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Photo by Kyrre Carlsen

Fall 2014 | Wingfield Springs Community Association Newsletter


Work with your neighbors and friends to keep your property clean of any material in your driveway while you are away for an extended period of time; “spotters” look for these signs to target your property for robbery and/or vandalism. Photo by Deanna Hearn

ope you all had a great summer. Fall season is upon us with its fresh air and vibrant colors. It is the best time of year to take long walks along our network of paths meandering through the community. I hope you will take advantage of this great amenity of ours. For us on the Board it is time for 2015 budget preparation. The result of our efforts will be divulged at the Board meeting scheduled for October 23rd 6 pm at the Red Hawk Private Club dining room. We look forward to your presence. Theft prevention: This is a repeat from earlier publications yet always worth the refresh: during my walks I noticed many driveways with old newspapers left in plain sight especially during the vacation periods. Work with your neighbors and friends to keep your property clean of any material in your driveway while you are away for an extended period of time; “spotters” look for these signs to target your property for robbery and/ or vandalism. New website: we now near some 80 owner-subscribers. While this is an improvement over the old website we need to drive up the registration and make it useful beyond just document retention. During these past few months we issued irrigation water updates to keep owners informed. We intend to continue issuing updates on pressing matters more often than this publication using the website. So you are encouraged to register ASAP. A reminder that this website (www.wingfieldspringshoa.org) is the only official site for our community; any other site you may come across from your favorite search engine is either a weak clone or plain scam. One new release coming shortly: we will be activating a tenant set of pages containing pertinent information and features to better integrate this important segment of our community. Board director elections: This year, three Board Director seats are up for renewal. From my perspective the current team is awesome and has delivered significant projects to enhance the living conditions in our area. The Board Directors represent you, the ownership, in all aspects of Association affairs. It is important you cast your vote for the candidates of your choice. You will receive the ballots in November. We ask that you exercise your right and return your sealed ballots promptly. Thank you in advance. How time flies! So as awkward as this may feel this early in the year, on behalf of the Board and our partners we wish you a great Thanksgiving, a very festive holiday season. We look forward to seeing you at our annual holiday party on December 20th and working with you in 2015. Until then, remain safe and healthy.

Bob Denis


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