Exploded view of the watch.
JULIEN-IGOR LIN MINERVA ART ACADEMY Product design Bachelor Phone: +31 649537628 Email: julienlin82@gmail.com Hello! My name is Julien and I am originally from Taiwan. In order to achieve sustainability and redesign the product, my main focus is to observe and learn from the nature. I am enthusiastic about camping in a wild nature, traveling and cooking since it inspires me in the multiple ways of preparation. It is important to challenge yourself through-out the creative process, therefore I set my goal to focus on the quality rather than quantity.
2018 BEYOND THE LAB: the DIY Science Revolution Exhibition
EDUCATION 2016 - Present
Hanze Minerva Art Academy Produc
2018 Try Out, A Choreography of Making Exhibition
2017 A smart thread Hella Jongerius Exhibition
2014 - 2015
2015-2016 NAVY Service
Tamkang University Architecture ma
2013-2015 Internship of DADA Art Company
2013 Setouchi Triennale Art Festival 2009
2012 - 2014
2009 Echigo Tsumari Art Field
Chinese Culture University Landsca 2014
IKEA Squeegee Project
The Shell Of Life
OCTA - Try out
WAVE Watch Machines
Tree Light
Time Language
WAVE Sitting Object
Personal Space
ct design
aster course
ape Design
SKILLS Cinema 4D
InDesign Lightroom Photoshop Premiere Pro After Effects
IKEA Squeegee Project Decompose and redesign squeegee
Chopsticks Re-designing the squeegee’s purpose with minimal change of material and cut. In the process of making, it was noticeable that each cut out of the plastic handle was different. It made me think of the variousity in larger scale production. Hand polished, each pair of chopsticks is adjusted by hand.
Gloves After de-constructing the plastic parts of squeegee, I calculated the meaussurements of my right hand and created new structure. Customised gloves, based on the size of my hand, each section is interlocked with each other, the tiniest change in connection affects the comfort of use.
Machines of Time Exploded view of the watch
Focusing on the inside of the precise mechanism of hand watch. Taking it apart and seperating each detail. The components inside the watch are functional as much they are stunning individually.
Functionless machine The symbolic meaning of time
'All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain'
- Blade Runner , 1982
nism by
encing the shapes of the components in the watch, I recreated the seperate parts of mechanism in plastic.
y time is presented after multiple detail interaction with each other. I was interested to effect the mecha-
y my own pace and feel of time. The motion resulted into chaos.
Functional machine The wave machine that sensors human heart rate
Based on the human heart rate, the sensor passed the motion unto the gears, which eventually made waves in the water. The sensor: Reads the pulse, Powers the motor.
Inspired by the shape of pringles chips. Is it possible to band the thin aircraft wood in two directions? Mold I created a system that does not require a clamp, but only the use of a nut in order to give the pressure for the mold.
Yoga-meditation posture with balance. The hole in the centre of the object allows the user to carry it on the go.
WAVE Sitting Object
The Shell of Life Mutualism or Parasitism
Observation Naturally, after a period of time, by the effect of wind and sand, the structure of seashell become fragile and the colour changes.
Visual change In research I discovered that polyurethane material smilary to shell changed it’s colour while exposed to UV light.
Life form For the experimentation of “Mutualism or Parasitism� I decided to use Red garnet giant as the prefect choice for growing it in the shell.
Awareness Inspired by the organic and natural ways of shells, I decided to apply the forms on the shape that would be suitable to place on a persons waist line, therefore it would visually represent mutualism or parasitism.
My main questions were: Is it Mutualism? Or is it parasitism? How can it be seen and what does it give?
I made the edge of plastic form quite sharp and uncomfortable for the user. This way expressing the Parastism effect “ The one way benefit“.
Each units have specific place with soil which offer nutrient for the plants.
The outcome.
The Shell of Life What is the reation between human and plants? We can not survive without plasnts. But do plants need us?
Personal space Foldable personal area
Within the amazement of spinning top, I was curious to discover the possibilities within the aim to make the outline collapsable. Reflecting on the spinning tops untouchable movement, I decided to unite the possible use of personal space with it.
n collaboration with my study partner, we discovered the numerous
ossibilities of diamond shape and assemblage. Our task was to make
hape collapsable.
y using laser cut and wooden borad material, we challenged ourselves
ith connection possibilies, friction and transformation from one shape
o another.
Performance -Time languages By repeating the words “Bù xìnrèn (meaning ‘distrust’ in Chinese), and waves and hesitate” in english for two hours. I used language as a weapon to make a progress in self-destruction. Presenting the simplest form, in terms of languages, can be overwhelimg. At the end of the processe, the two different languages combined into one similar sound. During the performance, I felt the effect on my tongue by constant word repetition. At one point my body language and the tone acted in a way of prayer.
Villa Savoye model The final result of personal practise of interior and architecture design of Villa Savoye
Hand Stimulater A device for hands
Animation Animation practice for cinema 4D model created.
Hand Model A sketch and abstraction of my hand into points, lines and plane. Observation of nature. Precise depiction into geometrical shapes of low and high points.
Tree light The rings of growth
Inspired by the annual rings of trees Through out process of making, i tried different materials - metal and wood Hand cut circle shapes. Exploring the characteristics of steel rust
Hand cut steel, sanded an Expected rust within time.
Prefect round plastic sheets. Polished and spray painted.
nd polished.
Exploring the connections. Observations of the casted shadows.
Tree light The rings of growth
JULIEN-IGOR LIN Phone: +31 649537628 Email: julienlin82@gmail.com