Hanze University of Applied Sciences Home Assignment JULIEN-IGOR LIN
Research & Design Shui Xian Gong( 水仙宮 )Traditional Market Introduction
Shui xian gong( 水仙宮 )traditional market is the oldest market and temple in Tainan city, Taiwan. It was built at 1694, since then, vendors and store managers move into this market and maintained until now. I passed through this traditional market every day when I was in secondary and high school. However, I never entered this due to it was every dark and terrible looked from outside. This subject gave me an opportunity to pay attention on this area.
Main Idea
Rush Hour
After Rush Hour
Three major issue 1. hygiene problem 2. overuse of Styrofoam boxes 3. single occupancy area Some features I used in my design. 1. Chinese Acupuncture design method Use the method like Chinese Acupuncture as a basic idea of my design. I only changed and developed 3 points, and let it influence the whole area 2. Add new design instead of remove old & historic design Instead of remove the whole construction and create a new area, I choose to add some designs and changed only a little bit of that area, which will affect the traditional market naturally, so that I can protect traditional history but also develop the weak points. 3. Taiwanese traditional Temple activities Add Taiwanese traditional Temple activities in this area. The market was built because of the temple, therefore, it is virtual important to remain the traditional temple activities in the Shui xian gong traditional market.
Hygiene Problem
Lake of sunlight After rush hour, the traditional market become dark and dirty, although the original settings have the higher roof top and used translucent material. However, after many years, the roof material changed and sheltered the sunlight, which is the main reason that the market is lake of sunlight.
My idea
Raining day or the sunlight is too strong
Obstruct sun light
Wonderful day
Hygiene Problem
Design Idea 1.Water Recycle Because of Roof inclination, the water from rain will assemble at the lower parts of roof in each units. 2.Human Energy The whole construction only requires human power, which are able to control panels movement. 3.Units Control There will be 25-30 units in Shui xian gong market, so it is possible that vendors can control thier roof of different area. Elevation
Plan Perspective
Raining day or the sunlight is too strong
Obstruct sun light
Wonderful day
4.Traditional Celebration Ta i w a n t r a d i t i o n a l ceremony is the crucial e ve nt i n Ta i wa n , t h e zone between pillars can be used for different events.
Overuse Of Styrofoam Boxes B e ca u s e S h u i x i a n gong traditional ma r ke t is fa mo u s of seafood and dif feren t sor t of shellfish. It requires low temperature and need ice to keep th e s ea f ood f res h . However, this market don’t provide ice, so the fish man need to bring their person ice, which also demand l o t s of S t y r of o a m boxes to carry.
The development idea I design an ice supply station at the center of the traditional market and I include five features to create this ice system. 1. Sound - When ice collided with others, the sound makes human feel refreshing. 2. Vision – When visitors enter the market and see lots of ice at the center, it let people feel cool. 3. Feeling – The ice keep the temperature cool 4. Function – Ice can be used for seafood. 5. Water recycle – Water from ice can be reuse on flower market or clean. Location
Single Occupancy Area
The original settings The traditional market was built with concrete and stainless steel. After noon, the markets close and left the huge area. However, at this time the market become dark and unsanitary, which are every wasted of the area.
My idea I try to bring different kind of markets to this area, such as flower market, art market or even some restaurants which sell fish or meat directly from the morning market. In this way, the traditional market would not be just morning market.
Stdio design
Train sketch
Bike sketch
Big data idea
Big data idea
Aircraft sketch
Market design
Sky Footpath
Note of Johann Geiger speech
Kitch design
Shose box design
Market design
Market design
Market design
Market design
Market design
Space sketch
Space sketch
NAVY ship sketch
Items Sketch
Hand sketch
Hand sketch
Hand sketch
Kitch design & Ergonomics
Thank you! Home Assignment JULIEN-IGOR LIN