Manukau Christian School
Newsletter “In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ”
Dear Parents As a busy first term comes to a close, we trust that the recent Parent/Teacher interviews were helpful and informative. As always, any comments and feedback regarding our interview format is welcome. Blessings at Easter
Our parent community is very committed to their children’s learning: every family in the school arranged a time to talk with their child’s teacher or responded with alternative arrangments—this is very pleasing indeed. Please remember that you do not have to wait until Parent/Teacher interviews to arrange a time to talk with your child’s teacher.
From the Trustboard Please mark your calendar early… On Tuesday 10th August parents are invited to school to a meeting with the school Trustboard. At this time, the Trustboard will provide a progress report, review the yearto-date and profile some of the projects that the Trustboard and staff are working on.
Term 1 Week 7 17 March 2010
We’d love to see as many parents as possible. More details will follow closer to the time, but mark your calendar now!
Lost Property Please check the basket—all items not collected by the end of the term will be donated to charity.
Dates to Remember
18 March 30 March 1 April
19 July
Gymsports for years 1 and 2: final session Botanic Gardens Trip: Years 4-6 Ports of Auckland Trip Years 5 to 8 9.00 am School Assembly Term 2 ends School closes at 12.30pm Term 2 commences
Collection of children after school As a matter of safety, parents of junior children are required to come down from the carpark and collect their children from the seating area where they will be dismissed by the teacher on duty. After 3.15pm there is no supervision of pupils. Thank you for your help in this regard.
Endowment Fund The Auckland Christian Schools Endowment Trust,
Term Dates 2010 Term 1: 3 Feb-1 Apr Term 2: 19 Apr-2 July Term 4: 19 Jul - 24 Sep Term 4: 11 Oct - 10 Dec
established last year, is up and running as a charitable Trust. It has a capital base of $60 000, all of which has come from donations. The Trust Deed requires that all donations to the Trust must be preserved unless donors specify otherwise. Last year the Trust was able to pay $4000 to the school out of income, and this year the Endowment Trust has awarded two full scholarships for school fees and received a number of specific donations. If you would like to make a contribution to the fund, to help a family who may be struggling with school fees, please talk to Mrs Oosterbeek. Donations can be made directly to: 12-3231-0647032-000 As the Endowment Fund is a charitable trust, tax deductible receipts will be issued which can be submitted to IRD for a tax credit at the end of the tax year. â—?
Student Teacher We welcome Mariu Pikaahu, a student teacher from Laidlaw College, who is currently on placement in the Year 7/8 class. Laidlaw College is a Christian training centre that provides training on behalf of the church and society in areas of Education, Theology, Mission and Ministry and Counselling. Miss Pikaahu will return again in Term 3.
Personal Invitation Accompanying this newsletter is an envelope containing an Invitation. Please pass this onto someone you know who may be interested in Christian Schooling for their child.
We Need You! “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
Close and personal
We have found that word-of-mouth is our largest marketing tool: your assistance in getting the word out about our school is invaluable. Please direct interested parents to our website. The school community plays a big role in helping us grow the school.
Do you have a heart to pray: • for our children • for the staff • for our families • for our school • for our community to see God’s mighty hand move within our school? PIPS (Parents in Prayer) meet every Friday morning in the church creche at 9.00am to 10.00am. All parents are welcome: as regulars or on a one-off basis. Any questions please speak to Helma Sonneveld.
Yummy Stickers
We are still collecting stickers from Yummy Apples and other marked fruit e.g. Flatto’s. We receive great sports equipment through this opportunity. ●
A peek into the classroom programme At Manukau Christian School we endeavour to work alongside parents for the best outcome for your child. Through the use of a wikispace, you can be involved and informed of what is happening in your child’s class. Have a look at the wikispace and chat to your child about topics they are studying, concepts they are learning or items that may need special attention. Each classroom teacher is responsible for her own page and pages are updated every Monday. Access is available at
What’s new on the Blogsite? Endowment Trust Update Two Full Tuition Scholarships Awarded Response to Law Commission Recommendations Solving Non-Existent Problems Parents Survey and Responses A copy of the original questionnaire sent out and detailed responses from parents.
After-school Programme Survey Thank you parents for your assistance with our recent survey regarding an After-school Programme. Approximately forty percent of families returned the survey, with 10% of families interested in school holiday programmes and another 8% interested in after school care. These families will be contacted shortly by the school. We are still investigating a transport pick-up and delivery service. ●
From Year 1 - Story Writing Five year olds in Mrs Ackermann’s class recently wrote stories about “When the Wind Blew.” This overlaps with their Science topic study on Air.
School Happenings
Felix Laing
Rhema Brown
Jazmine Fickling
Stephanie Simons
New entrant pupils initially copy over words during story-writing time until they are at a stage where they can write their own stories. ●
From Year 2: Gymsport I can do forward rolls. I can do jumps really high. I can jump in the sponges and I can swing on the bars. I can do a handstand. I can do an L-sit. I can do skipping By Veron Sharma
I like to jump in the sponges. I like doing a forward roll. I like to jump on the trampoline. I like to hold on to the bars. I like to do a tuck sit. I find the straddle sit difficult.
When I go to Gymsports I go in a car. I like going in the pit. The pit is comfortable. I am in group four. I like going to Gymsports. I wish I lived there.
By Ashton Neighbour
By Navleen Atwal
Gymsports â—?
Years 3 and 4 - Bible Pupils in Mrs Logan’s class drew pictures on the Ten Commandments to complement their lessons.
Keaton Loasby
Rebekah Shallard
Candace Smith
Ji-Yeon Kim
Sophia Scales ●
Years 5 and 6 - “Wet Day” On Thursday it was really cool and wet! Everyone was so excited. All of us got into our togs and couldn’t wait until we ran through the sprinklers. When I was running I put my hands up to get wetter! By Coralie Smith
Here all the teachers are spraying the children with loaded water guns. There were twelve races, one for each year’s girls and boys. I bet that there was not one person running through that didn’t get wet!! By Celia Allerby Thursday was a fun day. We played games and had races. We ran through two BIG sprinklers. We had teams and had to squirt a tea towel. We played a game of tag through the sprinklers. It was girls against boys. The boys won! By Josiah Humphreys Here we are playing a game. We had water guns and had to aim for the tea towel. Whoever’s tea towel was the wettest, won. Running races, playing games and just running through the sprinkler. We had lots of fun. The whole school did. By Bonnie Boldy ●
Years 7 and 8 - Swimming Lessons
School Happenings
SPLASH! Into the water I go. The first week of PE, guess what it was? It was swimming! I love swimming for P.E. We played games like who changes the fastest (boys vs girls). Whoever won would get a lolly. We started in week two and ended in week five. I am good at swimming. We played water polo. There were two groups. A learning group and a games group. We swapped around and then we would get out of the pool at 2.20pm. We would come back to school feeling tired. Swimming is the best P.E. subject EVER! By Erik Mok
Going swimming was fun. Learning all the strokes and playing stuck in the mud were the best parts.
Superb strokes we all learnt Walking in water was fun you see It is cool for you and me. Mum and dads helped us out. Many kids were playing about. Important things we had to learn. Never boring, no need to rest. Getting to swim is simply the best. By Alexis Phillips When we went swimming we did all sorts of things, like backstroke and we also blew bubbles out of our nose that helped us to breathe a lot better so we don’t get water into our nose. On week four and five we were playing with squash balls and we were pushing them around with our nose all the way to the end. By Ross Singh
For the last few weeks Room 10 has been going to swimming. When we plunge into the pool everyone splashes and dives. The most enjoyable part of swimming is diving for sticks. I enjoy all the swimming activities and I would love to go swimming again. By William Seto â—?
Past Pupils: Year of 2007 David Bennett and Nathan Palmer, both past pupils, graduated from Year 8 in 2007. Both boys started in Year 1 and received all their primary education at Manukau Christian School. We always enjoy getting news of our Past Pupils. David Bennett finished last year off with 5 awards in Year 10 at Pakuranga College – Excellence in Maths, Excellence in PE, Excellence in Social Sciences and Progress in English along with one of seven “Year 10 Top Scholar Awards” (out of about 550 Year 10 students). He also sat NCEA Level 1 Science and passed very well and is continuing on with Level 2 Science this year.
David Bennett
“Once again I put it down to the great foundations that were set in place during his time at Manukau Christian School.” said Mrs Bennett. David recently competed in Nationals for swimming, doing personal best times in all his races and making two finals. He broke a 5 year standing Counties Manukau record for 15 year boys butterfly and was 0.21of a second off qualifying to swim at the Commonwealth Games Trials. Well done David.
Nathan Palmer left Manukau Christian School in 2007 to attend Rosehill College in Papakura which has over 1,800 pupils and he has fitted in extremely well. “The solid grounding that Manukau Christian School gave him has allowed him to adapt well both academically and with co-curricular activities.” said Mrs Palmer. In 2009 Nathan received the top scholar award for Year 10 Physical Education and Health. Year 11 has seen him accepted into advanced classes for all his subjects.
Nathan Palmer
He is currently playing for the Rosehill College 1st XI cricket side and has represented the school at the Junior Gillette Cup. Recently he was selected for an under 17’s squad for Counties Manukau Cricket. This year Nathan was asked to be a youth leader at Manukau City Baptist Church for the intermediate age group program which he is enjoying immensely. He is thankful for the opportunity he had to attend Manukau Christian School during his primary and intermediate years. ●
Would you like to advertise your company or service in our school newsletter??
Community Notices Hutch Style Student Computer Desk. A friend of the school has a student desk in good condition available to a school family in need of one. It would be ideal as a student desk in a bedroom or study. Cost is free or if you so wish, a freewill donation will be accepted to the Endowment Fund. Please see Mrs Oosterbeek in the office.
Visique Optometrist is offering free sunglasses to five year We are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to our school families and see it as a way to help strengthen the community ties of the wider school family. Please see Mrs Oosterbeek for more details.
olds and 20 Fly Buys points for parents bringing in a school age child (up to 18 years) for an eye test. The free sunnies voucher is available to download through the website and can be redeemed at your local Visique store– feel free to print out and pass on to friends/family
April School Holidays:
How big is
We all know space is big, but what exactly does THAT mean? Come along to Stardome this April to find out what we mean by the word ‘BIG’ when we talk about space! Come and see Big, our planetarium show that takes a quirky and imaginative look at the size and scale of our universe. With a light-hearted storytelling style, clay-animated characters and a surrounding musical score, this show brings a really big subject down to Earth. Afterwards, let us inspire you as you create your very own galaxy to take home and display, as well as other ‘out-ofthis-world’ fun art. Book your place early by calling 624 1246. Two sessions daily! 10.00am to 11.30am and 1.00pm to 2.30pm. Dates: April 6th to 9th and April 12th to 16th.
Covenant Church: Life and Death Issues: 10th April 1-4pm Stem cells, resuscitation, withdrawing support, cloning, ventilation: What do they mean for the Christian? Sandy Oster will talk about issues relating to stem cells, cloning and end of life concerns. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 77 Rogers Road, Manurewa. Ph: 269-1046. Afternoon tea will be served.
Covenant Church: Sports Day Saturday 20th April 2-4pm 8yrs and up. See the enclosed form.
SKIDS April School Holiday Programme. Sports and Games, Masterchef, Singstar, Laser Skirmish, Bouncy Ball Creations, Sausage Sizzle, Mad Science etc. A detailed brochure is available from Mrs Oosterbeek. ●
Give thanks for the Lord’s provisions, goodness and grace throughout this term. Give thanks for the privilege and opportunities we have daily, to nurture the pupils in our care and make Christ central in all our teaching and learning. Scripture for the Week
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.’”
Pray for healing and full recovery for Mr Kennedy who is currently unwell. Pray for our Trustboard who work so diligently behind the scenes, carrying out their duties and responsibilities. May they continue to have unity of vision and purpose. Pray for safety over the holiday break and as we celebrate Easter. May we be full of praise and joy for our risen Lord and Saviour. In Christ S.M. Kennedy Principal
John 11:25-26
Manukau Christian School 77 Rogers Road P.O. Box 75-623 Manurewa Phone: (09) 269-1050 Fax: (09) 269-1049 E-mail: Website:
“In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ” ●