1 minute read
By Jo Henwood
Paula enjoys travelling and taking up new challenges. She recently went to London to pay her respects to the Queen and soaked up the atmosphere in Liverpool for the Eurovision Song Contest.
She also lives with anxiety and depression. In the past when she felt isolated, fear sometimes led to panic. Desperate to speak to someone and seeking reassurance, Paula would call the local crisis team or dial 999 for an ambulance or police assistance.
“I’d panic, I didn’t know what else to do” she says. “I felt that no one really understood what it felt like when I was very low.”
Through the programme Paula is now supported by Elaine Bartley from Sefton Council for Voluntary Services. The two now speak regularly, and Elaine offers moral support and motivation.
Paula has begun reading about mental health to better understand her condition. She’s on new medication and is contemplating talking therapies.
Testament to Elaine’s positive input is that Paula’s reablement team hasn’t needed to be involved in supporting her since she’s had the benefit of Elaine’s support.
Most of all Paula now feels she’s being listened to. “Elaine has seen me during my ups and my downs, she understands and motivates me,” she says poignantly.
“I look forward to speaking to her and if I have a problem, I know I can ring her –she’s there for me.“
Supporting people with severe mental illness, with a history of lengthy admissions to psychiatric hospital to live better, more meaningful lives in the community.
Sean’s Place
Sefton seansplace.org.uk Tel: 0151 922 5444
Providing learning based opportunities to help manage mental health, reduce isolation and loneliness, develop skills and live independently in the community.
Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (CVS)
Sefton seftoncvs.org.uk
Southport office: 01704 517810
Waterloo office: 0151 920 0726
Providing trained support workers to work with people who regularly attend emergency departments to improve their independence and develop coping strategies to prevent further crises.
Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services
Tel: 0151 227 5177
Email: info@lcvs.org.uk
Voluntary and Community Action (VCA)
Warrington, Halton, Knowsley and St Helens
Connecting with patients being discharged from Mersey Care inpatient and community services to support their transition.