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Professional Development Catalog 2009 - 2010 Multiple opportunities for professional development are planned for the 2009-2010 school year. Not included are required, pre-service sessions. Remember that new hires that have a deficiency plan in their teaching credential have 3 years to obtain 12 semester hours of graduate credit, which can easily be arranged through the State University of New York at Buffalo State. For further details, contact Tracy Miller at 4996 or pd@asf.edu.mx. Because of SACS CASI/AdvancED accreditation standards for Latin America, faculty members are required to earn at least six semester hours of credit or the equivalent during each five years of employment. For that reason equivalent credit forms are made available each school year so that employees can record their participation in professional development activities and turn them in for collection in the administrative offices of their division or department. ASF Goals for 2009-2010 1. Use Data to Make Decisions for Improved Student Learning 2. Strengthen the IB Program 3. Integrate Technology as a Tool for Teaching and Learning 4. Build the Spirit of Community at ASF

Professional Development Philosophy    

Professional development for all faculty and professional staff is a vital component of improving student achievement. This includes teachers, coordinators, counselors, psychologists and librarians; Professional development activities are data driven; Professional development activities are linked to the American School Foundation, A.C. goals and division initiatives; The professional development activities are evaluated, monitored, and assessed; Professional development is critical to improving instruction and instructional leadership.

 Quality Professional Development

In essence, ASF believes that effective professional learning:  Focuses on and improves student learning;  Increases educators’ knowledge, skill, and understanding of diverse learners, subject matter, and best practices;  Establishes a culture of quality for the work of adults and students;  Happens primarily at the division level and is frequently job-embedded;  Is active, collaborative, reflective and ongoing;  Demonstrates respect for teachers as professionals and as adult learners;  Occurs when ASF views itself as a learning organization and knowledge creating institution;  Requires commitment to consistency and focus over the long term;  Is at the heart of continuous student, teacher, division, and ASF improvement.


Professional Development Funding – Center for Teaching Excellence $653,752.79 Total

Training $485,042.39 (26%) Conferences $168,710.4 (74%)

Conferences Breakdown

Training Breakdown

Annual Educator’s Conference $67,500 (40%)

Professional Learning Communities $142,198.39 (29%)

Jefferson Overseas Technology Institute $13,500) 8%

Fall 2009 Tri-Association Annual Educator’s Conference – 3 faculty participants (ECC, LS, US) and 1 presenter (MS) $5,000 USCY or $67,500 pesos Application Deadline: August 30.

Summer 2010 5-day, Jefferson Overseas Technology Institute $1,000 USCY for one teacher

Other proposals from faculty and approved by professional development committee: $87,710.40

Professional Learning Communities at a Glance  Minimum of 5 members; maximum 15 members – 6 per division, $142,198.39 Online Professional Development Courses  6-month, ASCD Professional Development Courses, $99.00 USCY per course per person. Minimum of 1 participant; maximum of 10 participants – 1 10-person course per division, $3,960 USCY or From 13-week to full year, Harvard Graduate School of Education Wide World courses, Teams of 3 to 4 participants; 1 team per division, up to $799 per person, $12,784.00 USCY or $172,584 pesos th

Creating Opera Training for 4 Grade  Minimum of 9 members; $116,800 pesos


ON-CAMPUS MASTERS PROGRAM SUNY at a Glance      

Funded through discounted tuition payments by course participants Master’s Degree in Multidisciplinary Studies 10-course, 30-semester hour program 40-hour courses on campus or 30-hour courses + culminating final projects Up to 15-semester hours of transfer credits are possible No fewer than 4 courses per school year


Registration Due Date

Course Code



26/09 – 03/10 2009


EDU 594

Elements of Continuous School Improvement in American/International Schools

Dr. P. Woodruff

26/09 – 01/12 2009


EDF 689

Methods and Techniques of Educational Research*

Dr. H. Nicols & Dr. S. Baum

03/12 – 12/12 2009


EDU 604

Instructional Strategies for More Effective Teaching

Dr. T. Neu

11/01 – 22/02 2010


EDC 601

Instructional Technologies (Online)

Dr. B.J. Price

1/02 – 1/05 2010


EDU 690

Master’s Project*

Dr. H. Nicols & Dr. S. Baum

7/04 – 24/04 2010


EDL 704

Seminar in Educational Change

Dr. J. Jordan

EDU 594 Elements of Continuous School Improvement in American/International Schools A general orientation covering all aspects of the SACSCASI accreditation and school improvement process. Materials used during this offering include the American-International School Standards; Accreditation and School Improvement,The Handbook for the Next Generation; and Accreditation for Quality Schools: A Practitioner’s Guide. If applicable, copies of a school’s current School Improvement Plan and supporting documents may also be used. This offering includes multiple sessions scheduled throughout a school year to provide training and assignments/tasks that would provide the foundation of a school improvement process. This option combines on-site practicum work with on-line instructional hours. EDF 689 Methods and Techniques of Educational Research (required) A study of the background of educational research: selection and development of research problems; sources of information and data; methods of education al research; tools and techniques of educational research; collection, treatment, application, and interpretation of research data; organizing and developing a research project. (Students take this course in preparation for EDU 690 Master’s Project.)


EDU 604 Instructional Strategies for More Effective Teaching This course is designed to provide students with current techniques, strategies, and methods for improving instruction such as multiple intelligences, differentiation of instruction, problem-based learning as well as numerous others. EDC 601 Instructional Technologies Instructional uses of multimedia and the Internet; discussion of the hardware and software necessary for multimedia and Internet productions; integration of multimedia components into classroom instruction using presentation software and Web site development. EDU 690 Masters Project (required) A culminating project undertaken by one or more individuals on a problem of special interest (can not be approved until the student has completed 24 semester hours)Prerequisite: EDF 689 Methods and Techniques of Educational Research. EDL 704 Seminar in Educational Change Issues in N/K - 12 educational leadership, change, and policy; functions of theories, practices, and philosophies in problem solving, decision making, group collaboration, and facilitation. Site-based, action research project required. The tuition of each course is the peso equivalent of $500 USCY and the programmatic course fee for each course is $18 USCY which can be deducted over four pay periods. If courses are scheduled close together, those payments may overlap. That means that students might be credited for payments for 2 different courses in the same pay period. Failure to register on time, interferes with payroll deduction scheduling, so be prompt with registration decisions. Registration of 18 graduate students makes the course viable. For that reason, do not indicate intentions to register and then advise a last minute withdrawal. The penalty fee for withdrawal is $100 USCY. Tracy Miller, the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Coordinator will remind the ASF community of registration deadlines for each course. Payroll deduction agreement forms for each course must be signed and submitted to Gabriela Lechuga in the Academic Affairs Office. Call 4111 or email her at lechugag@asf.edu.mx. Note that the registration deadline for the first course is August 21, 2009. Failure to register on time means that the participant must pay the full tuition to the cashier before the first day of the course. Courses taken through independent study are arranged for through the Director of the SUNY program, Carolyn Brunner, and the professors providing the courses. Payment is made directly by the student to the professor. The wire transfer of $615 USCY covers the fee before the course commences. Wire transfer instructions will be provided at least a month prior to the beginning of the course. Faculty who want to join the State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo State Master's Degree in Multidisciplinary Studies Program should pay the school cashier the peso equivalent of the $50 USCY admission fee directly to the Buffalo-SUNY internal account that is maintained here at ASF, Account No. 11040501,Code 6093. Provide the account and code information to the cashier when the payment is made. The exchange rate varies from day to day, so visit the cashier's office after 9 am, but before 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The cashier will provide a receipt of payment. Please make a photocopy of the receipt and turn it in to Tracy Miller. Always keep original receipts in a file to corroborate those payments. Turn in the application form as well, which will require her signature. Application packets can be picked up at the Center for Teaching Excellence on the ramp.


Catalog entries are subject to revision as the school year progresses. Registration is based on order of registration. Preference in registration is given to teachers. Paraprofessionals are welcome to register if space is available. Registration is open for two weeks prior to each session. Confirmation is sent to participants one week prior to the scheduled session so that you know where it will take place. SUNY registration will be announced for each course on the plasma screens and must go through Gabriela Lechuga 4111 or lechugag@asf.edu.mx. Language Institute classes registration will be announced through Extended Learning and will be handled as that office indicates.

INSERVICE ON CAMPUS DURING THE YEAR Power School Student Information System Training Intended participants: all faculty who are responsible for using the program. In these differentiated sessions, participants will learn the basics in the introductory session, which will include log-in and attendance taking. Intermediate sessions will be offered repeatedly throughout the school year to create greater proficiency in adding assignments, posting grades and learning how to access parent data to build a truly collaborative network between schools, teachers, parents, and students. Only a 30 to 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE

Basic & Intermediate levels



Aug 13, 14 Aug 17-31 Sept 1 & 3 Jan 11-14

TBA 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Thurs, Fri Mon, Tues, Thurs Tues, Thurs Mon, Tues, Thurs

Introduction to Blackboard and Refresher Course Intended participants: all faculty who are responsible for using the program basics. All participants will learn how to manage content and build online community. The introductory session will include login and the posting of the syllabus. Intermediate sessions will be offered repeatedly throughout the school year to create greater proficiency in adding homework assignments, managing surveys and posting quizzes. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Basic Basic Intermediate Intermediate

Aug 13, 14 Aug 17-27 Jan 18-28 Apr 29

TBA 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40


Min: 5 people Max: 12 Thurs, Fri Mon, Tues, Thurs Mon, Tues, Thurs Thurs

Introduction to Google and Refresher Course Intended participants: Faculty, professional staff and classified staff (administrative assistants and secretaries) who are responsible for using the program. Google provides free communication tools for educators and classified staff. Basic training includes email, docs and calendar. Intermediate training will focus on building web pages using Google Sites. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Google site Google site

Aug 13, 14 Aug 31 Sept. 1-10 Feb. 2-11 May 3

TBA 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Thurs, Fri Mon Mon, Tues, Thurs Mon,Tues, Thurs Mon

Plan & Execute Action-Oriented Meetings Intended participants: all grade level coordinators/department heads or teachers who aspire to leadership positions. In this voluntary, one-meeting session, participants will learn to make their meetings the bedrock for getting things done. It will be repeated three times in the school year if interest is present. Tracy Miller

Location: CTE

Registration Deadline: August 21, 2009



Aug 27


Min: 5 people Max: 20 Thurs

Introduction to Mac Intended participants: interested faculty, professional staff and classified staff (administrative assistants and secretaries). In this introductory Mac course, participants will learn the basic Mac operating system, programs, and appearance. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Aug 31 Sept. 1-24

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon Mon, Tues, Thurs

Language Institute – Multiple Levels Intensive English, Spanish and French classes are supervised directly by the ASF Language Institute. In addition to taking highly communicative approaches, each course uses carefully selected sequences of didactic materials to ensure that participants receive a concrete base in grammar and reading. Extended Learning

Location: TBA



year long programs early Sep – late May

16:00 – 18:00 Or as negociated by cohort


Min: 4 people Max: 8 Mon, Wed Tues, Thurs

The Breakfast Club – Professional Books Reading Group Intended participants: all interested faculty and professional staff. In this voluntary, monthly session, interested faculty and professional staff will learn how to change professional practice and how to enhance student learning and behaviors. The group will meet once a quarter. Tracy Miller

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: September 1, 2009 Registration Deadline: October 27, 2009 Registration Deadline: January 8, 2010 Registration Deadline: March 2, 2010



Min: 5 people Max: 20

Sep. 8 Nov. 3 Jan. 12 May 11

7:00-7:45 7:00-7:45 7:00-7:45 7:00-7:45

Tues Tues Tues Tues

Effective Remote Learning Strategies Intended participants: interested faculty. In order to be better prepared for an influenza contingency plan, interested faculty will learn strategies that they might use to create a virtual environment which promotes full participation and the highest quality student learning. Tracy Miller

Location: CTE

Registration Deadline: September 1, 2009

Date: Sept. 8

Time: 14:45-15:30

Min: 5 people Max: 25 Tues

Introduction to Turnitin.com Intended participants: interested MS and US faculty and professional staff. Turnitin.com is a webpage that helps teachers validate the work of their students. Teachers can submit their students’ work to see if they have plagiarized any of the content. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Sept. 14, 17, 22 Jan 21 & 26 Apr. 13

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Thurs, Tues Thurs, Tues Tues

Introduction to Discovery Education Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Discovery Education is a tool that provides teaching resources like videos and lesson plans. The course will include skills like logging in, searching and streaming segments or entire videos. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Sept. 15, 21, 24 Apr. 12

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Tues, Mon, Thurs Mon

Educator Discussion Group #1 Intended participants: All faculty newcomers. Meets twice a year for a meal followed by a discussion of 23 topics with members of the Executive Director’s Cabinet. Juan de Jesus

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: September 17, 2009



Sep. 24



Min: 10 people Max: 25 Thurs

EDU 594 Elements of Continuous School Improvement in American/International Schools A general orientation covering all aspects of the SACS/CASI AdvancED accreditation and school improvement process. Materials used during this offering include the American-International School Standards; Accreditation and School Improvement, The Handbook for the Next Generation; and Accreditation for Quality Schools: A Practitioner’s Guide. If applicable, copies of a school’s current School Improvement Plan and supporting documents may also be used. This offering includes multiple sessions scheduled throughout a school year to provide training and assignments/tasks that would provide the foundation of a school improvement process. This option combines on-site practicum work with on-line instructional hours. Dr. Patricia Woodruff

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: August 21, 2009



Min: 18 people Max: 25

Sep. 26-Oct 3

14:45-19:00 16:00-20:00 TBA

Mon, Tue, Thurs, & Fri Wednesday Saturday

EDF 689 Methods and Techniques of Educational (required before having earned 15 semester hours towards the degree) A study of the background of educational research: selection and development of research problems; sources of information and data; methods of educational research; tools and techniques of educational research; collection, treatment, application, and interpretation of research data; organizing and developing a research project. (Students take this course as a prerequisite to EDU 690 Master’s Project which is offered in the Spring.) Drs. Susan Baum & Henry Nicols

Location: online

Registration Deadline: August 21, 2009



Independent Study

Sep. 26-Dec 1

Introduction to Library Electronic Resources Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Having your students do an investigation can be tricky. This course will help teachers guide their students to the investigation resources that are age and content appropriate. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Sept. 28 & 29 Oct. 1 Apr. 8

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues Thurs Thurs

Behavior Management Strategies That Work in Your Classroom Intended participants: A voluntary, one-time session for interested faculty and professional staff who wish to broaden their repertoire of preventive intervention strategies.


Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: September 15, 2009



Sep. 22



Min: 5 people Max: 12 Tues

Examine Student Data Through the Lens of Unit Questions Intended participants: A voluntary, one-time session for interested faculty and professional staff who utilize assessment data to impact instruction and curriculum development. TBA

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: September 21, 2009



Min: 5 people Max: 12

Sep. 29



Test Design & the Weighting of Grades Intended participants: A voluntary, one-time session for interested faculty who wish to improve the quality of their evaluation instruments and their weighting of grades. TBA

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: September 29, 2009



Min: 5 people Max: 12

Oct 6



Introduction to GarageBand Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. iLife’s GarageBand software allows users to create music or podcasts. Participants will learn how to record voice, add music and special effects, and integrate it into their lessons. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Oct. 5-15 Jan. 18 & 28 Apr. 19

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs

Introduction to iMovie Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. iMovie is Mac software that allows users to create movies from video and/or still images. This course will teach you how to import videos from a camera, to create movies from images, and to edit movies with menus and chapters. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Oct. 19-29 Jan. 19 & 25 Apr. 15

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs Tues, Mon Thurs

Designing Alternative Assessments Intended participants: A voluntary, one-time session for interested faculty and professional staff who wish to broaden their repertoire of alternative assessment strategies. TBA

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: October 13, 2009



Min: 5 people Max: 12

Oct. 20




Introduction to Word Processing and Refresher Course Intended participants: interested faculty, professional staff and classified staff (administrative assistants and secretaries). Word and Pages are the standard in word processing software. From writing letters to creating books, these tools are powerful. The introductory course will explain the basic tools and use of the software. The intermediate course will include the use of tables, creating forms, and using references. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. Location: CTE C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora Basic and Intermediate levels



Nov. 3-12

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs

Learn to Lead – Improve Performance Intended participants: A voluntary, one-time session for interested faculty and professional staff who wish to enhance their leadership skills and their impact within collaborative peer activities. Tracy Miller

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: November 3, 2009



Nov. 10

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Tues

Introduction to Spreadsheets and Refresher Course Intended participants: interested faculty, professional staff and classified staff (administrative assistants and secretaries). In this course, participants will learn how to use Excel or Numbers to create tables, databases, and graphs with spreadsheets. The introductory course will focus on simple databases and operations. The intermediate course will include customizing graphs and linking several databases. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Location: CTE Luca, P. Zamora Basic and Intermediate levels Basic and Intermediate levels



Nov. 17, 19 & 30 Dec. 1 & 3

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Tues, Thurs, Mon Tues, Thurs

EDU 604 Instructional Strategies for More Effective Teaching This course is designed to provide students with current techniques, strategies, and methods for improving instruction such as multiple intelligences, differentiation of instruction, problem-based learning as well as numerous others. Dr. Terry Neu

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: October 23, 2009



Min: 18 people Max: 25

Dec. 3-12

14:45-19:00 16:00-20:00 TBA

Mon, Tue, Thurs, & Fri Wednesday Saturday


Introduction to Presentation Software and Refresher Course Intended Participants: interested faculty, professional staff and classified staff (administrative assistants and secretaries). Participants will learn how to make professional presentations in either PowerPoint or Keynotes that will capture the attention of their audience. The basic course includes inserting text, pictures, and adding effects. The intermediate course will focus on adding multimedia and the proper combination of colors and text. Only a 45-minute workshop is required. Dates:


Basic & Intermediate levels

Dec. 7, 8, 10

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Basic & Intermediate levels

Jan. 11, 12, 14

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

C. Guerrero & CTIs

Location: CTE

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs Mon, Tues, Thurs

EDC 601 Instructional Technologies (Online) Instructional uses of multimedia and the Internet; discussion of the hardware and software necessary for multimedia and Internet productions; integration of multimedia components into classroom instruction using presentation software and website development. Dr. Barry Jo Price

Location: Online

Registration Deadline: November 20, 2009



Min: 20 people Max: 25

Jan. 11 – Feb 22

EDU 690 Master's Project (Online for students graduating this semester) A culminating, required project undertaken by one or more individuals on a problem of special interest (cannot be approved until the student has completed 24 semester hours). Pre-requisite: EDF 689 Methods and Techniques of Educational Research Dr. Susan Baum & Dr. Hank Nicols

Location: Online

Registration Deadline: December 10, 2009



Independent Study

Feb 1 – May 31

Educator Discussion Group #2 Intended participants: All faculty newcomers. Meets twice a year with a meal followed by a discussion of 2-3 topics with members of the Executive Director’s Cabinet. Juan de Jesus

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: January 8, 2010



Jan. 14


Min: 10 people Max: 25

Introduction to Photoshop Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Photoshop is Adobe’s powerful photography editor that gives users the opportunity to enhance their pictures. Participants will learn how to modify a picture using Photoshop’s tools and effects. Only a 45minute workshop is required. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Feb. 15-25 Apr. 20

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40


Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs Tues

Come to the Fair! - Opportunities for Peer Expertise Sharing Intended presenters: everyone who wishes to demonstrate leadership by sharing their strengths interactively might apply. Tracy Miller

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: January 11, 2010



Min: 10 people Max: 25

Feb. 18



Introduction to Flash Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Flash, a program included in Adobe's Suite, is a powerful tool that allows users to make anything from simple animations to interactive material like web pages and games. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Mar. 1-4

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tue, Thurs

ECC Technology Integration Week Intended participants: interested ECC faculty and staff. This course will focus on how technology can be incorporated into the teachers' planning through different software and hardware. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Min: 5 people Max: 12

Mar. 8-11


All week

Introduction to Portable Files (pdf) Intended participants: interested faculty, professional staff and classified staff (administrative assistants and secretaries). This course will provide the tools for creating PDF interactive or read-only documents and forms with Adobe Professional. The Portable Document Format is the industry standard for documents. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Mar. 16-25

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs

EDL 704 Seminar in Education Change Issues in K-12 educational leadership, change and policy; functions of theories, practices, and philosophies in problem solving, decision making, group collaboration, and facilitation. Site-based, action research project required. Dr. John Jordan

Location: TBA

Registration Deadline: March 5, 2010



Min: 18 people Max: 25

Apr. 17-24

14:45-19:00 16:00-20:00 TBA

Mon, Tue, Thurs, & Fri Wednesday Saturday


Introduction to SketchUp Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Google's Sketchup is freeware software that is useful in creating 3-D models. The focus of this course is to introduce its tools and applications. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



Apr. 22

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Thurs

Introduction to Inspiration/Kidspiration Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Both Kidspiration (K-5) and Inspiration (6-12) are applications that let the user create mind-maps. This course will teach the tools and applications for integrating them into the curriculum. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora Inspiration Kidspiration

Location: CTE



Apr. 26 Apr. 27

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40 14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon Tues

Introduction to Professional Blogging Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Blogs are web pages intended for sharing information and opinions, in an open or controlled environment. What participants will learn in this course is how to make a blog and how it can be useful for their teaching. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



May 4-11, 20

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs

Introduction to Wiki Intended participants: interested faculty and professional staff. Wikis are now important collaborative learning tools that are used in education throughout the world. In this course, participants will learn how to make Wikis and how to integrate these into the curriculum. C. Guerrero, J. De Luca, P. Zamora

Location: CTE



May 13-20

14:45-15:30 or 7:00-7:40

Min: 5 people Max: 12 Mon, Tues, Thurs

Guidelines to Standards for SACS CASI/AdvancEd Accreditation Event



In-service seminars, workshops and meetings 10 hours ½ semester hour Presentations 25 minutes ½ semester hour Publications 2000 words ½ semester hour Meetings/Conventions 12 hours ½ semester hour Participation in institutional self-study or an Year long ½ semester hour accreditation peer review team Relevant semester hours of accredited university Required hours Actual hours course awarded Advanced degree earned in a field pertinent to the Required hours 3 semester hours teaching assignment Workshops, seminars and conferences 120 hours 6 semester hours All professional personnel must earn at least six semester hrs of credit or the equivalent during each 5 years of employment



Name of Teacher___________________________________________ Employee #_______________ Division:____________________________ Year 2009-2010 Title


MODULES/SCHOOL IN SERVICE No. Hours No. Equivalent Credits



CONFERENCES No. Hours No. Equivalent Credits




GRADUATE COURSES No. Hours No. Equivalent Credits




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