CATT-A-LOG December 2015

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Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe





Unlicensed Contractor Must Return $5 Million

CATT Renewal Incentive Program WIN A 50” FLAT-SCREEN TV!

by CATT Founding Member Jim Porter with Porter Simon, P.C.


alifornia courts have consistently denied unlicensed contractors the right to sue for their unpaid labor and materials. But that’s not all. It gets worse, much worse. What most contractors don’t realize is that it is easy to inadvertently become unlicensed, so this special column to CATT members could apply to you.

Please look for your membership renewal notice in your mailbox shortly. All renewing members who pay in full by January 31 will be entered into a drawing to win a Flat-Screen TV, compliments of your Membership Committee.

CONTRACTOR COMPLETES PROJECT Jeff Tracy, inc. d.b.a. land Forms Construction held a Class A contractor’s license. It bid a public works project with the City of Pico Rivera for the renovation of a park known as Rivera Park. A valid Class A license was required. Pico Rivera paid land Forms $5,487,370.05 for renovating the Park. A dispute arose and land Forms sued Pico Rivera for a little over a half million dollars. During that litigation, Pico Rivera did its homework—looking into the status of land Forms’ contractor’s license. SHAM CORPORATE RME Every construction corporation must have a licensed responsible managing employee (RME) or responsible managing offi cer (RMO) listed with the Contractor’s State license Board. When land Forms made application for a license with the State License Board, it represented that James Nale, who held a Class A license, was acting as the RME for land Forms. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

~ Members Helping Members ~ Chairman Michael Ellis (Reno Truss), Vice Chair Ryan Swenson (Simpson StrongTie), Gary Crosswhite (Meridian Concrete), John Manocchio (Waddell & Reed), Elise Fett (Elise Fett & Associates), Audrey Smith (True Green Roofing Solutions), Brian Watkins (Truckee Paint Mart), Hillary Talbot (Architect Mason Kirby), Jeff Freeman, (Jeff Freeman Photography), Jeff Miller (ADC Construction), Susan Driscoll (Aegis Insurance Markets), Jerry Forsch (Reno Buick GMC Cadillac Isuzu)

Eat at the Seniors Breakfast Sunday, December 6


how your support for the Sierra Senior Services by coming to their monthly public fundraiser breakfast on Sunday, December 6, from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. The breakfast is held at the Truckee Senior Center, 10400 Estates Drive, off Brockway Road by the Rodeo Grounds. look for the Pancake Breakfast sign and CATT banner near the corner of Estates Drive and Brockway Rd. Cost per adult is $7.00 and cost per child is $3.00. The seniors collect the fee at the door and use the money to support the “Meals on Wheels” program. Twelve organizations provide the kitchen crew for the 12 breakfasts of the year. in addition, the 12 organizations also encourage their members to eat breakfast at the Senior Center on their designated Sunday.

CATT members—it’s your turn—come eat breakfast on Sunday, December 6! You will be served by your fellow CATT members who are also cooking and cleaning behind the scenes. The record to beat is 200+ breakfasts prepared by Truckee noon Rotary Club in January 2014. Contact CATT Seniors Breakfast Chairman Dirk Foster at 775-298-2358/ or CATT Executive Director Pat Davison at 530-550-9999/ if you have any questions about the December 6 breakfast. This is another way you can give back to the community and promote a positive image of the building industry.

IN THIS ISSUE... Unlicensed Contractor Must Return $5M




Seniors Breakfast


Notice of Annual Meeting


A Note from the President


Truckee Notice of Board Vacancy


Executive Director Column


C.A.T.T. Community Project


CATT Calendar


Truckee Building & Safety Division News


Membership News


Member News


local Government Aff airs Committee


Welcome New Members


Classifi ed Ads


CATT Stats/CATT Jobs to Bid & Permit #s


2016 Guide Ad Flyer 2015 C.A.T.T. Community Project Accomplishments SEE INSIDE

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