The Gospel of Justin

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Cal Poly Pomona, Fall 2015

Welcome back to class, how was your summer?

Meh, it was chill.

I want you to draw 60 logo variations.


And when you're done with that, refine them all!


typo gr aphi cal

re p re s e n ta tio n a l

abs t rac t

Justin starts by drawing up thumbnail sketches, inspired by a variety of shapes.





Tr a n s p a r e n c y

G r a ff i t i

He refined his ideas and applied several styles to them.

Then he narrowed it down to two choices.

Are those your logo designs? Yeah, why? It looks like the logo for the company we are working with in Web class. Okay, thanks for the heads up.

They're called Store Local.

Hallway, five minutes before class.

"The true test of piracy or not is to ascertain whether the defendant has, in fact,used the plan, arrangements, and illustrations of the plaintiff, as the model of his own book, with colorable alterations and variations only to disguise the use thereof;"

It has come to my attention that my first logo choice is simillar to another company's.

I have never even heard of this company until fifteen minutes ago.

I have decided to go with my other idea, just to be safe.

"Or whether his work is the result of his own labor, skill, and use of common materials and common sources of knowledge, open to all men, and the resemblances are either accidental or arising from the nature of the subject."

"In other words, whether the defendant’s book is, quoad hoc, a servile or evasive imitation of the plaintiff’s work, or a bona fide original compilation from other common or independent sources." -from Emerson v. Davies, 8 F. Cas. 615, 623 (C.C.D. Mass. 1845)

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF APPROPRIATION Ju sti n sa i d, " M y plan A is to always pr epar e a plan B. "

1. THOU SHALT have standards in the act of design.

6. THOU SHALT NOT blame the purpose of education.

2. THOU SHALT NOT make unto thee, stolen images.

7. THOU SHALT NOT use sources without permission.

3. THOU SHALT copy and distribute out-of-print images.

8. THOU SHALT NOT copy reference and work books.

4. REMEMBER to reverse-image search thy own work.

9. THOU SHALT NOT throw away any process work.

5. HONOR THY credit any sources thoust use in thy work.

10. THOU SHALT NOT assume anything about anything.

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