CATT A LOG May 2014

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MAY 2014


Endorses Cliff Newell for Nevada County DA


fter interviewing both candidates vying for the seat of Nevada County District Attorney, CATTPAC, the Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe Political Action Committee, is endorsing incumbent Cliff Newell for another four year term. The CATTPAC Board cited two compelling reasons for the endorsement. Cliff not only set up “sting operations” to catch unlicensed contractors in Nevada County but has also promised to continue these stings in the future. Cliff’s stance to “toughen up” the District Attorney’s office by enforcing a true eight hour work day also resonated with CATTPAC from a good government and business perspective. CATTPAC Chairman Mitch Clarin said, “We are very comfortable endorsing Cliff because of his past performance in support of legitimate building and specialty contractors. We also think Cliff’s managerial experience is an extra bonus when filling a position as important as this one. Our members are business people—we want to see efficiency and accountability at all levels of government.” CATTPAC has an involved interview process whereby all candidates for a particular office are asked similar questions by a panel of three CATTPAC representatives. Following the interviews, CATTPAC Board Members meet to discuss the pros and cons of each candidate and then decide whether to take a position or donate money to that candidate. A similar process is conducted for CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

Come to the May 1 Mixer

Enjoy great food, networking, and raffle at the May 1 CATT Mixer hosted by Epic AV Automation. The drawing for the iPad mini will take place and you can also check your company listing and ad in the draft CATT 2014–2015 Guide before it goes to the printer—the proof will be available for review. Thursday, May 1, 5–7 pm at Epic AV Automation, 12177 Business Park Drive, #8, Truckee. Any questions? Contact CATT Office Manager Amanda Bullard for more information: 530-550-9999 or

CATTPAC Endorses Cliff Newell Cover Come to the May 1 Mixer Cover A Note from the President 3 CATT Calendar 3 Issues and Local Government Affairs Committee 3 Truckee Home Show 3 What Should a Home Automation System Cost? 4

Training/Education Let’s Play Golf! Truckee Building Division News Member News CATT Board Meetings Q & A for Contractors Classified Ads Welcome New Members CATT Stats/Jobs to Bid & Permit #s

4 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 8


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Member & Guest Courtesy pass provided to: CATT Business Name ____________________________________________ Signature_________________________________________________________ Exhibits open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission includes ALL EVENTS! At the Truckee High School - FREE PARKING 11725 Donner Pass Rd. Truckee

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