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Table of Contect I. Introduction


II. Extracurricular Activities


III. Experience


IV. College Projects


V. Personal Creations


VI. Intern Projects


Personal Detail

Academy History



2014-2015 Taiwan NAVY 2014 Architecture master degree in Tamkang University 2013-2015 Internship of DADA Art Company 2013 Setouchi Triennale Art Festival 2012 3rd place of Breaststroke of university swimming competition 2012-2014 Chinese Culture University Landscape Design 2010 South Taiwan Kendo competition 2009-2012 Tainan Tzu-Chi Senior High School 2009 Echigo Tsumari Art Field 2008 160km Road Bike achievement 1996 Back to Taiwan



1993 Born in France


Hello! My name is Julien-igor Lin. I was born in France in 1993. At three, I came back to my parents' hometown, Taiwan. I studied Landscape Design in Chinese Culture University in Taiwan from 2012 to 2014. At that time I also sat in the course Architectural Design in TamKang University and started to feel a strong desire to study abroad in order to expand my horizons and prepare for my future career. I decided to undertake my academic pursuit in the Netherlands because since childhood I have been fond of riding the bike and because the Netherlands impresses me as the kingdom of bike riding. Also, due to my enthusiasm for motorcycles and bikes I chose Industrial Design as my major. Therefore, I quit college in Taiwan 2014, finished Taiwanese military service 2015 and then prepared for application to colleges in the Netherlands.


Extracurricular Activities Cycling was the first outdoor activity I really loved and participated in during my secondary school years. It is not exaggerating to say t h a t c ycl i n g o p en e d my mind to speed and built up my physical strength. I still remember well that the 160 km Road Bike Challenge, w h i c h I to o k p a r t i n i n 2009, was so difficult that I wanted to quit several times. However, I made it with such endurance and persistence I established during prior training that I kept telling myself not to give up. In the end, though arriving at the finish line among the last ones, I still considered it a great triumph. Though I haven’t undertaken any longdistance cycling event since then, I have never stopped and will never stop cycling.


160km Road Bike achievement Secondary school

I n h i g h s c h o o l , I chose kendo as my major club activity. After practicing it for some time, I loved i t s o m u c h t h a t I lear ned i t furth er under the guidance of the club teacher i n h i s s t u d i o . I learned undisturbed patience when facing r iva l s a n d f i n a l ly won s eco nd place in Southern Taiwan Kendo Competition.

Kendo competition High school

Since military service i s r e q u i r e d f o r a l l Ta i w a n e s e m a l e s , I signed up for NAVY to f i n i s h my s e r vi c e. I t was not until I joined the navy that I found I am not vulnerable to seasickness. I learned l o t s o f t h i n g s a b o u t s a i l i n g a n d c o o k i n g because in the second half of my military year I w as t ra ns fe r re d to kitchen as a chef. I also g o t t o m a ke f r i e n d s w it h people from all walks of life. It was one memorable and fruitful year.

S i nc e I j o i ne d cycl i n g, I f o u n d t h a t I r e a l l y enjoyed fast speed and the changing scenes flying past. After I obtained my rider’s license at 18, I was so lucky to be allowed by my father to ride his BMW motorcycle that I made my dream come true. One of my goals is to ride through Eurasia.

Bmw motorcycle riding University

Taiwan NAVY serive 4.

Experience 2009 Echigo Tsumari Art Field In 2009, I volunteered i n th e Echi go Ts u mar i Art Field in Japan when I graduated from secondary school. I learned how to build a wall from scratch with traditional skills. I greatly enjoyed the first experience of participating in construction. Also I understood more about concrete and Taiwanese red bricks. No doubt, the trip really inspired me in going into design and architecture.


2013 Setouchi Triennale Art Festival

In 2013, I volunteered in Setouchi Triennale Art Festival in Japan to help build a huge seed boat as a symbol of hope and journey. It was a very complicated project, which required much time and manpower, with ten people working endlessly for one month, disregarding the advance preparation in Taiwan. I learned both professional knowledge and skills from collaborating in this wooden work of art under the instruction of five highly-skilled Taiwanese aborigines. By working in the sun, I sweated and laughed to my heart's content while developing my teamwork skills and familiarizing myself with the characteristics of wood.


TAIWANESE TRADITIONAL TEMPLE CEREMONIAL PREFORMANCE The highlight of the Setouchi Triennale Ar t Festival came w ith us m arching in proc essi ons and presenting performances on four islands during the last week . My team put on a series of Taiwanese traditio nal temple ceremo nial preformances. Those were quite hard days but were awesome, memorable experiences. We toiled at the beach during the daytime and practiced our preformance during the evenings. We visited four islands and brought the blessings to the residents and toursits in accordance with the tradition of the Festival.


College Project Image of Hometown

This was the first design project I created in the freshmen year at Chinese Culture University. The professor required us to do research on my hometown and create a model to describe it. My hometown is Yangmingshan, which is located in nothern Taipei City. The research results were presented with two posters (left). The model (bottom right) was composed with leaves, cobblestones and soil, all of which I collected from my old community. Finally, I added a human touch to the model by attaching to it a very old photo in which I was playing with several of my playmates in the grove about 17 years ago.


Skyscraper Park Project

T h i s w a s t h e f r i s t a r c h i t e c t u r e m o d e l I created after I entered th e L an d sc ape d es i g n course.This let me know how to observe and used the material to built the project model.


American Military Housing A The project located at Ya n g M i n g m o u n t a i n w h i c h w a s t h e m a i n area for those American officer to stay. The most si gni ficant featu re of American living houses was the garden design ,which was rarely could be seen in Taiwanese houses. What's more, I use the green house ecofriendly idea to design this old house.


Tree House


It was almost impossible for Taiwanese to have our personal tree house. Even so, I still had a dream, an ideal plan of my personal tree house, which was set to exist in the near future with snow all over the ground, where people had to find new ways to survive. For this reason, when the college professor assigned the tree house project, I was so excited that there was already a comprehensive idea in my mind. In this project, I kept testing over and over again to find the most suitable material to present my idea. I also focused on the interior and furniture design. Additionally, my design enabled me to deliver my motorbike from the ground level to the tree house.

Small Park Project This i s a little park between apartments in taiwan urban area, wh ich i s the centre of Taipei. I add some crazy idea, such as used minor to let the main road looked longer and put a waterfall, in this project.


American Military Housing B This was the second militar y housing project I created. The main issue was the limited area of the lot and the fixed indoor and outdoor areas.Therefore, I designed the garden larger than it used to be and replaced the old windows with mobile French windows, which can be opened so that the interior area can be extended to the open space. At that time, my main focus was on constructing the model.


Personal Creations All Round Face Sketch

I took eleven photos of my face to draw the details of myself. I learned that different angles show different shadows and details of the face. By doing this sketch, I had the opportunity to get to know myself better.


Hand & Boxes This idea came to my mind when I thought about what would happen when items kept popping out from human hands. First I focused on observing the details of hands and then I concentrated on falling boxes. To get more specific images, I made a model of falling boxes and observed it from different angles. Finally the Hand & Boxes sketch was created by combining observations of the two main objects, the hand and the falling boxes.


Hand Model After finished Hand & Boxes Sketch project, I intensively studied the construction of my hand. Frist I use the sketch of last project and then decomposed it into simple points, lines and plane. Second I sketched then Restructured and entered next procedure, model. Third step was much more difficult than other two steps, because it is too meticulously. As a result, I used the method which was build-and-fix model at the same time, which took me woe week endless created this model.


Solid & Liquid Model


Once, I kept thinking if it’s possible to combine the hard solid and soft liquid into one single model. Then plaster struck me as the perfect substance to materialize this idea. After some quick sketching, I created two models. The first one was a test model (bottom left) made by setting a Styrofoam cube inside an acrylic box and then filling the cube with plaster. Making the second model (below) was much more interesting. First I dropped some lacquer thinner into a Styrofoam cube and let it erode irregularly. Then I filled the eroded space with plaster. After the plaster dried, I eroded the rest of the Styrofoam cube. I infused the liquid material into the solid successfully.


Item sketch

Shoes cabinet design

Dream home design

Kitchen design

Personal studio design

Loading system design


Inset idea

Big data idea

Dictionary & big data idea


Transformable Railway Model I used foam core and nai ls to create a crude model of transformable railway with tiny uniform pieces. One day in 2015 when I was on the train back to the NAVY camp, it occurred to me what if the railway system is three-dimensional i n s t e a d of o n l y l y i n g on the ground? With some very quick sketch, I created this model to show the possiblity of a roller-coaster-like railway system.


Tracing practice


Tracing practice


Tracing practice


Intern Projects In 2013 and 2014, I did i n s t e r n s h i p i n DA D A A r t Company and made a few models to attend some official competiti ons. For this reason, although these models were much easier t han those fo r uni ver sit y projects, I wrecked my brian on creating the high-quality a n d m e t i c ul ou s p a t t e r ns because I was in full charge of them and because I set a high standard for myself and also for the professional competitions.



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