Manukau Christian School Term 2 Newsletter

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Manukau Christian School

Newsletter “In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ”

Dear Parents Welcome back to pupils and parents and in particular to our new pupils, Bhavjeet Kaur and Amy Sonneveld. Just a reminder about new enrolments. It is important to fill out an application well in advance. We trust many of you were able to pass on our ‘special invitation’ envelope to other interested parents and friends, and thank you for doing this on our behalf. We have found that ‘word of mouth’ is by far the best promotional and marketing strategy we have to help our school roll grow.

Mid Year Examinations Years 7 and 8 Our Cambridge Checkpoint exams for pupils in Years 7 and 9 will be held during weeks 8 and 9 of this term. These exams along with the end of year exams and test marks determine what ‘graduation certificate’ a pupil receives at the end of the year. A timetable of subjects and exams will be given to pupils in week 5 of this term.

Term 2 Week 2 17 March 2010

Graduation Certificates are awarded in 3 categories: Achievement—awarded to pupils who achieve a pass of 50% or higher in at least four subjects including Bible. Merit—awarded to pupils who achieve a pass of 60% or higher in five subjects including Bible. Excellence—awarded to pupils who achieve a mark of 75% or higher in all six subjects including Bible.


Dates to Remember


30 April

Corbans Art Estate Years 5 to 8

20 May

Careers Day Years 1 to 4

1 June

Science Roadshow Years 5 and 6

24 June

Cross Country: Run 4 Bibles: Years 1 to 4

25 June

Cross Country: Run 4 Bibles: Years 5 to 8

2 July

Term 2 ends School closes at 12.30pm

19 July

Term 2 commences Please note that this term is 11 weeks in length.

Topics this Term Years 1 to 6 Culture: Crusades Ancient Greece Science: Mosses and Fungi Time Years 7 and 8 Science: Biology: Cells Culture: Crusades Ancient Greece

Term Dates 2010 Term 1: 3 Feb-1 Apr Term 2: 19 Apr-2 July Term 4: 19 Jul - 24 Sep Term 4: 11 Oct - 10 Dec

Playground Update The Property and Finance Committee of Covenant Church has given the school permission to locate a playground on the northern end of the tarseal area i.e. the grassed area adjacent to the carpark. Our first step will be to build a low retaining wall with a capped seat. This will be followed by the installation of the playground. As matters progress we will keep you informed, asking for assistance etc. We would also like to thank those parents who have donated to the playground fund. â—?



Teachers Learning during the holidays On Monday 12 April all Manukau Christian School teaching staff attended a one day conference hosted by the Independent Christian Schools Fellowship at the University of Auckland’s Tamaki Campus. There was a very good turnout from all the member Christian schools. The theme of the conference was Independent to Teach Knowledge. Our keynote guest speaker, Richard Flinn, really made this a conference to remember, addressing the gathering on three separate occasions throughout the day. He spoke on: 1. 2. 3.

Education and the Decline of Christendom Education and the Breaking up of the Enlightenment Education and the Rise of the Second Christendom.

Two workshop sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon covered a range of management and teaching topics at both the primary and secondary levels. MCS staff presented a workshop on assemblies.

We Need You!

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

Close and personal

Several other guest speakers spoke on relevant interesting topics to round out a very full day’s programme.

Do you have a heart to pray: • for our children • for the staff • for our families • for our school • for our community to see God’s mighty hand move within our school? PIPS (Parents in Prayer) meet every Friday morning in the church creche at 9.00am to 10.00am. All parents are welcome: as regulars or on a one-off basis. Any questions please speak to Helma Sonneveld. ●

Reports and Interviews



Mid Year Reports will be sent out to parents on the first week of Term 3. In the second week of Term 3 there will be an opportunity for parents to have an interview with the teacher to discuss their child’s report and progress to date. This earlier parent/teacher interview in term 3 replaces our traditional end of term 3 interviews. Why issue reports at this time? It gives teachers more actual teaching time during term 2. In particular Years 7 and 8 checkpoint exams can start a week later in the term. Issuing the report to parents in the first week of term 3, coupled with an interview, allows parents and teachers to discuss how to encourage their child for the second half of the year. Often report comments and suggestions are ‘lost’ in the anticipation and excitement of the holiday period. Sending out mid-year reports in the first week of term 3 provides a useful re-focussing point for all

Hands-on Maths - Years 3 and 4 Volume and Measurement took on a whole new meaning when pupils in Mrs Logan’s class had practical lessons and observations to understand concepts. ●



Ports of Auckland Visit On Tuesday 30th March the Year five to eight classes walked to the train station. After what seemed like forever the train finally came. Once we got to Britomart Train Station, we walked out onto Quay Street. Then we walked along until we came to Princes Wharf. While we waited for the ferry, we had morning tea. After morning tea we boarded the ferry. At first we had to sit inside. But five minutes later we were able to move outside. While we were on board there was a lady giving a commentary. We got to move around on the deck. All too soon the ferry ride finished and we went back to the train station. Then we rode home. Did you know that: • The Marcus Damascus is the largest container ship? • The Maccus Damascus can hold 40 100 crates? • The five cranes on the wharf cost 9 million dollars? I’m sure everybody learnt a lot.

School Happenings

By Lavinia-Rose Humphreys Yr 7

We went on a trip to Auckland City and took a ferry around the harbour. We started at Princes Wharf and went to the wharves all around. There was a lady talking about the wharves and she gave us some facts: • Princes Wharf used to be under water. • Only light things could be packed and sent to places overseas. There were a lot more facts, and really good ones too. I hope that we get to go there again! By Celia Allerby Yr 7


Manukau Schools Activity Day Years 5 to 8 At the end of last term pupils in Years 5 to 6 enjoyed an activity and fun day at the Botanic Gardens, organised by the Manukau City Council. After being collected by bus, pupils rotated amongst activities that included potting plants, making potpourri sachets and making murals. Murals will be delivered to school within the new few weeks.

Study on Egypt: Years 7 and 8 As part of their study on Egypt, pupils in Years 7 and 8 made masks, pyramids, flutes, jewellery, death masks, etc to reflect their study. A selection of these items are on display in the school office. Please come and have a look.

Above: Chloe, Sophia and Antonina displaying their project on Egyptian jewellery.

Left: John and Peter explaining how their felucca works while Stephanie looks on.. Above: Sosaia and Ross wearing death masks. Right: Lavinia-Rose and Georgia with their pyramid. â—?

Past Pupils: Year of 2007 Rory Killip attended Manukau Christian School from Year 1 to Year 8, and left in 2007 to attend Alfriston College. The school has a roll of over 1200 pupils and is divided into five houses or whanau. Rory settled in very well and joined a school pop/rock band. In 2009 the band took part in inter-school competitions and their performance earned them a place in the regional playoffs. They went on to win two awards: Best Lyrics and Best Song.

Rory Killip

At the end 2009 Rory was also awarded the Junior Student of the Year for his house/whanau. Rory attends Covenant Presbyterian Church and he has been a guitarist in the music team in the past. Rory says that the skills he learnt at Manukau Christian School, in particular English grammar, have really helped him in high school. Kimberley Oosterbeek attended Manukau Christian School from Year 1 to 8, and left the same year as Rory to also attend Alfriston College. In 2009 Kimberley was the top Year 10 student in Social Studies and Physical Education. She was also awarded Best All Round Junior Sportsperson of the Year, Top Interwhanau Sports Representative and Junior Student of the Year for her house/whanau.

Kimberley Oosterbeek

Kimberley plays tennis, soccer and volleyball for school and was recently selected for the Counties Manukau Under 19 Volleyball Team. She has been a junior youth group leader (intermediate aged children) for the past two years at Clevedon Presbyterian Church and is also involved with youth group. Kimberley said “MCS taught me many skills, especially how to manage my time and also helped me develop self-discipline.” We are truly indebted to the staff at MCS for their input into her life and the long-term impact of their care and dedication,” said her parents. ●

Give thanks for a very successful Independent Christian Schools Teacher conference held during the school holidays. Scripture for the Week

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this allsurpassing power is from God and not from us.”

Give thanks for steady roll numbers and a positive start to the new term. Give thanks for God for faithful and committed staff and Trustboard members. Pray for staff and teachers’ and children’s health and strength through the busy term ahead. Pray for continued growth and increase in our school roll.

In Christ S.M. Kennedy Principal

2 Cor 4:7

Manukau Christian School 77 Rogers Road P.O. Box 75-623 Manurewa Phone: (09) 269-1050 Fax: (09) 269-1049 E-mail: Website:

“In Pursuit of Excellence for Christ” ●

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