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CATT REMODEL COMMITTEE Sporting Clays Shotgun Tournament Hits a Bull’s Eye!

I 1st Place Team Sierra Integrated Systems – team members with their prizes from Sportsman’s Warehouse (L-R): Dave Peters, Ryan Downing, Greg Haupert, Alex Blincoe, Ryan Sei



n late September, a new CATT tradition took shape with the 2nd Annual Sporting Clays Shotgun Tournament at Capitol City Gun Club in Carson City. Overcast skies didn’t deter 37 shooters from testing their skills and socializing between stations. Top shooter was Dave Peters (Sierra Integrated Systems), hitting 91 out of 100 targets. Sierra Integrated Systems was the highest scoring team, holding onto the title they earned last year. $350 in cash awards were given out to the top three shooters based on “Lewis Class” scoring: 1st Place was Dave Peters, 2nd Place was Chris Fawcett (Team Simpson StrongTie), and 3rd Place was Robert Cattaneo (United Paint - Stain and Laquer). Prizes donated by Sportsman’s Warehouse in Carson City went to Sierra Integrated Systems as the first place team. Chairman Ryan Swenson (Simpson Strong-Tie) did a great job in organizing this event. Grateful thanks to these Tournament Sponsors: Titan Construction Supply (Ammo Sponsor), Simpson Strong-Tie (Target Sponsor), Truckee-Tahoe Lumber (Awards Sponsor), CED (Station Sponsor), Western Nevada Supply (Station Sponsor) The 2015 Tournament plans are already in the works—watch the CATT-A-LOG for updates in Spring and Summer of 2015.

Needs Volunteers!

ATT members are needed for various jobs as part of the Sierra Senior Services monthly fundraiser breakfast on Sunday, December 7, at the Truckee Senior Center by the Rodeo Grounds. Volunteer chefs will be flipping pancakes and frying eggs and volunteer servers will set the tables and bring the plates to the breakfast diners. First shift is from 7–9:30 am and the second shift is from 9 am to Noon. The breakfast is open to the public for a nominal fee. The seniors collect the fee at the door and use the money to support the “Meals on Wheels” program. Different organizations provide this help to the seniors during the year—December is CATT’s month to cook and serve. CATT MEMBERS CAN HELP IN TWO WAYS: 1. Volunteer for the kitchen crew (let us know what shift is best) 2. Or bring your family in for breakfast


Contact CATT Executive Director Pat Davison (530-550-9999 or if you have any questions or want to volunteer for Sunday, December 7. This is another way you can give back to the community and promote a positive image of the building industry. The morning flies by and it’s fun too!

Sporting Clays Tournament Seniors Breakfast Executive Director Column CATT Awards—Vote Now! CATT Calendar Annual Meeting Notice Classified Ads Training/Education

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Truckee Building & Safety Division News Local Government Affairs Committee (LGAC) Q&A for Contractors Membership Committee News Welcome New Members CATT Stats CATT Job/Permit #s

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