1 minute read
Eat and drink your way to fabulous skin.
The skin is our body’s largest organ, protecting everything on the inside as well as assailants from the outside like pollution, bacteria and temperature.
Dietitian Amy Croft talks to reporter Jo Henwood on how to treat your skin with the respect it deserves and keep it looking healthy for spring.
“We should drink about two litres of water or six to eight glasses a day – but it’s easy to forget. I try to carry a bottle with clear markers on how much to drink and when. Another option is to set alarms throughout the day. If, like me, you aren’t keen on drinking water, add a little sugar free cordial.
Coffee and tea count towards your fluid intake – but alcoholic drinks don’t. Include pure juice but limit yourself to one glass a day as it’s high in natural sugars. Remember to drink more when it’s hot or after exercising.”

Amy's clearly marked water bottle

Dietitan Amy Croft - Instagram: eatingwith.amy