JA in a Day: VA Teachers

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inspire the future IN JUST ONE DAY. JA in a Day n. 1.

an intensive, high-impact event in which volunteers partner with schools to give local students the tools they need to harness the vision to excel. Through interactive curriculum, students will walk away with a better understanding of the fundamentals of finances and how they impact our lives. 2. a unique opportunity for volunteers to share their abilities and ambition with the next generation of Greater Washington leaders, thinkers, and entrepreneurs and join Junior Achievement in its mission to inspire future generations to navigate their path to the American dream.

52,904 The number of students in DC, MD, and VA last year who were impacted because of teachers like you who opened their doors to JA.


Support the volunteers with classroom management

Remain in the classroom with the volunteers at all times

Make connections between what you have already taught and JA’s curriculum

Have your students write thank you notes and send them to JA

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