Ho n o r i ng Vi s i o n
& maKing
DREAMS take flight w e d n e s day
December 2 nd
nat io na l bu i l di ng mus e um chaiR : JerRy CaRlson Managing Partner, Washington Metro Area, KPMG LLP
founding partners
l au re ates 2015
Seth Goldman
Honest Tea
Laureate induction into the Washington Business Hall of Fame is a lifetime achievement award for individuals who have made a major, positive impact on the Greater Washington Region. Inductees have consistently demonstrated business excellence; visionary, innovative leadership; and community involvement. Through these accomplishments, Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureates serve as role models for the next generation of our region’s leaders. prese n ted
sheila johnson
Salamander Hotels & Resorts, Monumental Sports & Entertainment
John Toups
Planning Research Corporation (Retired)
Capital One & KPMG
Joe Rigby
Pepco Holdings, Inc.
J. Scott Wilfong
SunTrust Bank, Greater Washington/Maryland (Retired)