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Photo by Kyrre Carlsen

Fall 2014 | Wingfield Springs Community Association Newsletter


Work with your neighbors and friends to keep your property clean of any material in your driveway while you are away for an extended period of time; “spotters” look for these signs to target your property for robbery and/or vandalism. Photo by Deanna Hearn

ope you all had a great summer. Fall season is upon us with its fresh air and vibrant colors. It is the best time of year to take long walks along our network of paths meandering through the community. I hope you will take advantage of this great amenity of ours. For us on the Board it is time for 2015 budget preparation. The result of our efforts will be divulged at the Board meeting scheduled for October 23rd 6 pm at the Red Hawk Private Club dining room. We look forward to your presence. Theft prevention: This is a repeat from earlier publications yet always worth the refresh: during my walks I noticed many driveways with old newspapers left in plain sight especially during the vacation periods. Work with your neighbors and friends to keep your property clean of any material in your driveway while you are away for an extended period of time; “spotters” look for these signs to target your property for robbery and/ or vandalism. New website: we now near some 80 owner-subscribers. While this is an improvement over the old website we need to drive up the registration and make it useful beyond just document retention. During these past few months we issued irrigation water updates to keep owners informed. We intend to continue issuing updates on pressing matters more often than this publication using the website. So you are encouraged to register ASAP. A reminder that this website (www.wingfieldspringshoa.org) is the only official site for our community; any other site you may come across from your favorite search engine is either a weak clone or plain scam. One new release coming shortly: we will be activating a tenant set of pages containing pertinent information and features to better integrate this important segment of our community. Board director elections: This year, three Board Director seats are up for renewal. From my perspective the current team is awesome and has delivered significant projects to enhance the living conditions in our area. The Board Directors represent you, the ownership, in all aspects of Association affairs. It is important you cast your vote for the candidates of your choice. You will receive the ballots in November. We ask that you exercise your right and return your sealed ballots promptly. Thank you in advance. How time flies! So as awkward as this may feel this early in the year, on behalf of the Board and our partners we wish you a great Thanksgiving, a very festive holiday season. We look forward to seeing you at our annual holiday party on December 20th and working with you in 2015. Until then, remain safe and healthy.

Bob Denis



manager’s report

Photo by Spencer Kunder


Wingfield Springs


Bob Denis, calraisin1@outlook.com Lou Dauria, eplus@aol.com Marilyn Brainard, mebrain@att.net Ray Case, rcase3349@charter.net Richard Jones, rijonesjr@juno.com

Handy Phone Numbers & Information ASSOCIA SIERRA NORTH Telephone: (775) 626-7333 Facsimile: (775) 626-7374 Website: www.wingfieldspringshoa.org Email: wfsservice@associasn.com Office Hours: 8 am–5 pm Monday through Friday; the phone lines shut down at 4 pm on Friday. WINGFIELD SPRINGS COMMUNITY PATROL (775) 722-6270 Call 911 for emergency services; ambulance, fire, police. Red Hawk Swim & Fitness Center David’s Grill at Red Hawk Red Hawk Golf Club Washoe County Regional Animal Services Sparks Police Department (Non-emergency) Reno Green Landscaping Call immediately for water related issues.

(775) 626-8699 (775) 626-1000 (775) 626-4599 (775) 353 8900 (775) 353-2231 (775) 852-8952

Please note: Views expressed in HawkTalk are not necessarily the opinions of WSCA, its board members or Associa Sierra North. The editor reserves the right to edit submitted articles for content and space constraints. Advertising in HawkTalk is paid for by the individual advertisers. WSCA does not necessarily endorse or support any of the advertisers. Advertising monies collected are used to offset the printing costs of each HawkTalk. HawkTalk is supported in whole by advertising. Newsletter published by: Kathy Hess, Just Imagine Marketing and Design (775) 746-4138 | kathy@justimaginemktg.com

hope this article finds you all doing well. There are a number of projects that have been in the works and significant progress has been made on these projects since last quarter. A handful of Owners have called to inquire about the cameras seen at the entryway. We are happy to report that the first phase of the video surveillance camera project is completed with 3 cameras installed at the Windmill. There has also been a camera installed at two other entrances (General Thatcher and Wingfield Hills Road/Vista intersection). The Board reported at the previous Board Meeting that these cameras will enhance the overall security of the community, capture traffic flow at the entryways and positively affect the home values. At the July 24, 2014 Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved the transition to an all paid professional Design Review Committee. The paid professionals are experts in their fields which include a licensed engineer, architect and landscape architect. The committee will also include one Board liaison (non-voting member) for the review meetings. WSCA is expecting increased activity with an improving economy and must rely on committed, talented and available participants. Responsibilities of the Design Review Committee include review of architectural and landscape modifications/installations’ submittals. A few examples of common DRC submittals are new home construction, sheds, exterior paint changes, landscape modifications (plants/ trees), paver installation, fence modification, etc. The procedure for all new construction and major modifications to an existing home will consist of one meeting per month (meeting dates to be determined). All other submittals will be sent to the appropriate DRC member(s) for review upon receipt of the submittal and check for the DRC fee (checks made payable to WSCA). Design Review Committee review fees are as follows: • New Home Construction: $1,000 review fee and $5,000 deposit • Submittals that do not require a building permit (sheds, landscape modifications, paver installation, fence modifications, etc.): $50 • Submittals that do require a building permit (solar panels, patio covers, etc.): $100 • Exterior paint change: $25 At the July 24, 2014 Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved transitioning delinquent accounts to the new WSCA legal counsel which includes a quicker, more efficient and aggressive approach. The attorney has had great success in this area on collection matters and we have already seen much progress on the collection efforts to collect past due assessments as a whole. As a Follow Up from an item that was raised under the “Owner Comments” portion of the July 24, 2014 Board Meeting; the Board made a few phone calls and contacted the appropriate individuals which led to the Sheriff’s Department work-crew spending a couple days in Pelican Park cleaning up all the remaining weeds which is a huge improvement. We feel it is important to let the community know the Association is primarily responsible for ensuring the upkeep of the park instead of the City of Sparks. IMPORTANT: The process for reporting landscape irrigation problems has been changed effective immediately. All irrigation calls are to be reported directly to Reno Green; the phone number is 852-8952. Please press 0 for the operator during normal business hours. For after hour calls; please dial 852-8952 and it is very important that the voicemail prompts are followed in order to get connected with the correct person. This change is to provide the community a better level of service, a quicker response time and only one place to contact for these types of issues. New and updated refrigerator magnets will be ordered and sent out in the near future. By the way, please be sure to “check out” the article regarding emergency vs. non-emergency irrigation items in this edition of the Hawk Talk. During the last quarter of 2014, we will continue to work on a number of upcoming projects and events to include: tenant communications (please review the tenant communication article in this edition of the Hawk Talk), the 2015 budget, the Annual Holiday Parties at Red Hawk, the next phase of the Design Review Guidelines, the Annual Association Meeting and more. I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the year and I look forward to seeing you soon. Associa Sierra North – An Associa® Member Company

Melissa Robertson, CMCA®, AMS®, PCAM® Senior Manager — Nevada Certified Supervising Community Manager

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HawkTalk | Fall 2014



October – December 2014

October 4 • 11 am–6 pm Western Heritage Festival | Downtown Sparks Victorian Square October 11 • 5–9 pm Sparks Food Truck Drive-In | Downtown Sparks Victorian Square October 20–23 Fire Shows Reno | Reno-Sparks Convention Center This event is open to registered attendees only. Fire Shows Reno is sponsored by the Fire Service Manufacturers and Vendors Association and the Nevada Fire Chiefs Association. October 26 Pumpkin Palooza 2014 | Downtown Sparks Victorian Square November 14–16 The Craft Festival | Reno-Sparks Convention Center November 22–23 Tanner’s Marketplace Antique, Collectible & Craft Show Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center November 24–25 • 6–6:30 pm Scheels Kids Klub: Create a Christmas Ornament | Scheels December 5–6 Sparks Annual Hometown Christmas Celebration Downtown Sparks Victorian Square

Communication Lessons Wrapped in Laughter


very year the staff at Beloit College in Wisconsin compiles a list to give faculty a sense of the mindset of that year’s incoming freshmen. Here are five highlights from this year’s list... Most students who started college in fall 2014 were born in 1996. 1. Joe Camel has never introduced one of them to smoking. 2. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart has always been the only news program that really “gets it right.” 3. They have no memory of George Stephanopoulos as a senior White House advisor. 4. “Good feedback” means getting 30 likes on your last Facebook post in a single afternoon. 5. Since Toys R Us created a toy registry for kids, visits to Santa are just a formality. To see the complete list go to: www.beloit.edu/mindset/2018/ From HUNT’S HEADLINES, “the world’s shortest email newsletter.” Sign up free at www.ToddHuntSpeaker.com. Shared by Marilyn Brainard, a Hunt’s Headlines’ subscriber, because we all need a good laugh!

HawkTalk | Fall 2014

Oct. 16th • 3 pm

Agenda/Budget Workshop in Mayor’s Room

Oct. 16th • 5 pm

Executive Sessions/Hearings in Mayor’s Room

Oct. 23rd • 6 pm

Board Meeting in Member’s Lounge

Nov. 20th • 6 pm

Annual Meeting in Member’s Lounge

Workshops will be held to review the agenda items of the next scheduled board meeting. Homeowners are welcome to attend workshops. No action (vote) will be taken by the Board on any matter discussed or reviewed at a workshop. All dates, times and venues are subject to change. If Mayor’s Room at David’s is not available, the hearing, workshop or executive board session will be held at Associa Sierra North (ASN) at 10509 Professional Circle, Ste. 200, Reno, NV 89521. Workshop and meeting notices will be published in each HawkTalk newsletter. HawkTalk will be mailed at least ten (10) days before each board meeting. Board meeting agendas will be posted on the Association’s website the Friday before each board meeting. You may also obtain an agenda copy by calling ASN at (775) 6267333. HawkTalk newsletter articles and suggestions are due to ASN at least four (4) weeks before each Board of Directors meeting.



t is that time of year again. Coupon books for 2015 are being mailed out in December. Please contact Associa Sierra North at 775-626-7333 if you did not receive them. Please make your quarterly assessment payment checks payable to Wingfield Springs Community Association. Payments are due by the first day of the month of each quarter, and are considered late if not received by the last day of the first month of the quarter in which it is due. The late fee charge is $10. If you are on ACH (automatic withdraw) and have moved financial institutions, it is important that you update the Association/Assessment contact information with your new bank to ensure your quarterly payments are received. Lastly, please remember that it is the responsibility of the Owner to notify the Association by contacting Associa Sierra North in writing of any change of mailing/billing address.

Amy Phillips, REALTOR®

Cell 775.232.6266 Fax 775.685.8808 aphillips@dicksonrealty.com Amy.Phillips.DicksonRealty.com Your Local Wingfield Springs Agent who has been a resident for over 15 years. Page 3

Community Reminders

Helpful Tips for Reporting Irrigation Issues


lease report any irrigation issue directly to Reno Green. If the irrigation issue occurs during regular business hours (Monday– Friday 8 am–5 pm) please dial 852-8952 and press 0. If the irrigation issue occurs after business hours please dial 852-8952 and listen for the prompt to be connected to the on-call manager. Reno Green will make the determination on how to proceed based on the information reported from homeowner and working, if necessary, with ESI. Reported irrigation issues fall into two categories, emergency and non-emergency. Reno Green will classify the issue at the time it is reported and respond accordingly.

Emergency (handled ASAP): • Large amount of water coming up from the ground or asphalt. • Irrigation system (drip or turf) that has been on and unattended by irrigation tech for periods of more than 1 hour.

Non-Emergency (handled next business day): • Broken sprinkler head • Broken drip line • Faulty irrigation component


2014 ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTIES lease join us to celebrate the December Holidays on Saturday, December 20th at the Red Hawk Events Center; this event is sponsored by the Wingfield Springs Community Association. In an effort to accommodate as many guests as possible, there will be a brunch party from 10 am through 12 noon and a lunch party from 2 pm through 4 pm. There will be a special buffet for everyone at each party. There will be a check-in table at the entrance; Allie will be checking you and your guests in as you arrive. Wingfield Springs owners, residents and their immediate family members are invited to attend free of charge; each family/guest may attend either the brunch or the lunch party. In order to allow a maximum number of Wingfield Springs’ residents to attend, please include only directly-related family members. Children 12 years of age and under can decorate holiday cookies, make a holiday craft, and visit with Santa Claus. Children must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend. Adults are welcome to help the children decorate and/or make the craft. There are always families in need of a helping hand during the holiday season.The WSCA Board of Directors approved conducting a food drive during the annual holiday parties; the Food Bank of Northern Nevada was chosen. Each attending guest is encouraged to bring at least one item from the following list: Soup Chili Baked beans Tuna Canned meat Cereal Peanut butter Granola bars The Northern Nevada Food Bank will provide the collection barrels. This food bank was recognized as the country’s outstanding food bank. Reservations must be made in advance no later than 12 noon on December 18th to asanchez@associasn.com. Please indicate which Party and the number of children and adults that will be attending. Please remember you will be required to provide your name and number of guests which will be verified on the RSVP list by Allie at the check-in table. We do not wish to disappoint any of our owners and or other WSCA residents. Volunteers are always encouraged to help with the cookie decorating table.

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donnerpartyhike.com Page 4

HawkTalk | Fall 2014

Fall is in the air By Bradley Catmull, Client Care Specialist, ESI Security Services


s the seasons change, so do our lives. Back-to-work, back-to-school and more daytime hours away from the house. Home burglaries go up statistically during this season. So you and your families do not become targets this season, here are a few things to remember: An intruder will spend only 60 seconds trying to break into a home. Preventive measures are important. Strong locks, alert neighbors and your ESI patrol can be effective deterrents to burglars. Here are a few tips. Check your locks. All exterior doors should have a strong, well installed dead bolt lock. Medco and Schlage Primus are good top-of-the line brands. Put a dowel or broomstick in the inside track of sliding glass doors. Check that all window locks are well mounted; insert a nail to prevent the window from being raised or slid open. Never hide a key outside your home, better to give one to a trusted neighbor. When moving into a home new to you, re-key the locks. Check the outside of your home. Prune all shrubbery so doors or windows aren’t covered. Cut back tree limbs that can be used to gain entry to a 2nd story. When gone, create the illusion that you are home. Get timers for your lights, televisions or stereos that will turn on and off in different parts of your home. Lights burning 24 hours a day signal an empty home. Leave blinds in normal positions; make sure mail and newspaper deliveries stop or have a neighbor pick them up. Never leave a message on your answering machine indicating you are on vacation or out of the country. Families are our prime concern. Have a plan if children come home and happen upon a break-in. It’s obvious if a door is kicked in or a window smashed. Is there a new slit screen or a cracked window? If so, do not enter the home! Use your cell to call 911. The burglar may still be there. Wait for law enforcement and/or go to a trusted friend’s or neighbor’s home right away. Call ESI Patrol at 722-6270. An officer will respond and stay with the child until law enforcement or the family arrives. Prevention starts with being alert. If you, the resident, comes across suspicious activity please do not confront it yourself. Call ESI Patrol and an officer will be dispatched. Or, flag us down as you see us driving through your neighborhood and have something to report.

HawkTalk | Fall 2014

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Wingfield Springs Community Association Professionally Managed By: Associa Sierra North — An Associa® Member Company 10509 Professional Circle Suite#200 Reno, NV 89521 Phone: (775) 626-7333; Fax: (775) 626-7374; Email: wfsservice@associasn.com

September 11, 2014 The Association is continuously improving its effective communication with its population and inclusive of the tenant segment. It is important our tenants live under the same code as our owners. This implies that the living conditions set and protected by our “CC&Rs” plus “Rules and Regulations” are observed the same by our tenant population. To that effect it is mandatory for our tenant population to be given access to the pertinent information such as governing docs, current projects, community alerts, and various reports that positively affect the community. The Association has created a Tenants Group on the Wingfield Springs website. Tenants will be required to register on the website to view tenant related material (newsletters, announcements, meeting dates, etc.) and will be unable to view homeowner sensitive material (accounting information). We strongly encourage all homeowners to submit their tenant information and email addresses so the Association can achieve strong tenant and homeowner communication. Please complete the form and return to Associa Sierra North. Note that all personal information is private and for Association use only.

TENANT INFORMATION FORM Information provided is for the exclusive use of the Association and will not be given away or sold for any other purpose. Please mail, fax or e-mail to: WSCA C/O Associa Sierra North (ASN) 10509 Professional Circle Suite#200 Reno, NV 89521 Fax: 775-626-7374; E-mail: wfsservice@associasn.com

Date: _____________________________ Owner(s) Name:

Account No.: _____________________________

Unit/Lot#: _____________________________


Property Physical Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tenant Name(s):


Tenant Phones:

Home: ___________________________ Work: ___________________________ Cell: ___________________________

Tenant Email(s):

1: ______________________________ 2:______________________________ 3:______________________________

Owners are responsible to update the management office with current tenant information. This is for informational purposes only. Correspondence will be sent to the owner’s current mailing address on file.

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HawkTalk | Fall 2014

Wingfield Springs Community Association Professionally Managed By: Associa Sierra North — An Associa® Member Company 10509 Professional Circle Suite#200 Reno, NV 89521 Phone: (775) 626-7333; Fax: (775) 626-7374; Email: wfsservice@associasn.com

Dear Wingfield Springs Community Association Member: Please complete the Candidacy Biography Statement (on the other side) and return it no later than 12:00 noon on October 29, 2014 if you wish to be considered for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual Members Meeting on November 20, 2014. There are three (3) Board seats to be filled; each for a two-year term. Please print legibly or type the statement and sign your name at the bottom. You may list your experience or professional accomplishments on a separate one-page, one-sided sheet. The sheet, if any, will be copied to the back of the statement and the statement will be mailed to the members with the 2014 secret ballot. In performing the duties set forth in NAC 116.400 - 4. “a member of an executive board shall” (among other duties): “Keep informed of new developments in the management of a common-interest community through educational courses;” This completed statement must be received no later than 12:00 noon on October 29, 2014. Please mail, fax or e-mail to: WSCA C/O Associa Sierra North (ASN) 10509 Professional Circle Suite#200 Reno, NV 89521 Fax: 775-626-7374; E-mail: wfsservice@associasn.com Please call ASN no later than 12:00 noon on October 29, 2014 to confirm that we received your Candidacy Biography Statement in time to include your name on the 2014 secret ballot. Sincerely, Associa Sierra North An Associa® Member Company Melissa Robertson, CMCA®, AMS®, PCAM® Nevada Certified Supervising Community Manager

HawkTalk | Fall 2014

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Wingfield Springs Community Association Professionally Managed By: Associa Sierra North — An Associa® Member Company 10509 Professional Circle Suite#200 Reno, NV 89521 Phone: (775) 626-7333; Fax: (775) 626-7374; Email: wfsservice@associasn.com






Are you a unit owner?






(NOTE: NRS 116.31034 - 1. states: “Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 of NRS 116.212, not later than the termination of any period of declarant’s control, the units’ owners shall elect an executive board of at least three members, all of whom must be units’ owners. Per NRS 116.31034 - 8. (a) and (b), please complete the following information regarding your candidacy. 8. “Each person whose is nominated as a candidate for a member of the executive board pursuant to subsection 4 or 5 must: (a) Make a good faith effort to disclose any financial, business, professional or personal relationship or interest that would result or would appear to a reasonable person to result in a potential conflict of interest for the candidate if the candidate were to be elected to serve as a member of the executive board; and” Please use the following line to respond to the statutory requirement cited above. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) “Disclose whether the candidate is a member in good standing. For the purpose of this paragraph, a candidate shall not be deemed to be in “good standing” if the candidate has any unpaid and past due assessments or construction penalties that are required to be paid to the association. …” I am a candidate in good standing as defined above:



If no, please explain:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The candidate must make all disclosures required pursuant to this subsection in writing to the Association with his candidacy information. The association shall distribute the disclosures to each member of the association with the ballot in the manner established in the Bylaws of the Association. Any additional information provided by the candidate for the executive board is voluntary and is not a requirement under NRS 116.31034. NOTE: Nothing cited in the disclosure is intended to be used to prevent a potential candidate from running for the Board of Directors.

Signature of applicant _________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________

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HawkTalk | Fall 2014



ruce Breslow, former Sparks mayor and current Director of the Nevada Department of Business & Industry, appeared at the August 27 meeting of the NV Commission for Common Interest Communities & Condominium Hotels in Carson City. What an important date for those of us who choose to live in a CIC like WSCA because almost 100% of what this commission does directly impacts our rights and welfare as owners/residents. The Real Estate Division and its Ombudsman’s Office serve as staff and home for the Commission. There has been infighting and friction over the past few years between staff and the appointed Commission which has garnered a lot of attention in the Executive Branch headed by Governor Sandoval. Procedural missteps, such as not conducting public workshops on proposed regulations as required by state law, were part of the problem. Director Breslow introduced the new Administrator of NRED, J. D. Decker, who comes from the Division of Insurance, and is a real go-getter who brings a “new set of eyes”. In his former role, he zeroed in on customer service and improving organizational procedures. J.D. is asking common sense questions that will help licensees in all the facets served [real estate agents/brokers, appraisers, property managers and community managers, certified residential inspectors and energy auditors]. All regulations on this agenda to be adopted or heard were pulled because proper notice had not been given for some. Importantly, a motion was made/approved to pull an agenda item that could have seriously harmed the financial health of WSCA. When hearings are held to discuss alleged violations of WSCA’s Rules & Regulations, there is as an opportunity for owners/tenants to appear and respond to the violation notice. Often resolution is achieved and no monetary fine is levied. The proposal, pushed by an activist commissioner, would have turned this amicable meeting into a full blown courtroom type hearing that would require our legal counsel to be present, whether or not the person appears, to protect our interests. I testified that this proposal is completely unnecessary and burdensome. It’s ideas like that which motivated the changes that have taken or will take place in the future. Other changes are needed, but that’s commentary for another article. Submitted by Marilyn Brainard, CCICCH Commissioner from 2006–2012 and current member of the NV Legislative Action Committee - part of Community Associations Institute

FALL VEGGIES THE BEST MEDICINE Sometimes the best medicine isn’t medicine at all. Like fall vegetables such as butternut squash, which is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial to your overall health and well-being.


HawkTalk | Fall 2014

Page 9

Wingfield Springs HOA

1 – Domestic disturbance 1 – Party with intoxicated teenagers 1- Report of an emergency vehicle onsite



July–September, 2014

5 – Violations trailers/RV’s 5– Parking violations



COMPLAINTS 29 - Garbage cans left out 11 – Garage Sale off season/complied 5 – Noise complaints 4 – Loud party complaints 3 – Fishing on Silverton Lake 3 – Solicitors on property 7 – Dogs barking 3 – Garage doors left open

18 – Broken sprinklers reported 3 – Landscaping issues


MISCELLANEOUS 1 – Resident asked that we keep an eye on her property while they are in the process of moving. 3 – Occurrences of Open House signs being removed. 1 – Response to a dirt bike on street/ left on property 2 – Lost huskies found 2 – Lost dog found in different areas 1 – Person found parachuting on Black Deer Ct. 3 –Reports of trail damage 1 – Trail sign on Eagle Wing destroyed

14– Responses to suspicious activity 4 – Alarm responses 1 – Car egged on Cinnamon Drive

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HawkTalk | Fall 2014


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Serving Our Community Since 1929 Page 11

Wingfield Springs Community Association c/o Associa Sierra North 10509 Professional Circle, Ste. 200 Reno, NV 89521


hile any time of the year can attract criminal elements, the fall holiday season usually sees a spike, according to most statistics. This will be the first “spike” season in WSCA with our new video surveillance system operable. However, we as homeowners can also help reduce becoming victims. Burglars enter homes with the intent of committing larceny, grand theft or petty theft, battery, kidnapping or felony. Home invaders forcibly enter homes without the permission of the owner. The main difference between the two criminal activities is force, whether or not an occupant is present at the time. PREVENTION: 4 If you are planning to leave town, have the post office hold your mail or have a friend or family member pick up your mail on a regular basis while you are away. 4 Make sure you don’t dispose of boxes from new purchases, such as television equipment, in plain view of the public. Take them to our local recycling center on Greg Street. 4 Use an automatic timer to turn on interior and exterior lights while you are gone. 4 Make sure all windows are clear of debris and bushes so that you have a clear view of who is approaching your home. 4 If you are leaving town for a few days, talk to your neighbors and let them know who is going to be at your home while you are gone, as well as filing a WS House Watch request with ESI for their complimentary protection service. Log serial numbers and identify valuables in case your home is burglarized, so that police officials can track those possessions. 4 Take digital photos or a video of expensive items, such as jewelry and electronics. Store the photos on a disc that can be given to police in case of theft.

4 Get a safe to keep valuables. The more difficult it is to get to items, the safer they are. 4 Engrave an identifiable number on a valuable, such as a television. For example, the numbers in your address, the name of a grandparent, etc. 4 Install a motion detector light outside your home. 4 Do not readily open your doors to a stranger. Use the peep hole in your door and ask visitors the purpose of their visit. This is for any time of the year. If you become the victim of a burglary or home invasion make sure you take the following measures: 4 Contact the Sparks Police Department and ESI, Community Patrol. 4 Do not touch anything in the home. This will help investigators search for evidence. 4 If you arrive at your home to find it burglarized or invaded, get out of the house and call 911. 4 If home during a burglary or home invasion try to get to a safe place, grab a cell or land line phone and dial 911. 4 Be very cautious with the way you attempt to defend yourself. If you have a gun, for example, a suspect may use it against you or may place your life in danger if he or she takes action first. 4 Try to get a good look at the suspect so that detectives are equipped with a good description. 4 Once the police arrive be prepared to list as many items that were stolen as you can remember. 4 Provide detectives with photographs so they can easily identify valuables. 4 Change your locks immediately if your keys are stolen or lost at any time.


COMMUNITY NOTES & REMINDERS WINTERIZING YOUR IRRIGATION SYSTEM It is almost time to winterize your irrigation system. This generally involves: 1. Turning off the below ground water valve 2. Setting the control timer in your garage to the “off” position, OPTIONAL 3. Turning off the 2 valves on the backflow preventer (the upside down “U” shaped assembly that comes out of the ground on the side of the house) 4. Opening the bleed screw 5. Covering the entire assembly with an insulation blanket (These are available at most hardware and home improvement stores) Note: Owners in Bella Vista and The Fairways court homes need only to complete item 5 by covering the entire assembly with an insulation blanket. The landscape maintenance company in each of these subassociations will complete items 1, 3 and 4. It is not necessary to complete item 2. This does not guarantee against problems, but it substantially decreases the chances of damage to your system. These are general instructions, you should check with your system installer for specific winterization recommendations. Also, you should disconnect all exterior hoses from the hose bibs.

EXTERIOR HOME HOLIDAY DECORATIONS December holiday decorations are permitted to be installed starting November 15th, but not illuminated until Thanksgiving week, at the earliest. December holiday lighting and exterior lawn displays are to be removed by February 1st.

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