English Diphthongs

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CLOSING DIPTHONGS. The sound /ei/ is usually written with the letters:


baby, face, late, page, place, same, take. (The final "e" indicates that "a" is pronounced /ei/. without this final "e" the pronunciation would be a vowel, e.g. Sam [ sæm], bath [ba:θ]

"AY": "Al": "EA":

day, say, stay, today, way. rain Spain, train, wait. great, weight, steak,

Other spellings grey, they, break, eight. There is a similar diphthong in Spanish: ley ) lady. Reina ) raining Some words to transcribe: Paper: [peip?]; sail [seil]; radio[reidi?u]; James [dYeimz]; railway [reilwei]; station [steiRn]; newspaper [nju:speip?]; date [deit]. 2. /əu/ or /ou/ or /əT/. This has two sounds /e/ and /u/ or /T/. The second element of the diphthong is very short and the first one is longer than /e/.The lips at the beginning are in a neutral position and then gradually rounded as the tongue rises to make /u/. Spelling. The sound /eu/ is usually written with the letters: - o: go, hello, no, old, only, hotel. - o...e: home, hole, nose, those. - oa: boat, coat, road, Joan. -ow: know, low, narrow, show, slow, throw, ... -ou: though, soul, shoulder. Some words: boat [beut]; Joan [dYeun]; Jones’s[dY?unziz]; hotel [h?u’tel]; hello[he’l?u]. 3. Dipthong /ai/

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