4 minute read

Lesson 2: Characteristics

Reading comprehension

4. Let's read the next information, then express your ideas


Paramo (Páramo)

This ecosystem is typical of the mountains in Colombia. It can be found in the Andean region. It has a cold climate and does not always have water available, so its vegetation is mainly herbaceous. The characteristic animals of the area are rabbits (conejos), field mice (ratones de campo), deer (ciervos), curies, foxes (zorros), and pumas.

Importance The paramos have characteristics that make them vital, as they provide very relevant ecosystem services. They are home to unique species in the world: six out of 10 species of plants found in the moors only live there. They fulfill crucial mitigation and adaptation functions to climate change; the concentration of organic matter in the soils of the páramos allows carbon to store carbon in a better proportion than in other ecosystems.

Tropical forest (Selva tropical)

It is the type of ecosystem with the most diversity of flora and fauna in the world. In Colombia, it is found in the Andes region, the Pacific in the Chocó, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and the Serranía de la Macarena. The tropical forest has very developed vegetation, and the trees remain green. It has high temperatures and lots of rain during the year. Among the typical fauna of this area we can find "El ciervo sabanero", "el chigüiro", "el corocora rojo", "el mono cotudo", the tiger (el tigre), and the black mamba (la cobra negra).

Importance help stabilize the world's climate; maintains the water cycle protect against floods, drought, and erosion they have human populations in many regions; provide a home for many plants and animals.


It is an ecosystem characterized by low rainfall and very low water saturation in the environment; an example of this ecosystem is La Guajira and Barranquilla. The species that inhabit this ecosystem adapt to living under these extreme conditions; for example, the cacti (cactus) store water in their leaves. The animals of the place are small reptiles (reptiles), snakes (serpientes), insects (insectos), arachnids (aracnidos), eagles (águilas), among others.

Importance Deserts are a crucial biome. Not only for the sand! They are important mainly thanks to all the plants and animals that live in them. Some of the animals that live in the hot desert are cold-blooded animals, such as snakes, insects, and lizards.

Plains (llanos)

The plains that Colombia has are the Orinoquia, the Amazon, the Pacific plain, the Caribbean plain. The plains are lands that do not have high elevations; in that sense, they are flat. In Colombia, the most recognized plain is “los llanos orientales” Where we can find the capybara (chiguiro), the otter (nutria), the ant-eater (oso hormiguero), and the crocodile.

Importance The plains have 32.4% of the country's water wealth. A water potential of 1,661 million liters of water per day, which is equivalent to 27% of the national total. More than 154 strategic ecosystems, with swamps, swamps, wetlands, and lagoons. It has great treasures and special natural areas such as the Tuparro National Park, declared a world biosphere reserve by Unesco, the Mataven Forest, Caño Cristales, the Calaballo hill, and the La Esperanza reserve, among others. The challenge we have in the region is to harmonize the processes associated with economic growth and human development with the protection of the environment, which is also a source of wealth and prosperity.


4. In your opinion, give three reasons why ecosystems are important. You can use expressions such as:

- I think... - In my point of view... - It is importan because... - I believe that... - In my opinion...

C O L O M B I A I S T H E S E C O N D P L A C E I N T H E W O R L D W I T H M O R E B I O D I V E R S I T Y , A N D T H E C U R I O U S F A C T I S T H A T H A L F O F T H E T E R R I T O R Y I S C O N F O R M E D B Y F O R E S T , B E I N G T H E H O M E O F S E V E R A L D I F F E R E N T S P E C I E S O F P L A N T S A N D A N I M A L S .

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