CATTPAC Supports Truckee Trails Sales Tax Measure
ATTPAC, the Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe Political Action Committee, released a statement on January 23 supporting a proposed 1/4 cent (0.25%) sales tax measure for most purchases made in Truckee (appliances, building materials, etc). Purchases made in Truckee but delivered outside the Town (i.e. Martis Camp) would not be subject to the higher sales tax. The added amount would make Truckee’s sales tax total 8.375%. In contrast, Reno’s sales tax is 7.75%. Annual revenue expected from the increase is $1 million. The sales tax measure will appear before Truckee voters in June. The Town offered the sales tax funding mechanism as an answer to the community desire for more trail construction and in recognition of the fact that new trails will eventually need regular maintenance. Over the last month, CATTPAC board members studied the proposal and were very concerned about two items: 1) the construction industry and clients would be directly affected as the tax on building materials is increased and 2) adequate public input on trails expenditures would not be sought until after the expenditure is made (i.e. an oversight committee). The concern over trail expenditures was a result of actual and projected costs of $1 million (or more) per mile for trail construction. CATTPAC’s statement said: CATTPAC is delighted the Town of Truckee has offered up the same public input process already in existence with Measure V for the Trails & Bikeway Sales Tax Measure. CATTPAC is interested in government transparency & public involvement and feels the current process will suit the new measure. CATTPAC plans on soliciting those interested in trails & bikeways to be a part of the public input process. CATTPAC therefore endorses the trails & bikeways sales tax measure. CATTPAC Board member Mick Horn (The Michael Horn Company) took the lead in representing the PAC and communicating with the Town. This is no small feat considering Mick was voted on to the PAC board October 30!
CATTPAC is a California registered Political Action Committee, ID # 1247901. Questions about the PAC or this position should be directed to CATT Office Manager Amanda Bullard 530-550-9999 or info@ca-tt.com.
PAC Supports Truckee Trails Sales Tax Measure Cover
TRPA Seeking “Best in the Basin” Award Nominees
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ou could win a brand new iPad Mini just for sharing CATT with your associates. Any existing CATT member who recruits a new member by April 4th, 2014 will be entered into a drawing to win an iPad Mini (value $459). This model has 16GB, 7.9 inch display, advanced ultrafast Wi-Fi, 10-hour battery life, and can access 275,000 apps. The Membership Committee structured the drawing so BOTH the new member and the recruiting member (YOU) win an iPad. And remember, this drawing is in addition to the $50 per new member recruitment incentive already in place. Download the new member application and a list of benefits from the CATT website, www.CA-TT.com, or contact Kim at the CATT office to obtain membership materials to use in your recruiting efforts. We’ll even help you get your recruit signed up!
Are you making the most of your CATT membership? Learn about member benefits and services at the upcoming Member Orientation on Wednesday, March 5 from 4–6 PM at the Hotel Truckee Tahoe located at 11331 Brockway Rd in Truckee. All existing, new, or prospective members are encouraged to attend. Join us for light appetizers, a prize drawing, networking, and free swag for each attendee. Bring your prospective members to the orientation and we’ll take it from there!
Chairman Michael Ellis (Reno Truss), Vice Chair Ryan Swenson (Simpson Strong-Tie), Secretary John Manocchio (Waddell & Reed), Gary Crosswhite (Meridian Concrete), Gerald Wallace (Truckee Stone & Tile Cleaning), Jerry Forsch (Reno GMC Buick) Continued on page 4
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