The clatter of rattles disturbs the dream of the Danube: the grin of masks painted with blood awakens the countryside from the night. Roosters go crazy crowing on Szársomlyó Hill, and black cats pulling a plough run on the ridge. They are chased by the devil. The sun doesn’t sleep anymore; it urges figures frozen in stone to start moving. None of them do; they stare down silently from Jacob’s Hill, frozen in dispute.
Where the Drava flows, peaks grow like mushrooms. Traditional folk houses on feet are the spots on their cap. And ice floes swim a race on the river that is always running late. The song of a muezzin calls for prayer from the mountain, and the dignified figure of Miklós Zrínyi says no to the peculiar sound. Suddenly the scent of yeast dumplings, sausage, Šokci bean soup, spicy pepper, onion and tomato dish, and fisherman’s soup tempts the stomach. And the red wine flows: it colours the glass and the soul, and tells of the grapes. Between the Drava and the Danube, furthest down and sout