1 minute read

Description of the unit

Description of the content of the unit

In this CLIL unit, learners will find different activities that will help them to develop their communicative language and allow them to identify the importance of ecosystems in nature. • DBAs (Subject matter and Language) The development of English grammar based on Simple present, using the affirmative form and wh question. This grammatical component will be practiced through different kinds of activities which involve all the skills necessary in English (reading, listening, writing, speaking). In addition, the application of content based on Biology (Colombian terrestrial Ecosystems) Will allow the students to strengthen the 4’s of the CLIL component, making different activities that will help them in the cognitive, cultural, Content understanding and Communication aspects. In addition the content use will develop the critical thinking ability according to the importance of ecosystems. • General Objectives This unit attempts to develop the communicative language using Content as the medium to complement the learning process, as in the language acquirement, as in content knowledge. • Topics (of the three lessons) The unit is based in Colombian terrestrial ecosystem, it is divided into three subtopics 1. Descriptions of ecosystems 2.Characteristics of ecosystems 3. Cultural Impact that ecosystems have in our life • Communicative Skills to be developed This unit searches to develop the whole skills parts (reading, listening, writing, speaking) in the learners, through different kinds of activities based on the grammatical component: Simple Present tense.


• Materials To develop the unit, learners will have different kinds of activities such as readings, videos, poster design, presentations, and puzzle games.

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