JCAM, Vol. 6, No. 1
Jared Simmons What is your professional name? Where were you born and does that place still influence you? Do you have family, friends, or fellow artists who support you in your work, life and art making and how do they make a difference in your life? My name is Jared Simmons, though I have used several names when desiring anonymity. I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. Living in a growing city has vastly influenced my digital interests and provided access to resources. My father and mother support my art, and they have supplied several resources for me to use to advance my developing career. I first began making art in elementary school for mandatory projects and I doodled in class to pass the time. At that time, I discovered that creating was something I absolutely had to do, and I made up my mind to have a career in art. Over time, my work has become more refined and stylized. In my work, I typically try to communicate emotion and conflict. When and how did you start making art? Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do? Why do you make art now? How has your work changed or developed over time? What are you trying to communicate with your art? When it comes to making art, I almost always start with a well formed idea. I then sketch out the basic form and fill it with detail from there. Of all the elements I enjoy using, I