter (in colour). We are also happy to email photos of your child that have been taken at school. The latest photos taken at the Thanksgiving Services at the end of last year are on the noticeboard in the Junior foyer.
Matters for Prayer Give thanks for His wonderful blessings and provision for our school. Give thanks for holidays and time out with family and friends. Give thanks for our teachers and staff as they seek to honour and serve Christ through their teacher and work in our school.
Pray for new pupils and their families. Pray that new children will make friends and quickly settle into the routines and work in the classroom.
“For this is what the Lord
Pray for our Trustboard for unity of vision and Purpose for our school as they carry out their duties and responsibilities.
says—He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and
In Christ
made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to
S.M. Kennedy Principal
be inhabited— He says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:18
Manukau Christian School 77 Rogers Road P.O. Box 75-623 Manurewa Phone: (09) 269-1050 Fax: (09) 269-1049 E-mail: Website:
“In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ”