Fall 2013 | Wingfield Springs Community Association Newsletter
We have a new column that will repeat in each HawkTalk release and provides readers with tips on being “neighborly”.
ope you all had a great summer. By the time you receive this reading fall season will be wearing some of its colors, our kids are back in school and the vacation time is over for most. Some major stores have already begun Christmas advertising! Ouch! First, a few highlights of a regulatory nature: We received complaints of owners letting their plant material grow beyond acceptable; specifically, owners must keep all plant growth off the sidewalks and walk paths throughout the community. Owners failing to comply with this ordinance will enter the violation process and potentially end up having to pay for the trimming the Association will perform. Overgrown plant obstructing walkways and pathways is a safety hazard for walkers. So trim along the sidewalks and any growth over fences that obstruct walkers. We are having a rash of “tagging”. A reminder to all that we offer a reward of up to $500 for anybody giving us information that will lead to an arrest. Your help is needed to catch these culprits. Dog owners please help; pick up solid waste after your dog and avoid letting the dog out while the house is unattended as more than likely the animal will bark at anything that moves or makes noise out there. The dog barking inside the home is fine and the perfect deterrent while keeping annoyance to the neighbors to a minimum. NEW WEBSITE: as of this reading we are live on a new website for our community. This is very exciting for us as we have been looking for a web environment that allows much flexibility while retaining the essentials such as Association governance documents, financials, forms, meeting related documentation. See article inside for more details of this announcement. We have a new column that will repeat in each HawkTalk release and provides readers with tips on being “neighborly”. Director Brainard will be the chief editor for all of 2014. Check it out! On behalf of the Board and our partners we wish you a great Thanksgiving, a Merriest of Christmas, and look forward to working with you in 2014.
Bob Denis